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  1. yes i agree. this is a very deep knowing indeed unsure about the awakened state but the ego-states during the search... those can be scary with this take someone going thru a negative trip or even a negative time in general the depression feeds of the negative emotion... and since we manifest that emotion which we feel, the incredibly dense negative emotions compound and multiply and increase exponentially so when one asks/thinks "can it get any worse?" it actually freekin does! lame but real example, let's say if we can quantify pain somehow... like if someone was feeling the pain of 1000 bee stings and they feel can it get any worse... that pain level will increase from 1000 to 10,000 to 100,000 and so on... without end and awareness being what it is, WILL BE AWARE OF EACH OF THOSE INCREMENTS.... that's why people who get stuck in those hellish trips.. they really truly are in hell... seems like eternity also!
  2. Hi everyone, I hope you can give me some input on a crisis I find myself in. Over the last year I have been pursuing enlightenment with increasing intensity. It has ended up being the singular purpose of my life and other parts of my life have dropped away (social life, creative pursuits, etc). Following a brief period of kriya yoga, my kundalini awakened in mid-May and since then kundalini craziness has ensued. I was feeling an intuitive pull towards celibacy, particularly after my kundalini awakened, which has led to the end of my relationship - the most wonderful thing in my life, just perfect. Now that’s ended I am finding myself in a very scary place. I have emptied my life so much, so fast, that it seems completely meaningless. I’m absolutely heartbroken from my breakup. Everything I used to enjoy is gone and I am completely alone (except my family, who are very supportive). I’ve had suicidal thoughts. It’s been too fast, too dramatic, too intense. I want to take my foot off the pedal a bit, and am considering trying to patch things back up with my girl and take it easy on the monasticism and practices (while still embracing the kundalini awakening, of course). At the same time I don’t want to fuck up my opportunity for awakening. Has anyone got any advice for me?
  3. I'm flying my friend, I have awakened, i know how to heal with energy, psychic abilities, etc (not very important, the healing is) and still doing it every day to a new level.
  4. Deities are idealistic forms of the mind, nothing more. Any natural, simple, awakened human being is superior to any Deity.
  5. The Five Gates Surely our eyes are aflutter with light Yet the thunder resounding, escapes from their sight Our ears are awakened to the slightest of sounds But a smile from a friend, it can nary be found To see, to hear, to taste, and to touch Each sense being bound by its own design, inasmuch To know only itself, and to all else be blind Circumscribed in its view, by its own nature confined Knit within the body wherein our souls now reside Five fountains of knowledge, so defining our lives How much more of the world might there really be If between light and sound, we had senses to see Could it be then that this world, is more whole and complete Awash by all the Heavens, replete with many angels just out of reach And these gates we supposed, would enlighten our minds Are forever blind to the prose, as they can discern only rhyme And the soul that we are, and its form in between Cast down and out of Eden, into darkness unseen To sweat and to toil, beneath the shadow of death And its many sins presumed hidden, by this mantle of flesh Will in death find greater dimension, from the senses then released Freed from this worlds subtractions, so will our vision greatly increase And our judgment revealed upon us, as we see though different eyes Naked have we been all our lives, and likewise, our motives and our lies So then who is more blind, than the man who can see Lost within a forest, so he perceives only leaves Who is more empty, than the man who thinks himself full And who is more wise, than the senseless old fool
  6. No afterlife, no hell, those notions are to scare the dormant to not become awakened. To maintain them in sleep and wait to die so they receive a reward, the most stupid thing humanity invented.
