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  1. My input if you want to experience Nirvana and the ONE. This is stronger than any psychedelics for the initiated/awakened ones. Fermented/Raw Cacao seeds. Haritaki supplement to increase aprox. 300% oxygen in the blood. CAUTION: 50+ cacao seeds are like LSD like experience. Namaste, Mfks!
  2. As said by Kundalini custom, there are seven distinctive kundalini chakras (energy center) situated along the spine as well as in the brain. The central energy center is not single symbolic ideas they are in fact certain energy drive within our body. Let’s have a look at these 7 Kundalini Chakras. These chakras are authorized through a force named Prana, which arrives the human body over the procedure of breathing. In a technical context, these delicate energy vortexes allowing the human scheme could be assumed in terms of the electromagnetic dynamic of element physics. The Kundalini Chakras are actually a cosmic original dance of stuff shifting into energy as well as vice versa as defined through relevant physics. As experts are noticing, as well as whatever the antique practitioner of Kundalini knew centuries before, our builds are not just stuffed somewhat they are energy in gesture. Science furthermore confesses that it does not understand the fundamental forces that create and withstand life force. Spiritual trials over the ages have revealed that the human mind itself is proficient of focusing straight upon the source of life. Awareness is the crucial tool for partaking and meeting in the last fundamental force that authorizes our life. Kundalini meditation is a precise and exact method for growing the conscious mind toward the existence of the seven spirited centers otherwise Kundalini Chakras in the body. Over-focusing often on these chakras we study toward balancing our active systems for the profound awakening of awareness. This aids in balancing the lively schemes in our body as well as also growing the flow of energy over all the seven Kundalini Chakras so that the whole being converts one through the universal. One of the maximum widespread mistakes around emerging Kundalini is that it wakes all at once, as well as that “Third Eye” opens entirely, and we would abruptly be flooded through psychic visions that may make us sense crazy as well as out of control. Kundalini Charkas are similar an opening of a camera lens that while opened are water-logged with light, through energy through info. To take an image, toward record every little point of echo, the aperture requisite single open momentarily to capture hundreds of thousands of minute particulars. It is similar to the third eye, otherwise any of the Kundalini chakras for that stuff. While the third eye open, the mind is underwater through light, insight, and motivation. This is an actual communal meditation experience. It could happen progressively over time, otherwise quite rapidly. If the third eye opens extensive and it is sudden, this usually happens for a period, as well as then re-calibrates toward a new opening setting that is additional free than beforehand, however not extensive open incessantly. While we fall in love, The heart chakra opens wide. Love pours in as well as gushes out. The domain is ripe through possibility as well as charged with electricity. As well as then our hearts settle downcast and get contented through the relation. Some persons complain of tedium while all the eagerness subsides. This complaint applies toward both individuals who have had melodramatic Kundalini proficiencies as well as to those who are curved on the excitement of new love, however, grow exhausted of functioning to keep a rapport vital. Kundalini Chakras as well as Scientific View Start meditators report all types of wonder, which are not a phenomenon, however, rather the first opening of the internal senses deep feelings, Visions, the sensing of scents that are not present, etc.. Kundalini takes over meditation, whether you place that name on it otherwise not. While the awareness is still, Kundalini could rise. The ecstasy, the enthusiasm, the love, new knowledge as well as motivation sustained on for a week. However then, as I performed on the regulation, the vitality evened out. An additional way of saying this is—It became acquainted. This is how Kundalini awakeningcould be. At first, utterly astonishing; as well as then the body re-adjusts as well as it doesn’t seem so momentous. Some account of Kundalini experience is deeply moving as well as others sound similar psychotic episode. The frightening reports I trust are to be taken with a grain of salt. Kundalini experiences are particular. It is all in the analysis. If your third eye opens as well as you abruptly know stuff that you did not know before, otherwise see stuff that you couldn’t see beforehand it might seem scary, particularly if you have no background for it. My gut response to the persons who write around the fears of Kundalini is that they are functioning over their doubts of powerlessness as well as persecution. If they possessed their part in the procedure as well as did not blame this on Kundalini, they would tell somewhat a different story. Kundalini drives fears as well as egoic structures toward the surface toward being released. If you do not want toward let go of these, then it is perhaps finest not toward practice Kundalini meditation. Settled, individual Kundalini involvements could be unsettling. However, these episodes infrequently last extended. A female in my meditation course had a few weeks of instinctive undulating that occurred while she meditated as well as even occasionally when she napped, which awakened her up. While I say undulating, it is not that her body was writhing. However, the energy intimates her was. It was passionate, as well as she was incapable to stop it. When it occurred her heart would contest with fear. Progressively as she established this procedure as releasing old fears as well as only observed and permitted it, the swelling energy flattened out as well as became enjoyable. Meanwhile, then she has less fear around the whole lot in her life as well as is stepping out into the domain in a method she was not able to earlier. We each have