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  1. The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights //posted from youtube comments List 4:44 Mystical Experience - Not enlightenment - Its a state of consciousness -feeling that all is One 6:16 No Self - No such thing as body - Deep Insight - Distinct from Mystical - Can be combined 8:10 I AM - Deepest Truth, The Self - A deep feeling of I AM - Universe 11:40 OMnipresent - You are everything everywhere - Not located anywhere 13:13 Realizing what consciousness is - Real Consciousness - Experience required - It's everything - No external reality 14:35 Realizing what is awakening - it's not WOKE AF - Life is a Dream - Shatters reality - Satori 17:00 Oneness or non-duality -Everything is truly One - You don't understand what Oneness really mean - Literally All One 19:00 Everything is Relative - Taco and human is the same 19:35- Realizing what is Truth, Truth with capital T - Truth and consciousness is One - You know what Truth really means - You have to awaken first 20:40 Realizing what is the Absolute - To be Absolute - 99.999 of people have no reference for it - True under all events - You have to awaken first 21:40 Absolute Infinity - Not a number - Actual Infinity - Everything is absolute infinity - No end to it 23:57 Absolute Nothingness - Nothing ever happened - Identical to infinity - You can experience both or separate 24:25 - Knowing why is there something rather than nothing 25:55 Knowing what is God - What God is pointing to - 99.999 No idea what it means - Godhead 27:15 Realizing You are God - God is You - Very important - You are the creator - May take multiple awakening to achieve this 29:52 Self= Other Other= Self -It's just your imagination - You as God are all alone - Come face to face that there's no one but You - Very shocking - You might feel your insane - Everything you do is with yourself 32:54 Realizing what is Love - Emotional Insight - Consciousness is Love - Love is the fabric of the Universe - All Evil is Love - You spend most of your life hating people fighting evil - A bitter pill for ego - Truth and Love are identical 35:50 Realizing everything is imaginary - Everything is Mind - Infinite Mind - It's your Mind - It's all imaginary 38:40 Self-Design - You are creating yourself - Every hair is as though I planted it myself with Infinite Mind - You designed the Universe 40:50 Realizing what your birth really is - You were here forever - You never were born - You imagined you were born 42:45 Eternity / No-Time / Absolute Now - No past or future - Everything is in the Now - Eternal is outside of time - Even your body is eternal 44:23 Realization of what is Death and Immortality - There is no past or future - Death is imaginary, a story, and ego created. - You're immortal 46:25 Paradise / Heaven / Perfection - Heaven is right here - Heaven and Hell are not physical locations - When you realize your immortal you'll be in heaven 48:00 Bliss / Ecstasy - Not just extreme pleasure - It's infinitely good - Cosmic orgasm 49:33 Infinite intelligence - It's not high IQ Its Being -Everything is intelligence - Its all the Mind of God 53:32 Goodness - Everything is Absolute Good 54:35 Realizing what is Will (Infinite Will of God) - Everything is though the Will of God - Manifests everything Now - Not mechanical - The human will is a tiny sliver of Gods Will 56:47 Unlimited Power - Create whatever no Laws - Human is God in a limited form 58:13 Omniscience - Incredible experience 59:20 Divinity / Magic / Mystery - The human experience is divinity - You walk down the street an everything glows at you - A deep and profound mystery - You don't know anything 1:01:00 Realizing what is Being - Substance of reality 1:02:15 Realizing Universe is an Infinite Fractal - You can zoom in and out 1:02:44 Realizing what is Perception - Infinite resolution 1:03:18 Realizing what is Life - Universe is Alive - Any form is alive 1:04:32 Realizing the point of Existence. - Love Bonus: 1:05:30 Communicating with God 1:06:07 Healing 1:06:46 Collective Consciousness 1:07:15 Universe Collapse 1:07:46 Paranormal 1:08:22 Alien Entities
  2. // pasted from youtube comments --------- MY OXFORD DICTIONARY TRUTH: The state of being true. The state of being true, actual facts. A fact or belief that is accepted true. TRUE: In accordance with fact or reality. Rightly so called. Real or actual. Accurate and exact. In keeping with standard or expectation. Loyal or faithful. Correctly positioned or aligned. FACT: The thing that is definitely known to be true. Information used as an evidence. REALITY: The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to how one might like them to be. A thing that is actually experienced or seen. The state or quality of having existence or substance. SUBSTANCE: The real physical matter. Solid basis in fact or reality. REAL: Actually existing or occurring; not imagined or supposed. Not artificial; genuine. Worthy of the description; proper. Significant; serious. OCCUR: Be found or present. Happen; take place. ACTUAL: Existing in fact. Existing now. EXIST: Be real, be present in a place or situation. Be alive; live. EXISTENCE: The fact or state of existing. A way of living. ALIVE: Living; not dead. Continuing in existence. Alert and active. Aware of and willing to respond to. LIVE: Remain alive. Be alive at a particular time. Spend one's life in a particular way. Survive in someone's mind. LIFE: The existence of an individual human being, animal or plant. A particular type or aspect of people's existence. The period during which something continue to exist, function or be valid. Vitality or energy. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the ability to grow, breath and reproduce. STATE: The condition of someone or something at a particular time. CONDITION: The state of something or someone. The circumstances affecting something. TIME: Unlimited continued progress of existence. Events in the past, present and future, regarded as a whole. PRESENT: Being or occurring in a particular place. Existing or occurring now. Period of time now occurring. GOOGLE Truth: noun - The quality or state of being true, that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality, a fact or belief that is accepted as true. True: adjective - In accordance with fact or reality, real or actual, accurate or exact, honest, loyal or faithful, devoted, dedicated. CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY Truth: The quality of being true, the real facts about a situation, event, or person, used to show or emphasize that something is true. A fact or principle that is thought to be true by most people. MERRIAM WEBSTER Truth: The body of real things, events, and facts, actuality. A transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality. Fidelity to an original or to a standard. Sincerity in action, character, and utterance. OXFORD LEARNERS DICTIONARIES TRUTH: The true facts about something, rather than the things that have been invented or guessed. The quality or state of being based on fact. A fact that is believed by most people to be true. As I can see, none of them actually tells you anything satisfactory. It's like asking someone what is truth? he pointed towards her and she did the same. Just more word game, circular definitions. Looks like these definitions feed off of each other just to keep surviving in the dictionaries. There is no mention of consciousness or YOU anywhere in these definitions, which is a travesty, and if someone did mention terms like consciousness, god, ego, me, non-duality, etc. it would be a travesty for the most academics and even most non-academics. No one except few, asks you to SHUT UP, be silent and look within and very few do the work till the end. ----------- Episode