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  1. Maybe watch some lighter QM’s video’s on YouTube first. The movie What The Bleep is ok as an introductory. I watched the double slit cartoon many many times before I started to see the implication. You might also try out videos on Schrodinger’s cat, quantum erasure, entanglement, and relativity first, for a month or two maybe, then Leo’s video. Looking into (google, YouTube etc) the Many Worlds Theory vs the Copenhagen Theory debate is helpful to loosen up the mind. Just a suggestion. Or try psychedelics and just have a look at it. After that stuff, if you have not heard of them, check out Bruce Lipton (epigenetics) and Gregg Braden (heart centered theory), on a personal level, I just like those guys. As far as being in high school & QM’s, there’s advantage there. Most people twice your age are paradigm locked for the duration. Their mind can not allow QM’s, Nonduality, Self, etc, to be equated to their finger.
  2. @frnsh, we are often talking about nonduality...and so there is no other. I don't tend to speak of it as scripted and mechanical as some do and I am OK with talking about choice. Saying you have freewill or no-freewill does not really matter...the issues arise when you only say I chose this, but I didn't choose that. There is no either you chose everything or you chose nothing. For me, I feel more juice and life in the freewill paradigm that the no-freewill paradigm.
  3. @lmfao Write “I am God” on a piece of paper. Then write down everything that comes to mind - likely a list of thoughts to the contrary. Then categorize those into columns of direct experience and not direct experience (belief/idea/thought). Nonduality is a change in what you are, in reality, in all experience from here on out, by a billion degrees. Absolutely completely different in every way. Looking for nonduality in scripture is like looking for eyesight on a poster. It’s very trap-ish. It’s like reading a book, understanding the duality in thinking, and then figuring you’ve got it now. Some people get stuck in scriptures and ancient guru’s, and have no idea they’re stuck. The loss, is nothing was actually real-ized. Nothing was integrated. Same life, different way of looking at it. But the experience of life didn’t actually change at all, other than to be more enjoyable, conceptually. I would drop scripture, do practices everyday, use psychadelics, and see for yourself, DIRECTLY. Listening to a variety of non dual teachers would be more helpful because they are talking to you about you directly, vs stories that you’re supposed to wrap your head around. Leo, Tolle, Spira, Hicks, Mooji - what arises from the greater mix of these would be much more helpful IMO. The Bible, Quran, etc, etc - these are books written by people, about God, to be read by people. Skip em all together. Only direct experience matters. The traps are cunning, many, and deep.
  4. "No experiencer, no experiences, got it.....So, what is there after no more experiences?" <-- says the mind. LOL, oh how it keeps on looking for what is after, what is after, what is it for me, would it feel good? @Natasha Beautiful. The girl in the screen is the dream character (little mind), the projector is Consciousness, and the Screen is the Absolute. The projector (consciousness) and the projection (dream) come and go but the screen remains. From duality, to nonduality, to nonexistence. I am That.
  5. Not too much. It will naturally happen within the next few centuries as society evolves. All this information will become freely available to all human beings, ultimately. But not in this lifetime. I have little interest in waging a war inside of academia. That is a painful bureaucratic game. Although someone will eventually have to fight it. But that is not my life purpose. 1) Camera makes it look that way 2) These days, very few. I'm sort of outgrowing books. Most of my time is going into spiritual practices instead. It's very hard to find a book these days which doesn't seem like delusion, trivia, or something I already know. 3) Most days I meditate for more than an hour. I try to do at least 2 hours (if you include yoga and various other techniques I do). I'm not sure why you're making philanthropy a stage. It's no more a stage than being a cowboy is stage. There's nothing wrong with philanthropy, and I'm sure it could grow you in many ways, but it is in no way necessary. If you are attracted to philanthropy, then it's probably part of your Life Purpose, in which case, knock yourself out. For me, the influence I already have is enough. If anything, I spend too much of my time helping people. The next stage for me would be to go totally solo, yogi-in-a-cave-style. First, create a hopeful vision for my life Totally clean up my diet Exercise Bloodwork to make sure there aren't any chemical/vitamin/hormone problems Get a qEEG and schedule neurofeedback brain training Holotrophic breathwork Psychedelics Kriya yoga Nathaniel Branden's self-esteem exercises Reading lots of self-help books and implementing the various exercises given there Finding my Life Purpose and aligning myself with it Solo meditation retreats I don't practice that technique much. About an hour. That's a complicated question to answer. People