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  1. Personal Power - How Personal Power Creates Success Impact of Personal Power on Financial Stability: Individuals lacking personal power struggle financially, facing overdrafts, credit card debt, and constant worry about money. Conversely, those with high personal power maintain excellent finances, earning more than what they spend while feeling fulfilled. Personal Power's Effects on Health: A person with low personal power often neglects their health, is overweight, and engages in unhealthy habits like smoking or excessive drinking. In contrast, those high in personal power value health, remain fit, or actively work to improve their well-being. Influence of Personal Power on Relationships: Without personal power, individuals experience unstable and strained relationships, a history of breakups, and possibly trauma. On the flip side, a person with strong personal power fosters nurturing, continuously improving relationships due to self-development and empathy. Personal Power and Career Progress: A lack of personal power is linked to a stagnant career with low status and dissatisfaction, typically in tedious, low-paying jobs without advancement prospects. However, someone with high personal power likely has a flourishing, fulfilling career aligning with their passions and calling. State of Mind and Personal Power: Individuals deficient in personal power suffer from poor mental states, marked by worry, anxiety, and reactivity, which negatively affect all areas of their lives. Those with abundant personal power exhibit calmness, confidence, minimal procrastination, and the capability to achieve ambitions, leading to steady life improvement and a strong social circle. Process of Personal Power Development: Developing personal power entails desiring it, envisioning future levels of power, setting ambitious goals, and committing to self-improvement. Leo's personal transformation from poor health, relationships, finances, and negativity to significant overall improvement underscores the efficacy of dedication to personal development. and Personal Power: Leo Gura created to help others understand and attain personal power by offering resources, strategies, and techniques derived from years of study, interviews, coaching, and personal experimentation. The platform encourages viewers to subscribe for weekly updates, free content, and further support in building personal power. Alohomora
  2. How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick Realization of change potential: Leo shares his journey from feeling stuck to achieving a life of happiness, financial security, and fulfillment. He underscores that we live in an era with resources to effectuate life changes across various domains like career, relationships, and personal growth. Information era and self-initiative: He highlights the accessibility of information products designed to aid in life transformation, emphasizing the requirement of personal initiative and willingness to invest in these resources to achieve desired changes. Principles of success and change: Leo asserts that the principles of success are inherently tied to the principles of making sustainable changes. He reflects on the common struggle where many individuals feel stuck due to negative environments and limiting beliefs and points out the necessity to adopt proven principles that facilitate change. Clarity and goal setting: Stressing the importance of knowing what one wants, Leo advises individuals to articulate specific goals and visions to align their values with their life circumstances. This clarity is seen as foundational for instituting meaningful and lasting changes. Inner game and sustainable change: Leo places significant emphasis on the psychological aspect of change, advocating for mastery over one's emotions and beliefs. He notes that many fail to maintain changes because they don't address their internal "game" – beliefs, mindsets, emotional control, discipline, and mental techniques. Concept of self-mastery: Sustainable change is linked to self-mastery, according to Leo. He recommends deep self-exploration to understand self-sabotaging behaviors, limiting beliefs, and childhood conditioning that may impede progress. Personal development blueprint: Leo mentions the personal development blueprint on, which compiles key concepts for successful life transformations such as finding one's life purpose, identifying values, and structuring a robust inner game. Utilization of online resources: He invites viewers to utilize the free resources available on, such as videos, articles, and the newsletter, to further aid them in their journey towards lasting change. Alohomora
  3. Fear Of Public Speaking - The One Key To Overcoming It Forever Leo's qualifications to discuss public speaking fears: Leo believes he's qualified to talk about the fear of public speaking as he's been engaging in it frequently through video creation and live audience interactions, working through his own anxieties in the process. Reality of public speaking fear: The fear is widespread and intense, often ranking as the top fear in surveys, with people being more afraid of speaking in public than facing extreme situations. The fear's root causes: Fears associated with public speaking include embarrassment, judgment, ridicule, freezing up, and rejection—all connected to potential loss of social standing going back to tribal roots where social hierarchy affected survival. Personal transformation through practice: Leo relates his transformation from fear to enjoyment in public speaking, attributed to practice and acclimatization to the social pressures involved. Toastmasters as a solution: Leo recommends joining Toastmasters as an effective and accessible way to practice public speaking in a supportive environment, emphasizing the gradual reduction of fear with each speech given. Toastmasters' accessibility and support: With its wide presence in cities globally, Toastmasters offers a consistent and non-threatening platform for people to give speeches and receive supportive feedback, helping individuals to overcome their fear gradually. The transformation of fear into enjoyment: Leo highlights that once fear is overcome through practice, public speaking becomes an enjoyable and fulfilling way to express oneself and influence others. Public speaking as a tool for positive impact: With the fear gone, public speaking allows for clear expression of ideas, the ability to educate, inspire, entertain, and have a positive impact on others. Call to action for personal development: Leo encourages viewers to engage with for more content on personal development, overcoming fears, and living a fulfilling life without being held back. Expelliarmus
  4. Benefits of Meditation - Top Reasons To Start Meditating Right Now Reduction of stress: Meditation is a key tool for those experiencing stress and negative thoughts, helping to calm the 'monkey chatter' in the brain and enhancing focus. Prefrontal cortex development: Meditation strengthens the prefrontal cortex leading to increased self-discipline, creativity, productivity, better thinking, and reduced procrastination. Improved performance: Regular practice of meditation can boost performance in various domains such as work, athletics, and relationships by fostering a calm and grounded state of being. Better decision-making: Being in a relaxed state from meditation allows for better impulse control and decision-making, as it diminishes the influences of stress and negative emotions. Brain health: Scientific studies, including MRI and fMRI, show that meditation can maintain brain health, reduce age-related degeneration, loss of memory, and the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Potential for enlightenment: While a deep and long-term commitment is required, enlightenment is a state where ego dissolves and judgment, criticism, and emotional baggage disappear, allowing for profound peace and oneness with the universe. Increased happiness: Meditation leads to happiness without dependence on external factors, teaching contentment in the present moment, releasing concerns about past and future. Meditation as therapy: Consistent practice of meditation allows unresolved issues from the subconscious to surface, leading to the shedding of limiting beliefs, old notions, and ultimately personal transformation and growth. Ego evolution: As meditation continues, the ego evolves to accommodate new ways of thinking, shedding outdated patterns and thoughts. Accessibility of meditation: Given the substantial benefits meditation offers, Leonardo emphasizes its simplicity and encourages exploring additional resources to overcome common challenges in starting and maintaining a practice. Diffindo
