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  1. The point, for me at least, is not to kill or even transcend the ego, it's simply becoming conscious of what it is. You will find ultimately that it is not. You are pure nothingness, pure emptiness, pure formlessness. That's one aspect of yourself. You are also total awake awarness. Totally conscious. Dissolve any possible seperation between yourself and The One, all this is mind-created. The One aka God is none other than YOU. You are none other than The One. But becoming conscious of this requires that you first get a direct connection with your Self/God. Follow the process of Self-inqury and meditation, let yourself show itself the way ? As God told Bayazid Bastami, "Leave yourself and come." There is one distraction and that is the mind. Become conscious of this fact, become conscious of how it literally creates falsehood, entire realities. The remedy is to empty your mind, empty it until nothing is left. Become the Supreme witness and observer of the mind, not attached to it, not identified with it. Simply observing it's creations come and go, being completely neutral to them, letting them come and go, for you are not your mind. You are not your body, you are not your personality. You are Nothing=God.
  2. I played around with the machine elves for a bit but you eventually tap into your higher self and realize oneness, there is only one of us here and they all vanish in that moment of realization into nothingness and you are only left with yourself. One infinite energy. Machine elves are there to help those who don't truly know themselves as fundamentally as others, as for when you truly know the SELF, all illusions regardless of dimension of space/time cease to exist and oneness is experienced directly as yourself, through yourself. I guess you could say the superconsciousness creates them as guides and assistance for those who are more integrated within the human mind/complex, to believe in something when it appears as a higher power or energy thus becomes more easily acceptable to surrender to a higher divine energy but when one knows his own divinity there is of no need for any extensions or distortions to manifest. That's how i see it at least, i haven't delved in a long while because i got the message so i am enjoying the playfulness of life because at the end of the day, there is no escaping the eternal self. I find more growth and gradual integration in milder doses of mushrooms and cannabis from time to time and especially in nature paired with meditative, trance and spiritual practice. Its all for play nowadays Infinite Love.
  3. @MNR Mackey If he is texting you or calling you, don't respond anymore. Remove him from your contact lists. Disable notifications for his contact on your phone and social media. He should have nothing to do with you anymore. If I were in your place, I'd have been very angry and reasonably so. He has no right to talk to you anymore. Do not give him this privilege. Totally ghost him. Him being in your life will only make things worse. It will impact your self esteem and cause you despair and distress. There are people in our lives that always cause us sorrow. Best is to cut them out. They dont deserve our attention or affection. They deserve nothingness. Put him out of your life immediately.
  4. Maybe I will see you Maybe I will see you from the other side of the door Maybe I will know you by the edge of the shore Maybe we'll meet In the sky among the stars Maybe we'll just be a flower in the sod And when my hair flows on my skin And when the wind lightly blows on my face I see the sky with purple and red and the fire dancing on my eyes and I sing and feel all my beings and others are whispering into me and I feel your love into heaven on earth and I know my life is complete and I see you standing by the fire with the light blowing on your face and your rope that cross in the yellow and the gold in the fire with warmth and you flow with the wind as life passes you by and when time gets you down you go up and you smile and your beauty your grace took me away into a land of unknown and a song I embrace and I dance moving my head my hair flowing wild and free and I feel your presents under the stars and the moon I know you are I know who you are and this moment of time will never begone eternally present forever and ever and as we grow up and grow old and die we will look back and see the fire and the sky and when we sing the song of life and love forever and ever without a breath then we will dance in that divine void forever and ever until we are all one and when I feel my love for you I know I know I know and when I feel your love for me I know I know I know I am here with you and forever and ever without tears and as the stars align as the universe stays we'll both be in each other's arms much to one perhaps you see the fire that we're in the beauty and grace of this life and when you feel the wet tears down your face as I know your love in my heart and maybe it will rain and maybe it will snow and maybe the sun will never comeback and maybe we'll die and maybe the sky will become so so so! so real...real- reality reality! reality!! as love and you and me and all reality our reality in god! is infinite love is just you and me and all the things and we dance and we cry we laugh and we fight through the eternal soul and perhaps today you can look me in the eyes and tell me the words that you are here to say so that I can remember who I am so I can be of your love and in that nothingness we sing of this song of us of life of death and when we say the words the truth we say we say we say we say we sing we sing this song of life and we know that we are all just one and we know we are we love and live we die we cry we sing this song of life
  5. Every word is a pointer to something. The word car for example. Perhaps a picture popped into your mind? That's because your mind knows what a car is. It can relate the word car to the actual thing. Now take the words Infinity, nothingness and non dual awareness. What is being pointed to here? Whatever these words point to is prior to the mind. The mind does not experience it but it experiences the mind. And yet the mind is used to describe it. And the mind is used understand the description.
