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  1. I'm struggling to grasp what it really means to "Enter the Marketplace with Extended Hands" and how living this way is considered to be the highest awakened state. To illustrate, below are a few quotes from the last chapter of Lectures on the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures. 1st Quote: "When you have reached this highest awakened state where the world, just as it is, is the Pure Land, where you yourself, just as you are, are the Buddha, then you must throw away this satori and for the sake of those in suffering and distress descend to the bottom of society, to the farthest corner of society, and awaken everyone else to this Pure Land as well." 2nd Quote: "Without preaching, without offering his opinion, without giving a lecture, this monk gets in among the people and just by his laughing and smiling, all who meet him come to feel the point and purpose of life, like flowers blooming on a withered tree." 3rd Quote: "No matter what your field, even if you are a scholar who has read all the books in the world, you must not give any air of being a scholar but instead recite the Buddha's name like an illiterate nun who cannot read one letter. The way of a Buddhist cannot be anything other than this." To me, this would imply that simply by being with the people in society who are suffering most, your consciousness sort of rubs off on them like osmosis. And awakening people through this "osmosis" effect is a better/higher way to help them than to actually lecture and teach them directly from the position of a mentor. I thought this was interesting since I personally feel like I would not have made near the spiritual progress I have without teachings that slap you around a bit with a more direct, no-bullshit approach. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
  2. It toke me a long time to figure this one out, a hard time but I'll go ahead and say it most the information about this "throat chakra" out there is wrong, even ancient hindi knowledge is only half-right about this chakra, that is my experience I've felt massive energy eruptions and imbalances in my face, on the level of eyebrows and the mouth when dealing with people, like literal rage in my mouth, and intense sadness in my eyes, muscle spams in my eyebrows. By hindi knowledge the mouth, ears, teeth, throat is 5th chakra and the eyebrows and eyes are part of my 6th chakra, so I thought my 3rd eye was awakening again...shortly said my 3rd eye is by far the most awakened with tons of dmt trips, and finally I caught on that theses is just plain wrong information so I started really looking into the meaning of the 5th chakra. It is said to be chakra of communication, self-expression, creativity through self-expression (music,art..) and related to sound and the sense of hearing. Below is a picture of shiva displaying the 5th chakra. My take on it is as follows. The first chakra represents the earth, the second the sea, the third chakra is the sun, the 4th the heart which is the core of all beings,the air, the breath in the physical body The 6th chakra the 3rd eye, the infinite eye, the infinite I, infinity, while the 7th is universal connection, oneness, source. So in the 7th we have infinite potential, oneness, god, and the 6th we have the eye of knowing, the infinite souls If we were to keep it VERY simple spirits living in the spirit world would be made of the 6th chakra and the 7th chakra.Souls knowing infinity through the 3rd eye, god knowing itself through its souls, through its 3rd eye. This is our spirit, our higher self guiding us, our soul. Come onto the experience in the physical plane, incarnation, we have the first chakra giving us a physical body, bones, muscles,(earth element),.. The second chakra giving us a sea of emotions (the sea) the 3rd chakra giving us physical prowess, confidence, radiance, vitality (the sun) the 4th chakra connected to the air, the air which is everywhere, connecting everything, the breath of the body, the core, it connects our spirit to our physical body, once the breath leaves, the body is disconnected from the air which is our soul, this 4th chakra, the heart is also how our spirit, our soul, our higher self guides us through life (follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your joy, follow truth) Finally the 5th chakra called 'throat chakra' which bridges quite literally the body to the head, the earthly chakra's to the spiritual chakras. The heart chakra does that to an extent through guidance, but this 5th chakra literally relates the earthly experience to the soul I call it the chakra of reflection, it reflects our earthly experience to the soul (6th) and to god (7th). In