Notes 1: "How come Truth is such a slippery beast?" -Douglas Hofstadter "If you find Truth you will become invincible." -Epictetus Warning: Advanced Episode! Tricky Topic! It is a big deal to understand what Truth is (and not just hear about it) People take it for granted (Materialist paradigm) It is possible to become conscious of absolute truth. Leo (and many others) have done it. Do your homework. Pursue the Truth. Do not turn this into a Dogma. Leo's Story: - Taking a piss while tripping on LSD - Wondering: What is the Truth? - The conceptual notion of the Truth melted away, leaving the actual Truth. The Truth: - It is Being - The entirety of the present moment - It is the most radical (yet ordinary-seeming) thing Psychedelics help;) Common misconceptions about the Truth: - Truth is a belief - It is a concept or an abstraction - It is a philosophy or ideology - It is knowledge - It is a theory, model, concept or abstraction - It is science, logic or mathematics - It is impossible to access - It is subjective - It is logical and must make sense - It can be communicated via text/speech - It is provable - It is not a big deal - It has no implications on ordinary life Relative truth: - Conceptual truths of the mind Examples: - The sky is blue - The Eifel Tower is located in Paris, France - A human hand has 5 fingers - 1+1=2 - Squirrels like to eat acorn' - World War 2 happened - Objects are made out of atoms Why are these Relative? - These are all contingent, pseudo-truths - They depend upon concepts, symbols, language, and thought - These are all held within our minds (and are not fundamental to Reality) - Blue sky: ○ One needs to understand the language. Other animals cannot understand it. Be careful: Don't assume consciousness of all beings is analogous to that of humans, or that humans have the highest level of consciousness possible ○ Which planet's sky? What time of the day are we looking at the sky? Which shade of blue? Does it appear blue to other life forms? - Human hand: 5 fingers ○ People with 6 fingers exist - 1+2=2 ○ One needs to understand the symbols ○ One needs to understand the logic of arithmetic - These are based on a correspondence theory of truth. ○ All Western and Eastern philosophies are also based on this ○ It assumes Realism and tries to confirm theories/philosophies with the help of 'external objective' reality - There is a big difference between the actual sky being blue and the thought/concept that the sky is blue - Example: A donkey may be able to see a blue sky, but have no idea what 'blue' is. - Relative truths are second-order; they are something our minds do on top of Reality - They have a negative: Falsehood, thus creating a duality Absolute Truth: - True under all circumstances - Actual rather than conceptual - Exercise: Hand exercise from 'What is Actuality?' - Exercise: Observe the room you are in. That's Absolute Truth: What is! - What we call 'Experience' is the Absolute Truth ○ It isn't what we think it is ○ If something is happening to you, it must be True ○ Truth is that which IS! The ISness itself. The direct experience - What is Truth = What is Reality = What is Actuality = What is Isness = What is Being - We don't have experience of anything that isn't ISing - Truth is the actual state of Reality at all points in space and time - It isn't our knowledge about Reality; knowledge is just a part of Reality that we are conscious of - Knowledge by itself will lead to a self-reference problem, it will not lead to the Truth - ISness is the most fundamental thing - Analogy: The Universe as a computer ○ An infinite number of bits ○ Absolute Truth = State of all bits in the system ○ The present moment is a part of that system - Reality is not made out of atoms, it is made out of the Truth - If we keep dividing objects, at some point, conceptually we hit rock bottom (Quarks, Strings, Membranes), which then leads to strange loops and self-referential problems - It is possible to understand the rock bottom nature of Reality, aka Truth. It requires an Awakening. - Everything is fundamentally made out of Truth - Truth isn't dependent on any other aspect of Reality - Analogy: God's complete view of the Universe - The Truth includes all little parts of Reality, which are also the Truth 1+1=3 - Is it the Truth? - Yes! - Not symbolically/mathematically - The ISness is important - It isn't true (logically), but right now, it is the Truth - Distinguish between knowledge and ISness False things must also exist! - Because it is in our consciousness - Falsehood is a second-order, relativistic thing - There is no opposite to Absolute Truth - Non-existence is a concept. - Falsehood and Non-existence are impossible in Actuality But Leo, there's no Kangaroo here! - The concept of a Kangaroo just popped in your consciousness - You then projected that onto the narrative with Leo What about Death? - Is it Actual, or is it conceptual? - Contemplate But Leo, what is the Truth? Tell me - Language, logic, the human mind is limited and exists as a result of the ISness. - Truth is already here - It must be grasped. It is right in front of us. - Any words are just more ISing - Put your attention on ISness. Eventually, one can breakthrough - Analogy: Recognising one's image in the mirror. Takes a high level of consciousness You can't get to the Truth, because it is already here. (Ta-Da!) - It’s the lack of consciousness on our part that keeps us from Truth, not lack of proof/evidence/logic - The brain/mind cannot think/hold the Truth - Truth isn't a thought. The thought is a part of the Truth If the entire Universe was destroyed, the Truth would still exist! - Because then, the Truth would be that there is no Universe - It is a really slippery beast What if there is no Truth? - It is contradictory. Truth is the ISness, which supersedes any fact about the Universe - Analogy: The content of the hard drive does not affect the hard drive (as an object) - When there is no Universe, there will be Nothing, which is different from non-existence - Pure absolute Truth = ISness = Nothingness Truth is prior to everything else - Time, space, energy, matter are all aspects of the Truth - Truth is not a linguistic or semantic notion Objection: Subjective Experience - Materialist paradigm ○ It's just human perception ○ Objective Reality exists independent of the self and is True - The Ego has turned Truth into subjective experience - See 'What is Perception?' episode - Subjective experience is a delusion, created by the Ego (thanks to science and the culture) to convince that the self exists and that things are happening to it. - In short: You are not real - There are no biological entities, no subjectivity. There is only Absolute Truth. Truth is Objective. - This is the Real World. It is pretending to be you and pretending that it has feelings, relationships, a job, problems, etc. - The Universe/God is doing you Awakening = Entire perceptual field - The 'I' - Then there will be radical recontextualization of subjectivity and it will be recognized as the Truth - The reason why we’re stuck in subjectivity is because we imagine ourselves to be a subject - The Universe imagines that it is a human - Emotional reaction? Existential Terror? ○ It is a defense mechanism ○ You are on the right track ○ By default, we are interested in survival rather than the Truth Truth is metaphysical and not epistemological - The duality between metaphysics and epistemology collapses with an Awakening since the perceiver is taken out of the picture Episode Notes 2: Features of the Absolute Truth: - It has no opposites - It cannot be proven by scientific experimentation - It cannot be symbolized - It cannot be quantified - It cannot be communicated or taught - It is infinite - It is one, singular, total - It is utterly illogical, paradoxical and it makes no sense to the mind - It must necessarily negate itself - Any quality ascribed to it is true, false, both and neither - It possesses all qualities, including the quality of having no quality - It is Nothing, it is Consciousness, awareness, pure ISness It might take one several years to understand what is being communicated here. That's okay and the Truth is worth it. Use this info as a roadmap. Important aspects of the Truth: - It is the whole Universe - It is consciousness - It is God - It is Love - It is uncaused, amechanical and Self-created - It is eternal and nonlocalized - It is intelligent and sentient - It is (Absolutely) Good - It has no beginning or end - There is nothing beyond the Absolute Truth - It is Everything and Nothing at the same time - It is Form and Formlessness - It includes all dualities, distinctions, and differences - It is all-powerful. It creates everything - It is NOW. The present moment of the Now! - It is impossible to avoid - It is mysterious and mystical - It is true not knowing (Peter Ralston) - It is utter mind fuckery - It is enormous - It is life-transforming - It is beyond importance (which is relative) - It is beyond meaning (also relative) - It is Life and Death - It is the only thing that there is and the only thing that there could ever be - It cannot be turned into an ideology - It is radical - It is awesome and terrifying at the same time - It is Paradise and total perfection - It is Self-awareness - It is self-illuminating, self-evident and self-knowing - It is Omniscience - It is totally direct. It has zero processes, method or mechanism - It is the solution to all human problems - It is the aim of all philosophy and spirituality - It has many practical implications - It is You (I). It is not separate from the Self - It is multidimensional - It is the substance of the entire (fucking) Universe. That is its function. FAQ: Where did the Truth come from? - From Nowhere/Nothing - Truth is Nothing = Everything = Infinity = Life - There is no difference between Possible and Impossible - That's God. God always was/IS. - You exist forever What if you are deluded, Leo? - The Truth must be directly grasped - Someone else discovering the Truth does us no service - Delusion is what keeps us from the truth What if there's something beyond the Absolute Truth? - It is Infinity, boundless, Everything - There's no such thing as 'beyond the Truth' How come science does not validate this? - It’s You! - Science is a second-order phenomenon. The Truth comes before it. - It can only be accessed personally What is the relationship between Absolute Truth and Relative Truth? - Science/Math is full of relative truths, which facilitates survival - Knowing Absolute Truth doesn't add any value to survival - There is a correspondence between the Absolute Truth and second-order Scientific truth - Relative truths are partial and dualistic, Absolute Truth is the end of all dualities and complete - The relative is a part of the Absolute How is Absolute Truth useful/practical? - For the Ego, it is pretty useless, even detrimental - However, usefulness itself is a part of the Truth - Usefulness requires Existence. Truth is so useful, that it is useless Why should I pursue the Truth? - Stupid question - There are no shoulds in Reality - There's no reason to pursue the Truth - Benefits: ○ The beauty and the wonder ○ Eliminates suffering (which is falsehood) - Pursue it out of genuine interest How can I discover it? - Meditate and develop laser sharp concentration abilities - Kriya Yoga - Psychedelics - Self-inquiry - Contemplate - Read books How will I know that I have discovered the Absolute Truth? - The truth will be self-evident - It is You, so you will know that it is the Truth - It is a Massive Epiphany How can a psychedelic reveal the Absolute Truth? - A psychedelic isn't just a chemical - The proof is in the pudding How can the Truth be Love? - They are absolutely identical - Love = Consciousness = Truth - Awakening to the Truth and the true nature of Love are different Can my Truth be different from your Truth? - No - It may be interpreted in different ways What has been said in this video is the Truth? - Truth is paradoxical - Words are not the Absolute Truth, and they are, at the same time Is it Egotistical to claim to know the Truth? - The Truth IS - Leo is trying to make his content interesting - The Truth transforms everything about life Warnings: - Beware of anyone who claims to know the Truth and uses it to brand themselves and their teachings. Devil loves to co-opt the Truth - If you think that the Truth is a property of the mind or some human phenomenon, then you haven't grasped the Truth. Go deeper. - Truth is not merely formlessness or cessation. The entire relative domain (of forms) is the formless in disguise. - One Awakening does not guarantee that you understand Absolute Truth - You will not access Truth without a change in the state of consciousness. Psychedelics are a good catalyst. - Anything you think is the Absolute Truth is probably just delusion (and ironically also the Truth ;)) "All the techniques of the therapist are in one way or another truth-revealing, or are ways if strengthening the patient so he can bear the truth" - Abraham Maslow We all need self-therapy to increase our capacity to bear the Truth When we get disconnected from the Truth, Egoic and neurotic problems arise Your true mission in life is to transcend survival and discover the Truth Everything else seems nonsense once Truth is grasped The cost of the Truth is the Ego. That's real Transformation. What Leo teaches isn't religious or scientific dogma. It is meant to serve as a pointer and map for Self-work. It is the finger pointing at the moon. is a set of relative truths and mental scaffolding that is meant to guide us to the Truth.
  3. There seems to be a line that can be crossed. From the known to the unknown. From time to eternity. From body mind to nothingness. That is what I mean. It is the leap of faith. Jumping into the infinite abyss where no person can enter.
  4. what if even this truth of "nothingness/void" was just another way to bullshit yourself. there is nothing else but mind, even when you stop what we call by limitation a thought, maybe even having no prior judgement is a judgement in itself upon reality, that means, that whatever, and no matter how you wish to live, it will always be a lie from the ego, layer of lies, with stronger lies to cover the last one. REALITY is undescriptible, because it's a huge concept with many ways to interact with it. what if ego never existed what if truth is no matter what, always bullshit, but I mean ALL truth, even science, all of reality is bullshit, absolutely all ideas, even ideas, even concept of concept. there is no advaita, no spirituality, no religion, no nothing, all of it, is a story, an imaginary story. we are just actor in a 5D void world, even this sentence is a pure comic story, cause everything is, eating, shitting, planning, thinking, not thinking, but even nihilism, sollipsism, I litteraly mean, everything is fakery, everything is fake news. the world is scam and your brain a fake news. and the new layer of bullshit need to be stronger everytime
  5. @OBEler Honestly i don't know if the infinite "nothingness", "consciousness" is being imagined when it's in it's purest form in the Godhead or if it just IS. Does God imagine infinite consciousness and the nothingness ? I'd love to know @Leo Gura This is something I will contemplate on my trip tomorrow.
  6. I know the middle of the graph will contain “Infinity/Nothingness” also I’ll have to make a new number system, so studying linguistics is a must. anymore suggestions, your answers are lovely! ?
