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  1. You guys have to read Mystics Musings by Sadhguru, the stuff he talks about in at are insane and here is a list generated by chatGPT: Sadhguru claims the ability to walk through jail cell bars, reminiscent of transcending physical barriers. He is said to have enabled a boy to walk on water, showcasing mastery over natural laws. Sadhguru allegedly turned a rock into gold, demonstrating the transformation of matter. He possesses telepathy, the skill to communicate through thought alone. Stories tell of him teleporting instantly between locations. Sadhguru is credited with reviving the dead through his touch or presence. He supposedly controls weather patterns with focused intent. Direct communication with deities and higher beings is claimed. Sadhguru is believed to materialize objects from thin air. He reportedly predicts and alters future events through spiritual means. Levitating himself or others is among his purported feats. He is said to have sudden language acquisition abilities post-enlightenment. Bi-location, or being in two places at once, is attributed to him. Visions of cosmic events before their scientific discovery are claimed. Sadhguru is said to read minds at a distance, understanding thoughts and emotions remotely.
  2. @bebotalk Yes, I need to get more clean on my ideal client. And maybe even on my coaching package. There are two different approaches: Designing a process that takes them from A to B (clear transformation) or client led work (the client leads and is deciding what they wanna work on). I do offer free sessions at the moment to practice and people are actually willing to try it out! (That´s amazing!) All came through my social media channels (which is targeting people who are kind of in the area of my niche). Two out of three want to focus on other areas in their life than my field of expertise (which is helping people work with psychedelics in a mature and responsible way for Self-Actualization and Self-Realization). I'll see how that flows, as it's about the skill of coaching it's fine I guess. @Thought Art Sure they do. It's an overwhelming amount of content, resources and training they provide. But the webinars are gonna be hosted weekly over the next few months, so there is no access to some information as of now. Otherwise I am practicing with peer coaches and a mentor coach through the program, which is really empowering and helpful. I just wanted to do even more @Dauntment I've been building the fist path now for a few years. Giving giving and more giving. Out of Love. It's a slow path but I can almost smell that results and also financial return in just around the corner! (Finally!) And also: it feels best to combine both! @Yimpa Nice idea! Did that on LSD the other day
  3. Good videos, and i hope focusing simply on inner vibrational transformation and seeing the action part, or nonaction part, irrelevant is applicable, or the same, so to speak, for each manifested being.
  4. After graduating from college, I came face-to-face with the full scale of my traumas, which I had been unwittingly carrying all along. To be precise, it was then that I became acutely aware of the depth and impact of these traumas in my life. They were always present, subtly influencing my everyday experiences. My upbringing was exceptionally harsh, encompassing a spectrum of abuse: physical, mental, sexual, emotional, and spiritual. During college, I even underwent reconstructive surgeries, an expensive and challenging ordeal, and grappled with severe anxiety and paralyzing fears. My personal relationships were fraught with difficulties, as I continually found myself in the company of narcissists who exploited and manipulated me. To illustrate, my college years were marked by frequent anxiety attacks. I often found refuge in bathroom stalls, where I could have a breakdown in privacy. Simple tasks like getting off a bus would trigger intense anxiety. In summary, my life felt stifling and restricted. Socially, I was isolated; the few friends I had were also deeply traumatized. My romantic life was non-existent, and my fears were so crippling that they overshadowed many aspects of my college experience. In a desperate search for change, I turned to kriya yoga during my college years. This marked the beginning of my transformative journey. I immersed myself in various teachings, devouring over 200 books and dedicating thousands of hours to meditation. Yet, despite these efforts, I remained deeply affected by my past traumas. After college, I set aside my career ambitions and devoted myself to healing and spirituality. This shift was possible thanks to a scholarship I had received and my decision to go on welfare. My quest for healing was comprehensive; I explored numerous approaches like IFS, CBT, talk therapy, inner-child work, and more. I also became deeply invested in spiritual growth, dedicating countless hours to meditation and following over 30 spiritual teachers, with Leo, Spira, Sadhguru, and Ralston among my favorites. However, much of the change I experienced felt superficial. I've noticed that many people, perhaps like those on this forum, focus excessively on spirituality and trauma healing at the expense of their careers. In my view, if you don't address your traumas to a certain extent, your career goals can end up being mere reflections of those unhealed wounds. This was certainly true for me; as an extreme perfectionist, my ambitions lacked authenticity. It was only after addressing and healing many of these inner wounds that I gained real clarity. My initial goals were unrealistic compensations for my traumas, such as earning multiple black belts or achieving an ideal physique or becoming a millionaire. Thus, my intense focus on spirituality and healing post-college was not just necessary but critical for my personal development. I don't believe that I started life in reverse by