this display of shiva of the 5th chakra, we can see 5 faces, related to the 5 basic senses. Smell, touch, taste, hearing, seeing Where are all these organs? On our face, nose, ears, tongue, eyes, and SKIN, which spans our entire body. The colour of the 5th chakra is blue, which is the hint, shiva's skin is all blue, meaning that the skin is part of the 5th chakra, the flesh itself, the body is 1st chakra, but when it comes the sense of touch it is 5th chakra, the skin This entire idea that the 5th chakra is the throat only, is already wrong. The notion that the eyes are related to the 6th chakra the 3rd eye, is in a sense wrong, the 3rd eye is the 3rd eye and it sees and knows all that is. To understand why the 5th chakra is the one of reflection, we have to understand the 6th chakra, the 3rd eye overseeing and knowing infinity, the soul. What happens when one meditates, opens his 3rd eye? When one does dmt? All the 5 basic senses collapse, seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting all reveal themselves to be one and the same, knowing, experiencing, those who have meditated, done psychedelics can confirm this. The 5 basic senses are merely a reflection of one true infinite sense, which is the 3rd eye, what it knows it sees, what it sees it experiences, and it oversees everything, all of creation, infinity, it knows everything,experiences all the eye of god You could come up with 7 more senses beyond what we have or even 1898 more senses, it is all a reflection of the one true sense of knowing , these reflection are a way for us to know ourselves The 5th chakra is the chakra of the senses, which are all reflections in order to know ourselves in different ways : the tongue, taste, reflects the 2nd chakra of the sea, the skin, touch, reflects the first chakra, the earth, the nose, smell reflects the 4th chakra, the air the heart. The ears and the eyes are on One line, light/sound, reflecting our true identity, we are light/sound, consciousness, reflecting the 3rd eye and the 7th chakra, our spiritual selves. The eyes also reflect the 3rd chakra the sun, the vitality in our eyes Through our face, one's face you see a reflection of everything he or she is, this is the 5th chakra, the Mirror. It is of course called the chakra of communication for it communicates everything about other beings to you, and you communicate through it, here comes the ego into play Many people identify with this chakra, common unspiritual people have their 3rd eye closed and if you dont know your spiritual self beyond this reality you start identifying as the body, as your face, you identify as your mirror Take away your skin, you dont have a different skin colour anymore, we're all the same underneath, take away your sight, hearing, taste, touch, most people would absolutely cringe at the thought of not living with their 5 senses, they identify with their 5 senses, they identify with their face, thinking their body makes them who they are, when in fact it does not. It reflections who they are, and they are far more. If you take away your 5 senses, you would still have your 3rd eye and your 7th chakra which contains an infinite amount of senses or only one,the paradox, and your soul which is very unique in its essence, your connection to all of creation Your face is unique because it Reflects your uniqueness, the uniqueness of your soul The mirror, the face, the ego, the actor Unbalanced, this chakra creates an unhealthy ego, at worst it creates an actor, a liar, a deceiver, most people suffer enormously from identifying with this chakra and they end up simply Reflecting the environment and society they live in, and identifying with that, suffering from not knowing their true self. I can say with certainty most people reading this have most of their consciousness residing in their face as I see it in the streets of my city. Its important to understand that to balance this chakra, this 5th chakra spans across your entire faces and your entire skin, "the colour of your skin", it is literally the chakra of identification. Funny enough, skin colour merely Reflects the environment you're from, its temperature and conditions. The 3rd eye is NOT the upper part of the face, it is a pea-sized area between your eyebrows,nothing more, the rest of it is all 5th chakra, see the picture for clarification, the 5th chakra is the entire face, your entire self-expression Imagine Leo Gura, take away his skin, his eyes, his ears, his nose, his tongue....can you now tell if that body is leo gura? Do the same with yourself, take away your skin, your eyes, your nose, your ears... can you tell yourself from others in similar condition? If your 3rd eye is activated you would be able to tell and see leo's