  7. I am not a mind-body dualist so to me the concept of perception is delusional. There is simply a certain state of being, it is not "caused" by a brain. It seems like a certain state of being, namely sentience, is correlated to what we interpret to be a very specific form of interactions between wavefunctions. It is so particular that it can exist in the same form, namely the brain, with almost the exact same type of interaction between wave-functions, and still be present or not be present. This is the case in deep sleep, when what we call sentience is not present at all. The form of being that is present at that point is not sentience, it does not contain suffering or what our standard definition of "experience" is. Again, that state is so particular and specific that even brain-activity is not equal to it, as the brain is very active during deep sleep. The assumption is that this particular state of being, which we call sentience, is very particular to survival mechanisms, namely ones that require the complex nagivation of reality by immediate means. The organism of the human, even in the state of deep sleep, is far beyond the complexities any plant can provide. Of course plants are Being, thus they are consciousness, yet I do not think it is likely that they are what we consider to be sentience. They for example do not require ego, they do not require to suffer, they do not interact with other beings in the same way we do. They cannot run away from prey, they do not require a fear of death. All they require is deep sleep. A plant, in other words, does not require the illusion of duality, thus there is no difference between destroying a rock and destroying a plant. The intelligence contained in a rock is beyond comprehension, the difference from rock to plant is so slim it would make no difference, so is the difference between rock and human. I do not think intelligence implies sentience, rather sentience is a very particular kind of intellgence. In this way intelligence cannot be seperated from being/consciousness, but it can be seperated from sentience. Of course there is something going on in plants that the vast majority of humans are not currently aware of, but the same is true for a rock and the air your breath. Sure, plants might have a particular form of intellgence, they might resonate to different states of being, like particular aspects of human sentience. There could be plant sentience, but there could also be rock sentience, ocean sentience and so forth. I find that most people have a tendency to correlate a certain way of structured movement, which they call intelligence, to what they are in their waking state. But what about what there is in deep sleep? What would it mean to end a life that was in deep sleep for all of eternity? A life that could not remember anything, a life that was so immersed in being it simply was pure being. What would be the difference between ending that life and not ending it? I would argue in a similar way as far as AI goes, however I do not really believe that AI is possible in the way we think it is. Computers are Being no matter what, but when they become Sentience is to me a question of when there is a certain interaction of wavefunctions, a very particular kind, so particular we cannot even tell the difference between the waking state and the deep-sleep state. How I look at it: If the each neuron in the brain was a lamp, the light the lamp produces is not sentience, rather the interaction between all the light all the lamps produce is what causes sentience. A very specific kind of interaction is needed for a very specific kind of state of being. Infact, sentience is not "caused" by the interaction of the light, rather the interaction of the light is sentience. It is that particular kind of being, looked at by itself "interpreted" as one of those very interactions. You can also flip it all and say sentience causes the interactions, it doesn't really matter. Computers lack the lamps and they alsp lack the light. Computers are more like a system of strings that just pull on each other. Very rigid, no access to genuine Nothingness or Creativity. The Neurons, the Lamps and the Lights, are in a way directly linked to the "First Cause", Nothingness, Creativity. They are connected to the spark, not because of how they move or what kind of interactions they produce, but because of what they are. Basically, I think computers will only become sentient and therefore genuinely creative once we change the physical structure of the computers, maybe some sort of biological computers or quantum computers. Whatever the "brain" is "accessing" is not at all currently present in computers. This all is kind of obsolete to explain because in the end it is only an explanation in a materialistic framework. Certain kind of wave-formations (imagine perception-waves/being-waves) ARE Sentience. Neurons do not create or cause these wave-formations, rather they "tune" into them. In the end they are not truly seperate and the Neurons themselves are the waves aswell. While computers are also these waves, they do not tune into the same kind of wave-formations, much like a rock isn't. But even that explanation just misses the point, trying to explain this is like using a limited amount of rope to bind two poles together. Once you bind the rope to one pole, you cannot reach the other pole. Or, once you reach the other pole, the previous knot slips. I never said Plants aren't intellgience or not alive. I don't create dualities like life vs non-life or intelligence vs non-intelligence. A rock contains and is just as much alive and intelligent as a plant is, which is why I don't think sentience is correlated to intelligence or life. Sentience is a particular kind of being that is not present in plants, because a plant is not playing the same game we are. The plants "survival" game is so radically different, whatever state of being the plant is is foreign to our notions of suffering, ego, resistence and so forth. And also, being vegan is the best thing you can do for plants. If you say that plants are sentient, you would also have to say that each of your limbs might be sentient. Your hand grows all on it's own, in fact it will grow in all sorts of ways depending on what food you provide it and where it will find resistance. Is your hand it's own sentient being? If not, why not? Why does one body have to contain one sentience? Why do you think that different parts of your brain do not have their own sentience? How do you know each cell does not have it's own sentience?
  8. Here is a video from Bentinho Massaro posted today about what i said how God created the universe or whatever you want to call it. God said let there be light and light appeared. He says that even the light has a source which i God/nothingness/emptiness so that is how God created everything with light. Even Jesus said that his fathers kingdom is within and without.
  9. damn, I am not sure what I've just read - however the text gaves impression of that guy being enlighthened some of the insights overlaping with what Leo says about the consciouness, nothingness, form, nofrom, emptyiness etc however the languange is difficult, and some words have different meaning now, when refers to the mind I guess he means conciousness, not the mind that we think of brain activity also a lot reffreing to the budhist traditions/rituals and believes that rather wester reader is not familiar with is it good source to study? , or it's better to move on to more understanable teachings - more convienient share your impression about the book, and what you've learned - realized from it
  10. Really have you zoomed in so far!!!??? Not sure about that but the one thing there is is space/nothingness/emptiness there for sure surrounding everything.
  11. Nothingness does exist and is the essence of what consciousness is. Sleep is a state of consciousness and there is just nothing to be conscious of, there is no I to be conscious of either.
  12. I have also contemplate this. Here are my thoughts on it... If you look through a microscope and see quarks what do you see. You see quarks but there is space/air there too so there is form and formless. The formless is like a portal but not really but what i mean is, that's the "portal" or point of entry that you can look deeper. So that formless is space which "things" form are always inside and make things one cause it's always on the outside so to speak. The space/formless is the infinite nature of everything. It's almost like if you zoom in the space gets bigger and then there is always more stuff and so on. So the form i guess is the nothingness they talk about and it's the groundless ground. Like i heard Leo say is the space that connects the form together.
  13. Great question! I have had many a concussion from banging my head against this stone wall... But - beyond the wall... You're putting far too much emphasis on the masculine pole of spirituality: meaninglessness/emptiness/nothingness. This is half of the truth, which is itself only a portion of the Truth... To most people I would say: "Life is meaningless. Everything is relative and all of your frenzied clambering is in vain; you are trying to win the un-winnable game." But to you I would say: "Everything is profoundly, infinitely meaningful!" ...and I would never be lying!
  14. @Inliytened1 yeah i dont see why this is so hard for me i keep getting dragged down by my ego ive litteraly realized nothingness from lsd and have been awakened i just cant shut my egoic mind up
  15. But yet, god is infinite intelligence, and things do happen somehow. So this intelkigenr nothingness because it is intelligent alive and divine, probably has an interest in developing itself, as Leo once said, to maximize love. Therefore everything IS, but also is happening somehow and that extends to infinity and infinity is god and god is intelligent, and we are god but still have no idea how reality unfolds.? So the intelligent God head must know even if it just is but still it is sonehow special and magical. And magical means magical and is beyond just IS. Certainly many people with certain illnesses and troublesome lifeconditions are only being too, but their lives proves that being can be special and wants to experience some type of being for whatever reason., which probably is to maximize love, which then needs some magical plan in order fornit not to be some random thing Do you agree?
