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  1. @Thought Art nah no such thing, that's another game. I've met deeply awakened nazi, that was terrible LOL, they even dropped 5Meo like smarties apparently. All kinds of strange things when you navigate in the abyss.
  2. Yes, and that is no accident. You’d literally lose your mind if you understood way more than you can handle. Some states are simply far too radical for God as a human to comprehend. So trying to be the most awakened human being on the planet is a foolish goal.
  3. This war is a very serious matter. The US, with its game of fuck the Russians by arming Ukraine and pushing it towards destruction, has awakened the bear. Now Russia is the military power of the world. No one can mobilize an army like that willing to fight to the death. This represents a big change. Once you know that you are the strongest in the yard, obviously you start to set conditions.
  4. Donald Trump is the most awakened being on the planet next to Leo. He's just at the other end of the spectrum. Hehe
  5. Haha yes being awakened don't mean much if you don't have health and wealth in this physical life at least. The foundation anyone needs is to first have good physical health, then mental and material wealth. Follow the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It is not a must to follow but it is the ideal way to go about life in general.
  6. My point was that if you can't explain it without awakening yourself than how can you be someone to objectively judge that there is someone more awake than yourself. Do you see how there is no objective reality to awakening- therefore there is not an absolute awakening that everyone has the same way. Thus, there really can't be a guy more awake than you once you've awakened. Here we can agree to disagree. My simple point is that awakening shall be independent of both pyschedelics and meditation. Both are triggers. But awakening is something prior to both. I just don't feel like Leo reached it via psychedelics. If you do - great- but note that it was because you were ready to awake - and it wasn't because of the psychedelics. Same goes for meditation.
  7. Razard has covered all of what awakening is - as have I. Leo has as well but the problem is he didn't awaken himself. He did so via psychedelics but that ain't awakening. And now he thinks there is something beyond awakening. Beyond all things. Alien consciousness. Well - I hate to break the hard cold truth to you- but take it from someone who actually has awakened from the dream - this is a fiction.
  8. Because reality is an infinite perspective and an infinite echo chamber, depending on the perspective....every ego is shoving their beliefs down their throat. Someone can read what you post and claim you are shoving your belief down another's throat. It takes two to be in a conflict. If you argue with me and I remain passive, then you are the only one doing the shoving. The moment I engage in the argument then the two of us are shoving our beliefs down each other's throat. So notice you pretend to be one who is not, but you are. The ONLY way to not engage in that activity is to allow other selves to have their way with you and to never speak up and disagree. So's all just a game of self-denial you play, and this is how you construct your identity. Lastly just to poke a little fun at what you posted. Your title is "Nonduality is not to be spoken of. Nonduality is simply to be. (they will never know) Let's change it for fun. Nonalcoholism is not to be drunken of. Nonalcoholism is simple to be. *Drinks some wine* If you truly stand your ground... if you indeed walk your talk, to the best of your abilities... Sooner or later, this realization should hit you. And I'd dare to say later, rather than sooner. 'Way after' your self - realization, your karmic return, and all that jazz. Once you have awakened to a certain degree, and you brought that Light into you everyday experience... You will inevitably realize; you simply cannot make anyone truly, really, wholeheartedly understand. They will never know. Simple as that. Fucking hilarious, indeed. *Drinks some wine again.* Onlooker: But hey aren't you drinking too? Duality is contradiction. Of course what I post is contradictory. Such is reality. In one post I might rant about relationships, in the next I'll say there are no people and no relationships. *Drinks some more* Onlookers:....That guy is crazy. Why is he telling us to do....what he refuses to do? Why doesn't he walk his talk and stop drinking. He probably thinks that he needs to drink to relate to us, but we would understand him more and take him seriously if he stopped drinking. Onlooker: I think he is in his own world, I don't think he clearly sees that he is no different than us and is just fooling himself. Onlooker: You mean he is self-righteous? Yeah he doesn't realize we are all him and he is just ranting at his own reflection. Ohhh got you. He's like that guy that watches his favorite team plays sports and when they make mistakes he criticizes them. So he is doing this because he loves and cares deeply for us. Onlooker: Of course he does, why else would he be ranting and raving? Onlooker: Oh I got you!!! Wow!! Onlooker: I think he is just telling us that eventually he is going to leave us and stop drinking or at least that is currently what he wants to do and wants to share that with us. Onlooker: Look how lovey-dovey that guy is!!! He cares enough about us to share his thoughts!!! Onlooker: That's love man!!! That's love!!!
