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  1. He related to God as to Father, and he also said they are one. So its both: oneness and two. He talked about both nonduality/oneness and personal/relative aspect of God. And when he was dying on the cross, he was confused first but eventually outsourced his 'will' to Father - 'your will be done' (c) he let it be, surrendered and had full trust in father. So Jesus showed again that Bhagavan/personal aspect of God is the most comprehensive one, same as in Vaishnava and Bhagavat Gita.
  2. Judging by your arrogance of this video, you might want to really hear what he's saying cause it doesn't sound like you are. This isn't a video on nonduality...
  3. Removing your ego doesnt guarantee nonduality. RSD Julien isnt wrong or shallow, he talks about killing the ego, being present in teh moment to calm the monkeymind, to stop overthinking and aproach people in state to connect better and avoid acting weird. People tend to criticise removing the ego for dating purposes, like if this was something dirty or low and spirituali something higher. No, sex is sacred.
  4. The "ego" he talks about has nothing to do with nonduality... I can see how his advice can help people who are really stuck to the point where they don't even experience occasional happiness, but the ego Leo talks about is a monster of its own that not even successful, "happy" people are aware of.
  5. @onacloudynight I have a close friend who I’ve done most (12 ish) of my trips with. He’s a fantastic trip mate, a great friend and a hell of a guy. We’re polar opposites on practices though. I meditate, eat clean, and exercise daily (used to self inquire daily) - he eats clean but no practices at all. I’ve retained / integrated each trip in a culminating progression until the big ‘me’ reveal and the nonduality is default. He hasn’t retained any insights. He and I were just talking about this. So, imo, the practices are more important. The trips amp things up, but without practices, it’s just fun being had without the spirituality. Hope that helps somewhat at least. @pluto Dude. Get out of my head! Lol So funny. I just went on a few day solo retreat, prepared with shrooms for tea. Did a couple hours meditation each day, and kept contemplating like ‘what is this trip about’, and I kept laughing. I had an intuitive sense that it would be pointless. Your post is right on for me. Skipped it. Got some deep quality meditation in, and plain ol relaxed a bit. Thanks!
  6. Yes, very well said thanks @Joseph Maynor I totally relate to what you've said there! it is especially interesting because my path so far has been to let the dream be the guide as I approach nonduality, practicing active mindfulness in majority. So while I do at times “slip out” of it, it’s never for long. I guess my path doesn’t value the urgency of such guidance, heh! But it is a very inspiring experience to have @PsiloPutty ah! That’s a lovely line indeed no, I have no regrets and it wasn’t until I was certain I wouldn’t have em that I became comfortable moving forward in my journey. there are many things in my past experience that led to my growth to the stage of self actualization I’ve found, and they were all essential I did for a time feel very disassociated from my body. and it, with many other things, did help guide me to find new understanding. But I rarely feel that same disassociation now. Ever since my most recent big moment of enlightenment, I’ve not once looked in the mirror without smiling ? So it’s been a few days since I last posted so I wanted to elaborate more on my enlightened experience - something else that has happened is that I constantly am in touch directly with my awareness. What that does mean does vary with time and focus, and well it’s half a lie because I do still occasionally “blink” so to speak but before, I’d lose the consciousness of my awareness whenever taking action for sure often doing or saying or thinking mindlessly. But now when I do or say or think I’m aware of it directly. And the the other thing is I’m constantly in touch with my intuition. At times I flow out of creative into focus, or rest, or closure, or patience, or other such things. But I keep returning to creative intuition and solving problems in a flash that I couldn’t overcome before. Balancing competing needs like I couldn’t do before..., oh there is so much I could be saying about what happened! But I have literally transcended who I was before into a higher state of being — there is no doubt. I find it so easy to smile authentically now, people glow when I look at them. Good bye resting bitch face, haha! I laugh and cry more easily I’m just more in touch with all of my being. Etc— ... Ah, there’s just so much that is difference! so I am awake now like I’ve never been befor, and now I realize that waking up is not leaving the dream, it’s transcensing it until you