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  1. Going by each sentence: It's not about self-control but about Awareness. The outer, being only a reflection of the inner, in this case, can be misleading as in someone can be very unhealthy and be slim and depending on what one considers to be fat someone fat can be healthy because of bone structure and genetics. An unhealthy person need not have a bad character and vice versa. It's their identity that needs to be changed first then the personality will follow. No fixing needed only transformation and change. What is being survived is an identity. If one identifies as a fat person, or an unhealthy eater, it will be harder to change that because it would mean the death of that identity. Sometimes, the reason people find it hard to lose weight is because they look at it as "losing weight". The egoic mind doesn't like to identify with losing anything because it will only try to look for it again, thinking it lost something and that starts the cycle of losing and gaining, losing and gaining. But to give some credit to what you're trying to say, I find that really, really unhealthy eaters like no greens, very little fruits and veggies, not much water and tons of soda and always reaching for that burger and fries and pizza and ice-cream like that's their dominant way of eating, no exercise and just everything unhealthy tend to have a very very distorted mind and will make your life a living hell if dealt with them on a personal level....all because of their unhealthy diet and lifestyle alone. Fat or not. So I tend to be very wary of those people on a mental level and tread with caution. But that usually is fully developed at a later age after years and years of abuse. Younger folks, usually will not exhibit those traits as of yet on a visible scale even though it starts from then.
  2. Who said that living a normal life correlates with having a weaker intention to find truth? Pursue mastery, transformation, and the absolute. You can live and take periods of intense contemplation, but I doubt many people will do that long-term.
  3. No bite taken. I said it is what it is. Not dismissing it, rather I'm making a distinction between feeling good and seeking out what's true. Meditations of this nature might belong, rather than to awakening, to the domain of personal transformation -- mind mastery, perhaps. Easy to fall into fantasy; get clear on what the purpose for the activity is.
  4. Shamanism, Conscious Movements and Medicine Songs: Immersion in the World of Vladimir and His Ayahuasca Ceremonies Vladimir, dedicated to his practice of shamanism, embodies a deep understanding of the importance of conscious movement, imagination and medicinal songs in his Ayahuasca ceremonies. Let's take a closer look at how these elements become the key to his spiritual path and practices. In his deep experiences with Ayahuasca, Vladimir not only explores the worlds of spiritual reality, but also reveals the deepest levels of his emotional trauma and fear. One of the key moments in his journey was a ceremony where he was able to see and begin to heal his deepest emotional trauma - moving from Russia to America. Ayahuasca opened the path to healing for Vladimir, revealing the moment when he left his homeland in Novosibirsk and went to Atlanta, Georgia. This profound experience became a factor in awakening and deciding to heal past wounds. Now, supported by his practice, he is ready to face the new Ayahuasca ceremony with confidence that it will bring healing to his deep trauma. A specially prepared ceremony with Ayahuasca from December 1 to 3, 2023 became for Vladimir a time of anticipation and opening of gifts of healing. He looks forward to meeting the Divine Mother Wolf, where, through songs, prayers and conscious movements, he hopes to connect to the Truth of his soul, love and bliss. These ceremonies become moments of reconnection with the spiritual path, and Vladimir, through his singing and prayers, creates healing songs, alchemizing suffering into light. His voice, like a musical instrument, becomes a means of healing both for himself and for those present at the ceremonies. All these practices, inner journeys and creative rituals make Vladimir not only a practicing shaman, but also a leader of awakening, showing that the path of love and healing begins within us. Vladimir not only reveals his Truth, but also becomes a model of love and respect. His nonviolent communication approach to communication encourages using words in a healing way. In every Ayahuasca ceremony, he creates a space where people can encounter their truth, transform suffering into light, and find love and joy in their soul. Thus, Vladimir and his practices become a symbol of transformation and awakening, encouraging everyone to walk their own path of love and healing. With his skill in using medicine songs, Vladimir creates musical elements in which every note is permeated with the energy of healing. This process, not only for those present at the ceremonies, but also for Vladimir himself, becomes a healing path to discovering his true voice and reconnecting with himself. In Vladimir's art and practice, every step is filled with love and dedication to transforming darkness into light. His story of healing becomes a shining example of how through music, meditation and spiritual practices we can find joy, love and inner peace. Vladimir continues his unique path, not only transforming his own life, but also becoming a source of inspiration for others. His determination to meet oneself in the moment, the use of assertive communication in the search for harmony, and the creation of his own healing musical space make him a true leader of awakening and love. With every chord, every prayer, Vladimir weaves an invisible thread of love, connecting with the Divine Mother Wolf and filling his and your hearts with light, joy and bliss. His path is a path of love that reminds us of the transformative power of healing sound and words. Vladimir, immersed in his shamanic path, embodies the art of alchemy, transforming suffering into light and darkness into bliss. Through conscious movement, imagination and singing, he creates magic that flows from his heart, permeating every aspect of his being. And so, Vladimir continues on his amazing journey, awaiting the Ayahuasca ceremony with a full heart and open hands, ready to accept healing and transformation. His story is a love song written in the sounds of hearts that he heals and awakens with his mastery of the healing arts.