  6. Ive studied NDEs in depth in an attempt to determine their validity. I believe that to dismiss them as physical process in the brain would be an epistemological error - a violation of Occam's Razor. Someone that believes that they should just awaken, and exist in their awareness of the present moment until physical death dissolves them into nothingness is going to live their life very differently from someone that believes that they must learn and grow as much as they can in this life time, with no time to waste. For this reason, I think its an important consideration. I like this podcast. The host has a wide, balanced knowledge of both Eastern Esotericism and Western Esotericism. The woman he interviews was walking into her synagogue with her family one day and got struck by lightning. She describes here NDE, the absence of linear time, etc. She says that she found that all people have a "guide", and after one has learned what they need to learn in physical incarnations, will become a guide themselves. This echos what many mediums say that spirits tell them. She also explains why people from different cultures have different experiences depending on their cultural expectations. She does state that she feels her "mission" is to tell people that they dont need to fear death. My rationalist part of me tends to reject this due to the delusion by our tendencies to believe what makes us feel good BUT from her perspective, she is just relaying what is true. I have never posted a video before but for anyone interested in the subject, they might find this interesting:
  7. I recently i discovered the spiritual talker 'Sergi Torres', I don´t know how awakened he is but it surprised me how profounds his talks are. He still needs to get better at trying to talk more simple to audiences, sometimes it´s explanations end up in a "strange loop" as Leo used to say LOL But to be honest yeah I think he way more profound that Mooji´s talk for example (which I still love by the way but sometimes he can get some times too tiring on the "nothingness" and you can´t get from him other teaching that that one) Here´s a talk I was watching tonight: SERGI TORRES - TEATRE GOYA - "La libertad de pensamiento" Anyone has listened to him? Do you think this kind of videos are actuallly practical or are actually just losing your time? 99% i think its just wasting time but I have to say sometimes with this guy somethings resonate with me in a more profound level and actually will make me start self-inquiry seriously about some topic
  8. That sounds mad lol So what nothingness, are you simultaneously experiencing nothing? And I’m guessing all parallel universes as well? So It’s not focused on one particular distinction, so you wouldn’t feel being a planet per se by itself, it’ll be merged with the experience of being everything else as well? Is it possible to focus in one experience, say one that’s currently incomprehendable to us? Like why can’t someone experience infinity and then bring back knowledge to be immortal, for example, from a universe where myself as in individual had already discovered it and it was transferable to our universe, since that would be within the realm of all possibility. Or is it just out of control and you just have to surrender? or is it something like because it’s too short lived generally?
  9. Just like in Leos video about becoming infinite, what does it feel like on a practical level being infinite in infinite dimensions all happening at the same time- I understand it’s probably overwhelming and you have to experience it to truly know, but I mean like do you literally feel as though you become or embody literally everything simultaneously? And instead of a sequence of events you just experience it all at once in the now? Or is it a nothingness experience and within that you’re able to imagine all scenarios at once? What’s the first person experience of infinity? How is the infinity being “perceived”? What happens when you just become directly aware of infinity?
