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  1. I used to do a static meditation every day for 10min when I first got into spirituality, even did 30min to one hour sessions here and there, nowadays I do a static meditation once in a rare occasion, it happens completely unplanned for a random amount of time from 5 minutes to 1 hour and Im good to go for a couple of weeks to more then a month, I get WAY more out of less meditation which leaves time for new practices (note that most of my meditation is throughout the day dynamically) Time" itself is fluid, the more conscious and present you are, the deeper time dissolves,what amounts to a 65minute practice for you 2 months ago, may be as long and lasting as 3 hours for you now, 3 hours in 65 minutes because you are very conscious in that particular practice Doing a practice for 'x minutes' every 'y days' is already obvious that half of your awareness is robotic and fully asleep, not in the moment, not feeling whats happening This is fine for people who begin with a practice and are not advanced in spirituality and inner feeling, but I expect after 8 months its time to go off on your own and be fully awakened to your practice and know to do it when really needed
  2. Ever since my awakening I've wondered about enlightenment, it is not enough to fully enlighten by yourself, everyone else would enlighten to but how? How would we do this? I've had this on my heart and my mind the whole time, to see beyond just enlightenment of the self, Buddha and jezus did not manage to awaken everyone... Now I understand, they were planting seeds, I've received tons of information and confirmation, my personal experiences these past months confirm this, I can say this with the full confidence of my heart, the hEarth is awakening There are ships sitting above our planet from galactic families that are in 5th dimension, our civilization is one of the last with extreme duality, most of the universe is already in oneness/unity/law of one Most of the effects of climate change are due the earth's inner core shifting and spinning faster as we shift from 3D to 5D, this has been an ongoing process, friends from above are doing the necessary to prepare and make the planet ready for change, energy management, dismantling... At some point there will be an event , I believe in not that long, and the whole planet will shift once, everyone will awaken, and everyone who's already awakened now will help guiding the others,. I fully believe this, it makes sense, it resonates with every cell of my being, the endgame is on
  3. I can equate Awakened Conscience with the Buddhists ideas of Karma and Dharma and vow of non violence.
  4. If one wants to stick on Egoic side of awakening, reading is a must, otherwise is little advance. On the other side, those who have fully awakened, don't need to read as much on almost nothing about self development, just info for pleasure in any niche.
  5. @Hellspeed I agree, law of Karma @Quantum_fluctuations I'll relate a bit of my path to what you said through an Ocke de Boer quote. I study Gurdjieff and esoteric Christianity like Ocke does. He's been doing it a lot longer than me. Ocke: We arouse the intelligence of the Spiritual Witness through the practice of ‘I AM’. Through ‘I AM’ we can get access to the universal ‘I AM’. This will bring us a more stable presence and therefore an intuitive intelligence, which is called the intelligence of the Heart. This intelligence will teach us to live from Conscience – that is, to do the Will of the cosmos. Our cognitive intelligence is way to slow for this process. In Regards to separate self. I am not my body. I am not my thoughts, feelings or sensations. There is a false personality that dies after we awaken. Rebirth is the Realization of the Pearl beyond Price. It is the personal essence of Being which has Individuality based on understanding. This understanding is connected to Conscience-- which is universal-- same everywhere Awakened Conscience is real Conscience Culture indoctrinates acquired Conscience into people, which is different from culture to culture. Conscience can be awakened with the law of three or ternary metaphysics's by adding a third force of neutrality to polarity consciousness. Pain is felt even more but ones understanding is greater.
  6. The awakened live in a similar reallity, wich is the Heart space in sync with everything/everyone. The other majority of human beings live in million different realities built by will power and mind.
  7. @SQAAD relax. Even though you're not aware of it yet, you've awakened to a point that you're causing people to look at you funny. Your uneasiness on the inside is causing the uneasiness "out there." So try your best to relax. And start to become conscious of this. Turn it from a debilitating thing into a super power.
