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  1. As we begin to talk about the absolute words are not enough. On the one hand there is no qualities. Pure as you say. Nothingness. But pure is also a quality. Having no quality is also a quality. On the other hand the absolute is infinite. The world is the absolute so it also has an infinite number of qualities. You and I is a quality within it.
  2. @AakashBlack hole, Nothingness might sound on paper really Dark and sad but it is quite the oposite. That's what you really are.
  3. That is pretty funny cuz i also had an awakening experience to the no-self or in other words the nothingness doing just 2 days self-inquiry. If i manged to surrender to the nothingness i might became awakened.
  4. @Anna1 I agree... we are always aware of some experience or no experience at all, nothingness.
  5. I prayed my whole life to God to give me wisdom. Wisdom is that love is all there is. I want to learn to speak the language of love. I want to clearly channel it. Are we allowed to build the tower of Babel now? Have we been scattered long enough? I have such a deep desire to share this love and bliss. But it's so easily misinterpreted, so easily glossed over and thrown away. For he who has ears to hear, hear. For him who's heart is open, receive and give love for both are one. We could dissolve into beautiful nothingness together.
  6. If the entire point of creation is God splitting itself into everything that is, if everything is an illusion for God's entertainment, wouldn't an appreciate of the fantasies and a love of the illusion be aligning yourself with the purpose of God? I agree with your view point though, first everything has to be dropped before it can picked back up again, consciously. Otherwise you don't see through the illusion, you're stuck in it. The spiritual ego is a trap everyone has to work though. We usually describe it as a trap but I think a better description is that it's a gatekeeper. The more I try to embrace the everythingness of life the more I see the nothing, the more I try to embrace the nothingness the more I see the everything. The description of God and existence as love, fits the best. Love is neither a thing nor a no thing, and love is all there is.
  7. The irony is funny isn't it how do we persuade an enlightened being his god is not the only highest truth. it is the highest truth, just not the only one This is how counter-intuitive nature it is. you can't because they're pretty uncooperative beings as a collective. Those one's who follow buddhist and advita traditions, and live in hardcore nothingness. Funnily enough My consciousness god and your nothing-enlightened god are actually one and the same. The stupidity of religion reforming correctly. The sad thing about the religious warfare that will form because it comes back to faith and belief. The only problem is that the true god is unaware of himself and therefore it is a closed system. With the current rules of the game he's made and that it. The cycle repeats and new things to be discovered. Except unlike enlightenment its not provable. Infact the way to prove it is to have various enlightened beings, which i never expected to happen until the rise of an enlightened society, which is infact as planned. forum is basically a society as i said 2 months ago Relitivistic, me telling you this, doesn't change the timeline much because what's the odds this post or any of my posts are remembered years from now. There isn't so the process will continue and people will always hunt out the abosolute and god. Kinda how were realising now that ancient civilisations 3000-6000 years ago had discovered absolute infinity. The process will repeat again
  8. @Nahm Yes, it is interesting indeed. I also read some gnostic books where they make a distinction between God and Jehovah. When they say God they are talking about the Void or Nothingness, the Absolute or God without attributes and they say it is something that is Superior to the "God Creator" (Jehovah). And Jehovah they consider him like bad, like the God of the Old Testament who judges and want sacrifices and stuff like that. I feel like it is a mix between what hinduism calls Maya. Not the same, but something close. Like Jehovah creates reality, it's the tool that God (The Absolute) has to know itself, but he doesn't really need it. He does it because he can, or because he is. But is all like the Old Zen saying, about the blind monks and the elephant. Anyway I think is interesting if you understand it like Leo says with "Radical Openmindedness".