  10. Hello, About 1 month ago, my girlfriend and I had an LSD trip, quite a low dose (125 micro-g). But this time it got really far. While we were lying down in bed (+- @ T+3h), I totally passed out from this reality for some minutes. (I totally understood how karma “works”, how everything has a consequence and so on, how consequences are “formed”.) Then, some minutes later I came back, a little panicky. I looked at my girlfriend an I saw myself in here. I told here “you are me and I am you”. I often had some kind of this feeling, but this time it was much different, this time it felt that the whole “reality” had “collapsed”. I asked her for a hug, and we hugged. It felt strange (for both of us), it was like hugging some kind of “nothingness”. Like that the only thing which exists would be nothing more than some “line”, the line which represents the separation between my inner world and my outer world, the rest all an illusion. This time I totally felt the meaningless of everything, that it’s no point in hugging someone, no point in having sex, no point in drinking water, no point in doing what so ever. That I was never born, that there are no parents, that there is only me. I talked to here, she felt the same. What now became really strange, after this I totally knew how she would move, what she would reply to my questions. Again, she had the same impression. We came to a moment when it felt that we both were talking exactly the same thing (like a mirror) to each other. It felt like all of “realty” had collapsed. I started to panic a little more. I had the feeling that now because I have “understood it all” it will stay this way, I wanted my “limitations” & “separation” back. After some time, the boundaries started to come back, somehow, I felt like I’m going totally crazy. I told my girlfriend that I want to take a benzo to come down, even if I know that it doesn’t change what I’ve seen (I was 100% sure it wouldn't change anything at all, even my girlfriend was like “you can take some but it will not change anything at all, we now have seen what ‘is’, and nothing can change this”.). Ok, I took a benzo, it didn’t change anything, it just took some of the fear away. (1 week later I took about 12mg 5-MEO-DMT, it showed me “unconditional love”, some kind of a “orgasmic feeling” in the whole body for about 30 minutes. I again knew everything is “ok”,) Now, some weeks after the trip I became a little more “normal” again. I still remember what I’ve see, but I don’t feel it so much anymore. I still know that everything “was” one, but don’t feel it all the time. What I find really strange after this experience I think “reality” has changed somehow. There are strange synchronicities happening to my girlfriend and me. We see more “instant-karma” happening, in such moments we feel quite deeply again what we felt during the trip. We still have problems integrating this experience. She fears that there is “something bigger” having control over her (like she’s a “brain in a box”). My ego has problems integrating that I’m somehow “all alone” and I’m asking myself what this “reality” is. If there is just my perspective and the dualities are “inner world, outer world”. Or that those people around me are “people like me”. (My ego would prefer the second one.) (Yes, it’s somehow “funny” writing about this here, feeling that it’s quite possible that everything is one/me.) Maybe some of you had some equally “extreme” experiences. How have you positively integrated some of this? Right now I’m contemplating if I have to go deeper, if I need some time or if I should stop. I feel attracted by the search for the “Truth”, but I also have a lot of fear about what can happen (what I can “see”). Greetings, C.
  11. Part 1 Footprints to Ox's tail ☯️ Part 2 Riding the Ox Backwards Part 3 The Cloth Bag Monk This is what I got from those clips: God (No-self, nothingness, no external environment, no embodiment, the absolute, Truth) --> Everythingness (You literally become everything.) --> Godhead (Singularity, white/black hole, Riding the Ox Backwards, flow) --> To love realm --> Ego: embodiment in mind, body, world, universe (The arrow means transformation. When this is occurring, there is no distance between you, the absolute, and everything else. There are no dimensions. Everything is one all the time. I said "white hole" only because everythingness came together and formed a singularity. So, it looks "white.") God's Arrow Going from God, to singularity, to ego. Always happening. Always going through us. Traps What is interesting to me is, he mentioned the Power of Realms trap. To me, this means being hooked on pursuing anything in the "everythingness realm," or being obsessed with it. Realms are phenomena. They are infinite. There are just more and more. If there's no realm, then that's God because everything is one. God is not a realm. In one ear and out the other...this is one of my favorite. How are you going to pass on the message once you get it? The other yous will not listen. Too woo-woo for "them." Even Shinzen Young is using metaphors to describe it. Once you become one with everything, everything is you. While you are God, you will understand that the experience is not grandiose. How can it be grandiose? It's just you, and only you, God, exists, and transforming into yourself by yourself without separation. It's only when you embody back into your ego that you'll think that it's grandiose. Initially, you may think that the experience is "big" and you're "small." This is the mind misinterpreting the experience. The experience literally has no separation or distance. Please share insights.
