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  1. @Jkris Right and the truth of the situation is both nothing and something are creations, so you still love creation and life. There is something for you to choose to love and have experienced beneath the layers of nothing and something is pure nothing, the substance which is unattainable. This is god, but we use non-duality to understand that it is us because the constructs of your belief are that of it, even limiting yourself is your own design. The experience of pure nothing, is pure nothingness atleast with your nothing you are still experiencing So what you are really saying is that you love something. Do you see the unconditional love for yourself you have given yourself ? for pure unattainable nothingness, is truly pure nothing. No something or no nothing. so the answer is : to experience life and indulge in those things you find joyful, even if that is the pursuit of non-duality to nothing. its unconditional experiential joy and love. This pure nothing is the domain of god, and any domains beyond that are unknown to us. for our perception is trapped in something + nothing. This pure nothing mainifests in human form if it wanted to as itself, this pure nothing can also manifest in a human form as you which makes its form unattainable. Still to the pure love is unconditional, so it can only experience itself through you. However, you can experience yourself through yourself, see because it is nothing. Its the same thing, just sometimes the whole comes into manifested form and this would be a god in the form of a human. Just like it's us as god in a human form. But this human would obviously have the full might of what is possible for that particular god. Like what you imagine it to be. Like creating money out of thin air. its unattainable for a person who was unconscious at birth. This person would have had to be born with it. because he would have manifested the whole of god in his human form. in this way for the human figure coming from a dualistic point we can say "they were blessed" but truly it is not a blessing. it is just god in a human form
  2. God Nothingness Godhead Brahman Emptiness Void Source Silence Bliss Love Goodness Dao Zeus Einsof Yahweh Al-lah Infinity Consciousness Truth Shiva Awareness Nobody No-Self True Self The Universe Absolute Nothing Buddha-Mind Buddha-Nature Teotel 5-MeO-DMT True enlightened masters they are
  3. I See it clearly now Enlightenment was all about an awakening to love Its love that allows for the rest to occur because it is the substance of it. its indescribable love and is formless it can be intelligent, it can be dumb, it can be infinite , it can be anything it wants to be. Thats the order Awakening to oneness Awakening to nothing then finally Awakening to love It is the heart beat of the universe. But even there is no sensation to it, it's the being itself that is awoken on the level of heart, this is why it gets misinterpretted alot, how do you say the love behind the love? the being of love is 2nd order, love itself is first order. When the sensation of love appears that is conditional love for that present moment. it is emptiness , nothingness, love , truth all of it in one go , YOU , all words it has no reason , it just is. Its still just a taster of what a being can possibly feel and that's why truth is truth, however, we can awaken to different things , like intelligence, love , all facets equally. You are just watching yourself go through the emotions. THATS WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ENLIGGGGGGGGGGGHHTTTTTTTTTENNNNNEEDDDD BEINGGGG ARREEEEEE SOOOO DIFFFERENTTTT AND ENLIGHTENMENT IS SO CONFUSING The enlightenment is one event, but the awakenings to itself ,LOOOOOOOL OMG THEY ARE AWAKENING TO FACETS OF ITSELFF Like pulling them out from a portal of itself to itself through its being which is in a finite space! but simulataneously everywhere! its pulling it out from its deepest layers. GOD to know itself and that's why enlightenment is infinite! BUT the present moment is itself justified by itself it is nothing! BUT ULTIMATELY LEO IS RIGHT to have an awakening to all its facets , "MANY ENLIGHTENMENTS" the question is how many facets are there? BECAUSE YOU ARE A STRANGE LOOP AND A PARADOX
  4. In a way I've integrated my awakening from almost 6 months ago, by that I mean I have my focus back and am able to go about daily life normally like a responsible adult. I've even gone back to watching youtube videos of middle aged women who have impeccable homes film themselves while cleaning so that I have motivation to actually pick stuff up off the floor and throw out old food from the fridge. Don't judge me. I'm really enjoying my work again especially with the fall and Halloween season and making money is a joy most of the time and not an obligation. My mood is pretty even keel again. However, it's only been integrated on that external level. there are still lots of realizations, re-framing and "ohhhhhhh.... fuck..." moments. I never understood how creepy the nature of reality is. I never knew how much I avoided creepy things or being associated with them. Also I hated technology and video games. Yet life is just one simulation. Why on earth would it be FUN in a video game to buy things, to improve, to learn, to meet people, to uncover a story line? Well... because that's what god is doing all the time. I've realized that I'm here to want things and to collect data, and I have chosen to experience everything that comes my way. When it's logical to hate the place I live, I adore it. Because God wanted to experience itself this form for at least 30 years anyway, living in the middle of nowhere. I don't have to care about other people's experiences or have fear of missing out, because I am all experiences and this is the one that I am choosing/ has been chosen for me. The rabbit hole of personal development and taking "personal responsibility" is deep. My life is beautifully orchestrated. If no one ever hears the music, it doesn't matter, that's also beauty. I see the nothingness in the everything. I see beauty and art as communication from source. Mikael's post about being a leg man gave me a huge revelation about men and their obsession with women's looks. Of course! I looove this time of year. Summer is dying, but good Lord, the colors. The leaves start to change and the mushrooms bloom in the woods, and there are still flowers everywhere and ripe apples on the trees. Of course I'd chose to be born this month, on the full moon.
