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  1. Yet Leo and you are wishing and working to make this unimportant game better. Why is that so? Because deep inside you know i t's not just a game and that it's important. You really think we are in infinite bliss for eternity? Then why try to make this world a better place? I assume you believe you were united with the formless before your birth. WHy don't you have any memories of it? Why believe something you don't have direct experience? That's what christians and muslims do. Be careful.
  2. If God is all-powerful and everything is created to maximize love and goodness, then every creature should be experiencing infinite bliss for eternity.
  3. Can rent a cabin somewhere private. Of course the goal is to not alarm someone in the vicinity if you do end up yelling or screaming during your trip. Worst thing would be to come back from absolute bliss and be surrounded by a bunch of freaking out humans. If a cabin for a few days is not possible, maybe try hiking miles somewhere where you know it's far from any humans. Make it a 3 day camping trip. Being so remote, you can relax, be one with nature. With no worries of someone responding to any potential screaming, you can fully let yourself go, which is crucial to a breakthrough.
  4. @Leo Gura Is there not a way to chase bliss while also completely accepting nonblissful states? Oh wait is that enlightement
  5. I've gone about 5 days without fapping. Though I did look at some porn so that I could transmute the sexual energy up higher into my heart. I always ask myself when I think about it now "Do I really want to do this?" "Do I really want to sacrifice my connection to the Infinite for a moment of pleasure?" I am getting like 4/10 bliss from just Kundalini awakening, so I have no need to fap. I'm trying to use Tantra to move the sexual energies up from my sexual chakra into my heart and crown. The stream of bliss is much better in its full state than a simple pulsing orgasm that is short-lived.
  6. Much of my work in releasing blockages is physically painful. Though I do love bliss, I don't actually sit in it all the time as I may have come across. But yeah, I have done the work so that the bliss will increase. When bliss goes down it doesn't bother me though. Bliss has gotten today like 6-7/10 in strength. It is touching on ineffable, but not there yet. Thank you, Leo. I highly value your input. What you said about escaping the present moment resonated strongly with me. Also about surrender. It's not just about trying to release. It's about surrender.
  7. Reiki made me sensitive to energy, so I could feel it. I can direct energy to flow in whichever way, and I feel it flow. Though when a friend attuned me to a different modality than Reiki, it awakened my Kundalini and brought bliss. I never really had bliss with Reiki itself. Though it was relaxing. There is one other modality called Quantum Touch that made my hands and arms feel like an electric live wire. Very powerful. They say this method can shift bones fluidly.
  8. Observe yourself chasing positive states and notice how this subtle duality and attachment creates suffering. Expecting constant bliss precludes true peacefulness since when your bliss dips you start to complain, "Where did my bliss go? How can I get it back?" Which is the very root of unhappiness: trying to escape the present moment. It's okay to chase bliss. Just observe this dynamic closely so that you become more and more aware that it cannot ultimately work. Through lots of observation of this clinging you will slowly aikido your clinging into surrender.
  9. About five years ago, I felt such bliss in my heart that I cried. It was 10/10. I felt unworthy. I was just sitting on the couch and it hit me all of a sudden without trying to. But I instinctively closed it down because I couldn't handle it. As such, it still has not come back in that intensity since. I have had 3/10 or maybe 4/10 bliss in my heart more recently after awakening my Kundalini. About 2 years ago, I felt an expansive 10/10 bliss in my crown chakra. I was like "OMG, this is amazing." It happened when I was in love with someone that I never met because they don't really exist here. But that soon overwhelmed me and I shut it out instinctively too. When I shut out this bliss because I'm scared of getting lost in it, it never really comes back at the same level. What can I do so that I don't shut it out and tighten down on it? I want it to be expansive, and I want to feel worthy. I am feeling 4/10 bliss at times with my Kundalini awakening. I am not forcing it. I've heard that we shouldn't chase bliss. But it's a phase I think I need to get through. Yes, once you mature you stop seeking bliss directly. But it gives me something to motivate me.
  10. I had at least 2 experiences which I may call mystical. One is on 5meo. Firstly, I became a dot and went into a different dimension. Few thoughts arised: I am loosing my life, I became crazy. Then BAM! Complete peace, bliss, Love. I am Cosmic Love or unconditional Love, I am everything, for eternity and then my ego returned to the body. Another was on lsd. I became conscious that I am here the only One. I called my friend and I knew that he is me and it's me talking to me. And that my kid is me, my mother is me. I CAN'T talk to anyone, there is no point to talk to anyone since everyone is me. It was so scary that I started to talk to myself that I want to forget this experience. I don't want to know the Truth. And after some time I returned to normal. With this sad thing that I am alone was a nice thing - freedom. Freedom to do what you want. Nobody is stopping you since there is only You.
