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  1. @GafaRassaDaba That sounds like a really rough entry and I feel for you. You must have been pretty open minded before the trip, to have such a glimpse. I hope you can remain open minded. As you’ve already experienced, sometimes what you know most, turns out to be opposite, and sometimes the depth makes precisely that difference. Psychadelics are a throw of the dice, I wouldn’t rule them out & assume you’ve digested the big picture, but I would look into some daily practices & theory to build a foundation first. As an analogy, I feel like you saw the photo, and now as you experience more, and surrender, let it settle, the details come more into focus, making all the difference. Some find freedom in infinity, some find unification in no-self, some find inner peace in love, some an effortlessness & synchronicity in their days. All of this is for you too. All of it. So if you can empty the cup again, there’s more. The one thing we can’t do, is filter now, through a lens of the past, through a memory, through a projection. That, begins the weaving of an “I” which “knows”. On a more personal, and relative note - Yogananda was awakened as a fetus. You might be one of those rare birds born with high consciousness, but not yet aware of this. There may very well be a GafaRassaDaba sized map in this yet.
  2. A Bodhisattva is someone who has awakened. That ain't JP.
  3. I think and feel like you. I hate this society, the system, the rat-race slavery and how dumb are people are nowadays. And in the future, according the elites agenda to only be one mixed race, more dumb, easily governable, zombies of instant gratification. Sometimes I think I dont want to have children to make them struggle in this modern slavery of agressive competition and, mainstream conditioning and indoctrination. I also feel alone and misunderstood, Im not interested of my friends, like you say they are like dogs. I'd like to have awakened friends like me and have interesting . The key to feel better is gratitude. Life is a gift and experiencing it as pure awareness living a human experience seeing, tasting, smelling, breathing is sacred and beautiful.
  4. @sgn It's got nothing to do with reality or facts. If you get triggered, that's ALL you! It's all about how your mind is failing to understanding the complexities of reality, denying reality. The reality is, people eat animals and you don't like it. That's not the world's problem, that's your problem. Don't project it on them. Own it. Triggering is never in the situation, it's in YOUR interpretation of the situation. If you were fully awakened, Hitler himself torturing kittens would not trigger you.
  5. ive also had a paranormal experience (seeing a ghost or spirit) for context im 20 years old and have never had any similar experiences until I had an awakening and started meditating this year so i can say that in my experience there are other 'realms' which can be perceived in our own i have a speculation or intuition that these experiences only happen to those who are not afraid (or in other words those who are awakened to some degree). but im just speculating
  6. Yes, that's what i feel, but I don't want to push her, like i am a needy person,. Ajasatya said i must be healthy, I don't know how to react in a healthy way,. I understand mind because our job here is self awareness, i know minds are not working like that, being numb? And you don't feel any emotions anymore? Is imposible right??? Unless you are awakened i guess? Maybe i'm wrong, i promise to myself I don't want a girl in my life because i'm just fixing my life situation to have money, because i am not ready , but I can't keep that promise hahah!! I don't want to repress my sexuality for the sake of my problem.. yes sexuality is an illusion but right now i have that right now
  7. For me, it was important to let go of my conventional understanding of the terms. The conventional use of the term "everything" includes things outside of other things. Example: The house fire destroyed everything (in the house). In common language, we don't use the term "everything" to *really* mean everything. Rather, we mean every - thing (every individual thing) that we separate out from other things. Here, we mean every individual object inside the house. This is a very limited use of "everything" as it doesn't include any-thing outside of the house. If someone said "The house fire destroyed everything" - we assume this doesn't *really* mean everything. Just the every single thing in the house. When someone who is awakened to this uses the term "everything" it can seem odd because the listener has never heard it used in this context and has never themself used the term in this context. There has always been a limit to everything and one could conceive of some-thing outside of everything. Yet here, we really, really do mean everything. No limits. No "I like everything", "everything she cooks. . .". We mean everything with no limit or condition. If it really is everything, then all individual things are included in everything. ALL things are within everything. This is a radically different way to use the term. . . Here, there is no - thing (no individual thing) outside of every - thing. So, every-thing is no-thing. Now, the term "everything" doesn't make conventional sense, so some people may use other terms like absolute infinity rather than absolutely everything.