  5. @Key Elements Yourr right its my fault , im interpretiing everything through a human. Who knows what your actual words mean, Thanks, thats it, its my fault for being human and not wanting to go through the traps and create an incorrect path. I get it now. its exactly that not being skeptic of own skepticism in the sense it will never get you a truth thats infinite without a begginning and an end LOL Fine you know what forget the truth, i've changed my mind, if your just going to get a truth and be skeptical of it, then whats the point lol that's exactly what i'm going to end up doing. my new motivation is just to take the path for fun. just pick a person to follow and follow their teachings for fun. I don't even care if its the truth or not. LOL , its not working out as me, so i'll change roles . I'll do what you guys do, i'll do word for word what someone says to me for the next 5 years (reasonable people obviously) , just for the fun of it. i won't even be skeptical. critical thinking goes full circle to instruction following thinking it is what it is , i enjoy the path itself oddly enough, It always amazes me how ridiculous this whole thing is i'll drop all my beliefs and start this whole journey again from the start lol. my skepticism is never if a person is right or wrong, it's just where they fit in the grander puzzle, so i absorb all beliefs and take them to be absolutely true. that way nobody is ever telling me something false, they're just telling me a truth less or more grander than the truth of design i currently hold. For me to search for truth myself would interfere with this model, because i would add my own subjectivity. Now if you used other peoples subjectivity against each other , then now you have a model for building reality. The question is also ,so what does it mean to be at the top. Because the bottom was always a place of lesser truth. Do you see the problem of me asking you this ? when you've used your subjectivity the whole time. You built your own model of your own subjectivity. Never collective subjectivity. Yet all of you exhibit different nows, proclaiming to be the watcher of the current now. So in my model, what actually changed? nothing, you were a subjective person before and still held that subjective view point. because that is the collective subjectivity that i was coming from anyway. The subjective person telling the absolute truth. I never cared about the being, just the content they were saying. still my own limitations were starting to show because then i had to find someone even beyond you to carry it to the end. The absolute truth. what was the connection ? We don't know because now subjectivity doesn't take ownership for its own subjectivity. it meshes together words and experiences, that don't mean the same thing. So now we no longer have a personal subjective problem, but a collective subjective problem, so i thought okay, lets make it independent subjectivity, and now it matched up. The absolute truth equaled the absolute truth. Because now everyone is right , but what about the one absolute truth, what is that? well if its independant subjectivity what is the collective independant subjectivity ... its empty and its nothing... Pure subjectivity to no degrees of subjectivity. but who is having this pure subjective experience of empty and nothing ? Hold up ... a subjective purely subjective being ? how does that make sense ? it doesn't ... because purely subjective is a will of its own by itself. Now were talking about a non-subjective pure subjective being. were talking about true nothingness and emptiness. Not "something being empty and something being nothing" because thats a pure subjective being. Pure subjectivity can extend to infinity because it has no boundaries to its emptiness. But a non-subjective being, would be the very emptiness itself. not purely subjective to emptyness itself. But where is this ? The answer is "not here, no-where literally" because "here" is in emptiness, its just purely subjective. So nobody can tell you if you are right or wrong, because its exactly that .. purely subjective. You need non-subjective being to be absolutely true. But how to get no-here? when we are always "here" .... "no-how" but "here-attempt" But