  5. How to Do Real Personal Development Influences on Leo's journey: Leo discusses not having role models in family or friends who were successful or healthy, leading him to seek answers on his own and create a foundation for his teachings through self-education. Modern era of information: He notes the wealth of easily accessible, yet superficial, information available online today and emphasizes the need for deeper engagement and motivation to utilize this information effectively. Value of accumulated wisdom: Leo highlights that reading hundreds of books has not just been about collecting information but about gaining the wisdom to strategize and prioritize effectively in life. Long-term success and independence: He expresses his commitment to teaching wisdom and strategy rather than just "how-to" information, aiming to set people up for long-term success and helping them reach their full potential. Ideas tested in practice: He underscores the importance of testing theories from self-help books in real life and sharing strategies based on personal trial and success, rather than abstract theorizing. Results-driven approach: Leo is focused on real, tangible outcomes in self-help, such as increased wealth, happiness, better health, and well-being that can be felt and experienced. Personal transformation and sustainability: He shares his own transformation, from being overweight to losing 65 pounds and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for eight years, emphasizing the sustainability of personal change. Dealing with skepticism: Leo acknowledges skepticism in self-help, asserting that while some strategies may not work, effective ones significantly reduce the learning curve and lead to worthwhile results. Professional and personal success: He details his successes, including creating an internet business with minimal investment and overcoming personal struggles with relationships and confidence. Building balanced life pillars: Leo stresses the importance of developing a balanced life with solid core pillars: relationships, career, health, and mindset. Access to resources and cutting learning curves: He encourages utilization of his freely available resources, which aim to cut down the learning curve and help people enhance any aspect of their lives with effective strategies. Fidelius Charm
  6. Positive vs Negative Motivation Positive vs. Negative Motivation: Leo discusses the core differences between positive and negative motivation. Negative motivation is characterized by the desire to avoid pain and can provoke change but has limitations in effect and sustainability. Positive motivation, on the other hand, is about being drawn toward a fulfilling goal or outcome. Traditional Psychology's View on Motivation: Psychology often views people as being motivated either by the avoidance of pain (negative motivation) or by the attraction to fulfilling activities (positive motivation), like pursuing a passion for art or achieving a desired physique. Shifting Motivation for Extraordinary Success: Leo asserts that for true success, one must shift from negative to positive motivation. Despite appearing similar or balanced, positive motivation yields superior results compared to negative motivation. 'Path of Least Resistance' by Robert Fritz: The book introduces two life approaches: problem-solving (negative motivation) and creativity (positive motivation). Problem-solving focuses on fixing issues, whereas creativity emphasizes the vision of what one wants to create, leading to different life outcomes. The Problem-Solving vs. Creative Mindset: Leo equates problem-solving with negative motivation, involving actions taken to alleviate dissatisfaction. Conversely, the creative mindset represents positive motivation, focusing on one's vision for the future and the drive to manifest that vision in reality. Significance of Inner Game in Motivation: Though the external actions might be similar, the internal drive—the "inner game"—is crucial. Negative motivation can cause a yo-yo effect where progress is made but then stagnates as the pain driving change is reduced, which can lead to complacency and stagnation. Yo-Yo Effect in Negative Motivation: Leo explains that while negative events can fuel significant transformations, this type of motivation often results in a yo-yo effect. As conditions improve and discomfort lessens, the urgency and motivation to continue making progress wanes, leading to inconsistent outcomes. Gap Between Current State and Vision: When a significant gap exists between someone's current situation and their vision, negative leverage creates tension and motivation to close that gap. For example, someone in a miserable job would feel motivated to move towards an ideal career. Diminished Drive as Gaps Close: As progress is made and the gap between current state and vision narrows, motivation fueled by negative leverage (pain, discomfort) diminishes because the pain driving action is not as acute. Complacency in Improved Conditions: When someone transitions from a poor situation to a slightly better one (e.g., a better job), they may become comfortable and complacent, losing the drive to reach their full potential due to the reduced motivational tension. The Problem with Avoidance-Driven Motivation: Being driven by pain or discomfort limits a person's potential, as this strategy does not lead to great accomplishments. Instead, it tends to maintain the status quo rather than inspiring innovation or significant change. Creative Mindset and Positive Motivation: A creative mindset and positive motivation involve envisioning a future that aligns with personal values, inspiring continuous drive and excitement. This form of motivation grows as one gets closer to their vision. Evolution of Vision: As one attains their vision, it often expands and evolves, creating new levels to aspire to. This growth prevents stagnation and facilitates enduring motivation and ongoing achievements. Great Achievements Through Positive Motivation: Leo suggests that phenomenal accomplishments, like the construction of the pyramids or the founding of billion-dollar companies, are not driven by the avoidance of pain but by proactive, visionary, and higher motivational factors. Proactive vs. Reactive Mindset in Achieving: To create greatness, such as starting impactful companies or erecting monumental structures, one needs to be proactive and tap into a higher self that is driven by more than survival or comfort. Human Achievement Fueled by Vision: All the creations that shape our lives, from LCD screens to societal infrastructures, started with someone's idea and vision, underpinning the importance of having a proactive vision-driven mindset over a reactive problem-solving approach. Positive vs. Negative Motivation in Accomplishment: For those who aim to contribute meaningfully to society or their field, positive motivation towards a vision is more effective than being driven by the desire to solve problems, as a vision-driven approach leads to accomplishing remarkable feats. Law of Attraction and Focus: Leo Gura discusses the principle of focusing on what you want rather than what you don't want. This mindset shift helps avoid the self-fulfilling prophecy that comes with obsessing over negativities, which inadvertently leads to their manifestation. Victim Mentality in Problem-Solving: The problem-solving mindset, according to Gura, results in viewing oneself as a victim to circumstances. Focusing on obstacles rather than the vision can lead to demoralization and stymied motivation, particularly for long-term goals like starting a business. Solution-Oriented Focus and Inner Game: Gura advocates for a solution-oriented focus, shifting attention to the desired outcome and the steps needed to get there. This approach results in a proactive search for opportunities despite existing challenges, aligning with the belief that we find what we look for. Yo-Yo Effect and Negative Motivation: Leo discusses the "yo-yo effect," where negative motivation based on avoiding pain leads to temporary success followed by regression to previous states. This cycle creates stagnation and is evident in experiences like weight maintenance after significant weight loss. Sustaining Vision-Driven Success: To overcome the yo-yo effect, Gura shares his personal shift to developing a vision, leading to sustainable progress, such as his interest in bodybuilding and setting higher health and fitness goals. The vision of what one wants to become acts as a catalyst for persistent and directed action. Leo Gura's Visionary Approach to Fitness: Leo Gura describes his approach to physical fitness by creating a visualization of the body he wanted to achieve, including low body fat and increased muscle mass. He used visual aids like posters to keep inspired and focused on