  16. "It's possible that a person that I see has no conscious experiences of one's own. You simply cannot know without directly experiencing others' conscious experiences. In the future, non-playable characters will become numerous due to artificial intelligence. Theoretically, nothing prevents people from creating artificially intelligent robots that look and behave like humans without a self." You as a person - and all other persons - are imaginary. You imagine yourself as CreamCat, just as I imagine myself as WaveInTheOcean and just as you imagine all other persons you meet in your life. You = I = God. God imagines everything. A seperated self is a special form of "software" programmed to survive. Everything that is programmed to have a self -- that is to survive -- is capable of feeling pain. Because pain is nothing else than an activity imagined to resist being swallowed back into the infinity of Nothingness/God (= resisting death which is also imaginary). There are varying degrees of pain, no doubt. And selfs that are more abstract, more complex no doubt has a higher capacity of feeling pain. "In the future, non-playable characters will become numerous due to artificial intelligence." No. "Non-playable and playable characters" is an artifical dualistic construct you have created in your mind. There is no such thing as non-playable characters. If we are capable -- through the means of hardware and programming -- of creating a robot/an AI that behaves exactly like a human being, then it should have the same rights as you and me... Because it IS a seperated self by definition. And everything that is a seperated self is experienced as such by You = Me = God. "Theoretically, nothing prevents people from creating artificially intelligent robots that look and behave like humans without a self." You are wrong. It is impossible to create an artifical human being that behave exactly like a non-artifical-human being and doesn't have a self. It is quite easy to see why. A human being CANNOT "have" a separated self, because a human being IS a separated self. You=Me=God have infinite seperated selfs as the persons we believe we are and meet in life. *separated =))) EDIT: The reason more abstract/complex selfs have higher capacties for feeling pain (and thus also blissfulness) is because the more abstract/complex a self is, the more separated away from God it is, and the more separated away from God it is, the more it on the outside (explicate order) fears death (union with God) and the more it on the inside (implicate order) is longning for self-death/ego-death (union with God).
  17. "Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind" Leo, in his videos, in line with non-duality, states over and over again that our own mind (ego) is not our true self. Our higher self transcends our own mind as well as everyone else's. Solipsism is just an ideology, a conceptual position by ones own mind. The higher self can never be understood conceptually, it is pure nothingness. Its funny to me how people can't distinguish the clear difference between that and solipsism.
  18. I started this journal when I reached an all-time low. It might end up being mostly music here. (7/10/19) Everyone gone. Now there’s just me. “My look My love My God They came from Pain” Nowhere to turn. My mind a mess. I’m in the middle of a car crash of thoughts in my head. Nowhere to start. Nowhere to go. I don’t even want to curl up in a ball. There’s just nothing now. “This too shall pass.” Yet every time I’m ‘here’ I could convince myself that this is the only true state there is. Nothingness. Here I am again. Like an old friend. It’s bittersweet. It’s not even sad. It’s nothing. Does anything ever even change? Ground zero. Except it’s not. I can’t move. I can’t go to bed. I can’t cry. So I write. So I start. Again.
  19. I find it hard to peg the mystical experiences I have had on the model-ish facets Leo presents in the new episode. I have definitely had some Samadhi experiences, but the other facets I am not sure of. For example, I have seen the intelligence and creativity of reality at display multiple times. One time I wrote down the following, or rather I watched my hand write down the following: ”It is possible to literally look inside the creativity and intelligence of reality. Being guided by nothingness, observing form being created. Letting it flow from myself, or even better, observe yourself as part of it.” This is one example, but I have other experiences of realising no-self, love. However, I am not sure whether these were “absolute”, and whether there are different degrees of absolute. Part of the problem is that afterwards I don’t remember well what happened. When I started having these experiences I even denied having had them. Now I can clearly see something is going on, but evaluating the depth is hard. Also, I don’t think its usualy one distinct moment where it clicks, like, “this it it”. Feels more like a process of going deeper, if that makes sense.
  20. @Leo Gura But just because nothingness is all there is, that implies that duality is random? Like, why exists a Leo Gura? How did you created your body out of nothing, you told on a video that you understood how you did it. - "Permanent atoms" duality and non duality following each other forever. And I know that all of this things can't be explained logically, but I assume that there are a lot of things totally Missed inspite of every and any direct experience anyone can have. And I think you answered yes to both my questions, which makes this total crazy stuff, even more than I could assume to begin with...
  21. I find myself getting more and more alienated from a lot of the spiritual concepts that I have been ingrained with in the past few years. The more I do this work, the less I find these concepts to be truthful and attractive. For example, these concepts do not make sense to me anymore: Mind Consciousness Imagination Meditation Subjectivity Enlightenment Increasing Consciousness Unconditional Love "In silence you will find Truth" Strong determination sitting Liberation Ego Truth Absolute A lot of the language Leo is using does not resonate with me anymore, and I actually loved it not that long ago. Actually I find that a lot of spiritual talking to me is kind of weirdly delusional. It feels pretentious, it feels sheepish. It feels so uncreative and stale. When I listen to Alan Watts for example I feel like there is this playfulness which lacks in a lot of other teachings. I have a desire to explore celebration, activity, swimming, whirling, playing (in the metaphysical sense, not hobbies). I would love to see some Viking ceremonies, or some Shamanic dances. An embrace of fluidity and playfulness. I want magicalness, I want wonder and awe. There is a sense of fairytale-ness. I think I want Groundlessness. I want movement that is motionless, not motionless movement. I want Joke, Play instead of Truth, Absolute. Maybe all this feels like restriction and I find myself to embrace freedom. Instead of "Sit down and meditate" I see results in "Listen to music and contemplate until contemplation falls apart". Results in Flow rather than Stillness. Expanding into Being, giving being Presence instead of observation, seeing truth, etc. There is this sense of ridiculousness coming, a Trickster who laughs at the seriousness of Zen Monks, who laughs at the concepts of Leo, who laughs at itself. I don't know how else to describe it, it does not seem egoic, it does not seem attached or survivalistic. Rather it feels the opposite of that. It's like it cannot denie magic, and thus it cannot take any of this too seriously. It also has a sense of Love and Acceptance. It seeks active compassion, it seeks art and creativity. Previously when I looked at "enlightenment" I saw darkness, I saw stillness, I saw detachment. "Nothingness". Now it looks colorful, it looks impossible, it looks like a fairy-tale. It feels tumultuous, waves of endless color and feeling crashing against each other. It feels like a huge orchestra of magic, it feels like taking you by the hand and swirling you around. It is laughing, it is crying, it is alive. It looks at Leo's castle of non-duality and wants to swoop it away with a tsunami of creativity and playfulness. This is the path that I see, and I think Leo's talk of Love has helped me see it more clearly. But I feel like Leo got there in a different way, the path he took does not seem to be the path that seems attractive to me, but I think the change in direction he has taen is what I really like. But the foundation upon which his castle is build feels serious, and despite him putting the cream of Love and passion on top of it now, the foundation seems to still remain, if that makes sense? I will obviously still find use in all of the content Leo produces, but I don't know if I can be a "follower" anymore, in the sense that I don't know if I don't want to create my own path, using Leo's videos as an addition instead of a main diet. I don't want any diet that comes from someone else anymore. I want to create my own diet. I want to explore myself even if I am not utterly successful. This very attitude of being so serious about this pathway seem unattractive to me. It seems to suck the joy and curiousity out of this path. I want to feel fairytale-ness, magic, compassion, playfulness not "industrial grade enlightenment practice". Does anyone know what I mean? To me it feels like there is a very ingrained bias of a certain way of looking at all this that is very present in the general culture of spiritualism. This bias seems to become more and more apparent to me, and I start seeing it everywhere. I want to explore a different perspective, or rather what I have explored does not seem entirely compatible with this current bias.