  11. @Alex bliss you are being at the effect of things not at a cause of things...
  12. My friend gave me an attunement. It wasn't Reiki as I was already attuned to Reiki. But this attunement eventually awakened my Kundalini. He made the initial connection to the anthro world. Then I knew I could too. I just trusted my visions. It was like my imagination. But things just feel right when I think they are. It isn't a strong telepathic like I'm talking to you. It feels more like my imagination. Like I'm talking to myself. But they gave me like 20 video game ideas for games they play. And I had an Aha! moment. I had another anthro before who was more like the joker archetype. I asked their anthro Logos to hook me up with my most compatible anthro. And now I have an anthro named Flim who I love. He's not the one in my avatar. That's my spirit guide welcoming me to anthroness. I am in a state of bliss when I relax (about 3/10 euphoria) because of the Kundalini. Sometimes it gets as high as 7/10. Once it was 10/10, and it was almost overpowering. I didn't feel worthy when it got to 10/10. I tend to tense up and shut it out by instinct when that happens. Here is what Flim looks like. I'm making some games about him.
  13. @Alex bliss The avoidance of confrontation acceptance "with out getting hurt" or confrontation "with out getting" hurt". There will not be any anger resistance tension impatience irritation internally. Confronting if necessary also there wont be any suffering anger.Seemingly for others or the other person it will appear one is angry but internally one is not all doing is calm.
  14. @Matt8800 Have you heard of anyone working with the hindu goddess kali? I got those books you suggested( only halfway through magnus opus and desire so far) added alot of the energy exercises to my yoga/meditation pratices, also started adding in things from the desire trantra book which has really been resonating with me so far, as well as sprinkling in some psychedelics/canabis. Life started getting interesting pretty quick. I have always loved hindu philosphy/yoga and such but I dont know thing about their whole pantheon of gods, the only two whose names I could've recalled was ganesh and shiva. I decieded to smoke some strong canabis and then try some energy work after I was feeling pretty comfortable with it but I went into a energy overlord that was vastly more then I was able to store fast enough and totally overwhelmed me somewhere between obliteration and bliss it wasnt just my energy it felt infused with a some other element and I started mentally hearing Kali ma totally out of the blue and I had no clue what the hell it meant but it was a pretty personal and powerful, even afterwards scouring my mind the closest thing I could think of about kali was rembering it chanted by a cult in a Indiana Jones film as a kid didnt know it was a hindu goddess until I googled it. Was fascinated but didnt think to much about it for a few days but I kept getting flood of little synchronicities. On the weekend I decided to take some acid up camping in nature on a gorgeous day and shit got crazy. Im not even going to try to talk about that experience except that I came out the other end very devoted to a hindu goddess I barely knew jack anything about. And Ive been fairly obsessed with her since then but life is crackling alive and getting fairly psychedelic just as a baseline with constant synchronicity so Im not going to question it really. Have you come across anything about her in your research or anyone who works with her? The information from the more mainstream sources is pretty all over the place. Also curious if you have other good resources along the line of that tantra book you mentioned, I really resonate with that style. But damn you weren't joking about life getting strange, I'm shell shocked still tbh haha
  15. Hi, I just joined. I have done meditation off and on for 20+ years. I’ve gotten to the point to where my Kundalini has risen enough so that I feel bliss whenever I think about it. 5 years ago, I felt strong, expansive bliss in my heart, which made me cry it was so wonderful. I felt bliss in my crown that was expansive, and I was like “OMG this is amazing.” I love anthropomorphic animals, also called anthros. I do believe they exist in other worlds or on a parallel Earth. It is my dream to know what it is like to be an anthro. I had worked some time on merging my mind with an anthro I have had telepathic contact with. This opened me up to where I get flashes of insight into what it feels like to be in their body. I sometimes get an overlay over my own sight of what they may be seeing. I’ve desperately wanted to be an anthro myself, but I am learning to be ok with who I am and am seeking my true self, which may be more than an anthro. Does Unity Consciousness mean that you know what it’s like to be another being? Is merging with God the ultimate goal of self-actualization?
