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  1. I wouldn’t want to do it alone. I would want to be at a Turquoise-level institution with awakened beings where we integrate science, metaphysics and nonduality. This area is just starting to emerge, yet is still considered fringe pseudo-science. If I evolve high enough, I may become a pioneer in this field - yet right now it looks unattainable and too risky to me. Personally, I would like to investigate if mutations are nonrandom and some paranormal phenomena. Yet, my institution wouldn’t be open to that. Yet, if I develop more confidence, I might try to pull it off. Yet stage Yelow stuff is lots of fun to and my institution is very supportive at that level. They just don’t like any whoo whoo stuff.
  2. Is it possible to not be an hypocrit ? Like 0 hypocrisy at all without being awakened ?
  3. If the entire world was enlightened, a ton of industries would collapse. Not just therapy. Awakened people spend less money on materialism and escapism overall. A ton of industries are collapsing right now because a large portion of the youth are becoming green stage.
  4. I disagree as well. This is why spiritual bypassing is so dangerous. From the absolute perspective, your ego doesn't exist. From the relative perspective, it still does. You're still wandering around acting out your shadow. I could see an awakened community having less of a need for this, because they generally have simpler lives revolving around sounder principles.
  5. @Serotoninluv exactly ??? also this question has been killing me, what's the difference between be awakened or enlightenment? I feel like some people think they are the same thing & some people use different meanings. I've had a kundalini awakening experience (it was wild) but I sure as shit am not enlightened.
  6. I lived within an awakened community in the mountains of Peru. There was no need for therapists.
  7. Deep on the website ( I found an interview with my spiritual teacher and a young Woman. Through dedication to Lincoln’s teachings she became spiritually enlightened. This shows that spiritual enlightenment is possible for us all and it fills me with so much inspiration to continue on this path. Namaste ? Full Interview:
  8. You did not get what enlightenment is, only on a perspective of the mind. Enlightenment is a reconsolidation of the body/mind, everything, you come out as a totally changed human being. It has nothing to do with the things that one realized what truth is or not, is beyond all that. Literally, one is born again, as if one has been in a wheelchair and now walks. Compared to a dormant state, an awakened human being will be able to do supernatural things in the eyes of the dormant, even physical strength is increased greatly, everything in that sense.
  9. You are walking through a door to higher levels of spirituality. For me, ceratain realizations were really uncomfortable and at times I felt like I was going to spiral into an abyss. Yet it is also is very liberating. I would pursue learning about free will from awakened beings such as Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Eckart Tolle and Lisa Cairns. They have plenty of videos on guiding people through this realization. I would avoid lower level philosophy that leads to nihilism. You are just waking up to a truth. For me, waking up to this truth stirred up a lot of anxiety. I was afraid that if I wasn’t really in control, all hell could break loose. Then I realized that it’s been this way my whole life and I’ve been been fine. No worries. Just keep advancing upwards. You will eventually realize you were drinking gutter water in your delusional state. Life will become more free and beautiful than you can imagine.
  10. Total relaxation and you will be able to last for hours. To do that, the woman has to be on top and doing the movements for that hardcore lasting. One has to know how to control and how to use Kundalini to be able to last more than an hour. Basically is reaching a multiorgasm level/mode with the woman and recycle her energy through the man's Kundalini. Only after, in stages, the man lowers a little bit Kundalini pointed in her and switch btw orange and red as the heat build up or. This can be done with an awakened man. For the woman is not a requirement to be awakened, she already knows how to automatically do this unconsciously. So one has to know how to use the chakras for this, otherwise is just a 5min and go to sleep hahaha.
  11. @Charlotte If we say that to be awakened is to realize how life is game, you can still take part in the game whilst being detached from the consequences. activism is just another part of the game, right?
  12. Feeling the love inside when hugging a human being, that warmth, in actuality is because of the sexual energy folks. Tantra is not intercourse, Tantra in the very awakened state in human beings. Yes, it can be focused on an organ, that's a different story, you do that with the partner.
  13. Quick question: When I put my hand in my back. Even if I just feel the hand (not thinking about it), I am still imagining it right ? I mean, you sense perceptions in your back, but you don't know if it's a hand, that's only being projected automatically from my mind right ? Gonna go deeper anyway, but I thought I could ask you super awakened heroes ?
