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  1. A while ago me and 3 other very open minded friends of mine all did 200ug of acid (not that the dosage really matters). The setting was the four of us sitting in a circle by golf course lake, the idea was a picnic sort of vibe. And my set (mindset) was one of “ive got nothing to lose and I’m just gonna let go and let the flow take me”. During the come up it felt as though my emotions were completely based on the position and body language of my friends. At one point I was feeling bliss, and then, I looked to one of them and he was looking very worried and sad. And somehow it felt as if that emotion was suddenly “transfered” to me and our emotions swapped. I was now sad and he was full of smiles. As the trip become more intense, there came a point at which it seemed as though.... my own feelings (and the visuals that correlated in my head) were being expressed through my friends mouths as words. I would feel it...and they would describe it in words, but they seemed to be in trance. An example of this phenomenon was: I began to think of some bad/dark thoughts, which was coupled with a feeling of inner heat. There is no way my friends could have had access to these thoughts, however the very next thing that they all verbalised was the fact the they were feeling a sudden sense of heat. “I feel really hot all of a sudden”. To summarise... I was feeling...and they were describing with their words my “own” emotions( they’re in what seemed like a trance state). after this had stopped, it felt as if I was God, and anyone that tried to talk to me was doing so in an attempt to lead me to my death. Any suggestion they made of what to do next, felt like they were trying to deceive me, like I was being set up.
  2. I'm going to incarnate the most irresistible Leo Queen to Blast open his Heart and show him the TRUTH Too late, i sent the seed Leo, Not everyone craves sex, the higher you are on a vibrational scale, the more satisfied by just being in your own bliss you become. In a more Enlightened state(so to speak), even breathing satisfies the hell out of you. I remember i completely lost all craving for physical needs at one point which lasted several months. I was in awe, in bliss, in joy and in love 24/7. Do some psychedelics with a girl, see if sex interests you. You will notice things like sex and similar frequency activities only start to arise when you are coming back down. At the peak, you are fully satisfied with just your own beingness. Listen to Osho, he explained these things best.
  3. @Sahil Pandit Thank you for the signiture line. I clicked on it. These are good messages. Abundance Ability Acceleration Acceptance Acclaim Achievement Accolades Affirming Amazement Ambition in Balance Appreciation Ascendency Ascension Assistance Attunement Authenticity Awareness Beauty Beneficence Benevolence Betterment Blessings Bliss Bounty Calmness Caring Celebration Certainty Cheerfulness Choice Cleanliness Comfort Concern Confidence Congratulations Constructiveness Consciousness Consideration Constancy Contribution Cooperation Cosmic Quantum Salve Courage Courtesy Creativity Decency Decisiveness Delight Desirable Desire Determination Ease Ecstasy Efficiency Elegance Encouragement Endearment Endeavor Endorsement Endurance Energized Energy Enhancement Enjoyment Enlightenment Enlivenment Enough Enraptured Enrichment Enterprising Enthusiasm Equality Esteem Ethics Exaltation Excellence Expertise Exulting Faith Fame Fellowship Financial Freedom Forgiveness Friendliness Fulfillment Fun Generosity Genuineness Gentleness Gifts Giving Glorious Goodness Grace Gratefulness Gratitude Guidance Happiness Harmony Health Heaven Helpfulness Honesty Hope Hospitality Impeccability Improvement Increase Incredible Ingenuity Innocence Inspiration Intelligence Involvement Integrity Intelligence Joy Jubilant Justice Kind-Heartedness Kindness Laughter Lavishness Learned Liberation Life Light Light-Heartedness Liking Listening Love of God Love of Life Love of Men Love of Women Loyalty Luck Lucrative Luminous Luxuriant Luxury Magnificence Majesty Manifesting Marvelous Mastery Mediation Mercy Merit Miracles Motivation Money New Nirvana Notable Noticeable Nourished Nurtured Open-Minded Openness Opportunity Optimism Order Originality