can use those terms differently. Psyche is basically your entire mind. The ego. The self-mind. All of your thoughts and emotions and how they manipulate you into action. Consciousness and awareness are largely synonymous. Although some teachers will use those words in a more technical manner and draw fine distinctions. Consciousness/awareness is the only thing that exists. It is the substance of everything you've ever experienced. Replace your notion of "matter/energy/physics" with consciousness. Yes, it was a culture shock. It was challenging and definitely forged my psyche and persona in deep ways. Perhaps the most important thing it did was make me much more openminded. I saw the relativity of all cultural norms quite quickly as a result. Although I still didn't go far enough into realizing that physical reality is itself a cultural invention. No Hilo Hawaii isn't touristy. Just the opposite. It's important to know who the Admin and Mods are. Sorry, trade secret I have tried LOTS of stuff with little success. I think my issue ultimately boils down to a blocked chakra, which I will work to clear using various techniques. I think the issue should resolve itself with full enlightenment. I will shoot a video in the future about how to deal with chronic fatigue and thyroid issues. There's a lot to say. It's a very complex topic with many variables to consider. It's highly individualized. Autoimmune issues have many factors. One solution does not cure everyone. Maybe this one: It's an old one, but the info there is life-changing if implemented. It's actually impossible to construct a nondual language because all language is symoblic, and therefore indirect, and therefore dualistic. There is no language at the level of nonduality. No, I'm not interested in language. I am interested in escaping language. All language is a human invention and not fundamental. Faster? Sounds like you're already going fast. You've only seem the tip of the iceberg of crazy It's gonna get worse before it gets better, so buckle up and set proper expectations and have a long time horizon. All your fears -- all the stuff you can't stand, all your worse nightmares -- you must eventually face on this path. There is no way around it. You must face death itself. You must be willing to surrender EVERYTHING! Ultimately you will discover that all fear is just a hollow illusion. Your very death is just a sham. Your life is nothing but a dream, and all your problems are dream-problems, like the problems of a character in a cartoon. He's a great teacher.
  6. It's very simple: There are 7 billion unique minds on this planet, and they will all interpret and understand (or misunderstand) nonduality in their own unique way, as you would expect a complex organism, composed for trillions of neurons to do. Nothing surprising here. The surprise would be if 7 billion different minds all agreed with each other.
  7. "Is there such thing as nonduality prior to the word nonduality? There is no such thing as nonduality." First minute. "You don't want liberation, you don't want it, because if you have it you won't be there to appreciate it." Ouch!
  8. None of you here are even 1% close to Mahasamadhi (if such a thing is even possible). So don't worry about it. Focus on experiencing nonduality first. Then you will understand what to do. It's like you're in kindergarten asking, "But how will I ever handle writing my PhD dissertation?" At least finish high school before you ask that.
  9. @Neo Your thoughts will never figure this out. Nonduality exists at a higher plane of consciousness.
  10. @egoless Quit this forum, don't read any other books and just listen only to Rupert Spira.. The more you spend time in listening to various people (especially those gurus with long beard), the more confused and frustrated you will become.. Nonduality has become a garbage-can where millions of people have thrown their own beliefs, interpretations, delusions and some claims based on selfish intentions.. Life is beautiful. Just enjoy and live the life totally, while practicing whatever Rupert Spira says.
  11. @Shanmugam it means that you misunderstood Jesus. Plz read Jesus’ teachings carefully. Jesus didn’t teach enlightenment, his teachings are way beyond that. And nonduality isn’t the highest and most profound form of spirituality as many ppl here think. It’s only useful in beginning but eventually it will hold you back.
  12. Her cute little trailer for her DVD is just so simple and clean. Haha I am not promoting her in anyway it's just that I think she's a true gem! "It's Prior to Nonduality, duality and nonduality are still within duality, both categories. Still in the area of conceptualization. So we can see where dualism is still at play and pull back and see that wow the nondual nature of all that is, that's Consciousness....prior to that!"
  13. Neat little nonduality joke, starts at 0:50:35
  14. Great video. I think this can go well with Leo’s zen devil video where he talks about big and small nonduality.
  15. Nietzsche's best concept was to overcome your problems and make yourself a better person. But that should be pretty obvious, right? He laid the foundation of personal development, which is worth praising. As far as nonduality? Doubt it.