  14. I'm slowly starting to trust people, I'm starting to open up more and become more of my authentic self. I'm starting to feel more confident and comfortable with my voice and feeling more comfortable around people. On Saturday, I went out to Trilogy for Manifestation Dance which turned out to be a great experience of exploring body's movement on a micro dose of mushrooms 0.1g. Tapping into powerful king-warrior voice On my way there in the car, since it took about 40 minutes to get there, I was experimenting with my voice and humming, at one point I started to tap into that "boss" state that I keep experiencing on Ayahuasca when I feel like my true self, I feel the King's energy coursing through my entire body and become the force of nature. At that moment I started talking in Russian: "когда я пью айяаску я чувствую в себе настоящюю, Русскую, богатырскую силу! Я ощущаю себя настоящим мужиком, я настоящий мужик! Я русский богатырь!" This was screamed out with a lot of passion and the kind of voice that I've only experienced on psychedelics, I tapped into that state and confidence without taking anything. There was a lot of fury pouring out of me and I felt awesome expressing it with this powerful king-warrior confidence, I also said: "Я хочу жить, я буду жить! Меня заебало! Я хочу жить!" This was said with similar passion but also sadness as tears poured out of my eyes. I realized I'm able to tap into that authentic, passionate place within me that is longing to be alive and live to the fullest, that is longing to express my awesome unique talents, that is longing to tell the world my story and show people that transformation is possible, that it's entirely up to us to transform ourselves and it's okay to be ourselves, live our dreams and become our full potential as humans. I also felt like English language has kept me locked up and unable to express my authentic voice because of it's weakness compared to Russian, Russian language is just so much more powerful, rich and expressive and I feel like I never truly became comfortable with English. At some point I thought I needed to speak just Russian for a while and create some YouTube videos expressing these ideas in Russian which could also help my parents with some of their problems. I came to the conclusion that I actually need to practice both, but start warming up with Russian because that's how I tap into that authentic place longing to be expressed and then transition into English while on the same Russian style wave length. Exploring new depth of dance and movement There were glimpses of fear of where this journey is leading me to as usual, but not much as I didn't let the mind wonder and just concentrated on movement and enjoying listening to the music and watching other people dance around me. I really liked experimenting with all kinds of dynamic body movement and learned some moves that I haven't tried before, I was able to tune myself in to the rhythm of almost every song and come up with a unique dance style to match it. I could feel myself resisting certain kinds of songs, but decided to work through that resistance anyway to see what would come out of it, and then was able to create new style of dances as I worked through that initial reluctance and resistance. This tells me there are old patterns of moving and behaving that I'm clinging to, so by working through that initial resistance and trying new moves to the songs that I initially don't like is a great way to explore creativity and new depths of body movement and style. I was really into it most of the time there which was about an hour and a half and felt like I'm finally starting to become that person I keep seeing on psychedelics but in a gradual, gentle way that works for me. I think taking micro doses and going out to events like that is perfect for integrating high dose experiences and empower myself so I can gradually start trusting people. Talking to women authentic style I also talked to an Asian girl who was pretty locked up and shy and was pretty hard to read with her monotonous voice and stiff body language, though I persisted talking to her and was still able to have a decent conversation with her, she told me she wants to share a poem at a open mic talk at Trilogy next weekend. Then I talked to another woman who was really sweet and playful and kept touching me as I expressed my playful and expressive side and made her laugh a few times. She kept on grabbing and groping my arm and I really liked that, she was easy to talk to and very expressive, I think I should have kissed her in the elevator, though I wasn't so much attracted to her. She invited me to come dance at a north county dance studio around here in Encinitas and told me there are "Church dances" every Sunday from 11am to 1pm, so I wanna check those out soon. We also did "chakra cleansing" and came together by touching each other's hands making the infinity sign and creating an intention to send out in the Universe, there was a sense of trust, connection and unity during that time and the whole experience of dancing with other people in non-egoic way, exploring body movement, talking to women with my new confident voice and body language, being touched by women and enjoy myself by laughing and expressing my authentic self, combined with a micro dose of mushrooms, really gave me a glimpse of life's beauty and what I can become if I keep exploring these creative abilities and continue to work on spirituality, things seem to be coming together for me finally. We parted ways with this other girl who kept touching me and I criticized myself for not getting her number, but thought it was okay because I'll still see her at a Sunday dance anyway. Talking to parents about love and their relationship Holy shit! I talked to my parents about unconditional love and told them very emotionally with tears that it would make me very happy if they fixed their relationship and started cultivating love towards each other again! I realized just how difficult it was for me to tell them that, I was very emotional with tears and sobbing while I told them just those few words, but I felt like I had real impact on them and that they're actually going to listen. I warmed them up by talking about spirituality and Leo's videos over the last several weeks that I started seeing them again and it seems that my dad is especially interested in this stuff now. So I gradually lead them, without even knowing about it myself to this very conversation. Before telling them that, I was talking about Leo's recent video on "What is Love?" and told them that learning how to