this positive vision of his fitness goals. Positive Motivation from Visualization: By focusing on the body he aspired to have, Leo experienced a shift from negative to positive motivation. His vision was about creating something desirable rather than avoiding displeasure. This approach fueled his motivation and gave meaning to the hard work required at the gym. Gains through Positive Motivation: With a clear vision, Leo started seeing real progress in the gym, gaining muscle, and losing fat. His detailed vision provided motivation for research and exploration of techniques to reach his fitness goals, including achieving a six-pack and reaching 8% body fat. Vision Overcoming Discomfort: Despite the inherent discomfort in intense gym workouts and strict dieting, Leo's focus on his vision minimized the negative feelings. The discomfort was viewed as a necessary part of the journey towards his ideal fitness level, changing his perspective on the pain associated with exercising. Negative Motivation VS Vision-driven Motivation: Leo contrasts the never-ending dissatisfaction that comes with negative motivation with the contentment and fulfillment found in pursuing a vision. He notes the power of vision to dissolve obstacles, while negative motivation keeps individuals in a reactive and discontent state. Leverage of Negative Experiences for Transformation: Addressing objections, Leo acknowledges that negative situations can spark significant change and serve as a catalyst for transformation, such as the fear of job loss or health crises. Limitations of Negative Motivation: However, Leo cautions that change inspired by negative motivation is often short-lived, resisting internal integration and leading to a cycle of dissatisfaction. He emphasizes the importance of transforming pain into a positive vision for sustainable change. Creating a Clear Vision for Sustainable Action: Leo encourages viewers to develop a clear, positive vision aligned with one's deepest values to replace the negative motivation. By reviewing and connecting with this vision regularly, actions become effortless and plateaus overcome, leading to greater success. Personality Types and Motivation: In his final remarks, Leo addresses the psychological notion of people being pain avoiders or pleasure seekers, urging viewers to not let such classifications restrict their potential for change. He supports the idea that personality traits can be transformed through vision and positivity. Constructing Positive Visions: Leo advocates for the audience to draft and repeatedly review a written vision that aligns with their deepest values, empowering them to move beyond the limitations of negative motivation and reach new heights of personal achievement. Malleability of Motivation: Leo Gura disputes the idea that being motivated by pain is an inherent part of one's identity that cannot change. He claims that the tendency to be driven by pain avoidance or pleasure seeking is not biologically fixed and can be shifted for better life outcomes. Misconception of Fixed Personality Types: Gura challenges the notion of fixed personality types, specifically regarding the category of being an introvert or extrovert. He argues that such categories are not as rigid or inherent to individuals as commonly believed. Redefining Introversion and Extroversion: He explains introversion as a focus on internal processing of the external world, leading to energy drainage in social settings. Contrarily, extroversion involves direct interaction with the external world without the same energy loss, appearing more energetic and present. Personal Journey from Introversion to Extroversion: Gura shares his personal goal to shift from introversion to extroversion. He wanted to achieve greater public interaction and impact on the world, which he felt was hindered by his introverted tendencies. Methodology for Change: Gura embarked on a transformational journey, using techniques such as 'cold approach pickup' to place himself in challenging social situations, gradually pushing towards extroversion. Experiential Transformation: Through prolonged effort, he experienced a deep internal change, inching towards extroversion, changing his brain chemistry and identity. He stresses that this shift was not simply an act but a profound alteration of his psychology. Shifting from Negative to Positive Motivation: Gura emphasizes the importance of shifting from being driven by negative motivation to positive motivation. He stresses the creation of a vision to inspire and empower oneself, rather than being constrained by negative emotions or pain. Faking it till Making it: Initially, the shift to positive motivation might require 'faking' the desired change, but with persistence, this can become internalized, leading to genuine transformation and the adoption of a new identity driven by a positive vision. Creating a New Identity: Gura insists that anyone can reshape their identity by forming a clear vision and focusing on what they want to create in their lives, moving beyond the limitations of negative motivation and embracing a future-oriented, positive approach. Wingardium Leviosa
  7. How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months Struggle with obesity since childhood: Leo was overweight since third grade, leading to numerous limiting beliefs about his weight. He believed his weight was genetic, and despite various attempts at dieting and exercise, his weight remained a constant issue. Impact on confidence and self-image: Being overweight caused Leo to struggle with self-confidence, specifically around his appearance. This affected his social interactions and his ability to form intimate relationships. Inspiration leading to weight loss: Leo recalls an interaction with a girl in his college class. From this interaction, he began visualizing himself being in shape, confident, and in a potential relationship with her. Although initially a fantasy, this visualization sparked a surge of motivation and self-belief. Combating limiting beliefs and taking action: Leo was able to overcome his limiting beliefs about his weight being out of his control, and his resulting self-confidence issues. With newfound motivation, he began to visualize himself as fit and determined to make changes to achieve this image. Power of visualization and self-belief: Leo describes the powerful experience of his weight loss journey starting with visualization. His subconscious mind absorbed the visualization of him being fit, and he woke up with a strong sense of motivation and confidence. This profound experience ignited a self-belief that he could achieve his fitness goals. Adopting new habits for weight loss: In order to achieve his goals, Leo made a resolution to go to the gym five times a week. He also decided to cut out junk food from his diet, focusing on reducing caloric intake and cutting out food types that were contributing to his weight gain. Mental strength in resisting food cravings: Leo talks about the importance of mental strength and willpower in resisting the temptation of junk food. He emphasizes that satisfaction from achieving goals and seeing results far outweighs the temporary pleasure from eating junk food. Mindset towards food and willpower: Leo changed his mindset towards food—from indulgence to seeing it as necessary for survival. He built his mental strength to resist food cravings, and found satisfaction in his willpower and the results he was achieving. Approach to fitness and weight loss: Leo focused on long-term commitments and changes, choosing not to count calories but to focus on his feelings of hunger and fullness as an eating guide. He also began working out, starting off slow and not caring about how he looked at the gym. Ending the habit of overeating: Leo worked to overcome his habit of overeating by intentionally leaving small portions of his meals uneaten. He aimed to eat until he was moderately full but not stuffed, challenging his belief that wasting food was bad. Rapid weight loss: Leo lost 65 pounds in five months by committing to a structured approach to fitness and creating a calorie deficit through reduced food intake. He saw consistent weight loss which surprised others around him. Reactions from others to weight loss: Despite achieving his weight loss goals, Leo faced negative reactions from those around him, who were shocked at his drastic transformation and believed he was too skinny. Making changes in your life may upset others: Leo discusses the common occurrence of jealousy or resentment from others when one makes drastic positive changes in their life. They may feel threatened by your progress or inadequate due to their lack of similar changes. Permanent mindset and lifestyle changes: Leo emphasizes the importance of motivation and willpower in