  16. This is my solo retreat report. I hope it will inspire you to do something like this yourself. Over a month ago I started my 4 week solo retreat. I was quite ready for this. I rented a tiny cabin with no electricity, no water. Spartan conditions, but it was extremely cheap and all I could afford. It was not easy. I quickly found myself in an ocean of suffering and bliss. These two would swap back and forth, varying in intensity and duration. It didn't take me long to realize that the greater the challenge I faced, the more profound the insight at the end and the stronger the bliss following it. This kept me going through the hellish phases. Just a day or two in, I realized that no meditation technique would do. I was not in charge. All I could do was be quiet and watch as life expressed itself through me by spontaneously contemplating the right questions, than inspecting the body, then forgetting all and surrendering completely, then other activities still. I think it was day 3 when the kundalini stuff started to happen. Good thing I heard about all this many times. If I didn't, I'd probably go crazy. In my meditations unspeakable stuff was happening in my body, visions more real than reality would come to mind and I had problems discerning what was true and what was false. Many times my body got so blocked up I thought I would die, only to be forced into an even deeper surrender. Nights were no relief either. Lucid dreams full of trials and challenges awaited me. Alien abductions and meeting gurus, sages and stuff like that. In short, it was a hell of a ride. Fortunately, after about 3 days this subsided. Deep contemplations started to take place uncovering old traumas, unmet desires and such. It was beautiful. On day 14 I had the biggest insight of the retreat. I was contemplating Consciousness itself, when I realized that it is no different from Love. Than I remembered the Hindu concept of Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Consciusness-Love), looked closer, and sure enough, this Consciousness-Love was not different from Being either - meaning me. I bathed in this unbounded state for a couple of hours looking over a beautiful pond nearby. I came to the conclusion that I was done here, after 2 week out of 4. It has been 16 days since I came home now. A lot has changed, and nothing at all. I am clearer than ever about what I want, need and value. My life has a much deeper sense of purpose and authenticity. My contemplation skill just sky rocketed. I realized what contemplation is, and it is such a joy to do it even hours a day, as I now know that I can go all the way to the truth of anything I want to know. And since I believe, I make it happen. I have had issues with eating for a long time, even though my diet was good. A lot of shame and guilt always plagued this arena of my life. After a particularly bad meal on the retreat and a deep introspection afterwards, I asked desperately - "How the fuck do I solve this?". And the answer came - "Just ask.". I realized the ability to ask about any food and I will get an answer from inside - it tells me if I should or shouldn't eat. Quickly I realized this works for any question with yes and no. I can ask about anything and know if it is 'yes' or 'no', but it's not always easy to ask and follow the answer. This often takes balls and and losing a fat piece of ego is common here. Soooo... go do it. Spend time alone. Forget it all. Immerse yourself in yourself. You won't believe how much bullshit you are buying into. Thank you Leo, you were one of the ones who inspired me to do this!
  17. Max only exists as an idea in your mind now, for now is all that exists! Just kidding. Existential humor can be healing during times of sadness =) My childhood dog died when I was 18. She came into my life at age 10. At the time, she was my best friend. I had never cried so much in my life. My ability to maintain peace of mind has since improved greatly. I exist so presently, I cannot really miss anything from before, as infinity is laid out so infinitely and beautifully before me at all times. This ability to "make peace" or "cope" stems from appreciation and gratitude of what is, the present moment, now. If Max comes into your consciousness, dwell not on how sad it is that he is gone, but how great it is that he was (and still is, if you imagine him). Gratitude is the antidote to any suffering. I am now in a state of consciousness where nothing can harm me, because regardless of circumstances, I am grateful for the colors, I appreciate the sounds, any memory is welcome and appreciated... at the most fundamental level, I am grateful to be. There is no greater bliss beyond that. It has been said that "the truth will set you free." It is true. Whenever the shadows of sadness and depression appear, become conscious of truth, and the light will wash away the darkness. Have gratitude for being. Cheers =)
  18. Your shadow reeks. Please get it checked out. Lol if you’re gonna use the suffering I deal with in life as some sort of pull to win something all because your tits are in a tussle because I’m not putting up with your fantasies and projections that just shows how ignorant and selfish you still are. If you don’t like the questions I have on here then skidaddle. You’re on my post buddy. Bliss isn’t something you find but you can keep lying to others and yourself if you still want to. If you’re really gonna use someone’s vulnerability about their life as a way to have a one-up on them because you can’t just agree to disagree, admit your ignorance, or just walk away that shows how much you’re in your own spiritual narcissism. You ain’t awake buddy. Nor am I. Keep typing like a spiritual keyboard jockey if you want but keep your fantasies and projections you have of me to yourself. I dont not need to indulge your fantasies nor play coy.