love should be a priority for people and that love is the most powerful force in the Universe and that it's unconditional. Prior to this conversation, my parents were very nasty and cruel to each other, I could feel the hate energy between them from their body language and how they pissed each other off in every moment they interacted, it became very difficult to witness that and I started thinking about why I even started seeing them again. I then remembered that I wanted to practice unconditional love around their suffering and accept whatever is going on between them but not meddle with their relationship. I did have an emotional impact on me anyway though, and I thought that maybe I'm not ready to practice unconditional love for them in that way and I think this is the moment where the Warrior in me awakened and was able to finally openly tell them: "Mom, dad, there is something I want to tell you" at which point I became very emotional, "it would make me very happy if you could fix your relationship", this was so difficult to do and I'm so proud of myself for being able to tell them that. They became emotional too and teared up, and we all came together in a hug, feeling like we are becoming a family again after a long break up. Of course, I realize this isn't going to be easy for them, but I think they will actually try because it was related to them in such a powerful way. This made me feel like I've grown so much as a person and reinforced the wisdom of: "by healing yourself you heal others". Sound bath healing with Cloud People After visiting my parents I went to a sound bath healing which was my first such experience. I could immediately sense the kindness from these people, especially the Cloud People brothers. I have this extra sensory intuition about people when I first meet them and can immediately tell if they are kind and loving or egoic and arrogant etc. The sound bath experience was awesome, I took a micro dose of 0.1g just before coming there, they used all kinds of exotic instruments - cosmic drum, ocean drum, flute, and many others which made me go on a trip. I started having the usual theme run through me: "like this whole thing has been designed on purpose for my awakening, here we go the Kundalini energy is going to rise and I'm going to have to go through ego death, because I'm God and the only one here in the entire Universe, all the events are leading to this place, there is no escaping". I just observed all of that and let it go and was able to work through these fears as my consciousness expanded, I was able to work through it in a very much gentle and gradual way, slowly peeling off the layers and going deeper. The women's singing voice was angelic and it felt like the Goddess herself was singing to me and nurturing my inner child who very much needs this motherly, loving, nurturing and caring energy because of all the terror I have put this little child through. It triggered some emotions with me and there were tears coming out on multiple ocassions during this experience. We were then invited to share about our experiences, I could feel anxiety and tension well up inside of my body as usual at the sound of these words, but it wasn't at all as intense as it used to be, and I only felt mild nervousness. So I decided to share after some people already shared their experiences and told them how I felt the motherly, caring and gentle energy and how my inner child was longing for it after very intense experiences with Ayahuasca and multiple male shamans bombarding me with icaros while I was having an ego death. I was then approached by two women who turned out to be the mother of the cloud people and a sister, they were the most loving and kind women that I have met on this entire journey, the mom asked me if she could give me a hug and all three of us had the most loving, genuine hug that I have experienced in a long time. There was love emanating from our hearts for each other and we became enveloped in this cloud of love, I could immediately feel my body tension and fears melt away, I could feel trust in love and unity and humanity, I could feel trust on where this journey is leading me to -- more love and unity and authentic connection with real, loving human beings. We then had a heart felt conversation about this journey and I told them how I developed trust on this journey by contemplating love and unity and just what those words mean. I told them about my Spain travel experience while living in Russia and how I felt separated from the world while I was in Spain, and upon returning back to Russia immediately felt like I was home again, I felt reunited with the world and I felt safe and loved. I also told this story to my parents and I told them that since leaving Russia at the age of 14 I have been looking for that place of home, to be reunited and how this journey is leading me back to this place of wholeness, unity and love. This experience and conversation with these women reignited trust in humanity, love, unity and journey in me, I have almost lost that trust because I have ran into a lot of nasty, egoic, arrogant, low consciousness people on this journey who considered themselves authority, though I always intuitively knew these people were just bullshiting themselves and I can spot that kind of bullshit from far away. These women had powerful impact on me and I'm now confident this journey is leading me to the right place, the experiences I'm having by micro dosing, going out and exploring my creativity, authenticity and relating to people is turning out to be the most profound, most powerful way to take this spiritual development to the next level, things are finally starting to come together in this beautiful way, I'm pushing the boundaries and working through resistance, I'm working through fear, I'm cultivating love and trust in people and myself and I'm becoming more confident in the process, I'm regaining my personal power and I'm becoming more loving. I also talked to a woman who was singing with the angelic voice about voice lessons, because the host of the house told me she worked with her to develop her authentic voice and she seemed to be a perfect match for my current situation of wanting to express and train my powerful, authentic voice, she also told me about retreats and accountability partners which is another way to connect with like minded, conscious people, so I think I'm going to take lessons with her. After leaving the sound healing place, I sat in my car and thought: "this is too good to be true. The kind of life that I'm about to have is just too good to be true…."