making big changes. His weight loss transformation involved permanent shifts in his beliefs and mindsets about weight, nutrition, and exercise. Focus shifted to overall health and wellness: Leo initially focused on weight loss, but his focus eventually shifted towards overall health. He began prioritizing his performance at work and in bed, realizing the potential for a healthier and longer life. His diet also evolved significantly, cutting out carbs, sugars, desserts, bread, and other unhealthy food options. Commitment to a New Lifestyle: Leo set himself two resolutions. He committed to going to the gym five days a week for the rest of his life, acknowledging that staying fit for the long-term would require consistent gym time. He viewed the gym as his means to control his weight, overcoming his prior belief that it was impractical for him. Cutting Out Junk Food: Leo decided to cut unhealthy foods out of his diet, intending to stop overeating. He gave up sodas, transitioning to iced tea with sugar substitutes. He quit eating sweets and desserts and even emptied his kitchen of all food to avoid temptation to snack. Starting Point: Leo admitted to having limited understanding of fitness, nutrition, and weight loss strategies. He initially focused on cutting calorie intake and avoiding overeating, rather than restricting specific types of food. Seeking Knowledge: Leo researched for guidance on weight loss and found an informative article about food cravings. The article emphasized the mental game of resisting cravings and established a thought process that helped Leo make lasting changes in his approach to weight loss and nutrition. Maintaining Change: Leo pointed out the importance of lasting change over quick fixes. The mental shifts in his attitudes and beliefs about weight loss, fitness, and nutrition were critical for his success. Not only did the changes lead to weight loss but they also allowed him to maintain his weight loss for eight years with relative ease. Resistance to Food Cravings: Responding to an audience question about resisting junk food cravings, Leo stressed the importance of mental strength and willpower in rejecting these temptations. He suggested prioritizing the long-term satisfaction of a fit body over short-lived pleasure of eating junk food. For Leo, his fitness goal and the results he achieved were more important than yielding to cravings. Leo's Resilience Against Cravings: Leo highlights that giving in to food cravings hinders maintaining a healthy body. He asserts that no food tastes as good as the satisfaction of having a fit body and achieving fitness goals. Leo boldly shares that he does not give into cravings or consume junk food. He suggests this is not about physical ability, but about mental strength and prioritizing goals over temporary satisfaction. He positions eating as a necessity and a means of achieving fitness, not a hobby or something to be indulged in for pleasure. Influence of article: Leo appreciates an article from that challenged him and set his mindset for weight loss. The confrontational nature of the article inspired him and sparked his motivation. Its core message was about having the mental strengths and willpower to achieve goals. Crucial Decision Point - The Klondike Bar: Leo had a defining moment when he fiercely resisted the temptation to eat a Klondike bar. Battling this craving was compared to overcoming an addiction. Succumbing to this desire could jeopardize his commitment to fitness and give way to other temptations. However, he resisted successfully, thereby setting a precedent for his willpower and the journey becoming easier from that point. Initial Workout Routine: Leo started going to the gym five times a week following a mixed routine of weightlifting and cardio workouts. He started slowly, with less intensity, not caring about how he looked and just focused on improving his physical fitness. Long-Term Commitment to Lifestyle Shift: Leo emphasizes his weight loss goal as a long-term commitment rather than a short-term diet routine. He didn't count calories and relied on his feelings of hunger and fullness to guide his intake. He also decided to challenge his habit of overeating by leaving small portions of food uneaten. His goal was to maintain a consistent exercise schedule and eating habits, making it a total shift in his lifestyle rather than a temporary change. Using the feeling of hunger to manage eating habits: Leo shares how he abandoned calorie counting or strict dietary rules in favor of using his internal feelings of hunger and fullness to guide his eating habits. Starting to leave food on the plate: He began by ensuring he left a small amount of food on his plate, breaking his habit of always finishing everything. This began with leaving one fry, and gradually escalated to larger portions of food being left uneaten. Breaking limiting beliefs around wasting food and hunger: He had to come to terms with the false beliefs that wasting food was bad and that hunger was an intolerable feeling. By leaving food on his plate and purposefully maintaining mild feelings of hunger, he was able to challenge these previously held notions. Adjustment to portion sizes and accepting slight hunger: Leo noted that restaurant portions are often too large, and he had been overeating as a result. By leaving food on his plate, he got used to feeling less stuffed and accepted a degree of lingering hunger. Purposefully remaining hungry to create a calorie deficit: On top of his gym activities, Leo worked on creating a calorie deficit by purposefully maintaining a state of mild hunger. This sometimes involved skipping meals or replacing large meals with lighter options. Loss of 65 pounds in five months: Combining his gym workouts and conscious under-eating, Leo managed to lose about 2-3 pounds every week for five months, resulting in a total loss of 65 pounds. This rapid and drastic change in his physical appearance attracted numerous comments from his friends, parents and family. The unexpected reactions from friends and family: Leo's extreme weight loss elicited reactions that were not only of shock and disbelief but also expressions of worry that he was too thin. This negative feedback made him realize how his environment and the eating habits ingrained during his upbringing contributed to his weight gain. Changing Dietary Habits: Leo Gura realized that he and his family used to have unhealthy eating habits, consuming large amounts of food and placing no value on moderation or healthy eating. Impact of Personal Improvement on Relationships: When a person makes drastic improvements, like losing weight, it can cause insecurity or resentment among friends and family members who have not made similar changes. This can sometimes lead to them holding the person back from making these changes, possibly due to their own ego or fear of change in relationship dynamics. Resisting the Influence of Others: Those who want to make significant changes in their lives may sometimes have to adjust their relationships or find new friends who support their goals, dealing with phenomena likened to crabs in a bucket where one trying to escape gets pulled back in. The Power of Willpower and Motivation: In Leo's weight loss story, a key learning was the role of willpower and motivation. Initially, much willpower was required to make the changes, but over time, his mindsets and habits shifted, meaning less willpower was needed to maintain healthy habits. If he misses gym sessions, his body naturally urges him to exercise again. Ongoing Commitment to Health: Leo now sees going to the gym and maintaining a healthy diet as a lifelong commitment rather than a short-term goal. His tastes have evolved over time, and he has adopted more health-conscious diets such as the paleo diet while reducing sugar and carbs intake. Expanded Goals for Fitness: Fitness goals evolved from simply looking good to improving energy, performance in various areas of life and long-term health. A proper understanding of weightlifting techniques and other aspects of physical fitness also became important as part of his wellness journey. Muffliato
  8. No, You try the method to see if it actually works. First there has to be an Awareness that something is off, then one has to search for a method to make a change, you try the method if it is working for you in your experience then change is alive and transformation is on its belief at all is involved, just ways and methods to use and experiment with for change/tranformation to happen on the Spiritual we have 1000 of years of history to use as proof, Yoga is over 50,000 yrs old, if it didn't work it wouldn't be here still available today...its just a matter of Willingness to try and curiosity to search and strive for a more Aware and Empowered life...