see what you couldn’t before. You will never leave dreaming behind you. Your dreams will only change to shift into something new! Something that comes with more awareness than before! oh, I do get too excited! But as much change as I've accomplished to become enlightened, it does not stop here. There’s more to be done. She accomplishes one milestone and moves onto the next it’s absolutely inspiring! ... ah, it saddens me because my mother watching me change only sees the anxious one I used to be and believes I’ve entered some kind of crazed state. It’s enlightening to realize the care we need to take when communicating with those not at your stage, it can be frightening or dangerous or damaging. Oh! But, that is exactly what a dream is for! To compartmentalizations reality into something that can be better understood. Haha! To anyone looking to produce media, that’s your key! And to anyone who hates the distraction of media, that’s you’re balancing realization the lower consciousness is nothing but a simplification to enable your understanding. Hate it if it consumes you. Love it when it inspire you! ah, I should stop this post before it gets to be too much
  7. @TruthSeeker47 Here’s another resource, might be helpful. Sit comfortably, spine straight, slight tight forward, head tilted slightly down, and alert, not comfy enough to be sleepy. ? I’d keep with cross legged for a while.
  8. There is nothing which isn't a mystery. Reality is fundamentally unknowable. But you can be conscious of nonduality, in which there is no life/death, or any other duality, and none of these dualistic questions. See for yourself.
  9. I don’t use the term “prove” since I don’t have 100% certainty of anything. Of course, yesterday does not exist in the present moment. The papers are evidence that the exam took place in a previous moment. I’m into nonduality, yet humans have evolved the perception of a timeline. Acknowledging that timeline is part of The Game I’m willing to play. My character is not attracted to living solo in the woods.
  10. Leo-ism and the capital of the world will be Leograd and nonduality will be the only tolerated religion, Strong Detetmination Sitting for 12 hrs will be mandatory everyday for all plebs.
  11. @LiakosN I love that silence. Great report. Heed the advice about respecting the shrooms / trips. I trust you learned that. Sounds like you have one hell of an understanding mom (and dad not sure). Reminds me of a time a while back I tripped with a friend. I learned A LOT. He went into One / Nonduality full on, but had no practices, no theory - no foundation for it. So, he walked right out the front door 1 hour into a 5 hr trip. In his trip, his friends had all the houses in the nieghborhood build and filled with actors, setting up some kind of game of a lifetime, all just for him. He walked to houses talking to people fully believing they were actors. So they’d be like “uh, is there something I can help you with? Do you want me to call the police or EMS for you or something”? And he’d say (thinking they’re actors in this game just for him) “i don’t know, do you think you should call the police, or EMS”? He enjoyed the shit out of this “game for him” for hours, thinking each person he met was planned, and he should let them just go through their “lines” of the “play”. So the police came, and asked him the typical questions. He was really upfront about being on shrooms, yet perceived the police as actors within the game for him. They said he had done nothing illegal (lucky / the mystic of some trips) but they can’t let him keep walking through the neighborhood, and he could spend the night in a cell at the police station (no charges) or they could take him to the hospital. In “game mode” he says to the officer, “what do you think I should do”? Luckily, the cop suggests the hospital. So he gets checked in (still completely thinking this is part of the big game for him with some ultimate prize at the end) and they start an IV to begin flushing the psylicibin out of his system. While getting the IV, which of course is part of the game to him, he’s asking the nurse what she thinks he should do next. She suggests calling someone to pick him up. Shrooming, he did not take his phone with him, and can not remember name or phone numbers. Then he remembers one phone number. It is for a sales rep he calls often at work. He remembers this number because he manually dials it on a regular phone at work. So he calls the sales rep, who literally lives next to the hospital, and was a long time seeker and had taken many a trip. What are the chances right?! Dude picks him up at the hospital, takes him to dudes house, they watch some tv together. After about an hour (this is 5 hrs into the trip) he remembers my phone number and calls me. Next morning we picked him up at dude’s house. Counted our blessings, and laughed, a lot. Like I said, learned a lot.