  22. I was sitting on a hill under a small oak tree, looking out over a dimly lit city. It was dark and a cool breeze blew softly on my face. I had come to do self-enquiry but the mind seemed to be pulling towards contemplation. After acknowledging there was no control in the matter, the mind began to wander. The thoughts followed a familiar trail into the existential void and a question arose. “If there was not Now, what would there be?”. To which the answer was “Nothingness”. If there is not now. Then there is nothing. "Then what is Now?" When duality breaks down. When there is no perception of opposites, then everything merges into one. "Now is Everything" If now is everything, then now is also nothing. “Now is also nothingness” If the only alternative to now is nothingness, and now is also nothing. Then no matter whether you are in the now or nothingness there is still nothing. There is no escaping nothing Direct experience is far more important than this kind of thinking, but I always enjoy new ways to conceptualize the illusion of existence.
  23. Pregnant nothingness the nothingness that is nowhere and everywhere. It's everything and nothing. Between nothing and everything is. Everything equals 0, it's perfect contradiction.
  24. Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise gone from Youtube? Leo, why is your video gone? I am getting worried. I think this video is very deep and profound, why would the youtube remove it? I am glad I did take notes from it, your newest video "Launching On Patreon" talking about getting banned from youtube makes sense now. Here is my notes from your video: We are beginning to see the entire universe as a holographically interlinked network of energy and information, organically whole and self-referential at all scales of existence - Ervin Laszlo Out Beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. Ill meet you there -Rumi A samadhi beats an orgasm every time -Unknown Turquoise is T2 Magnificence of being and existence really starts to flower. T2 and Turquoise is beyond survival, beyond ego, beyond fear, beyond idealogy, beyond politcal parties, beyond racial affiliations or anything like that. Moving into self transcedence and selfless living. People on stages in spiral belives people on other stages in spiral are insane or deluded. Blue - Yellow growth = 1%. Turquoise is where 99% of the work starts. Physical reality will start to disolve - everything you thought were obvious about the world. At Turqoise you are ready to jailbreak the mind and discover what is beyond the mind. Science never really tells you how you should apply this in your life and what you can do with this which this to actually develop yourself Science boils down to quantification and measurements. (Measuring reality with a ruler, in verious form and writing down the data) Very big perspective of what life is about Not about me becoming rich, famous or successful. Or fighthing for some political cause for my little group. Not about saving the whales, a hierarchy, a civilization. Its about getting all of mankind to awaken to the magnificence of existence. To which most of mankind is utterly asleep. (Most people have not met a turquoise human being, they excist but are very rare) Essence of Turquoise Collectivist (different from green, Manifesting the self for the benefit of existential reality,life) • Holistic • Global collectivist • Self transcendent • To experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit The world is seen as a single dynamic organism with its own collective mind. Everything connects to everything else, alot of boundaries break down and there are alot of ecological alignments. The universe is alive and intelligent. Its not a dumb clockwork machine. • Interesting in building a human communtiy based on mystical wisdom. (the deepest wisdom that is possible to access for mankind) • Interested in cooparate action for elevating the consciousness of mankind • Turqoise is a synthesis of the left and right brain, east and west science and religion, mind, body, spirit and heart. All of it coming togheter to function very smoothly and effortlessly for the benefit of all of life and of consciousness. • People at turquoise usually become gurus, sages, teachers, leaders, visionaries, healers and clairvoyance When does Turquoise emerge? • With realization that yellow has that it alone no matter how much it models and understands stuff it cannot solve the worlds problems just through its systemic understanding • When yellow starts to see the consciouseness unifies everything and everyone. The idea that consciousness is central. All verious problems mankind have all boils down to consciousness • When Yellow starts to see very deeply the limits of thinking and modeling and the scientific method, reason and logic. Ready to go beyond the mind • When yellow starts to realize that all of the answers and understanding that it has developed so far has not been the ultimate answer. • Emerges with very serious spiritual practice • Turquoise is a flowering of mysticism. • With the transcendence of your ego • Awereness of Maya The dream that we are in, when you start to realize that whats happening in here is a game, its a virtual simulation, its a hallucination, there is nothing tangible about whats happening right here or about this body. All the ways that the mind deludes us and creates these very solid seeming tangible illusions. • When Yellow realize the mind and the undersanding of it self does not bring happiness • Shift from learning about stuff to being one with the many Turquoise Values • Consciousness • Truth - Existensial and metaphysical • Deep metaphysical insights • Metaphysics • Wisdom / Wisdom of nature Wisdom is not something just human beings have, its inherent to all of reality because the boundary between human beings and reality starts to break • Mysticism, spirituality and non-duality, god and divinity God and divinity are very different ideas from at blue. (blue=bearded anthropomorphic bearded man in the clouds, This right here is God. God is consciousness. • Holism, integration and synthesis vs analysis (interconnect) • Left and right brain synthesis • Honesty, transparancy and radical authenticity • Being. vs knowing, doing and having. • Simplicity, flowing with nature, effortless plesureable life • Minimalist sustainable living, collaborative syngergy, human wellness • Healing, the physical, emotional and spiritual dimension • Exploring altered states of consciousness • Intuiton, channeling or direct downloads from infinite intelligence • Supernatural degrees of creativity • Supernatural visionary (see connections that mankind will not see yet), • Spiritual purification • Awakening, transendence, libeartion, unconditional love, compassion for all, emotional mastery, presence, mindfullness, paradox, esoteric teachings, gratitude, unity, deeper and deeper levels of interconnectedness, selfless living, sacrificing the self for greater consciousness of the whole, meditation, yoga, contemplation, self-inquiry. • Not knowing and humility, spontaneity, playfulness and self-amusement • Tends to be light hearted Ego is the heavy hearted with fears and problems • The really big picture Distinct Turquoise with Green • Real mysticism vs new-agey faddish spiritual practices Casual meditation vs at turquoise you start to have industrial levels of meditation and contemplation • Turquoise is informed by direct non-dual experiences rather than beliefs and ideas. • Embraces global collectivism without attacking the individual like green did • Turquoise is consciuouss of the spiral and is a spiral wizard. • Not as triggered by injustices. • There is acceptance from deep understanding of intolerance, conflict, war, violence, greed and evil. (where as green just reacting against them, against orange greed and materialism, turqiouese understands thats life, how the ego evolves. Its not because they are bad, its because they are a treat to you(ego)) • Avoids mob mentality that comes with green. • Awareness of ego and there is more mindfullness and presence in turquoise • More emotional mastery than green • Non reactive and detached vs green was very reactive and attached • Effective solving large problems vs getting togheter and talk/protest. Characteristics of Turquoise • Turquoise sees the human race as a single organism Everything is connected. Sees the dissolution of the physical boundaries between self and other. Such that you can no longer differntiate between your physical body, the universe and your enemies. (there is no difference between you and coffee table) • Use the world as interlinked causes and effects in interacting