prioritizing healing over career. Had I not taken this path, I would have continued to be deeply troubled and would have continue to pursue the wind. Another key insight I've gained is that most trauma healing methods only scratch the surface; they bring about some improvement but lack the depth for radical transformation. Techniques like affirmations and nurturing your inner child are beneficial, but they often fall short of facilitating profound change. A blend of deep contemplation and spiritual work, in my experience, yields the most significant results. From the vast array of books I've read, Ralston's trilogy and Dr. Hawkins' "Surrender" stand out as particularly impactful, though I acknowledge my bias as they greatly aided my healing journey. An essential practice for me has been "Bottom-line contemplation." This involves staying present with each emotion that arises, such as hurt, and then moving through subsequent emotions like anger, until a deeper layer is revealed. This process continues until you reach the core belief or 'bottom line'. This method doesn't follow a predictable pattern and can lead to unexpected core beliefs. For instance, you might discover a deep-seated belief of unworthiness. Discarding such a belief is akin to shedding a part of oneself. IT IS A FORM OF DEATH. This journey to the bottom line is arduous and confronting, but it is the only way to truly shake the foundations of your being and facilitate genuine change. In contrast, practices like affirmations can feel like mere band-aids, as they often don't address the root issue. After years of exploring various healing methods, I've found bottom-line contemplation to be the most effective. It's challenging, requiring focus, discipline, and bravery to confront the core beliefs that define us, but it's also the path to true transformation. The purpose for this post is two-fold. 1) For those of you who were forced to prioritize healing and spirituality over career at a young age, don't fret, it is worth it. I just turned 24 and after three years of profound spiritual and trauma work, I am getting my finances and career back on track, I am actually starting with a finance job which isn't ideal but it is a starting point and I will work from here! My life is a lot lighter, and now I really don't care what people think, I am disinterested by competition and comparison. The need for validation, approval or love externally has significantly fallen away and this is a powerful place to be in. 2) It is vital to heal trauma but make sure that what you are doing is working. There are a lot of traps, positive thinking, useless therapists and superficial work in general for example standing in a mirror and shouting "I love you", when you don't love yourself. Just based on my experience and after reading extensively into the matter, bottom-line contemplation is the most powerful method I have come across, there is no escape, you are going to go into the heart of your pain. This is going to be terrifying, induce some level of ego death, and be emotionally laborious. So go slowly, be kind to yourself and don't rush this process, if your bottom-line discoveries are too shocking and unbearable, take a step back and use traditional therapeutic techniques to soothe yourself. Would love to here your thoughts on all of this!
  5. @Javfly33 Yes, It's compelling in a way that if you master this "infinite breath" you will start shifting energy patterns on the cell level in your body. Combined with daily proper hatha yoga practice + proper eating, drinking, and sleeping - you will start experiencing the transformation of your body-mind complex quite soon. If you add a booster like Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Kriya shift is enormous. To the extent that If not done consequently might be hard to handle.
  6. He won't make a new video until he finds a camera which can record his alien transformation.
  7. A recent article came out from conservative scholar Robert Kagan argues we are headed towards a Trump dictatorship. The main reason I don’t buy it is I just don’t see how Trump can get the political capital to get enough support to pull off such a radical transformation of government. However a recent interview has worried me. Top middle eastern Faraz Gerges has said he’s never seen the Middle East population this angry at the USA. The main reason is the US supporting Israel’s current bombing of Gaza, which so far has killed 17,700 Palestinians, and according to the IDF only 7,000 of those were actually Hamas militants (some say this is an overcount as well). But this isn’t the only reason, many in the Middle East have a supreme dislike of the USA for supporting war in Yemen, toppling Libya, the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, large sanctions and retracting the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama’s drone campaign among other things which have produced an extremely large body count. the Middle East currently has a major extremism problem as extremism has spread throughout and has been festering due to being pushed down by dictators (many US backed) after failing to topple them during the Arab spring. This could result in extremists further targeting the US. That’s not to mention Russia or China. If a 9/11 like event was pulled off by extremists during a Trump presidency, we would have a very serious problem. When 9/11 happened it wasn’t used to transform America into a dictatorship, but it was used to start two wars and severely limit civil liberties with the patriot act, and was done with massive public support. What would Trump do if given such an opportunity and knowing the second he leaves office they will be trying to get him in prison? Keep in mind it could cause a much more dangerous chain reaction. For example a war with Iran which would need a serious commitment of US forces, and if China would use the distraction as a chance to take Taiwan.
