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  1. That said thanks for the thread, you seem to be awakened. Since awakened people tend to have a bad memory, can you figure out a way in which you get back to the forum so you can answer BETTER questions, especially those relating to people's practice. Other people in the Advaita tradition keep away from answering philosophical questions and instead focusing on practice and progress. As evident by the neuroscience of Awakening, no one will be by listening to a Guru speak, only by practice. If that is what they want right now, you bring a good case about figuring out one's desires, with psychotherapy and expressive, creative things, which are good insights.
  2. Typically if someone says they're enlightened they really are, in the case they're not lying or -- are deluded -- which one can tell if they're for instance incoherent, babbling on about some crazy shit. It almost never happens on the forum that someone says "I am enlightened," because almost no one is enlightened. Some people write as if they are but you've never seen them say they are for good reason. If you say you're enlightened you're subject to scrutiny and since deep in people's hearts they know they aren't, they won't say it. At the same time Richard Feynman has said: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." So people... don't go around thinking you're enlightened until... it's impossible to deny. Then when you are feel free to do as this guy does. Also playing semantic games about saying "You can't say you're enlightened because there's no I to be enlightened"... An enlightened person doesn't give a fuck in saying "I" since it's just language, communication. True as Feynman has said it's good to not fool yourself... So see everyone as "awakening" including yourself, and the "awakened" state being a threshold on this continuum. That awakening continuum is in my view, with its thresholds, is just a form of practice to continue awaken.
  3. Also when Jesus was nailed to the cross you think he was suffering? No. He remained in total love and compassion to all the beings. When they were nailing him he was not a bit angry, frustrated, or any negative emotion.. He said I all. And I love you all. That's why we hold him an awakened being. A devine being And it's not a yogic discipline it's what every authentic sage can do.
  4. Your Pre-Awakened state was a state of your brain. It can be reversed and poof, there's delusion again, but consciousness never changed. Bernardo Kastrup talks about how the "receiver" of consciousness is like an individual whirlpool in a sea of consciousness. I guess it's called Atman? Most people who are enlightened actually say they are in some form or another, that so few do it on the forum isn't out of modesty, but because they aren't. I think.
  5. What happens at night when you go to sleep, does consciousness turn off to turn on during dreaming or when you awake? How come that in consciousness there's vision at a contour of a body, feelings, thoughts, all that are linked to this same body? Might it not be that actually, this body, is a receiver of consciousness, by as yet, an undetermined mechanism in the brain? Because your brain changed once you awakened.
  6. Actually, the Buddha started just that way: he called himself Tathagata, the awakened one. It's right in that set of Buddhist scriptures known as the Pali canon.
  7. You're awakened, to some threshold, but what do you think of "enlightenment being capable of endless enlargement"?
  8. @Leo Gura There's a book in the booklist where it's mentioned that Kundalini must be awakened to get enlightened? What do you think of this?
  9. "I am at the peak of my youth right now and I'm having lot's of opportunities to develop right now. I'm super excited about my future, cause I have now idea yet how it will turn out, but it sure is going to be fucking epic! I still get to live at home, which is nice because my relationship to my parents is not to healthy right now, and this way I have the chance to get closer to them. I don't have a lot of friends that distract me from doing my inner work, which is great! I'm working on developing a few, very close friendships though, because I want to build a really strong support system. This is why I'm implementing habits and systems right now to be more social. I'm so excited about getting this handled! Yesterday my car insurance told me that I will lose quite a lot of money. At first I thought it sucked, but then I had the chance to watch all my insecurities and unhandled negative mindsets. I looked at them, disidentified, it's not "my" money, not "my" thoughts after all. Life at the moment just is full of interesting challenges like that. It's sometimes difficult, but I'm getting stronger and stronger because of it. This also makes me sure that I'm not just gonna be an average person that accomplishes nothing. GROWTH BABY! \m/ I feel a lot of fear around my life purpose. That shows how important of a topic it is for me. The next step is working on those fears, doing Leo's fear excercises in the course and also contemplating, researching and finding my own solutions. It's just part of the Life Purpose process and I trust that the universe, perfect as it is, gives me exactly what I need to walk my path. I realized that I still carry around a lot of victim mentality, so I'm constantly working on raising my consciousness through meditation and contemplation, shining awareness on all these victim beliefs. What is also super nice is that I get to live in San Fran, a huge city with a tooon of opportunities and fascinating people. Really helps with my project on socializing and building a solid circle of friends. But I also know that I can always move if I feel the need. FREEDOM BABY! \m/ I'm such an awesome little ego on the path to self actualization and eventually getting rid of myself. Life is a maze and it is fucking aMAZEing how tricky it actually is. These are exciting times. I'm still in the beginning of my journey and a lot of outside as well as inside things are there that I will keep working on. But I have awakened. I can never fall back asleep completely. I love this whole mess <3" This is what I see when I look at your post. You're awesome, keep going!
