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  1. @Alex bliss indeed. gotta run the race on a circular track. the starting point is the ending point.
  2. @Surfingthewave I'm hoping meditation will bring me a mental state of peace and equanimity that i can access throughout my day. Then when I go to yoga or play basketball, I can use this acquired mental state to push myself to my absolute limits and try my absolute best, which will allow me to access the bliss and happiness available when we push through suffering. I don't believe it will take "years and years" that is a limiting belief imo. I have been practicing meditation for 2 hours in the morning, and an hour at night over the past few days and I feel like a different person already. I'm not "there" yet, but I am getting glimpses of what it will take to be happy. For example, last night in yoga for the first time I went as deep into the suffering and pain as I could go, rather than my usual aversion and mental chatter waiting for it to end. It was my best practice to date. It's not about living my life in this state. It's about increasing the amount of time in this state slowly but surely. I don't need to be in flow 1000% of the time, I just need a bit then it will grow. I am seeking advice right now from all of you guys lol (: @Nahm and @Synchronicity have been a huge help me to so far, and I will continue to post asking questions. But I also need to be mindful that some of my questions are just resistance to me doing the actual work, but I will continue asking questions until people tell me to fuck off. I have been depressed before. But my general unhappiness/ dissatisfaction with life is distinct from my episode of depression. I was raised very spoiled, and my parents just kinda let me do whatever I wanted. But not in a push my limits, be whatever I want to be kinda way. If i wanted junk food I got it. If i wanted a video game, I would throw tantrums until I got it. I never pushed myself out of my comfort zone, or pushed into the pain to find out who I am, because I had everything handed to me. I always felt like I wasn't living up to what I could be. I wasn't as happy as I felt I could be. I wasn't as good at sports as i felt i should be. My chemical balance has come from the way I live my life. And there a million ways I could have improved my life, but I always afraid of the pain and suffering (or resistance). I'm hoping meditation will give me a mental state to overcome pain and resistance in my life.
  3. @Alex bliss keep in mind. it's not that you're not the body / mind it's rather that you are the body / mind... AND everything else. You're not just the body/mind.
  4. I am a 23 male, and i have been a masturbation addict, not a porn addict, however. I always avoided girls even tho i have female attention, but i do have this virgin type fear of approaching women and whatnot, tho after years of meditation and more intense benefits of meditation i am really starting to contemplate whether i even need sex or intimacy as some powerful cognitions relax me and makes me look trough the big picture (death is god and its always beside you, you are eternal if you want you will take many births and experience whatever you want, and my seeking is very much triggered by fears and what not). I would like to hear your experiences what is your story and what would you do? I mean dont get me wrong i adore women and i think i am very naive about them, but over time i really take my free time for granted in thst case, because of the reason i didnt go out i spent alot of time with myself and got to this point where i feel bliss my sahasrara daily.
  5. @Alex bliss Then go live in a monastery, just know that whatever you are running away from is you, and it is love. Infinite love.
  6. pluto Member 5,152 posts Posted 3 hours ago · 3 hours ago, Lento said: @pluto The truth is boring. People love the illusion, at least 90% of them (myself included). That's because most people haven't truly tapped in to the truth Even among conscious communities, most have just had a glimpse, a taste, a flash, enough to know but not enough to understand. I reside in Truth, I experience, love, bliss, beauty, wisdom, perfection in all things. I can shift the whole universe in a blink of an eye or play pretend while those dwelling in illusion can only play pretend. I can do both So boring Indeed.
  7. That is actually possible, in fact, it is the goal of self-realization. Heaven is actually the space just above the top of the head, the seventh Chakra. It starts from the crown and extends into infinity. The expression "I'm in Seventh Heaven" is an allusion to that. The bliss that floods your entire being upon reaching this state of mind is indescribable, but has often been compared to a thousand orgasms I can confirm that it is an apt description.
