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  1. There is No Evil Person Seeing things from this perspective, we see that there is no one who is really bad. No one is evil in an absolute way. Everyone does what he thinks is good. There is no bad person, there is no evil person; there is only the ignorant person. The Dichotomy of Good and Evil The most frequently noted dichotomy on the way toward nonconceptual freedom is that of good and evil, or more exactly, good and bad. Without concepts there is no sense that one thing is good and another is bad. First, there is no separation between forms, because separation happens only through the reification of concepts, and there are no concepts here to reify. Because of this there cannot be a comparison between them, all forms are equal in being pure awareness. Second, since there is perception of difference between forms but no recognition of what the difference is, it is not possible to value one form and not another. All appear equal. The moment we recognize something as good in contrast to something else as bad, we are definitely existing in the conceptual realm. Recognizing that the distinction between good and bad is ultimately conceptual, pure awareness emerges and equalizes all forms and experiences as manifestations of true nature. Experientially, the notions of good and bad are connected mostly to pleasure and pain, happiness and suffering, gain and loss, expansion and contraction, and so on. In the unutterable bliss of nonconceptuality, these dichotomies disappear. The Inner Journey Home, pg. 336 All Spiritual Work Would be Pointless if There Were Such a Thing as Ultimate Evil As we have seen, each Holy Idea is a characteristic of reality at all locations, at all times, and at all levels. Holy Truth explicates this understanding. Here, we are saying that not only is reality just one presence that is boundless and real, but that it is also positive, blissful, and wonderful. So not only is God one, but God is also wonderful and made of love. The truth, then, is loving and lovable, which is why we say in the Diamond Approach that you must love truth for its own sake. If your orientation is that you love truth so that it will change you and make you a happier person, your orientation is out of sync with how things objectively are; if you see reality as it is, you can’t help but love it. It follows, then, that objectively there is no evil. We see evil only when we perceive reality through a filter. A person who behaves in what we consider evil ways is a person acting through a distortion. In spiritual work, concepts of a devil, of dark forces, of some evil that exists on its own outside of the goodness of reality are considered manifestations of ignorance, both in terms of believing in such concepts and in terms of the manifestations attributed to such forces. All spiritual work would be pointless if there were such a thing as ultimate evil. Facets of Unity, pg. 215
  2. God Nothingness Godhead Brahman Emptiness Void Source Silence Bliss Love Goodness Dao Zeus Einsof Yahweh Al-lah Infinity Consciousness Truth Shiva Awareness Nobody No-Self True Self The Universe Absolute Nothing Buddha-Mind Buddha-Nature Teotel 5-MeO-DMT True enlightened masters they are
  3. Followers of Leo should understand by now that enlightenment is a specific internal experience with an unmistakable before and after. So is Kundalini awakening!!! Most people who talk about Kundalini do not know anything about Kundalini. They so often, knowingly or unknowingly, distort the truth and cause confusion for those actually having this experience. What most are experiencing is something different. People try to force Kundalini with particular actions, but She doesn't like that. If those people only knew how foolish they are. If you have experienced Kundalini awakening and did not become enlightened instantly (if you still suffer from fear) then you will probably have experienced some kind of temporary detachment from your thoughts followed by bliss. You will regularly feel energy travelling the length of your spine. You may, at some stage, begin to be able to feel the area between your eyebrows tingle when you place focus there. This stage may be preceded by temporary dizziness, headaches and nose bleeds. This is the beginning of one process to becoming enlightened. If you fail to become enlightened at some point after awakening Kundalini you will eventually become insane. These are the two possibilities when you dance with the serpent. If there was no risk there could be no reward. How to avoid becoming insane: Trust the process. Do not allow your mind to convince you that there is something wrong with you. Instead focus on the fact that there is something wrong with almost everybody else. Do not allow others, especially western doctors or psychologists who ignore philosophy, to define you. These people tend to have little to no awareness of their own ignorance. Everything they think they know is based on assumption and faith, yet they parade as if they are the most rational ones. Such fools are a danger to the innocent. They have power but lack wisdom. They will likely try to sell you drugs that hinder the spiritual process. You must trust Kundalini above yourself and above everybody else, for She is the guru of gurus. Know that She is deceptive, and She will lead you to suffering. You must learn to embrace Her even while you resist. If you embrace this process you may experience the highest high followed by the lowest low. The true gift is not in the high but in the low that follows. The suffering that Kundalini will bring about for you is the great gift. Kundalini wants you to give up everything, but you will likely begin with no idea how to actually give up. So make giving up your goal. If you can't do that then make setting the goal of giving up your back up plan for when things go wrong. You will probably only set this goal after you begin to tire of suffering. This is precisely why you must suffer. Everything is born out of its opposite. The goal of the mystic is to truly live, therefore the mystic must experience internal death (while remaining physically alive). Life is like a horse race. Only the ones who fall behind will give up and climb off the horse. Kundalini will eventually make your horse slow down. She can get away with things that few human gurus ever could. This is why Kundalini is the greatest guru. She answers to nobody. She cannot be killed or arrested for doing what truly needs to be done. She does not suffer consequences. She will force you to suffer and your suffering will bring her great delight, because she knows suffering is sacred. If you want a nice teacher do not call to her. If you want an effective guru then call to her with humility. But what do I know? I'm just an untrained eclectic without a live teacher, a nobody. I do not have approval from those who have approval, nor do I care for it. Many people of great discipline would not respect me. Many of them would beat me with a stick. So use your own discernment.
  4. What is desire without the mental construct of time? What does that feel like? It feels like bliss or truly feeling alive. If you don't allow that state through repression of desire you can't really experience the present moment. The problem is that sometimes we experience the flash of a real desire and feel the bliss of it and let it knock us off our feet. Then we go right into agony of trying to figure out how we can manifest it too soon or why we can't, and since we do this so much we start to think that desire itself is bad. The trick is to learn to stay with the desire/vision without bringing in resistance and inner conflict.
  5. I'm not enlightened, but I would trade everything for the blissful state I'm in right now. I would trade everything for bliss even if I had all the money, food, sex, fame, friends, cars, yachts, properties, etc... in the world.