  10. I'm just saying this notion of looking for truth from a shakipat or psychadelics, or talking about it in ways like "$1 million is worth paying for it" is the wrong question or way of thinking about it. Truth is always here, its right here, this present moment, it's all experience, "it is what it is" you saying you dont see truth is like saying "I can't see!!!!", when you're eyes are wide open, so the awakened people are trying to tell you are already seeing, but you don't believe it because truth is so obvious that it's overlooked. So the awakened they tell to try on different glasses (try different techniques), and when those glasses change your vision a little bit making it more blurry or focused you're like "ooooh shittttee something is happening!" it's hilarious as f**k, omg don't you guys find this as funny as I do? it's absolutely hilarious, I can't stop chuckling.... ok I'm good.
  11. @gilded_honour Sorry I don't know the answer to your question but this reminded me of one time when I tried to talk about nonduality with my dad and he just blanked out. I mean he fell asleep in like 15sec and started snoring :D:D:D funny how for some people's mind is resisting so much that even if you utter anything close to truth it will shut off The answer to your question is probably going to be some metaphysical, spiritual, celestial dimensionless type of answer I heard that just by getting exposed to surtain things like a guru or sacred places can deside that you'll get awakened in next life. So there are a lot of things, like a million things that influence this thing. What is the most mind boggling thing to me is how some sages can reincarnate into the next life being fully confident that they'll get enlighten. Like they fix something inside to make that happen. As I said... This is some meta spiritual stuff
  12. @Jcent Def sounds like kundalini energy being awakened. The navel chakra stores the largest reserve of kundalini energy. Which is why the navel chakra is often stimulated only after lots of prep work -- because when it opens it could unleash a torrent. Sounds like you would get a lot of out of Kriya yoga. It should be very effective for you. Much more so than conventional meditation. Give it a try for 6 months. You could awaken just like that. It could change your whole life. Don't depend on other people to awaken you. Take the job into your own hands. Which is not to say never do Reiki, I just mean, seize this lucky break to awaken yourself. I have some books about kundalini on my book list. Make sure you educate yourself about some of the dangers of kundalini and how to awaken it gradually and properly. Otherwise you might run into problems.
  13. Hmmm. I question whether the appearance of such a thought would strip someone of their awakened credentials. . .
  14. An awakened human being will never have a doubt of his/her gender. This gender issue is an issue of the mind only.
  15. I know it will not do anything. You don't need to scammed before you know its a scam, it's quite pathetic for a bridge seller to say "hey man you won't know its a scam until you actually buy the bridge from me first!" You would never ever, ever pay someone money to turn you into a musician, artist, scientist, chef or any other profession by waving their hands and doing some "mystical" shit to you. You just know this as a common fact that's just not how this reality/dream works, you don't suddenly become an awakened to these abilities, insights and knowledge without your own journey. And yet the desperate person for enlightenment would open up to the false hope of it, by sheer desperation, someone desperate might just pay someone to wave their hands and chant at them so they can suddenly become whatever their hearts desire. There's so many flaws here, it's a miracle pill, quick solution, no work needed just lots of money $$$ (lol), why's he so hellbent on money he should be making the world enlightened for free. You're still looking at other humans as having more higher powers than you, that they can someone enlighten you with their sheer source/force, lol. But hey folks its your money, if you want to wipe your ass with paper money and flush it down the toilet that's your choice. Your not going to get awakened from this, you might become more delusional that you've awakened. I'm quite suprised how many fake accounts there are on here that is affiliated with this scam. It's a shame the forum is being manipulated by scammers.
