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  1. I know there's a lot of people on here who are advanced in this work... this post isn't for you, its for the noobs. I actually don't meditate daily(usually 2-3 times a week) as I'm focusing on my career, but every now and then I stumble upon something interesting, and this is the most interesting thing to date - which is not personal to me, but others could benefit from. Before when I do self inquiry, it usually goes along the lines of: ok there is something perceiving the world. That's 'me'. I know 'me' is an illusion because Leo told me its an illusion, so I'm going to focus my awareness on that thing behind my eyes, and through my awareness, become 'aware' that this is an illusion. Sort of a prove its wrong by focusing your awareness on it. Don't do this - its a total misunderstanding of the practice. Instead, accept that you believe that the thing behind the eyes is perceiving the world, and that it contradicts what Leo and other vedantic teachers tell you. Now just ask yourself, what is the thing that's aware of that thing behind the eyes. Focus your awareness on getting the 'big picture' of what's going on. Just try and become aware of everything all at once, including the thing behind the eyes, the stuff happening in front of the eyes, and everything in between. Now just focus your awareness on understanding who is aware of all of this. Like if you think you are something - a soul behind the eyes perceiving the world, that's fine. Just try to be aware of that sensation. Focus a lot of awareness on that(and every other) sensation happening in awareness, and simultaneously focus your awareness on, who is aware of all of this. Try to focus really sharply on who is aware of all of this, while diffusely focusing on being aware of everything at once. If you get this simultaneously, that's gonna make sparks. just as another line of defense, you could also inquire about the sensations in awareness - what are they? Where did they come from? What are they made of? Are they real? C'mon. Just you need to make sure that you can simultaneously do the other stuff aswell, otherwise there's no point doing this. Also asking too many questions can lead to mental masturbation. The focus needs to be on getting in touch with 'what's real'. So the questions(or answers you come up with) cannot be the focus, it needs to be lazer focus on awareness itself, the questions are there to ensure you aren't getting trapped into mental masturbation. And most importantly, don't try to engineer the experience. Don't try to manipulate it to get bliss, or to get the experience/sensation that its an illusion just so you can pat your back on the shoulder that you became aware of what Leo said and tell yourself you had a successful meditation. ok once I did this, I realized duality isn't an illusion, its simply just a creation of God. Its a manifestation of God, a shallow level below God, but its not 'unreal'. I had a massive surge of kundalini infiltrate the entire awareness field, eyes twitched like crazy, body started vibrating and twitching a lot, and the entire dualistic sphere exploded like a bunch of dominos collapsing one after the other. This wont be useful to most of you, but I'm sure some of you it would.
  2. @Truth Addict@Zigzag Idiot It's so easy to get lost in the world in worrying about the things you do, the things other people do and thinking about how you stack up or how people like you. It gives us such peace to remember the present moment, to remember the nothingness, to remember that there is no self. We remind ourselves "There is just this." But that's not quite right. There is no just this. There is THIS. Magic is love, love is magic. An Abraham Hicks video helped me to make this connection, that when you get that feeling, that impulse or vision that feels amazing, that's it right there. Then we think about the action and the manifestation it may or could lead to and often get lost there, but that feeling that connection that bliss, that passion, that connection with love, and the present moment, THAT was it.
  3. Bliss of creation/creating/creator, requires no concept of “doing”; utilizes no past as catalyst. Perfection (love) doesn’t plan, doesn’t conceptualize, doesn’t claim, teach, judge, correct, nor lord such ideals. Love has not responsibility or accountability whatsoever, but rather, simply, divinely, inherently is, and is every One. Intrinsic right-to-be anything and everything, nothing and no thing - is without need, without justification, explanation, rationalization, or validation. As such, you are. “Reality” is precisely “the way it is” because it could not be any other way - because you are infinite infinity. The cleverness is astounding - elusive in it’s jaw dropping simplicity, proximity & localization. There truly is no “how-mechanism”, Magic = Love = Consciousness = Bliss = You! The One. There is no voluntary thinking, no calculation involved, that is a human projection onto the source of human, an echo of truth of the “facets” of your own ineffable, unfathomable, unthinkable thinking isness. What is “of” infinite, is exactly, painstakingly simply precisely - what, why, who, and how - of all “finite”. The All That Is does of course entirely resolve all that is, and needs not “do” a thing - all that is is resolved as all that is. “Resolve” itself is yet another notion, an echo, a projection - a yearning of creation. There is physical, material, separation, subject and object, things, experience, me, you, us, them, we - because there are none of these. From the “position” of not-a-thing-at-all, unbreakable, un-tarnishable, immovable, un-shapable; the all that can be, is the all that is.
