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  1. More likely, if Leo were to become fully enlightened, my guess is the videos and his business would stop all togethers, or be sparatic. Even though it's very much helping others, the videos are part of an ego construct. After enlightenment, there is nothing to do, just be. So there'd be no point in doing all the work and research that goes into making a huge video every week. But, what do I know, I'm not enlightened/awakened.
  2. @Sockrattes It is true that you can have this feeling of predetermination, I know what you mean, this might the gap of the distance you feel from your godly self When dormant before awakening you identify as a physical being surviving in a physical world, so you feel quite independent, you know life is dangerous and external but you feel like one being moving and adapting to this world Once you awaken, you start feeling how life has direction, how life is conscious, which may feel like a "pre-determined" presence at first, the more you enlighten, the more you will feel this gap at first, because you awakened so for the first time you really feel your connection to your divine self and you feel its will and sense of direction, because you still feel quite "split", it will feel as if life is pre-determined or bound to rules But it is you that is life, the more you awaken to your divine self, the more you can feel you are the one setting the direction and this is exactly how you wanted things to be If you start feeling that life is pre-determined it means exactly that you're getting in touch with your divine self, that is what it feels to feel the direction and the will of your divine self, at first If you stay open, the two parts will merge, and no your earthly self will not be drowned, it is not inferior, both will merge, and you will feel how you want to achieve your earthly endeavours and your divine endeavours at the same time, and somehow magically if can be done at the same time, that is what they mean by harmony with life So this feeling of pre-determination is what it feels like to reconnect and remember your identity beyond this earthly reality You can see how simple it is, pre-determined by who? There is only you! If you are determined to do something, what is it? Be interested in yourself, awaken to yourself, be open to yourself! And also your earthly self is also of infinite intelligence! If everything is made of infinite intelligence (consciousness) does it not take infinite intelligence to manifest and generate an earthly "simple" intelligence? The earthly self is definitely not inferior Using male and female energy can help clarify Then you have the earthly realm, on 'mother earth' , where everything seems deceptively simple, and primitive, the feminine aspect of nuance and subtlety, but it is just as complex as the divine realms, perhaps even more because it is less straight-forward, and requires a lot of depth to get If the heavens and hell are realms of primarly male energy, straighforward, in one realm you're happy in the other you suffer, you get what you see, then the earthly realm is a women, a woman is hard to understand don't they say that! You don't get what you see, and what you see you don't get, you have to really be open to the deeper meaning Ultimately enlightenment is combining these two divine energies, male and female Male energy, you know where you want to go, you go towards heaven,enlightenment away from hell and suffering Female energy, you are open to see beyond what is there, to see beyond illusion, and for that you are open to receiving, to remembering, to receiving your divine self
  3. Life is a dream from the point of awakened being.As you probably like 99 of people see yourself as an ego or separate entity apart from the world that dream is and feels very real to you.Like ordinary dream when you sleep feels very real until you awaken.Waking up from the dream of life means seeing through the illusion of the ego and seeing your true nature(Consciousness,Self). Ego is seen as unreal and life lived from its point of view seems now like a dream. Full awakening should be collapse of all duality including the duality of duality and non duality.
  4. The Appendix: The Holy Grail for advanced awakened masters.
  5. @winterknight this is defintely an egoic fear based question. but i hope you can nudge me out of this particular trap this guy came on dr. phill show and here's what the summary of it reads: A man says that he has found ultimate enlightenment. Find out why his wife says he's "more of a walking hypocrite." essentially he feels that he is enlightened... but that's causing all sorts of trouble in his family (which i presume might still happen if he was enlightened for real) he's ignoring the wife, kids... just going about his way... feeling he is guided by the source etc seems like he's got a case of just having reading up too much about non-duality and has an egoic enlightenment trap... i ask you this. provided one gets actually enligthened/awakened... though their instant behaviour/mannerism might be different and will raise questions / issues espescially living in a joint family with parents/wife will the infinite love take over and truly make it allright in that REAL case vs this case of mistaken egoic enlightenment? the video:
  6. Am i going back to sleep voluntarily, or am i making the same mistake, whatever this mistake might be, over and over again?
