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  1. I have not pursued this path per example and have awakened almost 3 years ago. But after all that time, only this month I dived deep into the permanent state of bliss. The last 2 years were ups and downs during the day, moments of bliss with other moments of dark nights of the soul, having almost every day continuous ego deaths so to speak. So yes, if you decide to skip the breath and think all the time, eventually one will fall into the trap of forgetting, again.
  2. If someone perceives you as angry it's because they are likely projecting their insecurities/wounds on to you. I've had someone do this to me on the forum recently, even though I fully embody love and have no wounds of my own. What they didn't know is that unconditional love will use someone, like an awakened being who's done the proper healing work, in a way that even the exact way they word things is done so in a way to trigger the insecurities of others to heal them, even when they end up just thinking poorly of the healer that just blessed them with their presence. What a fascinating world we live in, where the beings who love the deepest are often the ones who get crucified. Jesus, or the being that the Jesus figure represents, is a perfect example of the human tendency to lash out towards the one who likely loves you more than anyone else ever will. That's what happens when no one even knows what true unconditonal love even looks like when it's looking them straight in the face. I know you likely know all of this, but I said it for others. ?
  3. More than that. Actually, from more than a year, I'm constantly on my own DMT. This is the reason for my state of bliss all the time, even if I'm apparently angry hahahaha. The Art or Breath combined with Kundalini and with all the other colors, just marvelous. I've used heavy doses of several drugs in the past, so if I take a dose of let's say 20mg of 5meo I can still go and drive my car without passing out. Because I have conquered/discovered that fase in the awakening stage. What is mindblowing for most people, for me is a walk in the park. Cause maybe I've had experienced death so many times that Breath is the most blissful thing to me. Also from about 3 years old to the age of 16, I was having ego deaths almost every night, waking up in the middle of the night and seeing reality as I see it now, from an awakened perspective. But back then was like btw sleep and awake and I did not know what was happening, felt fear most of the times. So is complex, experience and pain taught me the most.
  4. This may be most appropriate for SD Green thinkers hoping to move into Yellow, but offers something for everyone..... Something that I found very liberating along the path to awakening was realizing that we are just animals. If your like me, probably at some point along the path, if you self reflect, you may notice you start to subtly judge others based upon your new set of values developed through reading awakened masters of the past, watching Leo's video's, starting a meditation practice or wanting the world to be a better place. Now ask yourself, why don't you judge apes, dogs, cats, sharks, elephants, coyotes the same way? Is it because your society said your different? What would it be like to accept yourself and others with less judgement, like you do with animals? For me, I realized how much I self judged myself and others for being how we were all designed; animals essentially. We all came through this same process of a big bang, to formation of stars, and organisms, to more a familiar now nature as "animals" yet we separate ourselves from it and judge accordingly with, oh humans are territorial and act violent and we kill eachother, and steal, this is horrible, we should be One nation, One earth (and this can be something we can aspire to and work towards) but this isn't how things were created within the universe, nor was it ever a problem that it happened this way! This can very liberating to let in, and can help you let go of a lot of self judgement about being animal like in nature (territorial, fearful, skeptical, cautious, traumatized, selfish, all nature created conditions) and judgement of others who you see as problems who aren't or haven't woken up.
  5. An awakened human being will be misunderstood, there is no way around it. And those who are not aware enough, they will be the first to point the "nonsese" from their perspective.
  6. @Hellspeed the awakened and the dormant. huh, you're so sensitive and so special! @ivankiss has already clarified my mistake. it's about the tuning of the instruments. one can tune his instrument using A as 432 Hz or 440 Hz and all the other notes will follow this adjustment by keeping the appropriate frequency ratios. so 432\440 Hz music is not about making music with only one note. it's about the placement of the reference note (A) in the spectrum of the audible frequencies. it's not about your sensitivity. the difference will be very clear even to untrained ears.
  7. I'm not fooled. I use my awarness to determine this. So at the end of the day, as i said, a dormat ear is not fined tuned/sensitive enough to notice the difference. I can affirm this, because i've been in both situations. As the framerate on a screen, if one is aware enough can see the difference. There is a sensitivy on the awakened human many magnitudes greater than a dormant human, this is just a fact from my experience, and those awakened i know.