  7. @MarkusSweden From my point of view, material reality is perspective-independent. You can apply many perspectives on top of it and you will get different results depending on the definition of the current perspective. When your mind becomes open enough so that you do not fear ambiguity, you can inspect your models of reality closely to see that they are, in fact, hollow. Words have many different meanings and if you do not inspect them, you may run into a trap of thinking that your models are reality. The moment that you think that something is obvious is the moment that you missed your judgement. The same reasoning applies to prediction of people's motivation. People do hings for all kinds of reasons and assuming upfront that they are stupid is the expression of your model of society. You should learn your own stupidity, so that the word 'stupid' becomes emotionally neutral. It has to stops meaning 'the other person'. Learning all of the wicked sides of your personality is a very potent equalizer of judgement. There is no such thing as collective unconscious in reality. Perhaps I have not yet awakened to the degree you have been describing. This is why material world has to be perspective-neutral. The state of consciousness cannot be something externally observable. This is why spiral dynamics is cyclic. There is no way to tell from your perspective whether somebody else is lower or higher than you. You can only tell whether they are on even, or on odd stage (with respect to you), but never if they are lower or higher. The world is relative to perspective you have and perspectives are disjoint. I think that judgement of others is self-miscommunication. A lack of mastery of the mind. Unfortunate, but common. Not perfect, but essentially unknowable. Saying something about somebody else is an expression of your understanding of the world. Negative judgement is an expression of misaligned perspectives. I do. This is a clue however. The one-eyedness is the reason of ambiguity. Instead of saying that it is a flaw, embrace it to become free. True freedom lies in perfect balance. Not a balance on top of a mountain so that a small wind tips you over to fall. It is a balance in a valley. A beach ball does not care for storm, as it is all the same to it which direction is up and which is down. It is not stable, nor unstable. It is a neutral balance. (See the article)
  8. @Viking It's not that young people can't get enlightened, it's just that in most cases their ego's are too big that they are blocking the path. It happens to be that as you grow up on the path you become more spiritually mature and your ego is easier to let go and transcend. Bigger ego's = hard to enlighten. Reduced ego, humble ego, wise ego = smooth enlightenment. Even if you do have a surprise awakening like many people do, if your ego is unprepared then you will suffer greatly. Enlightenment is a very holistic pursuit, it is not a side hobby or interest. It is your life. You have to gather all your knowledge from all spands fo life (relationships, diet, work..) to have a full awakening and maintain it. It is easy to have a few experiences then say you know everything. It is healthy to want to become awakened, just be aware that the you don't want awakening because it is the end of everything you hold deeply, and that drive might change over time and even disappear. My advice, keep reading, meditating, do some shrooms or LSD. The path is infinite. But one day at a time.
  9. Ok, it really seems I don't know anything. I am sitting and looking, but I really don't get anything. What about you, awakened people? Do you know something? What do you know? Do you know what reality is? Do you know what thoughts are? How do you know?
  10. Yeah, it's something that comes up. Repeatedly, in fact. As you do this kind of work, you will change, and those changes will lead to various kinds of problems and challenges. One that recurs is the question of how to position yourself with regards to the main flows of the society in which we found ourselves, and another that recurs is how will you manage "Rendering unto Ceasar", that is, taking care of the practical matters of being within this societies influence, making sure you have a place to live, food, and whatever other things you decide you will choose to have and pay for. This becomes a problem with more charge and larger consequences if you have, either intentionally or unintentionally, created a love and sex relationship. And if you have gotten each other pregnant and now expect or have children, well, that is MUCH more intense. Expect to spend a fair amount of time-solving those problems. Expect some grief from that process. This is one of the areas that is a critical success factor for really successful self-development, and the work and training to become more conscious and integrated, and then awakened, genuinely present, and wise. There is not enough training in the practical skills that one has to have to go along with it. This is especially true in the teaching systems that evolved from the monastic traditions, which came to the US and set up shop. But, it's true everywhere. Leo seems to be doing a better than average job of trying to teach and make available teaching oif those skills here. That's definitely rare, the exception, not the rule. Because self-development is a "spiral" process, that is, one repeats the same lessons again and again, but on a higher level, you will end up facing these