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  1. You can't understand nothingness because you are it. You can only know it after you realize that. Beingness will lead you there.
  2. @GabeN Nothingness hides in plain sight. It is all around you. It is inescapable.
  3. @GabeN I’d suggest framing the experience of being you as a human up as a ‘your bubble’ of experience and your vibrational offering, getting it sound & high on the emotional scale. On a future trip, you might find yourself, in defiance of what is possible, outside this “bubble”, and more accurately as, nothingness. Not sure if this adds sense or takes away by adding more to concept, but that is a step to collective consciousness, which also is only experiential.
  4. @GabeN Nothingness is not an idea. You will never understand it in the way you're trying to. Only awakening. No other way. Any attempt you make at trying to understand Nothingness takes you further away from it. Just stop and sit in silence. Look at your hand. Do not talk. Do not think. Do not move. Do not try to figure it out. Do not ask questions.
  5. Think of nothingness being identical to something-ness. God is nothing, meaning it has no defined boundaries, but yet it is still everything, meaning it is a shapeshifter with no set form, so it makes up all form. So that something, or form, really is nothing, its just an appearance, an illusion.
  6. I get to the spiritual world after a big panick attack,years of procrastination,pc gaming and a lot of bad behavior..without getting connected to the society at all..than the awakening happened,was like a meteor hit myself from the inside,and than booom all world changed or better all my vision related to world enormously shifted to a new level of consciousness much deeper,in the first month was incredibly blissfull..I was so connected to the universe feeeling oneness that I doubt if I was still living in this world..immense sensation of love moving inside myself and i can clearly distingue my energy moving inside my body and in some way control it..I attend a lot of solo walk of hours in the nature exploring the beauty of it,I started to being more the point I losed all my friendship..I didn’t needed anything at all..all me alone was enough to be happy and blissful with my experience. Than I started after a few months my meditation journey,with also some prana..on specific cardiac coherence which lead me more closed to the source on oneness I was feeling at that point and I still feel now,a lot of memory arises..painful and life changing experience was released from time to time and I was asking my self at some point if I should stop or not because it was so overwhelming at the point I asked myself : i’m Go crazy ???i’m still Alive or i’m Living a parallel reality ??touching the darkest deeper insight of urself is very challenging it was for me in the beginning...but also a lot of very beatiful insight of blissfull joy and incredibly happyness to discover I can live my life on my own purpose..the one I meant to be since I was real path!I started meditated In various ways..visualization in the beginning helped me for create the future I want and getting closed to the law of attraction,still need to work on it better but for now I’m happy with the result I got for sure ..after a while and after I discovered actualiZed I see in a Leo video the nothingness method which lead me to a new level of consciousness and concentration immensely helpful to him to be so kind to share his fantastic work with us❤️I encounter many people on the forum and starting share experience and ask for help from time to time..everyone is so lovely connected on some sense which I can feel it ! Big thanks also to nahm..a living angel fallen in this world for making it a better place and for give clarity And depth of experience to the ones need an hand of pure love to getting over though journeys including me !❤️❤️❤️ So yes to this days I discovered that the closer I’m getting to my peace of soul and shut off my chatter mind the closer I’m realizing..I’m didn’t have discover 1% of my self and the universe..and yes at this stage I’m working very hard on myself keep going and going but basically stuck Ed in a practical way..still discovering what’s my life purpose is and also I beginning to work in wage slavery for Amazon..not the one I want but I have to yes..the feeling I have inside myself is getting closer with using the very big amount of energy I have inside me and trying to help others raise their lives and making it better ! It means life to me to help others ❤️ Love is the key love is the universe ❤️Love is all and everything ❤️ This is where I am now and this where I need some tips to discover my purpose of life and to getting a job I can live for and be happy living with it..this is the wall I encountered which is not easy to get over..any tips from this point ? also thank u again pure love ❤️ to u love u ❤️