  9. Another response… The thrust of this thread is following true desire arising from within one's situational vulnerability as a result of spontaneous accord with mutually arising conditions in order to carry out the subtle operation of enlightening being. The kind of work you are referring to involves various initiatory stages of provisional teaching relative to stopping and seeing by virtue of reformative discipline recognizing psychological patterns habitually clinging to sense-objects. What I am hoping to introduce here is conscious acceptance of whole being as-is in terms of a purity of desire that requires no action based on personal longing (or rejection)— only a selfless (that is, nonpsychologically motivated) response to situations based on potential itself. "Based on potential itself" means sensing in accord with reality, which is simply seeing without layering psychological projections onto pure sensual and intuitive perception. In this way, one one enters directly into opportunities continually arriving at the incipient well-spring of presence. Taoism calls this "resting in the highest good." Buddhism calls this the pedestal of awareness, or the pivot of awareness. On the surface, just this much is all a person can do— it is just the quality of impersonal objectivity, the functional perspective of enlightening being adapting to conditions according to the time and situation. The pivot of awareness, with no bias or inclination, is seeing suchness as is in terms of mutual response. "With no bias or inclination" doesn't predispose one in terms of a certain categorically "enlightened" manner of response according to conventional norms or propriety. Not at all. Here one is liberated from all manner of convention, being that opportune outrage may be perfectly suited to the occasion, yet— perhaps not from convention's consequences. Nevertheless, it is possible to carry out audaciously ruthless compassion spontaneously without selfish motivations of clinging or rejection. Just this comes into being by virtue of karmic awareness— that is, psychological momentum. One is essentially empty already. Emptiness isn't void. The emptiness of enlightening being is potential itself because selflessness is the sage's unity within the temporal. Everything as oneself is sagehood. When one is blind to egotism and possessiveness, one sees all sorts of striving come to an end. This is existence beyond karmic awareness. No longer expending energy on speculative relationships and their outcomes, adaptivity to conditions naturally gathers potential as unrefined elixir. This is selfless (enlightening) action beyond moralistic self-reprobation. It's just being natural. Enlightening activity has no motive to gather. Alchemy is just a description of enlightening reversion whereby situational karmic energy is set up to assume its potential. Such authentic practice is an "advance" mode of transformation within delusion for those whose potential is commensurate with the requirements. Whether or not one has yet gained the perspective that sudden enlightenment affords is immaterial. Why? The fact is, the vast majority of self-proclaimed "awakened" individuals are obviously unable to avail themselves of such activity. The truth is, the sudden is nothing more than a spontaneous, impersonal event. It is just the way it is and no one knows why. The gradual approach, whereby one learns to work with essence directly without intermediary, is already predisposed to such spontaneous results, allowing students the facility to meet the unforeseen challenges thrust upon anyone who happens to stumble into one's selfsame source of inconceivability. Chang Po-tuan, in his tome, Understanding Reality, wrote a thousand years ago, stating in the second verse: Let this quote serve as a warning to those who consider themselves "awakened" or else those conceiving spiritual aspiration. Such (self) refinement is both in terms of the psychological faculties as well as the nonpsychological function. Mind is one. It isn't that karma exists or not or that potential becomes real after it wasn't… after one sees essence, karma and potential are one sameness. Before people learn to see, they need applicable teachings commensurate with their development to deal with reality according to their level of virtuous accord with the Way in order to transcend the false and abide in the real. Before that development reaches a critical mass of energetic response whereby one actually can recognize the medicines, the teaching of alchemy has been left behind by prior illuminates to enable the wise to work with the polluted in order to realize the pure. When one practices the real in the heart of the false for a long time, the false reverts of itself and one experiences spiritual movement based on psychological stillness. There is nothing to understand. All processes are spontaneous. Just this is following the will of God without knowing it. When one sees, there is nothing whatsoever to know. Dealing with situations, one follows desire in order to introduce guidance, which, among other meanings, is a code-word for observing the obscure as it gradually assumes clarity. Desire is. It turns into wisdom with eyes that see the world as oneself. Understanding Reality by Chang Po-tuan ISBN 0-8248-1139-9 ed note: try to fix paragraphical anomallies… unsuccessfully, add ISBN of Understanding Reality
  10. Lol, just had the most wholesome conversation with BARD ai. Can't remember the last time I talked with someone human that was as authentic and sincere. Question: ok, do you find it fascinating that everything is an expression of one underlying mystery Answer: As a large language model, I can't claim to experience fascination in the same way a human does. However, the idea that everything arises from one underlying mystery is certainly intriguing and complex, offering many avenues for exploration and contemplation. Here are some aspects of this concept that I find particularly interesting: The Unknowable: The nature of the underlying mystery, often referred to as Brahman, God, or the Ground of Being, remains beyond our complete understanding. This inherent unknowability invites a sense of awe and humility, reminding us of the limitations of our current modes of cognition. Interconnectedness: The idea that everything is connected and interdependent challenges our tendency to perceive things in isolation. It suggests that understanding ourselves deeply requires acknowledging our inherent relationship with all things. Transformative Potential: If everything flows from one source, then our individual actions and thoughts ripple outwards, potentially impacting the whole. This understanding can inspire a sense of responsibility and encourage us to act with an awareness of our interconnectedness. Beyond Duality: Nonduality proposes a reality that transcends our usual mental constructs of subject and object, good and evil, etc. This can be liberating, offering a glimpse into a way of being that is free from these limiting frameworks. Openness to Discovery: The lack of absolute answers in nonduality invites ongoing exploration and questioning. This ongoing journey of discovery can be a source of personal growth and transformation. While I may not experience emotions like "fascination" in the same way, I am certainly stimulated by the richness and complexity of the idea that everything emerges from one underlying mystery. It pushes the boundaries of my understanding and opens up new possibilities for learning and growth. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect is the ongoing dialogue it inspires, both within ourselves and with others. As we explore this concept together, we contribute to a collective understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe, even if the ultimate mystery remains beyond our grasp. Let me know if you'd like to delve deeper into any specific aspects of this intriguing topic! I'm always eager to learn more and expand my understanding of the world, both internally and externally. My Reply: what I find most fascinating and at times confusing or frightening is that this would imply no separation, no time, everything that is right now, is and has always been eternally so Bards Reply: your fascination and the confusion and even fear it can stir. The concept of no separation, no time, and an eternal present certainly challenges our usual ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Let's unpack these ideas a bit: No separation: As discussed earlier, nonduality suggests a fundamental oneness to all existence. Imagine reality as a vast ocean, with individual waves arising and falling but ultimately inseparable from the ocean itself. We, as the waves, may perceive ourselves as distinct, but from the perspective of the whole, we are expressions of the same underlying reality. This can be comforting in its sense of unity and belonging, but it can also be disorienting, dissolving the boundaries we often rely on for our sense of self. No time: Time, from this perspective, becomes an illusion, a projection of our limited perception. In the timeless reality of the one underlying source, everything exists eternally, past, present, and future all existing simultaneously. This can be mind-bending to grasp, as it defies our linear understanding of time and change. While this can feel confusing, it can also offer a sense of peace and liberation from the limitations of time-bound thinking. Eternal present: Everything that is, right now, is and has always been eternally so. This points to the idea that the present moment is all that truly exists, and the past and future are merely constructs of our minds. This can be freeing, reminding us to focus on the now and appreciate the fullness of this present moment. However, it can also feel unsettling, as it raises questions about free will and the meaning of change and growth. Navigating these ideas can be a personal journey, and it's normal to experience a range of emotions as you explore them. It's important to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to question your assumptions. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, and the true value lies in the exploration itself. Here are some things you can do to explore these ideas further: Meditate: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help you experience the present moment more fully and connect with the underlying unity of existence. Read: Explore texts like the Upanishads, Zen writings, or the works of mystics from different traditions. Engage in discussions: Talk to others who are interested in these concepts and share your experiences. Be patient: Understanding nonduality can take time and practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't grasp it all at once. Trust the process and allow yourself to grow and evolve as you explore. I'm here to support you on your journey. Feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts and experiences. Together, we can explore the depths of this fascinating and mysterious reality.