problems multiple times. And because you change, you won't want to be using the same solutions every time. You may find yourself completely changing your way of life as you go through each major Age Stage Change, and the Age Stages hit you as regular as clockwork, roughly every ten years, faster if you are pushing yourself to move faster. And, something that is not mentioned often - there are multiple "enlightenments". Each offers its own puzzles to solve and it's own challenges and transformations and obligations. Something you had no ethical problems resolving when you are 25 can generate an ethical reaction and dharma obligation at 45 that overturns everything you thought you knew. Here's the thing, tho, about dealing with the problems of supporting yourself or coping with the sickness of our parent society. You become stronger, clearer minded, smarter, and less easily tormented or tricked by the games of society and the pressures of the damages in our minds that society implanted in us. Your creativity will increase, pretty dramatically. And your sense of what you "need" changes even more dramatically. You adapt more quickly. You see possibilities you would not have been able to see before. And you can learn new things much faster, if you choose to. So, usually, solving the problems is not that hard. BUT, we are in a time of social and economic decline, currently. Our society has gotten sicker. It actively chose to go down a path that hurts young people economically (that hurts everyone not born into a wealthy family, technically). Lets hope that various forces make this a temporary decline. But it may also get worse, even much worse. We will have to deal with whatever fate and dharma bring. (Another minor 'but'. A side effect of this work is that a person can become less willing to deal with the bullshit of our parent society. This can make people that develop subject to a strong need to say "fuck this shit, I got to get away from these bad vibes". It can also make us bore easily, craving the new. If you get that effect, again, you have to figure out how to deal with it. )
  11. Beige is an ancient building at peace with time. (being) Purple is a tribe in a circle sharing stories. (ultraviolet, at sundown) Red is a man eating meat, or hunting and then eating. (sitting on a carpet) Blue is a person buying a blueberry smoothie without realising it is artificial. (tricked) Orange is an orange, which is orange and always orange. (ideas that are self sustaining) And gets sweaty. Green is a leaf that does good things for everyone because they are trending and seen as good. (more ability to propagate). So a self shining self choosing ego. Like a hippy. Yellow is a lemon that does the job of an orange without sweetness (less impact), like a good entrepreneur. Torquoise is a turtle that travels the sea slowly with a pattern on it's back, it's the pattern that matters. (cosmic shift). When it sees inside the reflection. Coral is a tree underwater, it no longer needs to breathe because it is at one with it all. Now it is still. Teal is unspeakable meditating essence, fully awakened. The thing beyond the still, always. Beyond reflection, but transcending it. This is all relative to where I think I am and will inevitably fail, each colour will trick you because it is more enlightened than you are, colours stand alone in function and presence whether you are looking or not, yes turquoise can reflect this, and coral can be with it without saying a thing, and Teal can be the meditating essence she is, but then there is That, and it will keep going forever until you are right where you need to be, which is not where you are now, see all the value in each of the colours and you will be in the right place, but don't try to use them for yourself.
  12. Enlightenment is not what people think is, in general, they have a very bad misconception. The awakened one does not bother too much with this existential mindsets/goals/feeling good. Like a child who wants to just be and play, nothing more. Eternal discovery. And the agony around common people, because he/she can hear, feel all the beings around. And I must tell you folks, it is a piece of garbage this world, literally, when you hear, feel other people you just pass by on the street. (bumblebee style usually, with your internal voices). Is not fun, after a while you tend to let go of any information and stupidity that comes every day, and that stupidity is called education/high morals/independence/a must do something/life purpose/especially money, etc. So maybe I'm on this forum to see if I encounter someone who had been to the other side, the sad fact is, I don't see, not even in Leo. Too serious business here too. Sad.
  13. You don't know what you're talking about then. Why don't you actually read the data I provided on patterns that awakened people all have in common? Because you can't be bothered and just want to make a reality out of your own preferences and what you seen on Buddha at the gas pump?
  14. I know that everything I know is illusionary and there is no such thing as knowledge, nor this me which claims to know this. I know I’m not an awakened person. Thoughts are finite, as you are infinite. The presentation or appearance of a choice must be illusion because only finite things could be optional choices and only infinite could be free to appear to make a choice, while infinite is the appearing finites, so there never was an actual choice possible.