  12. @wakeel55 Anger can not harm you, you are it. 20-25 is rough af.
  13. I have strong feeling that many people need to revisit this! This summary was written by @Juan Cruz Giusto: "“If you cannot weep with a person who is crying, there is no Kensho”. Zen Deviltry is something that is happening in the West when we just take the techniques of the Easter traditions and don’t take any philosophy and cultural baggage. In a sense is good because some of the philosophies are outdated and unnecessary but, it can lead to problems. In Mount Hiei, the monks were fighting each other because they built different sects. Notice that, even they were enlightened, they were behaving like animals! People nowadays are thinking enlightenment as a simple thing as though it is just one insight and as soon as you have that insight, it is the end of seeking, illusion, personal development. They think that after enlightenment, there is no more need to improve yourself, learn and live life. They believe that after enlightenment there are no more values, principles, pursue of mastery, no more goals, no more purpose, no more career, no more business, relationships, pursue of excellence, education, hard work, thinking, planning, strategizing and no more caring. But this is a very simplistic notion of Enlightenment. Notice that if it was that simple, there would not be many spiritual schools. In reality, there are TONS of schools, teachings, teachers and so on. The various masters have: - Strong values and principles - High Passion - Commitment to mastery - Commitment to excellence - Very hard working - Make plans and goals - They are not lazy - They conduct business - They engage in the world - They care about society - They care about ecology - They care about relationships - They are very caring individuals - They are very educated and read a lot ENLIGHTENMENT SHOULD MAKE YOU MORE CARING, NOT LESS! If it’s not this way, you are making it in a Zen Devil way. The solution to this is to be face to face with a great master. Nonduality is not learned, IS EMBODIED. It is not about sitting in your cushion and having a brilliant insight, it is a lot more than just that. There is distinction: Small Nonduality vs Big Nonduality. People get cocky when they know about Nonduality and compare it with duality. But this creates a high level duality! REAL ENLIGHTEMENT IS A FULL INTEGRATION BETWEEN THE DUAL AND THE NONDUAL! Big Nonduality is humble. It understands and integrates duality and Nonduality both. Big Nonduality is so nondual that even the mundane stuff is embraced. He sees that, even though the good and the evil are not existentially true, they exist and they are part of the world. It is also generous. They don’t criticize. They see a place for therapy, working on your career, working on your relationships, on the bad habits. Small Nonduality will say that everything is illusion and you should go straight forward for Enlightenment. But you must realize that not all people are ready for Enlightenment and it may take them a decade to work themselves up to that. BIG NONDUALITY IS INCLUSIVE! Zen Devil: One who has the experience of Satori but has done no scholar study of literature. It is the one who sits and meditate all day but doesn’t expand his knowledge of the world. Wild Fox Zen: It is one who only reads the books and knows the theory of Enlightenment but doesn’t have any insights. You want a Middle Way. If you want to master Enlightenment, you will need to invest more than 10.000 hours to really master and embody it. If not, how do you explain the hard-core training and disciplines of the different traditions. There is a lot more than just an Enlightenment experience: - There are different depth of Enlightenment and there is a whole spectrum and variety of enlightenment experiences - Develop love and compassion - Emotional Mastery - Cultivation of Unconditional Love - Relationships: You need to learn how to have enlightenment relationships with people - Eliminating bad habits - Education: There is a lot to learn about the world - Being a good citizen and contributing to society - Having an ethical career that is contributing to raising its levels of consciousness - Transcending your culture - Taking care of your physical body - Develop good character - Concern for the environment - You can develop spiritual powers - Understanding (relating your insights with business, relationships, the environment, society, evolution, physics, biology, physiology). “Post-enlightenment practice meant finally ceasing to be preoccupied with your own personal condition and attainment and the devote yourself and your practice to helping and teaching others. Finally, you realize that Enlightenment is a matter of endless practice and compassionate functioning and not something