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  1. Love this video... wasn't sure where it would fit best. Regardless of whether there's free will or not there seems to be 4 things that make for successful outcomes... The best performing strategies shared 4 qualities: - They are all nice (not the first to defect) - Forgiving (retaliates but doesn't hold a grudge) .. this conclusion actually came as a shock to the researchers - Being retaliatory (when your opponent attacks, strike back immediately, don't be a pushover) - Being clear (can't establish a pattern of trust with a program that has seemingly no rules/reason behind their behavior) It's best to assume you have free will, even if you don't, because defeatism can lead down a rather black pilled path that spirals downward. That said, I don't believe there is a whole lot of free will as a species... we are products of our DNA, enviornment, and upbringing. Even my knowing all this intellectual stuff about all these topics is because I had the internet. If the internet didn't exist, I'd be totally different. Unfortunately the more knowledge one gains the more black pilled the world seems... ignorance (taking the blue pill) truly is bliss. Even if you make a perfect human paradise, you can't change the basic laws of nature that drive evolution. The Lion will continue to eat the baby gazelle... this is why the solution is not more knowledge, analysis paralysis, but getting off social media and living, being, with a proper mindset.. the subsconscious mind can be reprogrammed. Leo's 65 principles for a good life video... screens are the poison, social media is the poison, hours on the internet are the poison, should statements about how reality "should" be are the poison. I have this video on my homepage to remind me. Most of this guy's content is hit or miss, but this video is golden.
  2. Yep. Ignoring hateful people is bliss. Can be using attention in much more useful ways.
  3. @Yimpa Ignorance is bliss.
  4. Was meditating and the neighbours kids were arguing about some shit with their parents. I couldn´t avoid perceiving the Love that emanated of each of their voices, even though they were arguing. The bliss of GOD. At that point was fully conscious there was no difference between my cousins and those kids, or my parents and those parents. Clear perception that their voices are literally Consciousness. Consciousness (or God) is 'all over the place'. There is no such a thing as 'my consciouness'. (Biggest bullshit I ever came up with. )
  5. Yes. I took the LP Course last fall and realized this. I also take on the same mindset that I want my work to be completely original and creative. Of course Leo is a huge influence in my work. I'm currently on my "small bets" arc to discover my most authentic style, making interview videos with a personal dev spin on it, following my bliss I also am called to a stronger concentration in emotions / emotional health, social dynamics in my work.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. I did try 2C-B a few years ago and it's definitely easy on the mind, but phenethylamines in general just don't agree with me for whatever reason. I get a lot of tension and bizarre body sensations. I'm not really a fan of lysergamides either. Tryptamines have always been where it's at. I agree with your general philosophy of fun involving drugs being a borrowing of tomorrow's happiness today. I just think certain psychedelics have a way of bypassing the rule to some degree. Using pharma as an example, it's as if it would activate my own innate joy and bliss tied to my experience of Self, as opposed to something like MDMA which squeezes the serotonin and dopamine out of my brain. And my pharma hangover would amount to being ever so slightly fatigued the rest of the day, whereas I'm sure you know the horrors that MDMA can produce for days later. I'm starting to realize my answer already exists in the form of pharma lol. I guess I'm just curious what else is out there though.
  7. Warning: Check for the ingredients, pill colours may vary Pink Star Pellets – also known as The Borax Combo or NeXTC – are comprised of a carefully selected combination of the Phenethylamines 5-MAPB (70mg) and 2-FMA (20mg) and the Tryptamine 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg). Blue Bliss pellets are also modelled after The Borax Combo. These pellets contain 80mg 5-MAPB, 20mg 2-FMA and 3.5mg 4-HO-MET. These pellets are based on a combination of chemicals first suggested in a now-infamous Reddit post by the user u/Borax on how to “replicate the MDMA experience with less neurotoxicity using unscheduled compounds”. There is now an entire subreddit based on his original post. Many researchers believe this combination to be less neurotoxic and longer lasting than MDMA, with a much gentler post-research experience, while still exhibiting all the classic stimulative, euphoric, empathogenic and slightly psychedelic effects. If any researchers wish to learn more about 5-MAPB and other benzofurans (and specifically how they compare to MDMA), we highly recommend reading the 2020 study Beyond ecstasy: Alternative entactogens to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine with potential applications in psychotherapy For what I know they are going to be banned soon. So if someone is interested in trying safer versions of MDMA should consider checking his trusted RC vendor for these.
  8. Visited a satsang recently. Enjoyed the sacred bliss.
  9. It is wrong to be devotees of any human. Specifically these people who tell you not to be devotees to them but devotees to God. Sadhguru himself says dont put people above you, Jesus say the same thing dont put anyone else above you but God but people will then start to do it. Its not about them its about You and God. I've seen most of Sadhguru videos and he says when he dies he said ideally he wants everyone to forget he existed immediately. God make you and God make Sadhguru to help you but. The truth is Sadhguru cannot help you see or understand truth and becoming a devotee would not help. The reason Sadhguru hasnt straight up said what truth is to help is because its impossible to do. Sadhguru and truth do not correlate except through the same way you and truth correlate. If you were to see truth through Sadguru you would see its not him but truth telling you that its not Sadhguru by using Sadhguru to point to itself. Its like God is in a room waiting for you to have sex with it and then you invite Sadhguru in to cuck you into missing out on infinite bliss with God. Sadhguru is saying dont let me in I dont want to cuck you but you are like come in and do it because I want you to show me.
