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  1. @Tony 845 My bad then. Thought he just got depressed and awakened.
  2. @Aakash Almost no teacher denies that there are different depths of enlightenment. More advanced teachers tend to even map out the path, and the subsequent stages of enlightenment: A few modern examples would be Ramaji, Davidya, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. More ancient examples would be the Jain and Theravada states of enlightenment. That culminate with what the both term arhathood. Liberation, kaivalya, Perfect nirvana. Ramaji postulates that the reason people get stuck at a specific level of enlightenment is due to the fact that they start teaching at that level. They believe they see truth. Their perception and interpretation starts to become rigid. Their understanding of the world untouchable. This might seem like progress but in fact it’s stagnation. In Buddhism there are many stories of monks who overestimated their level of understanding, and due to false understanding got stuck. In short false or incomplete understanding, rigidity, thinking you know are barriers to growth. Leo himself, and due to his influence and culture on here other members on here. Most of whom have only had psychedelic insights. A few who have awakened on a basic level. Are among those with false understanding. The ego hijacks, pretends it understands. Ones emotions find solace and an escape in misunderstandings and interpretations. Combine all that, and what you have is a bunch of non dual know it all. Deeply out of touch with the humanity. With life. Who are the barriers to their own growth.
  3. Preface: You will not truly grasp this unless you are awakened and you're ego is fighting for survival...and yes you can be enlightened and still have an ego. I don't give a fuck what anyone says about that. Until you are dead you have an ego. So in my preface I've already answered my own question. Or have i? Therein lies the strange loop. And here it is: Is our enlightenment simply taking consciousness to it's limits. What if there is something beyond consciousness itself? What if we just found a satisfying answer to why is there something out of nothing? And if a tree falls with no one there does it make a sound? (Does an object exist without a perceiver) What if the object does exist but its not the answer of the universe is consciousness itself but there is something outside of consciousness itself but we can't grasp it because we are consciousness. The only time i knew this not to be true was when i experienced infinity and enlightenent in my direct experience. When I'm back in my ego this question remains. (You can say i just answered my own question but did i? I can't bring the certainty back unless i have another mystical experience. So now i doubt that consciousness itself is all there is. But then i think to myself how can there be anything else but nothing and or something so it has to be true. I'm not suggesting the materialist paradigm here..thats long gone. Im suggesting that we just came up with "an answer" because we took it to the limit. And the limit is enlightenment itself. But what if there is something outside of consciousness? Is this just my ego or is this the strange loop itself? This is a rhetorical question because all of you guys are consciousness itself..including leo and myself so therefore there is nothing BUT enlightenent and far as we know!!! So it has to be true...but what if its not? Did i answer my own question?
  4. I feel like this might be an issue for many. It may as well be the reason why those who are enlightened, metaphorically speaking, are unable to leave the concept of enlightenment and nothingness behind. This is where purpose comes in. This is where passion takes over. Creativity. Meaning. Connection. Expansion. Expression. Love. This is the birth of The Creator. The end of victimhood. The recognition of will. It is living in the here and now. It is following your excitement without questioning a thing. It is the ultimate fulfillment. It is that which gives meaning to the meaningless. While seeking, achieving this should be one's highest motive. You did not start walking this path to run in circles. You started it to wake up to your totality. To become it. Not to be stuck on philosophizing about being it. You are the master. Show it. Express it uniquelly. Don't use limitations in order to describe your infinitude. Be infinite here and now. Play the game of being human. Do it in a most loving and accepting way. Respect this journey. You did not create it to spit on it once you become aware of it. Do not deny the sleep. Simply be awake; now that you've awakened. Love.
  5. @Toby Jan was my teacher for a bit. Met the dude a couple times. Pretty sure your kundalini is awakenjng by his definition iirc. He did make a distinction between awakening kundalini & a complete kundalini awakenine/awakened kundalini though. Maybe that’s what your referring to? Where the snake goes up into the ventricles? That doesn’t happen to all have kundalini. Never happened to ramaji for example. All kundalini is different. In function and purpose, so that shouldn’t be a judge of anything. I experienced that myself a year + ago and haven’t had kundalini since, but again all kundalini is different. My advice to you would be surrender to the kundalini. Read up on and gather info that seems relevant to you, but realise no other persons kundalini can teach you anything about yours.