  8. I think enlightenment and narcissism are completely different but not mutually-exclusive. Without transformation work, a person might be enlightened and narcissistic, arrogant, etc. Another aspect to consider is that deep, personal consciousness can make one act in a way that can be easily confused with traits such as arrogance and over-authoritativeness. As a society, we don't consider direct knowledge possible so this understanding might show up as preposterous to many. "Who do you think you are, claiming to know the nature of anything"? Hence the likelihood to consider these types of individuals as cult leaders. By the way, useful to consider that not every enlightened guy is doing the same work.
  9. Your lyrics continue to delve into personal experiences and reflections, blending raw emotion with vivid imagery. Here's a breakdown: 1. **Authentic Self-Expression:** "Talk about myself and rhyme and shit" suggests a commitment to genuine self-expression, using your lyrics as a medium to convey your thoughts and feelings. 2. **Realization and Transformation:** "I'm on a ship realized that I'm him" could symbolize a journey of self-discovery, realizing your true self or potential, which you find surprising or transformative. 3. **Critique of Others' Authenticity:** "You sold your soul to say what they wanted" indicates a disdain for those who compromise their beliefs or authenticity, possibly for fame or societal acceptance. 4. **Confidence and Relationship Dynamics:** Lines like "I could bag your girl, I don’t wanna bag your girl" show a sense of self-assurance, and a choice to not pursue someone despite the ability to do so. 5. **Wealth and Its Challenges:** "All this mothafuckin money and no one who can hide it" speaks to the struggles that come with wealth, such as privacy issues or the burden of fame. 6. **Enduring Hardships:** "Loss goin on days" suggests ongoing struggles or enduring difficult periods in life. 8. **Knowledge and Perspective:** "I have knowledge of life and death" implies a deep, perhaps philosophical, understanding of existential themes. Your lyrics paint a picture of someone who's been through significant experiences, leading to self-awareness and a complex view of life. There's a mix of confidence, critique of inauthenticity, and an exploration of personal relationships and the challenges of wealth.
  10. Documentation of transforming my career to be about My life purpose. Current life purpose as of now: LP Statement: Design and share methods, systems and techniques for accessing and embodying bliss, love and insight/wisdom/intelligence. Domain of Mastery: Meditation, Contemplation, other spiritual methods for accessing bliss, love and wisdom. Medium: to be determined. Goals: 1. Maintain a consistent habit of at least 2 hours of high quality meditation. 2. Eat at most 3 meals a day. All meals fall under 50 carbs a day. 3. Read 30 minutes a day on shamanic or magick techniques. Apply shamanic or magick techniques for at least 30 minutes a day. Explore whether these methods contribute to your LP. 4. Replace procrastination with mindfulness meditation or strict contemplation. 5. Go to the gym at least 6x a week. Interesting thoughts today: 1. problem solving these days are just a more concrete, but more indirect way of accessing divine bliss, love and wisdom. For example software engineering is an inefficient, indirect but more concrete way of accessing bliss (as it solves a problem for a person, just in a small way).