  8. Hi @Giulio Bevilacqua I'm a musician and an artist. I "awakened" around a month ago. My love for art and music has remained incredibly strong, but I seem to have a freedom with it now that wasn't there before. I'm now creating art because I love bringing something into existence that wasn't there before rather than doing it for the sake of my "ego". Prior to my awakening, I was creative for what it might bring me (money, success, fame etc.). Now there just seems to be a desire to just create because I love doing it. The perceived pressure that was there before has gone. I hope that re-assures you somewhat? I would add actually that from it's the greatest thing I have EVER done. Trust me when I say you will not regret putting the work in! Just go for it! Jon
  9. It is safe if both parties are striving Fools. Those who are working on themselves. A perfect Idiot is a Realized Idiot. Realized Idiot has awakened Conscience and is not concerned with appearances of being self contradictory. A striving fool or a Perfect Idiot will walk into the street and point at a sign and say, "That sign is crooked."
  10. @rounder Falling back asleep is very common until you gain tons of practice and some deep enlightenment experiences. Eventually the awakening "sticks". But there are also various depths of it. Very very few people reach the deepest depths of it. There are depths that even awakened people have not reached. The deepest depths are totally unimaginable and only attained by tiny handfuls of people.
  11. It's neither that either......because most people here had awakened to that consciousness......obviously they would speak in a different language than you......& you too... But then again....if you are conscious enough, nothing will traumatize you either. Nothing will scares you....
  12. @Leo Gura Nihilism is not true. It might appear that way at first glance. When one plunged into non duality. I became extremely apathetic due to that when I awakened. Turned into somewhat of a cu** matter of fact. As I grew. I started experiencing, a direction that is inconceivable but can be felt in life. Just as one experiences the self. One can experience the dharma of the self. The growth of the self on a relative level within the absolute level. This purpose I would say is one facet on non duality. It is what allows for the possibility of non duality. I know you would disagree, but this is clear to me. Nihilism or nihilistic worldview is a byproduct of awakening but one needs to go further. From fake meaning, to meaninglessness to seeing the dharma. An egoic experiencenof this facet of reality is called god. Truth is those that experience in god, and those that experience in a nihilistic void. See two sides of one coin. The coin contains both sides, and only together can you have a clear view.
  13. @Tony 845 Ha..i have pure O too bro and awakened about a month ago. A full awakening. When you become pure being it is cured. It is completely gone because you have pure consciousness. How ironic right? The name pure OCD and pure consciousness and how they cancel eachother out. Its gone because you have complete certainty and you are everything. Even a deeply enlightened person doesn't walk around forever in this state because in truth thats death. So as your small self after being enlightened (because you do come back changed) your OCD will be drastically better..why? Because your consciousness has increased even as your small self. And you are more self aware. Your OCD gets weaker and less pure. You can identify it immediately and shoot it down and with mediation it really gets weak. Initially when i returned to my ego my OCD tried to make me doubt that what i experienced was real even though i had mystical experience and non duality experience after non duality experience one after another after another for a week straight..waking up in the middle of the night etc. I mean i was fucking still trying to tell myself that spirituality wasn't real after all that so i needed to ground myself in meditation immediately following...because someone with OCD can be prone to really bad ego backlash especially since no one around you would really believe or understand which only feeds the OCD (Everyone i know is a materialist and either blue or orange) as was i before i stumbled onto spirituality and only gave it an open mind after seeing Leos addiction videos and intuitively sensing this was right after spending decades trying to find peace looking outwards and running from the sense of emptiness and uncertainty that OCD feeds you....but oh how things come full circle don't they? Message me if you want to discuss further
  14. @Blissout @Preetom Your both right! Your both quoting different awakened masters accepted by human beings as Enlightened. Each one of you believe different things and both are right in the whole of everything. Unless you believe there is a set in stone definition of Enlightenment defined by the original source, layed out in some bible buried under the sea, its probably just speculation and accepted definitions within yourself. One would even say understanding this, is Enlightenment, but this is a word better discarded outside of trying to use labels to roughly communicate.
  15. This means absolutely nothing. Yes if you ask most people on the street if they’re happy most of them are lying both to themselves and to you. All because say they experience things directly doesn’t mean they do. I’m not asking you to believe me. I couldn’t give 2 shits if you believe me if I understand through direct experience or through “reputable sources.” I don’t need nor care to prove anything to you. I can’t prove to you through words (much less behind a screen) that I know this and I don’t care to. You cant know what produces thoughts and emotions without knowing directly what an emotion is and what a thought is. If you haven’t awakened to what the substance of a thought is and what an emotion is, you will not and cannot understand how they work and how they come to pass.