that occurs one and for all in one great moment on the cushion”. Emotional traumas and self-development is not accomplished by enlightenment only. Being a good person is separate from enlightenment. A COMMITMENT TO NONDUALITY IS TO EMBODY IT. Reason is a function of the mind and existence is beyond that. The fact is that there are not reasons but VALUES AND PRINCIPLES STILL MATTER (this is the paradox of self-development). Existentially, there are no reasons but DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE PRACTICAL LEVEL where it does matter how you act, think and behave. True goodness comes spontaneously. The true question is how you are going to decide how to play the game, and karma still exist (your actions have consequences). YOU ARE NOT TRULY ENLIGHTENMENT UNTIL YOU CAN HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE SUFFERING OF OTHER. You may not suffer anymore but there are many people that are going to still suffer (how about your mom, that is going to still be suffering because she isn’t enlightened, or the guy in the street that is dying because have nothing to eat). THE THING IS THAT OTHERS ARE YOU! IT IS ALL YOU!!! You should work a lot while you are working towards enlightenment. The psychological work that you are doing right now (taking care of your finances, your relationships, career and life purpose, rearranging your values) are going to do be really useful when you get enlightenment. EVEN MORE, ENLIGHTENMENT CAN TAKE THIS TO THE NEXT LEVEL."
  14. Materialism is the default paradigm of the human mind in our present era and culture. Materialism really just stems from daulity, which the default OS of human beings across all cultures and times. As one becomes more conscious, one moves towards nonduality. The last step Chalmers is missing is transcending theoretical idealism to actualized nonduality, until one's nonduality becomes so profound that even the distinction between duality and nonduality falls away.
  15. So, there are different levels of mystical experience from the perspective of ego, but there aren't levels to nondual enlightenment from the place of nonduality. Is that what is being argued, essentially?
  16. Universe/mind is a duality. The ultimate Truth is nondual. You cannot grasp nonduality via dualistic distinctions. You can try, but all you will get is paradox and strange loops due to the self-reference problem. You are the universe trying to ask itself, "What is the universe?" If you don't know, who else can tell you but yourself?
  17. A) No, it doesn't. B) Nonduality means there is no difference between ego and enlightenment. You are conflating being a good person with enlightenment. Those are two very different things. That's your ego's judgment. From the enlightenment perspective, there is no such thing as egoism or dysfunction. Devil = God
  18. Nonduality does not depend on any authority and would be true even if tomorrow Einstein and Bohr were revealed to be charlatans. I appealed to their authority precisely because it might help convince arch-materialists because they will not be receptive to critiques coming form outside of science. But even so, most materialists would sooner discard the opinions of Einsteim and Bohr than re-evaluate their materialist dogma. Materialism is a religion. So it does not repond to reason or evidence. It's an unfalsifiable position by design. The mind does not play fair when defending it because, unbeknowst to the materialist, his very life hinges on it. Nonduality is not an argument or a proof. It is a fact of which you can become conscious if you wish. Brute facts are never proovable. Facts merely ARE. "Proof" is a psychological game which depends on how receptive your mind is. That would be your projection. I take no offense at this critique. It is just laughably off the mark. And I have deep compassion for his ignorance. I have devoted my whole life to helping people cure this ignorance. It always breaks my heart to see people intellectually shooting themselves in the foot. I know exactly where they are making their epistemic errors, but I cannot convince them of it because they lack the radical openmindedness necessary, because they fear ego-death. That is the tragedy of this whole thing. This guy is not even conscious of why he is closedminded. That is the tragedy of religion. So in the end, what can we do but laugh? Maya is a sneaky bitch. My experiences of nonduality are not going to be shaken by any rational critique. So critique away. All critiques are just a consequence of Infinity.
  19. You expect a bunch of materialistic Reddit trolls to understand the subtlty of nonduality?? Lol Those guys have no idea what they are up against. Just reading one random sentence of his critique and it's already ignorance of the plainest sort.