our individual exclusive purpose in life, as well as Kundalini is the carrier that conveyances that knowledge toward our awareness. Kundalini revivals are not arbitrary, but somewhat they are an assertion of a hugely powerful intellect at work. I want to underline the significance of being open toward any experience as Kundalini wakes. If you have fears otherwise resistance around how or while Kundalini will awaken, then it’s significant toward face those fears as well as get to a place inside wherever you are not anxious. Having faith in the procedure, having confidence in the wisdom as well as supervision that drives to you. And trusting that the world is a safe place for you to enlarge, grow plus learn. In realism, there’s a massive quantity of energy transmission passages over which the energy of the etheric air flows however 3 of them are vital. Those are Ida Nadi Sushumna Nadi, as well as Pingala Nadi. The awareness of the kundalini yoga is related to the utmost crucial channel otherwise passageway – the Sushumna spiritual energy watercourse, as well as less to the idea plus Pingala. The energy which runs through these mental pathways is frequently named Prana. To be precise, the Kundalini Chakras are the distinctive seven Kundalini Chakras which, if clean plus organized, can action definitely on the procedure of proceeding the kundalini energy alongside the backbone. Fundamentally, the kundalini is “vigor yoga,” pin gala suggesting that we should control the vibrant force and delicate power, which is the Kundalini. The idea plus Pingala Nadis are going up in a helical method, crossing the spine on a few points, while the Sushumna channel goes straight up. All three energy paths start on the base otherwise kundalini growing chakra, as well as converge once over in the Manipura stomach nerve plexus chakra, at that time once additional they cross the throat chakra unless Vishudha, as well as in the finish they encounter in the Sahasrara area otherwise top chakra. The Sushumna is the main psychic stream; this is of pale yellow tint; it goes alongside the spinal cord, from first toward the seventh chakra. This is in realism the conduit of Kundalini energy, which is asleep and is sluggish than the ordinary individual. When awaken, this energy must advance passing over the seven Kundalini chakra Pingala The Nadi is azure; its natural surroundings is of yang vigor; it is a canal that conveys physical as well as mental energy. The Pingala goes upwards, as well as the flow finishes at the right body sideways on the topmost of the head. Ida is pink; its natural surroundings is of female yin energy; it is more passionately pointed. The Ida canal flows downwards as well as ends at the leftward sideways of the body. The main seven Kundalini Chakras are located at seven spirit heights. Five of the chakras are combined, plus two are unpaired suggesting that they have no back end. The undivided chakras are the first as well as the seventh energy middles. Kundalini meditation is a formula of Yoga that emphases on the energy which streams up and downcast the spine. In Eastern philosophies, this Kundalini vigor is signified as a serpent wound at the base of the back. The drive of performing Kundalini meditation is to an emphasis on that energy so as to bring oneself to an upper state of awareness and self-realization. This energy is all around us as well as it does not differentiate among good plus bad, positive or negative. It is an impersonal force that could be used to heal in addition to generating a sense of enduring well-being while meditation is practiced properly. What is the procedure of Kundalini Emerging? Kundalini energy functions over the Chakras to convey about self-actualization as well as enlightenment, or else recognized as Shakti. As you initiate the procedure of meditation, your Kundalini energy initiates to create its way up your backbone column as well as opens up each Chakra one by one. This procedure can occur in a stuff of minutes, however reaping the profits of the procedure can take years. Each Chakra has a quantity lifetime lessons to be learned, as well as dependent on such issues as your individual life experiences, emotional development, and divine involvement some lessons might be additional of a challenge toward learning than others. Whatsoever your situation might be, the award of a clearer integrity, as well as closer liaison with the Universe, is worth it. Here are few of the profits of Kundalini Spiritual Growth Growing your Kundalini vigor is a fast track toward getting in touch with your divine nature. Many persons who start a Kundalini practice, report feeling a more profound connection to the Universe as well as humanity as an entire. For those who have beforehand not had a divine linking in their lives, they might feel bound toward seeking out a formula of mysticism that speaks to them as well as practice it. Physical Aptness Kundalini is not simply the maximum spiritually founded meditation practices. However, it is also one of the utmost physicals. Kundalini consists of accomplishment certain Kriyas which resemble Chakras in the physique. Execution these Kriyas throughout meditation aids to activate as well as support the equivalent Chakra however also giving your physique the physical advantage of losing weight as well as building muscle. Enhanced Thinking plus Well-Being Meditation of any kinds will develop your thinking, however, it is even additional so with Kundalini. As you meditate, you would begin toward free yourself of the adverse thought designs that numerous of us have developed above our lives. Clearing the attention of useless mess also permits for clearer thinking as well as the ability toward taking states and the world into an additional even perception rather than one that is skewed through outside influences. Whatsoever your height of practice is nowadays, engaging in a Kundalini practice can advantage you in numerous ways. The most significant thing to retain in mind is to have an open mind plus heart, as you open your Chakras as well as an initiate to gain insight into your own being, your mysticism will follow. Meditation is an essential part of Opening, Harmonizing and healing the physique’s Chakra System.