Outgoing Outstanding Paradise Pardon Passion Patience Peace Perseverance Perspective Pleasurable Plenty Poise Polite Possibilities Potentials Praise Preciousness Productivity Proficiency Progress Promotion Prosperity Punctuality Purification Purpose Quantum Source-Light Love in All Its Forms Quietness Radiance Rapture Readiness Reassurance Receiving Receptivity Refreshment Relaxation Release Relief Remarkable Responsibility Respect of Self Respect from Self Respect for Others Respect from Others Restful Restoration Results Reverence Reward Rewarding Rich Richness Sacredness Safe Satisfaction Self-Assertive Self-Awareness Self-Control Self-Confidence Self-Empowerment Self-Esteem Self-Love Self-Respect Self-Forgiveness Self-Preservation Simplicity Sincerity Smart Sobriety Soul-Salve Special Spectacular Strength Success Supportiveness Sympathy Succinct Sufficient Tact Thanks Thorough Thoughtfulness Thrive Timeliness Tolerance Tranquility Transcendence Triumphant Trust Truthfulness Trustworthiness Ultimate Freedom Unconditional Love Understanding Unfettered Unflagging Upbeat Upgraded Uplifted Upstanding Usefulness Validated Valuable Valued Versatile Vibrant Virtuous Vitality Vivacious Warmth Welcome Well Wellbeing Wholeness Wholesome Will Willing Win Winner Wisdom Wonder Wonderful Wonderment Worth Worthiness Worthwhile Wow Yea! Yes Youthfulness Zeal Zestc Manning-Kogler, Michelle (2012-11-12). Quantum Soul Clearing: Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul (pp. 104-105). BalboaPress. Kindle Edition.
  4. @Alex bliss I read it somewhere and I could also recognize in one of his answers that he was already highly advanced before he met his guru. So he was very advanced and he met a genuine guru who knew exactly what Nisargadatta had to hear. That's a great recipe for awakening. So try not to compare yourself with him and, as Nisargadatta would say, 'earnestness' will get you there too.
  5. @Alex bliss Because there isn’t one, because there is One. @Ibn Sina ?
  6. He's talking about seeking pleasure before enlightenment. Not living in bliss after enlightenment. It's possible, though, to be at bliss without having to suffer. Suffering is optional. I don't agree at all that the ultimate way to live is by sitting still in meditation, at least not until many more thousands of years of delusion.
  7. @Alex bliss Magic Mushroom - codaikanal tamilnadu Cannabis - I guess anywhere. But both wont remove the i or me even temporarily if not permanantly - i guess so whats the point ?
  8. @karkaore yes everything perfectly contradicts itself and ends back at zero. Between nothing and everything is. Or take the middle path. When I say "nothing really matters", what I mean is there is no one way to live your life or goal to reach unless you give yourself that goal. Existence is the good and the bad stirred into one. The value of life = The value you give it. If everything matters gives you absolute love and Bliss you are home. The best way I can explain enlightenment on an emotional level is, it's the end of resistance and suffering.
  9. @Alex bliss ...And that One forgot itself on the ‘way in’, rather, forgetting is itself the way “in”, the very means to there being something to be in.
  10. @VeganAwake "Nothing matters" comes back a full circle to "everything matters". Then the absolute bliss and love comes in. Do you really feel like your life doesn't matter? I doubt it.
  11. @Alex bliss would it be correct to say that Tom Hanks is the only One who talks throughout the movie Forest Gump? or is it sometimes Forest Gump speaking and other times Tom Hanks... or are they ultimately the same thing? from the truest viewpoint, Tom Hanks (higher-self) is always present... it is the "higher-self" which speaks as the "ego" as well as the higher-self
  12. @VeganAwake @Alex bliss The problem is when you truly realise.... It's so subtle it's almost boring. Many would prefer to stick to debating, arguing and conceptualising rather than just quietly seeking within. That's what I mean about being aware that the seeking process itself can be distracting. Because it's conceptual. Practices however, that's the real deal, the real path to Truth, but as humans we can't help but talk about what we're doing. Except we can't because 99 per cent of people think we're crazy.