  10. Celibate Monks being perverted only happens because their experience of life is still body based, they have not gone beyond the body and mind, when they do then they experience something more fantastic than bodily sex orgasms and such body pleasures, that is true Brahmacharya, you are not denying yourself anything, because You have experience life beyond Body and Mind, this is Bliss and that takes away the need to search for simple pleasures...
  11. To Use Suffering as a tool for more Spiritual Growth or Growth in general is can be done, but its risky and unnecessary, some cannot get out of the suffering they feel and can be trapped by it and live their whole lives suffering and even taking their lives.. One can go the path of Bliss, on a scale of 0-10 Peace is 0, 10 is Ecstasy, its a matter of intensity of Experience, but if You are not at Peace naturally within, then your Potential is very limited and won't be experienced or explored... The more Suffering You feel the further away from Truth You are its plain and simple, but the ego luvs it, "Hey Look what I've done and I've gone thru it with Lots of Suffering, look at me look at me.." so crude and stupid!
  12. Yes for sure I agree, if they are starving hungry and there is war and lack of basic needs then Bliss is not the way, Spiritual path is not there for them in most ways, although some do get it right off the bat, this the game of it all, we are born with certain karma within our system on many levels, then there is Samsara which can be related to the situations around you, you can control and bypass your own karma, and live now and be very happy no matter what is going on, but living in a war torn suffering atmosphere at the sametime.. Everyone should have the basic needs, but beyond that like the sports cars and luxury lifestyles that some live, it goes over board real quick and in our world today there are a very small amount of ppl living this way, compared to the vast majority just barely making it by even in 1st world countries like Canada where I live, its like AFrica in a small village somewhere for some ppl here, 8-10 ppl living in small apartments like animals in a cage or something...
  13. That's an interesting perspective...But you are ofcourse aware that some people have not won the genetic lottery and they are born as starving kids in could they "create joy and bliss as baseline " if their stomach is itching them from hunger? You first need to feed them ...give them shelter ..comfort and basic human needs . Of course chasing after sex ..and drugs is a serious trap .to get drunk and snort Cocaine from a hooker's tits and sleep between a prostitute's legs everyday will ruin your life for good . It is counterintuitive in that sense . For me personally..I understand that peace is not found in material goods ..nor is it found as a baseline..I'm going for the middle way . Satisfying your needs then detaching from them when you get sick and tired of em.
  14. Bliss is not the goal of Spiritual Path, its the Foundation, You create what You want to experience within Yourself, when in Bliss there is no more "What about Me", then You can go forward full stride, when "What about Me" is a concern then your 2 steps forward 1 step back sort of life, that is what happens when You get all that stuff, you think it will fulfill You then you get it and then feel more empty! So first create Joy and Bliss as a natural experience for You, Peace at a minimum, then go forward everything will work at Ease that way, no Stress response, less wanting and craving and looking at others in comparison which is a big no no, just be the best you can be, not in comparison with anyone else...
  15. @Ishanga to bliss out on nothing like an enlightened ascending zen master you must first fulfil your basic needs . You need food etc and enjoy the shit out of life before you can even pretend to transcend the material realm and fly off to buffy spiritual lofty land .
  16. Hello abrakamowse, was that meditation technique the one where he gets you to focus on the sensation of the inside of your mouth and push yourself out of your head to the sensations and stuff like that? It is pretty cool you can be aware of things you never noticed before. It seems most people that meditate a lot do not get enlightened but maybe it helps increase the chances a bit compared to doing whatever everyone else is doing. Even if it doesn't get me any closer to enlightenment, It helps me be more aware of my thoughts and emotions so I can analyze my behavior and make better decisions. I can also feel my senses and emotions much more clearly which really improves the quality of my day to day life. It is really enjoyable to sit in bliss for a couple hours a day and leaves you feeling better after in a way that dopamine hits don't.
  17. Probably you got that from my comments, because I get aggitated when someone tries to muddy the waters with lies, and I can never be sure if they're being truthful or not. So if I see clearly that someone is talking out of their ass, like the second guy in the thread, I get triggered, because it feels like someone trying to lead people down a wrong path, for their own pleasure,by cheating and lying, instead of being honest. If I was ok with lying my ass off I can think of any story, and if it is backed up by others, or close to what other authentic beings are saying, i will appear to be There, even when I'm not, by circlejerking. If a group of individuals decide to do that, then it becomes even harder to catch, because of groupthink, and might even start parroting these things myself as to not appear as unenlightened. "I hope you get there one day" is the most condescending thing one can say, and I cant see how that can ever come from a place of love. Its like he is in bliss and pities me and my state of consciousness.