  16. The Akasha cannot be understood by the dormant, that simple. When someone taken a hit of a drug, LSD, DMT etc, one is able to tap from the perspective of the mind only (a limitation on own image) if one is not awakened.
  17. @PsiloPutty might be a stupid question, my kundalini is already heavily awakened, should I consider psycadellics still? Or just let the kundalini lead me to enlightenment naturally?
  18. I'm struggling to grasp what it really means to "Enter the Marketplace with Extended Hands" and how living this way is considered to be the highest awakened state. To illustrate, below are a few quotes from the last chapter of Lectures on the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures. 1st Quote: "When you have reached this highest awakened state where the world, just as it is, is the Pure Land, where you yourself, just as you are, are the Buddha, then you must throw away this satori and for the sake of those in suffering and distress descend to the bottom of society, to the farthest corner of society, and awaken everyone else to this Pure Land as well." 2nd Quote: "Without preaching, without offering his opinion, without giving a lecture, this monk gets in among the people and just by his laughing and smiling, all who meet him come to feel the point and purpose of life, like flowers blooming on a withered tree." 3rd Quote: "No matter what your field, even if you are a scholar who has read all the books in the world, you must not give any air of being a scholar but instead recite the Buddha's name like an illiterate nun who cannot read one letter. The way of a Buddhist cannot be anything other than this." To me, this would imply that simply by being with the people in society who are suffering most, your consciousness sort of rubs off on them like osmosis. And awakening people through this "osmosis" effect is a better/higher way to help them than to actually lecture and teach them directly from the position of a mentor. I thought this was interesting since I personally feel like I would not have made near the spiritual progress I have without teachings that slap you around a bit with a more direct, no-bullshit approach. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
  19. It toke me a long time to figure this one out, a hard time but I'll go ahead and say it most the information about this "throat chakra" out there is wrong, even ancient hindi knowledge is only half-right about this chakra, that is my experience I've felt massive energy eruptions and imbalances in my face, on the level of eyebrows and the mouth when dealing with people, like literal rage in my mouth, and intense sadness in my eyes, muscle spams in my eyebrows. By hindi knowledge the mouth, ears, teeth, throat is 5th chakra and the eyebrows and eyes are part of my 6th chakra, so I thought my 3rd eye was awakening again...shortly said my 3rd eye is by far the most awakened with tons of dmt trips, and finally I caught on that theses is just plain wrong information so I started really looking into the meaning of the 5th chakra. It is said to be chakra of communication, self-expression, creativity through self-expression (music,art..) and related to sound and the sense of hearing. Below is a picture of shiva displaying the 5th chakra. My take on it is as follows. The first chakra represents the earth, the second the sea, the third chakra is the sun, the 4th the heart which is the core of all beings,the air, the breath in the physical body The 6th chakra the 3rd eye, the infinite eye, the infinite I, infinity, while the 7th is universal connection, oneness, source. So in the 7th we have infinite potential, oneness, god, and the 6th we have the eye of knowing, the infinite souls If we were to keep it VERY simple spirits living in the spirit world would be made of the 6th chakra and the 7th chakra.Souls knowing infinity through the 3rd eye, god knowing itself through its souls, through its 3rd eye. This is our spirit, our higher self guiding us, our soul. Come onto the experience in the physical plane, incarnation, we have the first chakra giving us a physical body, bones, muscles,(earth element),.. The second chakra giving us a sea of emotions (the sea) the 3rd chakra giving us physical prowess, confidence, radiance, vitality (the sun) the 4th chakra connected to the air, the air which is everywhere, connecting everything, the breath of the body, the core, it connects our spirit to our physical body, once the breath leaves, the body is disconnected from the air which is our soul, this 4th chakra, the heart is also how our spirit, our soul, our higher self guides us through life (follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your joy, follow truth) Finally the 5th chakra called 'throat chakra' which bridges quite literally the body to the head, the earthly chakra's to the spiritual chakras. The heart chakra does that to an extent through guidance, but this 5th chakra literally relates the earthly experience to the soul I call it the chakra of reflection, it reflects our earthly experience to the soul (6th) and to god (7th). In this display of shiva of the 5th chakra, we can see 5 faces, related to the 5 basic senses. Smell, touch, taste, hearing, seeing