  8. One of the most significat truths. Yes, applies to psychedelics too. From an awakened perspective i can say that drugs are not for the dormant. Only after awakening one can really grasp the magnitute of these tools. Is not that one cannot enjoy a trip, the thing is that a trip into infinity and feeling infinity this way, in reallity is not infinity, is just a mind perspective of what infinity is. You folks will get what i mean after genuine awakening and phychic abbilities, until then enjoy the childish ghibberish about experiences of drugs. I can say the following with total confidence: No amount of 5MEO will beat a Kundalini/Tantra session of an awakened human in comparison with a dormant who uses DMT externally. Is more to this, from an awakened perspective, any drug is a limitation, only DMT, Melatonin and a few natural drugs can help one boost further. But this again, does not apply to a dormant human being who is fucking up, meaning not using Kundalini and has not awakened. Period. Discuss as much as you like, i say this from experience, try it for yourselves before coming with arguments from others.
  9. Would you say that reading is not the answer? Would you say that meditation is not the answer? Would you say that yoga is not the answer? Psychedelics (I assume that is what you are referring to) is simply a tool, albeit a powerful tool. For me, psychedelics was the answer. Before trying DMT, I knew nothing about non-duality, meditation, buddhism, etc. I tried DMT and understood very profoundly that I was not my body or thoughts, suffering was an illusion caused by thoughts, I needed to live in the present moment, love is the highest value, beauty is all around even if we dont see it and that I needed to start meditating daily. That was three years ago. The next day, I searched youtube to learn how to meditate. I came across one of Leo's videos (how I came to about how to meditate and Ive meditated every day since without missing a day. I also discovered that Buddhism and Vedanta teach in depth what I discovered in my DMT session. If it wasnt for DMT, I dont know if I would have "gotten" it. I tried reading about Buddhism previously but as a very driven businessman with a huge ego and lots of greed, I didnt understand it in the least. Now I meditate 1-2 hours a day, read another 1-3 hours a day and have awakened other people and am currently mentoring them on their path. Also, Ram Dass started his journey because of LSD. I dont know about "shortcuts" (whatever that is) not existing but you can certainly take a longer and more painful route. Of course, if the drug you are referring to is alcohol, I would agree
  10. @How to be wise The answer was stated by Adyashanti in his book "The End of your World" Once you become fully awakened, there is no where else to go from there except back into the dream. From there you make it the best dream you can actually make it. So yeah, you are right, but you are also wrong. We cannot escape the ego until we escape this humanly flesh. But notice, the ego is not all bad and we might as well make the best sand castle ever! We can still approach the dream differently than those who do not yet know it is a dream. We can approach it from the lens of pure consciousness and non-duality. From a position of unconditional love.
  11. Guys don't you see the problem? It can't be put into words - We can keep going round and round and round with talk and it won't grasp IT. Even saying IT isn't grasping IT. Once you are conscious of this you will become enlightened. He found it, I can tell - so he is on his way to becoming fully enlightened if not already there. Once there, though, as Adyashanti said in his book "The End of Your World" once you become fully awakened you realize there is nothing else to do but go back into the dream. That's where we must remain until we unzip and step out of our false selves for good.
  12. Do you still wear socks in the awakened state? Disregard the spiral at your own peril.
  13. @now is forever @Dan Arnautu Is just a fact for the awakened. So, i commited to not lie anymore What you guys are saying applies to the dormant state, that is all.
  14. Because Eckhart Tolle and the majority of "realized" individuals, is just that, a realization, the awakening of the mind. Right hand path awakened folks, Egoic Enlightenment. Wanna see someone bypasses aging? You are reading it now. I know this seems bullshit for the majority, but who cares after he/she discovered it? hahahaha The mob wants proof, and the awakened will just laugh.