soul and your soul and knowing the souls of other people. Balancing this chakra is dissolving the ego, you are not a human being(actor), you are the soul Unbalanced this chakra becomes deceitful, egoic, lying, deceiving, pretending... of course the ability to act can be used for good, like actors in the movies who can use this chakra to reflect new people, new realities, new consciousness. Used badly we can think of bad politicians who act one way in public but have intentions under the table, liars, thieves, abusive sociopath......The difference between a snake or a crocodile that wants to kill you and a sociopath, is that the snake and the crocodile are honest, their 5th chakra is balanced, when you look at the expressions of a snake or a crocodile you will see how much love they have for you if you get closer. You know what you're dealing with. A sociopath or a lying politician wants to hurt you but will display a friendly deceiving face, they are mirroring something they are not. Which is why even though most snakes or reptiles want to kill us we do not take it personally, its just life, no one carries a grudge against these animals, they're just being who they are A balanced reflecting chakra for us, is to always show our true emotions, who we truly are, the chakra of truth, communicating the truth, not hiding anything, because you're not supposed to. An individual that has developed this chakra healthily can display his or her emotions with comfort to others, a fully balanced one, would be a face that is exactly like a mirror, like the reflection in our eyes, a face that fully expresses who that person is. This chakra can only be balanced if one's 3rd eye and 7th chakra is open, only when you know who you truly are beyond your face in the mirror, can you reflect the truth to others and to yourself. Overcoming the face in the mirror, overcoming the ego, to finally let the kundalini rise to the 3rd eye and beyond andenlighten as an infinite being Beyond the mirror, real life is, when we're done acting for each other,we can get to know our true selves and the true selves of others, when we're done identifying with the mirror, we can allow our true selves to flow through it,our spirit our soul will flow through the mirror the bridge, onto the world
  3. @Recursoinominado @Recursoinominado is youre kundalini awakened? Mine is..?Also are you really from Brazil?
  4. @Tony 845 Yes, i have awakened my kundalini energy, my intuition is crazy high as the synchronicities and my manifestation ability.
  5. @Recursoinominado is youre kundalini awakened? Mine is..?
  6. Enlightenment. Spirituality. Both are misunderstood things. Being in a constant mystical state. Becoming aware of a dimension of life beyond the sense. Both are nowadays synonymous with enlightenment. I myself awakened more than a few years ago, and when I was stable in that new state that then was beyond my reference point and understanding. When my insights and teachings of teachers matched up I thought. Yes. I’m there. Then like most other teachers and people who awakened. I played a multitude of mind games, and escapist tactics to pretend like I’m a Buddha. After a multitude of extreme shifts afterwards. I became aware that life, reality and dharma had much more to teach than a simple “recognition”. & even that recognition varies. Ramana Maharshi, and a random guy who awakens on here might both become aware of an aspect of life, but their degree of “understanding” is extremely different. I’ll use an example. Let’s take a concept like love. A child that loves his mom, and a 50 year old with grown child have different understandings of love. Nuanced, more subtle yet much deeper perspective exists in ramana. In fact Ramana himself isn’t fully enlightened, but my reasoning for that, and the fact itself are irrelevant and will cause nothing but a series of pointless arguments. I said it just to catch your attention a bit lol. I know more than you. Make use of me. I’m here to help. Ask me anything
  7. I'm going through the same thing as you Tony. Awakened my kundalini last January after a traumatic memory resurged from childhood. Since then its been a whole lot of emotional work and dealing with shit from my subconscious flaring up super often; depression, anxiety, fears, etc. I've heard it suggested that this lends to faster evolution towards enlightenment, I have no idea though. All I know is for me whatever emotional issues I was previously unaware of are now plain and clear to see and work through. The thing that has given me personally some comfort is to know that this is a process and at the 'end' you are free of most if not all of the emotional heaviness/suffering that you've been carrying around for years.