  9. "We are used to thinking of the Arabs as primitive men of the desert, as a donkey-like nation that neither sees nor understands what is going around it. But this is a GREAT ERROR. The Arab, like all sons of Sham, has sharp and crafty mind . . . Should time come when life of our people in Palestine imposes to a smaller or greater extent on the natives, they WILL NOT easily step aside." "…suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to nepotism. They correspond the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes the despicable and dangerous inclination…" -Ahad Ha'am: Founder of Cultural Zionism
  10. If you truly stand your ground... if you indeed walk your talk, to the best of your abilities... Sooner or later, this realization should hit you. And I'd dare to say later, rather than sooner. 'Way after' your self - realization, your karmic return, and all that jazz. Once you have awakened to a certain degree, and you brought that Light into you everyday experience... You will inevitably realize; you simply cannot make anyone truly, really, wholeheartedly understand. They will never know. Simple as that. Fucking hilarious, indeed. They will never know. That's just how it is. No matter how fucking hard you try to explain, no matter how intricate the thought process you lay out before them is, no matter how monumental, deep and existential the questions you are asking them are, no matter how flawless your mathematical equations are... you will never make them understand. There just is no one there to make understand anything. No one is home. So... you have realized yourself as all there is, eh? As the one, infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, unfuckable divine being, huh? Good. Now shut the fuck up about it. How about that for the next step in your evolution? How about actually being what you're screaming about in everyone's face like a 12 year old girl? How about never mentioning any of this spiritual crap ever again... but actually implementing it? Actually using the wisdom, instead of measuring disks with other spiritual or non - spiritual lunatics? How about just being awake, instead of trying to convince everyone of how awake you are, or worse, how asleep they are? How about just getting fucking real and dropping the bullshit, huh? Sounds good to me. It's not like there is any other choice.
  11. The wonderful part of this work, is the ones who have not awakened eventually get tired of pretending that they have. You can only pretend for so long to be what you are not. Eventually God gets tired of acting and trying to be a specific identity in the appearance of existence.
  12. Osho made a very good point, that when Bodhidharma said that an awakened person drops their clothes, he did not LITERALLY mean to drop their clothes. Clothes was a metaphor for the egoic false self.
  13. Let's just say I called reality's bluff. Let's just say after I awakened I still couldn't believe it so I did some crazy dangerous shit....and nothing happened. I won't share it because I don't know if it will happen for you the way it did for me. Let's just have been severely deluded on how life works. This is why I said, if you don't confirm something for yourself it is just a belief. This is how you discover what is true and what is false. I don't even want you to believe anything I say because believing anything someone says is a waste of time. What you do is you do your own research, and if the research requires you to put some skin in the game and take risks you do it if you want the truth. If you don't, you admit you don't want to confirm it and go on your way. The problem is people want to skip steps in life and make unverified claims. I can tell based on what people say whether they are awake or not. Understand that the more rigid your mind is the more limits you have. For example one of the dumbest things the OP put is that dreams don't have continuity. Do you know how stupid that is? He actually believes that as an absolute dreams don't have continuity? That alone tells you he DID NOT DO RESEARCH. Do you know how many people have recurring dreams? PLENTY OF PEOPLE. Also notice he never talked about day dreaming. Is day dreaming not dreaming? Also notice he doesn't realize that thinking about the PAST is ALSO DREAMING. You see? He creates distinctions in his mind and actually thinks those barriers exist. His mind is like a child, and he actually believes he smart. Making claims that he has raised objections nobody has ever made....while actually NOT researching into the claims people have made. Do you know how self-absorbed and dishonest you gotta be to do no research and then make claims you are the only person to make those claims. My God the arrogance in that one. Like I can't even take this guy seriously....he doesn't have enough humility to know when he lacks sufficient information to make claims. Also.....there are multiple sources both academic and non academic that verify that reality is a dream/imagination. Leo isn't even the first to say it. can actually verify it for yourself like I did. I literally live in that state all the time. The problem is you have to risk your sanity. I went to the psyche ward 3 times, had a short term bout of uncontrollable hallucinations. Then after 3 edible trips I broke through permanently. Before those edible trips though I was shown it was a dream. Once I went to the void, the actual void. Everything disappeared and I was floating in a void. Once a multi-dimensional being appeared and tried to pull me away and I resisted it and it merged with me. Another trip time stopped. I walked outside and everyone was frozen still. This actually happened on two occasions the second time not as long. Another trip I walked outside and people around me walked in unison with me and only moved when I moved. Eventually I got tired of entering these states through substances and even with proof in front of me that it was a dream I got REALLY SERIOUS. I did something VERY STUPID on PURPOSE repeatedly, I was like if I am going to die for the truth I will. So I called the bluff and put my physical body on the line because even though I knew it was a dream I wanted to see if the dream would protect me. IT DID. ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. Not only did it protect me, it gave me an awakening out of the blue to share its love with me. The only reason I don't share this part because I don't want some idiot doing the stupid shit I did and actually ending their dream. I don't know why I keep being spared but for whatever reason I am spared. If you want to know what I did I'll message you but I won't share it on the forums. But yeah anybody telling you its not a dream is full of shit absolutely and cannot be trusted. In fact if they claim they know its not like the OP, they make Donald Trump look like a saint in comparison of how dishonest they are. This isn't to demonize them, they are just lying to get some attention.
