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  1. You may have awakened to your true nature, but there are still things that you are ignorant of (like I am). You know what you are, but what is the other? What is language? What is thought? What is understanding? What is a 'what'? Just like you can become directly aware of what you are, you can become directly aware of other things as well. In a sense, the original awakening is something that lets you perceive things differently and this perception is something to be integrated with your everyday experience. It's a work that will consume your whole life if you're into it. I am.
  2. @Prabhaker There's definitely something missing there? if they can do all that, they must not known source/self too well and merely partly connected or forgotten the truth from not applying and living by it daily. Its not hard to portray as an enlightened being and manipulate others. All you have to do is rise and tap into a higher vibration/dimension of being/experience then relax down that most other people there still have yet to tap into, thus you appear enlightened to them(which in a sense you are to them) as where many of these so called "enlightened gurus" are at today, but to a being of a similar wavelength as them, they are just another being on a similar vibration/wavelength and merely "awake" to the truth of who they are, but to be truly enlightened is where absolute clarity and truth of oneness resides within them and is expressed at all times in an unconditionally loving and non-judgemental way. I think Jesus and Buddha were good examples of this level of enlightenment. Now, this is all and well, everyone has their levels and paths of teaching/learning but i feel we need to remember to unwind every once in a while as we get far too carried away and caught up with these ideas/distractions which in turn ends up deluding self thus can delude many others of a lower wavelength/vibration especially if you have many followers. We are (in a sense) arguing with creation and complicating its perfect simplicity. In this level of realization of self, all those things you mentioned that those so called "enlightened beings" did are pointless and meaningless to your understanding and beingness in the truly enlightened state. I can see how one can have experiences and claim or portray to be enlightened due to the experiences then eventually lead to other things that not in harmony the higher self-consciousness thus what happened to them was partial enlightenment/awakening or a wake up call and not grand enough to persist on a more permanent level so they come in waves instead. These people are/were not Truly Enlightened, They were merely Awakened. True Enlightenment is eternal, unshakable, indestructible/irreplaceable and lived as an example day by day. This is the one that can and should give advice especially advice on enlightenment and the enlightened state not the ones that are living off enlightenment experiences. The one that lives and is one with the Enlightened Awareness(at least to some degree) on a day to day basis is fit to help and share truth with others and help those arise to the light and freedom themselves. You have to be honest with self, i know everyone is trying their best especially Leo and many including myself are truly grateful for these beings and what they are trying to do and have done thus far but if you cant remain unconditionally loving, kind, compassionate and non-judgemental at all times you are not fit to express truth of the enlightened state/awareness to others which is why i myself am taking a break from all of this until i embody more of the enlightened awareness and unconditionally loving nature of the one infinite creator as i know the highest level of of being is Unconditionally Loving and Pure Understanding. The more we talk about Enlightenment the more it becomes a misunderstanding. All the best ?
  3. Hey all you beautiful ones. I have had my kundalini energy awakened for some time now. What I noticed some months ago, was that I was eating nachos with spicy sauce and my kundalini started going all crazy and my body started blissing out from fullbody orgasms. Then it happened again with spicy food. So I did a real quick googlesearch and it seems that spicy foods dilate bloodvessels. The idea that kundalini energy flows through bloodvessels is a little strange to me, but undeniably it is the case that spicy foods can open up your energy body. So this is just the tip for all of you kundalini yoga lovers. Let me know if it works for you all!! Sending much love <3.
