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  1. Following leo's guided self inquiry I got my first experience of nothingness. This was before any psychedelics. Did not last long and I could not really make sense of it. My heart started going 100mi/h and i felt a lot of fear. Nothing compared to later psychedelic experiences, but glad it happened when it did.
  2. @Preetom thank you. a good post. made me want to find a certain quote again that I once read. this is the quote: "In our situation we only need an explanation of the realm of this world, which is the place of responsibility, trial, and works." "Know that since God created human beings and brought them out of nothingness into existence, they have not stopped being travelers. They have no resting place from their journey except in the Garden or the Fire, and each Garden and Fire is in accordance with the measure of its people. Every rational person must know that the journey is based upon toil and the hardships of life, on afflictions and tests and the acceptance of dangers and very great terrors. It is not possible for the traveler to find in this journey unimpaired comfort, security, or bliss. For waters are variously flavored and weather changes, and the character of the people at every place where one stops differs from the character at the next. The traveler needs to learn what is useful from each situation. He is the companion of the each one for night or an hour, and then departs. How could these be reasonably expected by someone in this condition?” "We have not mentioned this to answer the people fond of comfort in this world, who strive for it and are devoted to the collection of worldly rubble. We do not occupy ourselves with or turn our attention to those engaged in this petty and contemptible activity. But we mention it as counsel to whoever wishes to hasten the bliss of contemplation in other than its given realm, and to hasten the state of annihilation elsewhere than in its native place, and who desire absorption in the real by means of fana', obliteration from the worlds." "The masters among us are scornful of this ambition because it is a waste of time and a loss of true rank, and associates the realm with that which is unsuitable to it." -Ibn al Arabi
  3. @zeroISinfinity Yeah but somehow, I was never able to experience what I intended to experience, Energy shots, nothingness, infinity, Kundalini. I was always offered something I didn t expect or aimed for.
  4. I never suffered from social anxiety before my first awakenings, but after the 6 month period of regular non dual awakenings (nothingness) when I was fully back into duality, social anxiety started to come up and it got worse and worse. Probably the ego backlash. Now 5 years later an enlightened person (who can switch from duality to nonduality anytime she wants, so I guess that s close enough to enlightenment) told me that it is not social anxiety, but the "Self" perceiving all the energies from those people around and the ego tries to differentiate from them. When I stop trying to differenciate between me and them, and just focus on them the fear disappears for a moment, until my monkey mind thinks about me, me and me. Not nonduality, no mystical states, just the mind differentiating or thinking about ME. Little absurd story: I was also able to show her my light-Body and she told me which chakras were open and which ones were closed (which turned out to be true) and she made my light-Body bigger (I felt it) . Now I never tried any astral travel or something, I just had the intuition to try it, and she never did something like that "on command" either, said it was the first time that had happened to her. I would usually call that BS, but it worked. I don't know what a light body is and never astral travelled either, I just saw hers and then she tried to fix me and told me what was wrong. So now I am pretty open minded to anything. Any thoughts on those 2 things? Do you have any Idea how to explain it? Alternative explanations?
  5. There are two possibilities, a) whatever “you” are, might continue, though where and in what way is uncertain, though, it won’t really matter to anyone else, it seems to everyone else, once you die “you” are gone, b) when you die, there is nothing, no you, no experience, no looking down on everyone else still alive, not even darkness, not even nothingness in the way that we know, essentially, from your perspective the universe will cease to be. beyond this, there can be many kinds of speculation, theories of the afterlife, etc, but nothing can possibly be confirmed.
  6. mhhh light worker... getting a little bit nostalgic everytime i hear it - it’s a little bit like talking about harry potter... what i wanted not to use as an example as in some sense it’s already making the whole theme seem a little bit hogwashed ? but fairytale‘s aside, even if you are a „light worker“ there are still different schools and in magic we still talk about different styles of magica. being a light worker can confuse people massively about what is and is not white magic i would not say that you can devide white magic and black magic in two different schools even though you could say one side knows more about shadows and the other one about light - what might not mean that you could not say they are both devidable into shadow work and light work - i‘d say white magic would maybe more talk about ombra work and light work and then also remind that there is real shadow work. nothingness work has some black hole aspects definitely, i guess that’s the difference i would make - as we all have a tendency to magic. it’s interesting to find out about to which side our tendencies go towards.