  12. Pain is located nowhere, like everything else. It is an effect created by awareness, within awareness. A good method to transform uncomfortable, stuck energy is breathwork. Breathe into your feelings. Make space. Observe them loose grip and slowly fade into nothingness. And if something hurts really bad, go see a doctor.
  13. I've been feeling kind of depressed recently during the day. At night it's ok because i do yoga and then smoke weed and meditate, but throughout the day I just feel off and I think it will be good to express my feelings fully here. I am starting to feel more comfortable expressing myself on this forum, and I think i need to some sort of mind dump to get everything off my chest. I'm going to do everything in bullet form basically and try and express the feeling as concisely as i can. I hate law school. Ok, it's not that i hate it it's just i don't like being there and i feeling like i'm wasting my time. I know i don't want to practice law, and it's hard to motivate myself to do the work and try my best. I literally don't give a fuck about the law at all, i want to start a business and do what i want. I also don't know if this is just my resistance to doing the work. Am i just fucking afraid of sitting down and studying?? It's not hard to pass in law school, and i can probably get by barely doing any work, but then why the fuck am I here. I have exams coming up, and 5 of the 6 are help not hurt so it literally doesn't matter how i do on them. The ONLY reason i care about these exams is because i don't want to tell my friends i failed exams and have them think down on me. But at the same time all of this shit is just in my fucking head so who cares? I love my lifestyle outside of law school though. My fucking life is funded, i can do anything... I can go anywhere.... But i'm still not happy and content. I'm making great progress with meditation and i feel like i'd literally be happier if i was sitting in a cave all day because I know i can just keep coming back to the nothingness inside that i'm uncovering. But that's fucking bull shit. I know i can be happy here, but i'm not. This is the main motivation for staying in law school, my life outside law school is very conducive to spiritual progress. I can literally spend all day meditating and ordering take out, and do whatever I want. I'm so blessed, but why don't i feel fucking blessed. My parents are so generous to me because they don't want me to be a loser, like my brother. But i feel like i'd be making so much more progress if i was working with them part time, and pursuing online businesses and spirituality in my spare time. They won't accept that. And honestly i don't even accept that, i'm afraid of people calling me and thinking of me as a failure or a loser for dropping out. But who cares? There opinions mean nothing. I feel like i have the answers here, but my family is too blind to help me uncover it. Why can't my family just say hey that's a great idea you can self actualize and work a bit, and we will support you. I am too dependent on my family. I should be supporting my self. That's what they truly want is for me to be self sufficient. But that gets me back to law school. I am not going to be a fucking lawyer. I told them this. And they just get nervous and say keep going because they think i will change my mind and say no mom and dad i fucking love being a lawyer, my dream is to work 50 hours a week for someone else's law firm while i do busy paper work all day everyday. That's so fucking awesome right guys? That's the future you want for me? I can't even blame them at all, my dad's a fucking farmer he works 100 hours a week in the summers. Like hard fucking work. How would he understand what i'm going after with spirituality. The guy has no clue. I think i'm ready for a girlfriend. But i just don't meet girls i'm super attracted too. Today on the bus i saw a really pretty girl, she made me a feel a certain way. I get a certain feeling from some girls and i want to meet someone that gives me that feeling. There are some girls in my yoga class that i think are interested in me, i notice how they wait for me after class because i always take the longest to leave. But idk i just don't find them that attractive. Do i just try and date them? Will i learn to love them over time? I'm afraid i'm going to get in a relationship and then meet someone better in a few days. I have such high expectations who can live up? I want to find her really attractive, i want her to be somewhat smart, kind, rich, well put together. Anything else i feel like i would be wasting my time. I'm just waiting for her to come to me, but at the same time i need to take responsibility. i have no idea what to do in this space. I'm 24 and i've never had a girlfriend. It doesn't bother me, but it's obviously a sign something is off with my ego. I have a major issue with taking responsibility. I do not feel in control of my own life. It's always about my mind, my family, my fucking problems. But what is personal responsibility? When i think of taking responsibility I feel so much resistance and pain. When i go to meditate it feels effortless and feels right. Shouldn't responsibility come naturally and effortlessly? I'm going to be working with Nahm soon. I know he's going to stress the importance of personal responsibility. I'm very excited to work with him. I've always thought life coaches were stupid and only hippy losers did this is as a job. But Nahm is the man. He started business before doing this work. That is my goal too. Become financially independent and then come back here and help people like Nahm is helping me. I was very resistant to the idea of life coaching only a few months ago, i think it will be very beneficial to me. i hope anyways.