Where are all these organs? On our face, nose, ears, tongue, eyes, and SKIN, which spans our entire body. The colour of the 5th chakra is blue, which is the hint, shiva's skin is all blue, meaning that the skin is part of the 5th chakra, the flesh itself, the body is 1st chakra, but when it comes the sense of touch it is 5th chakra, the skin This entire idea that the 5th chakra is the throat only, is already wrong. The notion that the eyes are related to the 6th chakra the 3rd eye, is in a sense wrong, the 3rd eye is the 3rd eye and it sees and knows all that is. To understand why the 5th chakra is the one of reflection, we have to understand the 6th chakra, the 3rd eye overseeing and knowing infinity, the soul. What happens when one meditates, opens his 3rd eye? When one does dmt? All the 5 basic senses collapse, seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting all reveal themselves to be one and the same, knowing, experiencing, those who have meditated, done psychedelics can confirm this. The 5 basic senses are merely a reflection of one true infinite sense, which is the 3rd eye, what it knows it sees, what it sees it experiences, and it oversees everything, all of creation, infinity, it knows everything,experiences all the eye of god You could come up with 7 more senses beyond what we have or even 1898 more senses, it is all a reflection of the one true sense of knowing , these reflection are a way for us to know ourselves The 5th chakra is the chakra of the senses, which are all reflections in order to know ourselves in different ways : the tongue, taste, reflects the 2nd chakra of the sea, the skin, touch, reflects the first chakra, the earth, the nose, smell reflects the 4th chakra, the air the heart. The ears and the eyes are on One line, light/sound, reflecting our true identity, we are light/sound, consciousness, reflecting the 3rd eye and the 7th chakra, our spiritual selves. The eyes also reflect the 3rd chakra the sun, the vitality in our eyes Through our face, one's face you see a reflection of everything he or she is, this is the 5th chakra, the Mirror. It is of course called the chakra of communication for it communicates everything about other beings to you, and you communicate through it, here comes the ego into play Many people identify with this chakra, common unspiritual people have their 3rd eye closed and if you dont know your spiritual self beyond this reality you start identifying as the body, as your face, you identify as your mirror Take away your skin, you dont have a different skin colour anymore, we're all the same underneath, take away your sight, hearing, taste, touch, most people would absolutely cringe at the thought of not living with their 5 senses, they identify with their 5 senses, they identify with their face, thinking their body makes them who they are, when in fact it does not. It reflections who they are, and they are far more. If you take away your 5 senses, you would still have your 3rd eye and your 7th chakra which contains an infinite amount of senses or only one,the paradox, and your soul which is very unique in its essence, your connection to all of creation Your face is unique because it Reflects your uniqueness, the uniqueness of your soul The mirror, the face, the ego, the actor Unbalanced, this chakra creates an unhealthy ego, at worst it creates an actor, a liar, a deceiver, most people suffer enormously from identifying with this chakra and they end up simply Reflecting the environment and society they live in, and identifying with that, suffering from not knowing their true self. I can say with certainty most people reading this have most of their consciousness residing in their face as I see it in the streets of my city. Its important to understand that to balance this chakra, this 5th chakra spans across your entire faces and your entire skin, "the colour of your skin", it is literally the chakra of identification. Funny enough, skin colour merely Reflects the environment you're from, its temperature and conditions. The 3rd eye is NOT the upper part of the face, it is a pea-sized area between your eyebrows,nothing more, the rest of it is all 5th chakra, see the picture for clarification, the 5th chakra is the entire face, your entire self-expression Imagine Leo Gura, take away his skin, his eyes, his ears, his nose, his tongue....can you now tell if that body is leo gura? Do the same with yourself, take away your skin, your eyes, your nose, your ears... can you tell yourself from others in similar condition? If your 3rd eye is activated you would be able to tell and see leo's soul and your soul and knowing the souls of other people. Balancing this chakra is dissolving the ego, you are not a human being(actor), you are the soul Unbalanced this chakra becomes deceitful, egoic, lying, deceiving, pretending... of course the ability to act can be used for good, like actors in the movies who can use this chakra to reflect new people, new realities, new consciousness. Used badly we can think of bad politicians who act one way in public but have intentions under the table, liars, thieves, abusive sociopath......The difference between a snake or a crocodile that