  16. I would like to make a correction. I found out yesterday that my scale was weighing the 5-MeO-DMT wrong. An effective rectal dose isn't 10mg, but more like 20mg. 20mg gives me a pretty deep trip. 24mg is Absolute Infinity for me. Also I learned that 5-MeO-DMT is apparently legal to purchase in Canada. Hooray for Canada! There is also an analogue called 5-MeO-MET which is supposed to be very similar to 5-MeO-DMT, although I have not verified this yet myself. There is also 5-MeO-DALT, which I know even less about, but might be an interesting alternative. My current experience says that 5-MeO-DMT is hands down the best psychedelic for nonduality work. It just blows everything else out of the water. If you can access it, it's really the only one you need. Its clarity is unrivaled. Other psychedelics can be profound and interesting, but 5-MeO-DMT is pure awakening. I have experienced levels of awakening on it so deep that I seriously doubt most enlightenment teachers have accessed such levels of awakening. At these levels, you just become God itself to the point where you cannot even understand how you ever believed you were a human being or that you were even born into the 21th century. I awoken so deep on it I forgot I was born. I forgot there was a past or future. Rectal method is by far the best way to take 5-MeO-DMT. And the sad part is, almost nobody knows about it.
  17. Hi this is the second time I am asking this question. I think I figured out how to ask it better this time. I am sorry if the question seems seemingly simple but I take a long time to set up the asking. Last time I asked this question I got a lot of people ignoring the question to tell me not to ask it. I want to see what it is like to fear death. I don't think I have had that fear truly before in my life, and if I have, it slipped out of my memory, unnoticed. I want to see that fear of death, understand it, or at the least, be able to compare life and death in a meaningful way. currently death has no meaning to me, and I do not fear it... I'm not really sure what to say. The methods for consciousness work I currently use limit how I can pursue that. I only practice Acitve Mindfulness, where I practice my awareness, or other mental skills, while being active throughout the day. When I spend time contemplating, it is during walks. Otherwise I am simply practicing returning to awareness as often as I can, and increasing my ability for it. This primarily comes from the statement, "awareness alone is curative" - compared with my need to be motivated and capable of taking action. So, I will be walking when I contemplate the fear of death. That is the limit to what work I will be doing towards understanding or experiencing the fear of death. I tried comming up with ideas, tried contemplating it a few times, but I feel lost, and am looking for suggestions. I need a different angle, one that I have overlooked - and I've honestly got no angles at all. My best idea was to investigate the fleeting nature of life, but that has got me no where meaningful. Two questions, either or both, I am seeking an answer to: How can I contemplate the fear of death while walking, to either understand it, or experience it directly? What is it like to fear death? please do not get distracted by the following: I am not going to run into the street or anything along that line. I am not going to do any drugs. Those of you who think I shouldn't fear death, just leave. You only show your arrogance and uselessness as a peer to peer mentor if you fail to accept my simple and direct question. don't try to talk about ego. 90% of the forums right now are obsessed with ego, and as such, the discussion is spam. I have ego. You have ego. It is what it is. Ignore it, if you cannot, then don't post here please. similarly, 75% of the boards go on and on about enlightenment, consiousness, and nonduality on a level where they literally contradict themselves or other posts just to explore cleverness. I am not seeking that here. The neti neti method is not one I want to apply to my seeking the fear of death. Please trust that I know what I am seeking and asking for, and answer one or both of my questions directly. Do not try to analyze who I am or try to argue against what I seek. again, sorry for the long post. TL:DR/summary - answer this question: "how can I fear death?" or this one: "what is it like to fear death?" - and don't go see it as anything other than a simple question. no drugs no ego no "you shouldn't fear death". I have a pursuit I want to test out to see where it leads me. I found myself stuck, not sure of how to pursue it. I am simply looking for some way to move forward in my pursuit.
  18. @Saumaya So, no one could google something you don’t know anything about? Why not? @Faceless Crickets (silence) was used as a term to point out the oddity of pages and pages of a head butting ego flexing tango, followed by no reply to a direct nonduality experential question. What are other people, to you?
  19. @Faceless No, I don’t see what you mean. Are you experiencing nonduality? What is it like? I want to understand you, but you are speaking using the words fragmentation, center, without explaining what you mean. We could both be saying the exact same thing for all I What am I to you? Also, what is the difference between a ‘though of oneness’ and the actualized realized permanent experience of nonduality, in your experience now?