  6. On Death From Anas Ibn Malik, Prophet Muhammad says ; " Let not anyone wish for death because of the sufferings that they experience. When they really need (to wish for death), it's enough to say ~ O Allah, keep me alive so long as being alive is good for me, and take my life away if death is good for me~ " [Bukhari] Sometime ago, another guru says that those who are dead will wish to return and be alive. Both the good and the bad. The good, because they want more; to add their good deeds, the bad because they will wish that they are good when they're alive. When you die, it will be over for you. In whatever state you're in when you die, that will be your level/state to infinity. He told me, what is in front of you is more deserving of your attention that those who have died (people of the past). When you have died, you can look at others who are still alive, but there's nothing you can do about it. But those who are still alive can give their prayers and good deeds to the dead, it will benefit them. And you get double the reward, one for doing it yourself, the other for giving it to others. There are three things The living before the dead The present/seen before the absent/unseen A man before a woman It does not mean the latter is lesser than the former. It is wisdom. By another guru - July 14th - Those who are alive will have chances to increase their rewards&state, but also with appropriate trials and sufferings relative to their chances of getting the good chances. While the dead, it's over. There's nothing you can do anymore, if you're good, then you're good. If you're bad, then it will be bad to infinity. The thing is, no one knows what is their state except God. Those who are right in front of you, have more rights over your attention than those who are dead or absent. God created Adam first, from him He created Hawa/Eve. (Hawa means lust in Arabic) Men & Women in Islam have special roles & rules, each are different but our similarities are connected at the soul level. We are not meant to be the same but equal. Equal here is synonym to infinite differences. But equally just. Our chances are equal. But in different ways. This is what happen when you die physically [ 50:QAF ] 16. And We have created human beings and knows what is whispered in their hearts , and We are closer to him than his jugular veins. 17.When two angels records (their actions), one on their right,the other on their left. 18.Not a single word does he utter except that there are angels by his sides observing (always ready to record his deeds). 19.And the stupor of death will bring truth(before his eyes): This was the thing which you were trying to escape. 20.And the Trumpet shall be blown, that will be the Day that was warned. 21.And there will come forth every soul; with each will be an angel to (walk you) , and an angel to bear witness. 22."Indeed! You were heedless of this; now We have removed your veil, and your sight is sharp this Day." 23.And his Companion (the angel) will say; "Here is (his record) ready with me" ...continue till verse 45 ... There are rules which are the SAME for men & women. And there are rules which are DIFFERENT for men & women. The former, is at soul level. The latter, at the physical heart, body & mind level. MEN & WOMEN IN ISLAM SAME RULES 4:124 Whoever do good deeds, be it a male or a female, and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them. 35:29 Those who rehearse the Book of Allah, establish regular prayer, and spend(in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a commerce that will never fail: For He will pay them their reward, nay, He will give them (even) more out of His Bounty: for He is Oft Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate(service). (This is a reminder for Qarun , the richest man in Egypt during the time of Moses. I have visited the remains in Egypt.) [28:77] " But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget your portion in this world: but do good, as Allah has been good to you, and seek not mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief." He said : " This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge which I have." Did he not know that Allah had destroyed, before him, (whole) generations- which were superior to him in strength and greater in the amount (of riches) they had collected? But the wicked are not called (immediately) to account for their sins. ISLAM IN A NUTSHELL 6:151 Say (O Muhammad) : " Come, I will rehearse what Allah has (really) prohibited you from : join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; do not kill your children for fear of poverty- We provide sustenance for you and for them- come not near to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; kill not life, which Allah has made sacred, except by way of justice and law : thus does He command you, that you may learn wisdom. 6:152 And come not near to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear- whenever you speak, speak justly, even if near relative is concerned; and fulfill the Covenant of Allah; thus does He command you. That you may be righteous. 7:33 Say (O Muhammad) : " The things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning partners to Allah, for which He has not given any authority; and saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge." I think I'll just list it [ SAME RULES ],pretty much everything. All worships and conduct. (Except when it comes to period, women can't fast, or pray, or read the Quran, or do the pilgrimage, or have sex. But we can do the zikr: remembrance of God.& everything else) [2:222] They ask you about menstrual cycle. Say: " Menstruation is impurity." So keep yourself away from women when they are on their period and do not approach them until they are clean. When they have purified themselves, you may approach them in any place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who return to Him in repentance & those who keep themselves pure&clean. For women, we can't enter the mosque when we are on our period. For men, they can't enter the mosque when they haven't purified themselves (mind after drinking, the body after having intercourse). *drinking here is when alcohol was still not prohibited back then. After some time, a new verse was revealed prohibiting drinking. [4:43] O you who believe, approach not your prayers with a mind befogged (*drunk) ,until you can understand all that you say- nor in a state of ceremonial impurity(except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes from relieving, or you have been in contact with women, and you find no water to wash yourself (& for ablution), then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For Allah is all Forgiving and the best Forgiver. (we call it tayammum : sand bath X ablution haha) (there is another thing where you wash yourself with earth or mud water, when you touch a dog or a pig haha. Because it is not clean. Actually you can touch a dog when it's dry) SAME RULES: Karma [4:92] Never should a believer kill a believer; but (if it so happens) by mistake, (compensation is due): if one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave(would be sufficient). If he belonged to a people with whom you have treaty of mutual alliance, compensation should be made to his family, and a believing slave be freed. For those who find this beyond their means, (is prescribed) a fast for two months: by way of repentance to Allah: for Allah has all knowledge and all wisdom. [4:93] If a man man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (forever): and the wrath and curse of Allah are upon him, and... SAME RULES : Both men and women can't marry a disbeliever Do not marry unbelieving women(idolaters), until they believe: a slave women who believes is better than an unbelieving women, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls/daughters) to unbelievers until they believe: a slave man who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do(but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons you by His Grace to the Garden(of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: that they may celebrate His praise. [2:221] SAME RULES : On demeaning others O you who believe, let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor let some women laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: and those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong.[49:11] EQUAL RULES : Good men for good women, bad men for bad women (On Adultery & slandering) 24:2 The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah & the Last Day : and the punishment needs to be witnessed by some believers. (This is, when you can bring forth four witnesses to their adultery and fornication. Only then should they be punished.) *not feel empathy to both that will refrain you from applying Allah's law* 24:3 Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty, or an unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an unbeliever marry such a woman; to believers such thing is forbidden. 24:4 And those who accused good women (of adultery) without bringing forth four witnesses(to support their allegations), flog them 80 times and you are not allowed to take their oath /take them as witness forever. For such people are wicked transgressors. 24:5 Unless they repent and mend(their conduct); for Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. Islam is a religion of justice, no chance to avoid responsibilities. Both men & women. 