  7. After years on this path I came into the realisation that the code we use to communicate out our brain vibrational perceptions (languages) are so flawed that can actually drive us away from what we are. And this is why the very nature of mediation is to quiet down this absolute nonsense, because language is so limited it can't even start to contemplate or compute what the universe really is. Language, spoken or in form of thought are very primitive and long has reached its limits. It's futile trying to understand, it can only barely point you to the right direction, in the same way it can point you to the absolutely wrong direction. But even so, there's no right or wrong direction because direction is not a thing. And a thing is a no-thing. Thinking the word enlightenment is an unenlightened expression. My thoughts right now, that you are reading on this forum, are unenlightened expressions. I also realised the literature portrays a few things that can mislead you. Let's take a few examples of almost unanimous anecdotes we hear: That one must become or access the higher self to become enlightened. That enlightenment sits on a higher vibrational spectrum. That human beings are unconscious and must become conscious. That you need to build, learn and improve to reach that absolute state of nirvana and peace. That you must go through some sort of awakening. In my own experience, these can be just as very leading as it's very misleading. If I could attempt to even barely explain what is, I would have to put it this way: Notice when we meditate deeply and when we quiet our mind, we are diving into the nothing. The big empty. The deep. The lower and not the higher. The lower frequency not the higher frequency. The lower dimension not the higher dimension. Notice how these words contrast with the keywords above. We are addicted to the positive. Everything has to be higher, better, faster, happier. We are addicted to improvement, seeking, learning, becoming. But notice that the very nature of meditation is pretty much nothing like that. But it's not the opposite either, it's not the alter, it just is. So when you are it, the contrasting will be the destruction of all of that is. Notice that every word has a polarity. Is and is. Enlightenment is a destructive process. Enlightenment is un-enlightenment. It's accessing your lower negative self. It's the complete and unrestricted dive into your most gut wrenching emptiness and darkness of the core of your soul. It's facing and accepting your own death. It's the absolute destruction of everything you ever thought it was moral or immoral, correct and incorrect. It's not to wake up but to sleep into your inner deeper dreams. You can't learn to rid your ego but unlearn confusing your real self as an ego. It's to access the lower, deep vibration of the nothingness and realise you are there and realise it's part of you. To give up what you think is conscious and become unconscious for a moment. And having the courage to face it and integrate it. Because only by fully understanding the negative mother nature is when you can contrast with your positive addiction and realise there was never nothing at all. So stop avoiding the darkness and integrate it. I know this is not new and I'm not alone but I came into this realisation without even touching Jungian literature if you wonder. From what I know from him it seems he understood it. I am looking forward to dive into his books when I'm ready.
  8. Imo, do nothing means you have no distractions besides just doing nothing, you just face emptiness so to speak. Tbh I think it is a bad idea to teach this technique to newbie students, as this stuff is pretty advanced. I'd start from simple concentration practice like focusing on breath and then grow your consciousness "state" while meditating from there. From focused attention on the object to effortless attention on the object to efortless attention on space to efortless attention on entire cosmos to efortless attention finally on nothingness. You build up to that thing. Without good concentration abilities (which you can train) it is very hard to hold on to nothingness truly. So I suggest sticking to less advanced stuff for now (although don't let that limit you by any means)
  9. Can somebody answer the goddamn question. He is not asking for the absolute truth. He is for a relative truth. We got it that everything is nothingness ,at least theortically. But still nobody answered his qeustion. Do other people lack awareness?
  10. Quick story. Background: I've been doing a wide variety of psychedelic drugs for 5+ years now with great benefit to my overall wellbeing. I have a dear friend of mine I sometime do psychedelics with that occasionally has a psychotic reaction when he does LSD. Not every time but when he does it's bad. This is beyond a "bad trip". A little about him, he doesn't have any underlying mental disorders. He's a well educated physicist, athletic, relatively healthy and even owns his own business. I say this so that you know he's in no way some "weirdo brain fried hippie". However, he is a typical American/stage orange/scientific materialist/atheist with little to no consciousness work. I don't believe he's ever meditated. I've done LSD with multiple people over the years and I've never seen anyone react the way he has. I've been with him on three different occasions over the last few tears where he completely lost awareness of who he was and flipped the fuck out. I'll make this brief as possible. The first time it happened he went completely psychotic and was running around our schools campus with his shirt off, yelling at people and climbing atop building. After having the cops called on us, I chased him down and got him to run back to the room. I then forcibly locked him in our bathroom (or should I say sober tank lol) and sat in there with him for hours. While we were in there he couldn't respond normally to any dialogue. He's occasionally blurt of some random word out of context but that's it. When he "came to" he had zero recollection of what happened other than that he'd felt like the laundry detergent bottle was shooting him with a sniper rifle. The second time he kept asking me questions that were completely irrational, physically blocked the