  7. I feel like what is happening is that when people awake, they go through their awakening and they immediately start racing for enlightenment Which is good, it is good to follow one's desires, if that is enlightenment, but they're racing straightforward You want to be strong, but you do not know what it means to be weak, you want to be strong, but you dont want to be weak The mistake is assuming that you are being weak or have already been weak in the past. You haven't even begun to be weak, you awaken and you immediately race for enlightenment thinking : "I've been weak or unfullfilled long enough, now its time to be strong and fulfilled!" Which again is right, it is good to aim to live strong and fulfilled, but the mistake is that you haven't been truly weak and you haven't truly been unfullfilled yet Its the reason why many face resistance on the path, you tell yourself a story about your life and what has been going on: You can only know what it means to be unenlightened when you start grasping what enlightenment is You can only know the shadows once the light is there When you awaken, you become unenlightened for the first time, as the sphere of what enlightenment is, the subtle understanding of enlightenment entered your life. You notice this is paradoxal, enlightenment sparks non-enlightenment, paradoxes are the way to enlightenment and they are a good sign, they do not allow your mind to get lost linearly but instead to progress in a circular fashion Before you awakened you were dormant, you were not unenlightened, you were not weak or strong, not happy or unhappy, not fulfilled or unfulfilled, I realize this sounds very dismissive of past experiences, I know its partly wrong but for the sake of the argument, you can view the dormant world as a grey world, a grey linear world And when you awaken the world becomes colorful, and it expands is all directions, like an expanding circle Say you want to be enlightened, to be wise , have infinite love, universal harmony and connection You want to be those things, which is good, but you cannot become something if you are not being at all You cannot become if you are not being to begin with To be, is to be who you are, so you might think you're being but you're having all this resistance against your "flaws" that you're trying to move away from, thinking "I'm done, ive been like this my whole life, now its time for something else" The mistake again is misunderstanding what awakening means, it really means awakening now, so you first have to be who you are right now before you can become anything else Thats what it means when they say life begins now, you think you've been on earth this whole time but once you awaken, once you grasp enlightenment its like part of your divine being arrived on earth, it is like you arrived, you awakened So enlightenment is allowing this cosmically enormous part of yourself, that just arrived, that just awakened, to be who you are right now, to really live this unenlightenment, to awaken to this unenlightenment, and it can be confusing and intense, but if you know this is normal for you to experience your "flaws", your humanity more intensely, then it is easier to let the process go smoothly Only once you finally grasp what it means to be strong, when you're almost there, as your divine powers are approaching like a comet, can you truly truly know yourself as weak, so do not resist weakness Only when you're so close to enlightenment, almost there, can you truly truly know what it means to not be unenlightened Never in your life have you had the opportunity to experience real weakness and unenlightenment, only once you awaken you do so So be open to the lesson, one could say final lessons, final tests, but in reality its just being open to understanding life and what has been going on. If you get that it is normal, you can dissolve your resistance
  8. Well, from a dualist perspective there is the opposition positions of attached-unattached and attention-inattention. This would also apply to awakened-asleep, reality-illusion, truth-false and all of the other spiritual ideology rooted in the dualist mindset. Although, to transcend the dualist mindset there is another perspective to gain insight with and allow me a moment to illustrate it. Let's take light....a single particle of light, a photon and it's traveling through space on it's way to earth. While it is still in space there is no atmosphere for it to interact with so it is invisible, it is unseen even though it exists. This is like our awareness as it manifests in the observerless observation expression and it is our awareness in it's purest form but it isn't what would be called enlightened which I will get to next. When the photon reaches our planet it first encounters the atmosphere so now it has something to interact with so becomes visible as light. It still isn't blocked until it encounters something more dense but this is the first time it can be compared to enlightenment. This is like awareness as it is in our consciousness without the self identity to interfere with, obscure or block it. Then this photon encounters the solid mass of earth and that is when the light is blocked and a shadow is created. The earth is like our self identity that blocks the light creates the shadow and is when we search out the enlightened state of consciousness. The dualist mind sees this only as the opposition position to the shadow but being a separated mind perspective it will always contend with the shadow. Some may recognize this fruitless mindset and seek out the illuminated state of the photon in atmosphere as awareness in consciousness. They remove self identity, the shadow disappears and they glow in this blissful state of enlightenment... but wait. There is still another state that can be realized, the observerless observation of the photon without the atmosphere. That is the unseen, the unity of infinite, absolute wholeness, the holistic expression of awareness in it's purest form. So much so that even to call it enlightenment is to fall short of capturing the nature of it's essence. Yes, my illustration also falls short of communicating the nature of it's essence but it is the best I can do with the language I have and a conceptual mind.