wants to kill you and a sociopath, is that the snake and the crocodile are honest, their 5th chakra is balanced, when you look at the expressions of a snake or a crocodile you will see how much love they have for you if you get closer. You know what you're dealing with. A sociopath or a lying politician wants to hurt you but will display a friendly deceiving face, they are mirroring something they are not. Which is why even though most snakes or reptiles want to kill us we do not take it personally, its just life, no one carries a grudge against these animals, they're just being who they are A balanced reflecting chakra for us, is to always show our true emotions, who we truly are, the chakra of truth, communicating the truth, not hiding anything, because you're not supposed to. An individual that has developed this chakra healthily can display his or her emotions with comfort to others, a fully balanced one, would be a face that is exactly like a mirror, like the reflection in our eyes, a face that fully expresses who that person is. This chakra can only be balanced if one's 3rd eye and 7th chakra is open, only when you know who you truly are beyond your face in the mirror, can you reflect the truth to others and to yourself. Overcoming the face in the mirror, overcoming the ego, to finally let the kundalini rise to the 3rd eye and beyond andenlighten as an infinite being Beyond the mirror, real life is, when we're done acting for each other,we can get to know our true selves and the true selves of others, when we're done identifying with the mirror, we can allow our true selves to flow through it,our spirit our soul will flow through the mirror the bridge, onto the world
  20. @Recursoinominado @Recursoinominado is youre kundalini awakened? Mine is..?Also are you really from Brazil?
  21. @Tony 845 Yes, i have awakened my kundalini energy, my intuition is crazy high as the synchronicities and my manifestation ability.
  22. @Recursoinominado is youre kundalini awakened? Mine is..?
  23. Enlightenment. Spirituality. Both are misunderstood things. Being in a constant mystical state. Becoming aware of a dimension of life beyond the sense. Both are nowadays synonymous with enlightenment. I myself awakened more than a few years ago, and when I was stable in that new state that then was beyond my reference point and understanding. When my insights and teachings of teachers matched up I thought. Yes. I’m there. Then like most other teachers and people who awakened. I played a multitude of mind games, and escapist tactics to pretend like I’m a Buddha. After a multitude of extreme shifts afterwards. I became aware that life, reality and dharma had much more to teach than a simple “recognition”. & even that recognition varies. Ramana Maharshi, and a random guy who awakens on here might both become aware of an aspect of life, but their degree of “understanding” is extremely different. I’ll use an example. Let’s take a concept like love. A child that loves his mom, and a 50 year old with grown child have different understandings of love. Nuanced, more subtle yet much deeper perspective exists in ramana. In fact Ramana himself isn’t fully enlightened, but my reasoning for that, and the fact itself are irrelevant and will cause nothing but a series of pointless arguments. I said it just to catch your attention a bit lol. I know more than you. Make use of me. I’m here to help. Ask me anything
  24. I'm going through the same thing as you Tony. Awakened my kundalini last January after a traumatic memory resurged from childhood. Since then its been a whole lot of emotional work and dealing with shit from my subconscious flaring up super often; depression, anxiety, fears, etc. I've heard it suggested that this lends to faster evolution towards enlightenment, I have no idea though. All I know is for me whatever emotional issues I was previously unaware of are now plain and clear to see and work through. The thing that has given me personally some comfort is to know that this is a process and at the 'end' you are free of most if not all of the emotional heaviness/suffering that you've been carrying around for years.
  25. Through great inescapable suffering blooms the radical acceptance for anything that happens or anything that could happen to you. Having the willingness to recognize: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." Through this great opportunity of metamorphoses comes intense inner peace, balance and beautiful liberation from an internal cage. For me suffering has ultimately eliminated misery, grief, & all fear of suffering because once you suffer tremendously, you are awakened to deep levels of empathy, unconditional gratitude for all inherent aspects of life, (and not just temporary thrills) and the unpredictable change/possibilities that inevitably rise with it. Pain brings the recognition that something must be released & healed. Suffering has only brought me to a deeper understanding of myself and my life to the point of truly appreciating it for all the wonderful transformation, spiritual evolution and purification it has given me. "Those who have suffered understand suffering and thereby extend their hand." -- Patti Smith