  15. Today was a cool dayo. Habits were in check which made way for a productive day. A few cool insights. I have no say in my life anymore. Spirituality has got me, I'm its puppet now. An instrument of good will. I was reading Enlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini and it basically sums up my position very well. August 24- September 4 I did a 10 day vipassana retreat and experienced a minor awakening and a shift of energy surged through my body. It also helped that I was 2 months into NoFap so i had ALOT of stored energy. (a part of kundalini is sexual essence). But basically what the book says is that once kundalini (awareness) is awakened, it must be used benevolently or else it will make your life living hell. Which mine has been. And it all makes PERFECT sense. Whenever i go against my intuition to love and share my joy, whenever i fear opening up, pain emerges in my neck, tension builds up, and i seek unconsciousness through petty distraction and entertainment. See i have this energy lets say at %10 and it must be put to use. But i experienced that energy at a peak experience, everything was amazing, i was whole. But my default position for self-actualization is like a %5. so i need to take action to get myself that %5. My highest realization must be in integrity with my life. or else i am living a lie. Basically: awakening = energy + awareness of my own impurities = motivation to change OR fear of change = smooth energy transition OR painful energy transition. i have been taking the painful one. And life is hell. I have a lot of growing ahead. and it sucks. but i know it will be worth it and life will be amazing again. Oh and I'm going on another 10-day Vipassana retreat June 30 - July 11. Yay?!? Night. Love Y'all.
  16. @lmfao let me just say this now and maybe you can create an answer from this. Red can have a non dual state experience, but it's not going to stick because there just isn't enough development. All people through all points in life have non dual experiences. We all have them when we go to sleep at night . The trick is to realise it permanently in the waking state. But even then different awakened people are at different stages, so your classic version of enlightenment isn't the full story, there are vertical levels to consider.
  17. Meta-Metaphysically it could be true though. This whole physical reality along with the awakening and absolute infinity could be simulated. This begs the question where does the simulation take place, but it still could be an infinite loop of simulations. I still dont understand why awakened people are so damn sure that they know all of reality. It could be descartes demon but on another level, the level of consciousness at work. You cant ever be dead sure of anything. Granted, these awakened people probably know more than us, but you can never be sure in my opinion.
  18. @Rilles Then the Awakened one came and posted one of his songs...
  19. Jesus is an allegory of Enlightenment, his miracles and doings are an art mirror of the inner awakened self. Same as Gautama Siddhartha or Mahomed.
  20. Even a truly an enlightened person will say he is enlightened to teach. I dont know why people use the word claiming, it only shows they are not enlightened themselves. As if you need every guy in the street to shout that you are enlightened to confirm it. You can definitely. If you are somewhat on the correct path and have a sharp eye. @Jed Vassallo A teacher can only course correct you sometimes but in the end, all work has to be done by you. A physical teacher is necessary if you are learning a subject, but in enlightenment, you are unlearning what is untrue. Id say stick to reading books by awakened people(hint : Jed Mckenna) and do what they tell you to do. If you are still not satisfied, go to spiritual gathering(preferably non dual) and ask around for teachers.
  21. EGO the survival blueprint of the body is something that consolidates with awakening. Egoistic, the definition of egocentric behavior and the phycology definition has nothing to do with the EGO. They are 2 different things. Transcending the EGO does not necessarily mean in practice letting go of being selfish. In fact, as you state above, more awakened, more selfish, is true but is a different selfishness than a dormant human being that searches for closure. The true selfishness that leads to destruction is not sharing your own harmony of the body/mind. Being selfish per example because I have more material things than my neighbor has nothing to do with EGO.
  22. Basically, Don Edward Beck & Christopher C. Cowan took a very nice approach of making a category out of Spirituality and the levels of reality and separate them. The awakened human beings integrate all of them, all the colors, all the levels. But they did it for Marketing purposes and the Financial System.