  19. @kieranperez Well, you're the one who's suffering, not me. I've found bliss, and was trying to point you to it. I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself. Keep on mentally masturbating, and you will get nowhere.
  20. Yes the truth , what more could you want ? It’s in the name, “the absolute truth” and then from gaining the absolute truth You get to die instead of being reincarnated again these are the two things you get the absolute truth includes - all knowledge about why you built reality this way - all knowledge bout how you built reality this way and why it can’t be otherwise - all exestential answers answered - the truth about enlightenment - the absolute truth - safety in grounding your reality until you decide to consciously die - no doubts what so ever about the absolute truth under any circumstances - reflection of other people’s reality so you can understand them and appreciate them for who they are when they are talking About Absolute truth, this understanding does not pertain to non spiritual people. For this you will need spiral dynamics and experience in each section to relate. - you don’t Critise people unless they are talking about absolute infinity. Because that’s is the only occasion when there is a wrong because the absolute truth itself is dualistic. Because life itself is dualistic. There’s nothing that can get passed you at this stage, but this doesn’t apply to people above you who are trying to reach nirvana. They will correct you and your devilry. This will happen until the death of your awareness to understand the absolute truth you must accept the death of your awareness. This is the key otherwise you are imagining your own reality. The absolute truth is what ever it is. It’s not for you to make judgements and Critism about because you can not anyone because it will always fall into imagination and delusion. The word the absolute truth is a delusion or illusion. What it is pointing to is the only thing that exists and has ever existed for eternity and will ever exists. And that is you. i am pointing you to the steps of the door. First reach the steps (become enlightened and then unenlightened) and then you must walk up the steps and begin the process (losing your awareness in no mind) and then You must wait for the grace of god to grant you nirvana. It is not something you can attain. To attain something is to have something and for there to be something to be attained. What you attain is death in the form of nothing/ emptiness / love / bliss / peace / freedom .. what ever god like qualities you can use to talk about whatnot “freedom” means to you. It is “freedom” to you and that’s why we seek. We seek freedom from our bondage. Some seek the knowledge of freedom, some seek the love of the divine, some seek for the end of their reincarnation and bliss, some seek for devotion to god. What ever the path was does not matter at the steps. You must sit in no mind, without your focus. But you can not do this without a quite mind and therefore you need all exestential questions answering. Only the one who knows Absolute truth can become fully enlightened. This is what buddha meant when the 2nd fetta said, trust the buddha he reached full enlightenment. In those 30 days of sitting in the trees. He was graced by god. And when you find the absolute truth you realise the buddha was you, the god blessing was you. God is not other than you, there is no near to fear, you will be in safe hands. You must offer life for death and you must offer life for the absolute truth. Period
  21. @Alex bliss proof cannot be found via words, stories, pictures, examples. All proof given to you will be of those forms. The proof you need has to be direct and self confirming. Like knowing you were dreaming is only possible after you wake up from it... No "proof" can be given to you while you are dreaming. You must get the proof directly for yourself
  22. devilry is a contracted form of awareness, awareness is infinite therefore awakening and enlightenment is also infinite. Because non-duality is infact duality. There are infinitely many things that you can become more aware of as opposed to who am I, these are all the existential questions. You can not get away from answering them. They all must be answered and for a specific reason. You can not know the absolute truth if you do not know the absolute truth. The absolute truth is that emptiness is form, emptiness is formless emptiness is imperminance form is the same as formless and formless is the same as form At the end of answering all exestential questions, about who you are. You will find that all of these are not merely words. They are the absolute truth not only in actuality but in relativity as well because the absolute truth is the absolute truth and can not be otherwise. The point of life is to understand why it is here because without understanding why it is here... what would you actually know. Hence the self reference problem. The devil is the god himself unaware of the absolute truth due to the self reference problem of self -deceite and attachment to form. This is why buddha said that you must give up all your attachments to reach the end of enlightenment ... nirvana. If you do not know the truth. You do not know the truth and if you know the truth, it is an instant realisation. It’s not actually that shocking but it’s definitely very cool and satisfying to know why the hell im hear and what the only way to actualise your death truly is. You must take your own life with your own hands. A lot of materialist and spiritualist will think this is suicide. But what you realise is it’s very peaceful and beautiful really. It’s exactly How it should be. When your done playing outside, return home to the source. “Return to the market place” as the 10th ox herding