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  1. I think that the ego takes a huge beating when you drink urine, which makes you more present and awakened how you manifest infinite love is up to each of us I am impressed with this urine drinking, it's creative and courageous, I won't partake but I get the spirit behind the practice
  2. One needs to sleep depending on his spiritual awakened state. If you are 100% growing and in optimized health being awakened the subconscious, then it is likely that sleep is only an unbalance in the body/mind, this is a reason the majority sleep, to recover the balance. Personally i sleep very little or none. We all grow and have parts in our boby/mind that are still in a state of healing and optimization.
  3. The awakened harmony in the body/mind leads to sleep. In harmony there is no need for sleep.
  4. Unless both parents are awakened and live in harmony it wouldn't be wise.
  5. Sorry but that simply isn’t true. If you experience anything besides utter nullify then you are stuck in the ego defense of projecting some kind of meaning. That is not what happened, it’s a gripping sensation and utter nothingness. It’s not a desirable state yet I knew in my bones it is truth. Anything else is just a mental defense to find meaning. It’s like what Albert Camus said. If you aren’t living with meaninglessness then you aren’t awakened. If you still see beauty and meaning then you see nothing.
  6. Dark Night of the Soul happens every day for the awakened ones.
  7. Nice. It's a great practice and the energy will grow as you continue. The way it works is individual to each person,so don't relate what's happening with one person to your own progression. For me,it just took over. When I say it was driving me hard,it was driving me to seek Truth in a very intense way. This was not even a consideration prior to learning the kriya. I was there to learn it as part of living a healthy lifestyle,but as I continued, the drive to seek a spiritual path gained more intensity. By the fourth month,the intensity was full on. I didn't choose the path,it chose for me,lol. I live in the south east (U.S.) and he doesn't make it to U.S, very often,much less this side of the country. And like I said,this thing was a full on driving force. Even if I wanted to wait and travel,there wasn't much choice in the matter,lol.. I found the closest source I could to learn Kriya and the path to truth was on. To give an idea of how intense the energy was for me, I "awakened" within a year,and it certainly was not expected. The practices since then have been for the permanent abiding of that awakening. I want to reiterate the fact that experience is individual,so don't go expecting the same results or experience as mine. What is right for you,is right for you and will happen in it's own way. I definitely could not have foreseen any of what has happened.. It was just supposed be an all around body/mind practice for health and it turned into something very different,lol. I have no doubt Shoonya would be a great practice to learn. And if he does an initiation with that...well I can only imagine,lol.
  8. Ey guys (first, sorry for my english, i'm from Spain), just wanna start a new topic to help people like me on guidance for this situation: I recently had a huge spiritual awakening (6-7 months ago). From my point of view, a person who has no idea about personal development and has never known nothing about spiritually or truth, it feel like I rested in the ''awakened state'' for two or three weeks. During that time I feel like i knew what my path in life was going to be, i feel like everyone around me was completely asleep and cried for days seeing how my loved ones were not going to have the dream life I was going to have. I feel my soul when i looked my self in the mirror and cried because I was perfect, life was perfect, and I could see perfectly how people around me were just wasting this beutiful present of ''god''. During this time I found Leo's channel, so I thought my life was going to be great.Now, 6 months later, and after passing a hard identity crisis, I had a super huge ego backlash, anxiety in my chest, feel like I waste the opportunity of living a meaningful life, feel like I'm deeply back asleep, don't know what to do and I think I have some depression going on. During the first months nobody understood me and feel very very alone, insecurities started to kick in and i feel like I sold my soul to feel better during that time. Please tell me what do you think about this.
  9. A couple of important notes with regard to the "pdf". The document is extensive, and I've only been practicing the main Kriya, labeled FIRST LESSON:Technique of Kriya Pranayama as it was explained by Sri Mukherjee I have not began practicing the quite extensive "preparatory " techniques he discusses along with it. That is of course aside from the Nadi Shodana, Yoni Mudra Kambhaka, and Maha Mudra that is a natural part of doing Kriya. YMK and Maha Mudra are powerful,so it's best to proceed with caution. My practice (if interested) is: 1. 5-10 minute preliminary asana set. Two Maha Mudra's, as part of the set. 2.Nadi Shodana for 8-12 rounds. 3. Main technique of Kriya (described in PDF). Usually 15-20 minutes or so, or until "profound peace and stillness" or "the peace and the bliss originating from the practice of Kriya" manifests. 4. One YMK, after doing the main Kriya. 5.Awareness japa meditation for 25-40 minutes. The effortless awareness meditation is probably,and just imo, the best stand alone meditation technique I've practiced,outside of doing Kriya. After trying various meditation techniques for years,including mindfulness,breath and "object" based "hard" concentration techniques, It has been, from my experience, the most powerful stand alone meditation technique I've done. Kriya works on the "ecstatic energy/kudalini" as well as producing the stillness. The awareness japa meditation continues to carry one from that stillness, deep into different samahdi states, Kevalya samahdi being where awakening or "self realization" happens. Sahaja samahdi, is the permanent abiding of that self realized natural state. It needs to be said,at least in my experience,that the samahdi states don't necessarily happen only during meditation. I awakened, Kevalya samadhi, when I was wide awake. While grocery shopping no less, lol. I never quite understood the bible verse "the lord will come like a thief in the night" until this,then it was perfectly understood. And from talking to many others who have awakened/self realized, it came upon them suddenly as well. This is of course through doing months or even years of doing spiritual work ,and not the use of psychedelics. I've never tried psychedelics,so I'm not sure how effectively abiding, the awakening shift is on the nervous system.