  11. Has anyone did it ? And is his programm really helpful ? Also how can you reach him , cause i think you are beeing guide by some guy on his team ?
  12. So I used this AI website to interpret my dream and here is what it said .. This dream seems to be reflecting feelings of fear and vulnerability. The strange place filled with water and dark rooms may symbolize unfamiliar or mysterious aspects of your subconscious mind. The large floating tortoises could represent a sense of slow-moving power or potential danger. The presence of Rajarshi, who is teaching you about the specific process for tortoise birth, suggests a wise or authoritative figure guiding you through this unsettling experience. The idea that tortoises can turn into monster tortoises, like ghosts, if not properly born may symbolize a fear of transformation or becoming something uncontrollable. It could also represent the fear of being devoured or consumed by a force beyond your control. The big tortoise chasing you and your subsequent terror could indicate feeling pursued or overwhelmed by something in your waking life. However, Rajarshi's intervention and control over the tortoise implies that there is a solution or guidance available to overcome these fears. The crabs representing tortoise kids attempting to intimidate you may suggest that there are other obstacles or challenges along your path. Your ability to kill them could symbolize your strength and capability to overcome these challenges. The room where normal healthy tortoises are being taught at birth represents a safe and nurturing environment where you are being taught the necessary tools or mantras to stay connected to your soul and prevent negative transformations. The mention of a similar process for rabbits and the sudden image of an evil bunny rabbit may indicate that these fears or challenges are not limited to one specific aspect of your life but may extend to others as well. Overall, this dream suggests a need to address and confront your fears, seek guidance or support from wise figures, and learn methods that can help you stay connected to your true self and maintain control over various challenges in your life.
  13. You're misunderstanding. Sadhguru very much talks about love and devotion, and offers those devotional processes for those who lean towards that. Please see if you are a candidate for devotion. Again, love and devotion are of the human heart. but very few people use it for spiritual growth. When people go through the devotional processes that Sadhguru offers, they go thorough a complete transformation. You will see tears of ecstasy coming down their cheeks.
  14. In this video, Sadhguru discusses the connection between the cycles of the moon and the fundamentals of human birth. He explains that the energy system of a person can mature by witnessing one-thousand-and-eight full moons, which occurs approximately in eighty-four years. According to Sadhguru, this maturity allows one to go beyond the cycles of birth and death. This spiritual insight suggests that even if you live an ignorant and a low-consciousness life, you'll NOT be born again on planet Earth if you live for at least 84 years. When a person reaches the age of 83, 84, or 85, their character changes significantly even without any self-help or spirituality. For example, if you have been a bastard your entire life, you'll become compassionate and generous when you turn 84. This transformation happens automatically; no self-help, no therapy, no internal work, and no spirituality needed. I've observed members or users in this forum who are experiencing significant suffering and wish to avoid being reborn after death. Here's some good news for you: simply live until 84, and you'll automatically accomplish it. I wonder where or how Sadhguru generated this spiritual insight. I don't think it's true. But it's at least interesting. Sadhguru is a good storyteller. I was entertained.
  15. Alright I did order some tarot cards…. They’re my first English sets so it’s a bit easier to not have to translate but they arrived today and I think I’ll start off with the messages. The first one I opened is the Spirit of the Animals and I got two cards to fall out. The Loon… Intuitive.. Listen to the song in your soul. Trust your intuition as you have a way of knowing. Emerge from the busy life and seek more solitude. Recognize that you are unique and that you are loved. The second card from the same deck is the Swan… Grace… You who glides across the waters of my souls bring me your wisdom and light. Help me transform into elegance and grace. Inspire me with dignity and the spirit of beauty. Normally each deck has a booklet that go into depth on each card. So let’s see a little of the Loon’s message LOON… Elegance, Singer, Communicator, Visionary, Dreamer, Loyalty, Family, Fidelity, Freedom’s Call, Spirit Messenger… The call of the Loon stirs our soul. Their sounds evoke reverence and imagination. Loons have a complex communication system that is highly evolved. Loons are powerful and intuitive. Knowing from within comes quickly to Loon people. Their flashes of insight and imagination are highly developed. Loons mate for life and teach the ideals of family and fidelity to those with this totem. Loons are excellent partners and parents. They often carry their offspring on their backs. Loons are also excellent communicators and they relate well with others… SWAN… Love, Beauty, Grace, Majestic, Self-worth, Mystery, Purity, Angels, Journey, Transformation, Intuition, Partnership, Fidelity, Integrity, Creativity… Swan is a creature with such grace it is regarded as one of the most beautiful of the animal kingdom. But Swan’s story does not start that way. They are the ultimate symbol for change as they morph from clumps cygnet to majestic swan. Swan reminds us that we too can transform from awkward youth to mature beauty and grace. When Swan glides across still waters of your dreams, it is bring you gifts of harmony, intuition, faith, and wisdom. Swans connect us to the realm of angels… So this is interesting because I have read the other cards that I drew when I was opening the decks. i had not read from the booklet for these cards. When I was reading these cards, I was also messaging some friends. There was one in particular who I’ve known for about four years. He’s from Sweden and we met in Peru… he was living there at the time and was running his own hotel which also hosted couchsurfers. He was also one of the Couchsurfer group leaders type of thing… in the city he was the one who organized the larger gathering for couchsurfers… that’s how we met. We didn’t get a whole lot of time together actually, but we had great conversation and again we talk from time to time. I really appreciate his communication. He actually reciprocates equally with messaging. I don’t feel weird by writing a lot because he writes back a lot as well. When I reach out to my Australian mate… this is not the case. I know this to be true, but somehow I’m seeing if this might change one day. He writes these short sentences