  7. @Raptorsin7 with regards to your question or concern about falling into a lifetime cycle of using pyschedelics to achieve insights or awakenings - do not worry....there are only a handful of key realizations or facets of awakening. And by awake i mean awake as God. The avatar does not embody them - rather there is an expansion of Consciousness in the form of the avatar. These realizations are in no particular order: 1. The direct realization that the fabric of reality is Consciousness and not made of matter. Bye bye materialist paradigm. All matter and all things are held within consciousness. Once that is realized directly via Being, it cannot be undone - you have seen reality to be a Mind. It is a dream and you have awoken from the dream. 2. That you are not the avatar - but that the avatar is an idea within consciousness...this can lead to a dark night because it can also accompany the "oh fuck" realization that you are nothingness. Everyone and everything is an idea within consciousness. The squirrel that got squashed on the road was an idea in the mind of God. 3. That you ARE Consciousness / infinity / reality / God. 4. A realization of Infinity - which is total Oneness. There is nothing outside of infinity. Infinity is everything and nothing. It is nothing and everything. And this can also lead to a dark night because it can accompany the direct "oh shit" realization that you are all alone - one giant mind imagining it all - and everything and everyone is you. 5. That you are pure Love and pure Divinity. God in its pure formless form is pure Love and Bliss, frozen and divine. Once you are conscious of these realizations directly, by the death of the avatar and thus being pure Truth directly, it cannot be undone. Further non-dual or mystical states would not be necessary for God to be awake. God has enlightened itself through your particular form. If the avatar is seeking more mystical states imo then it is purely for exploration purposes of consciousness as Infinity, not for waking up. God is exploring itself through form...which is what it is doing at all times anyway...
  8. It doesn’t matter who you are, or how conscious and awake you are, the laws and rules of this reality apply to all humans. You can “touch” nothingness, “touch” God consciousness, have out of body experiences, travel to other dimensions and dream states, but you will always return to the laws and rules of this physical reality, period. You can delude your self all you want thinking you can escape your historical and present thoughts, beliefs, emotions, traumas, physical and mental behaviours, patterns, needs, wants, desires, diseases without doing the work. The work doesn’t mean just using psychedelics, teacher plants, meditation, and yoga. Once you have experienced and touched nothingness, the void, realized that this is all an illusional, that you are all alone, a state of pure and complete silence you will eventually realize this is just the tip of the iceberg. You are here in this physical reality not only to reach higher levels of consciousness, but also to master the 5 aspects of this physical reality which are the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and your sexual life force energy (Chi). Being present in the now, fully conscious and awake, enlightened every nano second in this reality of time and space is almost impossible to do without mastering the 5 aspects I have mentioned above. Eckhart Tolle may have mastered the mental and emotional aspects, but he, in all likelihood, has not mastered his physical body, as an example. Osho, Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, Leo, and all the countless other gurus are just as human as you and I are and they must all “master the 5 aspects of physical reality” to be free of any and all attachments and effects of this physical dream state. Anyone that tells you, or leads you to believe that they have “FULLY Embodied God consciousness” is full of shit and is delusional. Just a few thoughts and beliefs!
  9. Last night in my bed , I started contemplating nothingness. How am I nothingness? How is all of this nothingness? I asked . And slowly I was absorbed into this state. I started really to vanish and become nothingness!!. What!!. I was vanishing slowly and I reached the threshold where I am about to breakthrough. I was pushing and accepting but I couldn't. I couldn't take a breath. I was suffocating , at least that is how it felt. I couldn't push more. What really amazes me is that I have not done a lot of yoga or meditation. But how am I offered this chance to enlighten ??? I have been struggling with mental illnesses lately and taking medication. Is that related somehow ?
  10. It's the ego doing the thinking It's the ego doing the writing It's the ego doing art It's the ego posting on instagram It's the ego doing meditation It's the ego breathing in deeply It's the ego trying to find itself It's the ego looking outwards It's the ego perceiving It's the ego looking back It's the ego going being tired But who is the ego What is the ego Where is the ego I don't know who what or where ego is But it's actions are observed By who? By what? What is this? What is this experience? What is this empty Ness? Something, someone is aware I am aware Who is aware of this body? There is only a body perceived By what I don't know There seems to only be perception Or experience, happening That is only when I focus attention on the actual experience The empty place feels more pure I can switch between both of them // link retreat // I cannot identify with this nothingness because there is nothing to identify with. Mind attaches with form.