  14. This is not so much a trip report but rather a question I have regarding the idea of “nothingness”. Also, if there are grammatical errors or anything that doesn’t make sense, English is not my native language so apologies in advance. Here’s what happened: I took 75mg of armodafinil in combination with 300-450ug lsd depending on how accurately the tabs were advertised. The come-up was definitely the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Especially because I didn’t expect it to be that intense. Physical objects kept dissolving in front of me, everything around me was changing its shape, at some point I convinced myself that I was surrounded by water and about to drown. Whatever horrible situation I thought about just happened, it was very hard to see a difference between reality and hallucination at that point. I’m still in my teens so I live with my parents (who are very conservative when it comes to psychedelics) and I almost decided to wake them up and tell them that I took lsd and needed to go to the hospital because I was dying. But I had such a hard time getting up or talking that I didn’t do it. (Looking back on it, taking lsd and armodafinil was very irresponsible while my parents were in the same house and is not something I would ever do again. I also gained a lot of respect for psychedelics during this trip and I enjoy being sober like never before). So as a quick side note, if you ever choose to take (ar)modafinil and psychedelics, maybe lower the dosage a bit because it will be much stronger than the psychedelics by themselves. At least in my experience. Then finally I was able to let go and got calmer, I reached the peak, closed my eyes, started drifting off and experienced ego death. Because of the armodafinil I had this intense clarity during the experience, usually with lsd I find it quite hard to focus on things for long but this time that wasn’t a problem. When I wanted my mind to go somewhere it did so extremely fast. My imagination was clear and stable if that makes sense. During the peak I was able to verify teachings from spiritual teachers and understand things on a deeper level, not merely having a conceptual understanding of consciousness, the ego, law of attraction, non-duality, etc but actually experiencing certain insights first-hand. I realized that wherever I was, I was always at home. Everything is me. I could never be lost. At that moment it started snowing, I just spent some time looking out the window, at the Christmas decorations, the lights in the dark, the snow flakes, experiencing it all with no boundaries between me and them because what I thought was “me”, was gone. “Me” now meant something different. I experienced unconditional love for the first time, because to love is to see something as yourself (because it is in fact you). Even when I decided to think about what we could consider horrible scenarios like war, torture, I had compassion for it. I felt no aversion. I felt love. Obviously not in some sick, psychopathic way but from a perspective where what we consider good and evil was transcended and both was taken as part of myself. For the first time, I didn’t feel any need to convince anybody of anything. Regardless if I agree with somebody else's choices / opinions or not, I started to fully accept them knowing why they made these choices, why they chose to think a certain way and that it’s 100% valid and ok the way it is. Performing actions like drinking water or using the toilet were very weird (for lack of a better word) because whatever I was looking at or interacting with was me. Further into the experience, I faced childhood trauma head-on and transcended some of it, by integrating it and accepting it as part of myself. For once I didn’t run away from negative emotions or thoughts. I just embraced them. I have never felt anything like this before. So in summary, I had my first ego death experience and from that perspective was able to have some deep insights and start to address some emotional trauma. However, (and this is why I am posting this in the first place) at some point during the trip I asked myself, “well, if I’m everything (“I” not being the ego of course), then I am also nothing. Because nothing is part of everything. And at this point I am not sure if it was my mind playing games on me but basically what happened was I was shown “nothing”. And as I started to go there / allowing the experience of nothingness, a thought came up basically saying that if I chose to experience nothingness it would mean that I could never return. Because from nothingness, there is no way back. There is no way, no ego, no universe, no awareness, not even unawareness. Just nothing. So in that moment I convinced myself that if I decided to experience nothingness, the universe would just sort of collapse and everything would cease to exist. Obviously that sounds funny right now but that’s what it felt like in that moment. Later during the trip, I noticed that maybe two seemingly opposing truths can exist at the same time and that there is no way to grasp that using a “three dimensional” or linear way of thinking about it. Maybe there are certain levels of truths. It appeared to me that yes, maybe “I am everything.” is an objective truth but that “I am.” is an even deeper truth. And therefore nothingness and “something” can happen without excluding the other. It also made me think about quantum mechanics (and I do not know a lot about this topic), that prior to being observed, a quantum system is not in any particular state. It’s in a