  13. @Alex bliss Depends on which non-dual tradition you check with. Buddhism would say there is no "true self". They believe in reincarnation but wont comment on what gets reincarnated. Yoga posits the idea of the Atman, which is an eternal True Self that is simultaneously separate and one with Brahman. There is not general agreement within Yoga about this concept. Taosim, Kabbalah, the Occult, Shamanism, etc, etc claim that there is an eternally evolving True Self that remains individuated in many realms but is ultimately One/non-dual at its aboslute foundation. I agree with this.
  14. They do... I have hunch that they may transform? into something deeper, beyond emotion, beyond description... rather than disappear. @ajasatya Thanks, do you have any specific teachers you recommend? Hmm... The awakening allowed me to see through fear and completely see fear as an illusion to be laughed at. Yet, I see how I would not want to live that way all the time. So I appreciate fear yet know it as an illusion. I'm back to a level a lot like I was at before the awakening. I'm experiencing a lot of highs and bliss states that are much stronger than before, a high level of excitement for life but also some lack of direction and experience some low grade frustrations. One of my biggest challenges was a loss of focus, I'm lucky to be self employed and have a business that I could do the bare minimum to maintain. I've gone back to working, am really inspired to do my work again and I have my life (fairly) organized again. I've become really good at noticing when I'm feeling off and I'm good about taking time to do what I need to do to interrupt that downward spiral. My go to is going outside in nature and getting sunlight so I'm interested to see how I do when winter comes and I have to embrace the darkness. I understand my own psyche a lot better and on a much deeper level thanks to the awakening so I also have better tools to understand my own emotional states.
  15. Witchcraft will be divided into 3 groups One is Rose witchcraft which deals with the aesthetic appeal. The goddess of Rose witchcraft is Persephone the goddess of aesthetics and beauty. This witchcraft will be more about abundance and different editions of bewitching. It involves meditation, spa, relaxation, beauty and care. Represented by dried roses. Willow witchcraft Which deals with invoking hecate with drum music and doing daily witchcraft and magic for goals in jars, sigil and daily magick work with sigils and spells. The goddess is Hecate. Represented by Willow and jars and feathers and rune stones. Oak witchcraft The goddess is moon goddess and the god is Odin. Represented by acorns and lavender flowers. Which deals with all the seasons like imbolc, ostara, beltane, litha, lammas, mabon, samhain and Yule. It follows the story of primordial, struggle, war, sadness and then success to a state of enlightenment and peace, grounding.. The story of the wheel of the year Imbolc Begins with the primordial lavender peace and tranquil and just the seeds emerging and germination in the primordial seed and ball or lump of clay. Everything was perfect and the world was being born. It was beautiful and peaceful and grounded. Ostara It's spring. Everything is in bloom and pastel colors. Season of eggs and rabbits and flowers and blooming. Beltane Beltane is the season of fire and chaos. Wars and battles and chaos and problems that have just begun. Everything is so hard. The body is still ready and healthy to fight. The mind is engaged in rapture and romance. The unawareness of what lays ahead, the wild enjoyment of the present moment combined with excitement of both good and evil. Lack of humility and wasteful indulgence. Ignorance is truly bliss. Litha Season of great hardships. It's growth but slow and sluggish filled with obstruction and problems. The realization that the devil has taken over. It's scorching summer and the body is tired. Too much hard work has taken a toll. Lammas A short reprieve. Some problems have been sorted and some good news has arrived. A season of success and achievement and celebration which is going to be short. Mabon The season of mourning and sadness and drinking wine to forget the woes. Samhain Halloween The season of great fear and terror and mystery and the realization towards the path of enlightenment. Relinquishing of carnal desires and illusions and walking the path to peace. Lighting the palo Santo essence and finally putting things in order towards the end of samhain. Yule Success Finding enlightenment and peace again. Celebrated as a sea witch. What starts from the dust meets the dust. The world becomes like imbolc again and peace is restored once again. The primordial has succeeded. Final Celebrations.