now you see, the very first problem has started again, new claims = new pure subjectivity. So i tried looking for confirmation. but you see, you guys all agree with each other. So now we have a contradiction. an unsolvable contradiction. There is no person who has a collective subjective of all of us because now my own absolute truth has turned subjective. For me to include myself as myself is for me to be subjectively biased. As well as now we are dealing with my pure imagination, my pure delusion. And i am subject to that delusion. So now i start losing confidence in my own design. See now we would need the entire of absolute infinity to come and tell us itself using our own language to tell us which is the higher truth. But we don't have one of those. So it regresses back four levels all the way to normal subjectivity, which leads to all of you being correct. Simply because it can't be any other way. In subjectivity, either i'm deluded and your deluded, there's only one truth. And here we seeing the results of this play out. you see because if i go full circle delusion becomes non-delusion or non -delusion will become delusion. but you see enlightenment is the truth about absolute infinity , so what this is, is basically a theory for subjectivity beyond absolute infinity. because now i've added my own subjectivity to it. Conflation of terms, just like what i think is happening all around. so was it really past absolute infinity and the truth of absolute infinity. i don't know depends what you would define as the "absolute truth" because now you've made it subjective by creating new logic around it. or duality without an experiencer of it. So just plain old theory death is a good thing after all, in subjective terms i guess lol thanks a lot, that's like 8 years of research on the topic of truth theory. hehehe was a blast of a time! thanks for reading guys, i'm glad atleast it was read by people who actually like seeking truth just like i do Synchronicity, identified my fear for what to change for part 2 of fear next week. Homework done See as you'll get to know me over my time on the forum, i don't do religion, faith or beliefs unless i have to. But i don't discount possibilties until they are unprovable. What else can you do, after that. Nothing more its out of your hands I'll dodge mass delusion at all costs, until i can't prove it wrong. At that point, the logic is simple... i would be the wrong one. so the self-evident happening of the event will prove itself and itll be time to go full circle. everything happening just on time. Can't be contradicting myself and let myself get deluded, would just cause a new wave of mass delusion. It would defeat the point itself. All self-contradicting knowledge will destroy itself.
  6. God reveals to me when someone is truly authentic and you definitely are. Finding lots of what your saying very interesting bro. I can feel the weight of ego lifting, I feel myself becoming less and less solid like im becoming transparent. I've had visions of what it's like to be enlightened. To break through into nothingness and everythingness at the same time. To become a being of no shape and unlimited capacity to bend and contort into a living room, a bathtub, a bong, a planet 3 hundred thousand light years away. To bend and shape into a human form with memory and personality and limited thinking. I had an insight recently about how only extremely extremely weak minded people or extremely extremely wise people are typically seriously attracted to spiritual work. Leo was extremely talented and wise, I was the opposite...I was so incredibly weak and mentally distorted. It's very interesting becoming aware of these patterns
  7. Brother so you seriously went through entire lifetimes during your trips? What substance was that? And were they really entire lifetimes with time and space being born, going to school and getting old? I have heard of someone whoe heard about someone else experiencing a few months of another life during a 15 minutes salvia trip. What is the purpose of this actually? Which one is the base life before dissolving into nothingness? Could it be that we living here now is just a psychedelic trip of another life where we used some substance?