  3. Present, Past and Future happens at the same space/time. How do i know this? We are all able to see this if we tune to a certain frequency. But in those frequencies, those around you appear as mechanical, pattern bind beings. You see here and there glimpses of awakened human beings, most of them are children. Reality does not feel like reality anymore. All around looks like a joke disguised as serious business. From my experience, very little children are tuned to this and animals. Animals on the other hand feel like automated projections of the environment (in other words they lack ego, mind, personality). 1st dimension is survival, we all know how it is and the fear we feel. 2nd dimension has like a future: "i will get it, goal" within. 3rd dimension is the make sense of things in a logical, geometrical pattern way of suroundings and numbers. As one reached 4th dimension, the feelings in human beings are transparent and are one with everything else, this dimension is felt very strong in the heart chakra. 5th dimension is felt like a stillness in the environment, everything is sharp and has depth. 6th dimension one is able to see or percieve the forms of sound in light-waves, even thoughts show as patterns of shapes of light and sound. 7th dimension is the understanding of your own being in a magical/spiritual/unfolding amazement, cannot be described in words, pure exaltation. 8th dimension unfolds like an eternal aurora borealis, like the green shade/transparent green sky 1 hour before sun rise. One starts to feel eternal. The 9th dimension is a deeper shade of green, like a completion of the mortal biological beings. Reaching the 10th dimension is just spectacular, everything around is more vivid in color. The 11th dimension appears as the feeling of a burning desire in everything. The 12th dimension is so simple and at the same time complete, in simple words is: GOLDEN. I must say that after you go past Silver and Gold reality feels literally infinite, infinite shades of colors, opportunities, growth, completion. And the beautiful thing about this is the same understanding and feeling is all around. From a drop of water in a window to the most complex biological mechanism. Fascinating and scary at the same time. Infinite complex, in a way like looking into a mirror inside of a mirror and so on. The most scary thing i experienced was seeing in 360 degrees and feeling the surroundings as transparent. Having the 5 senses combined and feeling with all the 5 senses the entire being and every atom of yourself being hardwired into the same existence outside of you (even a peace of furniture felt like part of me). When minutes appear to be days, hours weeks, years or even millennia. Being, knowing and feeling the entire existence, making sense and cannot explain it, only amazed by it, and i was compelled to cheer and give thanks. Even now, that i am writing i give thanks and thanks for reading my real life experience. I wrote this from my experience of being very high in chi/prana. No external drugs nor stimulants. Just pure internal DMT passed through all the energy body/mind processes. Namaste, Mfks!
  4. Do you think that words of awakened ones are not important ? and can we teach each other from our own experience? Jiddu Krishnamurti said that there is no need of a Guru, Master , Savior. Buddha's last message to his disciples was "App Deepo Bhava", meaning "be a light unto yourself" , What he was doing his whole life ? He was teaching thousands of people.