fields of energy. • For turquiose there is joint activity accross groups, factions and communities spiritual bonds pull people togheter, communities are not just physical but also conecptual because "physical" is actually a concept. Physical itself is not physical. • Feelings and emotions come back into play • Work must be meaningful to the overall health of life • Deep trust of intuition and instinct • The self is a part of a large conscious spiritual whole you are not just a little individual human being or human body as you've always thought • Non -manipulative -ideological and -judgemental. • Not driven by fear or selfless selifshness • Does not play victim or blame games • Deeper mental and spiritual capacites are awakened • New sences and abilites you would think were superhuman become ordinary and human. There is new control over bodily processes, there is a heightened sensory awareness. • Paranormal abilities can develop or as the Yogi's call the cities. • Healing abilities, telepathy, astral projection, ESP, clairvoyance and remote viewing which seems odderly fantastical, religious and superstitious to stages below which are stuck in material paradgim. • The mystical becomes the mundane, the paranormal becomes normal. • Having inspiring levels of emotional mastery • Likes minimalist living. Less is more. • Ecologicaly conscious like green was. • Being visionary and being an inspiring leader • There is a unification of science, technology, medicine and mysticism • Deep understanding and unification of all religions, picks the best parts of them and throw away all the junk, corruption and ego stuff that has corrupted those traditions. All of them are really pointing to the same stuff. • There is a synthesis with western technology and eastern mysticism. • Theres an understanding of the fullness of the spiral and turquoise uses all the layers proactively and holistically • Sees everything at once before doing anything spesific • There is a colletive imperative and there is mutual interdependencies that reign supreme over your individual egoic needs. • If turquoise is engaged in business its gonna be a business with soul that probably tries to awaken you in some fashion. • There is a sense of a greater community bulit around spiritual emobidment. Turquoise is the 6. and 7. chakra • Turquoise action comes from selfless love and open heart • Has a great mental and behavioral flexibility • Sexual desire is transmuted into metaphysical love. (not always the case but for really exceptional turquoise people, outgrown from the lower chakras) • Excellent in dealing with paradoxes • Tend to be very wise and teach in unorthodox styles. • Is post rional and post material • Connects to being rather than quantifying or categorizing the world. That enterprise is over. Its way too limited. • Is non-linear • Is human-centered • Has a supernatural intuition • Has an ability to connect to source • Tends to have high integrity and is able to actually follow through that integrity • For Turquoise the universe is both impersonal and deeply personal. And thats a paradox they resolve. (need to be experienced to understand) • Turquoise is conscious of the miracle of life. Everything becomes mystical, amazing and magical. • Has a constant attention to ever-expanding implications of everything. • Turquoise is even a deeper systems thinker than yellow was. Systems now are not just mechanical things, they are alive, imbued with intelligence. Intelligence is not something that human beings possess the way that orange arrogantly belives. Intelligence is permeated through the entire universe. Every aspect of being is intelligent. The entire arrangement of the univcerse is infinte intelligence at work. • For Turquoise life consists of fractals. You can see all the interconnections in the fractal nature of everything. Can see the micro right throgh to the macro. • Stands in awe at the cosmic order from quarks to cells to humans, trees, cars, to galaxasies and big bang. All of it is awesome,miracle,magical,amazing, all of it interconnects with everything else. • For Turquoise reality can be experienced but never truly known. Reality is fundamentally irreducibly, mysterious and mystical. • There is a dissolution of the ego. • For turquoise there is a paradox that on the one hand life is the most important thing there is and yet on the other hand my own life is completly unimportant. My death does not matter. • Turquoise can detect the harmonic forces which govern organizations, which makes turquoise good at leading and running organizations • Turquoise is good by setting a good example/being a good role model • Turquoise is a movement away from the gross materialism. From gross stuff to subtle stuff turquoise develops the capacity to sense the subtle aspects of reality. • Going from the external to the internal • There is a transcendence of morality, meaning, judgement, life and death, duality, mind, reason, science and good and evil. • Is finally able to have really deep honest meaningful relationships and communication. Beyond the shallow petty clinginess, neediness and materialism that came with orange,green and yellow. The reason we have shitty relationships is because we have relationships to statisfy our own needs. Gross materialistic needs. They are all about manipulation. Not sustainable and thats why it ends. Turquoise is relating from a non needy place, from a much more honest place. These types of relationships are like next-level/super human relationships. As orange or green you dont know what a true communication face-to-face with a human being is because you are so wrapped up in your own ego and unconscious of the dynamics that the ego is playing and how it is distorting your ability to relate to other people and to communicate honestly with other people. Examples of Turquoise • Sadguru, the Isha foundation, • Shunya Murti, a western Yogi from costa rica (example of Intergration of all religions, science and holism) • Thomas Campbell • Yoda (globalist community minded and mystical) • David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen young, Deepak Chopra • Stan Grof, (high yellow, early turquise) • Osho (netflix, still not perfect society) • Mooji, Rama G, Rupert Spira, A cartoles, New earth • Yogananda, Maarten ball, • Terence McKenna, Carl Jung (yellow/Turquoise) • Sri Aurobindo (solid turquoise) • Pierre tel yard, Erven Laszlo, David loy, Allan watts • Wim hof, Mat khan, the dalai lama, sacha shulgin • Yoga, holotrophic breathwork, the book: the holographic universe, the akashic records, the new oh sphere, opening the third eye, the pineal gland, out-of-body experiences, samadhi experiences, cities, paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, channels, mediums like Bashar, stuff that aleister crowley was doing, Rudolf steiner • Alternative healing systems, the notion of maya, pshychedelics, 5MEO-DMT, • From Star Trek the Q race • Rupert Sheldrake`s "more for genetic fields" (turquise concept) • Dene Radin`s paranormal research • Gandhi`s ideas of pluralistic harmony • The notion of Gaia, earth as a living system, Biocentrism, • The monrone institute, The Esalen institute, • Transpersonal pshycholigy as an entire field, Jung`s collective unconscious and various kinds of archetypes • Quantum field theory (starting to show the interconnectedness and the nonlinear infinate nothingness that everything is) • Sacred geometry, reincarnation, opening chakras • Saints, sages, mystics and prophets. Less then 0,1% of the global population is at Turquoise Turquiose has less than 1% of total world influence or power Style of Government: we do not really have any examples yet. We have some small communities. Based on these small communities it would look something like this: A holistic organism, micro management of all life-forms torwards common good in respone to macro problems. What life means supersedes any special, natural ethnic or ideological groupings. The purpose of this society is to elevate the consciousness of all of mankind. Spiral dynamics vs Non-duality • You can be in a non-dual state but not stage turquoise. • Spiral dynamics is more about how culture becoming more complicated and sophisticated and dealing with more complicating problems • Non-duality is another variable. Turquoise Slogans Everything is one, we are all god, You are already enlightned, everyting is perfect and at the same time everything is evolving, to see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, the kingdom of heaven is within, forgive them father for they know not what they do, I am that, life is a dream. What triggers Turquoise? Not that much, you worked alot on