  8. Through great inescapable suffering blooms the radical acceptance for anything that happens or anything that could happen to you. Having the willingness to recognize: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." Through this great opportunity of metamorphoses comes intense inner peace, balance and beautiful liberation from an internal cage. For me suffering has ultimately eliminated misery, grief, & all fear of suffering because once you suffer tremendously, you are awakened to deep levels of empathy, unconditional gratitude for all inherent aspects of life, (and not just temporary thrills) and the unpredictable change/possibilities that inevitably rise with it. Pain brings the recognition that something must be released & healed. Suffering has only brought me to a deeper understanding of myself and my life to the point of truly appreciating it for all the wonderful transformation, spiritual evolution and purification it has given me. "Those who have suffered understand suffering and thereby extend their hand." -- Patti Smith
  9. Kinda suspicious, how you entered this dream, right when there are humans, asleep, and you awakened, and psychedelics & practices available. Just saying, in billions of years, right now...? Not sure you’ve stomached the truth yet. Maybe.
  10. 1. Leo has never stated he has mastered everything he talks about. Sometimes the inspiration to teach others to transcend the struggle comes from your own struggle. 2. Leo has stated not to put him on a pedestal. If you do, thats on you. 3. Leo just provides things to think about but you are responsible for thinking for yourself. Nobody can think for you. 4. When you say "are we living above and beyond others...", who is "we" and what does "above" mean? Many people around the world are awake but do not follow I woke up before I encountered and is one of many tools I use for me to drive my own evolution. As far as "living above..", I much prefer my awakened life over my previous unawakened life.
  11. How does one relate and interact with the world after one has awakened and now knows that everything is God, that the ego is an illusion etc? I know it's the ego-mind which says this but maybe it's a real problem. How can you look at your family the same way, how do you look at human beings the same way etc? How does one reconcile oneself with the world after awakening?
  12. @Hellspeed Thank you hellspeed. For reminding me to focus on inner self. To focus on my relation to God. It was probably my ego backlash haha. From doubting and not surrendering/trusting God completely. You hv no idea what I went through last week. And I was a bit too excited upon knowing &discovering(i'm new to this so it's not possible for me to be as cool & as calm as you , I was a bit too excited as everything started to make sense to me, but honestly it wasn't easy, my lowest point so far in life. Not so much on the outside, but I was so curious about God to the point that I wouldn't mind dying(not suicide but the thought that I wouldn't mind it if God were to take away my life soon,in my religion, dying means returning to God. If you do good deeds you can see God after the day of judgement) But now that I think about it, I can't die yet, I have to fix myself first so that I could see God in my purest form, I can't die now i'm still a bit messed up haha silly me. Then I remembered tht it's possible to see glimpses of what it's like in this lifetime. And if I die, I would at least know the reality of this dimension, since dying means transcending the lower dimension. At least I know what soul state was like. Haha silly. It was just my curiosity to see it myself. I've only known about it conceptually.But nevermind, what I learn is, to be grateful for this life & to do my best while i'm still alive. So that I could meet God in my purest state. What i'm really doubting before is actually about free will vs faith. I doubt it so much that I wanna test it myself and learn it the hard way. And I put myself into unnecessary suffering instead of trusting God 100%. I'm doubting whether I should make a judgement based on rationality or God's guidance. I already act on some crazy decisions but I'm still doubting if I made the right decision. In other words, not trusting God. But not anymore. I'm calm now. (In islam, there is a prayer where you can ask God for guidance and God had answered my prayer but it's.....a bit hard for me to follow hence all the doubting) it wasn't easy really. It's really funny when I look back, now that i've seen the wisdom behind it haha. This is so funny. I am currently attending a one week programme. Discussing about God, and guess what? Everything has been answered now. All my curiosity ,questions and doubts haha. @Hellspeed It can be understood conceptually because I had understand it now^^ Everything had made so much sense now...... Sorry for not being respecful before, that was really not