  5. @vanish I know why you did such an extreme way to get awakened. I did something similar, not so intense. Anything you do to realize you are not the body, it's Ok. It can be crazy but is what it needs to be done, sometimes. At least that was what I need. That happens when what we think we are, is suffering a lot, or it can't make sense of life, so it takes extreme measures to know who he is in reality. You have to go to the bottom of the pit to try extreme things like that. But everything is good, and nothing is under our control anyway. :-)
  6. @Hardkill This is all part of The Game. Spinning your wheels trying to figure it out. How things *should* be. Worrying about making the *right* decision. The desire to acheive “spiritual” places and self actualization is the same mind dynamic as trying to get laid, to get a bigger dick with pump kits, to make a lot of money, to gain power or become famous. And why follow Maslow? He never grasped the key to awakening - that the self has no free will. Maslow believed in The Story we tell about the self. He was limited to the character he played and never awakened to the self illusion. What of the people that awakened through despair, depression, drug addiction, prison? How were Buddha’s familial and platonic relationships? And 99% of the so-called “higher tier” people I’ve met at meditation/personal development retreats/workshops are spinning their wheels trying to figure out ego, self, compassion, freedom, enlightenment. Trying to reach some place that isn’t here and now. The Big Lie is that there is “something out there”. An ill-defined, ambiguos “something”. Maslow’s pyramid describes self actualization as “reaching one’s potential”. It’s a catchy phrase, but wtf does it mean? What is potential? What is success? That crap got programmed into our brains as kids. Images of potential and success got portayed onto us from adults. And we fall for The Story and chase it. We repress the “bad” parts of us and try to present the “good”. Yet we never quite measure up - we’re never quite good enough. As long as we buy into The Story, the seeking and chasing never ends. I spent 28 yrs as an adult seeking. Thounds of hours meditating and listening to talks. Hundreds of books. And one day I took a hefty dose of psilocybin and the whole Story came crashing down. That’s the Big Shift - NOT trying to write a “better” Story. Right now is IT. THIS IS IT. What IS. This IS is no “better” or “worse” than any other IS. It’s all one enormous IS. A guy having sex IS a guy having sex. A duck pooping IS a duck pooping. Someone meditating by a fancy alter IS someone meditating by a fancy alter. A thought about Maslow’s pyramid IS a thought about Maslow’s pyramid. None has more relevance than another. It’s all an intellectual distraction. Rather than chase half-baked intellectual concepts, become a great observer. Get curious. Observe your thoughts, your feelings, the world around you. Challenge your Story. Challenge the beliefs that were programned into you. Observe how your mind-body has been conditioned to respond a certain way to stimuli. Sit still and observe. Let go. Everything is within you.
  7. Our government has experimented with psychedelics; probably more than we 're told, so they know that mushrooms, DMT and LSD tend to make people re-ask the most fundamental questions of their existence. There's no cash-cow tax benefit imaginable on psychedelics that would make it worth (to them) upsetting the whole cultural apple cart. The last thing any government wants is a couple hundred thousand newly-awakened people squawking about peace, love, mind expansion and making your OWN choices in life. Keep that shit quiet, regardless of how much free money is involved in legalization.......
  8. No one can assure you enlightenment exists, though you can meet people who've claimed to have awakened and speak/be with them (and experience glimpses of their state), and that's the best evidence you can get. However, we can know what un-enlightenment is, and there are degrees of it: being identified with beliefs, thought, and body, which we know can diminish (so it can end completely), and unenligthenment is constantly thinking, which can stop as well.
  9. I know @WildeChilde It's all good. I understand. I think the same as you, but in reality no one knows. The other day I was thinking, what if we are all awakened but we don't know? Lol :-P
  10. @abrakamowse It's good man . I created this thread because in some more recent videos, Leo said he's getting pretty close, but he never claimed to be fully awakened. I know this is just going by his words, but I highly doubt Leo would lie to us especially about something like this. If he did, then what would that say about him as a teacher? I'm assuming he is not fully and permanently awakened because he's still a seeker. He's seeking really hard actually. Who else can go to the most beautiful part of the world and spend the whole time self-inquiring and meditating?
  11. Why are you assuming that he is not fully and permanently awakened? No one knows, maybe he is. (And I also did it with some humor, I never am very serious, sorry hehehe... )
  12. The direct approach will not work just like that for anybody.. Because, , the mind is accustomed to going outward.. Even Ramana Maharshi have talked about other practices like Yoga for the beginners. But don't compare Ramana Maharshi with many neo-advaita teachers who spend their entire life by asking one question 'who is asking this question' for any question that is put to them.. What I explained is essential in all major traditions like Yoga, Vedanta, and Buddhism for thousands of years. Buddha taught Shamatha for the same reason. Actually, when you do Astanga Yoga, you are rejecting all the thoughts by holding on to one thought. This is how the mind is initially trained. This is completely different from the monkey mind which goes from one thought to another. It is the direct approach that takes one to self-realization. But the question is, are people able to do it right away? If they can do it right away and get instantly awakened, that would be great. But for many people, this is not a reality. They do a lot of practices to develop discrimination and non-attachment. Only after getting some maturity, they are really able to do self-inquiry.