  6. I want to share 2 insights I learned from 2 videos of Ralston, which I have linked at the bottom, and something I’m quickly and rather rudely being awakened to in my own contemplations is the following: all because something isn’t metaphysically or existentially true, doesn’t mean it’s not useful. You can learn FOREVER. This insight is piggybacks off of the deep realization I had yesterday in my own experience of how existence is difference or “this and that”. However, I still have only see the little drop of this giant iceberg of an insight. Everything you learn, in a sense, is a distinction. Whether it came from you or not is another matter but regardless, everything you learn you create... and this was a helluva mindfuck (my hand was over my mouth when I realized this). For example (and this was what I brought to mind when I realized this), since we’re on the forum, bring to mind everything you know, feel, have learned, your story about Actualized and of course @Leo Gura. Now... get where all of that is arising. What is the nature of all of that? It’s a thought. You and I literally created this whole narrative and story about Leo and actualized in the form of a thought that, likely, you didn’t have conscious awareness of that whole story and all the emotions that come with that story (or any example, doesn’t matter). Notice how that’s not actually true and if that’s not actually true, Leo really doesn’t exist for you... think about that. Notice this mechanism in your own experience. Notice that this mechanism, distinctions, are not thoughts per say. Now, become aware in your experience that you not only create these distinctions and worlds (unknowingly or not) but also notice that if you pay close attention, if you were to eliminate that distinction, it wouldn’t be real for you. So what that means using a tangible example, if the concept of logic never was introduced to you, logic wouldn’t exist. Which is to also say, you created this world and “thing” called logic since logic itself isn’t something floating out there in the ether. Also notice though... that these distinctions, stories, and concepts have still served you though. With that last point and example in mind let’s look at some examples of powerful distinctions despite them not being existentially true: Logic The Subconscious or Unconcious Mind Morality Gravity The Laws of Physics Mathematical Laws Your life story Death Sentient Rationality Symbols Language Success Failure Pain Society The ego Now... realize that this list can not only be exhausted to infinity but also that, each of these things are all different relative distinctions that are going to be interpreted differently in some way by each and every one of you because you all are going to have different relationships to these distinctions given the difference between all of your own individual upbringing (notice what I had to do there too? ). I invite you to also grasp that this is also creativity at work. Creating worlds & learning for infinity, this power is available to you. Notice the power here. You can literally learn and create forever. Imagine creating a distinction like “the subconscious mind” that, yes isn’t true in the real of absolute truth of Nothingness, but becomes true in the relative world. For instance... what if you created a new world for how we become enlightened and explore the nature of consciousness and create a whole new spiritual practice?... I think this is why I’ve always been attracted to different athletic coaches, sages, etc. They literally created this world from scratch by (unknowingly and unconsciously most likely) using the power of distinctions.
  7. Are there any confirmed cases of either of these or are they folklore? There is also a theory phscosis isnt real? But then again I've never been in a physc ward so what do I know... also leo if you read this don't be afraid to make a video breaking down Kundalini, would of loved to have known about it before energy shot out of my crown chakra unexpectedly, I thought I was the damn Buddha for a minute..??‍♂️ Not sure the level of which my kundalini is awakened but it's for sure awakened, both of these topics have me a little concerned though...
  8. There are many ways to reach the awakened mind. Your’s is one way. The Work is another. As for the elevator, it’s job is to take you to a higher floor. The Work’s job is to take you to a higher stage of awareness. But the elevator has a limit. It can only take you so far. And same with The Work, and any technique that exists. Eventually, you have to get off the elevator to get to your office. Similarly, all techniques must be discarded in the end to reach the awakened mind.
  9. I have not pursued this path per example and have awakened almost 3 years ago. But after all that time, only this month I dived deep into the permanent state of bliss. The last 2 years were ups and downs during the day, moments of bliss with other moments of dark nights of the soul, having almost every day continuous ego deaths so to speak. So yes, if you decide to skip the breath and think all the time, eventually one will fall into the trap of forgetting, again.