  14. Depends on how you want to look at it. You could say God has never lived a life, because a life has a beginning and end and God always was. You could say infinite lives because God is infinity You could say life is just an appearance of nothing, so nothing ever happened You could say your life is the only life you know so if you have awakened as God this is the first time God has awoken. ^^^Depends on how you look at it.
  15. So I made a mistake by trying to name my dog: God. While my intent may be pure but it doesn't go well with what God Is. As I contemplated and awakened more deeply here's what I realized: God is Everything. God is nothing. God is the substance as well as the character which is built from the substance as well as combination of all characters. God is Infinity. There's nothing but God. In that sense, Everyone's (every finite self's) name shall be God. To put it simply: Ego Is God. Yet God is not just ego. God is every ego. God is The Superset. I can only bow down now to God. And I see that I am just a spoiled bitch of God I have decided a new name for my dog which is Vision. I will bring Vision home in coming February. Until then I will get all my shit together: work, strong routine, convincing my parents, etc. I have already succeeded in convincing my parents to bring him however they are not as excited as I am. I want to create excitement about him in their mind. I don't want Vision to feel that he is "unwanted" to even a slightest degree. Now coming to something I wrote recently: My contemplation regarding 'Mistakes' Here's my pov on mistakes: - - Mistake is not a mistake if it's our first time making that mistake. It is just ignorance. We can overcome this through learning/awareness/knowledge. - Mistake is not a mistake if it's our second time making that mistake. It is our failure to learn from the first time. We can overcome this through upskilling our learning ability itself. How? 1. By becoming more observant 2. Making more distinctions 3. Behaviour change (Yes, they are taken from titles from Actualized video series about learning) - Mistake is not a mistake if it's the third time making the same mistake. It's arrogance which can cost a lot. We can overcome this by deep self reflection and resolving and dealing with the insecurity masking behind the arrogance. - Mistake is not a mistake if it's the forth time making the same mistake. Either it's someone who is completely sleepwalking. Or it's someone intentionally doing so(have no idea why, maybe for seeking revenge or something 🤔) This must not be tolerated. Through this contemplation; I am clear that mistakes are not at all about punishment and reward - There is consequence for every action we take. - Making mistakes is how we learn and grow. - It's something to be invited and embraced not feared or guilted. - The biggest mistake is not making any mistakes. So now that we have realized this, we have prevented ourselves from falling into the trap of making the same mistake again and again and thus turning into a failure/arrogant/sleepwalker/revenge-seeker. Congratulations to us!! To sum up what I want to say: Make Mistakes. Mistakes are good. It's a process of growth. Make this your mantra whenever you are dealing with fear of making mistakes: Your infinite mistakes are already Forgiven. Now you play!!!!
  16. Yeah, I bow all the time, hands in prayer pose, bowing. It’s a universal gesture of love and is empowering. I think some people here are too lost in intellectualising consciousness and that experience, that they end up getting stuck in their mind and on words instead of letting go of intellectualising, as it means nothing, feel from your heart, which is what you do, as that is the way. true enlightenment and the awakened state is wordless.
  17. Nicely put. The dynamic and act are the same, the aesthetic is different. A distinction can be made that civilizational development amplifies the tools society has (technology, weapons etc) while cultural development awakens the consciousness of the user using those tools. The problem is modernity has amplified our tools to the point they can destroy the earth, but have we awakened enough to be able to wield that power well enough. it's easy to see the shiny buildings and sophisticated military and think 'oh their developed' and equate that with moral value and development.
  18. How do you know what can be trusted then? You don't know. You rely on some sort of authority without applying direct experience. if you think that you can reach God's consciousness without psychedelics you're kidding yourself. I deliberately created psychedelics as a tool to re-awaken myself. I also created a bunch of mambo-jumbo techniques and so-called "awakened" gurus in order to trick myself.