  8. @Dumuzzi The same "privilege" of heaven applies no matter what the religion, the idea that there is a cycle to break free of and one who can break free at all creates a game of winners and losers. Just because this is the thing that ruined Christianity for me says nothing about Christianity, it says something about the model of religion itself. The same exact problem exists in Buddhism, Hinduism, and If God himself was ever whole and perfect and decided to disperse into this what we often call mess and chaos, and you are God, and were never separate but always whole and always that... how could you ever get to state of realization where you would not make the same choice again to disperse into illusory form? Illusory form, the world just is what it is this moment is just occurs on its own, it just is. The question is why pursue enlightenment, why does this story line play out of a singular being breaking the illusion then continuing their life in the illusion enjoying the coming and going of forms, enjoying the illusion of other beings who are completely caught in the illusion. Out of compassion one tries to teach others to follow suit, but there is no one to follow, there is nothing to achieve and there are no others to teach. Yet to story of teachers and insights and the notion of a spiritual path is probably the most tantalizing entertaining thing you could do with your life. But it is delusion? Should we all just admit, we're just here to have a good time? I never could understand why almost all the videos on America's Funniest Home videos were people getting hurt. Why is it funny to see someone trip and fall or have some bizarre accident and get hurt? Could my compassion and love strictly my ego? Is the will of God that I am able to laugh when someone suffers? Does God enjoy everything that's happening? I don't want that. I want to be sad for the movie characters. I want to be happy for them. I want to live in illusion and delusion, even after I've seen through it to the perfection of love, even after I've awakened and lived in a state of bliss and seeing through eyes of perfection, I came back to this because I chose it. I like it better. I prefer it.
  9. That's because most people haven't truly tapped in to the truth Even among conscious communities, most have just had a glimpse, a taste, a flash, enough to know but not enough to understand. I reside in Truth, I experience, love, bliss, beauty, wisdom, perfection in all things. I can shift the whole universe in a blink of an eye or play pretend while those dwelling in illusion can only play pretend. I can do both So boring Indeed.
  10. If you want happiness you have to find something that you love, appreciate it and enjoy it. Some people find it in nature, some in knowledge, some in basketball. The world is your oyster, you just need to pick what it is for you. You can meditate on the things that you pick and you should start feeling the bliss. Imagination is a very powerful tool and also a free "entertainment".
  11. You also can’t deny that can’t deny is a double negative which cancels any meaning out. Your ‘“direct experience” of the ‘death of a body’, is actually direct experience of thought, perception, & feeling. ‘Death’, is a projection. The assumption of ‘death’ is derived, arrived at, created in thoughts about perception, about feeling - and believed. Feeling directly communicates the assumption is not true, feeling “knows” this error. The tree of discord from this rudimentary delusion is great and pervades many aspects of living. Far greater is the relief and bliss of truth. There’s no direct experience of death, as in the end of, or discontinuation of a being or entity. There’s you, fooling you, with thoughts, perception, and sensation. The cosmic joke.
  12. @Tony 845Hi Tony, I am 7 years after my initial Kundalini awakening, when the Serpent first pierced the Sahasrara, I experienced universal consciousness and what some would call enlightenment, though I see that as more of an ongoing process. I was indeed filled with light though, or more accurately, I became boundless, universal consciousness and light, for a brief time. Ever since that time, my upper two chakras in particular, have been active and there is an almost constant sensation of heat and light in that area. I did have Kundalini Kriyas and shaking too, that still happens at the initial stages of meditation, when I relax. I believe it is due to all the dross and tension that builds up during a stressful day. The Goddess Kundalini gets rid of it as she burns through the accumulated dross, that is what causes the convulsions. It usually only lasts a few minutes, after which the energy blockages are cleared and the energy flows uninterrupted. Once she lodges herself in the Crown, there is just bliss and joy, as well as a very pleasant, hot feeling all over the body, but particularly along the spine and the top of the head. There are certain modest powers and abilities that come with this stage. To reach full enlightenment, one must lodge the Goddess in the Crown permanently. This requires keeping her there for three nights and days, non-stop. I once came quite close, during the summer solstice, when she shined as bright and hot as a second sun, for three days, but I didn't quite get there. I'm sure I will get there in time. Any questions, shoot.