  10. If someone perceives you as angry it's because they are likely projecting their insecurities/wounds on to you. I've had someone do this to me on the forum recently, even though I fully embody love and have no wounds of my own. What they didn't know is that unconditional love will use someone, like an awakened being who's done the proper healing work, in a way that even the exact way they word things is done so in a way to trigger the insecurities of others to heal them, even when they end up just thinking poorly of the healer that just blessed them with their presence. What a fascinating world we live in, where the beings who love the deepest are often the ones who get crucified. Jesus, or the being that the Jesus figure represents, is a perfect example of the human tendency to lash out towards the one who likely loves you more than anyone else ever will. That's what happens when no one even knows what true unconditonal love even looks like when it's looking them straight in the face. I know you likely know all of this, but I said it for others. ?
  11. More than that. Actually, from more than a year, I'm constantly on my own DMT. This is the reason for my state of bliss all the time, even if I'm apparently angry hahahaha. The Art or Breath combined with Kundalini and with all the other colors, just marvelous. I've used heavy doses of several drugs in the past, so if I take a dose of let's say 20mg of 5meo I can still go and drive my car without passing out. Because I have conquered/discovered that fase in the awakening stage. What is mindblowing for most people, for me is a walk in the park. Cause maybe I've had experienced death so many times that Breath is the most blissful thing to me. Also from about 3 years old to the age of 16, I was having ego deaths almost every night, waking up in the middle of the night and seeing reality as I see it now, from an awakened perspective. But back then was like btw sleep and awake and I did not know what was happening, felt fear most of the times. So is complex, experience and pain taught me the most.
  12. This may be most appropriate for SD Green thinkers hoping to move into Yellow, but offers something for everyone..... Something that I found very liberating along the path to awakening was realizing that we are just animals. If your like me, probably at some point along the path, if you self reflect, you may notice you start to subtly judge others based upon your new set of values developed through reading awakened masters of the past, watching Leo's video's, starting a meditation practice or wanting the world to be a better place. Now ask yourself, why don't you judge apes, dogs, cats, sharks, elephants, coyotes the same way? Is it because your society said your different? What would it be like to accept yourself and others with less judgement, like you do with animals? For me, I realized how much I self judged myself and others for being how we were all designed; animals essentially. We all came through this same process of a big bang, to formation of stars, and organisms, to more a familiar now nature as "animals" yet we separate ourselves from it and judge accordingly with, oh humans are territorial and act violent and we kill eachother, and steal, this is horrible, we should be One nation, One earth (and this can be something we can aspire to and work towards) but this isn't how things were created within the universe, nor was it ever a problem that it happened this way! This can very liberating to let in, and can help you let go of a lot of self judgement about being animal like in nature (territorial, fearful, skeptical, cautious, traumatized, selfish, all nature created conditions) and judgement of others who you see as problems who aren't or haven't woken up.
  13. An awakened human being will be misunderstood, there is no way around it. And those who are not aware enough, they will be the first to point the "nonsese" from their perspective.
  14. @Hellspeed the awakened and the dormant. huh, you're so sensitive and so special! @ivankiss has already clarified my mistake. it's about the tuning of the instruments. one can tune his instrument using A as 432 Hz or 440 Hz and all the other notes will follow this adjustment by keeping the appropriate frequency ratios. so 432\440 Hz music is not about making music with only one note. it's about the placement of the reference note (A) in the spectrum of the audible frequencies. it's not about your sensitivity. the difference will be very clear even to untrained ears.
  15. I'm not fooled. I use my awarness to determine this. So at the end of the day, as i said, a dormat ear is not fined tuned/sensitive enough to notice the difference. I can affirm this, because i've been in both situations. As the framerate on a screen, if one is aware enough can see the difference. There is a sensitivy on the awakened human many magnitudes greater than a dormant human, this is just a fact from my experience, and those awakened i know.
  16. One of the most significat truths. Yes, applies to psychedelics too. From an awakened perspective i can say that drugs are not for the dormant. Only after awakening one can really grasp the magnitute of these tools. Is not that one cannot enjoy a trip, the thing is that a trip into infinity and feeling infinity this way, in reallity is not infinity, is just a mind perspective of what infinity is. You folks will get what i mean after genuine awakening and phychic abbilities, until then enjoy the childish ghibberish about experiences of drugs. I can say the following with total confidence: No amount of 5MEO will beat a Kundalini/Tantra session of an awakened human in comparison with a dormant who uses DMT externally. Is more to this, from an awakened perspective, any drug is a limitation, only DMT, Melatonin and a few natural drugs can help one boost further. But this again, does not apply to a dormant human being who is fucking up, meaning not using Kundalini and has not awakened. Period. Discuss as much as you like, i say this from experience, try it for yourselves before coming with arguments from others.