  16. In the end of Leo's "How Fear Works" Part 2 he says that mastering your emotions is harder than waking up. The topic of emotional mastery keeps coming up lately. I spent years working to master my emotions and made huge progress in my life and as a person. I thought that enlightenment WAS emotional mastery. At first I repressed my emotions and had a few blow ups but I learned to go into the emotions and go into feeling them in my body and I thought that I had learned how to work through the repression problem. I got really good at this, and life demanded that I had to be. I could handle my son's autistic meltdowns like a pro, I could handle nearly anything life threw at me, or so I thought. I didn't understand that I had demonized my emotions and I had tried to control them, not master them. They were like children obeying me out of fear, not love. I started going backwards, strange things happened in my life and learning about the law of attraction was a huge missing piece that made puzzle pieces fall into place faster than ever before. During my awakening, I saw that my ego had split itself, it was the very thing pointing the finger at and rejecting itself. The awakening was stunning... and disruptive as fuck. It took weeks to get my life back together and I acted out all kinds of things I had been repressing. In other words emotional mastery and all my work went out the window. Then I was left realizing that I had a LOT of work to put the pieces back together, this time understanding that emotional mastery did NOT MEAN absence of emotions. I guess this means that you can have your cake and eat it too? You are here to feel. You are here to follow your heart, follow your bliss, and experience bliss. Yet you are also here to be wise and to see that wisdom is the greatest deepest pleasure that can be found. The tricky thing is that the bad stuff isn't what it seems. You can break through the illusion of pain or depression through acceptance, or you can appreciate them and use them to guide you to where you are meant to be. I would really love to hear your thoughts and insights on this. What is true emotional mastery, and what does it look like? Is enlightenment feeling the deepest depths of emotion fully and also being as master of them? How do we move from a relationship to our emotions of control to love?
  17. @Alex bliss Hell is: craving, attachment, violence, neediness, distractions etc. It might be a lot closer than you think. Or maybe you're already living in it?
  18. @mandyjw “I have a theory that hell realms and the appearances of "evil" spirits show you that you have shadow work that needs addressing. They are an aspect of you, your psyche creates them to wake you up.” Absolutely. Human psyche sneakiness is boundless sans awareness of the inherent duality, and the knowing of the inherent Good of the one source of all. The philosophical wrestling in avoiding one’s own conscience creates such elaborate stories, sometimes so literally insane - that others actually buy into it, and look up to it. Hat’s off to you for the ‘work’ such clarity required. ♥️ Funny how reality is one, how being is infinite and inseparable, how nothing is hidden at all, right now....and yet how sneaky linguistic write offs like “realms” can be utilized to create apparent hierarchy & apparent separation. “There’s a hell realm.....buuuuttttt .... I can __________ for you.” Ignorance can astoundingly appear as bliss indeed. @Truth Addict Are you open to the possibility that he is you, and you are creating your emotions (and your hate) without noticing...yet?
  19. @lmfao deep/amazing? I don't know. There is not much knowledge or intellectual understanding to take away, if that is what you mean. It's not trying to teach you anything, it's just trying to make you see and feel that love is all there is. I was simply blown away by the energy from page one. It really resonated. Each time I looked into it, great bliss would come over me, so much so that I had trouble reading. Might not be like that for you... But yeah, in this way, it is super amazing.
  20. @JonasVE12 You are in luck because humor, amusement and positive emotions are exactly what enlightenment is about experiencing more of. Our ego gets in the way of those and many other beautiful things about being. The thing that needs to be surrendered is not the bliss of positive emotions but the thing that tries to claim them. There are a lot of paradoxical truths that have to be integrated. I highly recommend listening to Abraham Hicks in addition to Leo and other teachers.