  4. In the end of stage turquoise Leo mentioned that you should read at least 30 books on non-duality if you are serious about awakening. I would like to get some perspective on this. Several teachers I have studied joke/talk something along the lines of "the truth is not found in any (sacred) book". I heard a story from somewhere where Ramana told his pupils to throw their spiritual books into a river. I have had a few experiences myself where I realized how silly it was to look for myself anywhere but within. Early this summer I had an LSD/meditation induced awakening where I basically exploded out of bliss, and at that moment I thought to myself "If/when this has faded, if there is one thing I must not forget, it's this: it is within" I reached a point early on this year where I was practicing quite hard for my level, and studying theory and listening to teachers. I felt like all the knowledge was starting to be really distracting, like my monkey mind was constantly blabbering about non-dual theory. Now I have not read any non-dual books for a while nor listened to teachers and I feel like my mind is clearer and I can focus on my actual experience better. Is this a path thing, or is there some crucial value in books that I'm not getting? I understand that books can point out potential traps of the work, but... I don't know. Anyone here who has awakened and can say that books helped in that process? @Leo Gura is the only person I have encountered who has recommended extensive reading on the topic. Anyone here who has read very few books and has had success just by practicing? I'm not interested in speculation from users who have intentionally read/not read books and had awakening spiritually, sorry. You are all great but I don't think you can give much value here, as I said it's more of a speculation than an opinion from experience.
  5. @molosku I link my first deep awakening with reading Martin Heidegger's Being and time. It is a book that gives you tools for self-contemplation and I used this knowledge to explore myself. I did not know that I was looking for enlightenment at the time and I think that it is an important factor that prevented me from distractions. There are benefits to reading, because books are food for thought when you try to re-contextualize them to apply them to your everyday experience. It can be beneficial for enlightenment, but if you do that to read what enlightenment is, it may get tricky very fast. The problem with spontaneous awakenings is that you have no context to ground your experience and it becomes very difficult to integrate it. In my case, proper integration took place a few years after the experience. Only after I learned things from @Leo Gura's channel. By no means I was hopeless on my own, but knowledge helped me a great deal to re-connect to what had happened. The question of whether I'm fully awakened, or not remains open (even to me), so you will have to judge for yourself whether this post is of any relevance to you. If full awakening (whatever it means) is the main criterion for you, you may have a hard time getting responses here, as even Leo seems to be seeking it via 5-MeO.
  6. Are you me? It frustrates me that i have to sleep 9 hours a night to function properly. I used the Runtastic Sleep Better application to find out my sleep pattern, and found out that towards the end of the week i keep going to light state and awakened state of sleep more and more. My doctor said that maybe its the stress, maybe its because i use the application that lies to me (results can lie, trends dont) or that i have been light sleeper all my life and i should not be worried about it. Just in case it is the stress, does anyone here know a method to relieve stress daily/once a week to normalize sleep pattern?
  7. @Mikael89 yes you are right! There can't be any better or worse words with this, at the end they all are what they are - words. But would there be meaning in that communication? When I say it doesn't speak I mean the absolute won't be like hi there, I'm the absolute, I'm nothing so therefore I'm everything and I have infinite intelligence so it is perfectly reasonable for me to be here...blah...blah...blah lol ? "There are many teachers who say that this phenomenal world is a play, a show. I could find 200 quotes for that too but do I really have to dig them up?" Yes and some say it's a dream or a story, yeah the list goes on but what I'm trying to say here is that although these concepts exist, they exist of the absolute not for the absolute. The absolute doesn't need a story or a rationalized idea for it to be. It is what it is. Trust me, that's the last thing I want. Just ask your self why do you have to state that, "I am consciousness" If you had awakened you would be at peace. Seriously, who or what are you addressing when you say that. Nothing is hidden here. I can easily say things that are pleasing for the ego but what would be the point. I honestly love you guys