doorway out of my bedroom and speaking gibberish. This again lasted for hours. The third time was the scariest of them all. He'd taken a single hit of acid at a concert the night previous. I wasn't there but we lived together. Apparently he never felt anything that night at the concert. Him and his girlfriend came home later that night and went to bed. Around 6am his girlfriend woke me up (we all lived together) and told me my friend really needed some help. I walk into his room and my heart dropped. He was lying in his bed on his back with every single muscle in his body flexed. One arm was outstretched as if he was a zombie with his wrist bent back as far as it could go. His face resembled that of a goldfish with a circular lips, jaw clenched shut and eyes popping out. He was gasping for air through his teeth with every breath. Hell of a thing to wake up too. I asked his girlfriend how long he'd been like this and she said for the last two hours straight. I sat there massaging his muscles and trying to talk to him but he was completely unresponsive. In his eyes was an abyss of nothingness. Like absolutely no one was home. I left for class an hour or so later. Around 10am (notice this is about 15 hours since he took the tab) I got a call from our other roomate while sitting in class. He informed me that our high roommate had regained control of his body. He not only broke up with his girlfriend (who thereafter left him alone at our house going crazy) but was also running around our suburbs yelling at people to worship Jesus and not letting them drive away from their houses. I raced home only to find he'd gotten in his car and driven away. When I saw him later that evening he literally spoke with me as if nothing at all strange had happened and had no recollection of anything that had happened until I told him. SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS SHIT I know he wasn't under the influence of some other drug as we typically get LSD in bulk from the same source and share it. So the same drug from the same batch that made him go crazy was extremely therapeutic to me. What I don't understand is the extreme differences in experience between our two reactions. All psychonauts know first hand the ego dissolving effects of psychedelic. And of course there will be variation in people's experience while tripping but don't understand how a single tab of acid can make someone so seemingly healthy in their day to day life have such a psychotic reaction. Anyone else have similar experiences or an explanation to my buddie's behavior?
  11. Form is nothingness. Nothingness is form?
  12. Story time. First I forgot who I was. That’s basically where all the trouble started. Discordant psychology & depression ensued, therapists & pills didn’t help. Gained 70 or so pounds, ate terribly, lost sex drive. Got a lot more depressed, hopeless. Meditation however, worked. I found some relief and clarity, so I did it everyday, at least once. I didn’t know about the path, awakening, enlightenment, etc. The content, or big picture & details, and spelling-it-out, wasn’t as available as it is now. Also, I started playing guitar around 15. Classical & different genres of pop / rock. In hindsight, this developed relaxation, concentration, focus & feeling. Working efficiently, honestly & intelligently felt good, and bettered my quality of life, so I did a lot of that. I excelled and created opportunities of every job. I liked making things more efficient, more fun, & easier for everyone, and I liked putting how everyone feels, first. In hindsight, that was more significant than I noticed. It was from meditation, from slowing the mind down, that I saw through the lens of the importance of attitude. It felt empowering. I started exercising. That felt amazing. Because I felt amazing, I wanted to feel more amazing, so I changed my diet entirely. I experienced energy I’d never experienced before. I became much more expressive, and started singing along with playing guitar, and I absolutely loved it. In hindsight, writing songs developed expression and transmuted suffering. Because of the meditation, attitude, work ethic, energy, expressing & having fun, I left am hourly job for a salary job, and then left that to start a business. I had learned a lot, and also, at the same time I had no idea what I was doing really, but I just happily did it anyways because it was desired & aligned. Meditation revealed the ‘secret’ of ‘now’, or, the actuality of presence, or, being. When I thought of too big of a slice of life, instead of getting overwhelmed, I’d realize it’s just this moment, never more. Meditation revealed the nature of overthinking; emotional repression & suppression. Because I was no longer overthinking (via meditation), and had some intuition going (via meditation and expression), and everyone else was overthinking, things got immeasurably easier & effortless. I realized meditation is naturally a leadership quality practice, so I did it more, often twice a day. I worked even more efficiently, trained a team, had maximum synergistic all-inclusive fun, and replaced myself in the operation. Then I opened another business, and in short, did the same thing. Then again and again. In meditation, I let go of a lot, had little thought chatter, and became much more open minded. Because I was open minded, I heard and started listing to Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Rupert Spira and similar content on YouTube. That helped open the mind up even more. I felt good, from meditation, enjoying work, having fun, and being present. I started reading