  19. I have had a dream with a version of Leo that was enlightened and simple. He spoke to me over skype, showed me his Ukulele, played it for a bit, his modest lifestyle and sweet girlfriend. He didn't speak to me a bout anything profound or nondual, rather it was all very ordinary and beautiful. Then he raised his hand or something (long time since then, i forgot the details) and within the dream I experienced how I merged with and became the entire dream and started moving as the dream rather than a character. Then I awakened from the dream. So you can say I awakened through Leo, like literally, not sensationalist spiritual statement.
  20. Yes I have awakened through him, but also through Mooji, Babaji, Allan Watts, Tony Parsons and Ram Dass. Rupert Spira helped a little as well. All of them were important for my journey and surprisingly at certain points I didn't understand or resonate with them and then one day I just understood them deeply. It was really profound how it happened.
  21. I've awakened in the form of Leo, and now helping this form by transmitting him what i've awakened to, to the degree that he's able to allow. And this form also is helping me in different ways. Being dancing with being.
  22. I’m an OG Leo fan. Found him after my first LSD trip. And I can’t deny that I’ve been there alongside him through his awakenings. I feel like I’ve gone through the journey with him. Not just Leo, but also Frank Yang, and the whole collective unconscious. Although we’ve never met, there is definitely something transmuted through this magical thing called the internet. Leo doesn’t post much these days on YouTube and I feel like I understand why. I understand it, but in my own way, in my own flavor. Just wanted to share that.
  23. It took me a while to realize what I as God want. I think the reason why I wasn't hearing myself is because I thought that there are others who knew what God wants. It turned out that my deepest desire isn't what spiritual figures or books are talking about. I've had a plenty of break-troughs on psychedelics and my direct experience keeps telling me this - I want to sleep and live in a world of others where everything is foreign to me. That's why I like this game. A lot of you guys have fantasies about being in a God mode and just living life as an awakened human. This idea is laughable . If you have this assumption - you're fooling yourself, probably because you've never had a deep god realization. Every time when I wake up I want to get back to my imaginary life. Ego has nothing to do with it, it's God. Moreover, ego is the one who's using psychedelics in order to escape God's illusion. From God's point of view living in complete ignorance is more fun than being awake. You know why? Well, because God has nothing to do. For now I decided to stop doing psychedelics until I'm 40. Now I'm just 26.
  24. HAHAHAHH I love the fact that after you wake up you still populate people who try to debunk the dream. It is freaking hilarious!!!! DUDEE!!!! I don't care what you have smoked!!! What you don't if you don't want to awaken...YOU WON'T. So you can argue all day long. I know for fact you are full of shit because....when you awaken you realize you can only awaken if you really want too. And I mean REALLY WANT TOO. The biggest barrier to awakening are the following things. Fear of Death, Fear of Insanity, Fear of everyone you love being imaginary. Until you are willing to accept THESE THREE THINGS. YOU WILL NEVER AWAKEN!!! So until you face these fears...YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!!! You are just pretending you know what's going on and are too selfish to actually risk anything to find the truth. The part I loved the most is when you accused people of just parroting what they heard....if you haven't fully awakened...that actually describes YOU. The jokes on you. You are GOD DELUDING YOURSELF!!!! God made discovering itself a test of HONESTY!!!! The most dishonest people are the people who are asleep. Your TRUTH is CONDITIONAL. YOU CAN BE BOUGHT!!! At the slightest possible danger you will RUN AND HIDE!!!! Because you are not willing to give anything up. That's why awakening is the MOMENT OF TRUTH! And it reveals the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE. What kind of character you have this character a true seeker of truth? Or are they too self-absorbed. It's that simple. No judgment....but all it means is you care about your human self than you do about all of existence. If aliens created a bomb to wipe out all of existence, you wouldn't die for all of'd want somebody else to do it. Again no judgment...that is just the limit of your love and honesty and integrity. You have a price. Your a business man.