  11. The symbolism of breath in yin prayer: Inhalation/expansion: the body becomes receiving, spacious, it signifies infinity, boundlessness, emptiness, nothingness Exhalation/contraction: the body becomes creative, begetting, it signifies finitude, separation, multitude In the yin prayer the subject (the person) is symbolized by the mind and the object of the prayer (God) is symbolized by the body: In the first tact (1,2) of the prayer, the focus is on expansion and contraction of the body. Here, the body signifies: (1-expansion) Nothingness/infinity/boundlessness that (2-contraction) begets/em-bodies the Living God. Then, in the second tact (3,4), the focus is on movement of the air in and out of the lungs. Here, the body signifies: (3-inhalation) the empty vessel (soul) that is being filled with God's mercy/love and (4-exhalation) is relieved of sins. The yin prayer is suited for ordinary activities. It is silent, repeated in thoughts. It symbolizes Nothing that loves everything.
  12. In the yin version of the prayer, the progression of breaths is following: [Breathe-in]: Lord, Jesus Christ, (the great divine Nothingness, empty space, that is the pre-condition for air) [Breathe-out]: Son of God, (Nothingness begets/exhales the incarnate God, word-made-flesh, embodiment of LOGOS) [Breathe-in]: have mercy on me, (as "I/me" become the empty space, your Grace fills me) [Breathe-out]: a sinner. (the final breathe-out is a relief from sins/wounds). AM-EN
  13. "We are angels with a Siamese twin, who is a monkey, growing out of our chest." - Terence McKenna I posted the song An Innocent Man by Billy Joel this morning in the music thread as a possible expression of Self Love, contrasted to self love which Maurice Nicoll speaks of. I didn't claim innocence this morning. Specifically, I wrote- "This song to me is a good expression of Self Love. Seeing self love at work vs. Self Love. A DESCRIPTION “I well know as a medical psychologist the awkward point where I had to say to the patient: ‘Yes—I can see you have been badly treated, never appreciated, never properly understood. You have told me all that very clearly. But do you think that it is possible that you are not quite the ideal person that you seem to imagine yourself to be, and that there may be some quite serious faults in yourself?’ Now you can all imagine the haughty look, the frozen smile, the magnificent rising from the chair—and the slamming of the door—without, of course, the fee being paid. Yes—but what has happened. . . What has been touched? What would you call it? Whatever you call it, it is this factor that prevents self-change...If he sees for himself something of this factor in him, which is so formidable and the source of so much violence, then it is not aroused antagonistically. He sees himself: he begins to accept what he would never have accepted from another. It is in this way that the Work deals with this otherwise intractable fac- tor in Man.” V. 3, pp. 1165-1166 PRIDE AND VANITY “You must study Pride and Vanity in yourselves and all their different gradations. Do you know your own forms of Vanity and how much they occupy you? Do you know where your Pride lies? Where do you feel that you love yourself, that you admire yourself? Where do you most feel that you are utterly different from other people? Where are you most conceited? What do you boast about? What are you silent about? Vanity is frequently very talkative, whereas Pride is silent. Which is the deeper wound, wounded Vanity or wounded Pride? What is it you cannot forgive? You know that if you cannot forgive it is because of some form of self-love which, ideally speaking, has to be smashed out of you.” V. 1, p. 360 SELF-LOVE “One can feel very startled when one realizes that it is always this thing called oneself that is being comforted, exalted, tittilated, soothed, flattered, satisfied, and that when it is not, it begins to whimper like a baby. And it is always this odd restless thing that is being offended, upset, negative, indignant, downcast. Cast down from what? From its centrepoint of self-love.” V. 2, p. 472 SELF-LOVE II “Ask yourself sometimes: ‘Why am I doing this?’ or ‘Why am I saying this?’ or ‘Why am I behaving in this way?’ or ‘Why am I writing this?’ Whatever imaginary robes of self-righteousness we clothe ourselves in, these questions tend to undress us again...When we have gone more deeply into self-observation and self-knowledge, we simply have to give up a lot of the manifestations of the self-love, disguised as something genuine.” V. 2, p. 476 LAUGHING AT ONESELF “Now one way to attack the self-love is through self-observation. . . . It is wonderful to catch a glimpse of your self-love and be able to laugh at it. One loses the former highly-explosive over-sensitive feeling of ‘I’ more and more. That means more balance. That means becoming softer.” V. 5, p. 1604 ENDURING DEVALUATION “It would be impossible to catch a glimpse of one’s level of Being unless one could endure it. Now the only way you can endure it is by having something else you can hold onto. If you have something else that you value and that you can hold on to and trust, you can then endure a certain amount of devaluation of yourself.” V. 2, p.509 ENDURING DEVALUATION II “When you begin to feel your own nothingness you begin to receive the help of the Work to replace that nothingness by something. So you have to go down a long way before you begin to go up.” V. 3, p. 878 From - Arnold Keyserling once framed it another way as the objective capacity to 'know the kind of shit one is' in reality, as opposed to lofty conceptual ideals.