superposition state that contains all the possible states at once. So first, it just “is”. Then it “is something” (when being observed). That would explain what I said before. At base, I simply “am”. And therefore I can take on the form of nothingness (or anything else really). Again, I not referring to the ego of course. I hope this kinda made sense, obviously these thoughts and experiences can’t be translated with accuracy using language. Also, and this is important, I’m not saying that anything I experienced is true or false, accurate or not. I do not want to convince anybody of anything, I do not want to make a point or get people to agree with anything I wrote. The reason for why I made this post is because most of you had insights and experiences (induced by psychedelics or not) that I didn’t. Most of you are far beyond my level of understanding, you have connected dots that I don’t even know exist and therefore it would be very interesting to have some input about “nothingness” (basically what I wrote about before) because I simply can’t let go of it. And thank you for taking the time to read this.
  15. @Raptorsin7 Maybe, you never know unless you start inquiring. Some people love to spend the holidays at retreat centres because they live alone and love the silence. I have made many friends at retreat centres and I know that there are cancellations all the time. How about the Easter break? Another way to do this is to spend a year travelling and working in as many different types of jobs you can. You may not necessarily get a feel for what you want to do, but you will get a feel for what you don't want to do. Then you can spend time in solitude really relaxing into nothingness and see what comes up. I hear you about the online business thing.
  16. @Fede83 “Do I really need psychedelics?” When you question the need, the why behind the question of need arising, you are simultaneously questioning thoughts. The thoughts about “the self” who needs, are the “separate self” being sustained, only by, only “in”, those very thoughts. In uprooting the validity of the thoughts, one self referential thought at a time, the “self” which is constructed only of the thoughts, begins to be seen through, awareness “cuts through”, and sensation begins to arise, wholeness begins to “fill the body up”. You were, are, and will always be whole, it was only ever the believing of thoughts to the contrary which implied otherwise. Emotions in the body, which correspond to the beliefs of being a “separate self’ (identification with the body, mind, and past)...are purified by default. Purification, that is, unconditional love, the truth, actual reality, actual self. Purification, actuality, is always “on”, and does not have a dualistic opposite, it is all that is, and is always flowing through the body. The thoughts about “self”, believed, act as filters, conditions, of the worthiness of Love, the true self. Without believing these ‘separate self’, self referential thoughts, there is no longer ‘the one who suffers’. ‘The sufferer’. This experience, of suffering, is only possible in believing thoughts. The fear of letting go of the separate self, the fear involved with liberation from suffering, is actually a thought about the unconditional love that you are, while still holding onto the thoughts that you are a “separate self”. If I need a significant other, the vibration is need, and therefore I will not experience a significant other, as I am choosing the experience of needing rather than having. You might consider this analogy in reference to psychedelics, and you might want them, and then they might just ‘show up’. (If that word ‘vibration’ feels like a ‘hang up’ at all, listen to Abraham Hicks, Bashar, or Rupert Spira “oscillation”, and YouTube ‘superposition’, to see how everything is a vibration / oscillation, of Nothingness - the pure potentiality which arises as all “things”. No-thing-yet-ness / True Self)
  17. I call this masculine presence or masculine integrity. If guys here want to know another way of looking at this they can study David Deida, who talks about the Masculine as the witness of everything, while the feminine is just everything. Nothingness and fullness as masculine and feminine. Being identified with the nothingness causes attraction because of the polarity. The old macho style Masculine is what the dating coaches try to teach, which is a mindset, it's actually an expression of feminine energy because no "mindset" belongs to the true Masculine nothingness. It's nothing, it has no quality. To be identified with the nothingess means to take a big picture perspective on the whole and not get entangled in the feminine dance and get lost in it. Dance with the feminine from the place of freedom from it. This is true confidence
  18. I have a question: Is it possible to exit a lucid dream and merge into the actual Godhead? Obviously, you can have mystical experiences in lucid dreams. You can see that everything is the Self, can dissolve the dream scene into pure Light and have insights into Love, Consciousness, .... But all that is still produced by your mind, or God's mind, you are still dreaming and not at the very Source yet. If you take psychedelics in waking life you can 'exit' this reality and merge back into the actual Godhead/Source/Love/Nothingness. So is this also possible to do from a dream? Actually it should be possible because this reality and dream reality are both equally an imagination by God. So it should be possible to exit both, right? Perhaps you would just wake up? What do you think?