  9. Having a theology degree I can say that they cut us our legs or they tried too in the process. Because Muladhara chakra the base of the spine, colon, adrenals, legs, etc., in Christianity is SATAN/LUCIFER. So the theologians know this, those who lead and write books. I had many bright teachers that gave me lectures in theology but I haven't learned shit from them, only after I've awakened and read the vibrational patterns they imprint on me during college. So the majority of Christians in the process of eliminating "Satan" from their lives, they kill their legs in the process, so this is the trauma we got from little kids. In the east, they have a similar indoctrination pattern because they preach 7 chakras, in reality, are just 6 main chakras, and they preach the "light". So preaching the "light" in every religion is the right side of the body. Energy goes from chakras: 2nd into 3rd into 5th into 6th. The real sequence of awakening is on my signature below. So the majority worldwide, including atheists are overusing 3rd & 5th. 2nd into 3rd into 5th into 6th is EGOIC Enlightenment, like Leo, Maynor and the majority here who have passed yellow. How do I know this? I read the subconscious mind of the people, here and everywhere I go. They preach in society not to judge or not to be arrogant, but when it comes to Healing and practicality and the truth, I cannot be different.
  10. A glimpse is when you've noticed the background peace of the mind. At the moment when you call it a glimpse it is already gone. It is... and as you saw, your noticing that desire is what threatened to interrupt it, and when you relaxed anyway, it was amazing. When you keep practicing that, you will eventually know that state is your permanent nature. yes, there doesn't need to be fear. yes. yes, you are on your way, but if you were truly content, you would let the mind utterly relax and not even worry about awakening. the relaxed mind is the awakened mind. if you can simply relax permanently and accept whatever comes -- that is enlightenment. but as long as these questions pull you back, you must keep putting in effort -- either to inquire into the I, or to relax and let go (as relaxation itself takes effort for the seeker). there is no shame in that. seek as long as you need.
  11. recently have been appreciating and seeing the mechanics of what makes a top athlete who they are. gonna talk about basketball here for a moment, take clutch shooting players like kobe, jordan, lebron ... list goes on what's one thing which stands out about any of these and other top players. apart from their skill. when this one factor which i am talking about isn't there. it effects heavily on their skills as well. this one very important and key factor for any top athlete is CALMNESS. ALERTNESS. STAYING EVER PRESENT. NOT TALKING ANY PRESSURE. They play in the NOW they don't worry about their teams losing by 10-15 points with a couple of minutes to go when the attention falls on the clock or the "future" or the "past" in relation to the game, nerves kick in... i was watching the cavs vs warriors game 7 final last week where cavs came back from a 3-1 deficit if u watch this game closely, you can see how much being involved emotionally in a situation effects you/your perforamce in this video. the last 7-8 shots by both teams are all missed. game is tied at 89. finally a shot is made and it goes in. you have the top of the top players, playing under pressure and ONLY that is effecting their full ability the weight of the pressure bringing them down or missing the shot you have got steph curry who makes half court shots with ease missing 3 point shots multiple times makes me wonder if a ball player was fully awakened, how much of a clutch player would he be! lol amazing also. the ending when cavs finally do win, lebron collapses down and is crying/laughing he is fully in the moment. almost an awakening but unknown to him. its just amazing to be able to see this kind of energy especially in crowd format. all as one, accepting the moment and celebrating it. there is no you and me. there are hugs all around. love and peace. amazing. those WWE crowds or any sports home crowds in general all move and vibe as one. it's amazing. another thing is that top athletes play without thinking that is to say, their bodies do the playing for them (as they always do) but for a regular player like you and I, we would be thinking about playing or getting the ball or shooting or doing a move vs it just "happens" out of routine for them to the ones like us who are aware of what's really going, its amazing to see any top athlete perfrom and knowing its just him being effortless with the slightest of thinking but boy, when that thinking kicks in, it certain can take you down also. same thing with learning anything, you first drive a car, you're 100% focused and trying to drive. was teaching my younger brother last week and noticed how he couldnt even take his eyes brielf off the road to turn the volume up/down vs me now, i am able to text/drive ( i know i shouldnt :P) and i get to my destination not even remembering any turns i made or how i got there sometimes lol also quite noticeable when you look back at learning to ride a bike. all thinking goes away and its your body which gets intuned and rides the bike on its own afterwards. amazing handle the pressure = staying present in the now and not worring about the score, win/lose just thought i'd share/print my thought out loud here