24:6 [MEN] And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own,- their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times(with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth; 24:7 And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie. 24:8 [WOMEN] But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) by Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie; 24:9 And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth 24:10 If it were not for Allah's grace and mercy on you, and that Allah is Oft-Returning, Full of Wisdom- (you would be ruined indeed). ... 24:23 Those who slander chaste women, indiscreet but believing, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter: for them is a grievous Penalty. (this verses actually refers to the time when Aisha was accused of adultery by some men, but the wisdom behind this is relevant till now) 24:26 Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure. And women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity : these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honorable. EQUALITY : At soul level for both men & women. 33:35 For Muslim men & women - for believing men & women, for devout men & women, for true men & women, for men & women who are patient and constant, for men & women who humble themselves, for men & women who give in charity, for men & women who fast (and deny themselves) , for men & women who engage much in Allah's praise- for them has Allah's praise- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. 33:36 It is not fitting for a believer, man or women, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His messenger, to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path. (this is referring to when the prophet was instructed by Allah to marry Zainab when her husband has divorced her, but the prophet was a bit scared of the people and hide it in his heart. Then Allah revealed this verse so he have to tell it to others since it is a revelation). 33:37 Behold! You did say to one who had received the grace of Allah and your favour : " Retain you (in wedlock) your wife, and fear Allah." But you did hide in your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: you did fear the people, but it is more fitting that you should fear Allah. Then when Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to you: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality)(their marriage) with them. And Allah's command must be fulfilled. 33:38 There can be no difficulty to the prophet in what Allah has indicated to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the command of Allah is a decree determined. (It is to create a blueprint for Muslims. A living example. That's why God didn't send down an angel, but a human being. So that he can be a 'possible' example) Relevant wisdom : In my religion, we had something called a prayer which is made for decision making. Usually when someone do it, they will get a guidance, and answer from Allah & His messenger. When you get that answer, you can't go against it (sometimes i do try to go against it just for the sake of it, when I still have doubt, or because of ego). That is the best for you. If it is conflicting with your own desire, you still have to follow it. Following your desire might not be good for you, only God knows what is best for you. For His Knowledge is all encompassing. I trust Allah more than my finite judgement. Following Allah's Guidance at every moment...having no preferences when it has been made clear. My preferences would be that of which Allah likes. When Allah likes something, that thing must be the best. Because Allah's Knowledge is all encompassing. Literally. It's a privilege to be His slave. God of all creations, from the beginning till the end. Seen and unseen. Known & unknown. And He answered my prayers. Through anything possible in my bubble of reality. Usually when i still have doubt, I will ask God why it is best for me? To show me why. You'll get your answer. DIFFERENT RULES : The difference between male & female in Islam is more on the etiquette, appearances and social aspect. Why men are different than women in Islam? 4:34 . (Husbands) are the protectors and maintainers of their (wives), because Allah has given the one more(strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have the guard. As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, first you have to give them advice, (if they are still disobedience) separate their beds, (and if still do) beat them (lightly with a...fern leaf): but when they return to obedience, do not look for ways to annoys her: for Allah is Most High, Great (above you all). Why are men taller and larger than women? Why are they stronger? Do not envy one another. 4:32 . And do not envy to what have been bestowed from Allah His gifts more freely on some of you than the other: to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn : but ask Allah of His bounty. For Allah has full knowledge of all things. 4:33 . And to both (men & women) We have appointed shares and heirs to property left by parents and relatives. To those, also, to whom your right hand was pledged, give their due portion. For truly Allah is witness to all things. 11,12, on heirs. Actually this surah is more about family rules and laws. Men have different portions than women. We had a slightly distinguished roles, based on our creation. It is different. On lowering their gaze, Men & Women 24:30 [MEN] Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. 24:31 [WOMEN] And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs(really old servants), or small children who have no sense of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers! Turn you all together towards Allah, that you May attain Bliss How can men not feel anything not wearing a top? Because they are not pretty haha no one would care even if they wear only shorts. But women are more delicate and precious, you don't wanna be looked at by the perv. This might not be normal for everyone here, but in my culture, you don't wanna be attractive sexually when you're out in daily life, you just wanna be treated normally with respect. You don't wan't your friends to be attracted to you sexually. That's really messed up. What more a stranger. (When you only need one person to marry). My addition : Leo talks about homosexuality & LGBTQ. In Islam, there is a reason why men have to cover from their navel to the knees from other men(&women). As for women with women, it's the same (it is not obligatory to cover the other parts when we are with women). And for both men with men & women with women, we are not allowed to sleep under the same sheet. For example, if i wanna sleep with my female friend or my sister, we will need to have our own blanket. Same with men. If you don't control your sexual passion it will stoop as low as wanting to have sex with a child. There's a limit in everything. All with it's own wisdom. HOMOSEXUALITY is a result of lust(lower version) and a learned behaviour. Maybe you are sexually abused. Or because you are exposed to it since you are young and take it as normal. When it's not. You can make it normal, but it's not what's pure to your natural being/soul. It's mind setting. What do gay couples get when they got married? Satisfy their lust (that's only it). You can't have a child together. You'll still need a surrogate mother, in other words, not your 'love' child, but of a stranger... and then both of you will die, leaving a child whose parents is a father & a father...while his/her actual mother is a stranger who leaves you...I want a mother. Can I even trust these fathers if I'm a girl? TRANSGENDER You can't change your physical body no matter how much it appears to be (changed). Transitioning your physical body, will make you lose more than what you are born with. The quality, health, happiness all reduced to a lower value. It won't be the same anymore, you might be satisfied with the "appearance" . But that's it. Just appearances. It's not worth the pain and what you've lose by transitioning. Actually it applies to all cosmetic surgery, when it's not for health reason. My standard of beauty is ; however you are born with(your genes) is fine given that you have a good & healthy body. Good here means you're all toned and healthy. Without any diseases. Healthy skin,hair, mind, body & soul, lifestyle. When you go under the knife, it will reduce your overall quality. It feels like something will break if I touch it. Your nose, or your jaw...I think transgenders are really messed up. Because there's no one to tell them that they shouldn't do it. It hurts, and not worth what you lose. Your healthy natural physical body without a single bruise or marks. Internal bruises.. You can be interested in a male or female oriented things without changing your body or appearances. What does your interest have anything to do with physical appearances? Notice these social construct. If you're a man, and you love pretty things, then that's it. Love pretty things but don't cut yourself up. I personally love skating and running around with my cam, but I don't cut my hair short. Because I'm fine with being a feminine woman. What does that have anything to do with appearances? Whatever I feel like doing, is that of a female, because I'm a female. Born into a female (body&soul).My spirit is neutral though. Anyway, I'm not talking about those who are born with both (physically male&female). Islam have different rules for these physically ambiguous people. ... I THINK it's weird when respect & 'human rights' is compared to 'what