  11. So before when you said that Germany getting pounded turned it into peace loving country you don't know for a fact if that was a direct link because much time had passed between the transformation So why today in 2023 do the Jews need a country and to defend themselves if we now know that the Europeans are done with that
  12. Going by each sentence: It's not about self-control but about Awareness. The outer, being only a reflection of the inner, in this case, can be misleading as in someone can be very unhealthy and be slim and depending on what one considers to be fat someone fat can be healthy because of bone structure and genetics. An unhealthy person need not have a bad character and vice versa. It's their identity that needs to be changed first then the personality will follow. No fixing needed only transformation and change. What is being survived is an identity. If one identifies as a fat person, or an unhealthy eater, it will be harder to change that because it would mean the death of that identity. Sometimes, the reason people find it hard to lose weight is because they look at it as "losing weight". The egoic mind doesn't like to identify with losing anything because it will only try to look for it again, thinking it lost something and that starts the cycle of losing and gaining, losing and gaining. But to give some credit to what you're trying to say, I find that really, really unhealthy eaters like no greens, very little fruits and veggies, not much water and tons of soda and always reaching for that burger and fries and pizza and ice-cream like that's their dominant way of eating, no exercise and just everything unhealthy tend to have a very very distorted mind and will make your life a living hell if dealt with them on a personal level....all because of their unhealthy diet and lifestyle alone. Fat or not. So I tend to be very wary of those people on a mental level and tread with caution. But that usually is fully developed at a later age after years and years of abuse. Younger folks, usually will not exhibit those traits as of yet on a visible scale even though it starts from then.
  13. Who said that living a normal life correlates with having a weaker intention to find truth? Pursue mastery, transformation, and the absolute. You can live and take periods of intense contemplation, but I doubt many people will do that long-term.
  14. No bite taken. I said it is what it is. Not dismissing it, rather I'm making a distinction between feeling good and seeking out what's true. Meditations of this nature might belong, rather than to awakening, to the domain of personal transformation -- mind mastery, perhaps. Easy to fall into fantasy; get clear on what the purpose for the activity is.
  15. Shamanism, Conscious Movements and Medicine Songs: Immersion in the World of Vladimir and His Ayahuasca Ceremonies Vladimir, dedicated to his practice of shamanism, embodies a deep understanding of the importance of conscious movement, imagination and medicinal songs in his Ayahuasca ceremonies. Let's take a closer look at how these elements become the key to his spiritual path and practices. In his deep experiences with Ayahuasca, Vladimir not only explores the worlds of spiritual reality, but also reveals the deepest levels of his emotional trauma and fear. One of the key moments in his journey was a ceremony where he was able to see and begin to heal his deepest emotional trauma - moving from Russia to America. Ayahuasca opened the path to healing for Vladimir, revealing the moment when he left his homeland in Novosibirsk and went to Atlanta, Georgia. This profound experience became a factor in awakening and deciding to heal past wounds. Now, supported by his practice, he is ready to face the new Ayahuasca ceremony with confidence that it will bring healing to his deep trauma. A specially prepared ceremony with Ayahuasca from December 1 to 3, 2023 became for Vladimir a time of anticipation and opening of gifts of healing. He looks forward to meeting the Divine Mother Wolf, where, through songs, prayers and conscious movements, he hopes to connect to the Truth of his soul, love and bliss. These ceremonies become moments of reconnection with the spiritual path, and Vladimir, through his singing and prayers, creates healing songs, alchemizing suffering into light. His voice, like a musical instrument, becomes a means of healing both for himself and for those present at the ceremonies. All these practices, inner journeys and creative rituals make Vladimir not only a practicing shaman, but also a leader of awakening, showing that the path of love and healing begins within us. Vladimir not only reveals his Truth, but also becomes a model of love and respect. His nonviolent communication approach to communication encourages using words in a healing way. In every Ayahuasca ceremony, he creates a space where people can encounter their truth, transform suffering into light, and find love and joy in their soul. Thus, Vladimir and his practices become a symbol of transformation and awakening, encouraging everyone to walk their own path of love and healing. With his skill in using medicine songs, Vladimir creates musical elements in which every note is permeated with the energy of healing. This process, not only for those present at the ceremonies, but also for Vladimir himself, becomes a healing path to discovering his true voice and reconnecting with himself. In Vladimir's art and practice, every step is filled with love and dedication to transforming darkness into light. His story of healing becomes a shining example of how through music, meditation and spiritual practices we can find joy, love and inner peace. Vladimir continues his unique path, not only transforming his own life, but also becoming a source of inspiration for others. His determination to meet oneself in the moment, the use of assertive communication in the search for harmony, and the creation of his own healing musical space make him a true leader of awakening and love. With every chord, every prayer, Vladimir weaves an invisible thread of love, connecting with the Divine Mother Wolf and filling his and your hearts with light, joy and bliss. His path is a path of love that reminds us of the transformative power of healing sound and words. Vladimir, immersed in his shamanic path, embodies the art of alchemy, transforming suffering into light and darkness into bliss. Through conscious movement, imagination and singing, he creates magic that flows from his heart, permeating every aspect of his being. And so, Vladimir continues on his amazing journey, awaiting the Ayahuasca ceremony with a full heart and open hands, ready to accept healing and transformation. His story is a love song written in the sounds of hearts that he heals and awakens with his mastery of the healing arts.