  14. Im 24 years old. My sister is having a baby today. Nothing phasing me. Being totally honest with myself, I don't have an enthusiastic bone in my body. This extends to every single aspect of my life. Booking a fantastic holiday? Nope! I don't care or get excited. New job promotion? So what! Everthing I do? Still nothing. I feel like the only thing that feels half good is pure escapism. A great video game, movie or tv show. This kills my relationships too as I feel nothing but the same old nothingness. I remain productive but I feel my productivity could sky rocket if I could just feel something. Does anyone have any thoughts or theories or advice to give my life some shine to it? Could this stuff be simple biology with little neurotransmitters in my brain? Thank you.
  15. Leo's video about addiction is just BS. what it consists of is: >70%fear of nothingness and how we will die and live with this 'nothing' for an eternity,thing that I'm sure he changed his opinion about >Meditate,either do mindfullness meditation or do nothing tehnique or idk what. He said that all addiction is based of fear of nothingness,which is BS. Addictions don't have anything to do with fear of nothingness per se. If you want to put it this way,survival is rooted in the fear,but this means that even if I fart I fart because of the fear of nothigness,because me farting is related to me surviving. >How to really get rid of a hardcore addiction? The rood of a hardcore addiction is based on you wanting X despite the negative consequences. And X can be Drugs,porn,alcohol. You have to ask yourself if you really want to live in the truth,the truth being that X is fucking up your life.It did fuck up your life and it always will,no matter if it is 5%X, 20%X or 100% X. Your past is a proof of this. You either live a lie or live a truth. Make it black and white. There cannot be a gray area. Ask yourself this everytime when you have an urge: "If it's fucking up my life why do I want it?" Stop making excuses like " I'll just get high". Meditation is not the foundation of sobriety,but your priorities are. Because meditation is a distraction, you're running away from your urges by meditating. I'm telling you how to get rid of urges if there is any which pops up from your subconscious mind,just ask yourself "If it ruins my life why would I want it?" and when you have an urge you make a choice,you either relapse and will regret it,or abstain and stay sober and live in the truth. You have to have a stoic mindset,Pain,anxiety,they are your friend. DO not run from the withdrawal symtoms. My point is that meditation doesn't work as a foundation because it doesn't tackle the urge per se,it's just makes a delay,but you still want X,even if you meditate or not. The bottom line is this: If you want to get rid of a hardcore addiction you have to keep this in mind: You cannot lose sight of the truth,X will always ruin your life. X is just a lie,you're denying the consequences of your problem.. You want X so bad but you want it without the consequences. SO when you have an urge ask yourself "Will I accept the truth and live a life based on the truth or I'm going to tell myself a lie and belive and live a lie?" The problem is not your mind(your subconscious which comes with urges), but it is you. As long as you desire X,you crave X,you lust for X, you won't be able to get rid of it,you'll just come up with an excuse to do it. You can run from it as much as you can,you can meditate for months,it won't change anything. Last time when I relapsed I meditated for 2 hours straight and I binged even more because the usual binge+reward binge for my meditation. What I'm telling you is simplier than you think: Ask yourself why you desire something that ruins your life. Why do you value getting high? Instead of coming up with an excuse to do X,come up with an excuse to do no-X Gabe Dawg made a video about it,kindalong but you can 2x it and it can be applied for any addiction,just replace PMO(porn masturbation orgasm) with your hardcore addiction. link: Also Porn is really a problem,I don't know why Leo dismissed it in the past. But a lot of people are getting hooked by this shit and it's hard to quit because it hijacks your mind. I'm telling you,this shit makes you very low,it makes you physically weaker and dumber.It makes you dull brothers.
