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  1. Practices, reading, retreats, psychedelics, etc. Who had this influence on you? It’s not the result of direct experience. Nonduality is pure liberation. Not a metaphor. There is nothing ‘paralyzing or soul zapping’ about it. This is ego backlash against putting the time in. Do the practices anyways. Meaninglessness is unrealized nonduality and it’s prior to the empowerment of Being in charge of one’s own meaning. Realization brings meaning, and thinking, to be something you did before that death. A past life you are freed from.
  2. It's a huge, vast difference. Study Ramana's life and you'll begin to see the depth of the enlightenment journey, maybe. Ultimately you'll have to experience it for yourself. Just a glimpse of the Absolute totally shatters everything you knew and throws all prior experiences out the window. Many states of nonduality can be similar in description, for instances, there are many void states which seem absolute, but people stagnate and fail to go deeper. They still have karma and aren't really free from bondage--they retain their vasanas, don't see the whole of reality, and never know Sat Chit Ananda. When Ramana talks about the Bliss of the Self, it's not some fancy, roundabout way of saying you become happy when you're enlightened. He's describing the nature of reality.
  3. Haha! There is no contradiction at all! The Absolute I -- not to be confused with the self you presently think you are -- is Nothingness. It is formless. So all forms occurs within formlessness. But it gets even weirder! Since everything is totally nondual, there is no difference between form and formlessness. They are in fact identical. Everything is Beingness. But I, the Absolute am not that. AND I am that! What you are missing is: From a totally nondual perspective, nonduality and duality are in fact identical! Because everything is relative. Everything is simply a matter of perspective. Everything is consciousness, everything is one. But oneness includes manyness. Oneness includes every form of separation possible. One = Many Many = One Unity must include infinite disunity. Freedom must include infinite types of oppression and limitation. Love must include infinite types of hatred. Everything must come full-circle. Paradox here is not a bug but a feature. P.S. It is impossible for an ego (you) to understand this. This understanding only comes AFTER the ego's annihilation. The ego's annihilation IS this understanding.
  4. @herghly I don't know. Spiritual powers are a seperate thing from realzing total nonduality. I am talking about total nonduality here, not spiritual powers. I do not understand why Martin does all that energy movement stuff. To me it is irrelevant to nonduality. I guess that's just his way. For me it is not like that.
  5. Just to clarify, transpersonal psychology is not enlightenment. It is more about spiritual and mystical experiences, but short of full-on nonduality. It's still a great field to study.
  6. @Matt8800 No, you are tricking yourself. Having a worldview of any kind is false nihilism. True, realized nihilism is total nonduality. You ain't even close to that yet. All ideas about reality are basically false. So start dropping them. Reality is Nothingness. This cannot be understood using the mind. It requires a deep awakening out of materialism and duality.
  7. Can't say. Haven't read enough of his work to tell how deeply he graps nonduality.
  8. Ralston, Jed, Sadhguru, and a few others. It's hard to be certain because there are so many facets, degrees, and nuances to nonduality, and different ways of talking about it.
  9. @Leo Gura what is total nonduality and half nonduality ?
  10. @Maycol That requires a very deep enlightenment. Yes, Neti Neti, or self-inquiry, or yoga, or meditation, or 5-MeO-DMT. 5-MeO-DMT is the most direct and surest way. You will experience pure, total nonduality the likes of which cannot be imagined or spoken of. Experiencing total nonduality is not easy. It usually takes enormous work. It took me about 4 years of hard work every day, and the only reason I succeeded was thanks to 5-MeO. Most people here pursuing enlightenment will never realize total nonduality in their lives. It's too deep. But with 5-MeO it becomes very doable. LSD is the next best thing, since 5-MeO is hard to find. But LSD will still not take you deep enough. But it will still give you a good glimpse and knock your socks off if you use it properly.
  11. @Faceless It’s not really a ‘state’, it more of a reveal of what’s actually going on, what actually is. Anything one says to another about nonduality is inherently not describing it. I can say the whole thing is you, but that doesn’t really describe nonduality. It does have to be experienced & realizated. Not realized like mentally understood, but like actually reality. I’m not trying to be secretive or vague, I hope it doesn’t come across that way. It’s the nature of the subject. PMing.
  12. Bashar is a good example of a channeler. To be clear l never said whether channeling is good or bad. It is just a thing. Whether you should pursue it is not easy to answer. Be careful with judging spiritual techniques or methods with which you have no direct experience. From what I currently understand, what you really want is enlightenment. But it's good to know that stuff like channeling is really possible if you care about fully understanding how reality works. There are many facets to spirituality besides pure realization of nonduality. Way more facets than people realize. Like demons, angels, spirits, dieties, entities, astral realms, etc. Just don't get too distracted by all that stuff. Go for enlightenment first. Dabbling in the occult can be big distraction, and poses risks.
  13. “experiencing infinity’ seeing God’ lol, as they are for me and me only” You’re aware beyond the meditative state there is the state of nonduality, yes? This might be why you reference and share some experiences & practices, while diminishing the practices & experiences of others. When you see it’s all you, this doesn’t hold anymore, as in it is resistence you’re freed from. Just a thought for ya. It would also make sense of the things you say about experiencing absolute.
  14. @cetus56 I could not agree more! Heading to Home Depot.... -rope -duct tape -dolly -nonduality safety glasses
  15. @phoenix666 The pursuit of meaning becomes a very sneaky high-level trap. The search for meaning is directly the avoidance of emptiness. Because in truth, all meaning is illusion, and BEING is meaningless. The ego hates this. But the good news is, once the ego is shattered and total nonduality dawns, you will relaize that BEING is far more profound and superior to meaning. BEING is what you see on psychedelics. Now imagine if your whole life was like that. Your life would be so empty, it is infinitely full. And from this position of total selflessness, you can do anything and help anyone with ease and joy. Your intention to help people is great, you're just going about it too shallowly. If you really want to help people, awakening should be your top priority.