  8. @Leo Gura Human beings are not robots, however. You people tend to greatly dismiss your humanity, with all the nothingness experiences that lately, paradoxically, transform into a philosophy by themselves. I once heard you in one of your videos saying that we should aim in becoming decent human beings. Humanity, along with its faculties, it's an inevitable fact of our existence in this body. No matter how much you're trying to spiritual bypass, formulating excuses and arguments that move you into other places of yourself (nothingness), while denying other vital parts that require healing (the ego, the human perspective), fragmentation will inevitably appear. Along with it, comes the ego backlash, which happens not because of spiritual progress per say, but because other parts of ourselves require our attention, parts that can't be dismissed by spiritual dogma. We fell goosebumps, huge amounts of admiration and feelings in our heart chakra vibrating through our whole being at the sight of heroes and people who fight and persevere against all odds, trying to change the world for the better, not because we're some delusional robots with a programing called morality, whatever you want to call it, but because we're a part of God itself, but people around here tend to have only awakened the mind, while neglecting the heart, and the retoric is that there's something more divine than something or that living purposefully is stupidly or egoic, which is a huge shame and a common problem I see in spirituality. I'm not pointing fingers. No person can be entrenched in a single philosophy, but that's how I see things happening for the most part. Spirituality, at its most potent and expanding version, should be about having the good will to take care of your specie, all people, "good" and "bad" as a whole, like Jesus used to preach. It shouldn't be something you do in the dark far away from others who are in need of your light. We are more important than we think in awakening others and sharing the experiences a human being can achieve. A fully integrated God would care about its other parts (people) as it they were himself. That is what we should aim for. People now will reply to me that that's just ego and I should just sit in a cave, because having an ego it's some kind of a danger or that I'm in a trap. I hope this dogmatic ilussion will end soon. The lives of Gandhi, Jesus and many others show that a fully integrated ego and spirit cares about its world. The isolated spiritual ego isn't considered being one, for example, well, because loneliness and living by yourself seems cool for some reason. Having certain mystical experiences of my own and experiencing Oneness more and more often, I can say that being God is the ultimate thing. But being human is even more brilliant than that. Just think about it - you try to convince Yourself (others) about your existence and the rules and feelings yourself created in this ilussion while typing on a phone which is still You. Creation it's the most brilliant and captivating joke that exists, because there's nothing else that it doesn't contains.
  9. At the end of the day, real relationships cannot happen between the right people and middle way people. The dormant will never understand the awakened unless they awaken. And for the awakened this society is so boring in every aspect that we tend to have a hermit lifestyle.
  10. Depends on what psychology. Today's mainstream psychology methods are useless for awakened beings. Is only a good tool to form a society as we know it today.
  11. I only see blockages in human beings, I don't call that complexity anymore. The world can only change from within, an awakened world. So those awakened can live with the outside world, but the outside world cannot live without the blockages they have. So maybe if all get awakened, probably 80% of the population will simply disappear in death. At the end of the day, who is willing to sacrifice the old and discover the full potential? The physical/emotional pain is so great that this is the main reason people don't awaken. Don't believe me? Wake up then
  12. I'd like to dive into an interesting topic here. The topic is about how our conceptualization of what a (spiritual) teacher should be and —in particular— act like, can be a great obstacle towards our spiritual potential. Let's take Osho by example. I must admit, I have invested a large amount of time into reading and digesting his teachings, so certainly there is the danger of instead of coming from an unbiased, objective viewpoint about the matter, there is the danger that I'm simply arguing to defend him, which I'm trying to avoid at all costs. That's why I want to start off with the statement: Even though I have invested so much energy into digesting his teachings and identifying myself as "a student of Osho". and having seen him as holy and infallible for some time, I do admit that the possibility now exists in my mind that he indeed strayed off the path, got too obsessed with his image and materialism, with all his Rolls royces. But note, I say POSSIBILITY. Because there are some very valid counterarguments, which I'm going to get into right now. Now what first has to be understood is that even the most enlightened people that ever existed can have blindspots, misinterpretations and delusions. That's why I always want to stress that you don't seek the most perfect teacher per se, but just go with a teacher or teaching you generally like, or even if it's the subject he/she is currently talking about, and learn what you ought to be useful or applicable for you at that time, and you still can discard (or just ignore; to not consider something) subjects or items that you don't resonate with that much. I think it's very unfortunate when people discard the entire teacher if they disagree with some points of the teaching, or in something that the teacher does. Many people have extraordinary qualities to convey a certain viewpoint, perspective or quality in a certain way, but that doesn't mean that this teacher would be infallible altogether. I used to always try gather information based on the few teachers I knew I could trust (or trust moreso), and discard any other teacher (or