  4. @VeganAwake Do you experience peace,love, bliss as feelings? Constant that is
  5. This is pantheism, all pagans doctrines are pantheistic. They take Being for God. All schools within Hinduism are essentially pantheistic. While Bible and Quran is monotheism, it says that Allah is separate from essence of life, separate from universe, from reality, from experience and separate from absolute infinity. In other words, He is separate and not-identical to that which is absolutely everything and which is boundless. Thats impossible since infinity is all there is, but thats the message of Quran, and core of God's providence - the impossible - Supremacy over absolutely everything. Allah is winner over absolute infinity. Islam is doctrine of non-identicalness while all Nondual metaphysics are based on identicalness. And Quran calls that 'essence of life and universe' - or God/Gods of pagans - Quran calls that as Iblis or Apollos or Diabolos. Devil. The Great Being. In other words Islam says that the essence or substance of reality is diabolic, it is devil itself. The great ITSELF or SELF of Nondual doctrines is Devil. For instance, there is hadith that says to diligently blow your nose after waking up in the morning, because during your sleep Devil has occupied large parts of your nose. Or there is hadith like that - Satan is living even inside your veins/blood flow. Or there is hadith - music is Satan's language. And as we know Being is Music. Someone said here that there is only music in reality. Or there is hadith - flute is forbidden coz its Satan's whistle. And as we know Krishna is playing on flute. Greek gods like Apollon is playing on flute. Essentially all Hindu and Greek and Egyptian etc. pantheon of gods are nothing but masks of Being. And all avatars and incarnations that came to restore dharma are also avatars of The Great Being. Because Iblis wants for eternal law of universe to be eternal forever. Coz Being's only purpose is to be and to be to infinity. While Abrahamism came as revolution against universal order. Thats why ISIS is fighting the global world order. While someone sweet like Dalai Lama wants to keep peace and status quo. Because dalai lama is agent of Being, of Universe, of Iblis. What does it mean? It means that Substance of Existence or Essence of Existence is infernal, its based on metaphysical error. And since all is one, and its total, thus all is devil. And Allah has intentionally made error, and then made human to fix that. The true purposes why is it so are beyond our understanding I guess. But why human call that Devil or essence of life as God? Because Devil is light, bliss, he is goodness, he is beauty, harmony, peace. Thats attributes of Being. Of Lucifer. Devil is GOOD itself. It is Idea of Good itself. So naturally when human achieves enlightenment and realises his union with oneness, he is in very good state of being. Everything seems good. And he naturally thinks that 'oh well, thats what God is all about. Something good as that cannot be evil, and it is definitely what we are here for, and it is what all the religious noise is all about. Ohh, I got it know, I am so happy I found God, now I can be sure that I am safe and on the side of truth'. Hehe, nope, the core of error is found in Quran - 'What you think is Good is actually Evil, and what you think is Evil is actually Good'. Meaning that Good is only there for seduction and as means for sacrifice, be it low kind of pleasure or highest kind of spiritual good. And as analogy - ISIS and Dalai Lama - ISIS is Evil itself in the eyes of masses, while Dalai Lama is the Goodness itself. But if we use Quranic logic then reality switches upside down. So we can't bridge different doctrines. Because they are not talking about same thing. While Sufis are also pantheists, mystical path is always pantheistic. So we can't unite all paths within one religion either coz they are not talking about same thing. Christianity is same to Islam in its core, but many latest mystics, saints, theologians, priests, monks, many fallen into idea of good trap and have based their teachings on 'God is Good' idea. Idea of Good is the strongest and trickiest and the main hook through which Devil catches us in his warm hands. Not to see such obvious and mutually exclusive contradictions while comparing Quran with Nondual doctrines is a sign that there is imperative of nonduality here, there is desire to make everything to fit into comfortable nondual bias. Clearly scriptures are saying different things and contradicting each other to large extent, why not to notice that striking difference and whats the source of this strange idea of uniting everything under the same paradigm? thats a question that needs answer.