  10. When you arrive to the conclusion that "thoughts" cannot know anything, you will begin to get awakened and there will be no more questions. @Ether
  11. @Faceless Have you awakened? Whats your current state of counsciousness?
  12. Why do you think you havent awakened then? I realize I dont really control how I feel.
  13. I've had life partners like this and I've been one to some. If both are awakened, the sharing is mostly positive and quite blissful. An awakened partner doesn't spend their time pointing out your hang ups directly or your ego would choke on that (you'd want to end the relationship fast, screaming "abuse"). They mostly see the good side and trust you to draw your own conclusions about your shortcomings. Anyway, predictably ended up breaking each other in pieces as one can only get that close to another until it gets under your skin. In my experience, as one develops a deeper understanding of the self liberation path we're on, they at the same time lose their interest in small talk, "fun" but time wasting activities, sharing on different levels of negativity, complaining without taking action or responsibility and so on. The kind of activities unawakened people usually engage in. So, as we filter those out, we also learn to enjoy being alone, because it comes handy as we approach the finish line. Contrary to popular belief, one can only pass through the self inquiry gate alone. Thus learning how to be alone is a requirement. On the path we start with lots of company, books, videos, dead and alive gurus, mentors, teachers, everyone's assisting. They can only help us up to a point. Then we slowly drop the help as we move into the self inquiry phase, which is to be done alone.
  14. @Ether You can feel it in your heart. You feel like something just isn't right when in conversation with a person who has an ego mask on. You'll understand if you spend a few hours with someone who is awakened, and then spend some quality time with someone who is deep in ego. Inauthenticity becomes obvious, but without any reference points it may seem "normal" from your perspective. it creates a barrier between you and the other person, at least in my experience. I hope that all barriers of the ego, to feel that it is not ok to share your emotions non-judgementally with another person for fear of deeper intimacy and what shadows it will reveal in themselves that they have suppressed for years, can one day be broken. For us to be the first ones to meet our emotions like a child in pain who just wants our attention, and then to be able to share those authentically with our loved ones without a mask. This is what I'm meaning. The heart never lies, it is the evidence. It is free from all programming, all cultural beliefs all memories, and childhood traumas. It is our guiding light. For years I have ignored this feeling that arises in me when speaking to other people which makes me think, just how much more I am unaware of, how much more is left to be discovered and realised. We are truly a fish in water, and unconditional love is what makes us realise that imo.
  15. Leo is continuing walking on the circles. He has already awakened but what he calls infinite awakening is just going on the same circles. And he is right you can awaken to infinite truths but all of them are ONE! It is the addictive side of this search for the Truth. He already has truth but he can find new and new ones but at the same time all of them will be the same truths - that's the paradox of reality... He is in the circle going full circle infinitely. And he is aware of that. Only he can get himself outside this infinite loop. It's a choice really. you can word it infinitely differently but the truth is that there is not such thing as existence or truth or any thing. But real trick here is to continue living after this realization and not get stuck in the infinite loop. If I was Leo I would end the search, get wife and kids and life happily.
  16. Among of all the awakened ones. Both past and modern enlightened masters. Who do you think has reached the highest forms of realization and why do you think so? For me it's Jesus. I don't know Gautama's life that well to assume anything.
  17. Humn, if you were awakened, youd knew "narcissist" people dont exist. But yeah, I forgot, you arent. Do you feel resistance on your body? That also means you arent awakened.
  18. @egoless I didnt say I was awakened. Read it, I didnt say I was at peace. Its just that for almost a month now, I feel calm eryday
  19. first step. Now start post awakening sadhana. If you claim that you are awakened and due to that you feel calmness...
  20. I would probably have the same life, only that I would enjoy it to the fullest. Playing the fullest. Enjoying the the fullest. Making the fullest. Being the fullest.
  21. My opinion: From what i hear and see, i can say maybe he is "egoic" enlightened. True awakening will bring your voice to singer level, and if you are male, one will be able to go very low with the voice, to a bass stage (similar to a radio speaker human being). Even females have a deeper voice after awakening. Yes folks, singers are not born, are awakened. Anyone has the potential. So no, he is only playing with the 6th chakra in my view. <3
  22. @Prabhaker Oh, thank you. But if he had awakened, why would he still meditate' How do you know so much about Buddha, did you study his life?
  23. Just because you give up Ego doesn't mean your life has to become like some kind of monk. You will still do lots of things after you become awakened. You just won't be striving after them for egoic reasons. You'll be much more grounded and calm with life. You won't be neurotic about things. You're not gonna fall off the face of the earth after awakening.
  24. Warning! Yoga comes natural to the Awakened ones, no need to learn it. Who does yoga and is not awakened has the possibility to block themselves. <3
  25. You could astral project into Ajna and Akasha and see it for yourself as happened in real-time feeling space/time. No need of reading or learning if you awakened. <3