  15. Apparently, you are directing the Kundalini energy directly into the head. It is fatal! Watch out! In the long run, you cripple yourself. Kundalini has to be directed once burned with water into the Akasha, only then the Heart will know how to open the head with the sling. One more thing to point it out: What you doing right now are the first stages of awakening, it's called egoic enlightenment. You see many gurus or spiritual teachers with the forehead on up and down with the eyebrows and specifically in the position of lifted eyebrows or the opposite most of the time. What I mean is they have literally marks on the forehead with lines from the too much stretching or frowning. Usually, this type of people went too much into crippling themselves decades on this pathway (butt/head). The sad part is that many believe this is IT and is not. One can see the truth of reality like this but limited. This type of people has very heavy visuals on drugs, etc. This state or technique is to force the 6th sense, but without the consciousness on the other 5 chakras in sync is just an intermediate state between dormant and awakened. Best of luck!
  16. Qualifications? Those who are on the path, whom awakened and expanding all the time surely they have something to say. There is a "non-arrogance virtue" in spiritual groups, and I think is just BS. Those who are walking the path and know how IT works, really don't bother with "I'm arrogant or not", in fact, they are the most arrogant. This social humbleness in "respect the stupid or the handicapped or ignorant" are just social constructs to have a sheep society.
  17. I've awakened without info and help, and keeping to it, it is infinite. So the ideals you describing are just ideals.
  18. Giving the amount of information that is available today compared what was available during Jesus's or Buddha's time (pretty much nothing), we have it so much easier too become enlightened. Today if someone has a spiritual/kundalini awakening there are thousands of other similar stories and tips to read and listen to from other people which can support any difficulties. You realise that what your going through is pretty much normal. Imagine if you were Jesus and had a spiritual awakening, you literally have nothing to relate your experience to. It would 10 times as scary as a modern awakening. Not only did Jesus/Buddha get through the Ego death process and reach liberation without support (besides their own intuition), they influenced billions of people afterwards. Hats off to these early awakened folks, most of us should realise that our behaviour and current state of consciousness is absolutely pathetic given the resources and support available.
  19. Here's how I moved from seeking to knowing. I now have an awakened and enlightened consciousness, though not an enlightened master yet because of work in progress. So, after seeing, listening and reading all I wanted about the most prominent enlightened masters in known history, I observed how they dealt with duality and took notice. At the same time I identified what bothered me the most and that was how to deal with my past (my feelings about my past were eating me alive at the time). That led me to "letting go" so I read and practiced some with various amounts of success. As I was investigating how to make this letting go work, it became clear that the physical and mental worlds are worlds made of beliefs. So I must be holding billions of conflicting beliefs in my Subconscious mind, from how the physical body functions without my input, to physical life scenarios. Now there is a matter of time and focus to deal with them and for sure it's possible to discard groups of beliefs at once, no need to go over them one by one. So how to discard beliefs: you check what bothers you in the moment and decide if that's still true for you. If it's true, you still want to have that attached to you. The other way to see some light is to silence those beliefs (with meditation or breathing techniques) until you get some clarity, enough to be able to drop enough of them at once. Hope this helps.
  20. @ajasatya true and not true. Awakenings are known to happen in the presence of other awakened beings. The right sentence at the right time to the right person can be all it takes.
  21. Yes it is way harder. But still, it is still the same principle. I'm not claming I'm awakened, but since a week ago, the simple curiosity of wondering if this life isn't just a dream, like for real (not intellectually) is starting to make it feel like one.
  22. @CreamCat You can also see the delusion in that trip. He said “I’m scared that this awakened state will leave me, but I don’t see how that’s possible.” Haha. It did leave him. He was wrong. Although maybe it’s because in the awakened state, there is no duality between remaining and leaving, or some insight of that sort. So you can say that he was right in that the experience did not leave him.
  23. Are you awakened? Has your awareness exploded?
  24. Sorry, I didn't saw your post until now ? No I didn't, but I finally truly grasped that no experience whatsoever can be fulfilling. I thought I did earlier, but It was just a belief that I had sealed very deeply into my mind to not get the experienced that I needed to truly grasp it. I'm in a weird place where nothing is satisfying, but at the same time I don't need anything too, without being awakened in any way. It's a dry state, I can't articulate it otherwise, but I'm sure you understand what I mean by that ?