you do to your body' & your sexual preferences. What does that have anything to do with each other? I treat everyone the same, whoever you are, but that doesn't make changing your physical body right and it doesn't make following your lower desires right. Why do you wanna be treated specially? Yea fine, do as you wishes, but why do you wanna force me to accept that it's 'right' when it is not in my standard? You might as well just accept what is, than wanting to keep up with those lies you tell yourself till you die physically. I don't think people would even care if you wanna change yourself unless you are their family & their loved ones. It became a problem when it interferes with my personal values and rights. For example, I'm a Muslim, we have something that can't be trespassed. There's no way that a man can be treated as a women, no matter how much your appearance resembles that of a woman. The thing with transgenders is that they wanna be treated as equal as the real one. It can't be. You still can't shake hands with me. I still have to be modest with you. We can't live together as roommates. You're still a man. That's it. Don't get into a female public toilet. I'm glad that Islam is protecting our boundaries. When men are still men. And women are still women. Mentally & physically healthy. With what they are born with. Why do women have to cover up more than men in Islam? Because we are created differently. Do you like it when strangers look at you in a sexual way? I don't. Your family members won't do that to you (even if you wear freely), you can trust them, blood related relatives won't wan't any harm for you. But it's different with strangers. All women of religion are modest in their appearance. The more layers you wear, the more classy you'd be. This is what happen when you die physically [ 50:QAF ] 16. And We have created human beings and knows what is whispered in their hearts , and We are closer to him than his jugular veins. 17.When two angels records (their actions), one on their right,the other on their left. 18.Not a single word does he utter except that there are angels by his sides observing (ready to record his deeds). 19.And the stupor of death will bring truth (before his eyes): This was the thing which you were trying to escape. 20.And the Trumpet shall be blown, that will be the Day that was warned. 21.And there will come forth every soul; with each will be an angel to (walk you) , and an angel to bear witness. 22."Indeed! You were heedless of this; now We have removed your veil, and your sight is sharp this Day." 23.And his Companion (the angel) will say; "Here is (his record) ready with me" ...45 Anyway, it's not the matter of believing it or not believing it. You can try to duplicate everything, but Truth will be Truth. It is unavoidable. It can't be otherwise. You can fake something but the real one will still be real. As long as you're sincere, you'll be able to differentiate the two. It will be obvious. ... RANDOM HADEETH From Abu Huraira, he said : " Prophet of Allah said: 'O Allah, I am only a normal human being, if any of the Muslims I have despise or cursed or hit, turn it into a zakah or a blessings for him' " 17.9.19 ... This is some of my understanding about Islam. Islam is very basic. It didn't tell you specifically on how to design a good city. Or how to make a good film. You know what I mean? It came to correct good conduct. Everything else is a manifestation of a collective inner self. Your city, is a manifestations of your inner values & the people's culture/lifestyle . You family structure, is a manifestation of your inner self. Your physical body, is a reflection of your roots. Your community and leaders, is a reflection of it's people. An enlightened being can recognize the roots of everything. Wherever they place their eyes on, they will recognize it's deepest roots. As is, without any distortion. Read 35: 12-23 29:38 24: 39-41 I don't know, it's endless. Actually I have known a lot. It can't be otherwise... 18:29 ... ANOTHER SAMENESS : Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions [16:97] . (Allah's rewards can be both in this world and the next) Recommended to read the rest of the verses from here on. I see many people don't know what Islam is.
  7. This is great stuff. . . I am not saying this is wrong. I am saying that there is a transcendence of all this. At the deeper level, you are nibanna - you are Buddha. You are the source of Buddha. Why interpret the words of Buddha's teachings? You are Buddha! You wrote those words! If it is all peace, how can peace not be suffering? A being that has not embodied it, will not be able to recognize it. Once it is embodied, it is very obvious. This is related to Wilber's "pre/trans" fallacy. This is a block. To expand beyond a contracted thinking mode, one would need to care about expanding. They would also need to be open and willing. I understand what you are saying. I am telling you there is a deeper level. You have created a construct you call "Enlightenment" in which there is suffering and the realization and complete acceptance of that suffering. This is a fairly deep "level", yet it goes deeper. Enlightenment and peace IS suffering. Not the presence of suffering. Enlightenment and peace IS suffering. At the human level, this will be very hard to realize - especially if one has been conditioned through literature and teachings to believe the highest level of Enlightenment and peace is not suffering. This is deeper than Buddha. It is deeper than Buddha's teachings. Your construct and the Buddhist teachings you cite are creating a distinction between "suffering" and "non-suffering". That is fine, yet there is a deeper level. You would need to let that go to realize a deeper level through direct experience. EXACTLY. That is a door to transcendence that you don't currently don't recognize. This isn't about analysis. This is about what that which is prior to the analysis. "If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him!" I'm not analyzing the words. I know what they mean because. . . I wrote them!!! That quote is true. Consider it a ladder. Using a ladder to climb to a new level is great. That quote can help a person expand. Yet there is more. That quote is both true and not true - you are only seeing the straightforward useful truth in it. You are not seeing the falsity in it. Don't surrender your authority to a being like Buddha that you have created. You are Buddha! You already recognize and understand the truth in the statement. Now let's consider the falsity. When we consider non-truth, that does NOT mean that it is false. The human mind is conditioned to think in opposites. For example, if a coin is tails then it is not heads. Yet a coin is both tails and heads. When I point to heads, this does not mean that tails is false. Here, when we point at the non-truth of the statement, it does not falsify the truth of the statement. "There is no suffering for him who has finished his journey, and abandoned grief, who has freed himself on all sides" This is true. It is also not true. For example if the journey is the destination, how can one finish the journey? The quote is only one side of the coin - that is that there is a journey toward a destination. Once finishing the journey and arriving at the destination, one has "abandoned grief, who has freed himself on all sides, and thrown off all fetters.". This is one side of the coin. I am not saying this side is wrong. I am trying to show you that there is another side of the coin. This isn't something to be found in spiritual literature or spiritual teachers. It is to be directly experienced. Contraction into one side will prevent realization of the other side. For example, in Buddha's quote, there is a journey and a destination in which grief, fetters and suffering is abandoned. Can you see how this truth is limiting? This is extremely difficult to do, yet also extremely simple and obvious because it is right NOW. There is no journey. You are focusing on a journey with a destination - and imagining the destination should look a certain way. That is fine. Yet the journey itself is also the destination. This is the other side of the coin. The destination is also Now. The destination of Now includes holding on to grief, fetters and suffering. Peace is the grief, fetters and suffering Now. Enlightenment is the grief, fetters and suffering of Now. Buddha's quote expressed the other side of this coin (which is also true). The deeper level is to see both sides and the entire coin. No. I am not saying your words are scientific - I just used the scientist as an example. I would consider your expressions within a transition zone. Again, it is not the words you are using, it is how you are using the words. It is the relationship with the words, not the words themselves. All words have relative meaning. I cannot place objective meaning onto any words you use. I can see that this is being perceived as judgement - and from one perspective it is. The reason I am firmly trying to convey is because you seem really really close to a big breakthrough into an expanded consciousness that few humans realize or that may take decades to realize. I also think there are many seekers on the forum at this transition. This breakthrough is not limited to constructs of enlightenment, peace and bliss. It is much deeper and broader. How could I not desire that for my fellow humans?. . . Yet I also understand that if I try to force, it can be counter-productive. There is a time to back off.