  13. @Red-White-Light i suppose it's possible? And then that would be it for them as a human. Since a non-dual state is pure bliss and Love i don't think they would mind. Because there would be no "they" anymore. They would be Infinite. Their "physical" body would eventuality expire. I know when i have come back from non-dual states that i have had several days where just functioning and going to work was a struggle. It felt like insanity. I drifted between states for several days and then suffered backlash. So it's coming back to human form (duality) after that can be hard. Consciousness levels stay elevated for a while. I have heard people talking about the potential for psychosis but it's never been a problem for me. This would fall under the dangers of spiritual work .
  14. Before I start this post, I wanted to clarify that I've waited for more than 30 days to explore this dramatic increase in my baseline happiness, joy and equanimity for the purposes of not misdirecting anyone. I wanted to make sure this is not some simple meditation high before I've explained people what this is all about. I wanted to see how the mind adapts after the initial effortlessness of joy and happiness. Since I've completed the integration period in these 30 days, I can speak about what happened with good authority. I can conclusively claim that I've significantly altered my emotional circuits for pleasure, happiness, joy and equanimity. In Buddhist terms, I have close to effortless access to many of the pleasure jhanas explained in the literature. (Especially 2nd and 3rd jhana) So about 30 days ago, I've decided to do a 4 hours long uninterrupted TMI meditation. This is not a SDS sit. I've allowed myself to move. In fact, I had the allowance to rotate between these 3 postures while maintaining mindfulness: sitting cross legged, laying down and walking. The 4 hour session was all right. I was extremely concentrated but was in a state of dullness right from the beginning. In fact, that is why I've decided to do walking sessions. I normally never do stuff like that. Nothing too unusual happened apart from a few psychedelic levels of visual fluidity around 3 hour mark. I didn't had any memorable experiences beyond that. Just to clarify, I've never seriously tried jhana meditation or never even intentionally cultivated feelings of happiness and joy in meditation. I was just doing the practices with as much equanimity as I could do. But that night, all of a sudden, I was pervaded by high levels of happiness and joy. These feelings were hitting me left and right. My head area is raptured with bliss and joy. This is apparently what is called 'fully developed meditative joy' explained in TMI. From the explanation, I'd never think that this would be so stable, pervasive, high and in one's conscious intentional control. In a sense, I'm 'willing' happiness and joy into existence. I imagine ( aka consciously intend) for happiness and my mind gives it to me in a stable and high degree. If you've ever taken SSRI, the pleasure you get out of that is not even comparable to meditative joy. Even if we assumed that due to a high dose of SSRI, you've managed to feel more pleasure than meditative joy, the contentment, mindfulness and equanimity element is not there. Also this is dependent on an external chemical. Meditative joy is an internal development (even if it is still conditioned). Jhana practice is much more than simply intending to have pleasurable experiences. Actually managing to develop meditative joy effortlessly to this level I've attained is no small thing. But it is possible for many meditators who practice diligently with the right methods for them. If you are one of those people who wondered: 'Is stable happiness and joy possible similar to anti-depressants?' The answer is: 'Yes, and don't undersell what spirituality can accomplish.' You actually experience more joy and happiness with contentment with 10 times more stability (compared to anti-depressants) because this is internally produced by the mind. It becomes more conditioned and stable after a while. You are not dependent on a chemical externally. Stability and independence is the problem in SSRI's. Very few depressed people who take 'potent' SSRI's report experiencing the bliss of happiness and contentment on stable and high levels ALL the time starting from waking up and going bed. But meditation has currently got me to that level. And I know for a fact that this refined state of mind could be developed infinitely since mindfulness itself can be infinitely developed. But to do that in daily life, I need to do 2 things. 1- Get to effortlessness of happiness and joy with strong equanimity in a formal session. Depending on my mental state, this can take as little as 5-10 mins or 1 hour. 2- Maintain a strong intention to continue this refined state of mind with metacognitive awareness in daily life. Otherwise, both happiness and contentment can go down to subtle-low levels depending on how demanding the task I'm doing. There is a difference between listening to cool music and dealing with a business crisis. Although I can maintain subtle-low levels of happiness in both scenarios, I can't maintain the peak of the formal session if I don't have a strong intention to maintain it in a business crisis. In other words, My current experience of daily life is filled with stable feelings of happiness with contentment in a joyful state of mind. A joyful state of mind creates feelings of happiness