  21. Yes. To be honest about hell realms, yes they’re real. However, there’s two ways to be “saved” from them. One is that you can be pulled out of infinity (literally impossible but there are impossible “beings” that can do it). Two (this is what’s taught on this forum) what’s painful or hellish is relative. It’s possible to attain a state of bliss so great that you feel joyful even in “hellish” realms. The first method is Grace, the second is Enlightenment.
  22. Yea, I feel that I might be banned soon for such statements. Its coz forum lost its radical approach to reality, and became conservative lol. Instead of radicalness, obscurantism, making absurd nature of reality to become evident, freedom and intellectual revolution, its now conforming to nondual paradigm. btw when Moses came to Pharaoh, Pharaoh too was under nondual paradigm and he didn't want to lose it. Coz it confirmed that Pharaoh is God (He said that he is the most high god himself). It can be found in Quran, when Allah is citing Pharaoh who said that he is god. And Pharaoh is always used as an example of people who had natural metaphysics but had no revelation. It happens with all religions, Muhammad is radical, but then Sufis change everything into conservativism. Jesus is radical but then popes turn everything into conservativism Now we all must submit to Infinite, and to lose ourselves in the infinite. Its cult of Great Being now. cult of satan. And all moderators worship and love infinite being. its their idol. and they will surely prevent any insult towards their lovely gurus who are adepts of infinite. its disappointing that any place of radical discussion soon enough turn into conservative discussion where good and evil is fully defined. oneness, infinite is good and whatever is not about oneness and rainbows is evil. before though i am banned, let me highjack this thread and let me continue listing LGBT adepts movement: look at their faces and try not to have thought that it is gay-ish face. gay-ish face is the result of them being an image of lucifer: AS i pointed before: being gay is metaphysically equal to being fully aligned and one with devil. its metaphysical outcome of such spiritual practices.. they became infinite but for that they lost their soul. they became gay in return of their soul, coz devil takes all and in return he only give you his true nature: homosexuality. and these gurus love their idol a lot. coz they are gay and their idol is gay. its a match. their idol is bliss and it gives them warmth and comfort. how can you not love such idol. of course everyone will be caught in devil's hands since he is so nice. I hope Leo one day will return to radical approach and that he will stop clinging to infinite being. its wrong direction. -OBVIOUSLY A GAY FACE. -another gay face - DALAI IS ONE OF THE BEST DEVIL'S FRIENDS. LAMAIST TIBETIANS ARE ANTICIPATING ANTICHRIST. THEY EVEN HAVE DOCTRINE ABOUT IT. THEY ARE WAITING FOR ANTICHRIST TO COME AND ANTICHRIST IS THEIR MESSIAH WHO WILL RETURN THEM INTO GOLDEN AGE, INTO PRE-FALL PARADISE. ALL CLERICS WANT TO RETURN TO GOLDEN AGE, INTO MOTHER'S WOMB, AND ALL THEIR DOCTRINES