  20. @MM1988 A practice in revealing the truth of nonduality is to categorize what arises in you as a thought, or an experience. It’s a practice though, so, like meditation & self inquiry, hearing about this is nothing useful, doing it is all the difference in the ‘world’.
  21. @Faceless Nonduality is the experience right now though. It’s known in that I can communicate it. Who am I to you?
  22. I think I just dont get whats calming about nonduality. It seems like its clear to everyone else but to me it isnt. Maybe it has to with my human sense of survival, but even if I would overcome that what would it help me when im an unconcious antelope getting eating alive by a lion too. Why would god make himself suffer like that, why is this not concerning anybody?
  23. It’s just a contemplation excercise. No one can actually be a solipsist- it’s so far removed from common sense and intuition. Designed to quickly break down beliefs. I’ve read the books on your list leo, I get what nonduality is conceptually ?
  24. 1) Start meditation, start yoga, start psychedelics, start self-inquiry, start studying nondual theory, follow your heart, become selfless. 2) I made a blog post a while back about things I've said which I changed my mind on. 3) No Basically, to become a saint. I will find many of them in my book list. Yes, of course. You just have endure it and surrender. Take the leap of faith. You need to learn how to study theory without getting to wrapped up in it. If all you do is self-inquiry, you might get some awakenings, but you will still be ignorant about a great many things, and your consciousness will still be low. This path is just too difficult to walk without proper and robust study of theory. He watches some of them. He is still very scientific and stuck in the materialist paradigm. Although he has tripped on psychedelics and is becoming more openminded to spiritual stuff. Wheat is empty calories for EVERYONE. It has zero nutritional value and its bad for your health. INTP 1) I don't know, but I do intent to have a long-term girlfriend at the least. 2) Yes 1) That was a course by Eben Pagan: The Ultimate Map of Success, so some similar title. 2) Not sure, I haven't visited that many countries. Maybe some of the Scandinavian countries, but I can't be sure. 3) I don't know. I skim the headlines on CNN, MSNBC, etc. I watch their videos on Youtube sometimes and I listen to various Youtube channels that talk about the news. The biggest thing I do is I constantly talk with myself in my own head, as though I am talking to a student. I've done this for most of my life. It both helps to clarify my ideas, but also produces a chatty monkey-mind, so it's a double-edged sword. Yes, I have done various types of neurofeedback. I want to do it more consistently but sometimes lack the time. The changes are subtle. It slowly rewires your brain function. Mostly I use it to meditate more effectively. I think it's possible to use the tool to meditate so effectively you become enlightened, but I haven't proven that out. It's also possible to just optimize your brain function. It varies a lot right now. And I've answered this question in the past I think in this thread. I have done quite a lot of bodybuilding in the past. It no longer resonates with me. No video games any more. I watch videos on Youtube. I sometimes watch documentaries. I follow the news. I chat or sext with my girlfriend. I drive around town late at night. I take roadtrips. He's a remarkable guy. But big ego. I watch porn and I don't feel bad about it. I don't view it as an addiction. The body has sexual cravings that need to be satisfied. A live stream of what? 1) I'm not a huge fan of it. I prefer more direct consciousness work. Getting into mythology is a quagmire. It's too vague. 2) My eyes were always green. Color correction of the videos sometimes distorts their true color. And different cameras and different lighting create different effects. 3) There's probably something to it, but not my cup of tea. Again, too vague and indirect. I would just focus on direct consciousness work. To me real work is work in which you are having the most meaningful impact on the world (for you). We'll see how things develop. Too much to say here. It's mostly the same. Becoming a sage, personal dev, consciousness. The common denominator is becoming more conscious in every aspect of your life. All my videos are basically answering the HOW question. Becoming conscious puts you outside your comfort zone by definition because you're surrendering aspects of the ego in the process. Yes, growth requires doing new things and making bold changes, which is scary and uncomfortable. Yes, it is possible and even necessary to understand nonduality theoretically. And then it is necessary to go beyond theory and to actually embody it. Do both. No, I would recommend you stick to the Vipassana practice strictly without deviation. It will be powerful enough on its own.
  25. Enough with this solipsism talk. Nonduality is NOT what people conventionally understand as solipsism. Yes, there is only the Infinite Self, and yes, self and other are identical, but that is not what solipsism means.