mentally and physically. The degree of happiness is more than if you've taken an average dose of a relatively strong anti-depressant. Let me clear on that. You can abuse these drugs but like I said, even if you were to experience more pleasure and bliss, the contentment and equanimity which creates both the stability and satisfaction won't be there. Then you add powerful introspective awareness in a state of open awareness with stable attention on top of all this joy, contentment and happiness. The end result is pure bliss in a highly refined state of samatha. The perfect state of mind to do investigation towards reality. In a formal session, I can sometimes boost it to that level of refinement. But in daily sessions, the baseline is low levels of joy and happiness all day long (starting from the moment I wake up to going bed) with low levels of contentment and equanimity. That is my lowest point while actually meditating. If I'm awfully dull or tired, The low levels of joy and happiness can go down to subtle levels. If I completely stop meditating for a long time, the joy and happiness is no longer perceptible. Equanimity goes down a lot. But the good news is that it takes less than 5 mins to get to subtle-low levels of stable joy and happiness. My nervous system has changed its primary operating system to 'anti-depressant' levels of happiness and joy. I can stabilize my consciousness in strong joy and happiness for more than 12+ hours regardless of thinking, talking or formally meditating in silence. This is stage 8-9 area of mastery of meditative joy in TMI stages of meditation. This one development has been the most enduring development of my entire meditation training. My whole life satisfaction is increased by 50 times. Momentarily I'm tasting the satisfaction of internally cultivated joy and happiness. So if you want to know if this is possible, I'm here to say 'Yes!!!!! but it will take work on your part.' Don't listen to people who say samatha or jhana meditation doesn't lead anywhere. I'd bet that certain people who've experienced legit awakenings still might not have stabilized jhanic factors to the degree I'm talking about in this post. I'm talking about almost effortless access to jhanas in daily life. Not formal sessions. And I consider myself not awake by insight meditation standards. I've only developed this highly refined state of mind by working with TMI for 4 years. I still need to be conscious of infinite insights from this point onwards. But my emotional mastery line of development is close to awakening levels due to this meditative joy. The key difference is that samatha is a conditioned state and will disappear if I stop the practice. But awakening will result in a permanent intuitive shift in my understanding of suffering, self and reality. So far, that hasn't occurred to that degree. But for what I've accomplished with TMI in only 3-4 years is nothing less than life-changing. When your practice starts to lean deeper towards stage 8-9, meditative joy and happiness will literally start to consume your life. My ability to hold on to negative unwholesome states of minds like frustration, boredom, anger, sadness etc. is little to none. I need to put a lot of intentional effort to feel anger at somebody. Or sadness. Or loneliness. I hope this helped some of you who are struggling with motivation. Keep working and practicing diligently. Feel free to ask me your questions as well
  15. Does first order reality have structure? In my model first order reality is Indra's net in the form of an infinite expansion of difference. Indra's net is an interconnected wholeness where every difference is connected to every other difference. On a physical level it's still valid to describe the first order as structure in the form of vacuum energy, because second order reality in my model is the physical reality on the level of atoms and subatomic particles etc. Nassim Haramein has described how physical matter is made of the vacuum energy. So the vacuum energy can be called the first order structure since it's prior to and the source of the higher order structures. It all of course depends on how the different orders are defined. For example biology in my model is still second order structure. Third order structures are those that have been manufactured. Termite mounds are third order structures, so are beaver dams and honeycombs made by bees. Most third order structures on our planet are the artifacts made by us humans, such as cars, furniture, iPhones etc. ACIM describes reality as changeless: "The miracle is means to demonstrate that all appearances can change because they are appearances, and cannot have the changelessness reality entails." - Even the Bible has verses about God being changeless: "I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed." - Malachi 3:6 Braham in Hinduism does not change: "In Hinduism, Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe.[1][2][3] ... It is the pervasive, genderless, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.[1][3] [6]" - This is exactly the same as my model. Indra's net is infinite, eternal and changeless. I mentioned before how the appearance of change appears. What produces change is the manifestation of Indra's net. And since that net is infinite the manifestation goes on and expands forever, which results in the motion of time and the appearance of change and still the whole of reality (which includes all future infinite potential) is changeless!