  23. Hey this one was from a while back. 10 mins: At this point I was having visuals everywhere that looked almost like the astral realm. After this I started to feel like I was realising something... That we as people need to beat to the sound of our own drum. In this experience it was my personal will I was experiencing and it's influence of only the good and its contagiousness in the mental experience of the people I was interacting with. Then onwards it got interesting. I won't give you the details of how I got this knowledge, but I did, and it was regarding the nature of reality. I discovered that reality was all made of one vibration vibrating in different scales overlapping each other, but the keytone to it all was one and single and one for all, it travelled through all of them, and I who was travelling through, still, in the now, but in eternal power, which could penetrate and permeate anything I wished in the sense of the power of consciousness over evil or manipulation, it was an ecstasy but a fearful extasy, one which felt like gave me a greater responsibility one which I almost felt I couldn't handle all on my own. Then I thought I was Jesus, a Jesus of the modern world, a Jesus who is in the era of Marylin Monroe, as I saw the paintings of her pasted everywhere on the ground, and I was there in Grace. Strange thing was I was Jesus at that time, I was his Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, I could feel the responsibility and the burden of that, of carrying such things, such a great weight of relentless penetrating power into anything and everything to the deepest and densest seed of evil, because this vibration could see through anything and everything, which were all only offtones of this one great reality in one of two directions, up or down, doesn't matter still duality. I sat there vibrating my fingers in time with this tune of life and I saw it bouncing off everyone and reverberating everywhere, and I was the life maker, the tune itself, with no other added aggregates, pure clean, washed through like a song that cheese grates the separate parts out of you until you are standing in the middle, right in the middle. No side step or crutch anywhere, pure presence at a single point, zero, and infinite, but wholly present, I am shaking right now as I speak (its cold here). And I feel it now in my shivers it is pure life force, energy in your body but in reality as well, and it is communication itself, intelligent already, it knows how to think, even though it's in the same place all the time, with it's eyes wide open, in every single cell of the body, beating to that one frequency. Then visuals: Saw a look alike of this Alex Grey painting embodied in the room and part of my subconscious. SEE BELOW The similarity was striking Then started seeing over my vision a kind of HYPERSPACE where there were these 4d cube like figures overlapping and intertwining each other like a fabric of some sort, like a nicely knitted weave that was interactive dynamic and 'tricky'. It was illusory and overall it was like one shape in one place but many places also which you are looking at and part of in some way. In the background I could hear a mantra going at exactly the same frequency as the vibration of life I had discovered earlier, which I now was feeling in my whole body and being. This mantra was like a low pitched almost throat singing like buzz, like a bee even, which was supporting all life and keeping the physical reality in 'action', which I was supporting as well with my being and body as an Antenna. There was one more thing I felt, which was that other people have this other self or vibration in them that most of the time they are not connected to on the inside out and when they look at me I can feel it in some way and I don't know how to explain how other than pure mathematics in their relation to GOD which was dynamic and alive and looking at me as I was it. and where other people are at in relation to this presence is related to one whole symphony of many artists some good and some and bad, some closer and some further to the middle of this three dimensional bell curve. I knew where they were relative to this vibration, that beyond them represents their higher self. I realised that there are the good vibes and the bad vibes and the good vibes keep us alive and the bad vibes kill us and give us cancer whoever and wherever they are in our bodies or our minds as we are beings who need to readapt to the mathematics of the physical world in our energy system in time with natures changes and challenges that come with greater personal freedom of the modern day, the bad vibes and persons owned by them don't know consciousness is here and we have generally a greater consciousness on a deeper level which has been now not so good in our attempt to create space on the planet as a high stake for life itself. Us living in nature at these growing endless dilemmas between people and memes placed in the minds of our population. They (the controllers of consciousness from ego) are using us and leaving us slowly with their ways of manipulation and spoiling our code frequencies and order in the harmony of the universe and seeing the mathematics of it all makes it a black or white process in the network (so we ask who are we in order to reset the code to ZERO) in order to bring form adaptably and strategically back to the one unchanging I (with persistence) and align the body (this makes it 1 after the uncertainty of zero (but a Fibonacci one which is infinite and goes in both directions making a toroid). This is balanced until many egos (phantoms as entities in the matrix (hollow)) come in and try to claim the whole for their own purposes. It is freed when counterbalanced or embodied (which is more effective) then you are balanced and need no crutches and you can propagate the code at incredible rates but it can challenge the world. Karma in other words, and what you see before me is my patterns overlapping in me trying to