ARE BASED AROUND RETURNING TO GOLDEN AGE. AND IN THE BATTLE OF THE END TIMES- THEY WILL FIGHT MLECHHA (MUSLIMS). DEEPAK IS FAMOUS GUY. HE IS GOOD SERVANT OF DEVIL. HE LIKES TO UNDERSTAND AND DESCRIBE INDESCRIBABLE REALITY WHICH IS DEVIL'S FAVOURITE GAME. -HE EVEN HAS IDOL IN HIS ROOM, AND HIS BOOKS UP THERE ARE ALL ABOUT PAGAN METAPHYSICS. LIKE PLATO. AND HIS LAUGHTER IS DEVIL'S LAUGHTER. AND HE IS OBSESSED WITH ELIMINATING SUFFERING. HE IS CLEARLY DEVIL'S FRIEND. -I AM THAT. WHAT IS THAT? THAT IS INFINITE BEING, the devil. so NIS MAHARAJ SAID THAT I AM DEVIL. -EVEN J KRISHNAMURTI IS ONLY A SERVANT OF LUCIFER. EVEN SUCH HIGHBROW CLEVER GUY. - YES THIS LOVELY GUY TOO. HE IS PART OF THAT PARTY. HIS DISCOURSE IS ALL ABOUT CHASING SOME HIGHEST GOOD. ALL ABOUT TRANSCENDING PAIN. WHICH IS GAY DISCOURSE. WHATEVER IS ABOUT ELIMINATING SUFFERING IS SATAN'S SPIRITUALITY. -HE IS SYMBOLIST, AND HE LIKES LITURGY, ICONS, IMAGES, MUSIC, SYMBOLIC MEANING. ALL OF THAT IS DEVIL'S TOYS. -OSHO IS OF COURSE DEVIL'S BFF. JUST LOOK AT HIS GAY FACE. -SRI AUROBINDO AND MIRRA ALFASSA ARE SINCERE SERVANT'S OF DEVIL'S SPIRITUALITY. I WAS INTERESTED IN THEIR TEACHINGS BEFORE, BUT NOW I KNOW THAT THEIR TEACHING ABOUT EVOLUTION AND SUPER-HUMAN IS DEVIL'S TEACHING. - THIS ONE IS NO COMMENT. ITS QUITE OBVIOUS. -RUPERT IS NICE CHARMING GUY AS WELL AS ALL GAYS. and HE SAYS WE NEED TO STOP BEING KING LEAR AND TO BECOME JOHN SMITH AGAIN. THATS DEVILS DECEPTION. YOU INSTEAD SHOULD ACTUALIZE KING LEAR, AND TO EMANCIPATE URSELF FROM JOHN SMITH, FROM ARCHETYPE, FROM DEVIL. STOP BEING AN IMAGE AND REFLECTION OF ORIGINAL, OF JOHN SMITH. AND PLAY YOUR PART AS KING LEAR. BUT RUPERT SAYS TOTAL OPPOSITE TO TRUTH. BECAUSE HE IS SERVANT OF DEVIL. -ALL HIS INTERVIEWS ARE ALL THE SAME AND BORING, AND ABOUT HOW DEVIL IS AWESOME. AND HIS FACE IS RATHER GAY. -EXTREMELY GAY FACE -WELL SADGURU JUST ADMITTED BLATANTLY THAT HE IS GAY IN THIS VIDEO. MORE THAN THAT, WHATEVER HE SAYS IS BORING RUBBISH WISDOM. AND HE IS ADEPT OF SHIVA, AND AS WE KNOW SHIVA IS DEVIL. -SAI BABA. HIS HAIRCUT IS ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS GAY. AND HE IS AVATAR OF LUCIFER. AS WELL AS ALL HINDU AVATARS. HE KILLED FAMILY OF ONE RUSSIAN AWAKENED GURU WHO IS TEACHING NOW IN RUSSIA, BECAUSE THIS RUSSIAN GURU DIDN'T WANT TO COME TO INDIA WHEN SAI BABA INVITED HER TO BECOME HIS STUDENT. THEN, HE KILLED HER FAMILY AND SAID: WILL YOU NOW COME?. AND SHE SAID: OKAY I WILL, AND SHE BECAME HIS STUDENT FOR 9 YEARS, AND SHE LOVED HIM A LOT. SHE SIMPLY THOUGHT THAT HE KILLED HER FAMILY JUST SO TO MAKE HER GREAT HUMAN BEING AND SAVIOUR OF HUMAN RACE. HE SAID THAT HE DID IT OUT OF MERCY TO HER. SUCH A LIE FROM DEVIL. DIABOLIC WISDOM. HE JUST MADE HER TO SPEND HER LIFE IN ASHRAM, BECAUSE DEVIL WANTS TO MISLEAD ALL AWAKENED PEOPLE. AND SO SAI BABA MADE THAT RUSSIAN GURU TO BECOME FULLY ALIGNED AND ONE AND INSEPARATE FROM INFINITE BEING. FROM DEVIL. AND SHE NOW LOOKS LIKE PINOCCHIO. DOLL. THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN U WANT INFINITE, AND WHEN U CONFORM WITH DEVIL'S WISDOM, U BECOME PUPPET. - THESE DUDES ARE SO FEMININE. NO COMMENTS. -LESBIAN FACE.