  6. I've had a couple of peak experiences where the ego dissolved away, seemingly at least. But each time I return to normal followed by a massive ego backlash. Quite recent one lasted a good 4 hours or more. During that I still had motivation to work on my personal goals. It seemed quite obvious at the time. The thinking went something like this. What else would I do? Reality didn't change, I was still looking through the eyes of the guy that was being me and there were still hands and feet dangling below. I couldn't float out of the body or do supernatural things. I wanted every being to live a fulfilling purposeful life including the guy that was being me. So why would I not do this for the guy that was being me? I felt empathy towards everyone but I could see that there was not much I could really do to help others. Helping others is even more difficult than helping yourself and I don't have a lot of wisdom or material things to give yet, I couldn't do much right now. And I realized that the reason I was trying to reach enlightenment was because I wanted the benefits. I wanted to be more wise, escape suffering, feel good emotions or "bliss", have insights how we should run society, not be afraid of death etc. I wanted benefits for the "ego". See the contradiction? And right now I don't want to seek enlightenment anymore. Because if I'm honest with myself I want financial independence, good relationships, family etc more. And I know that I don't need enlightenment for that. I'm still curious about the truth but I can appreciate now how difficult and tricky it is. It would takes minimum multiple years of dedication to get a proper grasp of, not even talking about mastery. And I don't want to do that right now. I will likely revisit in 5+ years when I'm more mature. It has occurred to me that it might be an elaborate ego deception to prevent me from doing the work right now. But my gut is telling me leave it for now.
  7. I didn't talk about my current fucked up situation in life, and I don't mean to be rude but I really don't feel like talking about it. But here's a little trailer: economical breakdown of the whole country, barely affording to live. Not saying that I'm suffering or anything right now, in fact that suffering turned into peace and then happiness and bliss through surrendering. And well, good for you for acing your education! I was/still am never interested in theory/abstractions.
  8. @Mikael89 the key is to be able to discern who is doing the meditation and who is really meditating. the true SELF is always meditating... it is meditation itself. the 'you' which maybe stuck in that forever is not YOU there is no forever. CHANGE is a law. everything changes. EXCEPT YOU! by forever what you really mean is a Very very long time... but it will not be forever, without end. EVERYTHING CHANGES. also. enlightenment is beyond a description like a superb state. as it is always the case, it contains (it is) all states. like superb and superbAD states also. again, the actor analogy nails it an actor can portray a poor character or a rich character. the actor is not limited to only portraying a rich, bliss-ful roles... he might also portray roles where he is tortured
  9. @The Don the actor films one movie as Tom and then films next movie as Harry the soul lives one life as The Don and then lives the next life as Whoever Else @Mikael89 the sooner or later is this right now! this is the sooner or later that created a new point of awareness in the SOUL living as Mikael. when this point of awareness awakens, that is liberation FOR that point of awareness in the SOUL. then THAT point of awareness is eternally in heaven/nirvana. but yes, the Soul which is infinite creates and will create infinite acting, with each point of awareness which is acting come to the self-realization and then eternally blissing out and about BLISS WITH ME BRO!
  10. @AlphaAbundance A then seeker now enlightened master came to Nisargadatta Maharaj.Maharaj was asking about him then immediately asked him to study well get qualified got him admitted to a college - saying you think spirituality is hearing speeches singinging bajans and glorifying god. Go do your duty.Continue the practices.Take care of your family and as well contribute to humanity. Though Maharaj was not educated. Enlightenment is not dyeing enlightenment is merging with the universe. Enlightenment is realising truth oneness reality. Enlightenment is just absence of personal identity which is nothing but suffering. Enlightenment is not sitting idle and doing nothing. Action duties responsibilities everything will go has to happen who will feed you provide shelter health needs or your family needs but there will no you doing that. No need to afraid of death etc - the word death is misleading. Karma yoga is doing duties with atmost responsibility and perfection. Enlightenment is not bliss.Bliss is a stage in savikalpa samadhi.You are not that.