  12. This is something I would like to know (I already see this crumbling as I find myself asking "who is this "I" that wants to know?" but still, "I" would like to know this - that when I awaken in my current body-mind I am attached with, will I then forever remain in that state, even after the death of this body-mind... watching as no-thing and being everything? or will my awareness again zero-in onto another body-mind which "I" will have again have to awaken (if possible at all) I ask this question as I have heard this quite often in spiritual circles that someone might have done a lot of leg work in their previous lifetimes to have awakened so easily this time along or whatever the case might be.. that it was multiple lifetimes for the full realization to have finally occurred this leads me to believe that if someone "tires" to awaken in their life.. and fails to do so.. and dies while associating themselves as the body-mind.. then all the "spiritual knowledge/gains" which they acquired "remains" with their spirit and their life begins at that level to continue in the new form which they might become and then try to awaken from there... and then once ultimate full awakening happens / enlightenment... then it's just done, forever, and you live out eternity as a section of the absolute/the whole thing even and no more life/death cycle if enlightenment is to occur upon death automatically anyways. then it aint too bad if someone can't awaken / die before die... but it seems that life/death cycle repeats until you become the container of the life/death cycle.
  13. Good discussion, but thought I'd just chim in with on thing. Many awakened teachers from different traditions and even within the Buddhist tradition talk about awakening in different ways. For example you seem to have a strong opinion that liberation is the end of suffering, which I've heard as the end of craving, but not the same as actual discomfort, sadness, pain, struggle, frustration, pretty much the span of the human state. Suzuki Roshi said its like normal everyday life but about 1 inch off the ground. He aludes to there being more energy and warmth of heart. I believe some Hindu religions point to state of awakening that are like BOOM constant bliss, ectasy and and direct connection with the consciousness of life itself in which you understand all information, can fly, make gold appear. Neo-Advita I believe is seeing the radical truth that Self is never not the case and no need for the cultivation of the human being. One can do what ever they want and its all the play of Self. Your an asshole, you can stay an asshole and being free because thats what is the case. Bliss may come and go, love may come and go, you may hate, you may suffer, but your hands have been freed from believing you are the doer. The list goes on and on.... This is why I've never said I'm enlightened expect in a recent post in which someone asked if there were any others on the forum, but I tried to put clear indicators of what that meant, but dont think I did a good job. There's definately something to this spiritual/seeking/enlightening/awakening thing but where you draw a line and define what makes someone or knowing in ones self what enlightened is, is slightly difficult, because there are no objective standards. I guess for me its knowing without a shred of doubt what you are and the craving to seek has seized. Its almost kinda funny because one could describe it as almost where you started. someone would ask you who you are and you would know without a shred of doubt that your one with Self, and they would ask well how do you know, and the best answer you could honestly give is, well its obvious what are you talking about, just like you would when you had no idea that you were anything other then just a guy who was born with no connection to Self, it would just be obviously so to you. The coming and going of expansive states of consciousness come and go, bliss and love would come and go, struggles and challenges with normal every day life will continue to happen, inifinity and explosion into area's that are mysterious come and go, new insights into human/scientific functioning and capacity continue to form, the body will still decay, Alzheimers may still happen, a heart attack could be around the corner, but a steadiness, equanimity, non-clinging and understanding remains.