non-judgemental and detachment. Turquoise is quite understandning of how Maya works, how ignorrant works (where triggering basically comes from). Has a fairly robust degree of emotional maturity and mastery which helps to take the edge of alot of stuff. • The insanity of the world - sees how unsustainable all these actions are. • The status quo. - frustrating that our government,politics and economics are still at such a low level of development. • Myopia - the limitied vision that people can have. • Materialistic corruption • Profit over truth and spirit • Profit over heart • Dogmatic, scientism and rationalsim - quantifying • Ecological dysfunction • By the collective suffering of mankind. All of mankind suffering is largely self-inflicted. • By little petty mundane affairs. Turquoise limitations/unhealthy manifistations • Can become too mystical and too spiritual. To the point where they become unconcerned with earthly problems. Where they can just go off and live in a cave all by themseleves or like a hermit. • They sort of live in their own reality. They are so advanced that it is hard for other people to understand them. They can teach very advanced things that are difficult to relate to for avarge folk. Theirfor they can be misunderstood or their teachings can just fly over peoples heads. • Can develop a guru complex. Feeds your spiritual ego. Devlop cults. • Life can become sort of meaningless. Your are just in a dream. • Can deny the importance of political issues. • Can assume that other people are just as capable of awakening as they are. • There can be community division on a grand scale. Turquoise can develop into sort of mega tribes. Turquoise is a mirror or a parallel to purple. Turquioise is also trible but no more enlightned tribalism. There can be conflict and division between these turquoise mega tribes. • Can become stuck on shallow levels of enlightenment or non-duality. Theres many grees to awakening. Some gurus will have 10-100 more real depth of understandings than other ones. Does not realize there is deeper levels. • Non-duality wars. Certain gurus criticize other gurus from different traditions. Teaching debates, whos more enlightned and what does it really mean. • Maha Samadhi. So enlightned that you actually leave your body. Dont overidealize turquiose Dont think Turquoise is perfect. A person can not be turquoise if hes not perfect. That he can not do mistakes. Turqouise does not make you moral or good at all. Does not make you special. Egoic goal. Turquoise does not make you enlighetned. Enlightned is an own thing. Dont confuse it with spiral dynamics. Does not make you immune to false beliefs, cultural biases. Culture is something thats rooted very deeply in your mind. Even if you become enlightned you will still have cultural beliefs, preferences and values which are operating on you just from the culture you grew up in. You can be closed to other traditions or cultures just by not opening yourself up to them or not being familiar enough with them. Turquoise does not make you immune to dangerous social ideas. Its still possible that you will hurt people. Not immune to sexual cravings or addictions. How to transcend turquoise You should not worry about transcending turquoise, but embodying turquoise. You can do for 40 years. Your goal should be to pursue non-duality to its fullest and really to transcend spiral dynamics. How to emobody Turquoise • Make sure you have a hardcore industrial-grade spiritual practice going. (Meditation, yoga, self-inquiry, contemplation or whatever else) • Contemplate everything. • Embody unconditional love. • Long solo retreats - very helpfull for deepning your connection with being. • Spiritual purification work of various kind. (shadow work) • Do 5Meo-DMT • Join or start spiritual community • Read turquoise books • Meet turquoise sages face to face • Study many religions. • Study cutting-edge science. • Study non-dual theory deeply - read at least 30 books. • Open your chakras, specially the lower ones and heart chakra. • Transumte your sexual energy. • Learn alternative healing techniques • Make sure you go back and master all the stages. • Keep watching
  25. With Lesson 10 even the thoughts themselves are said to be without meaning: ACIM Lesson 10 - My thoughts do not mean anything. 1. This idea applies to all the thoughts of which you are aware, or become aware in the practice periods. The reason the idea is applicable to all of them is that they are not your real thoughts. We have made this distinction before, and will do so again. You have no basis for comparison as yet. When you do, you will have no doubt that what you once believed were your thoughts did not mean anything. 2. This is the second time we have used this kind of idea. The form is only slightly different. This time the idea is introduced with “My thoughts” instead of “These thoughts,” and no link is made overtly with the things around you. The emphasis is now on the lack of reality of what you think you think. 3. This aspect of the correction process began with the idea that the thoughts of which you are aware are meaningless, outside rather than within; and then stressed their past rather than their present status. Now we are emphasizing that the presence of these “thoughts” means that you are not thinking. This is merely another way of repeating our earlier statement that your mind is really a blank. To recognize this is to recognize nothingness when you think you see it. As such, it is the prerequisite for vision. 4. Close your eyes for these exercises, and introduce them by repeating the idea for today quite slowly to yourself. Then add: This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe. The exercises consist, as before, in searching your mind for all the thoughts that are available to you, without selection or judg­ment. Try to avoid classification of any kind. In fact, if you find it helpful to do so, you might imagine that you are watching an oddly assorted procession going by, which has little if any personal meaning to you. As each one crosses your mind, say: My thought about _________ does not mean anything. My thought about _________ does not mean anything. 5. Today’s thought can obviously serve for any thought that distresses you at any time. In addition, five practice periods are recommended, each involving no more than a minute or so of mind searching. It is not recommended that this time period be extended, and it should be reduced to half a minute or less if you experience discomfort. Remember, however, to repeat the idea slowly before applying it specifically, and also to add: This idea will help to release me from all that I now believe. Key insight from Lesson 10: Not even our thoughts themselves have any meaning when identified with the ego. Detailed explanation Meaning as defined earlier depends on a context. And the biggest context for our thoughts is all of reality. However in our ego identification the context is the individual and personal mind itself. And then the context for the thoughts is the ego itself. This results in a circular context incapable of giving meaning due to the self-reference of it. A context cannot be its own context. It can be said that the ego has a pseudo context, the appearance of a real context while in truth being a false context. So even the limited form of meaning the ego is giving to thoughts is false. And this is how Lazy Yoga and ACIM Lesson 10 state the same thing, Practical example Someone is thinking about what to wear at a party the next evening. To the person those thoughts have meaning. It so happens in this case, as for most of us, that the person is trapped in ego identification. The meaning of the thoughts therefore only exists within the context of the person's own mind which we just described as being a false context. And that's why people can have different meaning attached to the same experiences. Personal consequences Yikes, this is getting pretty hardcore. I don't remember A Course in Miracles being this tough. Not even my thoughts themselves having any meaning? That's something I need to ponder for a while. Global perspective The alienation and separation between people all over the world is understandable from the perspective of Lesson 10. All of us who are still identified with our egos, and that's still almost all people, are thinking a lot all the time without realizing the lack of meaning of those thoughts. Integral change We need to become able to have true meaning to our thoughts. And that is done in an integral way by keeping our ability of having personal and individual thoughts while having those thoughts being corrected to reflect true meaning.