  16. Another acting video. But is true, enlightened human beings are misunderstood. Being the reason truly awakened people are not in the press.
  17. When you are awakening or awakened, the society puts this label of mental illness on you, fill your system with drugs,and treat you like a piece of shit. This lady seems to have no ego and I myself find her appealing. Imho the interviewer is a psychopath.? At times after a heavy self inquiry session I find myself acting a little bit like her, thinking slowly, losing touch withy surrounding, time going by fast, not knowing the time, day of the week. If I am just concerned as to how would a person survive during this process like at job, with friends and family members? Can some also give me an example of a person who got enlightened in like the last 10 years and does something other than spiritual teaching. Thanks
  18. Only dormant men are polygamous. In the history of civilization, humanity was usually monogamous until the right-hand/patriarchal path generations arrived, this was implemented by the great empires or the world. So thousands of years ago humanity was way more awakened than now.
  19. I also have to add that right after that terrifying Ayahuasca experience, I've never felt more blissful and more authentic in my life, I was a social magnet, I could feel people, I could feel the magnificent power of love Leo talks about, if this power is fully awakened in an's game over, the world as we know it will change. It's the love frequency that animals, birds and nature operates on, that's why people can "understand" animals when this love opens up in you. Also women are more tapped in to it because they're not as rational as men, that's the reason all women will fall in love with you when you tap into it, it's beyond the usual romantic love that's more like two canaries in a cage..... I also couldn't stop making fun and laughing hysterically of all the fear that I've gone through, even though just minutes ago it was the most terrifying experience of my life. Wtf?
  20. Has anyone else become aware that life is like a videogame?? I had a vivid dream two nights ago where i awakened and saw people for what they are, and that day my awareness grew dramatically. ive been doing some meditation and doing nothing technique. today on the way to school i saw that reality is like a first person game where if i eat or touch certain things the character feels pain. if i have sex, the character feels overwhelming love and pleasure. there are ENDLESS items and characters to interact with. Like leo said somewhere in a video, its all perfect too,no glitches. it makes me feel blessed just being alive
  21. @Tony 845 What I meant was the same driving force that brings unenlightened ppl here brings enlightened ppl. What if everyone in history that ever became awakened just disappeared into a cave never to be seen again? But it doesn't work that way. And good thing it doesn't. Bottom line it's all one consciousness expanding.
  22. Well said. This is the rationale of awakened teachers that use this approach. I've found that relaxing my personality via yoga, exercise, meditation, journaling etc. allows for a better space for the dissolution of the personality and heightened awareness. I think the key is: when the personality is relaxed, are you working toward reinforcing it, or transcending it? I like how Lisa Cairns explains it. . . after her nondual awakenings became abiding, she tried to teach people to awaken in one big shot. She found that students became confused, rebellious, depressed and suffered. About 2 years ago, her strategy evolved. She now teaches about 50% personal healing/improvement and 50% nonduality. She says this is much more effective in helping people to wake up.
  23. The transcended perspective of a self is very different than the self's perspective of a self. Personalities appear within my mind-body consciousness - especially when I am around other people. How can I interact with other personalities without a personality? Yet, personalities also appear in my dreams while I am sleeping. How can the dream personality interact with other dream personalities without it's own personality? One realization is that none of the personalities are "real". Of course there will be dream characters after one has awakened - one just realizes they aren't real. There is nothing wrong with trying to create better dreams - I do it myself. It can be fun and interesting. Just like dancing and watching movies can be fun and interesting. Yet, trying to create a better dream character can also be a distraction from realizing it is only a dream character.
  24. Nice work. I've had a similar experiences in a sensory deprivation tank. I kept letting go of more and more. Then, I eventually let go of letting go and was in a womb prior to birth. Everything I learned and knew after birth was erased. Then a "voice" appeared and said: "Ask". . . . So, I asked "What is genuine?". Then, I was shown genuine in a way I couldn't have imagined. Awakened beings, such as Adyashanti, have also spoken of this "downloading" of insights. To a rationalist, this is crazy irrational "whoo whoo" stuff. Yet it is a real mystical experience to one who has transcended the self. I would just be mindful if the self tries to take ownership of the insights.
  25. @Serotoninluv Okay I see your point, although I don't agree with it because there will always be a self even after you are awakened.