  8. Yes, I did spoke about attaining bliss and suffering. And Yes, I did say there is no one to attain suffering. This is my answer. And this problem can't be resolved by words. But still what I have written holds true. At the end, it's all peace, enlightenment, nibanna whatever. That is what Buddha's goal was. No matter how you try to say it, peace is suffering, peace is peace, peace is blissfulness, at the end it's all peace, Nibanna, enlightenment, and that's what I am talking about. And it's not suffering. Even if it it contains suffering peace, terror, absolute peace, everything that you have written, the cherry at the top is peace, bliss. What you and I are saying is basically one and the same. You are just adding more nuance to it, but I already know the depth of the word, I don't have to add. You are suggesting that you are operating from a mode beyond thinking and analysis. I am aware that there are such modes, but there is nothing that supports your claim that you are operating from. Also here 'thinking' is irrelevant. I don't care whether you are 'thinking, or metathinking or beyond thinking, what you wrote about what you think (again, this is irrelevant, you can replace it with whatever you want, meta thinking, beyond thinking, supernatural thinking it doesn't matter)I am saying , is not what I am saying. Because Enlightenement is both the presence and absence of suffering (look at the meaning not the words), in the sense that there is suffering, but still there is the realization and complete acceptance. and enlightenment is to be sought because it is the cessation of suffering (look at the meaning not the words) The words here are conflating, but if you comprehend the meaning, it's different. All I can say is that the - 'essence' that your mind'/ whatever has got/grasped/whatever, which you have written and think is the message I am conveying, is not what I am saying. What I have seen is that you give a huge meaning to every single word I say. I wrote 'analysis' and now you have are saying it's scientific , it's stage orange materialistic. My words do not have that much weight that you are putting. What is worse is you put a HUGE weight to single words, like I say 'analysis' and you have made a big judgement from there, the weight is in my message. You should stop this habit of constantly making judgement from single words. I write words like 'you', 'need', 'analysis' and that puts a huge influence on what you understand. They have nothing to do with what I am saying. Don't look at words. Look at the message. All I can say is don't try to modify, or change the message that I am trying to convey. I am conveying one thing, but you are pushing the idea that I am saying something different.
  9. There is something beyond the words. In terms of SD, immersion and analysis of words is stage Orange. At green and above, non-intellectual modes arise. Imagine observing a painting. There is a nonverbal relationship between observer and painting. A type of essence. There is communication. Now imagine a scientist observing the painting and saying "you are analyzing the ink on canvas". If we try to tell the scientist there is an emergent property beyond they ink and canvas, he won't "get it" because he is contracted within his paradigm. It's not about analyzing the pointer. That would be like saying there is nothing else to analyze but the ink and canvas of a painting. There is a nonverbal essence to the painting. It's not really an "anaylsis". It's a different mode of being. Imagine the scientist saying "You don't understand. I am pointing to something ineffable. Look here. Look how this part of the painting is 30% blue ink, 40% red ink and 30% green ink. Notice that the artist used a broad brush for this portion of the green ink.". . . It would be clear that the scientist is still contracted within a paradigm. He doesn't quite "get" the emergent property of the painting. Now. . . imagine the artist who created this painting. Imagine the artist try to describe the ineffable essence through words. Compare this to the scientist trying to describe what the ineffable essence of the painting is. These are two very different orientations. Do you think an artist could tell the difference between the creator of the work and the scientist? Of course. It's not about the words, it is about how the words are used. There is a conflation between nonduality/duality and absolute/relative going on here. It is not the words, it is the underlying conflation. The realization and knowing of this does not come intellectually. You have repeatedly spoke of the attainment of peace/bliss and the cessation of suffering. If there is no one to attain peace/bliss and no one to be free of suffering - *who/what* is it that attains this peace/bliss and becomes free of suffering? If Enlightenment is both the presence and absence of suffering, why seek the cessation of suffering? If peace is suffering, why seek peace through the cessation of suffering. You are already peace while suffering - why seek peace outside of the suffering? The motivation is the secondary question. There is a prior to that, which you skipped. . . Have you directly experienced pure peace/bliss while experiencing awful suffering? This is the most important orientation expressed so far because it is so direct. This is a place of immense consciousness expansion into deep levels. If you don't think peace is suffering, then you are within a contraction of conditional peace. This is where the direct experience is so important. There is the knowing of absolute peace of suffering. The absolute peace of pain, anxiety, panic and terror. This is realized at a deep level because it is fully transcendent of the person/human. It's not the words. It is the knowing of the peace. This is not serotoninluv trying to describe what absolute peace is like through words. This is absolute peace trying to express itself through words. There is unconditional eternal peace Now, regardless of what is happening. If one places conditions on this peace, they will not come to know this peace. For example, if a being is suffering they may think "this is suffering, not peace". This will block them from the deeper realization. You keep returning to thoughts and analysis. There are modes beyond thinking and analysis, that you don't seem to be aware of. Here, you are not picking up on the post-intellectual modes being conveyed. I am not saying you are wrong. I'm saying there is something that you are missing. . . Imagine a person that speaks Arabic fluently. Do you think this person could recognize a Norwegian tourist that does not speak Arabic? What if this person says "No, no! I'm actually Arabic and speak Arabic. Here are a few Arabic words. . ." Do you think the native Arab would be able to recognize this? Of course. It would be completely obvious because he has the direct experience of being Arabic and is fluent in Arabic. He is not a farmer from rural Canada imaging what Arabic is like. These are very different orientations.
  10. Okay so you think what I am saying is duality saying what non-duality is like, which you are doing through words. I hope we are not disagreeing on this. But then you say- "You seem to think I am analyzing the pointer, which I am not. " , which I don't think is authentic, because in this forum there is nothing else but the words I am writing. You have nothing else to analyze but the pointer, however you are saying there is something else to analyze. And also you have written the reason why you think I come from a source of duality , you say- For example, you have written a lot about attaining peace/bliss and the cessation of suffering. *Who/what* attains that peace/bliss? To "whom/what" does suffering cease? You seem to have a subtle underlying personal/human framework that I don't think you are aware of. This is the reason why you think I am duality talking about nonduality. ( I hope we are not disagreeing on this) I don't need to talk about - who, what, whom what, when I am talking about bliss, to show that I am talking about nonduality. If I was an enlightened person, it doesn't mean I wouldn't be talking with the words 'you' 'I' etc. Buddha's suttas are full of those words. In case you might be wondering, I do not attach my isness with my ego. There is no one to attain bliss, there is no one to attain peace. But still, I will talk using 'you' and 'I'. It doesn't directly mean I am talking from duality. I don't know where you learned that using language that way indicates duality. Also don't say you are not looking at the pointer. There is nothing else but the pointer in this forum. I literally have. Enlightenment is the presence and absence of suffering Absence of suffering from the perspective of duality, is the motivation. That's what motivated Leo to start this entire project. If you say this isn't the case, I disagree. That's what started the Buddha legend. I don't think peace is suffering. From nonduality, there is no one desiring the end to suffering. From duality, the ego is desiring. Ego finds suffering painful . The sense which you have got by interpreting the words I have written the way you think the meaning has been conveyed.