  5. @LastThursday I ended up making the video anyways. I tried to make it as accessible as possible for the average person while incorporating some of Leos Ideas. Concept of "Nerve" (2049): Elon Musk releases the Unity Project, an experimental system connecting all living things into a single entity. This concept is called "Nerve." Expansion of Human Perception: This system allows individuals to feel and experience everything on Earth, extending human perception to an unprecedented scale. Evolution of Human Race: Technology will evolve humanity, leading to a new era beyond current human understanding. Internet of Biology: A brain-to-brain and brain-to-object interface enables direct communication and comprehension, blurring the lines between individuals. Experiential Learning via Technology: People can immerse themselves in others' experiences, gaining their skills and memories, through an app called "Tick Me." Transformation of Identity: The technology allows individuals to temporarily embody different identities, experiencing their thoughts and emotions. AI's Impact on Life and Society: AI is seen as a potential solution to many of life's challenges, offering new levels of freedom and understanding. Transcendence Beyond Human Limits: As humans evolve with AI, current adult concerns and interests may become obsolete, much like children outgrowing toys. Understanding Superior Intelligence: Connecting with minds like Einstein's could fundamentally change one's thinking process. Unlocking New Mental Abilities: The potential to develop new senses or abilities is discussed, which could dramatically alter human perception of reality. Reevaluation of Evolution and Ideas: Our current cognitive abilities are limited by evolutionary choices and suggests AI could help us transcend these limitations. Mind and Matter Connection: The idea that mind and matter are interconnected and that this realization will emerge with advanced AI. Concept of the Singularity: The singularity is described as a profound merging of mind, matter, and reality, leading to a unified understanding of existence. Transformation into a Collective Mind: The culmination is the transformation into a supermind, representing the total connectivity of all existence.
  6. Yeah, all of the crazy detours we take in our evolution as a society are really just part of the process. Just as we as individuals sometimes must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves, society as a whole sometimes needs to get deeply lost in the weeds in order to be able to transition to the "next level". It's kind of like hitting puberty. So it might get a lot worse before it gets better, but I think that positive transformation towards bigger and better things is pretty much inevitable in the long run. It's simply the natural movement of life. Having said that, it's pretty hard to not feel awestruck when reading about the deep wisdom and seemingly supernatural abilities of the Aborigine people... some of the stuff that is being described in the book I mentioned is so beyond our modern materialistic mode of living and relating to the world that it sounds literally incredible. You cannot help but think "holy cow, we are a bunch of degenerate and retarded MORONS in comparison with those guys!" It certainly puts things into a new perspective and makes you realize how incredibly limited & limiting our so-called rationalist paradigm really is.
  7. @universe Yes he ultimately uses it as a map to understand what to let go of. He describes it as "levels of transformation" but I also interpreted it as emotions, in particular as the main driver pushing you forward to improve yourself. Are you driven by anger, fear, purpose, etc. I feel like the model has something to it, but that it lacks some detail. If I explore the other resources mentioned in the other replies and experiment for myself I will probably be able to fill in the gaps. My main question was about how accurate of a development map it was.
  8. The model "levels of transformation" explains how different stages will need different approaches to improve in life. I feel like this model describes the evolution of your behavioral drivers for improvement. Basically, the lower you are on the scale, the lower your energy will be, and the unhealthier your driver for improvement will be. At the same time, you can't jump up more than 1-2 levels, as it would be too far from where you currently are, and wouldn't be effective. The levels from "worst" to "best" so we all have them in front of us: PS - He talks about those in his videos plenty of times, so I'm not divulgating some paid secret material. Apathy Grief Fear Anger Courage Desire Purpose Love He says this model is original to him. This is quite different from spiral dynamics. I think it maps an entirely different aspect of the psyche, although higher spiral levels may gravitate toward higher "transformation levels". Do you know other resources that could help understand this model? Maybe some other psychological models that are similar, or some other principles that explain this evolution in other terms and more detail. My question for you, please only answer if you have some well-thought opinions and ideally experience. What's your experience with the model? What's your opinion and why? Did you actually find it practical and effective? I'm especially talking about the model and how you progress through the levels, not about the "letting go" technique.