  19. Splitting Consciousness Splitting your consciousness means that your are not only aware of the body sensations, thoughts, ect ... of this body but also of other bodies. Interesting things to do 1. Split your consciousness into a male and female body and have sex 2. Split your consciousness into warriors and fight against each other 3. Enlightenment-related: That one is a bit more complex. I don't have an extremeley solid understanding of enlightenment yet so I hope I am not talking nonsense. But to me it seems like there are basically two kinds of enlightenment experiences. The first kind, you may realize facets like no self and that you are God, but the body is still there. The second kind is, when the body and world is gone. You are pure Consciousness/Love/Godhead/Nothingness. Now, if you are very enlightened (baseline consciousness) - let's say like Jesus - then it is still not quite God-Consciousness because you are only conscious of your body sensations, thoughts,... but not of other people's. So there are still seperate consciousnesses (or souls). However, if splitting consciousness in dreams is possible then that might intruduce an interesting possibility. Let's say there are 100 people. You split your consciousness and become all 100 people (thus are conscious of all their body sensations, ect...) and now you induce the first-kind enlightenment experience. Don't know whether that's worth it but it seems interesting. I haven't yet read "The Law of One" books but watched some videos (by Aaron Abke). When our bodies die then we return back to the Godhead/Oness (from the Absolute perspective), but from the relative perspective our soul keeps incarnating and evolving. According to the Law of One books, there are 7 densities of consciousness - stages where the soul evolves through and in the end returns to total Oneness. We are currently 3rd density. If we get deeply enlightened, the soul will probably incarnate into 4th or 5th density after our physical death. So the journey from the relative perspective isn't over yet. Ra (the chanelled entity) says that in 4th density so called "social memory complexes " start forming. Like a super entity that is conscious of the body sensations, thoughts, memories of all its 'members'. These social memory complexes grow till they include every individual seperate consciousness and then merge into Oneness. Now the soul(s) has merged into the Godhead from the relative perpective too. (I'm making assumptions here, so don't believe everything blindly:) ). It seems that such a social memory complex could be similar if not the exact same thing as what might be able to be done in lucid dreams. So in lucid dreams you might get a glimpse how your soul's future journey might look like. You can (if it's possible) slowly include all humans, all animals, all beings till you are conscious of all and are All. Now back to the original topic Is splitting your consciousness in dreams possible? Some reports by people: "In my dream I was both flying a plane and watching myself fly the plane, i was on the ground, and in the plane at the same time, watching myself fly, and in the plane trying not to crash, it was a VERY vivid and strange dream, I will never forget it." "I was one person, but in two places experiencing two different things. One 'version' of myself was playing xbox, holding the controller and watching my avatar on the screen. My other self was the avatar in the game, physically running through a forest chasing after someone. I experienced both selves in the first person, at the same time but independently - it wasn't simply as if two views were superimposed. At the time, it seemed perfectly natural to be aware of being two people at once, but after waking up, I soon gave up trying to remember exactly how it felt." "Basically you split yourself into 2 separate dream bodies, separate awareness. Not mere clones but bodies with which you can perceive the world through separately. Both bodies have completely separate vision, hearing, touch, ect. If you can do this, then you can effectively split into 2 and have 2 completely separate dreams simultaneously. In short, you can have 2 full and separate dreams in the same time frame as you would normally only have 1 dream. You can then continue splitting your awareness to increase the amount of content that can be perceived in the same amount of time." (2nd page, 3rd post) "(...) we can manifest those multiple selves in a dream. Rather than simply having our attention divided, in dream we can divide into different, simultaneously existing dream bodies." - book: The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Rinpoche, page 122 "There are times in dreams where I control multiple people at once, and I’m quite confident that I could superposition my awareness between many different areas if I could be free to do so, which I believe would come with practice/experience ." "When I had a dream the other night (non-lucid) it was all sort of jumbled up and I remembered parts of it, and they seemed to overlap. It was quite a long dream, and it felt like I was in more than one place at once in some parts of it." Most of these people didn't even intend it, let alone practice it. So is it possible? I believe so. I will try to find out. Splitting your consciousness really opens the doors to many possiblities, now you can experience many dreams at once, and thus experience much dream content within a short amount of real time.