  16. @Forrest Adkins Yeah the next week can be pretty brutal ngl. And I’m not sure, for an ordinary person it can be their only source of experiencing true love and bliss, so can be eye opening, but then there’s the potential for addiction. But like I said raves are one of the most stage green places in their essence, but like most things, they soon get corrupted by the lower stages and opportunist devils unfortunately.
  17. So if you are wondering if it is possible to experience happiness comparable to taking Paxera or other strong anti-depressants, the answer is ' Yes and don't undersell what meditation can do :)' You actually experience more joy and happiness with contentment with 10 times more stability (compared to anti-depressants) because this is internally produced by the mind. It becomes more conditioned and stable after a while. You are not dependent on a chemical externally. Stability and independence is the problem in SSRI's. Very few depressed people who take 'potent' SSRI's report experiencing the bliss of happiness and contentment on stable and high levels ALL the time starting from waking up and going bed. But meditation has currently got me to that level. But to do that in daily life interacting with people and doing productive stuff that requires cognitive performance, I need to do 2 things. 1- Get to effortlessness of happiness and joy with strong equanimity in a formal session. Depending on my mental state, this can take as little as 5-10 mins or 1 hour. 2- Maintain a strong intention to continue this refined state of mind with metacognitive awareness in daily life. Otherwise, both happiness and contentment can go down to subtle-low levels depending on how demanding the task I'm doing. There is a difference between listening to cool music and dealing with a business crisis. Although I can maintain subtle-low levels of happiness in both scenarios. Just not the peak of the formal session I'm talking about if I don't have a strong intention to maintain it in the business crisis.
  18. You haven't described what these numbers corresponds to. Is a '1' major depression and negative thoughts or borderline suicidal tendencies. Is '10' the bliss of awakening or high levels of a feeling of stable happiness with contentment which is a by-product of a joyful state of mind. If we peg awakening and its result of contentment and happiness a '10' and if we peg the most stable, content and equanimious happiness and joy using jhanas pre-awakening a '9' Then I would peg myself an 8.0 in daily life. And 8.5 in formal session. In other words, My current experience of daily life is filled with stable feelings of happiness with contentment in a joyful state of mind. A joyful state of mind creates feelings of happiness mentally and physically. The degree of happiness is more than if you've taken an anti-depressant. Not just due to the joy and happiness levels, but in skillful meditation, you also add the contentment and equanimity which is the other side of the equation in jhanic factors like happiness and joy. Then you add powerful introspective awareness in a state of open awareness with stable attention on top of all this joy, contentment and happiness. The end result is pure bliss in a highly refined state of samatha. The perfect state of mind to do investigation towards reality. In a formal session, I can sometimes boost it to that level of refinement. But in daily sessions, the baseline is low levels of joy and happiness all day long (starting from the moment I wake up to going bed) with low levels of contentment and equanimity. That is my lowest point while actually meditating. If I'm awfully dull or tired, The low levels of joy and happiness can go down to subtle levels. If I completely stop meditating for a long time, the joy and happiness is no longer perceptible. Equanimity goes down a lot. But the good news is that it takes less than 5 mins to get to subtle-low levels of stable joy and happiness. My nervous system has changed its primary operating system to 'anti-depressant' levels of happiness and joy. I can stabilize my consciousness in strong joy and happiness for more than 12+ hours regardless of thinking, talking or formally meditating in silence. This is stage 8-9 area of mastery of meditative joy in TMI stages of meditation.