youtube channel, or whatever) that I felt weren't of a very high level of consciousness. I needed to be able to discern whether this teacher could be trusted enough before I could accept his/her teaching. When I wanted to know about a certain esoteric subject, I always used to google "Osho on [insert my subject of interest]", because I felt like I could trust Osho enough that he would give me an insight deep enough that I could be satisfied. Now I do it differently. When I want to know about a certain subject, now I more often just google it or search it on youtube, see the teaching that resonates with me the most at that time out of the list of results, and open myself up for it. And if I notice start getting bored or my attention starts drifting, or if the information at hand doesn't seem to get to the core, that's when I will probably switch to search information from the teachers I already knew, or just leave it be for that moment. But I'm now open to learn from everybody, and I know that everybody has a certain quality of teaching writing or expressing that is unique, even if the person isn't super "wise" there's still a lot you can learn from that person's teaching. Take both the energetical expression and the information that you like from it and are open to, and discard and ignore the rest. That is my advice. And understand, just because you're open to new input, doesn't mean you will automatically be corrupted or brainwashed by it. To open yourself up and surrender your resistance, doesn't mean you have lost your discerning quality for truth. The difference is that instead of actively judging whether you agree or not with what this person is saying, is that now you are simply listening with no judgement from your conditioning whether it is "right or wrong, correct or incorrect", but that your indicator is now simply whether you are bored or attentive, whether your attention is drifting towards the mind or towards attentive stillness. Attentive stillness, by the way, is not memorizing. Don't think you are not being attentive just because you aren't memorizing. Instead, it is vibing, it is feeling into it. And here's where the example of Osho comes in. Osho is probably the most controversial spritual teacher that has ever set foot on this earth. And I exactly love him for that. Not that controversy is necessarily always "good", so to speak, but his way of creating controversy I absolutely love to death. But that can also be personal preference, that I like controversial teachers. Perhaps because we're both Sagittarius, who knows. Controversiality is neither virtuous or sinful in and of itself. In case you don't know who Osho is: Osho is a spiritual teacher who spread his work primarily in the 70's and 80's, creating a whole lot of drama and controversy with his extremely direct, provocative and confrontational approach towards people and groups, criticizing them in a manner that got directly to the core of the issue, leaving no room for pampering. Or at least, that's the image that he was known for. Was he always like that absolutely 100% of the time? No. It's not a black and white scenario where you either always or never will have to do that, but he certainly wasn't afraid of it. He also very often contradicted himself, because he didn't value logical linearity. Speaking in favour of one argument one time, and going directly against it the next day. He was also very anti-traditional, radical and renewing in his approach. Often going diametrically against what people were trying to make of him or their ideas of what a guru should be or act like. This is where most of the criticism and controversy comes. But I can understand it perfectly well. Take the example of the Rolls Royces. If you don't know, one of the things Osho was known for was having a large collection of 99 Rolls Royces. I often see people, sometimes even very intelligent people and very nuanced thinkers, criticize Osho for his collection of Rolls Royces and his material possessions, and therefore discarding him as an enlightened teachers, because of his "obsession with materalism". Either he was obsessed with materialism, or this is in fact a genius move from Osho. You see, him being so anti-tradionalist, so outspokenly opposed to ideas people had attached themselves to of what a guru should be like, his possession of 99 Rolls Royces can be perfectly understood. It can be seen as a joke or a form of criticism against the ideas people have that a guru or enlightened spiritual teacher should have renounced material possessions or at least not be so obsessed with materialism. Osho's criticism against this was that materialism wasn't opposed to spirituality, but in fact they were synergistically interrelated to each other. In fact, if you fight against materialism, try to renounce it, you by the act of fighting it become once again obsessed with it. So with his collection of Rolls royces, his statement is: I am not concerned what image you make of me, I am not concerned about what you think of materialism; I am showing you that spirituality and materialism are in fact perfectly compatible, and even supportive to one another. Now you could say: Well maybe his attempt to try to create a synergy between spirituality and materialism was just a lousy excuse for him to be indulging in greed and attention, so it would make it seem okay for him to do so. Well... Maybe you're right. Or maybe you're not. Who knows. Like I said, on an intellectual level everything that Osho did can either be praised or rejected. It all depends on the perspective. Maybe he was in fact a