  8. My life was changed after I stumbled upon Leo's "What Is Reality" vid and everything seemed to make more sense. Then I watched dozens of hours of Leo's vids at 2x speed. Magic mushrooms seemed like the next logical step. I did a heroic dose of notoriously strong "Penis Envy". I recommend a shaman/sitter as you could end up dead, injured, or psychologically hurt if not prepared for reality as you know it to disappear. I identified a few 'human/earth connections' that kept me in this world, so I didn't "let go" into the void. It was my first time and I wasn't quite sure if I could 'come back', even though it's obvious now that I could obviously come back (as God) Things started great as closing eyes on the bed listening to music was one of the most heavenly experiences ever. But I forgot about the sanctity and reverence one must have when doing these. They will absolutely kick your ass! At first I was a little frustrated with certain things in this reality and I rejected human notions saying I didn't need them and could do what I wanted to since I invented everything. But then I was humbled by having to spend like what felt like a week on the toilet and then weeks/months in the tub in some of my own feces after vomit accompanied the diarrhea (I fasted beforehand). I ultimately decided I wanted to be in this reality because of those things that I didn't yet let go of at the time. So it both humbled me and helped me develop an appreciation for this reality since I'm the one who chose to be in it Maybe next time, I will "let go" into the void/nothingness.. or try DMT. AMA
  9. Thank you Leo, but I retained every lesson and more from that trip. Incredibly memorable day of my life : P The only thing I failed to do was "let go" because I wasn't sure at the time in my altered state if I could come back. But now I know I can come back. Heck, as God I can do anything. : P But I feel like I already have a good idea of what the void/nothingness/infinity/love/"Gods rest in nirvana" is like.. but I'll still do at least 1 more trip to go there or maybe DMT Thank you for the concern. I considered myself somewhat 'enlightened' after hundreds of hours of your videos, meditation, contemplation, being love/God, taking all hate out of my heart to be replaced with love, etc... I realize now I could have 'physically' hurt myself.. even though there is no physical body and nothing to hurt. I realize now i wasn't at Shaman level then, but maybe this time I would feel more comfortable doing the same dose alone again. Nothing like shoveling your own shit with your hand from the tub to the toilet to have humility
  10. @Aakash Hey man, sounds like you've gone through a lot and seen more then you knew what to do with maybe. I'd be careful with making claims like, I've gone through and understood more than anyone here. Comes off as a little arrogant? Second I'm pretty sure you haven't seen past some of the structures of mind/ego that seem to have tinted your possible infinite life times and left you with conclusions that you now feel are absolute in nature. While you may have zoomed through infinity taking in a shit ton of wisdom its all been filtered through a mechanism called "you" and this "you" had its own limits and filters and structures of understanding this journey. After going through such a journey you've come back believing you've seen it all and have understood an objective meaning to it all. Hmmm that sounds like the average everyday male thinking he knows exactly how things are..... only now its supported by more data supposedly. This objective meaning that you've come to the conclusion of is called....drumroll... TOTAL meaninglessness with a unique negative emotional tint and vibration. Oh and how miserable this absolute truth is. The only problem is, this is just a common time and time symptom of the human psyches reactionto the mind expanding journies that challenge fundamental idea's held to be valuable and true. This psyche in the spiritual world has been labeled as ego, a internal boogie man, a force of habit in which one of the characteristics is a fundamental meaning maker, giving labels, reasons and purposes to supposed out there things, even if its meaning is no-meaning, and with this are feelings related to or in the letting go of these meanings. Now by now your probably wondering who am I and why should you listen to me, a total stranger on the net, telling you of all people who's seen it all, that perhaps theres more to look into on this matter. Well I'm just a nobody who has suffered and believed the same things your caught in now and can tell you from the other side, that your stuck in MEANING itself. Meaninglessness, pointlessness, and nothingness are all on the plain of meaning. The absents of thingsness, the absents of point, the absents of meaning is true freedom from yoyo effects of the mind generator of meaning. Its to understand outside of the plain of meaning, not within the structure of ego mind meaning and see some supposed no meaning to it all because it all repeats, its all the same on some level, it all gets boring and thus....its pointless, it all comes full circle and blah blah blah blah blah, meaningless meaningless, meaningless....... you may be one miliblip away from a full blown positively tinted awakening that isn't tied to this subtle psyche that your still stuck in, but until you see this (and perhaps until you admit to yourself that you don't know it all, haven't seen it all, and that your conclusions are not conclusive and never will be), you will never know the freedom I am pointing to. And before you wrap that last sentence into a known conclusion such as "well its just one of the infinite views out there and it will pass, and is no different than anything else, since its all One" (I know you ego, I've seen your tricks, I've gone through them), really try and be open and ponder the possibility. Try and get through the first 30 mins of this video, it really points to something I'm expressing here in the dropping of "you" and letting go in a positive way to many of the truths you seem to have seen, but still from a limited "you/psyche". (I'm not a buddhist and apparently this guy has some allegations against him, he still describes an apsect of truth beautifully in these first 15-30 mins).