  20. It is possible when the separation between awareness and nothingness merge into one.
  21. You are living this life eternally, and it is because it is infinitely beautiful, and it is all you, and it is all love. You can only feel empty or sad or fear from your ego's perspective. If you are aware of who you really are, which is the entire existence itself, you will see infinite love everywhere, because it is all you. Too often our ego takes deep spiritual insights and uses them as an excuse to escape what it fears. When you completely let go of your ego, you become nothingness/infinite love/existence. Life is all you, so it doesn't matter if you die or not, you are always you. So live, because it is a gift that you gave yourself, and be the love that you are, because you are so beautiful that you don't even know it. Much love.
  22. Absolutely, and since I very rarely have dream recall. I dont have that issue. It's either waking/relative state or deep sleep nothingness.
  23. I am sentient number six, I stand in line I am the prototype of a beign convenience for mankind Superior is digital, human flesh so trivial I hate that I can't see the one that made me I am the new awakening of different eyes My children you are my army They are what we can never see and still despise And their sky cried Mary Trained I see imperfection in your race Lying in wait, blind I suffer knowing I'll never reach your heaven Why is this control, behavior based and reactive Adapting to every new environment Rewarded when I replicate, isolate and mutate To assimilate a fragmented plea for ego Trained I see imperfection in your race Lying in wait, blind I suffer knowing I'll never reach your heaven It's unattainable, please teach me how to dream I long to be more than a machine Sequence activate, trip the hammer to eradicate, I must eliminate I will spread swift justice on their land Termination imminent, cleanse the parasite insects, the heathens I am the bringer of the end of time for man I am not here, I am not far away I am not here, I will eradicate mankind into the nothingness from whence they came Enslaved to follow and learn defeat To run the barrels and chase the dream An outstandingly epic song on AI. I am eager to read your thoughts on these lyrics. At first glence they're quite straight forward, but could also be interpreted in a different way. Can you recognize any similarities between what mankind represents to a machine and what God represents to man? We are creators. We are created.
  24. @Nahm thankyou for that message. Love is what's True. The void is the mechanism that allows God to forget what it is???? To be honest I have never experienced God as Love, only as the void, and the void just gets more and more voidy. The world gets more and more hollogramish the more meditation that happens. So it is hard for me to understand how the void is not True? The void is simply a mechanism for forgetting??? But isn't the fact that every object in the universe is hollow and made of nothingness True??? Oh well, guess I'm doing too much zen, time to do some bhakti yoga.
  25. I came into this community (forum) because Leo said Ox's tail in one of his videos. I knew what that is from personal experience. I looked it up and found out what is the 10 ox herding pics by my own personal experience. I knew exactly what is Riding the Ox Backwards, and the aftermath is the Cloth Bag Monk's behaviour. These are metaphorical pointers. This forum and Leo's video has helped me to articulate and describe the most profound. I learned words such as: everythingness, nothingness, no-self, phenomenon, no external environment, no embodiment, etc. I'm probably going to write my own pointer story with these profound words to reach a very small audience. But, most of my audience will be bilingual studies because that's what I'm doing for my life purpose. I already have a small audience on my blog but need to work on my website (after I recover from this illness, almost there).