  9. This is a very controversial topic. However, there are only two HIGHEST forms of truth The introduction The issue is that knowledge itself is an impossibility. Therefore to determine high degrees of knowledge it is as simple as this NEW KNOWLEDGE new knowledge is the highest form of truth, in other words, new consciousness levels after the break down of non-dual and duality. Skewed towards the duality end of the paradox. In this current period of time... it is finding new spiritual levels, in my experience it is either the path of contemplation or the path of psychedelics. There is a catch-22 like all of absolute infinity is, the double-edge sword and that is that you will have experience, you will suffer etc.. its the path of continuous progress of consciousness. The stipulation is, that it must be constant. This is overall the first form of truth. The second highest truth is enlightenment. I've thought this through... But i have to apologise to the non-duelists for saying that god is everything +nothing. I've come to realise, the highest form of enlightenment is seeing everything as an illusion. There is no debating this. If your version of enlightenment contains any form of everything and really were talking about anything then it is not the highest form of truth. The catch-22 or double-edge sword of enlightenment is the loss of experience and the lack of human-ness in such a being. The explanation To explain it we will have to look at the trinity 2 3 1 The 1 = you and 2 and 3 = Two or duality pair the reason i bring this back to knowledge and the mind is because, the mind can only ground itself in one answer. This is what any one person grounds themselves in their version of highest truth. What this means is that, 1 needs to either favour 2 over 3 and 1 needs to take 1 out the way, therefore eliminating the duality pair. The actual truth is that 1, 2 and 3 get eliminated completely, So the highest truth is actually an impossibility. The removing of "1 or you" still actually leaves 2 and 3 STILL THERE. This is enlightenment. "When the human in the limited infinite-finite section becomes enlightened, the world still goes on realistically" This very statement itself is the opposing statement of somone who has decided to give up 1 and ignore 2 and 3 basically. Typically, 2 and 3 are seen as illusions ideally. This is the result of giving up your authority to the true god particle. This is bringing non-duality into duality to collapse it. Making this the first form of the highest truth The second form is the highest truth is the merger of 1 with 2 and 3. This is the proclaiming of yourself the only infinite-finite ,incomplete-complete god particle. This is bringing duality into non-duality to collapse it. This is ANY form of non-dual awareness, typically with simple stage turquoise non-dual awareness being the least highest degree of this truth. This is knowing you are 1, but 1 = 2 + 3 therefore there is no difference and the equations turns to 1=2=3. Therefore collapsing the whole trinity The conclusion What you have to understand is your mind actively wants to use one to ground itself and it's direct experience. Whether that's no experience and an illusion or experience and grounding in god. The trinity itself needs you to pick one to be the truth. The third way to break it down is 2 = 1 + 3 3 = 2 + 1 therefore 1= 2 =3 and 1 does not equal 2 which does not equal 3 Solving the issue of the highest truth forever What you must understand is that its an impossibility to see them as EXACTLY THE SAME - TWO HIGHEST TRUTHS POSSIBLE, without understanding both of them itself. Absolute infinity will not bend to your wishes in any form. You have your free will to exercise to decide which one you wish to have as your highest truth. They are like i'm saying EXACTLY EQUAL in highest truth. However, you will dispute me on it and automatically say its not, because your mind must choose one! and therefore you have to go outside of the highest truths to the third option and equal them, before cycling back around to your chosen 2 or 3 for you. The simple difference, is you are god-- just in different ways. enlightenment is not the Single and ONLY highest truth The message The TRINITY is UNBREAKABLE and EXISTS no matter what way you look at it, while you are stuck in your finite form of being. The truth is YOU are the only god, YOU are not Absolute infinity, BUT absolute infinity is you. This is the highest trinity in words possible. So choose wisely. Getting blindly roped into enlightenment without a foundation understanding of what it represents, is nothing more than cult behaviour by its "bespoke speakers" who haven't actually thought things through themselves first before deciding. Ultimately, they are not lying. They are right that enlightenment is the highest truth. I'm just saying it's not the only highest truth. There are only two options, which ultimately lead to the only piece of highest correct knowledge possible even if it was gathered through direct experience is.... YOU ARE GOD. this is the only thing you can ever know 100%. However, in the two highest truth one will have been actualised and the other will be actualising constantly for infinity. There is no difference between being god in absolute consciousness and being god in absolute nothingness. The paths can never cross and merge together. You must pick one. End your suffering or end your suffer by LOVE itself. If you are an enlightened being who experiences love, then you are not enlightened to the highest degree or truth. What you fail to understand is, in the highest truth there is absolute nothingness, no piece, no bliss, no nothing. (you can't talk about enlightened beings because its impossible to talk about nothing, so it's really information for non-dual beings and seekers) Opposed to this, it is infact possible to become absolute love and the most embodied dual being and maybe help out people etc. They are both the highest truth. The catch-22 is you must pick which one of the double-edged swords is your choice. And no non-dual awareness is not enlightenment and enlightenment is not absolute truth and therefore what i have said is in fact the absolute truth itself. ironically Answering The potential questions Q1. Aakash, your using your mind this is bullshit ? A. Yes, it is bullshit if you choose enlightenment as your highest truth. I'm not fighting against enlightenment being the highest truth, i'm just saying that it's not the only highest truth. Q2. what makes you qualified to come up with the absolute truth? A. I know the most about absolute infinity as i have said before Q3. How many people in the world do you have to support your claims? A. roughly around 4-5 people in alive today Q4. what does this mean for direct experience of god A. Hunting direct experience and understanding is all there is, as humans we can't do anything else. but if you want to distinguish what i'm saying for yourself, you have to travel and understand both sides. Which is best done at this current moment in time, by having an omniscient awakening. it puts a lot into context and it can only be done with contemplating and psychedelics so far. Disclaimer: I've reached my limits of posts (posts reffering to new threads, about possible insights and new theories) , i've seen after being banned for a week and looking at the conscious politics debates, that students are about 5-10 years on average away from peaking their knowledge of god. It took me around 55,000 hours of thinking and contemplation to put a good crack in the surface of the whole of god. I've been reading the questions and none of them even interest me anymore. I thought by dragging everyone else up, it would be more fun to debate and find new solution and problems. However, its heavily counter-productive when there are two highest truths on one forum. They counter each other and people are obviously going to choose the one which ends your suffering. Leaving on probability one person every 15 years to pick the second highest truth. I have no animosity to anyone, i wish you all well what ever option you pick. However, i have no interest in being constantly banned for help raise that one in 15 year student against the storm of enlightenment. Especially, when no-one is in the wrong in the light of what is the highest truth and this is the truth that will be seen as delusional. Good luck with your journey.