about science, psychology, etc, and researching religions and quantum mechanics. I wanted to know about reality. I had no idea at all there was a Truth. One day I sat down to meditate like any other morning, and the instant I sat, oneness was viscerally realized. I was a blissed out fool for a week or two. It was wonderful, and also shocking, as ’no one knew this’. I couldn’t fathom how I knew this, was this, and everyone else in the world apparently did not know this, though they too were this. Everything was the same, and yet everything had changed, and I didn’t understand any of it. I loved it and felt absolutely amazing though. Took tiny doses of shrooms with friends, laughed a ton, and also started seeing this oneness in reality, more so than just feeling / knowing it within. I started taking solo retreats in nature; inspecting my beliefs and identity, playing guitar & singing, expressing, writing songs, meditating, walking, and tripping. Took progressively higher does over the course of about two years. Never had a ‘bad trip’, humbly & enjoyably learned a ton every time. Loa, QM’s, spirituality, and things I more deeply wanted in terms of career and life wise became clearer and all started to gel together. By this point I was married and had three kids. This also gelled perfectly with the path, as kids are perfect mirrors. They do what you do, not what you say to do. Difficult to stomach sometimes, and makes for speedy awareness of minutia in behavior, attitude, inflection & the repercussions / creation from /of the even the smallest of these actions and words. No more ‘hiding’ or ‘getting away’ with anything. The deeper learning & actualizing was of / with my family. I loved truly, actually, patiently creating space for them. Listening. Understanding. The deeper importance of intention, and awareness of vibration surfaced in marriage. It was revealed that all of what’s happening, is vibrational. At this point my life was chalked full of everything I love, and the ‘power’ of consciously creating was self evident. Still meditating everyday. More solo retreats, more practicing, higher dose trips, more insights & realizations, working even more efficiently, by putting people first more and more across the board. Then the breakthrough ‘to’ infinity. A Mind-visual ‘grand tour’ if you will. Total game changer. At this point, in hindsight, oneness was actually (experientially, relatively speaking) more of a shocking sudden and permanent no mind / knowing of absolute unity. Infinity is an inexplicable complete and total unbelievable unthinkable incommunicable mindfuck. My brain was literally re-wired, which felt very different but fine, kind of a warm activity / electricity activity sensatio, and as old thoughts and thought patterns arose, they met with the new wiring, and were ‘converted’, or ‘refilled’, aligned. That, and uncontrollable laughter in absolute disbelief & mind blow 24/7 lasted a couple months. Then in the middle of one day walking through my house, suffering & misery swirled in my head, very viscerally, like all of the false thoughts I ever had were being pulled by a magnet, in a circular spinning pattern, and like a toilet flushing, swirled into the very center of my brain and flushed. I was aware of this and felt this, and it was more disgusting and sickening then anything else, and nothing has every felt quite like that. It swirled down smaller and smaller until it just like ‘popped’ and vanished. I was very aware that I would never be able to see things again, in the manor which had led to depression etc, and I just sat in a chair for a few days as it sank in. Somehow it was crystal clear there would be no experiencing misery again, and that meant I would not be able to feel the vibration of someone else who was. I would only be able to relate by logical deduction, empathy & compassion, and not actually relating, not actually feeling suffering. Take that as you will, it’s nuts but it’s as accurate as can be said. Still meditating every day. So now there’s no perception of actual separation anymore, no fear, no self doubt, and everything is perfect and makes perfect sense, and every thing is experientially imperfect and makes no logical sense, and together that actually makes sense, as there is no separation. Reality, self, thought, emotion, the subjective & the objective, etc, me - revealed as pure perfect magical mystical ineffable being. All of that, which started with depression, & sitting down and meditating, had culminated into not being able to ‘physically hold’, or have the capacity for, infinite love. This was actually (joyfully & hilariously) kind of an issue for a couple years. Crying once or twice a day, purification cleaning house, sometimes blissful & beautiful, sometimes gut wrenching / ‘barfing it out’ via many tears, followed by deep & insightful more nuanced alignment of life / self realizations. Sensitivity mentally, emotionally, and physiologically was incredibly heightened. Conscience is more like an exposed nerve of love. Little things I said or did that never would have bothered me at all, would haunt me for days if not addressed. It took a while to understand and acclimate to this. Meditation changed entirely. There was no letting go of thoughts anymore, but very literally moving as awareness / sensation (unconditional love) through out, as, ‘my body’. “Experience” like it was, like it’d been thought it was, was gone. Inconsistent reality became ‘normal’, or rather there never was a normal as reality was always love / self & magical (ineffable). All kinds of delightful things that aren’t