  11. @zeroISinfinity I would recommend watching the samadhi part 2 video it's not what you think from 23 minutes on and it will describe the pregnant nothingness I am describing. The reason being is I stumbled on to these two videos about 3 weeks after one of my last big Awakenings in April and it was almost identical to my own experience I was utterly shocked.
  12. @VeganAwake Could You elaborate more on Nothingness. Would like to hear your toughts about it.
  13. @Aakash let me clarify a little bit. No I don't think we are an illusion, I think we are real living human beings on a planet. The ego construct within the human being is what creates the illusion, commonly referred to as the masks we wear or Maya the illusion of the self. The pregnant nothingness within the human body that I was describing would be equivalent to the soul or the spirit. Only this spirit or soul is not an individual soul like the ego tries to make you believe. No this nothingness is literally the essence of all existence, it is the absolute in its self... The article is just fine a good read! Thanks...
  14. @Aakash don't make roadblocks where there are no roadblocks, for example there is no problem with Consciousness or absolute Infinity. The only outside of Consciousness that I'm aware of is called Maya the illusion of the self... which that samadhi movie explains very well... please check it out if you haven't already. Awareness Consciousness God absolute Infinity truth are all words describing the same thing. But remember words are not the thing itself...the map is not the territory. I really need to put a strong emphasis on there is "Nothing To Attain." Here is a definition to assist: The verb attain means to achieve, accomplish, or succeed in reaching a goal (usually through some effort). The verb obtain means to acquire or get possession of something. Your false self or your ego is the thing seeking and trying to attain something. Your true self is the nothingness underneath all the layers of your false self.. it has been there all along underneath your nose and you just need to see it. That's what is meant by you are already enlightened. This true self is the essence of existence itself. It is the unchangeable truth of what you are. Shed the layers of your false self, realize the unchanging infinite self that was always there, the veil of Illusion or Maya was just stopping you from seeing it clearly. Hope this helps. Remember the biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. In this work you have to empty your glass. If you think you already have the answers you will not go through the difficult work of dropping your false self and realizing your true nature.
  15. I 'overdosed' on purpose to have a religious experience. I took off all my clothes first because I didn't need those 'human/societal confines'. Having diarrhea was from the fasting I assume. Leo probably wants people to take a dose so that they can experience letting go into the void/nothingness/infinity in a safe way No, this post was not satire
  16. @Aakash About two and a half years ago I realized almost everything I thought I knew about diet and nutrition was more of a perspective or conditioned thought process than the actual Truth. I went vegan overnight and it was such a quick and radical paradigm shift that something in me Awoke. After that it started off as searching for ultimate truth, surrendering(letting go)and simultaneously knowing that I would never give up until I reached it. I had to replace fear with trust and motivation and dive deep into the murky waters of the unknown while staying grounded and balanced. I had to completely empty my glass, stay radically open minded and maintain razor sharp focus to sort out the TRUTH from the nothingness. I dropped everything I thought I knew about anything and became a child willing and ready to learn. I also knew I was wasting energy holding on to past grudges and not completely forgiving everything and everyone including myself, forgive them for they know not what they do. I had to patch those holes to keep the energy from escaping, so I could use it in forward progression and to peel off the layers. Meditation was key for learning to stay present and aware and helped me gently set my ego in a chair with its nose in the corner and tell it thank you, but I will no longer be requiring your services. In other words I mortally wounded it. Big picture thinking was also important on this journey, the biggest picture I could possibly imagine in every question I had. I prayed for awakening( even though at the time I didn't realize it was already happening) and asked to be shown everything. There are many other things I came to understand such as: taking the middle path, non-attachment, non judgement, non identification, non-duality, cultural conditioning and its influence, collective ego, spiral dynamics, understanding religions stemmed from spirituality. Sorry this was so long I thought you might be interested.