  10. Where's your sense of adventure? Don't be such a child! Don't be such a grown up! You forgot how to be wild When's the last time you were scared? When's the last time you really cared about anything? Floating down the river Wrapped up in the dream It's easy to forget that Things aren't really what they seem What if you could see the truth And let all your delusions wash away? There's somebody watching you and That somebody's you Those blue skies are just your eyes Now what's a soul to do? You don't have to wait for heaven Don't have to fear for hell This is what you're looking for This is what you're looking for This is what you're looking for Oh my God! (Oh well) Jesus was a shaman Mohammed was a Christ Buddha was a fat man made of Paradox and rice. The Devil's in the bathroom mirror Pretending that he's really here Everything is nothingness and Isn't nothing nice? There's somebody watching you and That somebody's you Those blue skies are just your eyes Now what's a soul to do? You don't have to wait for heaven Don't have to fear for hell This is what you're looking for This is what you're looking for This is what you're looking for Oh my God! (Oh well)
  11. @Nahm There's some religions that make a distinction between the Void and God the creator (let's say that). The Void is like the absolute (in fact for me that's God's definition, but they define it differently). Like the absolute or Void is absolute nothingness without attributions, nothing... and this reflects God, that is "all that is". I find the idea interesting to help us understand more reality, but that is what it is.... just ideas and concepts. Not absolute truth, because we can't speak truth.
  12. You are mistaking concepts here. The substrate of reality is not awareness in the sense that something is always aware. It is prior to awareness, it's not even aware. No words can describe it, words appear in It. Remove the concept of consciousness, it is only confusing you. The substrate of reality is nothingness, and not even that.
  13. I had a mystical experience last night where everything outside of my direct experience disappeared, even my vision sort of expanded... like I don't know how to explain that. It wasn't different from what it is now (I'm sober then and now). Best way to describe it was like I was aware it's on the IMAX screen then and not like on the home television now. No room or city outside the room I was in existed in this moment, my mind quieted, the concept of time and death quieted, I felt this feeling of ONE and eternity and connection to this completely neutral nothingness which is the core of everything, all there was was change and direct experience of it, it being reality... whatever this reality is. No "I", until my mind started up again and felt completely lonely like my family and all people don't exist and it started to confuse me and I pulled myself out of it cause it became scary. Lasted 10-15 seconds or so....
  14. I was with my friends in the park. One of my friends was talking about a technique that his brother learned from a psychologist. He said that the technique is used for making people pass out for a small time. I always disagreed to try it but that day I said lets do it. I sat down leaning on a wall and he told me to breathe deeply and rapidly (something like shamanic breathing) for 10-15 times. Then I held my lungs full and stood up and one of my friends put his hands under my chest and push me towards wall while I held the air. It felt like my head was getting bigger and after a few seconds I told him to stop because it wont work. As I was telling him this I suddenly disappeard. Suddenly everything was gone. There wasnt a park there. My friends were never there. I never met them. My life never happened. I was never a human. I was never I. Pure being and infinite nothingness. I forgot that I even did anything like this. As if my life was a dream that I just woke up from and forgot about it. A few moments later I felt a pain in my chin and my lips. I got up from the ground and my mouth was full of dirt and grass and my nose was bleeding. My friends told me that I told them it didnt work and suddenly I fell down and they couldnt catch me (they were supposed to catch me but I caused them to think I was just pretending.) A lot of tears flowed through my face and I was in shock that it worked. I was on the ground shaking with my eyes open for few seconds. Although it didnt went how it should've been but it was remarkable. I dont think this technique is healthy, i guess it's working because I get too much oxygen in my brain that makes it shut down. My friend is telling me that this technique is harmless and if you catch the person right, it cant cause serious harm. But I dont think I would do this technique ever again. Never the less, it was a scary and beautiful facing of my death. Is 5 meo dmt simmilar to this experience? What about other psychedelics? (I've never tried anything)
  15. People who believe in nothingness after death to me could be deluded. Could be that there is only life after life, who experienced true physical death here ? "Eternal return" makes almost more sense to my ego, even from a physics point of views. The universe is more like a giant sand falling machine, You'll not "reincarnate" as in this world/ lifetimeworld , but reincarnate as the entire universe turning upon itself again & again. the only way is truly becoming god and infinite within this framerate and stop the wheel, or maybe god itself can't. explain me how you get " good karma ", what kind of actions will help me increase karma ? I m all sited
  16. If many greatest philosophers of last centuries were awakened (presumably were coz to write metaphysics etc one must be awakened to the true nature of reality), why then many of them were atheists? Let’s say Sartre who wrote ‘Being and Nothingness’, Camus seemed to be awakened, Nietzsche who claimed his awakening in Zarathustra and many many others. All were atheists though discussed God, Being, Nothingness a lot. If let’s say awakening equals God-realisation then what made them to deny God after awakening? And what does their denial mean? If we go further why Buddha also denied discussion of God if awakening = God?