  11. I understand that. I have a lot of experience in nonverbal zones. You seem to think I am analyzing the pointer, which I am not. I know the distinction between dualistic terms used to point and that which is being pointed to. There is a difference between nonduality trying to express itself in dualistic terms and duality trying to express what nonduality is like in dualistic terms. It is not your words you use as a pointer, it is more about the realization that you are holding the pointer, rather than omniscience holding the pointer. This is just my sense: there is an essence about your posts that is conflating - it has aspects of both. I'm not concerned about the words used. I'm concerned with the source of those words and the filter through which those words pass. For example, you have written a lot about attaining peace/bliss and the cessation of suffering. *Who/what* attains that peace/bliss? To "whom/what" does suffering cease? Who/what decides what is "suffering" and what is "peace"? You seem to have a subtle underlying personal/human framework that I don't think you are aware of. For example would you agree that "peace is suffering?". Not at an intellectual level, through direct experience. Have you directly experienced pure peace/bliss while experiencing awful suffering? If so, what is the motivation to seek conditional peace/bliss? If peace is suffering, who/what desires to end suffering? And why? Why seek the footsteps of wise enlightened beings when you have access to the same source as them? Tapping into that source transcends all spiritual literature and sages - because it is the source of all spiritual literature and sages.
  12. @Serotoninluv I don't think words and the meaning they seem to generate judging by the words alone, have anything to do with the message that is being conveyed. I might say , Omniscience means knowing everything that one needs to know. And you might rephrase this in a way that shows non-duality. It does not mean the message I am conveying is different from yours. It means I don't know how to phrase it the way you phrase it that shows or seems to show non-duality more ( for you and people who think like you) than the way I have phrased You say- "Seekers are strongly attracted toward peace/bliss and this will create many spiritual teachers that fill this *need* of seekers. Spiritual retreats generally have the theme of peace and bliss. There is nothing wrong with this, yet it goes deeper. For example, would you agree that suffering is peace? That frustration, insecurity and fear is blissfulness? If not, there are still conditions and greater depths to go. There is an unconditional peace that is eternally present Now under all conditions. Absolute peace during meditation, absolute peace laying on a beach, absolute peace during sex, absolute peace while being stabbed with a knife, absolute peace during a panic attack" Basically you are underestimating me. The line where you say 'deeper' is not deeper for me. It has not pushed my boundaries. I completely agree with what you are saying. But the words I used made you think something else. All I am finding is underestimation and misinterpretation again and again and again.
  13. Yea, this gets into territory in which "you" gets slippery and it's very hard to convey. Yet when trying to describe something like omniscience, I think we need to be careful with the term "you". I would consider omniscience a transcendence of this "you". I don't like the term here because of underlying assumptions of personification. If you say "you" has dissolved, then who is the "you" in "all you need to know"? If this points to a transcendent "You", I think the statement is misleading. If it does refer to a transcendent "You" it is a very very different contextualization. What does this transcendent You need? Ime, "you" and "need" aren't very good terms to communicate omniscience. My preference would be to try to communicate it without highly personal terms. The essence of omniscience without the "me" and "needs". Then why not say "Omniscience is the experience/knowledge/belief beyond which there is nothing more to know". Why add in an entity that is an "experiencer" or a "knower"? Why add in an entity that has "needs". That is adding in a contraction. I realize you are saying that there really isn't a "you" or "needs" - then why add that in there? It seems like you are trying to use a transcendent form of "You", but to me it doesn't seem like you are using it transcendently. In a nondual sense, there is no "You" because there is no "Not You" to contrast it with. Yes, language is dualistic. We can try to point to nondual with dual pointers. Yet to me, it seems like you are using a pointer to point back on itself. Like @Truth Addict suggested, we can imagine multiple "levels" of omniscience. To me, you seem to be in a transitional zone that is overlapping two levels. This is just my impression: it seems like you are cutting associations between Omniscience and ego, yet I think there are still some associations that can be cut. To me, this seems like a human trying to contextualize what Omniscience might be like, rather than Omniscience trying to contextualize itself in a way humans would understand. These are very different perspectives. Imagine being a child trying to describe what being an Astronaut in outer space would be like. Now imagine being an Astronaut trying to explain what being in outer space is like to a child. These are very different orientations. This is a good reflection of what I am pointing to. Notice there is no identification to the ant, yet there is identification to "me". What you are saying is that "I" am not the ant, "I am me". This is *within* something larger. This is right on the edge of a major consciousness expansion. . . This is one of the most common contractions in spirituality - including highly developed sprititualists. It is common for humans to get grounded in concepts such as "enlightenment", "suffering" and "bliss" etc. This can have practical usage as a framework, yet to transcend that, that grounding needs to be let go of. Notice how you have made a distinction between the ant and "enlightenment" and the "cessation of suffering". If enlightenment and cessation of suffering is not related to the ant then *who/what* is enlightenment and the cessation of suffering related to? If you add in "me" or "humans", that is a contraction. Categories have now been created. There is nothing wrong with that, yet there is further expansion. It is like someone saying "I am in Paris". There is nothing wrong with that. Yet within that contraction, there will not be awareness of beingness in France and Europe. As well, notice the association between enlightenment/spirituality with peace/blissfulness. Again, there are "levels" here. Associating enlightenment/spirituality with peace/blissfulness is super common with people on the spiritual path. Many spiritual teachers focus on this - peace/bliss resonates very strongly with seekers. Seekers are strongly attracted toward peace/bliss and this will create many spiritual teachers that fill this *need* of seekers. Spiritual retreats generally have the theme of peace and bliss. There is nothing wrong with this, yet it goes deeper. For example, would you agree that suffering is peace? That frustration, insecurity and fear is blissfulness? If not, there are still conditions and greater depths to go. There is an unconditional peace that is eternally present Now under all conditions. Absolute peace during meditation, absolute peace laying on a beach, absolute peace during sex, absolute peace while being stabbed with a knife, absolute peace during a panic attack. At a more surface level, spirituality is about attaining peace/bliss. Yet if one goes deep enough they will be have to come face-to-face with their construct of peace/bliss. To walk through the next gate, one must surrender that construct. I understand that. To me, it looks like you have broken through more surface levels and are scratching at deeper levels. Like I said earlier, it seems like you are at a transition between two levels and there are components of each. When you write "need = the desire/wish to eliminate all forms of suffering". . . from who/what does that desire arise and to who/what is that desire directed to? I think you still have some associations between omniscience/god with person/human. Notice how you are contextualization this like a human would - based on human wants and desires. You can conceptualize that "omniscience/god is beyond ego and human", yet you are within a human mindset. Notice how you earlier made a distinction between an ant and human and contextualized relative to human needs - at a deeper transcendent level there is no difference since omniscience/god is both ant and human. As well, notice how you are grounded in the "cessation of suffering". This is a very strong desire for the person/human. It is very important for humans to end suffering - first to the self, then to humans, then to all beings. Yet this doesn't necessarily mean that this is important at a trans-personal/human level like a human wold want. For example, what if there was a transcendent desire for unconditional peace. This is a greater peace. Yet humans desire relief from what they find uncomfortable. Which do you consider more transcendent: peace under certain conditions or peace under all conditions? (including pain and suffering). I understand the 2 "you's". At times, you are conflating the two "you's". In the larger context, you are contextualizing from a personal/human (you) perspective, rather than an omniscient/god (You) perspective.