  15. @Manjushri There is no difference between external and internal. So if you've awakened to the fact that the external world does not exist, the next step is to awaken to the fact that you do not exist. What are you? Hmmm, very interesting... Right now, there's only my perception of typing words on a screen, my perception of sense data, my perception of a thought of Las Vegas, my perception of mental images (are those really mine?), and my perception of a reply that I'm conceptualizing to come from another human being typing at his own keyboard. Don't take the you-centered approach, that's like saying the sun revolves around the earth, and you don't want that line of reasoning. It's not truthful, and it's certainly not healthy. It leads to a psychotic break. Instead, put yourself in another person's shoes, and say the same thing; all of our perceptions are equally valid. Millions of people are experiencing Las Vegas right now. One day, you can go experience it yourself, maybe you already have. But does Las Vegas exist? If we call existence something that can be experienced consensusly and "verified" (by consensus perception), then only material things exist. That is to say music the way you hear it does not exist, your thoughts do not exist, love does not exist, consciousness does not exist, your emotions do not exist, etc. But how did we "verify" existence? That's right, through awareness and perception! This paradigm of "existence" (materialism) denies the very foundation of its own existence, which is nonexistence. It would be wise not to get caught up in that.
  16. Depends on your Awakened state. More dormant, one should avoid what you are describing. More awakened, more flexible.
  17. Only if you have Awakened and know how to bend reallity. Otherwise is not for dormant nor uninitiated.
  18. If you are a man do what society is against. Eat testosterone diet and full fat foods, like natural butter or macadamia/brazillian nuts, pumkin seeds, greens, spirulina/chlorella. Run from low fat stuff, run from the majority of seeds and nuts, only find those who boost testosterone. Depends greatly on your awakened state. More dormant, less food. more selective. More awakened, more flexible.
  19. I'm not idolizing the past, the past was not better. But nowadays is too much technology, too much radiation outside. Those who are awakened we feel this, greatly. Too much info, too much fear on the street, too much herd mentallity etc.
  20. Because the awakened state is a very deep meditative state.
  21. Enlightenment is when you rid yourself of every delusion YOU created for yourself in the first place. In the west where we are; it is harder. You have created more delusion for yourself than in the east. Where life could potentially be a lot more simpler. A life where all your metaphysical questions are answered is a long long path, in fact even a life time for some. It takes people their whole lives to answer the question who am i, what am i, what is reality. Let alone what is an ant colony like and actually play to find out what itself is in the bigger self sense. The 10th OX herding picture is therefore very far off an awakened person. it could take years, decades and even centuries for some people to become enlightened. it depends how serious you are, it depends how conscious you are, it has many deceits awaiting for you and trickeries. The highest 'enlightened being' with all thier metaphysical questions answered, who has lived an abundant life , to his greatest wish thereafter lives a life of simplicity because they have no desire. to live in an alternative manner. At the highest level .... there are no words to describe this ultimate TRUTH however, one thing is for sure, the two steps before this final step must be paradoxical. to bring about the strange loop.
  22. The body/system in sync has great power. Yes reality can be bent, even animals will feel safe and not attack around an awakened human being. Is that reallity when you wake up in the middle of the night and your a still sleeping, similar to Sleepwalking but fully conscious.
  23. No Enlightenment without continuous growth of Kundalini. Those who have no idea about Kundalini and still proclaim themselves teachers or awakened are just EGOIC Enlightened.