  17. Would you say that reading is not the answer? Would you say that meditation is not the answer? Would you say that yoga is not the answer? Psychedelics (I assume that is what you are referring to) is simply a tool, albeit a powerful tool. For me, psychedelics was the answer. Before trying DMT, I knew nothing about non-duality, meditation, buddhism, etc. I tried DMT and understood very profoundly that I was not my body or thoughts, suffering was an illusion caused by thoughts, I needed to live in the present moment, love is the highest value, beauty is all around even if we dont see it and that I needed to start meditating daily. That was three years ago. The next day, I searched youtube to learn how to meditate. I came across one of Leo's videos (how I came to about how to meditate and Ive meditated every day since without missing a day. I also discovered that Buddhism and Vedanta teach in depth what I discovered in my DMT session. If it wasnt for DMT, I dont know if I would have "gotten" it. I tried reading about Buddhism previously but as a very driven businessman with a huge ego and lots of greed, I didnt understand it in the least. Now I meditate 1-2 hours a day, read another 1-3 hours a day and have awakened other people and am currently mentoring them on their path. Also, Ram Dass started his journey because of LSD. I dont know about "shortcuts" (whatever that is) not existing but you can certainly take a longer and more painful route. Of course, if the drug you are referring to is alcohol, I would agree
  18. @How to be wise The answer was stated by Adyashanti in his book "The End of your World" Once you become fully awakened, there is no where else to go from there except back into the dream. From there you make it the best dream you can actually make it. So yeah, you are right, but you are also wrong. We cannot escape the ego until we escape this humanly flesh. But notice, the ego is not all bad and we might as well make the best sand castle ever! We can still approach the dream differently than those who do not yet know it is a dream. We can approach it from the lens of pure consciousness and non-duality. From a position of unconditional love.
  19. Guys don't you see the problem? It can't be put into words - We can keep going round and round and round with talk and it won't grasp IT. Even saying IT isn't grasping IT. Once you are conscious of this you will become enlightened. He found it, I can tell - so he is on his way to becoming fully enlightened if not already there. Once there, though, as Adyashanti said in his book "The End of Your World" once you become fully awakened you realize there is nothing else to do but go back into the dream. That's where we must remain until we unzip and step out of our false selves for good.
  20. Do you still wear socks in the awakened state? Disregard the spiral at your own peril.
  21. @now is forever @Dan Arnautu Is just a fact for the awakened. So, i commited to not lie anymore What you guys are saying applies to the dormant state, that is all.
  22. Because Eckhart Tolle and the majority of "realized" individuals, is just that, a realization, the awakening of the mind. Right hand path awakened folks, Egoic Enlightenment. Wanna see someone bypasses aging? You are reading it now. I know this seems bullshit for the majority, but who cares after he/she discovered it? hahahaha The mob wants proof, and the awakened will just laugh.
  23. @Manjushri There is no difference between external and internal. So if you've awakened to the fact that the external world does not exist, the next step is to awaken to the fact that you do not exist. What are you? Hmmm, very interesting... Right now, there's only my perception of typing words on a screen, my perception of sense data, my perception of a thought of Las Vegas, my perception of mental images (are those really mine?), and my perception of a reply that I'm conceptualizing to come from another human being typing at his own keyboard. Don't take the you-centered approach, that's like saying the sun revolves around the earth, and you don't want that line of reasoning. It's not truthful, and it's certainly not healthy. It leads to a psychotic break. Instead, put yourself in another person's shoes, and say the same thing; all of our perceptions are equally valid. Millions of people are experiencing Las Vegas right now. One day, you can go experience it yourself, maybe you already have. But does Las Vegas exist? If we call existence something that can be experienced consensusly and "verified" (by consensus perception), then only material things exist. That is to say music the way you hear it does not exist, your thoughts do not exist, love does not exist, consciousness does not exist, your emotions do not exist, etc. But how did we "verify" existence? That's right, through awareness and perception! This paradigm of "existence" (materialism) denies the very foundation of its own existence, which is nonexistence. It would be wise not to get caught up in that.
  24. Depends on your Awakened state. More dormant, one should avoid what you are describing. More awakened, more flexible.
  25. Only if you have Awakened and know how to bend reallity. Otherwise is not for dormant nor uninitiated.