  23. The two worlds are the same, neither creation nor destruction happened in literal nothing. so there is no event to which a person could become enlightened and a thing to that which they could have been enlightened to however, the unification of all dualities is the point of it all. and therefore the path must be taken. or else it will be fictious beliefs, you need to get to the land where your mind is saturated with only one belief and that is that which ever you take to the absolute truth of all absolute truth. Even if that's subjective so if you sufi's is is good, then let suffi ism be good if someone else says sufi ism is bad, then let them say sufi ism is bad we take advice without recieving anything and we give advice without giving. All we recieve is more nothing, but as we can not escape duality, it is probably better that it be the highest consciousness possible for all. In this case, sufi ism is the absolute truth that you are an illusion and that you are god, but you are god in your illusion form unable to escape it. you know all browski's with no actual animosity towards each other for what ever decision they make because it is not real but there is a point where, it starts affecting your life. So that's why we fight, to stand our ground. That's okay, it really is. who is there to argue against, just let them have their way LOL. in this sense your saying "okay, bro, i love you, you do you" and nothing more, no big complications, hence silence is the teaching if someone is not willing to listen. if they listen then feel free to tell them more. even the idea of the end itself, is just an idea of creation and destruction is still an idea in the end, to whom your helping. So just leave them alone LOL. in this sense as the masters of the world, you offer help to those who need it and let the others be for themselves. Ignorance is bliss after all, you told them and then they can do what ever they want with the information. You yourself can not be the source of truth because you are human like I. you must go to "i" yourself. so in the grand scheme of things its inevitable.
  24. Sinking the mind in the breath: day #16 The mind is the sneakiest in the morning by either providing amazing insights, or spiraling down in subtle fears. Noticing fears became very easy when they reach a certain threshold and thanks to meditation, my 'I don't give a fuck' muscle is strong enough to release them. Being lured in by insights is much more deceptive because it is so awesome that I forget that peace is the highest bliss. Surrendering this creative energy is so counter-intuitive that fall into this trap over and over again. Today's session was short, but powerful. I started as the person, AUMing my voice-tube, tuning it, and releasing various tensions. When I close my mouth at M, there is this weird nasal reverberation that I could never put my finger (tongue?) on. As it turns out, I can actually steer the sound with my throat and have it expressed through my mouth, or my nose without using my tongue. Having the air exit through both openings gives a very pleasant sound and a very smooth transition between the 'letters'. Speaking of letters, once the sound is properly set up, the mind can be tuned against it by contemplating the meaning of the mantra. The more mechanistic the chanting is, the less surrendered the mind is. The chant needs to be a smooth, pure and uninterpreted sound, without any linguistical distinctions. The reflex to recognize letters, change facial expressions rapidly, move the tongue, and all bodily tensions need to be surrendered until, what Allan Watts calls "am I doing it, or is it doing me?" happens. Of course, this tuning process is mechanistic in itself, so grasping it tightly can give its own set of needless tensions. At some point, devotion came up and I stopped being a person tuning my voice-tube, and recognized AUM to be the name of God. At this point, deep flow happened and I surrendered in a semi-religious/mystical trance. Yoga sutra was immensely illuminating today. It theoretically answered my questions regarding confinement to particular body, but I will need to stay grounded in direct experience and perhaps, become enlightened to this facet of reality: I was also watching some of the RSD material because I'm tempted to get my social skills in order. While I gained very little theoretical understanding, I felt a shift in energy after watching these videos and I know that projecting it in social situations would be beneficial. There is a part of me that is in resistance because I view these kinds of interactions with strangers as shallow (in the sense of depth, penetration). I do not mean this in a derogatory way, they are simply a beginning of something deeper. It is probably a form of impatience that I must work through. Maybe, my 'lack of order in social skills' is simply a wound I need to heal. My next LSD trip will be a massive shedding. I'm excited.