  14. @Mikael89 I don't want to remember nothing, nothing. ??? Trust me feeling the same Sometimes. Ignorance is bliss. ???
  15. Whether the 'you' ceases, or 'need' ceases, that doesn't matter, it all falls under 'all you need to know', and here 'you' is not about the ego, 'need' is not about the ego, it's just words to convey the idea, and 'all you need to know' doesn't mean 'you' hasn't dissolved, it has, 'need' hasn't dissolved, it has, although there's no other way to put it then this way. Omniscience is the experience/knowledge/belief whatever you want to say beyond which there is nothing more to know, there is no need of knowing anything more. You can say, you dissolves, need dissolves etc, which is not wrong, but it all falls under 'everything that you need to know', which has a deeper meaning, a non-dual meaning, you cannot misinterpret saying 'need' dissolves, 'you dissolves', because I am not disagreeing with that at all but the language I use are dual and hence is forced to look like that when seen superficially. I am not associating Omniscience with an ego, but the word I used suggested it , but don't fall into the trap of taking the words literally and thinking I am associating with the ego. If I say, 'knowing all you need to know' it has nothing to do with ego, or you, or anything, it's just a way of saying it. We all know about ego dissolution so of course I am not associating it with ego although due to language reason I am saying 'you', so the reader should already keep this in mind and not misinterpret what I am saying. You say- "Similarly, "need" doesn't quite fit for me either. For example, one may know the essence of being of an ant. This has nothing to do with "my" "needs" ' Knowing the essence of an ant has no relation with Enlightenment or the cessation of suffering. The need I am talking about, is 'ultimate bliss'/ happiness/peace. Instead of an ant, if you are talking about the essence of being of who you are, then yes, it does have something to do with your need, which is feeling blissful, peaceful. Do you disagree that Spiritiuality is about attaining blissfulness? You say "Omnicience will grant *me* the ability to know *my needs*? Sign me up!" " This is not what I am talking about. It's not 'my needs' like the way you are using here. The way I am saying it is, need = the desire/wish to eliminate all forms of suffering. ALL forms of suffering. Which takes the ego and its 'needs' with it. Ego doesn't come anywhere, like you seem to be suggesting. There are 2 'you's. There's the 'ego you' which you misinterpreted my 'you' as. The other you is the 'no you' or 'you ceases, you' or 'God you', which is what I am talking about.
  16. @Alex bliss no WHY questions about enlightenment will make any sense - there is no answer, that's why it is, as it is.
  17. I hope I recall the exercise correctly otherwise I want to first reflect upon my small decision I made yesterday and that I in general feel more happy working and being at the workplace then being at home or in my home town. So I deleted all games again from my laptop and will care more about things that are fun to me that I feel, like reading a bit, journaling, programming etc. So, I can work on these things including the gym and ideally also find a routine that is not 1h long. (The more toxic video games that where I am not consciouess enough...) I also found a psychdelic that "should" still be legal here in Germany through the forum here and a quick search, yet I will postpone all of this because of my bachelors degree. I dont think it is wise or smart to do this when nothing of it is done and I need a week or longer to recover when a normal video can knock me out for 2 days. There will be some video games that I still will be playing since I dont know what else to do with my time here there are no proper hobbies or distractions that I could start such as going to the museum or smth similar. ( And they are more conscious like Divinity 2 Original Sins) So the task was to observe microfears for a week ? Not sure anymore about macrofears. I figure most wont do this, I wrote down my fears in my physical journal and I dont have it with me now so I will write down my macro fears here and will do a quick rewatch of the task. I will write down my macrofears here first from what I can recall and new fears. - Fear of failure - Fear of being ridiculed - Fear of being great - Fear of performance - Fear of looking stupid - Fear of wasps... - Fear of my own power - Fear of my own anger and impulsivness - Fear of darkness - Fear of my illusions - Fear of pain !! - Fear of overcoming obstacles - Fear of death - Fear of life itself - Fear of being inferior - Fear of being incompetent - Fear of being not intelligent - Fear of feeling vulnerable - Fear of being better than others and showing it openly - Fear greater people diminishing me - Fear of feeling small - Fear of not being satisfied - Fear of boredom - Fear of showing up - Fear of being alien to others - Fear of showing my highly compassionate nature - Fear of being a kid - Fear of excitement - Fear of being couragous - Fear of being seen as weird - Fear of being a nerd - Fear of racism - Fear of ethnocentrism - Fear of "pultocracy" or yuppies who do everything to gain status - Fear of modern family lol Microfears: - Fear of getting to know people - Fear of people recognizing me - Fear of social rejection - Fear of talking to people - Fear of being made fun out of - Fear of not getting enough sleep - Fear of not being good enough - Fear of rash decision which are made against me - Fear of the reperucssions of my actions - Fear of women making me feel inferior because I am a minority - Fear of being treated unjustly - Fear of eating unhealthy foods - Fear of eating to much meat - Fear of not eating healthy enough - Fear of not making any progress - Fear of stagnation - Fear of feeling overwhelmed - Fear of not doing enough work - Fear of not having enough fun - Fear of missing out - Fear of not taking action to travel more - Fear of to much safety - Fear of specific people with names - Fear of being seen as to weak - Fear of not persevering - Fear of projection - Fear of being misunderstood - Fear of people liking me - Fear of abusing my power and control over others - Fear of having to much impact - Fear of correcting and critizing others - Fear of causing drama - Fear of drama causing people This is enough the day is not even over and I listed all of this what I feel and felt in general through out the day toady and the years before. How are these microfears related to my identity ? They make me feel identified with the particular pain that I feel and therefore create a body mind concept, meaning, thought, feeling and the sensation itself build the identity, it is constructed in that particular way and by witnessing it it is actively deconstrcuted as well as the debris of the deconstruction shows what has been constructed in the first place. So, how else are they related ? To my behaviour, to me perception of myself, to the people I attract and what I avoid and how I see myself. How are my thoughts shaped by fear ? They are shaped by fear in a way which makes me feel depressed, avoidant, angry, resentfull, bitter, hateful, arrogant, spiteful, complacent, justified, vulnerable, despondent, deeply in pain, tortured, and they shape these feelings, they generate a victim mentallity that wants to sustain itself and when noting it it even hurts sometimes. What am I unwilling to experience ? Pain, uncomfortablness, exctasy, bliss, dying, death, justified hatred, vulnerability, tears of release and joy and pain, emotional freedom. Note: I decided to split up my meditation sessions into two times 30 minutes one time mindfulness and the other time behaviour change meditation and try this structure now, to change behaviour.
  18. That's beautifully written. I really resonate with what you are saying, even though it sounds like your experience is many times more intense than mine. I'm 20 years old myself and have been going through some disorientation for a while after realizing my true nature. Finding meaning in maximizing bliss within myself is very beautiful. Perfect response to the freedom/infinite prison question, beautifully put!