  18. A gentleman said: Ma, the mind is very restless. Ma said: "Just as restlessness is its nature, so also is stability. The mind wants its mother - that is Complete Bliss. Therefore, do you not observe that though the worldly person offers its innumerable enjoyments, it is not satiated and runs hungry and thirsty. Restlessness will never cease, it is restless for God. Until it gets God, it cannot find peace. As soon as the mind finds Him, it becomes calm." The gentleman remarked, "I have never heard such a viewpoint before, today I have learnt a great lesson." Ma joined her palms and said: "You have given the lesson." The gentleman did pranam to Ma and took leave.
  19. Oh yes I forgot, you're a fully self-realized ascended master who is totally unphased by earthly matters and is riding the eternal wave of divine bliss 24/7. My bad! Talking nonstop about the infinite perfection of existence and then getting all worked up by some schmuck who is poking fun at him... man, you crack me up.
  20. Question for experienced practitioners: How does kriya feel for you and what are the tangible benefits? Do you bathe in bliss or does it still your mind or what? I'm particularly interested in the power of pranayama for ya'll. I think a lot of people think they are progressing when they start experiencing some interesting energetic phenomena, but it isn't actually real spiritual attainment.
  21. Yes it certainly is blissful and liberating. There's definitely that. But I will never forget when I had that awakening , which I call Oneness - which for me was the final in a series of realizations spanning a 3 month period It was the most incredible experience of my life. However, at the same time I remember an awful feeling as well, that came over me. It was a feeling of complete aloneness in the universe. I had to pull my car over and sit at a gas station in absolute shock over what I had just realized - but in that mystical state of Consciousness it was laid bare for me - so there was no denying it. It was like the entire universe just opened up for me and my eyes were now wide open to the Truth. There was no going back for me. I also vividly recall looking at some of my coworkers at the time and realizing they were my own mind. Having conference calls with some people still in an enlightened state and knowing they were taking place within my own mind as God. It was beautiful but at the same time mind blowing and frightening to some degree. I was forced to leave work but I wasn't able to make it all the way home without pulling over in awe but also in shock that I was alone as God. There is nothing more wonderful, but like I said there was also a feeling of deep aloneness that really cannot be described until experienced. But that aloneness was also accompanied by the miraculous sense that the entire world was all mine as God and that I was the entire thing- creating all of it. So, for me it was a very complex, deep awakening that was a mixture of both terror, amazement, and bliss all wrapped nicely into one. Tears of joy flowed knowing I was God. But the shock and awe of being alone could also not be denied.
  22. Sorry to hear about your struggles of physical pain and I hope it gets better for you that you don't have to feel it much longer. However, Spirituality doesn't say you should accept pain and abide in pain. Spirituality doesn't say anything because it doesn't speak. If you heard that from someone, that someone or those people said it, not Spirituality. Living in pure bliss without pain is not unconditional love. You blame God but God is unconditional love. You don't blame God when things are going right, why blame God when things are going wrong. We praise God when things are going right and curse God when things are apparently going wrong. Didn't someone in Spirituality not also tell you that God is also unconditional love? That means everything, even pain. The only reason I'm saying this is not to undermine your pain but to show you how your questions about God here are futile. Doesn't mean anything. You need to figure out how to stop the pain and do all you can about that and cursing God surely won't help. There is a God but it's not what you think it is. God is your pain and God is everything. God is not an entity outside somewhere doing anything, God(and that's just a name for it) is everything including your pain.
  23. I recently got 4 more protrusions and 2 more disc hernia on my spine. Until now I had one disc hernia. Now I have 4 protrusions and 3 disc hernia. I have horrible pain on every part of my body. I cannot stand it. But spirituality says to accept pain, to abide in pain. How? How can there be comfort in pain? Why is my life so awful? I would still meditate even if I had a nice life. What is the point of giving me a horrible life? Would not it be good if we lived in pure bliss without pain? If there is a god why does it doing this?
  24. After death not sure, but in Heaven there is no duality, no body, no thoughts, only abstract love, so no human sex. Yet, I’ve had many sexual-type experiences in Heaven. Like 10000x better ones, because they are not limited by human mind and body. I,ve had thousands of beautiful female legs in stocking surrounding me and giant perfect lips kissing me while also within a hyperbolic mandala of extremely beautiful light. and the bliss was mindblowing and deep. Also extremely gentle and caring. Anyway, so no sex in Heaven, but yes sex in heaven. 😁😁
  25. I don't want God, I don't know what that is, other than what ppl have said and the books written about God, which in the end are all but stories to me.. I want Bliss as my foundational Emotional state, I know that all Experience happens within Me, no where else, I know that if I stop all Stress Response, no matter what is happening (via the Accept all that is, Live Now and Respond rather than React methodology) that Peace can be my starting point in this venture, soon after Peace will become more intense and turn into Happiness, Joy then Bliss.. I know that my Body and MInd are just accumulations of sorts, Body via Food that I have eaten, Mind via the data input from my 5 senses, conditioning via my culture/society that I was brought up in and teachings, learning experiences(clinging to memory) and such, and if I can calm all of this down and stop identifying with Body/Mind, I can experience something else, what was there before all of this and have a more high quality experience of Life other than just working, eating, sleeping, sex, drugs, accumulating more experience and whatever else to only find it leave you empty looking outside to stimulate inside experiences and then dying...