  8. Hell yeah MDMA is great, especially in a setting like this. Its an experience that everyone should have at least once. Can almost guarantee that you will experience infinity on it. The stuff awakened me.
  9. This journal is intended to be a place where I record my continued alignment into the vibration of love. I hope for this to be a further inspiration for myself, and all those reading to become the fully awakened, loving, grateful and disciplined human beings that you are. My spiritual practices thus far to open the Pineal Gland 30 minutes of meditation (This technique) An hour or two of sungazing OMAD Raw fruit and vegetable diet (With some fasts to come!) Distilled water (4 litres) 19 minutes of the Divine Headstand (Working my way up to 45 minutes ) Rebounding (20 minutes) + anticlockwise spinning (5 minutes ish) Practices to open the Heart Chakra Saying I love you in my head 24/7 (The most powerful practice is this one!) Searching for things in each moment that I appreciate, or that I'm grateful for (such as waking up that morning). I do this because I have a deep passion to teach people about spirituality in an understandable and simple way. I intend to be an inspiration to you all who read this journal, and secretly in everyday life to mirror your potential through my own. (If I can do it, you can do it!) I love you all so much just as you are <3 I'm grateful to be here of service.
  10. @SoonHei For me, an initial stage was to observe thoughts and realize I am not a thought. There is something aware of the thought. Yet, this awareness is no-thing. It is not any particular thing, so not a thing. My current stage is getting to know that awareness. Awakened beings I’ve listened to suggest the next stage is a realization that consciousness/awareness is everything. There is no separation. My mind likes to intellectualize it as a concept, yet I don’t experience it in my direct experience. I see me here and the table over there. I’ve found vision is overwhelmingly object-space oriented. However, I’ve found sound is MUCH weaker at this. For me, this has been a next step after I’ve had the witnessing of thoughts. The realization came with a bird chirp, yet works for any sound. One day while meditating, with my eyes closed, a thought arose in my mind and I obseved it. Then something else (a sound) arose in my mind and I observed it. Prior to giving either of them any meaning, I noticed both appearances were remarkably similar. Like *really* similiar. I saw how my brain was conditioned to define the appearance as a bird chirp that occurrd outside of my self. Yet in my direct experience, the appearance of the thought and chirp were both in awareness. There was no inside vs outside. When I let go and just observed the two appearances, it’s hard to observe differences. I need to *add* on meaning / identification to create the experience of relevance and separation. In a relative, personal world, thoughts about my career, life purpose, ethics etc will seem to have more relevance than a trivial bird chirp. Yet, if I really get down to their substance I sense something else. I can enter this space only with sounds and my eyes closed in meditation. Vision has a much deeper object - space orientation.
  11. @MrDmitriiV Everyone's path is different. Lots of people get awakened even without meditating much, practicing yoga, knowing about chakras, taking psychedelics, etc. Use other's teachings as suggestions, not requirements. I personally had the shift while self-inquiring guided by Leo in his Creating an Experience of No-self video and never had to do/try anything else after that.