  19. @Waken No problem. Let me know if you have any more questions! @traveler There have been times where he’s lost motivation. A lot of feelings like that came up for him throughout the Fall of 2017 (when he was 19). During those months, he was just floating through existence. He didn’t turn nihilistic or violent. He still treated everybody respectfully because he felt them (whichever them they were). However, the lack of motivation, ironically, came from that drive to treat people well and make their lives as good as possible. With this experience of Me, Ethan’s always trying to dial in on more parts of Me and erase the suffering in their lives. However, the reality that I have infinitely many facets to dial into and, as such, have too many for all of them to ever be dialed into came crashing down on him. He always knew that but now it was something he focused on. This is when he felt the emptiness and lack of motivation. No matter how many parts of Me are made blissful - even if it’s infinitely many - there’s always going to be infinitely many more left to work on. Again, Ethan didn’t stop treating people well just because of this lack of direction. In fact, this is what helped him find purpose again. He realized that no matter how he felt, he was always going to be this way. Treating people respectfully was second nature to him and nothing, not even lack of meaning, stopped him. The meaning he chose to follow at that point was to keep playing the role of Ethan and keep maximizing bliss within Myself. I may never fully be blissful, but this never-ending Game of expanding it further and further will always keep me purposeful. So to your question of whether this feels like freedom or an infinite trap, it feels like both. Infinity, by nature, is inescapable. Yet, it’s inescapable because it’s boundless. So from the perspective of its inescapability, it’s a prison. However, the reason for its inescapibility (its Infinity) literally makes it free beyond limits. As for teachers in this plane (like the ones you mentioned but also alien teachers) Ethan doesn’t listen to them to learn anything new. If he does that, he finds himself utterly bored. However, when he listens to them just to immerse in the nature of spirituality and existence (like being immersed in poetry) he finds enjoyment.
  20. @DoTheWork I don't really disagree with anything you said in your opening post. That's basically how I expect it to work. Of course God cannot stay in God mode all the time, otherwise there would be no human birth. At some point God has to choose to forget and re-enter the Matrix. What should you do? Enjoy your Creation. Be the Creator and all that entails. Of course it's all meaningless in the end. That's what makes it so meaningful! It's an Infinite Game. Yes, awakening robs you of a certain innocence. There is a certain bliss to being asleep and clueless. It's fun to play a new video game, getting all excited about acheiving something in it. It's no fun playing a game you yourself designed just like it's no fun watching a magic trick you've deeply studied.
  21. @DoTheWork this is exactly what happens. This is the price your finite self pays for understanding all of reality. You will go through months in which, because there is no more fear of death that you will be on such a constant state of bliss that you can care less whether you live or die. The mundane will no longer matter to you. You could end up actually endangering your self because you have transcended both survival and death as God. Furthermore everyone is you. You will have to reach deep and come full circle back to caring for your own dualistic and finite survival. This is because as God you also love your finite self and you love duality. So you have to go back to immersing yourself in duality. It's not that hard really.
  22. Seeing the hammer, found not yet a tool; insight of nails - no longer the fool. A first wall stands; a momentum for two; creating as such; creation it is you. Abundant in thought; rather one that or this, insight of choice; resurrection of the bliss. That which truly chooses, mysterious to you, creating of this now; is just what you would do. Empty is the claw; of which no thing to do, no usage & no purpose, in a world that’s only screwed, is that which is formless, unheard & unseen, hides itself in builders, constructing of all things. A blueprint for blueprints, considers the legend; a mapper of all maps, therefore it is not destined. To fathom in such toil, such struggle and such strife, The insight of the choice, is truly of this life.
  23. @Alex bliss Where is ignorance. There is non-inspection of the concept ‘here & there’, but no non-inspector, nor does the lack of inspection create a here or there. There is ignore-ance of sensation & feeling, but there is no ignorer. To the wind & water, this is all nonsense. Just as it is nonsense to us to imply there is a wind-er, or a current-er.
  24. Hello, I have been procrastinating this for a while now but here's my review of what I have experienced using Inner Engineering, Shakti Chalani Kriya, and Shoonya Meditation, as well as some Hatha to get my body and spine up healthy and mobile to be able to receive increasingly high levels of awareness and sensitivity. First Let me start by saying Inner Engineering is no simply basic technique but a series of very powerful techniques when done with gracefulness has the ability to very rapidly shift the trajectory of your whole life. Had I listened to Leo's review instead of trusting my own source I would have crossed it out of potential techniques that might be great for me. Inner Engineering- The Shambhavi Mahamudra truly has been a miracle during the initiation of Shambhavi and the process of learning the Kriya was relatively simple and I could see the power of it almost immediately. Over the past few months of practicing only Shambhavi one of the biggest things it has done for me was sharpen my intuition like never before it truly feels like walking down the yellowbrick road. It has also really allowed deep levels of spiritual purification which have most manifested as letting go of a-lot of different and painful psychological baggage which has been beautiful overall. I know the reason your reading this you want to know the benefits and effects, but for each person it will be drastically different, especially by how each person approached the technique. One things that has happened is a massive opening in my energies and 3rd eye area, I am soaring with energy and I feel so connected and uplifting for everyone around me which has been another beautiful side effect of it. I could really go on but overall the feeling of balance in my body, mind, emotions, and spirit has been magical. Last note about Kriya Generally which I have not heard anyone comment on is the switch from DOING the kriya practice------> to the Kriya actually starting to do you. This has been a very obvious transition for me and very helpful as well, haven't heard anyone mention this though Shakti Chalani Kriya- Has brought about a more intense sense of bliss relaxation, lightness in my breath and raised my energies to a new peak pretty much every-time I do it. All of the same effects as Shambhavi but on more subtle levels. Overall this has been a pleasure to learn this its a 40 minute Kriya which feels like a turbocharger for raising my perception in every category. Overall great I give both of those programs a 5/5. I think one thing that I really need to comment on is the approach to spiritual practice has to be one of openess and enjoyment don't be torturing yourself with your daily or momentary spiritual practice not worth it. Find a way to approach every practice with a certain sense of openess, relaxation, and gracefullness. Shoonya Meditation- Has quickly brought about rapid de-identification from my mind for me, when I say quick I mean QUICK. So much more rest in my body and heart. This has also allowed more of my natural intelligence to flow through me in magical ways giving me a heightened sense of creativity, energy, and love. Man Does my body love this practice I feel like a limp piece of cooked spaghetti after. Overall if you have been brought to this and have been open to reading it this far you should now by now that these practices can have the exact same effect on you, it may just manifest in different ways, love has flowed through me and continues Peace and love to ME - YOU
  25. Ignorance is thinking Ignorance is @Alex bliss. Ignorance is making a distinction between mind and consciousness. Ignorance is seeking to remove ignorance. Ignorance is assuming it's a thing people have. Ignorance is asking where it is before investigating what it is.