mindful of me as I was only looking from my perspective and was a bit too excited when everything started to make sense to me. That was right before the session start. My mind is still very much limited. And I have learnt so much within this two days. Learning wayy beyond what I thought I had known haha. And there is so much more to learn. It was unexpected. I'm curious about other things now... Sorry about assuming that everyone was interested in cross-learning of different perspective. In reality, it was just me trying to know the essence of God...and make sense of everything as a whole. Now that I think about it, of course it would just be a distraction to those who had find real Truth,i'm sorry. Even the prophet, God revealed the revelations gradually. Not the whole book at once and that's it, I wasn't in my right mind before (curiosity kills). It took 23years for the quran to be revealed and learned/implemented in the prophet's life. After that, he died. When it has become complete. But he only changed dimension, no one will ever really die. And now I see the truth in all of this different perspectives as a whole. It has to make sense to me or else i'd be anxious. But really, the real problem is, my lack of basic knowledge about my own religion. But i'm fine now^^. But human tends to forget. There is so much truth in everything. And I genuinely respect all the masters/gurus/auliyaa'/saints and sages who had known the real Truth. I am nowhere near being enlightened. In my religion it's okay not to be Awakened in this dimension as we will return to God after we died. And those who do good deeds can see God without barriers. And it is beyond what we can imagine..... I learn so much within this two days. Everything make so much sense now.......... Everything new (creations)is subject to change. Hell and heaven are God's Creations too. Including other dimensions(both dimensions in this world and the afterlife). All creations are subject to change. Only God is permanent and Absolute. But God created everything as a Mercy.......and Creations won't know completely of the wisdom behind God's plan....... In this whole thing called maya( we call it something new ) , the people from a higher dimension can see those from a lower guru said he had met the prophet in his dream a few times... and others too....I feel so left behind now. And became curious about something else now haha. Sorry i'm a newbie, can't help but to be excited?
  13. Awakening cannot be understood, unless you have awakened, that simple. All that chichat and books cannot explain it.
  14. Genuine Hinduism initiation is superior to Buddhism. Awakening is something is seen on the fisionomy. More awakened, more natural, more fit, more proportionate. Awakening is a matter of recovering the superior fisionomy of childhood, compared to west uptight zombies.
  15. Those initiated, psychic, awakened, enlightened, those who have discovered the knowledge on how to use Akasha and the Akashic Records, can verify this in great detail.
  16. I'm an occultist too, so i can say the majority manipulate, indeed. At the end of the day is survival of the fittest. That humble righthous in society is just that, death in disguise. The more healthy is a human being, the more awakened. The more wrinkles has a human being, specially on the face, the more dormant.
  17. It will reach a stage that the AI freaks will be like batman and the awakened ones like superman. In some circumstances the batman will be able to chain up the superman. This is the whole point of that movie.
  18. I’ll post the relevant part of the sutta called ”Brahma-nimantanika Sutta” and then expand upon it. The Blessed One said: "On one occasion recently I was staying in Ukkattha in the Subhaga forest at the root of a royal sala tree. Now on that occasion an evil viewpoint had arisen to Baka-Brahma: 'This is constant. This is permanent. This is eternal. This is total. This is not subject to falling away — for this does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear.[1]And there is no other, higher escape.' "So I — having known with my awareness the train of thought in Baka Brahma's awareness — as a strong man would extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm, vanished into the root of the royal sala tree in the Subhaga forest in Ukkattha and appeared in that brahma world. Baka Brahma saw me coming in the distance and, on seeing me, said, 'Come, good sir. You are well-come, good sir. It has been long, good sir, since you arranged to come here — for this, good sir, is constant. This is permanent. This is eternal. This is total. This is not subject to falling away — for here one does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear. And there is no other, higher escape.' "When this was said, I told Baka Brahma, 'How immersed in ignorance is Baka Brahma! How immersed in ignorance is Baka Brahma! — in that what is actually inconstant