  12. @Chrissy j I'm in the process of awakening. Based on how I resonate with awakened speakers, I'd say I've turned a corner and am at an immature stage of awakening. I'm at a stage where there is a sense of an "I am" that is free from, and aware of, all aspects of "the person". All feelings, thoughts, memories, the life story, opinions, beliefs, concepts etc. It is aware of all the conditioning my person has undergone. It is attached to none of it. This "I am" is totally neutral / empty and does not identify with "the person". It is no thing. However, the person keeps returning with various levels of identification. Sometimes there is nearly complete identification with the person, sometimes there is virtually no identification - and also everything in-between. I realized millions of years of evolution and a lifetime of non-stop social conditioning has created this person and it seems like it will take some time to recondition into my true nature. Recently, this "I am" has become aware of itself leading to an energetic shift. The seeking energy has dissolved. A new energy wanting to be the "I am" consciousness is emerging. There is a sense there the person can no longer return to how it was. A sense this "I am" will continue this process. I have found it's MUCH easier to de-identify with the person when the person is relaxed. Meditation, traditional yoga, kriya yoga etc. can help settle down the person and allow space. As well, psychology and personal development can help relax the person. Learning about why my person experiences anxiety, fear, jealousy etc. Observing how my character grasps at pleasure and avoids being uncomfortable. Learning how to sit and be still when my person is uncomfortable and wants to escape. All this promotes a more balanced, relaxed person, which allows for deeper revelations to appear.
  13. I don't know how many people awakened on this forum , or had a glimpse of enlightenment ... But where do you think reality takes place really ? Does it exist only when you perceive it , or is it existing even if no one is perceiving it ? for exemple, does a rock exist when no one is here to perceive it ? how do we define the reality of something , if that something isn't perceived or measured ?
  14. strangely so this is again a paradoxal showcase of how spirituality functions those who are more in non-duality tend to paradoxally over-identify with others your enlightenment is not another one's enlightenment guru's show the way but they are only guru's to those who are unawakened whats gonna happen when we're all awakened? we'll all be like buddha? nu-uh, life is infinity, it is more, not less you are completely unique now, what makes you think that attaining a higher vibration will make you more similar to anyone? enlightenment means higher vibration, even more unique then ever before your enlightenment has nothing to do with mine or any guru, that is what makes it so exciting and wonderful guru's only show the way to yourself, whats inside is yours to discover, and it seems like you have a divine vision over being enlightenment in a completely new way, thats awesome guru's are merely friends trying to point the way, they are not better buddha is not better, sadghuru is not better, not mooji not anyone else on this planet is better or worth more, only when we know that truth may we start listening to what is being said to help us
  15. Ive just had another moment of awareness, putting things into perspective. It feels like in daily life I am caught up in an pseudo-awakened alter ego and totally clouded, totally filled with concepts and beliefs, so clouded that it makes me depressed. An ego with stories around awakening, feelings and experiences that are clearly mind filtered. That is the default state of my mind. I begin doubting, feeling like I just pretend things happened a certain way when they actually were just mind-distorted so I could put them into words. I look at this self and it is so far away from reality. It makes me absurdly sad, very very sad looking how deep I fell. And yet I am still unconsciously always caught up in it. Pls take me out of it, this realization is very heartbreaking somehow. I have already had such realization where I cried because I realized how unconsciously deep I fell without even noticing it driving me to the point of thinking about suicide. This poor soul just didnt know it better because it got dragged away in the mind's stream of stories. That is probably the reason I have no clear sense of self - it is so clouded and manipulated by the mind.