  16. Below is an essay written by a helicopter trained in poor-weather. He seems to have a lot of knowledge and experience. He integrated all the facts so far with his personal experience to create a plausible story of what may have happened. In particular, I find the end of the story very interesting. To me, there are aspects of self actualization. A brief summary: -- Shortly after takeoff, there was a thin haze and the pilot decided to fly under "Visual Flight Rules" (VFR). This means the pilot must fly under the dense fog/cloud layer. The alternative was to fly via "Instrumental Flight Rules" (IFR). This would have been the safer route, however the downside is that it takes a lot longer. The pilot must wait for controller instructions. The instructions may create much longer circuitous routes. And they have had to wait in line to proceed. Kobe Bryant's notoriety is a nonfactor for waiting times. The waits and circuitous route can add hours to a trip - it is unknown how much of a delay there would be. So, there was an early decision waying risk and reward. At the start of the trip, there was a thin layer of haze, so the risk may have seemed small and they decided to go VFR rather than deal with unknown delays with IFR. As well, if the conditions worsened (which they did), the pilot can fly very low along highways that cut through mountainous territory. -- As conditions worsened. The pilot flew very low along highways. The highways are in valleys between rising hills and mountains. So the pilot can fly low along a highway and they are safe, even if he can't see rising hills/mountains flanking the highway. -- There were two small airport spaces, they had to wait for clearance. I find it interesting that the air traffic controllers did not tell the helicopter pilot to land. I don't know air traffic control regulations and who has authority. Perhaps the air traffic controllers did not have authority to tell the pilot to land. Alternatively, the conditions around the airport were not not bad, and the helicopter later encountered a small niche of very bad conditions. -- They got within 15 miles of the destination, yet they needed to veer off the highway. The two main factors are: 1) they had to leave the underlying highway that they were using as a reference point. As long as they flew along the highway, they were safe and 2) they entered a pocket of low dense fog. The pilot likely knew that there were hills/mountains rising around him, that he could not longer see. He gained elevation, yet by doing so he lost his reference point. This is the most interesting part to me: without his visual reference point, they enter a "groundless" state. Not groundless in the sense of being in the air. Groundless in the sense of no reference point. . . They were now in a groundless Nothing. They couldn't orient/ground themselves in reality. The pilot knows hills/mountains are around yet is in groundless Nothingness. . . . A pilot may feel like they are veering left, or right. Or the pilot may feel like they are rapidly gaining altitude. This can lead to anxiety and panic, even in a trained pilot. . . The pilot veered to the left and made a rapid decent. The author speculates that the pilot panic and needed a reference point. Fearing a mountain ahead, or wanting to circle back to retreat, he may have veered left and down. . . He flew into a hill/mountainside. . . The author wrote that the pilot could have vertical descended, yet due to instrument malfunction or panic took a rapid left word decline. I don't have this type of helicopter direct experience, yet it sound eerily similar to the groundless state entered with psychedelics. And how the human responds: there can be an intense anxiety/panic with an intense desire to get out of the groundless state of nothing/not knowing - and to desperately grasp for a point of reference to give a sense of grounding in reality.
  17. Nothingness guided me well. Or effortlessness. For me the intuitive sense of the guru's guidance is the most powerful
  18. @ivankiss Oh okay is that what you meant. Got it all wrong. I meant nothingness and thought that nothingness is this empty field that consciousness/light is inside of or one with. I know what your mean now about God of our own universe, got a bit woo woo for a moment. I get now what you meant like we create our own realities by out beliefs, thoughts, vibration and actions and so on, like the law of attraction thing. Thanks for clearing that up.
  19. God/Oneness/Consciousness/Nothingness/Infinity is Love God is creation itself. God is selflessness itself. God is Love. No, ego is the prism which polarizes God's Infinite Absolute Love into limited, finite, material love. Absolute Love is like pure white light. Once that Love materializes into some formed thing, or through some finite creature, that Love is made finite and selfish. It is exactly like shining pure white light through a prism which polarizes it into many lesser discrete colors. The love shining through all humans is like the color blue or red or yellow. But God's Absolute Love is white, containing all the above, being the Source. So when God's Love shines through a dirty prism like Hitler or Trump -- that's what love looks like in its finite form. When God's Love shines through a pure lens, it looks like that of Jesus or Buddha. Ego is the lens/prism. When you realize that ego isn't real, its like removing all prisms from the path of the light, allowing it to shine white. The clearest telescope is one which has no lens at all. The clearest lens is Nothingness! When your lens is Nothingness, you are Truth, you are Love, you are God. You stop looking at things, you BECOME the things you used to look at. Yes, God's Creation is completely selfless. Since all selves are imaginary.