  20. Consciously accept being the servant of God's will or the will of Absolute Infinity in other words, and be it every second of your life until there is no you, this is nonduality.
  21. My meo is most certainly 5-Meo-DMT because a similar batch from the same vendor was tested in a forensics lab and was confirmed 5-Meo. The purity was not specified though... As an interesting twist of events I managed to get two batches of 5-Meo (2 for 1), one was advertised as HCl (orange coloured) and the other one was supposedly freebase (off-white colour). I have been sitting on them for over a year as when I began testing with the freebase, I didnt manage to successfully administer it through vaporizing. I bought a meth pipe but obviously as a beginner I burnt the substance and now the pipe has burnt 5-Meo in it. So I presume I cant use that pipe anymore... Anyway I took that as a sign from the Universe and my higher self that I wasnt ready for this behemoth of a psychedelic and continued with less powerful hallucinogens. I got my ass handed to me without meo anyway By shrooms of course... So I have built up my psychedelic confidence for over 1.5 years and now I feel ready to continue with 5. I have read and bought two of the leading expert on the God Molecule, Martin Ball's, books of which the best is by far "Unraveling the enigma of nonduality with 5-Meo-DMT energetic therapy". I have also introduced psychedelics to my family and my mother has even tried shrooms now. Thats openmindedness for you folks! I also recommended the aforementioned book to her and she was inspired and convinced she will try 5 one day But before that I will work with it and share my experiences. On a side note, she has psychic abilities, also walks the path and helped me get to the root cause of my melanoma (which is the mechanism to keep me on the path and not stray away and lose focus). So I know there is no way back for me, I will go for enlightment hardcore and the method of 5-Meo-DMT and psychedelics has really resonated with me. @Serotoninluv You said you also had orange HCl, is it sticky too? I will try to consume my orange batch nasally first and maybe try to smoke/vape the freebase later if at all. Do you have any idea what is that orange residue? Will it dissolve in the nose...When I heated the spoon the orange liquid sticked to the spoon... To conclude, maybe I will get my ass handed to me during the first high dose trip and I'll retreat but I have to experience it and learn from it. Death is an illusion anyway as they say...I want to prove and embody that myself though. To infinity and beyond!
  22. Can you unpack that a bit further? I understand that at the level of nonduality, ego mind and absolute consciousness can't be two opposing things. But I'm struggling to understand the implications of that in terms of such desires as the desire for liberation.
  23. Maybe Nonduality also includes ego, anger, and suffering. You can be enlightened and still be angry, or act egotistically, or suffer. What changes is your awareness of these things. Suffering ends when you are willing to suffer anything. That doesn't necessarily mean the feeling of suffering goes away. You just stop resisting, stop wanting to change it. The difference is this: Person A is suffering and wants to stop the suffering. Which in a paradoxical way prolongs the suffering. Person B is suffering and doesn't care. Which in a paradoxical way ends the suffering. Happiness is just total acceptance of whatever is happening NOW, no matter how terrible is it. Imagine that someone is sawing off your leg, and you are like, "Okay, cool. So be it. I will enjoy this." << That is true happiness. You don't resist it. Lol, sure. It even includes the giraffe you have in your head
  24. You are the one arguing semantics. It's perfectly clear that the Buddha was teaching Absolute Infinity. That's all there is. Absolute Infinity is Brahman. Atman = Brahman. Form is emptiness, Emptiness is identical to form. The reason you're getting confused is because total nonduality is unspeakable, unthinking, and incommunicable. To talk about it, you have to make distinctions like dual vs nondual, atman vs brahman, consciousness vs unconsciousness, form vs emptiness, self vs no-self, x vs y, this vs that, right vs wrong, true vs false, etc. But all of that is duality! You are getting tangled up in relative distinctions and stylistic differences between different mystical schools. Drop that and see the commonality, not the petty differences.