  16. A lot of great insight and honest perspectives in this discussion. I think it's completely understandable for the OP to wonder -- what's the point of being enlightened? What's the big deal if someone has awakened to the illusion and realized that nothing was there to be awoken? The language used to describe enlightenment makes it seems like nothing really changes -- but the change is simply the realization -- and the realization itself has a snowball effect on every thought and belief that has shaped your entire subjective world. It changes how you relate to the world around you -- and most importantly, in my opinion, -- changes how you FEEL. You won't have the same heaviness, harsh emotions, and psychological baggage you used to carry. Hence, you become en-LIGHT-ened. Keep in mind, this is after a pretty extreme dismantling process of the falsehoods that come into light after the realization. Again, the language that's often used to describe enlightenment makes it seem like nothing changes at all or that there's nothing you can absolutely do -- that confuses people sometimes and leads them to question -- why even bother? As for psychadelics, it's obviously not a ticket to a permanent state of enlightenment, but it can be effective for giving you a glimpse of your true nature without the ego. Interestingly, if you read all the trip reports on Erowid, especially the bad ones lol, you'll notice that the user will come to a point where they lose the sense of themselves and don't even know who they are anymore. If they're not ready for it, they might freak out and call their mom or something along those lines lol. But if you have a notion that you'll experience your ego dissolving while on it, it can be very effective in recognizing what that's like -- so you can better discern the ego and the real you in your normal non-drugged state. - Omar |
  17. This is a really significant post. In general, imo, a lot of people (forum wise) are ignoring the pyramid and trying to “be” Turqoise / Nondual / Enlightened, and it is causing a lot of unneeded stress and confusion. Living in your parents house and making arguments for your own ‘having awakened’ when you have yet to attain financial & emotional self reliance, for example. So there is a grosse lack of appreciation & humility in many cases, which detrimentally stunts personal growth by means of frustration. Or to put it simple, it’s like someone pretending they’re a millionaire online for so long that they never actually developed themselves by becoming a millionaire - or a sage, or enlightened, etc. Or someone pretending they are self actualized for so long they never accomplish holding down a job by being able to communicate and work with others effectively. Shadow work, imo, is the most underutilized & under-appreciated work. As if everyone just figures they can skip it. I suppose that’s an inherent challenge of the nature of ego. Or in the biggest picture, it’s like not doing much for yourself, your life, your happiness, because you’re “already” self actualized, having negated all the things you want in life by nullifying, but in actuality having fooled yourself. I wonder if this is an offset of having access to people who are self actualized..?
  18. around the time that I awakened was the time that I experienced the most thoughts, that moment when I really questioned who I am my thoughts were racing I felt I was going mad ever since being on the path of enlightenment, involving meditation and mindfulness in my daily life it would seem that there is more space where I do not think, where I am, this space has evolved to form a galactic ocean and it sometimes feels bigger then the story of my daily life paradoxically I'm realizing I have not been thinking less, on the contrary, never have I paid more attention to my thoughts ever since trying to enlighten, there has been more thoughts, more focus, but in the right direction its as if now I think in a lethal way, multi-threaded, synchronistically, constructs of thoughts, dimensions of thought thought has revealed itself for me to be as physical as throwing a punch a thought is energy, every thought, every projection in the past or the future, it is all so much energy it would seem that I am running out, coming to a stand stil, it takes so much energy to not be who you truly are a thought is a projection in another dimension, when you think you are not here, its like a quantum leap, this is how far we go in our seeking I'm at a point where I naturally go thoughtless at certain moments, actually for most of the day no matter how you seek enlightenment you will get there every effort, every thought, nothing is wasted, everything burns every direction leads to home, eventually the mask will break every single moment of seeking is going on endlessly, every moment of the past burning now, even those moments in the future, the plans you have already made, the efforts you are already doing in a mental dimension, months or years from now, those plans those projects, seeking there now its pure rocket fuel being blasted, in every direction, till there's nothing left, too tired, no will to seek anymore, and then one arrives