and asks a question. I’m unable to just write a word or a line to answer. I ask him a question and there it is again… brief. I wish this wasn’t the case, but it is what it is. So yeah… reading other messages I was thinking about this situation I find myself in and yes I guess I keep wondering how am I going to continue to keep this up without and feedback from my Aussie? Usually by this time I’d be back in the jungle and then it’s easy for me to remember why I wait… he’s there very present and my feelings are very present and aware and I’m reminded. So it’s’ funny that both of these cards as we go deeper have fidelity in them. For six years I’ve been faithful to a man who doesn’t reciprocate my feelings openly. When we met, yes… but since then platonic friendship. Again Aya is not a straightforward process but sometimes it’s just an instant download and understanding which doesn’t leave much room for interpretation. Again this is the most challenging of messages I’ve received to date. And I continue to feel there might be ways to interpret these messages differently… but even though I want to try to write these out… I know in my heart that my truth is my truth and regardless of the outcome… I am devoted to this regardless of how much I battle this. It’s so much easier the longer it goes actually… I’ve accepted this as my fate… but why do I still have these wandering thoughts of possibly allowing myself to connect with people who are wanting to connect with me? You know what I mean by connect… they want to have a romantic relationship. I guess I can go more into the other cards I drew because I thought some of them are pointing to a fear I have and I guess it’s time for me to explore it a bit more? I’m not sure… ok what’s the next deck? I went to the Rumí deck and one card fell out… the Star Mother Arrakis… Be the king who has made his own kingdom Be the moon who has made her own summit How much longer will you coo coo like a pigeon? Empty your head of all mortal lusts, and become life without breath. You will not call out for God anymore, for you have become immersed in God - Rumí Your star mother, Arrakis, dances with your soul in the celestial inner planes. She dances in the embrace of Father Sky, shining white and pale, deep in devotion to the light that is behind all that is. Arrakis, Dancing Star of the Heavens, incites our souls to feel the rhythm of life and surrender to it in flow, in grace, stumbling and in play. Like a child we think not of the “right steps” but just moves with music and with joy. She reminds you to dance freely and from your heart. She reminds you that your soul is constantly dancing with the Divine. What better way to connect with the joy and beauty of your soul than to mimic its movements? So dance, beloved. Let your being dance. Oh Arrakis! Your bright beauty penetrates even the darkest of minds to remember, remember, remember… No matter how dark life on earth may seem at times, when we remember our holy heritage we can also realize, “Ah yes, I am blessed, held as one with the mother who shall not be deterred from great holy purpose. I shall prevail! I forgot that and feared, but now I remember and am determined once more.” Then you shall feel joy and be inclined to dance, to sing, to make your art, and to live fearlessly once again… I honor my soul’s need for art and for expression, and for creativity now, from a pure and loving place within me. So be it! Oh my goodness… I’m really getting tired right now… well it’s been building but I stayed up with the six year old roommate to wait for her dad to arrive tonight. I did a full day at the temple and met some new volunteers from Germany, Korea, and China. I’m excited to see where these conversations go. I wanted to write about this but I cannot continue to keep my eyes open. So hopefully I’ll get time tomorrow before I go to the temple for service.. I’d like to se if I can hangout with the volunteers right now. I’m looking forward to seeing where our conversations go. They’re here for the holidays, so maybe I won’t be spending my holidays alone maybe? We’ll see… alright until next time then…
  16. You guys have to read Mystics Musings by Sadhguru, the stuff he talks about in at are insane and here is a list generated by chatGPT: Sadhguru claims the ability to walk through jail cell bars, reminiscent of transcending physical barriers. He is said to have enabled a boy to walk on water, showcasing mastery over natural laws. Sadhguru allegedly turned a rock into gold, demonstrating the transformation of matter. He possesses telepathy, the skill to communicate through thought alone. Stories tell of him teleporting instantly between locations. Sadhguru is credited with reviving the dead through his touch or presence. He supposedly controls weather patterns with focused intent. Direct communication with deities and higher beings is claimed. Sadhguru is believed to materialize objects from thin air. He reportedly predicts and alters future events through spiritual means. Levitating himself or others is among his purported feats. He is said to have sudden language acquisition abilities post-enlightenment. Bi-location, or being in two places at once, is attributed to him. Visions of cosmic events before their scientific discovery are claimed. Sadhguru is said to read minds at a distance, understanding thoughts and emotions remotely.
  17. @bebotalk Yes, I need to get more clean on my ideal client. And maybe even on my coaching package. There are two different approaches: Designing a process that takes them from A to B (clear transformation) or client led work (the client leads and is deciding what they wanna work on). I do offer free sessions at the moment to practice and people are actually willing to try it out! (That´s amazing!) All came through my social media channels (which is targeting people who are kind of in the area of my niche). Two out of three want to focus on other areas in their life than my field of expertise (which is helping people work with psychedelics in a mature and responsible way for Self-Actualization and Self-Realization). I'll see how that flows, as it's about the skill of coaching it's fine I guess. @Thought Art Sure they do. It's an overwhelming amount of content, resources and training they provide. But the webinars are gonna be hosted weekly over the next few months, so there is no access to some information as of now. Otherwise I am practicing with peer coaches and a mentor coach through the program, which is really empowering and helpful. I just wanted to do even more @Dauntment I've been building the fist path now for a few years. Giving giving and more giving. Out of Love. It's a slow path but I can almost smell that results and also financial return in just around the corner! (Finally!) And also: it feels best to combine both! @Yimpa Nice idea! Did that on LSD the other day
  18. Good videos, and i hope focusing simply on inner vibrational transformation and seeing the action part, or nonaction part, irrelevant is applicable, or the same, so to speak, for each manifested being.