explainable began to transpire, and so to speak, I was now fully aware that I am creating the whole of reality. Not as ‘this guy’ obviously, but as ‘who’ or ‘what’ we all really are. The nature of being, the absolute & relative, the human condition, etc, all readily understood, which is to say nothing is known, which is to say, nothing is known. As far as “balance between spiritual and self actualization”, neither is actually describing any ‘thing’ (‘other thing’) at all anymore. All songs made anew, and music, playing & singing are only for the experience of it. More love & beauty than could ever be thought possible. Intuition is now the most primary sense, like vision used to be. Took reiki classes, many ‘sober’ and profoundly unexplainable mystical experiences ensued. Met some loving & likeminded people and learned a ton from ‘hands on’ direct experience together. Saw with much more ease & clarity how beliefs are the most important underlying factor. This made sense of how people can have such different and otherwise unexplainable direct experience with food, diet, medicines, ailments, disease & healing, “luck”, immunizations, etc, etc. Still meditating everyday. Started seeing “God’s plan”, and understanding how there can even be a “plan”, which yet is unconditional, spontaneous & without thought, inclusive of all thought(s). The common connotation of the word ‘plan’ doesn’t work / fit. Realized collective consciousness by seeing it directly outside of ‘reality’, the “how” this living of lives is orchestrated, and how co-creation ‘works’. Lost thinking / thoughts, to no mind & insights. That ‘led’ to ‘cosmic consciousness’ so to speak, seeing the entirety of the one off dreams, and how thinking & feeling works in terms of creation, in unison with the so called ‘universe’, white & black holes, superposition, entanglement, general & special relativity, etc, etc. Realized why almost everyone “tunes out” right here, and stopped mentioning it. Realized a simple dry erase board is a holon and is much more than it appears initially, and is not separate form intention, belief, emotion and the actuality of creator-creating-creation, or, ‘reality’. All of this realization goes hand in hand with the emotional scale, and of feeling in the body. When I first started, I did not feel inside of my body so to speak. I didn’t know that was possible / actual. Now there is a “cellular level” feeling / awareness / consciousness that is like a extremely refined ‘field’ of bliss. Realized this, when “amped up”, effects people and circumstances within “my” field of perception beyond communication with words, and that it is “powered by” love and purity of desire, intention, and an overall alignment and fundamental ‘acceptance’ of / with / as the actuality of being (ineffable). Started having awakening enlightenment conversations with people in person and through skype, centering around creating the life one actually authentically wants, involving the ‘extracting’ and developing of unique source-given gifts and desires, aka, the true power of love, or, reality, or, creator-creating-creation. Of course things with my family, friends etc have never been better. The depth and richness of love is ever present like drowning & floating in bliss, well being & a sort of perpetual never ending awakening. Though at the same time, I became only interested in assisting in whatever ways possible with collective well being & awakenings. I realize no one is awakening, and every one is awakening, and just love being a part of it as no one, or, nothingness. By well being I mean emotional, physiological & mental health, or simply, love. By awakening I mean inspecting & freeing ‘yourself’ of limiting beliefs, leaving the matrix of conditioning, overthinking, anxiety, depression, attention blockages, etc, and quite literally communing with source & every one, via intuition & true genuine intention, enjoying the deeper richer authentic magical experiential sensations available to be experienced, having & achieving everything you dream up for this life, and self realizing in a timely & proper manor along the way. I see clearly the most fundamental issues at play are the misunderstanding / collective belief that consciousness arises from matter, and the collective lack of distinction between behaviors & actions, or, preaching vs purifying and exemplifying with respect to the being each one actually is. Still meditating every morning. Attention on breathing, letting every thought pass. Nothing more. When it’s difficult, it’s because the nature of reality is purification. That is, source is unconditional, so any beliefs (conditions) held are naturally going to float right out the more one relaxes, breathes, & let concerns / discord go. Realized the elusiveness of anti-gravity at play here, in terms of the relationship between letting thinking go, and thinking about it. Mind blowing synchronicity, awe & wonder are the unending actuality of self / reality. Realized the critical difference between a ‘caring or not caring’ paradigm, and knowing each person is so powerfully unconditionally loved, that no one else can do any of this for them, or convince another to change a belief / and therefore their actual experience of reality if you will. Realized this arena / realm is what I’ll be doing from here on out. Realized it is why I am. Realized the “defilements” and “samsaras” are one’s truest character / deeply intention based, thus difficult to surrender, yet fundamentally are relative the same as food choices are relative to how one feels, one’s vibrational proximity so to speak with / as, absolute / source. A short term - long term thinking / believing of thoughts, feeling, & living, that stretches well beyond life & death, thought, perception & sensation. For example, when sitting and doing nothing feels better than sex, sex is no longer a ‘reach up’, to feel better. Paradoxically, sex then enters a whole new place that I think a whole book could be written about. Probably has already. The more belief / identity one surrenders, the more selfish & selfless collapses in terms of true intention & motives, and the more alignment is realized / empowered in creating reality. Sex, just as one example, reaches heights beyond the deepest trips, but then again, sex isn’t actually sex at all, and trips aren’t really ‘trips’ at all. Realized I’ve never actually experienced what concept like “done” or “failure” convey, nor will I ever. Experience is itself infinite intelligence, infinite mind if you will, which is love unconditional. Infinite can never be “done”, experience can never be “done”, purification can never be “done”. Love only loves and in intrinsically being unconditional, wants everything you want, and never judges the wanting, yet feels alignment & discord. Realized all which was ‘needed’ was to be well practiced in meditation, so ‘I’ don’t manipulatively utilize or weapon use thought, as self referential thought stories, to manipulate ‘others’ so to speak, because ‘others’ are me, and are in the same predicament, or, are experiencing ‘the human condition’. And now I’m going to do everything I can to shed the light that I am, on this place & this love that is.
  13. Maybe I'm wrong, But, isn't "desire" an attribute? As we know, nothingness has no quality or attribute, why would it have desire?
  14. @MTR Lol what ever "You" want to describe ??? Brain vibrational ??? Destructive process ? Lower Negative self ??? Darkness of core of "Your" soul.??? The lower frequency ??? not higher frequency ??? Deep vibration of Nothingness ??? Negative mother nature ??? lol why not possitive father nature ??? Not wake up and dream ??? Jungian literature ??? How replacing the possitive words with negative words will help ? ????
  15. @SpiritualAwakening how do you know that "something" exists? The only way to know is to "experience" or become aware of it directly. Thoughts are not good enough. I can easily think about a teapot in orbit around the moon - does it exist - no. You can't trust your thoughts. What happens when you are not directly experiencing "grandma"? She becomes a thought. You actually have no idea if she's making herself dinner, watching TV, or has actually died. You can think about those things - yes - but you don't actually know, you can't trust those thoughts. She has actually stopped existing. Maybe you object and say: "but she can phone you to see how you are". Yes. Then she would come back into existence - because you are having a direct experience of her (not just thoughts). So where does grandma go when she's not existing? Nowhere. She literally dissolves into nothingness. It's not so ridiculous. Where do subatomic particles go when they're not being observed? They have a Shrodinger wave function, which is just a probability distribution (i.e. they become mind stuff, thought). It's only when they manifest in your direct awareness that they become real and exist.
  16. If consciousness is all there is and nothingness cannot exist - what is sleep while I'm in that state?
  17. So after my 4 aco dmt trip which I took after 10 day meditation retreat. It felt like the light of consciousness spilt my mind in two with glass. I became the void and saw how everything is arising out of me. Biggest mind fuck. Now I see that there is nothing outside my direct experience, that my direct experience is floating within nothingness, existing in no particular location. It is like a bubble. Then when I look at another person I see nothing in side them. They don’t exist in any location. It is like the present moment is a bubble within a bubble within a bubble to infinity existing nowhere
  18. For me alpha men's are not macho, alpha men are men's who think powerfully. mens represent left brain, men's who think dominantly not only physical dominat. Alpha men's is their brain algorithm, how they think because men are mind oriented. Like Jesus, osho, buddha, socartes, Leo Gura etc. I take them as alpha men's. Men's are naturally left brain gifted women's are right brain gifted. Both of polarity of divine energy within us, we should embrace both energies. I think Leo teaching is more focused on smooth alpha men easy going style, if you see Eric Thomas, Tony Robbins they are more energetic more focused on sprit ( motivation ). I watched hundreds videos of Leo that have great impact changing my psyche, that made me more stable, stillness, tranquil rather than energetic. Even the motivation I used to listen before doesn't make a sense to me, because of facing emptiness. What I realize that after my enlightenment meditation which nothingness and motivation which becoming everything should go in hand in hand. Motivation + meditation = great life Leo mostly focused on meditation part of life. Which lacks motivation. Motivation must be there with meditation this the greatest insight that I have. When I say motivation it's not motivation tapes, it's your inner core need. Leo has positive influence in me but I need a mentor who also motivate me energetically. Leo teaching is like a an alpha monk, I need an alpha warrior teacher also. Osho explained it perfectly In one of his books. I couid write it for you if you want it. A great insight.