  19. Everything I've done has been a quest to feel good with the realization that feeling good is not what I think it will be. I continually trick myself into thinking about what feels good. "Watch your thoughts", Abraham Hick's "Pay attention to how you feel" are the same thing. I had a realization now how I go into stories to explain why I'm feeling good. A certain place or person, made me feel good, a memory, a story revolving around an "I". Inevitably there are consequences and backlash created in this. I can surrender, die to bliss not only when I feel bad and want out but also when I'm feeling amazing.
  20. I am nor happy or sad, i am blissful, happiness/sadness, ups/downs, bliss transcends all, bliss is your natural, true state. It is eternal, it is pure, it is serene, it is beyond happiness and joys. You are Bliss, You are Love! ? ❤️
  21. I haven't heard of Yuval Harari. Thanks for mentioning him. . . This wasn't quite the facet I was getting at, yet this is also a profound realization. It reminds me of Leo's "Hand Exercise". . . Here a person observes their hand without any thought. Just observation and feeling their hand. This is actual. Then the person puts their hand behind their back and imagines their hand. They create a thought construct of their hand. This is an imagination. It seems too simple and obvious, yet the direct experience can be profound to highlight the contrast between actual Now and imagined. One can extend this to looking at the wall (actual Now) and then thinking about their parents (imagined). . . One tendency of the mind is to conflate actual and imagined. When presented this a person might think "Duh, this is so obvious. I now the difference between actual and imagined". Yet we then live our lives misinterpreting imagined as real. It is also a good exercise for realizing Now. Not quite, it's even more radical than that. A priori and posteriori and great epistemological ideas about how we come to know truth. Yet my understanding is that it both refer to how a proposition is known to be true. That has great value and practical usage. Yet I'm pointing to something different. I think I added in too much to the example. To re-visit the example. . . How do you know it's now? Try to imagine prior to the idea of now, so all there is is Now. How do you know everything is happening? . . We could theorize about what is a happening, what is sensation and perception, neuroscience etc. That's all good. Yet there is also a "before" all that. Yet here, it's not like there is a me knowing everything. Before all the theory, there is nothing to know. There simply just IS. Think of a baby, they are just simply aware of what is. They have no theory about stuff. Kinda like that. . . So it's not like "me" knowing. It's more like ISness "Knows" itself. Now just Knows it's Now. .. . Another way of saying it is that awareness is aware of itself. All evidence and theory is second order. There is a first order of ISness before the theory, evidence etc. Creating a conceptual framework is helpful, yet one can only go so far with concepts. Ime, concepts can help support direct experience. A person may have a realization of direct experience, beyond words. "Oh, my god!! What just happened? I can't explain it". This can feel groundless and the tendency of the mind is to dismiss it as "woo woo" and return to status quo. Yet a conceptual framework may provide grounding for integration. For example, after the direct experience one may realize "Oh my gosh!! That is what Rupert Spira was talking about!!! I get it. Yet I can't explain it". The point about A is B has to do with the dualistic conditioning of the mind. Anytime we say something is something else we are creating two things in a relative context. Re-vist all of your statements with the word "is". In each instance, you are creating one thing and equating it to another thing. For example you earlier wrote "the ego is a construction. .. ". In some contexts, content is important. Not here. The content isn't important, it's the structure. Notice the way it is structured. You have created two things. One thing you call an "ego" and another thing you call a "construction" and you propose that the ego (A) = construction (B). . . . The mind does this so much it becomes oblivious to what it's doing. This can be helpful to navigate life and survive. Yet the mind gets lulled into believing it's true. One exercise I've done is to walk through nature and notice every time I make statements. I then acknowledge I am creating relative meaning that is not objective/actual. . . That duck is big. No, that duck is a duck. Those clouds are beautiful. No, clouds are clouds. This is boring. No, a thought this is boring is a thought this is boring. That litter shouldn't