  14. You only once mention that you don't 'suffer' from some things you list, this hardly speaks to what I am referring by the casual use of it. In liberation also called enlightenment the freeing from suffering is what it is, it does not exists apart from it. Of course the way you talk about the meaning of words it seems they have more value then liberation does otherwise you would have mentioned the freedom from suffering more often and not casually just once. That being said let's move on past that and on to the point of this. Truth, yes, it's meaning can be confusing and quite often people focus on finding truth instead of liberation. Even if you interpret it as realization in that context what is 'made real' is liberation and our freedom from suffering. It's not just being made aware of it or awakened to it, it is liberation made real in our exprience. Now if you also want to interpret suffering differently it influences the core of this because freedom from it is central to liberation, it is all that it really is and without it liberation is not what it is. Even seen as unsatisfactoriness, which can also be said as unsatisfactory, unfulfilled or emptiness and it is what gives rise to the craving and to desire of existential life. Whether we view this cessation as desire-less emptiness or crave-less fulfillment isn't the point but ceasing the cycle of that duality of empty and full is the liberation. The path is not the path unless it leads to liberation regardless of how we express that path in idea, belief, word and deed. So my question isn't seeking an answer and the answer shouldn't be inviting a question because that is an expression of duality but all discussion about this is pointing to liberation and if it is not it is just distraction from the realization of it.
  15. Only awakened humans talk about this
  16. There are many things that don't come and go, one being experiencing itself, another is heartbeat, another is breath (speaking from the point of view of the un-awakened Self). But experiencing itself is not ultimate truth, its not the self knowledge of Self. Neither is the heartbeat or the breath. Again it seems like your trying to point to something that is experienced after a certain point called enlightenment, even though from my experience, experiences leads to awakening, but after that there isn't anything there that continues to prove ultimate truth is happening, other then one just knows who they are.
  17. I've thought about quite a bit myself. I often hear awakened beings say things like nonduality cannot be explained, only pointed to. I acknowledge that has been true for thousands of years - yet I question whether that is an assumption. What if in 200 years all beings are in nondual states? It was not a mindset people had to work years and years to reach. People are born and raised into it. If that was "normal" would not a method of communication arise? Perhaps hyper-intuition would serve as a "language".
  18. I can only speak from my experience. But if your looking for something to happen (Self-Realization) that can't stand the test of objectified scrutinization, you'll miss it. I've been really trying to answer the very specific nature of your question for a little while now, because I think it holds the key to more people waking up. The best analogy I can put it in, is, you just remember something you forgot, like oh ya I put my keys over there. Prior you had no knowledge of where the keys were, and then boom, oh ya they are right here.... but like many other awakened teachers have commented on in the past, breaking down your ego through spiritual practice increases the chances to have the remembrance.
  19. Keeping in mind that this is just a metaphor, one way it's been put is that ignorance is actually a very special kind of thought: a veiling thought, a thought which covers up. It's the thought of forgetfulness. When consciousness reflects that thought, you get the idea of an "ignorant" mind. When that veiling thought disappears, you get the thought of an "awakened" mind. But both are simply images in the projector of consciousness.
  20. I have been doing lots of healing lately of my fears and doubts. And through this I’ve observed many amazing things about my mind, and behaviors. Changing my diet was most effective not when I restricted myself, and used effort. When I anchored myself in the heart I started to became super conscious of how junk food effect my whole energy system, especially the mind, and naturally didn’t want it anymore. It reminds me of the saying that it’s effortless to be ourselves. In my journey the whole time I was looking for ways to optimize my life, going from one practice to another. Now one of those practices is Iyengar Yoga. Yet I can’t help thinking about yoga all day when I force myself to do it. This is one of the insights I came across. That all thoughts need to be let go of ultimately. When we allow the one thought to have our attention or be more important than others such as “I need to do yoga” the ego will keep giving us this thought and draw us in. And because of this, it is much easier to let go of all thoughts. Otherwise we will still be in ego most of the day, which is my experience precisely. It’s effortless to be ourselves. I don’t need a thought to tell me what to do, I leave that entirely to the heart as best that I can, because I know that in there is where real happiness isn’t found, and worry is nowhere to be seen. A fun contemplation I had once was, “How can I be doubtful and fearful about the future or what action to take next and feel happy and peaceful at the same time?”