  19. we are already in nothingness/void/asleep there has never been a conscious awareness. life imply death : there has never been such a thing has "life".
  20. Nothingness doesn't imply that. Nothingness is all form, is all the point of views. It's just everything, which is the same as saying it's nothing. Can't grasp that with the mind though, at best you can accept it as a possibility, but you have to experience directly. It's all the thing you said, but their opposites too, it's utterly paradoxical, that's why the mind can't grasp it, and the only way to understand it is to be it.
  21. The more and more i go on the more i realize what others say are mind fantasies. Including leo. If you study all those teachers you will get nothing out of it, only waste of time. The only way to go is to work on it Yourself. And the funny thing is, you can do the practices and you can have a very different awakening. For example, you might get the insight that the universe got created by an alien and you can communicate with him. He can tell you every secret and you can become his best friend, but how does this prove that it is true? What about those other teachings? What are they? You can have a very unique strange insight that nobody here on earth has, and you can be convinced that since you are the only one knowing it, you must have the truth (Like Leo does). If everybody can have it's own awakening, does all of this work make no sense? But more interestingly, does this not prove that maybe there is nothing beyond nothingness and we all the meaning we give to certain experiences, are just, like somebody else pointed out, ego trips? The idea that nothingness=Love or god is aware of himself can be false. You can have the same awakening and realize that nothingness=Alien can't you? It's just the ego interpreting it in a different way when it comes back. Good luck finding the truth.
  22. Recent replies I got for myself: "Meditation is what 'I' does - its the erroneous notion that the separate self needs to do something in order to discover itself. With awakening, meditation simply reverses. Instead of a self meditating to discover 'awareness' or 'experiencing', its seen that 'nothingness' temporarily pulls itself together to form a conceptual 'I' from time to time, in order to interact in the dream/Maya. See that what you are is what happens when you let 'I' collapse." "Meditation won't serve you anymore, its the tool of the separate self to temporarily 'see itself'. Instead, immerse in the experiencing of experiencing itself."
  23. After my recent I am everywhere realization without ego transcendece, it keeps being a little bit difficult to swallow that it is just me here and I am all alone. It also doesn't sound right, can it be that there is infinite absoluteness but also other infinite absoluteness. It just is totally weird that it is just me here, that still seems like kind of an Identification too (me) having various personalities but always me. Does the God modus have an identification, God= I am but God= I(dentity) as well? Back to the topic, is it weird to finally find out you are all alone, is it sad? It is still weird that there is no other, it sounds somehow sad, don't know how God (nothingness) feels about it
  24. Nihilism is a paradigm. The problem when one speaks of Nothingness or No-self is actually the categorization of "no" through words.
  25. I would tend to agree that everything spoken is ultimately a fantasy, interpretation, projection, representation, conceptual, etc., etc., but I can say from direct experience what people like Leo, Peter Ralston, Mooji, Rubert Spira, all these woke people, they’re all on to something. Ive had direct experiences of nothingness, infinity, but it’s not a perceptual thing, it’s not a mental thing. It’s literally nothing... but it’s the most significant fullest nothing you’ll ever encounter. At least that’s been my experience. I think you’re spot on though in that you cannot rely on what other people say. And in fact, filling the mind with a bunch of non dual philosophy and teachings seems to set people back on the path. Because the mind is so effective at coopting and projecting beliefs into experience... it’s all a balancing act. Theory can be very useful though because it opens us up to possibilities we may have overlooked. That all being said, practice > theory. Just make sure not to fall into the skepticism trap