very intelligent con-artist, having all these intelligent logical arguments and systems set up to safeguard his greed and need for attention and power. But here I'm simply trying to convey the perspective to be open-minded about that whatever he did was neither an argument in favour or against his 'enlightenedness'. But for myself, there's one thing I do know. And that is that he was, and still is more intelligent than me. Where do you think I learned to argue and write like this from? Where do you think I learned this capacity for very nuanced thinking and adhering paradoxical truths come from? It was for a big part from Osho. So whether he is enlightened or not, he was absolutely more intelligent and affluent than me, which in itself is already reason enough to learn from him. Remember that I said that you don't have to agree with the teacher to agree with the teaching. Remember? But for me that wasn't even the case. I just loved not only his words or actions, however contradictory or paradoxical it sometimes would be, but also just who he was, his entire personality and being. And one thing that also stood out to me was his presence, the stillness in which he moved and acted. Maybe that's the thing that most impressed me: that he never wavered and seemed to get off-balance or intimidated by anything at all, always perfectly grounded. We have to get rid of this idea of how an enlightened being is supposed to be and act like. The reality is: who are we to judge? Are we enlightened? Are we awakened? Are we of a higher degree of intelligence and consciousness then the ones we are judging? Don't delude yourself in this! We can think that someone enlightened is supposed to be like Eckhart Tolle, being very peaceful, relaxed and soothing, and that someone who is in many ways quite opposite to the energy that someone like Eckhart Tolle embodies is completely deluded and full of lust for power and greed. but does that have to be so? Is the expression of an awakened being universally one of a soothing, calming human being? Is a awakened master not able to be provocative in nature? How would we know? You have the archetype of a gautama buddha, someone who is soothing and compassionate, and the archetype of a Bodhidarma, someone who is fierce and provocative. My guess is that both are simply playing their role in existence. You have those who have a primarly feminine expression of awakening, and those who have primarily masculine expression of awakening. In fact, my feeling is that if we didn't have the Osho's or Bodhidharma's, something would be missing. You have the ones who tempt and persuade you carefully to look in the mirror, being careful that not too much egoic reaction is provoked at once, and you have those who basically throw the mirror in your face. And to my understanding, that is exactly how it should be. And perhaps there are also expressions of awakened beings that are neither outspokenly feminine or masculine. And also, I don't think every awakened being has to be a teacher. I feel like you can also have awakened beings working as artists, or as management in companies, or as CEO's, or as farmers, or whatever have you. So this essay is meant to be an illustrations that you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover. What appears to be the case on the outside is not necessarily a representative of the quality of consciousness that drives the surface-expression. For someone who is unconscious, for someone who doesn't have an integrated and developed consciousness, is more apparent. Then what appears to be greedy behaviour is in fact most of the time an indication that this person has a lot of greed within. But with someone who is at a very elevated level of consciousness, things may be very different from what they appear to be. In that case, someone who appears to be longing for power may actually have completely selfless interests and only gets himself in a position in power as to selflessly serve humanity. So based on this, who do we choose to follow? What guru or teacher do we adhere to? Well, if we know that interpretations and ideas of what a teacher should be like can be entirely deceptive, the best thing we can do is to see if we can connect to a guru or teacher by opening ourselves up, by surrendering our resistance and simply allowing energy to flow. Then, instead of using mental guidelines as a basis to choose from whom to learn, we now become open to the direct transfer of silence itself without mind interfering it. Look for that: whether a silence, a stillness, an attentiveness starts arising in you. Do you feel more peaceful and connected when this person speaks? Does he or she radiate something that you can't really define what it is, but you can feel it's there? Search for a certain connection, not that this person can merely supply you with the right kind of knowledge; that would be my advice. But note: This connection starts with you dropping your ideas of whether or not it fits your conditioned idealogy. You have to work on yourself first to become available. You are the primary factor, not the teacher. Remember that. It is possible that the teacher can be very deluded, still deeply entrenched in maya, in illusion, and yet become awakened yourself simply by your capacity to surrender your resistance to him/her. So focus on dissolving your own resistance first and foremost. And if you can't find a teacher whom you will fall into silence with —whether you or the teacher is the primary factor— then simply seek out a teacher that doesn't bore you. Once again, this also depends on you as well.