  17. Sartre, Camus, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard etc. were basically existentialists. They talked about these same topics because existentialism is just that - philosophy of human existence. But it's still philosophy. Still thinking. They understood nothingness but never witnessed it. Berkeley was awakened for sure. Also I think Spinoza got it too.
  18. As far as the Buddha I don't think they really use the word God because for many people it implies the idea of a deity. Some separateness of creator and creation. Theism and atheism are half truths, awakening would involve reconciling the two. You either go so atheist you experience nothingness and realize that's God or become so theist you experience God and realize that's nothingness.
  19. @Farnaby Yup If you probe deeper into what that luminosity actually is, you'll discover it's pure Emptiness, Nothingness, or Void. That is the Groundless Ground or Buddhamind. Your Original Face. Mushrooms make you very aware of this Void. Basically all psychedelics do. Technically it's not a sensation. It is Truth or Pure Consciousness. You gotta probe deeper into it next time you trip. Contemplate: What is this luminosity? while you trip. You will eventually realize that it's totally empty and indistinct. This is pure existence devoid of form. This is the Absolute Formless, the Godhead. BTW, this luminosity is present right now in your direct experience! The Now IS pure formless luminosity! So you don't even need to be tripping on mushrooms to access it. It's always here and NOW. Mushrooms just make it easier to notice.
  20. I've wondered this myself from time to time. What is the point of pursuing anything or improving yourself when it all leads to nothingness? Everything you achieve, everything you become, it all amounts to nothing in the end.
  21. We can both dine on void soup at the table of nothingness. There is no spoon; no tablecloth required
  22. @AlldayLoop What you are supposed to take from it is that you have a hard time letting go. When you meditate, imagine bright purifying light filling your body on the inhale. On the exhale, let it all go. Feel yourself dissipating into the nothingness. Accept EVERYTHING, including your own death. Initially you might feel like you are dying. that is your ego. Keep letting go and be mindful of the bliss, joy and freedom you are filled with when your ego dies. This is a critical lesson to learn on the spiritual path. Keep at it and stay strong. This is the biggest reason seekers dont reach enlightenment imo.
  23. So Iv'e decided to do a trip on a mountain quite close to me. The view was fantastic! I've had a trusted friend looking after me. The intention of the trip was to feel love, forgive and accept myself as i am. The method of smoking i will share on the NN-DMT mega thread as this method was surprisingly effective! Smoked 60mg rolled in a joint. As i was taking the third hit i still saw my hand being there holding the joint in front of me. This was amazing. What comes after words do no justice. But this makes me feel and remember everything better, so I'm doing this for me I have managed to take the fourth hit and have collapsed in couple of seconds the sitter said. I have felt the body hit the grass, the heavy gravity pulled me and I died. This was something different than other times. This was deeper. Way deeper. Instantly after my ego vanished I became IT. This brilliant, all loving, blissful, colorful, never ending being. This nothingness started coming up after some time. It didn't feel cold or dark in any way. It was very calm and subtle. It was so amusing being aware of all the ways my ego was reconceptualizing itself and so i got smashed back into my body. I was just laying there stunned!! of what have just happened. I sat up, completely fluid. My every move affecting everything around me. My body and everything around me slipping constantly until little by little everything comes back to "place". Very interesting how hard it is to recognize everything coming back. Seems like nothing changed but yet "you" are back. Doesn't it seem strange? hehe All in all the trip was more than i thought it will be. Therapeutic, healing and the after affects are amazing. Peace. <3
  24. @Inliytened1 It appears like Sense of seperatedness, body mind are with in the awareness. Self enquiry appears to happen with in awareness. But i am yet to experience nothingness or vanishing of the sense of seperatedness. So bit confused.
  25. Self inquiry is just being aware of the awareness itself, and its just pure infinite-nothingness. Then you question what is it. If you ask deep enough you will eventualy get the answer. Its hard to stay in the nothingness for a long time, but you learn it with time. You will obtain everything, its just a mattet of time.