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  1. I've written about this before in some other post, but it's obviously, as you can imagine, not physical death that is required - don't commit suicide!What is meant is the death of the particular you that you think you currently are, it's the you that thinks he's the active observer of reality or the doer of anything specific. There is no separate you that exists along many other "you-s" and "I-s", that's a complete fiction and a story we like to tell ourselves. The real you that you will come to discover is pure consciousness. As consciousness you cannot die as you've never been born in the first place. There is no defined beginning or end to consciousness as it is infinite and boundless. The way in which you experience the sensation of "I am" is the same that I experience - it's the same consciousness. Therefore, there are no real boundaries and that's what gets us non-duality. "You" and "I" is the same in terms of our existential foundation - but of course in regards to grammar and as pronouns, they're different distinctions again, as they have to be.
  2. Physical suicide likely gets you to unconsciously incarnate again because you couldn't surrender everything prior to death, and so the mental tendencies you can't let go off will cause you to want to play out a new persona again.
  3. Suicide is a very egoistic action!!!It's the opposite of enlightenment.
  4. Careful how you phrase things, because some noobs may misunderstand you and harm themselves. You don't want that blood on your hands. Best not to joke around about suicide.
  5. From 'Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance' by Osho: Zarathustra is unique. He is the only one who is not against life, who is for life; whose god is not somewhere else; whose god is nothing but another name for life itself. And to live totally, to live joyously and to live intensely, is all that religion is based on. I feel a deep empathy, affinity, with Zarathustra. But perhaps because he was life-affirmative and not life-negative, he could not gather many followers. It is one of the strange things about human beings: anything that is easy, they cannot accept as worthy of being the goal – the goal has to be very difficult and arduous. Behind it is the psychology of the ego. The ego always wants something impossible, because only with the impossible can it exist. You will never be able to fulfill desire, and the ego will go on pushing you towards more and more – more greed, more power, more money, more austerities, more spirituality, more discipline. Wherever you find ”more”, remember, that is the language of the ego. And there is no way to satisfy the ego; it is always asking for more. Zarathustra’s whole approach is exactly the same as Chuang Tzu: ”Easy is right. Right is easy.” And when you are utterly relaxed, at ease, at home, so relaxed that you have even forgotten that you are at ease; that you have forgotten that you are right – you have become so utterly innocent like a child, you have arrived. But ego has no interest in this. This whole process is something like the suicide of the ego; hence, religions which have been giving the ego difficult tasks, arduous paths, unnatural ideals, impossible goals – they have attracted millions of people.
  6. Basically a huge amount of childhood trauma, painful emotions during everyday life, more or less painful emotional reactions i haven't been aware of during everyday life and some stupid beliefs about me and reality. - These purging trips can feel like what I would imagine hell to feel like and they are very exhausting for the body(panic attacks, shivering, sweating), yet they are so much worth it - THOUSANDFOLD My suffering is reduced IMMENSELY, by time I can surrender to physical pain that it almost seems unreal to me. I've been quite sociophob, constant anxiety around people in public, most of it is gone -that's fucking freedom, Other neurosis and depression have been reduced by 80%, also 80 % of my addictions completely fell away. More and more I can just be and feel an intense peace. If you seem to have control, I would suggest to always try to meditate or be mindful. Most of the times I just had to surrender and let the psychedelics aka Gaia lead the show. The majority of my trips, I tripped alone. My most hellish trips I had to face completely alone and I might even have committed suicide, that's very serious, so I don't know, could have been wiser for me, but differs from person to person of course, I don't feel like I need one in the future. Always start with little dosages and don't overdo your purgings and don't be to brave if you have a lot to purge for this very reason. All these trips have been supported by the practices, healthy diet and research/learning, understanding about this. Take psychedelics with an attitude of gratitude and respect.
  7. That clarified a lot actually. Based on what I have read about Mahasamadhi it just appeared to me as a version of suicide when someone just does not care about his human experience anymore. However, based on your definition it appears to be something else. So you are telling me that this decision is made in the very old age when body is suffering. Then it could be right decision for some enlightened people indeed. The definitions also made confusion because based on what I've read I thought Mahasamadhi was the main goal of enlightenment path. Sort of final boss... But as you explained it. this is just practical decision in the end. So after your Enlightenment you don't have any desires to leave your body right? I thought Enlightenment could awaken in you the desire to leave the body mind. I hope it does not and you simply enjoy the rest of your being in this human experience.... P.S. I will read that book after I am finished with the exams.
  8. The spiritual practice is about not taking the inner voice too seriously. If you commit suicide, you are practicing something other than that. But yes! I agree with you. People go from identifying with a self to identifying with a no self. The problem is not a self or a no self, the problem is the identification.
  9. You should at least know your destination. Otherwise it is stupidity and ignorance. You can't jump off the cliff just because. Why nobody does that without the reasons? Because it's stupid. There is nothing courageous about suicide with no reasons... You should know the landing conditions...