  13. The need for physical experiences is a dream. It is a nice dream, one can grow and expand from tasting the variety and abundance of human culture and the Earths natural environment, but from what place do you desire this? For myself I love the oneness I feel in meditation. Reality becomes soft and malleable, and I feel like I’m on a cloud. This peace is what I seek beyond any physical experience for I know that most of not all my desires right now are not rooted in oneness, which is why I meditate with such passion so to speak. I want my mind to be purified of all beleifs it has rooted in separation; so that the oneness of my higher self that I am can shine through my heart in every single moment without an obstacle my mind imposes. I want to be that free, powerful creator; to have but everything to embrace with love, and nothing left that I reject in myself. And I know in my heart, that surrendering down into my heart purifies, heals, and releases all ancestral lineages, all karmic ties, and any deep wounds in my being in the most soft, gentle, and accelerated way that I deserve. How can I live my life without thoughts? Is a common fear that arises when I am thoughtless. Yet it’s not thoughts that guide us, it is feelings. It is the higher self within the heart. It has always been that way, but the mind sometimes ignored this guidance, or thought that such guidance care from itself. The heart is the true master, much stronger in influencing even those with a strong ego than the ego itself. We can fall off track from the heart, and we start to feel something other than love, but never can we dwell too far, because the heart is more powerful than our egos. I trust my heart now to tell me through feelings when to eat, sleep, “do”, or be. If in doubt I meditate. Now my beloveds take this knowledge and put it into your life. Don’t read this for entertainment, don’t come here to serve your addiction for spiritual knowledge which I had too, and do the inner work. Focus on your heart, or your breathe, or the awareness as much as possible. Choose one, and stick with it until you awaken to the infinite within. All are equal in power, and all will lead to everlasting happiness. There is little more for me to write, just focus on either of those 3. I use my chest, the sensation of air filling my lungs, the feeling of it rising and falling, even the pulsing of my heart, and the energy of love in there, all which I focus on 24/7. Even when I dream now, I still gently focus on my heart! The heart is the beginning and the end of the spiritual path. It can take you to the highest dimensions of reality and beyond that. This love is more than infinite, because even the infinite will return to source. It is pure bliss. It IS. This world we live in dosen't matter. What you do dosen't matter. What you know dosen’t matter, or learn. Only your connection to your heart matters. The rest is fun and play, and can only be fun and play when connected to the heart. Therefore it is so simple, there is no confusion, or exception, or a “but wait, there’s more!”; it literally comes down to how connected you are to your heart through focusing on your heart, breathe or awareness; and perhaps expressing love, smiling, complimenting (although this is not necessary at all). There is no judgement, love from the ego if that’s the reality you want to create, or live from the heart. But ultimately, we will all return to our hearts, thst is the natural state. We just have amnesia, and are learning to focus within. In time we shall be awakened and be free from a false idea in sin. sayōnara.
  14. I am pretty sure 11 months ago my mind's default mode changed. When I dont suffer, I decribe feelings and states of an awakened being. It is strange because I was not interested in awakening it all - it just happened and I clearly know that there is no way back. After my awakening, I was kinda clueless what to do about the suffering associated with it - the Ego fought back with creating an identity around the subject "life was pointless". Taking things personal does not make sense to me anymore. That is probably the reason that everything I tried in order to control the process, like exercising, meditation felt useless. It made no sense to "get better". Anyways, for 11 months now, I have been feeling like I hit the lowest points of mental suffering a human being can ever experience. Everytime I got up and felt better, I felt like I was reborn. What suffers because of those "death and rebirths" is my person(a). My mind comes up with questions why I am still here, why this body is here and didn't die, who is talking at the moment, I just can't make sense out of how I am still here - that's especially the case when it is about my past, like talking in a job interview, doc, therapist - I struggle to have a healthy persona. I post this because...I is self-soothing. Is this due to lack of mindful practise?