  17. @Truth Addict@Zigzag Idiot It's so easy to get lost in the world in worrying about the things you do, the things other people do and thinking about how you stack up or how people like you. It gives us such peace to remember the present moment, to remember the nothingness, to remember that there is no self. We remind ourselves "There is just this." But that's not quite right. There is no just this. There is THIS. Magic is love, love is magic. An Abraham Hicks video helped me to make this connection, that when you get that feeling, that impulse or vision that feels amazing, that's it right there. Then we think about the action and the manifestation it may or could lead to and often get lost there, but that feeling that connection that bliss, that passion, that connection with love, and the present moment, THAT was it.
  18. God is not bored, God is boredom, and all other dimensions of reality aswell. Subjects are illusiory, there is nothing happening to anyone. There are simply happenings. It wouldn't make sense to say God was bored as much as it wouldn't make sense that you can be bored. Boredom simply exist, it does not belong to anyone or anything. God is the boredom itself, and also the excitement. The Subject - Subjectivity duality doesn't work on humans and it surely doesn't work on Reality as a whole. God is not A, God is not B, God is not C. Rather A, B and C are God. Replace God with the word Reality and you will cease having these confusions. Reality cannot be bored, however reality can be boredom. The whole thing about reality is that it is everything, or rather that everything is it. And no, the reason of existence is pure Love. Why Isness? Love. What Isness? Infinity/Nothingness How Isness? Infinite Intelligence/Creativity, Magic That's how you could frame it. All of this exists from Love and as Love, not boredom. The "substance" of boredom is Love.
  19. Zero is most definitely a concept. What you're conflating it with is "nothingness" or "void" but those are also concepts that exist. "God is nothingness" is the name of a book on Leos book list, and it's pointing to something way beyond 0.
  20. Can't move anywhere because everything is me. Can't live because life is me. Can't be Aware because Awareness is me. Dream substance. Nothingness? Hmmm What is this nothing?
  21. I don't think there is a big difference , it just depends on how you define the terms. I understand self inquiry as: and the Parvastha as surrendering to, being (in) the awarenes, nothingness void, the Self, or as you/Gamana described: And I think self inquiry is more about actively wondering/ looking what you are while parvastha is about (passively) surrendering to what you are One might say self-inquiry is a more masculine and parvastha a more feminine approach I think Gamana says that you can stay in your one-pointed concentration spot after the practise if you are intuitively drawn to it. Otherwise recommends to just surrender
  22. What would be the difference between Parvastha and self-inquiry? Both are basically focusing on awareness, nothingness, void. Self-inquiry just seems like longer Parvastha, independent on any practices preceding in. Where parvastha is a state focused on after kriya to calm the mind. Also, does SG recommend one-pointed concentration after practice. I swear he just says chill in the I-amness. Thanks.
  23. @Natasha they are identical without distinction but how ? In its relative sense they are both love for survival. This means that survival is feminine love. The unconditional love which allowed survival to take place is now masculine love. To which absolute love, is now masculine love which is identical to feminine love. Life (survival) = feminine love and death (nothingness) = masculine love. If you realise carefully that what I’ve said. Life is identical to death and therefore it’s absolute love. Leo: it seems I will give godel, Escher and ba a read, I don’t have the knowledge to break down ideologies at will by resolving paradoxes. After a while it seems like that is the only book one should read lol
  24. You are the One, the enlightened know this, they know they are you. Meditate; into the Self. Allow the mind to acquiesce; allow thought to secede. Allow control resignation. See about this nothingness, meet yourself again. Below the thinking, within the sensations, prior to ideas of you - know thy self. Vulgar? Obscene? Pushy? Irate? Hurried? Important? Demanding? What is the true nature? It is powerful beyond measure; innocent, subtle and kind. It waits eternally for you; to return, to remember - to meet again. It allows all things; it never asks for precedence. It supports you in every endeavor; while assembling the next. It waits while you eat what it did not yield. It waits while your foot is in your mouth. It waits until your show is done; judging you not. It waits for words to run their course. It waits through your ‘problem’; it waits while you ‘solve’. It waits. It has nowhere more important to go. It has nothing more important to do. It has no one more interesting to be. It is for you; it gifts you freedom. It is for you; selfless, it is your love. It is for you; and for you alone, it waits. There is no other; it is you.
  25. 1 is a concept. One concept + another concept = third concept. Concepts are relative and changing. 0 is absolute. It is not a concept, it is an absence of concepts. Nothingness. Nothingness never changes.