. Interesting right! The ego projects so much doubt onto something that is always happy, our true selves, for no reason other than fearing change. The actual experience removes all fears and doubts because we can’t be afraid and happy at the same time Also in my life i am doing a candida cleanse and giving my face a herbal treatment by dr Christopher to remove acne scars. And that’s all. The rest I place upon Gods shoulders, as it was meant to be. The ego is not meant to guide us. As Ramana Maharshi said once, when we get on a train we don’t carry our luggage on our heads the whole trip, we put our luggage down and let the train carry it for us. The luggage is all of our fears about the future (thoughts), but the train already knows where it’s going, we just need to sit back, and watch the beautiful scenery out the window. We don’t know, but the train knows the future. Another quote from the Maharshi is that we need only give up thoughts, we can keep everything else. In practice, Jesus is this challenging! But the challenge after a while becomes rewarding, and stopping the stories feels like putting down another 20 kilo bag of luggage on the train that we were carrying. At every turn life challenges me through people mostly to stay centered, and helps me release fears. It will bring up a fear in me through my Mum for example such as, “What are you doing with your life? University is coming soon. You need to do something to not be homeless”. Ahh that’s one of my favorites. It feels so good to hear something like that and just let that 1000 kilo fear pass through my awareness and be placed accordingly on the train. And I love this about life, how it makes me afraid, and how it’s tests me. It’s hard to stay in the heart already with my mind, but also with people it makes it next level, but also, it means lots of subconscious healing. This is where I am. It is a process. The final step of it is happening right now which is letting go of all thoughts. There is no more for “me” to do, the rest is in the hands of the the Universe. There are so many questions inside of me wanting to be answered like, “Can I be awakened and be a mathematician if I can’t have thoughts?” and so on. This is another trap. The mind is like a tree, the questions are the leaves on it. When you answer a question it will grow another leave and so another question arises. The only sure way to answer all questions is to get the tree at the roots. When questions remain unanswered doubt and anxiety arise. This is a test and a healing taking place. When I stay centered, happiness will come, and then the fear goes, leaving peace. And the cycle continues when I lose focus on the heart, then fear comes, bringing with it other fears in the form of thoughts. Then I let go of these thoughts and surrender, feeling peace again. Sometimes the thoughts just come in breaking the peace at the times when I’m least prepared, and then i return to peace again. As this process of healing takes place the times of peace increase, and the strength of the mind to let go of even the most important thought ever imaginable is increased. Where will this take me? Even that question brings up fears, and then I return to peace. The only reality is peace. May I be able to reside in it. And even if I can’t reside in it, I will return to peace. Even in the most doubtful state I have learnt that we can return to peace with the power of intention. I will return now to peace again. So long dormant stars of this world.
  21. By transmission of Silence do you mean the idea that other minds can be awakened through the silent presence of one who is awakened? Ramana Maharshi was notorious for having that power. As far as my silent presence, I think I've seen a little of that effect, nowhere near the power of RM. I don't really know what that is. Part of me thinks it's akin to a kind of mystical power that some sages and not others have, but that it's not deeply related to awakening itself. Which makes sense in terms of the fact that awakening itself is not the final truth, but is a provisional concept.
  22. Thanks for sharing, that was great. Intentions on these substances can have powerful impacts. You ever done mushrooms with the same intention, you may get a visit from god or a awakened being, seriously no joke.
  23. Because you are still convinced you are right in some way. You are afraid to let go of your beliefs as it is the only thing you have left. You have to let go of everything with which you identify. You could be awakened in 2 hours from now if you would read the entire website But you aren't going to are you? Because you believe that what it says on the website isn't true or that it does not apply to you because... (Fill it in). What you are going to fill in, is what is holding you back. P.s. my words are meant to hurt, if you are agitated by them the more they apply to you. You will not get awakened by having people patting you on the back.
  24. @winterknight I'm become obsessed with intellectualising about non duality and enlightenment throughout the day, getting bogged down trying to figure out the meaning of labels like awareness, consciousness, etc. I'm always trying to work it out. Is this simply pointless? Unless maybe I'm doing it consistently using self enquiry, which I haven't been...or maybe contemplation, which some gurus swear by. But it's like I always feel I should be thinking about it and feel guilty when my mind gets distracted with anything other than existential questions. I've become so obsessed with spirituality that I feel I'm not living life to the fullest. I'm always searching...searching, doing this technique or that technique. I'm a hermit, very introverted and see relationships as a distraction. Will this go against me in the long run? If I want to become awakened? I'm worried I might be using spirituality as a smokescreen to avoid sorting out more obvious stuff...