  9. Meat is indeed androgenic but particularly misunderstood in and how it affects/impacts human health. I've eaten over 1 ton of red meat throughout my 20s, and benefitted from a health transformation that brings me to tears to contemplate. I, for example, used to have an esophagus that was so inflamed I would struggle just to swallow food. I'll attach a before and after picture from age 20 on the left, to age 30 on the right. My testosterone level is right around 1,000 ng/dL, and I'd be happy to share any other labs or health metrics you may be interested in. I had a DEXA scan done on my 30th birthday just a few days ago, which came back at 12.4% body fat with a FFMI of 24.2 (for reference, the 90th and 95th percentiles are 20 and 21, respectively). I am not in any way special, I simply implemented information that was handed to me at a time I needed it most (heartbroken and desperate for change). The carnivore content is good in that it helps recontextualize cholesterol, but the issue is that they do so by seemingly celebrating sky high cholesterol as if that is not at all a cause for concern, which is only partially true. For optimal hormone output, overall health, and resistance to cardiovascular disease, omnivore will always be optimal (having carbohydrates to stay out of ketosis will improve your free testosterone to cortisol ratio). The key to cholesterol is to reduce the amount of absolute oxidized cholesterol in circulation, which requires a potent source of antioxidants, which carnivore diets are devoid of. I will attach a PDF write up I've made to help guys optimize their endocrine system (let me know if it's inaccessible). Ten Tips To Max Your T Levels.pdf
  10. The Magic in Psilocybin Mushrooms I want to start off by saying I have nothing but respect, love and gratitude for Mushrooms. Looking back at my first experience with them I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I went into it without knowing how powerful, twisted and confusing they can be. I remember feeling like a drooling little kid on them and there’s something joyful about knowing what it’s like to be a child again. All the stresses of life disappeared for those few hours I was tripping. While many of the insights I’ve gotten from them have been unclear, the trickster element that they have makes me love them all the more. I felt like being in a playground believing anything was possible. That’s at lower doses, though. At higher doses it feels more Alien/Cosmic. My Experience With Mushrooms Overall, the experience is one of Self-transformation/healing, Wisdom & gratitude towards life in general. The first time I did them I had a few visuals but it was more mental if anything. The mental state I was in is difficult to describe seeing as Mushies can be very muddy and confusing, as I’ve said before. Sometimes I feel like I’m establishing a communication link with a primordial force. It feels like I’m on a journey of Self-Discovery and obtaining knowledge about the inner workings of the universe. That saying of Mushrooms being like Lord of the Rings is pretty accurate. As for visuals, they are very twisty, organic and fluid, like being in a shamanic trance. I will always go into a Mushroom Trip (and all Psychedelic Trips for that matter) with nothing but respect and gratitude. My Psychedelic Journey I’m barely scratching the surface with Psychedelics. I want to see how deep I can go with them. As of now, I only have experience with Psilocybin and Cannabis (more of a Semi-Psychedelic). Both have opened me to the realization of there being something more to existence than meets the eye. I have yet to experiment with the others (LSD, DMT, Mescaline, 5-MeO-DMT, Etc.). I’m so eager to become conscious of my nature as GOD. While I’ve had a glimpse of what’s beyond the veil I haven’t had a profound awakening of my own, yet. My hope is that one day I’ll get just that. Basking in the beauty of existence itself.
  11. According to legend, only Gautama was completely enlightened, but we don't know. I don't disagree with your main point, however you can perform the same actions as before, perhaps not influenced as much by pain or fear, depending on one's depth of understanding. Shouting at your students, for example. Why wouldn't this be done out of love? Again, there has likely been enlightened warriors who participated in wars. What was their motivation? Enlightened guys can get divorced, have addictions, vote for unconscious, deceptive people, etc. Overall, I think you are holding enlightenment as a sort of ideal and perhaps conflating the domain of realization with personal transformation. Unless you're talking about something else.
  12. If you're doing them it's because you want to. Some psychedelics can be beneficial, so enjoy. They're unnecessary for personal transformation, although they can be powerful catalysts. Enjoy the awareness episode! It's been a while since I last watched it, if at all. Happy browsing, have fun.
  13. Whatever stands in the way of complete enlightenment is to be inquired into, not avoided. This is the domain of personal transformation.