  15. Water-wise you are good. Want better airways and more fluidity? Skip the dairy. I was a compulsive dairy user, even grew up with buffalo milk (better than cow's milk) from my grandparents home. I noticed in my teenage and 20's while a believer and mostly on the mind, that dairy affected a great deal my bones. Only after I've awakened the dairy won't affected me negatively. So in my experience dairy is optional for those awakened and damaging for those stuck in the mind.
  16. Was listening to Rupert Spira yesterday and something deeper clicked all of a sudden... I have listened to him before but didn't think of perception in this way before. Rupert often says, where does "seeing" take place or where does "sound" take place? Same thing with "sensation" etc. Note: did not have any direct experience - but a deeper understanding which has brought me closer. So, I thought about it this way: What I see in-front of my eyes, my entire visual field, I think it exists "out there" - outside of me. But if you take the understanding of science to help - what happens is that light is reflected off the objects and enters my eye which sends the information/signal to the brain where it is perceived. Where is that information/signal which goes to the brain stored/registered or viewed from? Where is that visual field occurring? It is occurring "inside of me" or in my brain as a materialist would say. I feel I finally understand it (much closer to the Truth than before) the seeing/hearing/touching/sensing - even my body, which all I know about is thru these senses, it appears in that field. So all that appears in my field, is made up of my field - my knowing... ME. this is how the awakened ones, see that it is all them, all created of the output of the 5+ senses and resulting into the experience. All is one because all there is, is perception and that perception is all made up of my knowing - and what is my knowing made up of? it is made up of itself. it is, itself. self-aware. the level beyond this is out of my grasp (maybe that level can only be understood upon direct experience) - the fact that there is a knower of all of this, there is a knower of the knowing of the direct experience. all of this is more clearer as a concept/image in my head but here was my attempt to put it into words now, just gotta get that direct experience to see how so wrong i was lol but for now, this is good as i feel this was a step higher than where i was before
  17. Thanks. It is gonna be a hard journey. This all is even a proof that I am not my brain. I am just presence. So it seems like a part is awakened another part is still in denial.
  18. @isabel Mystical experiences are not permanent awakening. Mystical experiences are nice, but you need to go deeper, beyond experience to Truth itself, which is not an experience or a state. There are many depths to how awakened you can be. So always keep boring deeper and deeper. For an awakening to stick, the illusion of self needs to be thoroughly decontructed. It's very common to keep falling back into the illusion because you still haven't fully deconstructed it.
  19. I love this page because it clearly tells you what the higher self is: "The Higher Self The Higher Self is the super-conscious, higher mind part of ourselves that is the full expression of Divine Love, spiritual wisdom, and creative power. As we work to purify ourselves and remove our egos, we embody more of our eternal self that lives in conscious union with God. Spiritual and religious traditions throughout history have spoken of the Higher Self within each of us. The Christians call it the Holy Spirit. The New Age calls it Christ Consciousness, Over Soul, Monad or Enlightenment. Buddhism labels it Buddha (The Awakened One). Hinduism calls it Atman, the Self or Krishna Consciousness. There are many terms given in various cultures for the same experience. The Higher Self is the direct personal realization and embodiment of the deepest spiritual aspect of ourselves – our Eternal Self that is in conscious union with the Creator God and all of life. Spiritual seekers have consciously sought the Higher Self awakening experience, dedicating lifetimes to spiritual knowledge, personal healing and purification, ecstatic energy promotion and light body activation. Those dedicated enough to the spiritual path and fortunate enough to receive support by Higher Self within and by others, physically and non-physically, were able to reach remarkable spiritual heights. Some of those teachers have changed the course of human history forever. Some of those teachers continue to assist humanity’s growth. When asked “what is enlightenment like?”, many awakened teachers used words like bliss, love, peace, purity, oneness, and God. Some teachers chose to remain silent, conveying that words could never explain this state of Self-realization. To assist the spiritual development of their students, awakened teachers would share verbal and written teachings and deeply tranforming