be here. No, the thought that litter shouldn't be here is a thought that litter shouldn't be here. Adyashanti is the enlightened. No Adyashanti is Adyashanti. The thought Adyashanti is enlightened is the thought Adyashanti is enlightened. . . This exercise is maddening to the mind because it prevents being right, attachment and identification. The exercise still has labels, but its a big step. The next step would further remove labels. Rather than that duck is a duck. It becomes that IS is IS. How is this liberating? The liberation doesn't come from the theory, it comes from the embodiment. For example, suppose you tell me that this passage I wrote is delusional, I have no clue about enlightenment and I need to watch more Eckhart Tolle videos. How might my mind body respond? If there is attachment/identification that my writing is true/insightful and that you are wrong - the mind and body will likely respond defensively. It will want to defend that the writing is true/insightful. I may try and convince you that the writing is true/insightful. Yet what happens when there is embodiment of IS is IS? Then it becomes "writing is writing" and "a thought that writing is delusional is a thought that writing is delusional". There is nothing here to be attached to. There is nothing here to be identified with. It's the same as saying a bird chirp is a bird chirp. Yet it's not the theory. It's the underlying realization and embodiment. Is the mind just thinking this? Or has the mind-body actually embodied it. Is there still underlying feelings of attachment/identification and desire to convince myself and others that the writing is true/insightful? Or does it have not more significance than a bird chirp? What is the sensation of color? Colors don't exist. A tree is not green. The visual cortex is creating a hallucination of green and you have no idea if what I call green is the same thing as what you call green. What is pain? You can define it however you want. Pain to you could be pleasure to someone else. Try some S & M and explore the inter-connectedness between pain and pleasure to the point you can't tell the difference between pain and pleasure. All these concepts are great, yet they aren't actual. Creating a terms like "pain" and "pleasure" is useful to communicate, function in society and survive. Yet ideas of pain is not the actuality. It is not the direct experience. An exploration of pain through observation and direct experience is very different than a theoretical exploration of pain and pleasure. . . Similarly, explore terror and peace so deeply that you cannot distinguish between terror and peace in your direct experience. As well, explore real and imagined so deeply that you cannot tell the difference between real and imagined. Not theoretically. Literally in your direct experience. You are assuming there is a universal, objective thing called "pain". How can it be pain without your interpretation of it as pain? The conceptualizing has value, yet its so easy to get trapped in a vortex of intellect. It goes sooo much deeper. . . Self inquire "what is pain?". Don't think about it or try to figure it out. There is understanding of direct experience. Explore actual direct experience of pain. What are the inter-connections between sensation, thought, interpretation. Yet don't intellectualize. Just ask the question and observe. If you and a gf are into kinky sex, this is a great area to explore. I've been in realms in which I'm at an interface of pain, bliss and humor. My gf couldn't tell if I was screaming in pain or laughing hysterically. She would ask "Is this good or bad?". I'd respond "I don't know, but keep going. . . ". In general, a good way to blast through all this is with a psychedelic.
  22. When you truly finish you will no longer search for more spiritually speaking. However, you may still search for more in your relative life, that would be normal if you currently have $500 and want to achieve financial freedom for example. Many people gloss up awakening and enlightenment and expect magical blissful states, be careful if you get caught up chasing states your whole life like a bliss junkie. After all, now is all there ever is, and now is now, this moment is all there is and all there ever will be.
  23. @Alex bliss Keep at it then. You have a sense of what the right direction is. Try to minimize speculation. It slows your path.
  24. What Sadhguru probably points to is you (Alex bliss) can become so conscious that you can realize that you are not your body (far beyond it)
  25. Everything is consciousness. Everything includes body! So, of course consciousness can't leave body because body is consciousness. But Alex bliss may stop be conscious of the body by having anesthesia for example.