  13. Dear Leo, I enjoy your sharing tremendously. Found you a while ago through the interview with Martin Ball. Your recent videos on Understanding Absolute Infinity and your deeper realization is the most articulate, clear, and honest expression I've come across, and the messages are as much as the dream character can intellectually understand. One simple question, why is there even a need to self actualize or waking up, if all there is, is already Absolute Reality. If there is a need, so be it; if there is not, perfect too. The Absolute Infinity doesn't really give a fuck whether the dream characters wake up or not, yes? Paradoxically, if the dream characters want to strive to wake up within the dream, but still confined by the rules and physics of this dream, it's completely OK too. That leaves everything to completely perfect as it appears, awakened and asleep, since it allows every possibility to exist, and not exist at the same time, and no one can get it wrong or get it right, yes? Thank you very much. Looking forward to play and experiment in your future development. With deepest love and appreciation, Michael
  14. Just to make your ego happy Imo B. However, that's lame question P.S. Leo is already awakened on the mind level. It takes more time to see these effects on emotional level. Emotional awakening is the hardest (stopping identifying with emotions). Many of us already are awakened on the mind level.
  15. I tried submitting a poll, but some kind of error occurred. Anyways, I'll do it here instead. Given his current trajectory, when do you predict Leo will become enlightened? I'm not talking about satori and psychedelic experiences here and there however profound; I'm talking about full-blown, God-level sahaja samadhi akin to what Jan Esmann and David Spero have. a) less than 1 year b) 1-3 years c) 5-10 years d) 10+ years
  16. It's both psychological and physical in my opinion. The more you masturbate, the more the body will get ready for a new session, but of course the mind has a main role here. The mind if addicted to this would be triggered much easily in doing the PMO cycle. Some times i interrupt my nofap chain just because I wanted to remember what fapping is (ah-ha), so without real urges, but when I did it ONE times my genitals would be triggered to do that again, like i awakened my willy from lethargy and will send a message to my brain to do that again. It's connected. That's why many suggest cold showers to get rid of a physical sensation that calm body and mind. If it easier i think is for both less mind addiction and less physical stimulation overall. But who knows, is only my assumption.
  17. This is a highly political issue. I wish I could give you an honest opinion, but I know we have to behave on here . I would say if everybody were awakened though, either one would be fine. At the very least there would be peace.
  18. @electroBeam It is because the material world is 'observed' by 'cosmic consciousness' in a universal macroscopic perspective so has collapsed into the manifest reality we observe from our individual microscopic perspective. Much of the consciousness work we are engaged in is merely altering our subjective experience perceptions of the manifest not actually altering the objective reality properties of the manifest. What most of the participants on this forum are doing is what 'spiritualists' and religious adherents typically do, declare their personal perspective built on the belief paradigm of their experiential perceptions as "truth" that supersedes the manifest reality. If they are really as enlightened and awakened as they proclaim to be there would be an awareness that the physical and spiritual manifest realities coexist with each other not conflict with each other. In order to have an absolute faith in their subjective spiritual personal belief paradigms that allows them to transcend the conditioning of the mind they think they need to disbelieve the objective physical manifest reality. This is based on the accurate premise that to transcend the emotional mind-body we do disbelieve the conditioning the self reflexively creates and believe a different paradigm oriented in an awakened and 'free' state. Although, the fictional 'spiritual story' belief paradigm that has been built upon an actual mechanism of consciousness liberation has turned into a culty corruption filled with dogmatic ideology posturing as the 'absolute truth'.
  19. Talking from a highly crystallized but non-metaphysical, non-gurean, pro-materialistic perspective, all that my non-awakened mind can call for is to make to a clear distinction between belief and knowledge, which is the core concern of epistemology. You are a homo sapien. It is because the DNA in your cell is same as other homo sapiens. This is knowledge. You are a hindus, muslim, an alpha, a beta, a descendent of caesar, napoleon, a success , a faliure , these things can be categorized as beliefs. I think a fact is static, it can be replayed again and again. It is when your mind and mind of god are in sync. A belief is a fussy fact that our particular position and chance has happened to by the infinity grace of the divine light, impinged into the mirror of our juvenile mind when we were once children.