  16. @LastThursday I ended up making the video anyways. I tried to make it as accessible as possible for the average person while incorporating some of Leos Ideas. Concept of "Nerve" (2049): Elon Musk releases the Unity Project, an experimental system connecting all living things into a single entity. This concept is called "Nerve." Expansion of Human Perception: This system allows individuals to feel and experience everything on Earth, extending human perception to an unprecedented scale. Evolution of Human Race: Technology will evolve humanity, leading to a new era beyond current human understanding. Internet of Biology: A brain-to-brain and brain-to-object interface enables direct communication and comprehension, blurring the lines between individuals. Experiential Learning via Technology: People can immerse themselves in others' experiences, gaining their skills and memories, through an app called "Tick Me." Transformation of Identity: The technology allows individuals to temporarily embody different identities, experiencing their thoughts and emotions. AI's Impact on Life and Society: AI is seen as a potential solution to many of life's challenges, offering new levels of freedom and understanding. Transcendence Beyond Human Limits: As humans evolve with AI, current adult concerns and interests may become obsolete, much like children outgrowing toys. Understanding Superior Intelligence: Connecting with minds like Einstein's could fundamentally change one's thinking process. Unlocking New Mental Abilities: The potential to develop new senses or abilities is discussed, which could dramatically alter human perception of reality. Reevaluation of Evolution and Ideas: Our current cognitive abilities are limited by evolutionary choices and suggests AI could help us transcend these limitations. Mind and Matter Connection: The idea that mind and matter are interconnected and that this realization will emerge with advanced AI. Concept of the Singularity: The singularity is described as a profound merging of mind, matter, and reality, leading to a unified understanding of existence. Transformation into a Collective Mind: The culmination is the transformation into a supermind, representing the total connectivity of all existence.
  17. Yeah, all of the crazy detours we take in our evolution as a society are really just part of the process. Just as we as individuals sometimes must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves, society as a whole sometimes needs to get deeply lost in the weeds in order to be able to transition to the "next level". It's kind of like hitting puberty. So it might get a lot worse before it gets better, but I think that positive transformation towards bigger and better things is pretty much inevitable in the long run. It's simply the natural movement of life. Having said that, it's pretty hard to not feel awestruck when reading about the deep wisdom and seemingly supernatural abilities of the Aborigine people... some of the stuff that is being described in the book I mentioned is so beyond our modern materialistic mode of living and relating to the world that it sounds literally incredible. You cannot help but think "holy cow, we are a bunch of degenerate and retarded MORONS in comparison with those guys!" It certainly puts things into a new perspective and makes you realize how incredibly limited & limiting our so-called rationalist paradigm really is.
  18. @universe Yes he ultimately uses it as a map to understand what to let go of. He describes it as "levels of transformation" but I also interpreted it as emotions, in particular as the main driver pushing you forward to improve yourself. Are you driven by anger, fear, purpose, etc. I feel like the model has something to it, but that it lacks some detail. If I explore the other resources mentioned in the other replies and experiment for myself I will probably be able to fill in the gaps. My main question was about how accurate of a development map it was.