  14. He will return once he finally finds that camera which can record his alien transformation.
  15. Some loose thoughts I had while reading your post: If there is some perception that has no bearing on our survival, then evolutionary processes would not favour being able to perceive it either way - it's a 50-50 chance. So we may have perceptions not directly related to survival - and spiritually related perceptions maybe one thing. Evolution doesn't progress, it has no end goal. Natively, that is correct. But there is an argument to say that any human invention is also a product of evolution/nature. Enhancement through technology does allow us to perceive more of reality. And it's done by using a transformation process: infra-red light is converted to light we can see, and so on. You could extend the argument further and ask if there are perceptions yet to be discovered through this enhancement (expansion) process. There's always variability in populations of any species, so it's quite possible some can perceive what others can't: for example see tetrachromacy. Note also, that this is an assumption based on form, so does it necessarily hold that if we have similar brains and bodies we must be perceiving similar things? If perception is relative to itself, then we could all be experiencing very different realities.
  16. The real trap is thinking that reading/consuming information passively is transformation. You'll become fat.
  17. One day you'll realize that no matter how much you read and learn, that's not transformation. You need to transform the BEING who's receiving information. TRANS-FORMATION. Transform the FORM -> Form = BEING. That's why people read 200 books and don't change at all.
  18. I don’t think it has anything to do with spirituality. Some people just have problems managing money, just like other people are alcoholics or drug addicts. I pursue spiritual transformation but I am financially independent and don’t have to work anymore.
  19. I did not watch the videos but I am 24 and this applies to me although this is a double-edged sword. I went to college on scholarship (came from a very poor family), graduated in a hard science from a top 50 university (global) and secured a job with Abbott's Laboratories, I was making a lot of money, up to 80k euros as a 21 year old. I was deeply traumatized and already very spiritual. It got to a point where I just walked out of the job, I lived at home so I stashed up a lot of cash and lived off it until now almost 24. During my time off, I did 1000s of hours of meditation, kriya yoga, went to trauma retreats, spiritual retreats, took some psychedelics, and completely transformed my life, I also read 100s of books, traveled a lot and it was a great experience. But now, I am almost 24 and almost out of money. I am trying to apply jobs but my experience is old and I may have to go and work a 'normal' job. I don't want to go back into the pharmaceutical world, I know it won't make me happy but anyways it seems like they won't take me back. Maybe I could have saved more money, sorted my career first etc... but my trauma was so extreme and so deep. There was enmeshment, complex trauma, a lack of proper self-identity and so on that I did not know who I was, so this three year off work changed my life. Just doing 2000 hours of kriya yoga was immense. But now, I am in a financial position that is tough. So it is not that simple. I could also have focused my energies on a business but without intense healing, it would definitely have been a heap of shit and inauthentic. This stuff seems quite tricky, if I didn't do this transformation work full-time, it could have taken 10 years just to do as much as I did, on the other hand, if I did it slowly, I would own an apartment now but would have been very unhappy. I think the way I did it was best but now I have to start making that dolla. Maybe I was lost in fantasy or maybe I wasn't. I am not sure. There is also that whole world of manifestation in the spiritual world, where people talk so much shit about free money, and so on. I think that is pretty delusional. I am beginning to learn more about life purpose, financial stability and so on now. Any recommendations for books or mentors?
  20. Definitely. I pursue both the absolute and transformation, it is helpful to do so. Leo's video on maturity is gold, worth checking out. I'm also young, arrogant and stupid in many ways like every young person, growing up ain't easy and not everyone does it. Good luck on your process, enjoy it!
  21. You can't transcend anything you're not deeply conscious of. It isn't about running away from anything but understanding it deeply. Don't put the cart before the horse. So wonder about stuff. Question the nature of mind, perception, suffering, happiness, etc. Have breakthroughs and insights into these matters. And pursue self-transformation at the same time.
  22. And yet, despite appearances, the points might still be valid. You're projecting that I'm saying something based on somebody else. Again, it depends on what you're pursuing and why. It's always useful to clarify that. Hearsay aside, we should ask: What is consciousness? What are states? What is experience? What I'm saying is that self-transformation and enlightenment are two different pursuits. It sounds like your priority is transforming your experience of life, which is worthwhile to do. States can be healing, transformative and influential in how life is experienced. Not saying pursuing one invalidates the other, in fact they complement each other. And then there's absolute consciousness. It is a possibility to be realised now, not an unreachable ideal different from or outside of, life. Go after both while acknowledging they're different pursuits. Being allows for states to exist, it precedes states. As this matter goes beyond self concerns, you won't find any value, use or meaning there and it will still be what's true -- when realized directly.