regress to a place previous to fear in the mathematics of intention inside permanent stillness and mental empty on edges posture. That is when thought goes out of array there is a crease in your neuro linguistic programming of your muscle neurolanguage (my word, I think) of subconscious game (physics or something like that) is damaged or bugged due to separate identities. And you slip away slowly or quickly depending on the situation and how far off the mark of this you were. One is too scary though. Why? I don't know. Ridiculous to say this, I know, but being the one must be kind of scary. It's as if you are playing a videogame and both a part of your controller and character are melting together as if something is leaching off them both and destroying potential for proper language, clean language that is properly programmed for the population of the brain. But that is a lie, it is something moving through you like a comb combing through you, taking the patterns and uncreasing the sheet of the white matter of your brain, I felt this physically during the trip, and it's incredible for you and others to be opened as Knowledge enters resonates. Remember inhabit their minds as well and clean up all the garbage. Of course this is one intelligence. I thought I wanted to lead humanity against the bad guys, the nuclear guys or just aliens or bad vibes in general, and if they are of an artificial toxic frequency of decay and death Kali Yuga style. I was the eye of peace in a troubled world, and I felt energy and the essence of life itself coursing through my body healing all my pain and illness and mental anguish and hatred and lack of compassion and lack of vision and knowledge of Self. I had shifted to the inside and I felt like a throne in myself. I couldn't help but sit on a chair with energy wide open giving rhythm to everyone through frequency. Without moving, and looking at others, just there clearly with eyes wide open, seeing into their soul. I wasn't concerned with other memes besides myself in my deeper experience and other people's relationship with this self as a single I that was permanent ever unchanging for everyone but also ever mirroring (not replicating) and receiving itself through others in harmony and relationship in a good way as the mathematics of Fibonacci coming to ZERO on both sides of the coin to the middle, both in frequency and in feeling and structure as it spread through my body realigning it all, I felt like this vibration through me could bring alive a bird from the dead, almost. If I felt like it maybe, but I didn't of course, because I was Jesus in my own way, and I was able to do no miracles evidently, I guess, other than for humanity to be healed and to come back to that one single vibration that matters the most to all of us, it was enough to concern myself with at that moment, deep within the mind that was awakened, and it was the I who held it alive and alit as a flame in the world for others to keep alive in the future. It was wicked and so powerful and it was hard to stop at that point without changing my course permanently which I couldn't do at the time for others (because too much responsibility to hold truth). I needed time to settle in the fact I wasn't Jesus but a truth still remained from that and it is still available to me now. Like in a certain sense I feel right now that every pain in my body is still an excuse and a justification for me to just let some of those bad toxic frequencies of dissonance leech into my being like an offtime song in my song. Or could be my song is literally being chopped apart by something or someone due to fear to see mySelf in the unveiled nature of my own being. I embodied, WHO I REALLY AM. For others to see me like that, due to my eyes being covered by something else. But then in the end it was I who needed the courage to see myself clearly and I had to push through most of the bad vibes due to my bad physical health. This was interesting and very weird in a non-verbal language and proprioception sense of re-aligning. I NOW AM TRYING TO REALLIGN MYSELF WITH THIS.
  24. My first experience of Truth was on a high dose of psilocybin mushrooms. I had never even heard of any concepts of enlightenment at the time. I left my body and went to a place where everything was one. No sense of Self. There was no life or death. I felt that if I didn't go back, which would be body death, it wouldn't matter. Everything made sense, I knew everything. It was bliss on a higher level I thought possible. That night I continued to leave my body at will and go that place, sometimes for hours. Then I did ayahuasca. Again I went to that place of infinite everything, yet nothing. I easily go to that place, no effort. But shortly after I come back, there's a sadness that it's only temporary. And my life goes on unchanged. Why do some people get permanently Awakened after experiencing Truth and others do not? What can I do next time I go there, or shortly after I come back, to become fully Awakened?
  25. That video straight up awakened something in me. It perfectly put to words what Ive been discovering lately. I agree, its one of his best, and I hope people will understand and see the message. Its such a beautiful thing to witness / tap into. At the end of the video, Leo perfectly describes how an artist sees the world. It was spot on. The artist's biggest frustration is the fact that he has to translate that which he sees. Why are some artists depressed all the time? Its because while they are able to tap into infinite intelligence, they are unable to manifest it into a piece of art... yet. Why, for some people, their work/art is never good enough? For that very reason. They've seen the unlimited possibility, and now it becomes their life's work / life purpose to manifest infinite intelligence into this world. As a God would. And we're all creators. We all share that same life purpose. To manifest a part of the unspeakable into something tangible, so that it can be enjoyed. Praised even.