  20. This is something that I keep on pondering about. Many renowned spiritual teachers and gurus emphasize the importance of having a living spiritual teacher to guide you. Many even say that without gurus guidance, you can't make it. On the other hand there's a lot of talk about the inner guru, the intuition or the silent guiding voice inside us all. I'd say I understand the guru-argument very well considering times before the internet and readily available spiritual books and other materials. If you lived in a small village and had an urge to do spiritual seeking but absolutely no idea of what it even means - In that case a teacher is absolutely needed to point one in the right direction. Also the many spiritual traps might be difficult to avoid without outside guidance. Such as developing a spiritual ego etc. Anyway, today we have the luxury of Youtube and other internet sites that have huge amounts of information, talks and guidance for spiritual seekers. Of course you need to have some discernment on that too, but generally the good teachers are known in spiritual circles. Now I'm wondering if all the material online and on books can be of any substitute for a teacher/guru. Certainly you need to have a high sense of honesty about your own progress, an ability to see that you're not being phony-holy or deceiving yourself on how far you've gotten. In my case, I have almost always found a direct answer to any question I might have had from some of the teachers who have videos on Youtube (Adyashanti, Rubert Spira, Francis Lucille, Sadhguru etc). Then there's the question of "energetic transmission" and the presence of an awakened being. Do you feel that's something that is absolutely essential and can't be experienced in any other way than to be physically close to the awakened person? The reason I'm asking your thoughts about this is because I live in a place where I have no access or information of any valid spiritual teachers. It's somewhat disheartening sometimes to read statements of "not being able to make progress without the grace of a living guru".
  21. I just discovered Shakti Caterina Maggi, (who I am certain has awakened and hasn't fallen back asleep) and found the exact message about relationships that I have been looking for, consciously and unconsciously, forever. I wanted to share it with anyone who is interested.
  22. Jesus uses a lot of nondual pointers in his teachings. And of course the more well-known teachings about love and compassion. To me Jesus seems like somebody who next to living as Self also embodied an open heart (unconditional love) and fearlesness. My guess is that his mind, heart and gut where all totally awakened.
  23. It is good to see that you are having this sudden insights and I am well acquainted with that great feeling one has after getting such insights. But the insight you had about how awareness/ enlightenment frees you from the cycle of karma, from maya( great lack of awareness which makes people to react and gets them locked in the cycle of life and death) is a well known idea found in hindus and buddhist traditions. May be this time you got a deeper feeling for this concept , or arrived at it from a completely intuitive level. But I have issues with this idea of karma. As I look at the overwhelming amount of evidence for so many good people suffering and bad people thriving , and finding almost no evidence for the opposite to be true except in cases which have the same consistency as mere chance , I begin to doubt this idea. The idea of karma is beautiful, but when one is constantly aware of the overwhelming amount of suffering present in this world which follows no rules of morality, but follows only the rules of statistics, chance and organic evolution, it's very hard to buy into this idea. The living world is surely dictated by laws, by a logos, but I it has very little to do with morality, and more to do with survival. So I think that even the awakened being is susceptible to ,karma the cycle of cause and events . But because he is now aware of course there is something different going on. But you said- And as you slowly become concious LITERALLY the laws of your reality changes.... I think the physical world will remain the same. I don't think that now for some reason good things will start to happen to him. I think that the meaning of being free from karma , means being free from all the habitual conditionings of the mind ,being free of the deep unawareness that people go through which puts them in a bondage and makes them act in a reactive instinctual away and when this unawareness is collectively taken ,the people work within a chain of cause and effect ,which is the bondage of karma. I think being free of karma means being free of this deep habitual bondage that we go through in our daily lives. Another way to look at it- To be within karma is like being a dog. You are completely unaware that you are a dog, and you live and act as a dog, and you suffer a lot because of this, and you follow the rules of a dog. When you become a aware, you start to see what is going on. Now you are outside the paradigm that other fellow dog friends are locked in. That is what being outside of karma means.
  24. @Ether Haha who me awakened? No, I improvised on this scene from the movie Dune. He may have taken a break from "consciousness work" after this.