  20. @Joker_Theory Hi there! I am glad you liked the post. On the spiritual path one often hears about "light". But it's something else to experience it directly. And there are degrees even to that. I like using phrases like "stepping into the light" or "walking into the light"... Stuff like this can hardly be explained. That is why I prefer poetic expression. When you reach a certain frequency - shall I say - level of consciousness; there is nothing but light. No colours. No sound. No air. No time and no space. It's beyond any description. That is the Source of all of my downloads. The all seeing eye. The all knowing mind. Wouldn't call myself a nondualist tho. Seems kinda funny. I just share what comes to me. I love music and enjoy exploring consciousness, that's it The Quantum field is everything around you, including you. It is dressed up as all of us. As everything. It is a multidimensional field where everything occurs. It is that which is beneath the camouflage, if you will. But that's just another label, you see. Just like "nothingness". It all depends on how you view these words and what they mean to you. To me; true, actual "nothingness" is that which I cannot be aware of, ever. As there is simply no awareness in it or outside of it that could be aware of it. Otherwise it would be somethingness. "Nothing" is unknown. Unseen. It's the black forever. Nonexistence. Other people, here and elsewhere, use this word for describing what I'd call "emptiness". The silence of the mind. No thought, no emotion. No imposition. No perception either, perhaps. Again; all comes down to your interpretation. "We are all Gods of our own Universe" - meaning; we are creators of our realities. We are all of One Source and ever-connected, but we operate on different frequencies. Come from different dimensions. Have different purposes. Work on different projects. That is why "my reality" might be completely different than "your reality". What works in my universe might not work in yours. Two are One, but not the same. The subconscious mind, the body and everything else is a component of the Universe. Us "coming together" and interacting is "The Multiverse". Multifaceted and crystallized in the eternal NOW. There is nothing "outside of us". Nothing outside of this moment. This right here is where the entire cosmos is born. All the stars, planets and galaxies are right here, right now. It's just a matter of shifting to, or tuning into the experience of those or anything else. Regardless - whatever you do, wherever you go; it will always happen in this precise moment. Hope that hits some nails, hah! Much love.
  21. Hi Ivan wow really enjoyed your post and understood most of it as a few friends i have met over the years teaches about light and so on. They are not non-dualists but they teach about light beings and stuff so it's so good to hear you talk about it as nobody here really talks about light directly. What is this "infinitely intelligent quantum field" is that nothingness? Also, "We are all Gods of our own Universe" taking a guess here but this universes are they our Subconscious mind or human bodies or did i get it wrong? If so is these universes just in the entire cosmos outside of ourselves?
  22. Find the one who is asking the question (you) and watch him until you realise that he who is seen cannot be the seer, and that what is being watched, is not you. And allow yourself to drift into the ocean of silent nothingness (only when it feels natural) Intuition is so fucken important
  23. I am here until all of humanity awakens, then my mission is complete and i return back to nothingness.
  24. So yesterday I had my first 5 meo dmt experience. And boi it was intense. My first thought when the effects started was "what have I gotten myself into", then really fast everything turned into infinite perfection and nothingness. When I came back I found myself looking in the mirror telling myself how much I love everything. And earlier that day I also had my first awakening expereince from meditation that was deeper than my previous experiences with regular dmt. And two weeks earlier I also had a dmt experience where I got the insight that I should try 5 meo dmt. And now I know why I had that insight. Seems like it all hangs together XD.
  25. @DreamScape If I focus on it, it makes the sensation stronger and very slowly move up, I can probably force it up with some breathing technique, but focusing on it might do the trick. Lets meditate for a few hours then. Since I have meditated on infinity, ALL my fears went away the next day because I realised the fear was rooted in the nothingness, I wonder what the Kundalini will do to me if it is actually going to happen. I am so curious...