he calls "constant." What is actually impermanent he calls "permanent." What is actually non-eternal he calls "eternal." What is actually partial he calls "total." What is actually subject to falling away he calls "not subject to falling away." Where one takes birth, ages, dies, falls away, and reappears, he says, "For here one does not take birth, does not age, does not die, does not fall away, does not reappear." And there being another, higher escape, he says, "There is no other, higher escape."' The 10 fetters of Buddhism exist in all who are not yet awakened. Awakening merely gets rid of the first. Body identification. However, with the body identification seen through. As long as one’s fetters and karmic body remain. Whether one is in an awakened state or not. The energies of most awakened is still tethered to the body. The denial of this is as the Buddha said an “evil viewpoint”, a product of mara. The ego. Attempting to escape what it is clearly bound by. Pretending one has graduated from Harvard when one is in elementary school. Worse are those with half baked glimpses saying the same thing when they aren’t even awake. Mere talking points and belief systems that deny being beliefs. A individuated man, trapped in body identification denying his reality. This sort of delusion is not a good foundation for growth. This sort of self deceit will slow down one’s progress. Awakening is good, but karmic annihilation of all tendencies, of all that tethers is to a body to an individual, who may or may not experience non duality is the point of the true path. The pure dharma. That comes about with a holistic approach. The 8 fold noble path. Seek growth, not escape. Seek to learn not to display knowledge or to teach. Good luck
  19. OK, a little backstory. I feel like I'm in a really deep rut that I can't seem to pull myself out of. I'm in my early 20's and extremely addicted to suffering. Of all kinds, you name it: league of legends, PMO, vaping, a low-consciousness job I abhor, not reading, etc. My brain feels like it has turned to mush over the past few years, and because of all these bad habits, I have an inability to concentrate or create good habits. My self-esteem is at the floor. And yet, because of my journey with psychedelics, discoving Leo's channel, and doing quite a bit of Consciousness work on the side lately, I find myself in a very interesting position. I'm awakened, I've had many enlightenment experiences, and through much self-inquiry I've discovered so much about myself and about the world. I'm completely on board with Leo's teachings. And yes, I have made great strides lately that I'm proud of, but it's not nearly enough. I can t seem to lift off! I have the conceptual knowledge and understanding that I need to make the changes I want in my life, but I don't have the willpower or mental framework in order to embody them. I feel like I'm drowning still. The other issue that makes this difficult is that there's no one around me that understands the path I'm trying to take. My environment is pretty low-consciousness. Do you guys maybe have any tips in order to slowly form the habits I need? I've tried the all-in approach several times and it doesn't work. I'm too far deep in a hole to do that. Any words of advice would be much appreciated.
  20. Depends. Because if you are awake enough in your journey sleep is not so much of a requirement. I speak from a position when one is able to stay in a meditative state almost all the time. For me per example, many time sleep empairs me in a degree near dormant people. I have more rest in a meditative state than sleeping along a busy street per example. This is me, i know that this will sound alien to the majority here. But transcend and one will not need so much sleep. And the science is based on dormant folk, not awakened.
  21. @Arhattobe hehe yes perhaps a bit overdramatic you be the judge of that, but sometimes the middle is more easily seen by its extremes. Perhaps turned down a notch: If some guy, on his karmic path towards becoming whatever he might be becoming, is awakened before he reaches his end, could this cause confusion on a cosmic scale(as in cause ripples in the karmic seas), and offset whatever balance he might have been part of as his karmic self, or can there be no such interference no matter the way his karma is released? If someone no longer bound by karma, by believing he is doing right, pulls you out of your karmic path, out of the cave and into the light, could it offset some balance and change the course of things in a negative direction (opposite than intended thus slowing down the process of collective awakening in the attempt to speed it up).? Don't know if the questions changed from the previous in my attempt to ask in a different, less dramatic way, now there are two where there before was one, perhaps next time they will merge back into a new and better version of the first haha.