  19. Hi @Leo Gura I wanted to clarify some things and report on my progress. When I wrote my last post, the question wasn't implying the Enlightenment was just a hallucination. On the contrary, I recognize the reality of mystical awareness. I was trying to articulate the idea that subconscious programming and intention have us "tap into" a particular slice of reality. That slice of reality says, "Nothing is real. Everything is Nothing. There is no something". If you think of the awareness as a radio tuner, then what I was saying was that various mystical cultures only "tune" into a particular reality. Regardless, that's not what I really wanted to talk about today. For the past two years of my life, I've been highly resentful of people and of general culture because I thought people were devaluing the things that I loved. As a result, I wouldn't listen to people because I felt that it was a way to take me away from those very same things. It's only now that I realize that people were just trying to help me grow up and become more mature as a person. I've already talked about the value that I hold dearly for intellectual life and philosophy. It's the bold effort to secure for human knowledge the satisfaction of piercing into the Mysteries. Thrice that though, is the recognition of the beauty of the elevation of our consciousness through the human imagination. The imagination... ferment to great visions, and the enthralling beauty of that peculiar understanding host only to the play of ideas. I want to give more context... when I talk about this, I don't want to present the image of a very cold person, who only understands logic as symbols. It all started in my literature class. Something awakened in me as I allowed myself to get lost the daydreams of characters, romantic images of wilderness and the gentle passing of time set against what seemed to be paintings in the imagination. The rest is merely the attempt to envision truth, knowing that it is beautiful when put together. No, envisioning the wider reality of the world, knowing that understanding is sublime. What can be the practical value of pure theory seen from this standpoint? I have felt at times as though I have placed myself into a victim complex. I've felt as though I've had to defend my own enjoyment of this. Is this all perverse enjoyment? Or something....noble? More specifically, I have put myself into the mindset as though I was being deprived of the right to love such things if I couldn't see it being shared by other people. It's only now that I realize that the element that I was missing was Self-Love. The rest is my own history. I left because I didn't feel satisfied by this form of spirituality. I wanted to bring to my own attention something... greater. Something able to fulfill my thirst for knowledge. I found the Left Hand Path. I found Magick. I found the Occult. I called to it, it came to me and I came to it. The rest of my development is something I will keep personal, because I don't want to distract this with a discussion on Magick or the Occult. However, I had to mature. I had to grow up. I had to start learn how to take responsibility for my own life. On many levels I am trying to develop myself. I'm looking to develop myself as an entrepreneur. I'm looking to develop myself as a magician. I'm looking to develop myself as a philosopher. I'm looking to develop myself as an intellectual. I'm looking to self-actualize and obtain emotional mastery, and after all this time, I am finally dipping my toes back into Enlightenment practices because I realize something. I realize that if I really wanted to become a true magician, I have to absorb any and every form of knowledge to further my ascent. Yes, that includes the Mystical paradigm as well. I cannot afford to leave it on the table, and yes, technically speaking it's not "knowledge". But the most pressing matter is to develop Wisdom. All kinds of Wisdom, all kinds of mastery from many different people. Life wisdom though, that has been particularly uncomfortable. Leo, I've fallen into the trap of taking my life purpose too seriously. In taking life too seriously, I deprive myself of self-love. I deprive myself of the enjoyment, the pure magic of the things I have passion for. Now, when I think about them in my mind, I feel a contraction in my solar plexus and a raw heat within my chest. I'm also afraid of other people. I'm afraid that I will be criticized and that it will shock me to my core. It's when I begin to look up to all of these masters and people in different areas, I'm realizing all the bullshit I have to clear up in my own life. When I see how you post lately, I see that you've been turning into a wolf, and I don't blame you. I can't blame you. It's the feeling you get when you just feel.... bad, and your heart sinks. Yet, you are slightly terrified. That's where I need advice on self-love. It's not that I don't have confidence necessarily, it's that I feel drained and tired sometimes. It feels like I have to slog it out. I muster my strength to push through, but I only create more internal resistance. I realize that I have to rely on myself to feel loved and cared for, because I can't always control how other people feel. I try to allow myself to enjoy things. Sometimes I just run my hands over the leather of my seat, or I lose myself int the present moment and realize that I am an emptiness devoid of anything. Not staring at anything, but always there. I can't stare at it. I AM it. Leo, I don't have any hard feelings against the forum. I've been curbing my arrogance because finding flaws in others is cheap, understanding is gold.
  20. @Nahm question for you even though "nothing" ever happened... the current moment of NOW . is that not a way to see that? also. what does the "stillness" which is often mentioned by the masters/awakened souls mean? like does one feel "physically" more still or perfectly still as everything else moves about their field of view?