practices like meditation and energy cultivation exercises. Some teachers would even offer direct energy transmissions and empowerments to more quickly purify and advance the students who were ready. The common bond between all Higher Self-awakened teachers was that the teachers would allow the Universal Intelligence and Universal Creative Energy to flow through themselves, unblocked and unchanged by their own personal self. The depths of ego purification in the teachers were great enough to allow the Higher Self to communicate and purify through them, using their human mind-body system as the channel. By surrendering their own self to the Higher Self, the awakened teacher would be of the greatest service to their students. With this understanding in mind and intention at heart, Lincoln Gergar has chosen to surrender himself into the Higher Self to share knowledge, energy, peace and healing to all sincere spiritual seekers who feel drawn to awaken their Higher Self state of consciousness. The Higher Self is within us all. This knowledge, peace and blissful Love is our eternal birthright. With proper guidance any student can be led into their own Spiritual Heart center to awaken their blissful connection to God – the Higher Self. Surrendering in this way returns us to Pure Consciousness, original state of God." We are all seeking to be one with the higher self in this life. And all the is required is to gently focus on the heart (which is the higher self) as much as possible. There are other ways, but this is the one recommended by the higher self because of it's directness.
  20. I wouldn’t worry about wha others say. You don’t know if they have awakened. That would be an assumption. Protecting the body, feeding the body is intelligent action. Whole-infinite action Feeding the ego is a movement of fear, therefore an unintelligent response-reaction to thought. All fueled by the contradiction, confusion, and conflict that is perpetuated by the false notion that the experiencer is seperate from that which it experiences. This is action born of limitation, the finite movement of thought. All the result of not understanding the nature of ego-thought. Keep it simple my man
  21. The tattoo has the meaning of orange, the left hand, the left temple. In other words, 6 goes into 4. The awakened will get this.
  22. Once you tap into the body's red and green, what you saying is no true for the awakened.
  23. @Highest are you enlightened/awakened? also. i am quite new to this stuff... i am gathering info right now so i can guide myself on the path correctly.. but i feel like i keep delaying self-inquiry work which seems to be very important to attain enlightenment/glimpse of it even... but yeah, i am very curious about all this... as it maybe evident with my long posts and many topics i have asked questions in what also blows my mind, that all this meditation / self inquiry etc is all said to be "not required" also by many masters... because it is the "pathless-path" so there is no process to enlightment, it just happens when you just fully let go... i guess meditation assits in letting go.. unsure why masters speak that way... maybe they go back n forth between teaching directly and indirectly with the wording they use
  24. This stuff is accessible only in the awakened state, or on DMT, LSD, etc. I can share one thing with you. You probably know what OBE is, many people have experienced it. Well the last time I experienced it, I was out of my body for about 5 minutes. I saw myself sleep, I went up to the kitchen, went inside my mother's room and saw her sleep. Then somehow I awake from my sleep, and there I was as this regular body form. After this I was certain that death is an illusion, that the pysical body is just one out of many different dimensions of me. Actually almost nothing is impossible, it is indeed from the point of the limited ego that it seems impossible. The truth is that reality is too great to be limited only to a materialistic existence, only as a body. It is not.
  25. @Highest hmmm. Thanks Oh. I'm sure whatever you have seen sounds impossible. That's one thing which I don't pay much attention to anymore, the word impossible, since I started on this path. Do share just once aspect if it can be said in words... Just give me the intellectual sweet taste of reality Also, what you speak of here, about what you have "seen" Do u refer to seeing some version of beautiful manifest form or do u speak of something beyond form or accessible in awakened state only? Like stuff on DMT is also what people see and is impossible too But I feel you're talking deeper, kind of what Leo says when he states "what happened to me is impossible" The fact that it clearly happened to him in his experience and yet it is realized as an impossibility (from human/ego point of view) just effin blows my mind and draws me ever so deeply into the wanting to know and experience this for myself . Hopefully I'm still sane after that But jokes on me... I don't exist