  10. OK thanks.I was alone in both trips I am just scared of insanity because that was the way my face looked.I was able to handle two blotters and I had some new questions and insights.You need strong trips to understand, you have to loose the touch with your body.I ate one and a half and no visuals with closed eyes or serious insights.I was taking antipsychotics until 3 months ago and they made me wanting to suicide during the use and when I stopped them for a month, it wasn't without reason I have serious health issues.I was taking them because I was smoking to much cannabis and almost had a psychotic episode so the doctor gave them to me to stop using cannabis easier and organize my thought again.I had never felt the same urge to kill myself before the medication so I am giving the responsibility to the antipsychotic(zyprexa,the higher suicide rate for antipsychotic).Now I am off 3 months and I don't have these feelings.The only time I had schizophrenic behaviour was with cannabis but it was not real schizophrenia just some mutual symptoms during the use.I have these scary expressions because of the scary and unpleasant feeling that last about 10 sec.I was controlling the trip(i believe) and I have the same feeling with smaller doses but with the higher dose I had the insights and more intense the unpleasant feeling.I will stick with 2 blotters no higher.Does anybody also have strange feelings, coming in waves every 5-10 minutes?After the use my mind is all right no problems with memory paranoia or organization , the problems coming from cannabis use.
  11. Depression is still fucks me up, been thinking about suicide all day until recently, it passed while I was distracting myself with reading articles on Wikipedia. Meditation, nofap, diet, self-love - all good.
  12. My best guess, vanish is trolling, he designed the avatar to make vanishing relevant and appropriate and will simply "vanish". Leo doesn't give two ducks because he knows if someone committed suicide on his forum, just think of the publicity! Second really nasty option Leo = Vanish. This would create maximum effect with zero risk.
  13. There have been cases when a sage reaches a point when he/she deliberately leaves the body through meditation/tantra/fasting/trance like states or whatever. A primal 'desire'/identification made this body to appear in this phenomenal plane in the first place. Just like a fully enlightened/self-realized being completely drops or becomes totally uninterested in a conceptual story of 'me', after certain realizations the supreme self MAY become totally uninterested in 'living' and be limited inside a body/mind anymore. Such 'suicide'/self sacrifice happens spontaneously just like Enlightenment occurs in a flash. @vanish If you're doing this from a true realization then kudos to you, God. If not, then you've been deluded by your own mind my friend. If you think that committing suicide will somehow make you the supreme self, then just stop please. I highly doubt you are doing this from an authentic realization though. Cause the true sages who've done it, never interrupted the fellas in the relative plane like you're doing by posting these stuff on forum or even sharing it with someone else. Anyway in the end, I guess I'll never know. Just don't degrade this holy path with cult like attitudes and give it a bad rep than it already has
  14. Yeah, post that explicitly tells you to commit suicide shouldn't be allowed, lots of people can misunderstand this way too easily.
  15. This forum is getting scary. Leo, I wouldnt allow these threads if you dont want the FBI at your doorstep one day. Talking each other into suicide, this is not OK.
  16. There is a slim chance LSD can trigger schizophrenia. One of my friends triggered an early onset of schizophrenia when he was about 20 from doing LSD to much. He ended up committing suicide a few years later.
  17. WTF are you talking about? Do you mean suicide? You are very wrong. Physical death is not the way out... You will not awaken from physical death.... @Leo Gura stop him. He clearly misunderstood smth. @Shanmugam tell him not to do that.
  18. Suicide is just waking up. There's nothing to gain or lose from this dream.
  19. Careful about your wording. Unless you don't care if someone commit suicide ofc.
  20. @Ether I think it will be very hard to find a person in this world who hasn't contemplated suicide even once in his/her lifetime. In a talk, Osho says that the thought of suicide comes to almost EVERYONE at one point on their lives even if as a non serious thought experiment. If not, then that person is either too young or too 'stupid' to actually see the constant suffering coming from the default state of life and surroundings.
  21. today in the forest i went up on a fire tower. i was above the trees. i thought... it would be so easy to kill myself here. i looked down. just getting over the relatively low railing and let loose. and preferably jumping headfirst. a definite death. such a perfect place for suicide. so easy. i got scared and raced the stairs back down. it could have been so easy. just a wrong thought and it would have been the end. i should never go to this place again. now i am scared. because if i ever get strong suicidal thoughts i would have the perfect plan.
  22. Funny how I started to try to make sense out of sum pixels on a screen. @Shin On a serious note, this makes me wish there were two Eiffel-towers so we wouldn't have to fly to America to commit existential suicide
  23. This is kind of dark though. Are you sure you're not mixing you conclusion with depression? You are a brilliant mind though, you understand the hell we have build for ourself for centuries. But change will come, things always evolves, political, cultural and economic structures that are present now will not last for ever. We can be a loving compassion species in a few centuries from now. Don't be too dark my friend, and don't commit suicide. With your mind and capability to put things together to a coherent picture of the world is amazing. Go on, sun will never stop shining on you. And joy is in your hands. Take care buddy!
  24. I’ve been both vegetarian and vegan for over a year now and I feel incredible. The benefits are too many to put down, and others have said the benefits already. you need to take a B12 suplement you need to eat enough calories you need to plan ahead more, as I’ve found anyway. try to eat as much raw food as possible, cooking any food kills the food and takes out nearly all the nutrients. More and more people are becoming aware that eating animals just isn’t good for the human body, in fact it’s like slowly committing suicide. I always thing to myself, to keep me on this path, why the hell are we eating animals in the first place?!?!? We should of just left them alone! Best book to wake anyone up and go vegan imo is ‘the pleasure trap’ read it and it’ll change the way you think about food altogether. peace!