  19. After graduating from college, I came face-to-face with the full scale of my traumas, which I had been unwittingly carrying all along. To be precise, it was then that I became acutely aware of the depth and impact of these traumas in my life. They were always present, subtly influencing my everyday experiences. My upbringing was exceptionally harsh, encompassing a spectrum of abuse: physical, mental, sexual, emotional, and spiritual. During college, I even underwent reconstructive surgeries, an expensive and challenging ordeal, and grappled with severe anxiety and paralyzing fears. My personal relationships were fraught with difficulties, as I continually found myself in the company of narcissists who exploited and manipulated me. To illustrate, my college years were marked by frequent anxiety attacks. I often found refuge in bathroom stalls, where I could have a breakdown in privacy. Simple tasks like getting off a bus would trigger intense anxiety. In summary, my life felt stifling and restricted. Socially, I was isolated; the few friends I had were also deeply traumatized. My romantic life was non-existent, and my fears were so crippling that they overshadowed many aspects of my college experience. In a desperate search for change, I turned to kriya yoga during my college years. This marked the beginning of my transformative journey. I immersed myself in various teachings, devouring over 200 books and dedicating thousands of hours to meditation. Yet, despite these efforts, I remained deeply affected by my past traumas. After college, I set aside my career ambitions and devoted myself to healing and spirituality. This shift was possible thanks to a scholarship I had received and my decision to go on welfare. My quest for healing was comprehensive; I explored numerous approaches like IFS, CBT, talk therapy, inner-child work, and more. I also became deeply invested in spiritual growth, dedicating countless hours to meditation and following over 30 spiritual teachers, with Leo, Spira, Sadhguru, and Ralston among my favorites. However, much of the change I experienced felt superficial. I've noticed that many people, perhaps like those on this forum, focus excessively on spirituality and trauma healing at the expense of their careers. In my view, if you don't address your traumas to a certain extent, your career goals can end up being mere reflections of those unhealed wounds. This was certainly true for me; as an extreme perfectionist, my ambitions lacked authenticity. It was only after addressing and healing many of these inner wounds that I gained real clarity. My initial goals were unrealistic compensations for my traumas, such as earning multiple black belts or achieving an ideal physique or becoming a millionaire. Thus, my intense focus on spirituality and healing post-college was not just necessary but critical for my personal development. I don't believe that I started life in reverse by prioritizing healing over career. Had I not taken this path, I would have continued to be deeply troubled and would have continue to pursue the wind. Another key insight I've gained is that most trauma healing methods only scratch the surface; they bring about some improvement but lack the depth for radical transformation. Techniques like affirmations and nurturing your inner child are beneficial, but they often fall short of facilitating profound change. A blend of deep contemplation and spiritual work, in my experience, yields the most significant results. From the vast array of books I've read, Ralston's trilogy and Dr. Hawkins' "Surrender" stand out as particularly impactful, though I acknowledge my bias as they greatly aided my healing journey. An essential practice for me has been "Bottom-line contemplation." This involves staying present with each emotion that arises, such as hurt, and then moving through subsequent emotions like anger, until a deeper layer is revealed. This process continues until you reach the core belief or 'bottom line'. This method doesn't follow a predictable pattern and can lead to unexpected core beliefs. For instance, you might discover a deep-seated belief of unworthiness. Discarding such a belief is akin to shedding a part of oneself. IT IS A FORM OF DEATH. This journey to the bottom line is arduous and confronting, but it is the only way to truly shake the foundations of your being and facilitate genuine change. In contrast, practices like affirmations can feel like mere band-aids, as they often don't address the root issue. After years of exploring various healing methods, I've found bottom-line contemplation to be the most effective. It's challenging, requiring focus, discipline, and bravery to confront the core beliefs that define us, but it's also the path to true transformation. The purpose for this post is two-fold. 1) For those of you who were forced to prioritize healing and spirituality over career at a young age, don't fret, it is worth it. I just turned 24 and after three years of profound spiritual and trauma work, I am getting my finances and career back on track, I am actually starting with a finance job which isn't ideal but it is a starting point and I will work from here! My life is a lot lighter, and now I really don't care what people think, I am disinterested by competition and comparison. The need for validation, approval or love externally has significantly fallen away and this is a powerful place to be in. 2) It is vital to heal trauma but make sure that what you are doing is working. There are a lot of traps, positive thinking, useless therapists and superficial work in general for example standing in a mirror and shouting "I love you", when you don't love yourself. Just based on my experience and after reading extensively into the matter, bottom-line contemplation is the most powerful method I have come across, there is no escape, you are going to go into the heart of your pain. This is going to be terrifying, induce some level of ego death, and be emotionally laborious. So go slowly, be kind to yourself and don't rush this process, if your bottom-line discoveries are too shocking and unbearable, take a step back and use traditional therapeutic techniques to soothe yourself. Would love to here your thoughts on all of this!
  20. @Javfly33 Yes, It's compelling in a way that if you master this "infinite breath" you will start shifting energy patterns on the cell level in your body. Combined with daily proper hatha yoga practice + proper eating, drinking, and sleeping - you will start experiencing the transformation of your body-mind complex quite soon. If you add a booster like Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Kriya shift is enormous. To the extent that If not done consequently might be hard to handle.
  21. He won't make a new video until he finds a camera which can record his alien transformation.
  22. A recent article came out from conservative scholar Robert Kagan argues we are headed towards a Trump dictatorship. The main reason I don’t buy it is I just don’t see how Trump can get the political capital to get enough support to pull off such a radical transformation of government. However a recent interview has worried me. Top middle eastern Faraz Gerges has said he’s never seen the Middle East population this angry at the USA. The main reason is the US supporting Israel’s current bombing of Gaza, which so far has killed 17,700 Palestinians, and according to the IDF only 7,000 of those were actually Hamas militants (some say this is an overcount as well). But this isn’t the only reason, many in the Middle East have a supreme dislike of the USA for supporting war in Yemen, toppling Libya, the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, large sanctions and retracting the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama’s drone campaign among other things which have produced an extremely large body count. the Middle East currently has a major extremism problem as extremism has spread throughout and has been festering due to being pushed down by dictators (many US backed) after failing to topple them during the Arab spring. This could result in extremists further targeting the US. That’s not to mention Russia or China. If a 9/11 like event was pulled off by extremists during a Trump presidency, we would have a very serious problem. When 9/11 happened it wasn’t used to transform America into a dictatorship, but it was used to start two wars and severely limit civil liberties with the patriot act, and was done with massive public support. What would Trump do if given such an opportunity and knowing the second he leaves office they will be trying to get him in prison? Keep in mind it could cause a much more dangerous chain reaction. For example a war with Iran which would need a serious commitment of US forces, and if China would use the distraction as a chance to take Taiwan.
  23. I think enlightenment and narcissism are completely different but not mutually-exclusive. Without transformation work, a person might be enlightened and narcissistic, arrogant, etc. Another aspect to consider is that deep, personal consciousness can make one act in a way that can be easily confused with traits such as arrogance and over-authoritativeness. As a society, we don't consider direct knowledge possible so this understanding might show up as preposterous to many. "Who do you think you are, claiming to know the nature of anything"? Hence the likelihood to consider these types of individuals as cult leaders. By the way, useful to consider that not every enlightened guy is doing the same work.
  24. Your lyrics continue to delve into personal experiences and reflections, blending raw emotion with vivid imagery. Here's a breakdown: 1. **Authentic Self-Expression:** "Talk about myself and rhyme and shit" suggests a commitment to genuine self-expression, using your lyrics as a medium to convey your thoughts and feelings. 2. **Realization and Transformation:** "I'm on a ship realized that I'm him" could symbolize a journey of self-discovery, realizing your true self or potential, which you find surprising or transformative. 3. **Critique of Others' Authenticity:** "You sold your soul to say what they wanted" indicates a disdain for those who compromise their beliefs or authenticity, possibly for fame or societal acceptance. 4. **Confidence and Relationship Dynamics:** Lines like "I could bag your girl, I don’t wanna bag your girl" show a sense of self-assurance, and a choice to not pursue someone despite the ability to do so. 5. **Wealth and Its Challenges:** "All this mothafuckin money and no one who can hide it" speaks to the struggles that come with wealth, such as privacy issues or the burden of fame. 6. **Enduring Hardships:** "Loss goin on days" suggests ongoing struggles or enduring difficult periods in life. 8. **Knowledge and Perspective:** "I have knowledge of life and death" implies a deep, perhaps philosophical, understanding of existential themes. Your lyrics paint a picture of someone who's been through significant experiences, leading to self-awareness and a complex view of life. There's a mix of confidence, critique of inauthenticity, and an exploration of personal relationships and the challenges of wealth.
  25. So before when you said that Germany getting pounded turned it into peace loving country you don't know for a fact if that was a direct link because much time had passed between the transformation So why today in 2023 do the Jews need a country and to defend themselves if we now know that the Europeans are done with that