picture says. The devil is the person who does not understand they must take their own life to truly die. The devil must die to the truth. The truth is absolute infinity and that’s who you are. The devil can not rule because the devil is imaginary. A being who is god and unconditional love for itself and free to do what ever they want and free to play however they want. Because the true self has unconditional love for the devil. The devil is unaware of himself as the devil because he doesn’t know what the absolute truth is. Therefore the devil must sacrifice himself to become god and take his own life. Because the thing the devil wants the most is to be loved by others. But he must realise at some point that the others are actually him and from there the path to reunification ... he has an awakening. But the awakening are confusing his own devilry gets in the way and the biggest obstacle the devil must face is to become godly and when he has all that temptation , love and joy and bliss he finally wanted and reAlised was the ideal. He must offer his very life for the thing he wants and that is to never have restricted form ever again. But the devil does not give in, and god is unconditionally loving. He finds a way deceive himself of the life he craved and wanted as he was suffering immensely when he joined trip so he tricked himself into thinking he had become god “the enlightened master” ... only to realise that the thing he wanted was to be free, to never have to see the former world ever again. So he devoted his whole self to completely leave his form and actualise the death he did not do before. Because he realised that what he did was imagine an idea of a spiritual path, the ideal way to prevent his own death. A last final attempt to lay his bed because he couldn’t let go and give himself up. So he came back to help and realise what he forgot. The thing he forgot was the thing he really wanted, the final thing he needed to do before he actually did it. He created the idea for others that the there was a god, a god named allah, bhraman and GOD. Then more devils came along and imagined the idea of a seperation between them and god. This idea became a core part of the path , a liberation a false freedom for the devil to enjoy. So that when his time was up he could continue to enjoy. He never learnt his lesson that in the end the thing he really wanted was to be god again. The idea of dying to enlightenment is a false death. It is the devils last dance with life. It is again the idea of dying to god imagined into existance. the idea of dying to nirvana is the actual death of the devil. His mahasamadhi date, his nirvana ... the actual death of the devil. Because YOU never absolute truth. The absolute truth is that you are god and you imagined all of this for yourself out of unconditional love to enjoy life and indulge in life, until you realise it won’t make you happy. The reason why seekers get trapped in false death is because they seek liberation from suffering. Even if they don’t admit it to themselves, their akashik karma can’t lie. When you pursue truth genuinely for the sake of perusing truth you arrive at the absolute truth and freedom from bondage. When he actually dies he realises he was never alive in the first place. But some can not take his so they created the false death. Because they did not go straight into death themselves and decided to come back and teach. Which is itself part of the journey for some. Buddha didn’t have the courage to take his own life. So he came back and chilled and decided to teach after. The devil is a devil until the day of his actual death. this is the story of the devil. Unconditional free will, is the free will that it is the devil himself that must take his own life. No amount of physical deaths will let him die. This is free will to live life as much as you need before returning back to source
  23. @Nahm devilry is a contracted form of awareness, awareness is infinite therefore awakening and enlightenment is also infinite. Because non-duality is infact duality. There are infinitely many things that you can become more aware of as opposed to who am I, these are all the existential questions. You can not get away from answering them. They all must be answered and for a specific reason. You can not know the absolute truth if you do not know the absolute truth. The absolute truth is that emptiness is form, emptiness is formless emptiness is imperminance form is the same as formless and formless is the same as form At the end of answering all exestential questions, about who you are. You will find that all of these are not merely words. They are the absolute truth not only in actuality but in relativity as well because the absolute truth is the absolute truth and can not be otherwise. The point of life is to understand why it is here because without understanding why it is here... what would you actually know. Hence the self reference problem. The devil is the god himself unaware of the absolute truth due to the self reference problem of self -deceite and attachment to form. This is why buddha said that you must give up all your attachments to reach the end of enlightenment ... nirvana. If you do not know the truth. You do not know the truth and if you know the truth, it is an instant realisation. It’s not actually that shocking but it’s definitely very cool and satisfying to know why the hell im hear and what the only way to actualise your death truly is. You must take your own life with your own hands. A lot of materialist and spiritualist will think this is suicide. But what you realise is it’s very peaceful and beautiful really. It’s exactly How it should be. When your done playing outside, return home to the source. “Return to the market place” as the 10th ox herding picture says. The