  24. by Conscious Reminder Awakened souls are instinctively drawn to each other. When they meet, it’s an encounter like no other, because these people are able to identify similar frequencies in no time. If you are an awakened person, you are well aware that it’s not a problem to precisely pinpoint, even in a bigger crowd, the people who match your vibration. Some of them have already completed their awakening process (if that’s even possible), but other are just at the dawn of their enlightenment journey. When you notice someone who got stuck along the way of their awakening process, you might feel compelled to help them out. And it is a completely natural reaction, but it doesn’t always mean that it’s the best decision. So be careful with it. Sometimes people need to go through hurdles and hardship to learn crucial karmic lessons. The following checkpoints represent steppingstones to a better and more fulfilled life. If you went through the process of awakening, you had probably stumbled upon most, if not all, of these, and if not they will give you insight on the things that might follow. Don’t rush yourself through them, take your time and pay close attention, because if you skip any, it will get you right back at the starting point. So, how does the awakening process work? Awakening is a never-ending process, but there are common occurrences or checkpoints that take place. These events slowly transform a person’s life. If You’re On Your Journey of Awakening, You Have to Go Through These 11 Stages: Stage 1: Confusion At the start you will feel a bit lost, like a ship without a compass. Things seem monotonous, dull and lifeless, it it confuses you. You will be at a loss for words and afraid of moving forward in life. Stage 2: Restlessness You are not happy with where your life is going. It makes you feel restless and frustrated. All of the sudden the burning desire for change that you have been trying to keep dormant for such a long time has exploded, giving your awakening process a momentum. The idea that your life is your own responsibility starts to come out. You do everything to take it back into your own hands. You realize that your own happiness is not dependent on people or any external circumstances. Your intention to get your power back, activates your energy, your chakras, and your soul. Awakening has begun the moment you open your eyes. Stage 3: Epiphany This phase is an emotional roller coaster ride. Life is not the same anymore. All the colors shine a bit brighter, all the smells are stronger. You start to experience ecstatic emotions like bliss, euphoria, and freedom. But despite all this, pain is still present. The emotions surrounding your past confront you. You begin to ask how you have chosen to live your life. You start to question and challenge everything. Stage 4: Push and Pull There is an onset of a tug of war. You are in a dilemma between closing your eyes and opening it. Fear slowly creeps within you. All because you’re not prepared for the consequences should you move forward to the path of awakening. The leap into the unknown is far too scary when coupled with the crumbling of things all around you. Everything starts to be meaningless: your life, your beliefs. You seem to get stuck and bewildered. You begin to notice that you are walking on shaky grounds that may explode anytime. This is a critical moment because those who continue along this path transform, those who don’t go back to sleep. Stage 5: Darkness Everything around you starts to collapse, you find yourself in the dark. But you need to be in the dark to understand more of the light. The state of the world may disturb you: poverty, greed, and even the state of the environment. You wonder why this happened. The feeling of depression leads you to wonder how you’re going to blend with the society. The desire to be alone, to be with nature, and to be a hermit burn inside you. You feel alone and lost because no one understands what you’re going through. You have nothing to cling to except to seek the answer to this question: “Who Am I?” Stage 6: Connectedness You feel that there is no need to change the world. You may change it by changing yourself. You slowly feel the connectedness between you and the world. Your focus shifts to love and gratitude. You have the urge to research and study spirituality and all things metaphysical. You follow that urges. Your perception of the world changes and you realize you are sent to Earth for a higher purpose. Stage 7: Synchronicity You appreciate the interconnectedness of everything: nature, animals, the stars. You feel you are a part of the universe. As your consciousness expands, you start to see the world more deeply and more connected. With the broadening of your intuition and psychic abilities, the equality and oneness of all things are more plain to you. Synchronicity starts to manifest in your life. You realize that what shapes your reality are your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You slowly start to shift and change your lifestyle to support this. Stage 8: Self Authenticity With this new state of awareness, you feel you are one with the universe. You get more clarity of your purpose. The tangible things you see no longer matter to you. You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention. Your true, authentic self starts to emerge. This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose. And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world. Stage 9: Higher Consciousness When you find your alignment with your true, authentic self, ideas begin to fill your mind drastically. You attract abundance through your ideas and creations. Inspiration takes place. You begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold. Your life starts to transform. Your experiences and the people around you reflect your state of higher consciousness. The challenges along the way no longer baffle you because you are fully equipped emotionally and spiritually. Stage 10: Co-creation As you continue your journey, you realize that you co-create with the Divine. Things get better, bigger, and have more flow when you surrender and work with the Divine. You feel the guidance while you create alongside with the Source energy. You feel a stronger connection with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or your higher self. Your intuition is getting a lot stronger and you even develop some psychic gifts. Stage 11: Unconditional Love You start to be in alignment with unconditional love as your work alongside the Divine progress. You feel you are love, radiate love and feel love. It becomes clear to you that this life is temporary. And it is given to you to experience and enjoy. In the end you come to realize that the whole process of awakening is for your greater good. Its an infinite loop from darkness to light and it never gets boring because Its absolutely infinite Can you remember how many loops around you've done? haha, you will
  25. @Preetom Are you awakened? I speak from that perspective. You speak from a perspective of the EGO. Apparently you confusing awarness. Anything in existance is aware at some level, the basic level, the fractal level, but the human body is the cherry on the cake of awarness. The enlightenend human being can be more aware than any living animal on earth.