  21. It is all one. Leo as well as many others have said that whatever you may think the TRUTH to be, it isn't it. I don't say that this video here is THE example of what reality is like but from what I have learned thus far, about reality being groundless and infinite, I feel this video comes closest. hen, what this video is depicting is a snapshot of a single moment in 'time' of reality the part about the infinte intelligence of reality is such that as you zoom in deeper and deeper (or zoom out) there is some form of life or forms in general and it is all connected as can be seen in the video so if this snapshot were a moving live image as it were being zoomed in, then that's what the design of reality is like... and maybe not even then, although it comes quite close but for reality.. not only is it "moving" it is all of the possibilities, all at once, present, in such a way that u can zoom in infintely deeper and out infintely and find form/life and it will be all connected like an elegant infinte clockwork. GOD IS GREAT i firmly believe that the structure of reality is as such (those who have awakened or had a glimpse can correct me if needed) and whats the impossiblity or mind-boggling/fucking aspect of it is that upon awkening, you "BECOME" this whole ineffable object... you literally become all of it. just like right now you have 'become' your whole body... you BECOME the WHOLE OF REALITY and to somehow imagine the taste of intelligence.. just notice how intelligent you as a human being are. intelligent in the sense of your cognition, abilites etc all that you do.. now this infinte object, embodying the infinte object = infinte intelligence... we just cannot phatom that... and also for reality, it includes other thoughts/dimensions which are not even shown in the video.. so it really truly is infinite, in infinite dimension What reality is, is a 'single infinite object' (in a way) now, you can't bind an infinte object into form, but for the sake of understanding, imagine an unimaginably large Sphere - and in it, all of reality is contained.. upon enlightment or breakthrough.. you become that 'infinte object' and it cannot be named because what would you call that structure which is seen in the video? it's just called the ALL, the ONE,
  22. Just because some guy on the internet said that there is no death, no bad and no suffering, doesn't mean that you can just start living any way you please without thinking about consequences. In order to be able to do that, you need to really believe that/ have been awakened. Are you enlightened? Because I for myself can't say, that I truly believe there's no suffering just because everything is an illusion. For me, as long as there are creatures that are not enlightened, their suffering and their pain is real! It's real to them, so I can't act like it is not.
  23. You have to apply what you realized on a day to day basis and integrate, ground and eventually crystallize the energy. Just because your state isn't exactly the same as the highly accelerated state in which you experienced during those experiences, doesn't mean nothing has changed, its a gradual process. Find what works best for you and sometimes just by sitting and meditating and reflecting back on that experience can bring you closer to that state of being, may not be the exactly same because everything changes, everything is changing. Writing things down during and reminding self helps. When people Awaken for example, they experience such wonder, joy, love, peace, freedom ect... which lasts for a while until it starts to become normal or more natural to their state of being thus no longer as "surprising" as it used to be and they mistaken this for "losing" the Awakened or Enlightened state when in reality its always there but people tend because of this to buy into the belief system that they have "lost it". and belief systems = reality you buy into. When in reality its always there, ever-present in awareness, you just have to remember how to let go of all beliefs systems again and see its eternal nature as one with you, ever-present and always in the center of awareness. Let go and step back into the center of being, where pure awareness resides, naturally and eternally.
  24. OK, let's say a Christian monastic meditates 10 hours a day for years and reaches a full awakening. Upon seeing himself as everything and nothing, what would keep him adhered and devoted to Christianity? Wouldn't he see beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bible is just a collection of stories? Wouldn't he see that HE is Christ, Allah, the Buddha and leave religion behind as a matter of course? I can understand how a non-fully awakened monk would likely remain devoted to his religion, but it seems to me that a full awakening would lead them to walk out the door every time. Summed up: do fully enlightened people ever keep their previously-held religion? How? Why?
  25. @Paulus Amadeus most of the people he interviews are not enlightened. Not even close. Granted he does interview some highly awakened people. But very few of them.