  22. @Mu_ This is part of what I mean by nuance. Realising the self is one thing. The implications, and conclusions one comes to from that, and how that realisation is filtered, and perverted through the intellect and karmic body is another. The self strives for growth, if it isn’t doing so. It is in delusion, it is attempting to escape, going against its directive and/or dharma. Just as a serial killer has a lot of room for growth so does an awakened person, and if you think serial killers don’t have a lot of room for growth. As if them being the “self” negates the reality of their suffering and need to grow. Then we have a big issue on our hands .@TheAvatarState Odd question. Sorry, but I don’t see the relevance of the question on the path. Please ask a more relevant one. @tsuki Through the creation of the intellect or through consuming the fruits of the tree of knowledge. Man falls from heaven. Meaning through the creation of the intellect. Man becomes self aware, it tries to learn, to know, and to use its knowledge to survive. Yet man can not know enough, learn enough, and it’s survival is always being threatened. This conflict gives birth to the base of one’s karmic body. Fear. Upon that primal fear all other self defence mechanisms (pieces of karma) are built. In short. Karma = The byproduct of the intellect’s conflict with itself. @SageModeAustin A dark night of the soul happens because parts of ourselves, life or others that we looked away from. Need to come up to be seen. During a dark night we can no longer look away. Once we look directly into what needs to be seen, and learn all we need to learn from it. It passes. In case it is caused by a systemic issue, I recommend trying to eat healthy, excercising, and avoiding stimulants and psychedelics. Let life teach you for while. It will if you listen <3 Good luck
  23. @Serotoninluv Yes, it seems you are saying what I have been talking about all along. The path only is problematic is it distracts from being present in the moment, presence of now, awakened ISness. I never said the complexity is wrong or bad, just that it can and often distracts from being present now in awakened ISness. That it becomes an addiction of the ego, a self serving fixation on the complexities, the 'spiritual ego' I guess it is also called. So many are consumed with walking the complicated path but never noticing the flowers because of the bullshit. Stop and smell the flowers....even though the field stinks of bullshit and still be at peace with it all. Haha
  24. @SOUL It's seems like you have had some awakenings of the simplicity of being in the present moment. From that vantage point, all the seeking, intellectualizing, theories, debates about enlightenment appear as irrelevant and a distraction. Everything is in this moment Now. It can't get any simpler than that. Once you have seen that and have embodied that the seeking energy to find it "out there" by traveling, doing retreats, conceptualizing will fade away. In the simple NOW, all the conceptualization, theory, debate etc. just IS. It's just happening in the Now. It's ALL just ISness. That is the simplicity. Conceptualizing about how conceptualizing is a problem is itself conceptualizing! In the simplicity, there is no problem - it ALL just IS. The mind needs to ADD complexity to view it as a problem. The simple ISness has ZERO problem with any spiritual path, complexity or spiritual theories. ALL of that simply IS. It's all the same ISness as a duck, leaf, cloud etc. It all simply IS. Yet, this is extremely unpalatable to the mind. If this is true, we would just be sitting around in silence ISing. Part of my ego backlash here was getting upset with all this talk about spiritual paths, spiritual concepts, insights etc. I spent over 20yrs. on this so-called "spiritual path", thousands of hours on the meditation cushion, spiritual books, dharma talks, retreats etc. And know I find out it was all unnecessary bullshit? That the real truth is simply being right Now and all that is happening right Now? For a little while, my ego was pissed it wasted all that time and was taken as a sucker. I then challenged this so-called "spiritual path" and all the conceptualizing and tried to tell people it's all unnecessary B.S. We are always zero steps from enlightenment - it is always present right here and Now. Then I started becoming aware that all the spiritual path nonsense can be a distraction to awakening, yet it is also within the awakened state. It is the simple ISness of Now - just like everything. It's all one giant Everything. For a while, there was no more seeking energy. It felt like their was awakening to truth, yet there was still this sense of being unsettled. With time, a new energy arose. It was not the previous seeking energy. It was arising from a different source. Then I realized this isn't The End. In a sense it was the end, in another sense it wasn't the end. Then, all the spiritual "B.S." was a distraction. I started seeing flowers within the field of bullshit. I had never seen these spiritual flowers before and a sense of love, appreciation, wonder, gratitude began to arise - as well as new deeper manifestations of knowing and being.
  25. I have to ask you this, beside of the mental explanations, that are just a byproduct of awakening. You know how to heal, influence healing of any condition and desease? Have you been in any human being alive, or death and beyond, have you felt or seen the experiences of entire humanity, meaning that you have transcended the mind and seen the whole truth of the universe? This is my experience, as an awakened human being wich i'm on my journey and always growing. What is your experience?