  11. To put it into context, I am 24 living in one of the metropolitan cities in India. I understand how the term Incel is derogatory to women. Women don't owe me sex. At the same time, my body (or rather I) craves for sexual contact with women, when i get horny. Solo female pornography where women display their selves, is I think one of the most beautiful things a person like me could ask for, where i can choose the women i am attracted to, and pretend to make love to her. And spill myself. In real life however, i look average. I have a girl in my life, but it is long-distance. We haven't defined the relationship yet, but we flirt a lot and act like a couple. Went out with her like 4 times in total over 3 years. Yeah, poor numbers. That being said, the amount of rejections i've had to deal with, in nightclubs or otherwise while asking someone I know on Instagram is say about 60-70 so far in total. If i go to a nightclub tomorrow, i will probably end up with a number or two, but any attractive girl I choose (I know i'm guilty of not picking the ones I don't find attractive, i don't even notice them), will have 10 other dudes texting her, and commenting on her Instagram, and so it takes a lot of investment on my part to even keep a girl's attention, and much more for her to feel the spark if I feel it too. And given how busy everyone has become with their 9 to 7 jobs, at least here, it is like that. There's no time. I know i could just sit back and relax. Focus on other intriguing aspects of life such as books, psychedelics and spirituality in a broader sense, and run the clock out, as it will. I could be genuinely fulfilled as i am when i do strong determination sittings. My parents will force an arrange marriage on me when I turn 30, but i don't like the idea. I could go to Thailand or some Latin country for sex tourism, but i don't like that idea either. At this point in my conscious evolution, i see the meaninglessness in the things that will unfold in the future. Not in a negative connotation, but a sense of indifference. It doesn't matter. and if it does, i will do it. I am a cog in a wheel. I am replaceable even by a woman i love most dearly. I have cried like 5 times in the past when that happened, but now it doesn't break my heart anymore. I try because i don't have the freewill to not try. I just don't see what is there to do or accomplish in this world, than just live it out. Am i just here on earth as a human, to rant, to do my own thing, possibly bliss out, and that's it? I just cannot come to terms with it. With it all.
  12. I'm just starting to be able to maintain the feeling of being "there" without getting knocked out. Again it only lasts a few seconds, but I am consious the whole time. It feels amazing. My ego hasn't dissolved though, but I feel connected and euphoric. It's a thick bliss that's like swimming in it, but it's not overly profound. It's just amazing.
  13. I had a Kundalini awakening. It is the collapse of the illusion into Being. It is Being. It is Bliss. It is Love. It supersedes all language - nay - it encompasses all language and thought. It IS. Once you are opened up you are opened up. Being can flow through you at any time. Best not to plan for it because it comes when it wants to or when you align with Love.
  14. It has happened for me naturally after 10-20 years of energy work and releasing blockages. The bliss in my body is euphoric. Sometimes there are pains as the Kundalini hits a blockage. No, I am not spiritually pure. I still think lustful. I still masturbate. I still eat meat. I may use DPT to gauge where I am at, but not as a crutch. I am not doing Kundalini Yoga. More like Bhakti Yoga, or the path of love. Is this a path towards enlightenment, doing what we love? I am not that good at meditation. The nonduality knocks me out like 30 times in a month. At least I think it's nonduality. I can't go into that state with my same awareness. Who else here is experiencing a Kundalini awakening? What are your experiences, and how can I allow the bliss without worrying that I will be overwhelmed by the bliss?
  15. I ordered some DPT. Would it be effective to do this before doing 5meo? Yes, I've been in the flow, and I've been in love such that it made me cry and I felt expansive bliss out of my crown chakra.
  16. I use my 3rd eye to feel the energy. It's an actual physical, tangible feeling. Sometimes it feels like a 5-pound weight on my chest. Sometimes it's expansive bliss. I used to use my 3rd eye to shift energy patterns, but now I just allow things to be as they are and don't try to change things. The Ra Material states that the 3rd eye (indigo-ray) can open you up to the Gateway to Intelligent Infinity. At this point, you would be enlightened and experience ineffable bliss.
  17. Does God have a unique vibration? Just like an object or person would have a vibration that you can tune into and do energy work with. If I want to know God, and maybe psychedelics aren't the best choice for me, is meditation and Kundalini work enough to get me there to know God without taking 20 years? I already have had a Kundalini awakening and experience expansive bliss at times. So my chakras are open. I equate experiencing God with experiencing nonduality.