  23. 45 min meditation today as well. I was discussing my Vipassana Meditation Methodology with ChatGPT before I sat down today, and made him summerize how I meditate: 1. Acknowledgment and Resistance: - Identify challenging emotions, resistance, or victim roles within yourself. 2. Shift from Resistance to Acceptance: - Release resistance and embrace the experience without judgment or avoidance. 3. Objectification through Vipassana: - Utilize Vipassana meditation to objectify and explore the layers of your mind. 4. Recognize Perceived Solidity: - Understand the perceived solidity of experiences, such as pain or challenging emotions. 5. Tune into Impermanence: - Cultivate an awareness of impermanence through Vipassana, seeing the dynamic, flowing nature of sensations. 6. Integration with Chi Energy: - Notice the intertwining of impermanence and chi energy, viewing them as different facets of the same unfolding process. 7. Peeling Layers Like an Onion: - Continuously peel layers of the mind, revealing deeper aspects for exploration and understanding. 8. From Challenge to Empowerment: - When facing resistance or victimhood, delve into the experience, recognizing its impermanent nature, transforming challenges into sources of empowerment. 9. Apply Insights to Daily Life: - Extend the insights gained through meditation into your daily life, influencing how you perceive and respond to both inner and external experiences. 10. Consistent Daily Practice: - Maintain a consistent daily meditation practice to stay attuned to the ongoing process of self-discovery and transformation.
  24. Texts of that nature are not needed at all when it comes to self-transformation, depends on how you use them though. With enlightenment, no, because it is you and direct, best you can do is contemplate.
  25. Math can predict what kind of person you are by fusing networking theory with sociology: The metadata that big tech companies can get from you allows them to accurately predict your iq, personality type, sexual orientation, and many other things including your likeliness to be a drug addict or pregnant. This has implications for managing people on a large scale politically or psychologically as well as a consumer with targeted advertisements. This isn't really new information to most of you here though, as it's mathematically likely that you're already aware of all this. I gave chat gpt a list of my youtube subscriptions and then asked it questions about my preferences and the views I likely held on various issues. It was quite accurate most of the time... Based on your YouTube subscription list, here are some inferences that can be made about you: Interest in Science and Mathematics: Subscriptions to channels like 3Blue1Brown, Bozeman Science, Domain of Science, and Numberphile suggest a strong interest in science, particularly in mathematics and its applications. Personal Development and Self-Improvement: You seem to be invested in personal growth and self-improvement, as indicated by subscriptions to, Abraham-Hicks Publications, Adyashanti, August Bradley - Life Design, Brian Johnson, and Sadhguru. Mental and Physical Health: Channels such as Dr. Alex Heyne - Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts, and StrongFirst imply a focus on both mental and physical well-being. Programming and Technology: With subscriptions to channels like CS Dojo, Colt Steele, Corey Schafer, and Tech With Tim, you appear to have an interest in coding, software development, and technology trends. Psychology and Mindfulness: Interest in psychology, mental health, and mindfulness is evident from channels such as HealthyGamerGG, Mindful Mindfool, Psychology with Dr. Ana, and This Jungian Life. Entrepreneurship and Business: Channels such as ColdFusion, Notion, and Wendover Productions indicate an interest in business, entrepreneurship, and productivity tools and methods. Philosophy and Spirituality: Subscriptions to channels like Einzelgänger, ModernHealthMonk, Om Swami, and The Diamond Net suggest a reflective and philosophical approach to life, possibly exploring different spiritual traditions. Fitness and Outdoor Lifestyle: With channels like Global Triathlon Network, Mark Wildman, and The Run Experience, there's a clear interest in fitness, possibly with a specific inclination towards running and triathlon. Educational Content and Learning: The presence of educational and informational content such as Biographics, Ted-Ed, and Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell suggests that you are a lifelong learner with a curiosity about a wide range of topics. Creative and Artistic Interests: Subscriptions to channels like M O S T L Y strings and Trance Classics hint at an appreciation for music and possibly other forms of art. Tech and Gadget Reviews: Following Marques Brownlee and TechLead indicates you are keeping up with tech reviews and industry leaders' insights. Interest in Politics or Social Commentary: Channels like Vaush and friendlyjordies may point towards an engagement with political discourse and social commentary. Hobby and DIY Projects: Kris Harbour Natural Building and Stuff Made Here show a liking for do-it-yourself projects, perhaps as a hobby or a practical interest. Investment and Cryptocurrency: DataDash subscription suggests you might have an interest in financial markets, investment strategies, or cryptocurrency.