  25. Entry: #014 Date: 31/10/2023 Time: 11:40 AM Subject: Various Topics I feel really good although I had some rough past few days as well as troubling dreams and nightmares. I am trying to wrap my head around my dreams and understand my subconscious mind. I'm not inspired that much to write about anything particular as the morning was never part of the they where I'm overflowing with ideas and insights but the nighttime always was. Vibration, Speed or Frequency of Thoughts Anyway, I'm creating some consistency in my life by doing what I love and writing some stream of consciousness down to digital paper. The thing that I concluded is that I like to write digitally for specific reasons, it's really fast, and even faster is when I record myself talking. My ability to formulate thoughts has a certain speed and writing down things in different ways has different speeds of course. When I write digitally or speak I feel like my writing or speaking matches my speed of thought. The Flow State, higher vs lower self That's a really interesting conclusion but the next one is that my speed of thought is not optimal and not constant all the time. At my peak, for example, during focusing sessions or deep work, while being influenced by the coffee, my mind can go at wild speeds and it gives a god-like feeling. It's feeling like everything is possible and that I'm able to do or understand anything. It's such an elevated state of consciousness that I'm integrated into the present moment very well. It's such an easy thing to do to stay self-aware or aware of my surroundings or to feel my body. It's the key. When combined with practices of semen retention and dopamine detox or better "practice of delayed gratification", it's god-like power. On the other hand, when I wake up, my thoughts are really messy and my state of consciousness is really low I have through the day with my efforts, elevated that state to a higher level. Somedays, it doesn't happen at all, I stay at the lower speed of thought all day and it's directly correlated to the addiction cycle as I'm prone on those days, to be less disciplined and eat junk food, being lazy, etc. I like the concept of lower vs higher self and I think that there is a lot of knowledge that is interconnected and needs to be extracted from those concepts. In my view, when it comes to the higher self, there is the elevation of consciousness, the ability to abstain from simple bodily pleasures, and the freedom to "be" and feel the higher emotions and the intellect that works at a higher speed and mental images as well as visual images that are pretty high resolution. Everything is high quality when the higher self comes. But, when it goes away, and all you are left is lower self, all human petty little problems arise. The mode of survival kicks in, the ego backlash kicks in. The mind becomes cluttered with thoughts that are lower resolution and kind of blurred in some way. Shift of consciousness happens, consciousness deescalates to the lower realms of reality and totally different kinds of desires arise from within. Sexuality becomes awakened in a primitive way, and addiction to foods, laziness, etc. becomes more likely. From god-like we downgrade to animal-like. We become different persons and we at those moments are usually controlled by our own emotions, we go as the wind blows. Sadly, many people live their whole lives in these primitive states, and this is even exploited by our society through various business that makes money by selling things that we crave, and we crave for the exact reason that we not living by our own deepest self, we are being manipulated and controlled by external events and circumstances. There is a lot of evidence and well-put examples as well as explanations of the previously mentioned mechanisms by P.D. Ouspensky on this paradigm. Reading, writing, speaking, and deep thinking I like to write, and I'm slowly falling in love with it as weeks pass by I find new ways to make it even more enjoyable and for now, it's great. I will continue to write and improve my English as I'm well aware that there is a lot of space for my English to be improved. Fast forward a few years or decades down the road, I will have the most valuable skills that one human being can have, and there are 4 of them: Thinking, writing, reading, and speaking. I deeply believe that they are lifelong learning skills and when you are highly developed in those 4, you can conquer the world, the internal feeling must be that you are unstoppable and I am not the only one who thinks this way. Even in Sidarta from Herman Hesse, there is a reference for what I mentioned about those skills. For example, Jordan Peterson, who is a 21st-century clinical psychologist and author, emphasizes the importance of those skills. Emotional Connection I don't know what to say, but my life is definitely going the right way as I feel it from the inside. My gut feeling never lies and it's usually 95% accuracy when it's intense. I think that introverted and extroverted intuition can be trusted as a string that connects are directly to reality. How to know what is true? Look deep inside of yourself and ask a question, the answer will be delivered at some point. When talking about emotional connection, this year is when I finally realized it. I was so deeply under self-deception because my brain from highjacked by porn and masturbation habits, that I didn't even have a true need for meaningful connection with people on different levels. I'm really grateful to the Universe for anyone who comes into my life either an ally, teacher, or my own student. I started to appreciate any and every conversation that I had in my life. When I am talking to a stranger on the street or just saying hi to a neighbor, the situation when I'm on a simple coffee with my mom, sister or father, or any other family member, talking with intelligent coworkers or talking with beautiful souls on social media or forum I really enjoy conversation and the moments of knowing that I have with other people. This all started really recently, maybe in the past month or so. I feel like I love people just by talking and caring for them in some fundamental sense. I feel like I just started to integrate some nuance of the green stage in the Spiral Dynamics model and it feels lovely and like a fresh breath of air. Many beautiful things start occurring in life when it happens that individuals transcend the lower-self state of consciousness and desires. One thing I can not say from this perspective is that more is better. Balance is the key in every sense. Actually, more is better, if desires are coming from higher states of consciousness. When there is nothing to do, just to be. It's wonderful how many things get done with great joy.