  18. @Matt8800 I am not sure what you mean I enjoy the unkown quite a bit, yet this is very new to me Id like to explore it in the future where I feel I could use it in general when I feel I am ready for it, there are still some very basic fears that are not of the unknown just fear of darkness like a kid it just scares me sometimes for a reason because of the weird shapes I see etc. Id have to mention this also most likely... yes I do fear evil. The intention alone is very frightening, of course facing it is brave and facing it with love is ultimately what I feel is appropriate. Also there is quite a bit of projection that I feel is projected upon me, I dont value things based fear or rate things based on fear I found it unbelivable that one person could do and did "such" evil rituals and that is why I compared him to Hitler in the first place, I said this more jokingly yet apparently that did not came across with the lol at the end. Yes, I do understand that one can forge either good or evil, depending on how the practice is used. As far as Ive read through the responses I can see what the occult is in reality about and that what I know about the occult has been distored and polluted, by the christian church. I know also know that Taoism can be contrasted with the Occult and Christians would and do demonize Taosim, and that there are similarities between Taoism and the Occult. Yes, as I said before I did not know anything about the occult and I was curious about the positive view because I saw the negative side of it. Now I see again what it is about. In case it came across as if Id generalized I do apoligize for that I did not mean to do that or to come across like that. I am very interested in biases in general, so I was not trying to confirm something that I believe rather the complete opposite. That is why I asked in the first place. Please dont misread my intentions. Well who can can lol. Id love to be that way yet that takes work and reading the right books etc. having concrete information and experiences that serve as a guide. If Id feel so loving as I felt for instance on LSD in a conscious setting while meditating as well as after some meditation sessions, I would have tried the stuff all on my own before asking most likely if I heard of it. I figure nothing will be dark since everything would be love, beauty, bliss and purity. Without all of the societal connotations of these words, more experiantially based. Not sure, I did shadow work for 2 years and been thrown into situations where the unknown overwhelmed me and I had to deal with that chaos, yet this is a whole new dimension. Crowly was for me just an interesting figure since I never heard any of this and he influenced even contempoary history with all of his deeds. I am not at a point, yet where Id not feel outraged about such acts. I know I am asking a lot of questions, yet could you recommend a specific book where I could read to practice this, so I can see for myself in the future ? I am not denying any of this and am rather intruiged by it as I saw other reports about positive spirits etc. Could they also appear normally in meditation through a normal practice ? Or is this rather unlikely ? Id like to dive into it because I was interested in shamanism and when I am done studying and all of that Id like to explore this topic a bit in reality.
  19. @Aakash That is because you are over-emphasizing the truth. The truth does not have to deal with anything, it is itself. It is your ego that cares. As I heal myself emotionally, this 'pointlessness', or rather 'directionlessness' becomes more similar to 'contentment', 'happiness', 'joy', 'bliss', 'love', 'ecstasy' and so on until it is simply silence. This is much more than I have ever hoped for.
  20. @fridjonk Thank you but that doesnt change shit right now when I am unenlightened. Can you address my fears? @Aakash I pursue enlightenment because it believe it will solve all my problems, believe it is the most meaningful/valuable thing to do in life and bleieve it will bring nirvana/bliss Will I even care about happiness/bliss, feeling happy/joy when I am enlightened?
  21. I feel afraid that when I become enlightened (either I die trying or die trying) I will lose the will to live, not want to do anything, lose the motivation to go to school. Drop out of school/college and work at McDonald's or just go sit and die somewhere and or ruin my life. I feel afraid that I won't have the motivation to complete a degree or go to work when I become enlightened. I am creating the limiting belief that I must become financially independent first before the work. Also on a side note, is effort effortless once you are enlightened? Like running is effortless? Academic work is effortless? A job work is effortless? Also when someone becomes enlightened what motivates them to become awaken deeper if they are already in pure bliss?
  22. @Alex bliss but don`t drink it will more likely make you an alcoholic than a playboy.
  23. Sat-chit-ananda. Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Self. I’ve realized that at least one aspect of Enlightenment requires the Self-realization of the pre-birth (pre-life) existence of which we are all One. When your third eye opens, you see the Self in all of its glory. It truly is remarkable to know Yourself as the Divine Nature. It is the Light.
  24. Been doing Kriya for like ~5-6 months and If I'm being honest, I haven't experienced anything out of ordinary yet. I read so much awesome things about it here (e.g. bliss states for after like 2 weeks) so I naively execpted that something similar would happen to me as well. Don't get me wrong, I didn't get into yoga just for that reason. Also, I'm well aware that people who practise Kriya should not compare their progres but sometimes it's hard to resist the temptation. So, word of advice: Start practising it, give it 100% but don't expect anything. Results will come. (That's what I remind me of when I start to get frustrated with my practise)
  25. @rnd at first bliss then terror. Later peace then suffering. Repeat a number of times. Dying,resisting, dying... resisting And then the great death?