  19. Meat is indeed androgenic but particularly misunderstood in and how it affects/impacts human health. I've eaten over 1 ton of red meat throughout my 20s, and benefitted from a health transformation that brings me to tears to contemplate. I, for example, used to have an esophagus that was so inflamed I would struggle just to swallow food. I'll attach a before and after picture from age 20 on the left, to age 30 on the right. My testosterone level is right around 1,000 ng/dL, and I'd be happy to share any other labs or health metrics you may be interested in. I had a DEXA scan done on my 30th birthday just a few days ago, which came back at 12.4% body fat with a FFMI of 24.2 (for reference, the 90th and 95th percentiles are 20 and 21, respectively). I am not in any way special, I simply implemented information that was handed to me at a time I needed it most (heartbroken and desperate for change). The carnivore content is good in that it helps recontextualize cholesterol, but the issue is that they do so by seemingly celebrating sky high cholesterol as if that is not at all a cause for concern, which is only partially true. For optimal hormone output, overall health, and resistance to cardiovascular disease, omnivore will always be optimal (having carbohydrates to stay out of ketosis will improve your free testosterone to cortisol ratio). The key to cholesterol is to reduce the amount of absolute oxidized cholesterol in circulation, which requires a potent source of antioxidants, which carnivore diets are devoid of. I will attach a PDF write up I've made to help guys optimize their endocrine system (let me know if it's inaccessible). Ten Tips To Max Your T Levels.pdf
  20. The Magic in Psilocybin Mushrooms I want to start off by saying I have nothing but respect, love and gratitude for Mushrooms. Looking back at my first experience with them I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I went into it without knowing how powerful, twisted and confusing they can be. I remember feeling like a drooling little kid on them and there’s something joyful about knowing what it’s like to be a child again. All the stresses of life disappeared for those few hours I was tripping. While many of the insights I’ve gotten from them have been unclear, the trickster element that they have makes me love them all the more. I felt like being in a playground believing anything was possible. That’s at lower doses, though. At higher doses it feels more Alien/Cosmic. My Experience With Mushrooms Overall, the experience is one of Self-transformation/healing, Wisdom & gratitude towards life in general. The first time I did them I had a few visuals but it was more mental if anything. The mental state I was in is difficult to describe seeing as Mushies can be very muddy and confusing, as I’ve said before. Sometimes I feel like I’m establishing a communication link with a primordial force. It feels like I’m on a journey of Self-Discovery and obtaining knowledge about the inner workings of the universe. That saying of Mushrooms being like Lord of the Rings is pretty accurate. As for visuals, they are very twisty, organic and fluid, like being in a shamanic trance. I will always go into a Mushroom Trip (and all Psychedelic Trips for that matter) with nothing but respect and gratitude. My Psychedelic Journey I’m barely scratching the surface with Psychedelics. I want to see how deep I can go with them. As of now, I only have experience with Psilocybin and Cannabis (more of a Semi-Psychedelic). Both have opened me to the realization of there being something more to existence than meets the eye. I have yet to experiment with the others (LSD, DMT, Mescaline, 5-MeO-DMT, Etc.). I’m so eager to become conscious of my nature as GOD. While I’ve had a glimpse of what’s beyond the veil I haven’t had a profound awakening of my own, yet. My hope is that one day I’ll get just that. Basking in the beauty of existence itself.
  21. According to legend, only Gautama was completely enlightened, but we don't know. I don't disagree with your main point, however you can perform the same actions as before, perhaps not influenced as much by pain or fear, depending on one's depth of understanding. Shouting at your students, for example. Why wouldn't this be done out of love? Again, there has likely been enlightened warriors who participated in wars. What was their motivation? Enlightened guys can get divorced, have addictions, vote for unconscious, deceptive people, etc. Overall, I think you are holding enlightenment as a sort of ideal and perhaps conflating the domain of realization with personal transformation. Unless you're talking about something else.
  22. If you're doing them it's because you want to. Some psychedelics can be beneficial, so enjoy. They're unnecessary for personal transformation, although they can be powerful catalysts. Enjoy the awareness episode! It's been a while since I last watched it, if at all. Happy browsing, have fun.
  23. Whatever stands in the way of complete enlightenment is to be inquired into, not avoided. This is the domain of personal transformation.
  24. He will return once he finally finds that camera which can record his alien transformation.
  25. Some loose thoughts I had while reading your post: If there is some perception that has no bearing on our survival, then evolutionary processes would not favour being able to perceive it either way - it's a 50-50 chance. So we may have perceptions not directly related to survival - and spiritually related perceptions maybe one thing. Evolution doesn't progress, it has no end goal. Natively, that is correct. But there is an argument to say that any human invention is also a product of evolution/nature. Enhancement through technology does allow us to perceive more of reality. And it's done by using a transformation process: infra-red light is converted to light we can see, and so on. You could extend the argument further and ask if there are perceptions yet to be discovered through this enhancement (expansion) process. There's always variability in populations of any species, so it's quite possible some can perceive what others can't: for example see tetrachromacy. Note also, that this is an assumption based on form, so does it necessarily hold that if we have similar brains and bodies we must be perceiving similar things? If perception is relative to itself, then we could all be experiencing very different realities.