devil is the person who does not understand they must take their own life to truly die. The devil must die to the truth. The truth is absolute infinity and that’s who you are. The devil can not rule because the devil is imaginary. A being who is god and unconditional love for itself and free to do what ever they want and free to play however they want. Because the true self has unconditional love for the devil. The devil is unaware of himself as the devil because he doesn’t know what the absolute truth is. Therefore the devil must sacrifice himself to become god and take his own life. Because the thing the devil wants the most is to be loved by others. But he must realise at some point that the others are actually him and from there the path to reunification ... he has an awakening. But the awakening are confusing his own devilry gets in the way and the biggest obstacle the devil must face is to become godly and when he has all that temptation , love and joy and bliss he finally wanted and reAlised was the ideal. He must offer his very life for the thing he wants and that is to never have restricted form ever again. But the devil does not give in, and god is unconditionally loving. He finds a way deceive himself of the life he craved and wanted as he was suffering immensely when he joined trip so he tricked himself into thinking he had become god “the enlightened master” ... only to realise that the thing he wanted was to be free, to never have to see the former world ever again. So he devoted his whole self to completely leave his form and actualise the death he did not do before. Because he realised that what he did was imagine an idea of a spiritual path, the ideal way to prevent his own death. A last final attempt to lay his bed because he couldn’t let go and give himself up. So he came back to help and realise what he forgot. The thing he forgot was the thing he really wanted, the final thing he needed to do before he actually did it. He created the idea for others that the there was a god, a god named allah, bhraman and GOD. Then more devils came along and imagined the idea of a seperation between them and god. This idea became a core part of the path , a liberation a false freedom for the devil to enjoy. So that when his time was up he could continue to enjoy. He never learnt his lesson that in the end the thing he really wanted was to be god again. The idea of dying to enlightenment is a false death. It is the devils last dance with life. It is again the idea of dying to god imagined into existance. the idea of dying to nirvana is the actual death of the devil. His mahasamadhi date, his nirvana ... the actual death of the devil. Because YOU never absolute truth. The absolute truth is that you are god and you imagined all of this for yourself out of unconditional love to enjoy life and indulge in life, until you realise it won’t make you happy. The reason why seekers get trapped in false death is because they seek liberation from suffering. Even if they don’t admit it to themselves, their akashik karma can’t lie. When you pursue truth genuinely for the sake of perusing truth you arrive at the absolute truth and freedom from bondage. When he actually dies he realises he was never alive in the first place. But some can not take his so they created the false death. Because they did not go straight into death themselves and decided to come back and teach. Which is itself part of the journey for some. Buddha didn’t have the courage to take his own life. So he came back and chilled and decided to teach after. The devil is a devil until the day of his actual death. this is the story of the devil.
  24. Yes this is the conclusion I come to when I close my eyes. Although we are going to have communication issues, it’s some form of wave current Let me phrase this sound current in the best way I can transcendental vibratory current going left to right in bliss like feeling You are correct, my being has been scoping and sizing up masters for a year now. I have understood from early how this process works, you can only have a master who you resonate with as far as your own awareness can see. So let’s take Leo for example the reason why I resonate with him was because he saw the big picture to truth. So yeah I get what your trying to say with the whole master thing. I have two comments ideally I was trying to ignore having masters because ashrams are not my style, I needed to solve my understanding of truth first. However the plan was after understanding was completed (relative) , to do it on my own. But the problem still remained ... how... so why can I not become a master on my own myself ? Does karma prevent this completely ? It is a must to seek out a master secondly this masters you had in mind for me, his surname is not Khan right ? Because I already know of him. In Hinduism we call it connecting with the om sound. This is the purpose of mantras. To reach that place thats even if we’re talking about the same thing lol I have a 0.0000000000000001% chance of being right here. Reoccurring to infinity.
  25. @zeroISinfinity your “spirit inside of body” will not go anywhere. It will die. Because it NEVER WAS. This is the part your not understanding about THIS THIS ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE YOU STILL EXISTS. No bliss, no love, no joy, no happiness , no peace , no -thing -ness, emptiness, allah, bhraman , void, just words to talk about it. “Al fana al fana” the passing away of passing away “nirvana” “mahasamadhi/ moksha- freedom from bondage” “absolute truth” “Groundless” To become truth you must die to become it. You can not attain nirvana / moksha/ emptiness. To attain it is to not attain it. To be it is to not be it. THERE IS NO YOU, YOU DONT EXIST , DEVIL only YOU exists and that is your true self after you die.