  16. That's only because they don't know how to use them properly. I have successfully use psychedelics to become conscious of every facet of nonduality. Total nonduality, beyond anything humanly imaginable. So much nonduality, that I see most enlightened masters now as not fully realized. David Deida, for example, is not fully realized.
  17. Cool ? I've never read any. For me what people refer to as nonduality came into being when all movements of the dual ended. It’s quite a thing to because by exploring the nature of duality and negating the disorder in that has lead to the other. Strange how that works huh?
  18. Im well versed in the lawyer nonduality myself kind sir.
  19. Oneness and manyness is not two, but ONE! There is no difference between real and unreal -- that is twoness. Oneness means real and unreal are one. One = Many Many = One Form = Formlessness Formless = Form Duality = Nonduality Mu
  20. Nonduality: There is only one moment. Not two. Non dual. Therefore, it must be the best moment. There is no competition.
  21. @Spinoza Everything is literally you. Yes, you. Not the best version of you, or a potential future you, or a more loving you - just you , sitting there, now - that you. The regular you. Lol. The you that you’ve been calling “me”. This includes your spirit, your soul, your ego, your person, your words, your brain, your emotion, your imagination, your thoughts, all that you hear, see, smell, taste, touch - EVERYTHING, is you. You are not real, nor unreal. You do not exist, nor are you nonexistent. The “things” you see in the “world” are not real, nor unreal. They do not exist, nor are they nonexistent. Those are referred to as dualities (thinking), pointing to the truth of One - YOU! That thinking, is also You. You can believe everything is not you, and that belief is also you. Synonyms for You: me, him, her, it, God, Nothing, YHWH, Everything, Source, lamp, Satan, The limitless One, table, The all that is, Allah, Yahweh, The Devil, The King of Kings, flower, The Light, The Love, Lord of Lords, ABBA, Elohim, clouds, El-Shaddai, Jehovah, water, Adonai, I am, frogs, Advaita, Brahman, poop & The Tao. All those names are your name. They are just words you say to you. Of course, the Truth is not believable. But that “problem” is also You. People generally misunderstand the term Oneness, as in “He became One with everything”. A more accurate wording is, “Holy shit! It’s all me”. If all things seem like ‘not you’, then it is appropriate to refer to all things as illusionary, as an illusion is transpiring in appearance. The deep inherent “problem”, is to even use a single word, or say “It’s all One”, implies duality. The one telling the truth, is you. The one lying about the truth, is you. The fearless one, is you. The one who is scared, is you. The depressed one, is you. The free one, is you. Say “nonduality”, and it is not nonduality.
  22. Don't only rely on one source, otherwise it will really become a cult. is useful to understand reality and spirituality as a sort of deconstruction or cleaning up everything until nothing remains so you can have clean view, but you also need to combine this radical non-dual approach to spirituality with other things: religions, scriptures, psychology, art, science etc. etc etc Because if you only have nothingness then you will turn ideas that people share on this forum into dogmas. Because you need ground anyway, and its important to update ground all the time. Don't follow into reductionism trap, coz model is required to navigate, you just need to update your model, never settle for anything even if you are super-enlightened. And nonduality is quite useless without traditional spirituality, modern teachings are useless without ancient teachings. Because these all are signs, maps, some better some worse. And always think for yourself, deconstruct all of that and then intuitively integrate each in one another, nothing can really be thrown away, its all has reason for existence, even if seems like archaic non-sense to you. And do this not for entertainment but well to survive spiritually, and to live like you were designed to live, and to find what you lost, and for that you need to understand what our life is about, and what is the true way, what is the narrow gate? To do that one need to think like child (have no prejudices and have 'magical' or symbolic thinking) patient, humble and mindful to his ideas, thoughts, experiences, even his 'truth-realisations', feelings, emotions, and even mindful to his mindfulness, and of course follow your silent soul within heart, its like compass without form, words, voice, it can somehow show you the way if you are mindful enough to follow it. Life is a puzzle and we are here to undertake journey, we don't really know what we are seeking, and dedicate yourself fully to the path, make it your life and mind that spiritual path is not just techniques, it is life, it is quest of life, its not just to be better person, it is really a game, a quest, a transformation from Pinocchio into a real boy, Jesus said only few will find the narrow path. While most on the path will be deceived by themselves, by their own experiences, by their own happiness.
  23. LSD doesn’t yield any sort of insight, merely a drug (to use the technical term for it) that results in altered perception. It’s humans who assign any sort of value to that perception and make it more than what it is. The same goes for you claim to “destroying the self”, even though it’s hard to prove such a statement for if the self doesn’t exist then there isn’t anything to destroy, even then how do you know when there isn’t one? Can one be certain? Who decided what no self is and can they be sure that it’s still isn’t just the self? To me the sense of self is similar to the sense of no self. Both are merely a perception that people assign meaning to. You assign meaning to it as some kind of truth, the same that others assign it meaning as something that exists. A cursory glance at life suggests that nonduality and noself isn’t the truth of existence. But people will believe what they want either way. I think Pyrrho had the right idea (though I hate to admit it) about suspending judgment on nonevident matters, and this is about as nonevident as it gets. But you are wrong about the ego, I think. It doesn’t like “not self”, it dislikes uncertainty and hates doubt. No self just sounds like the truth and so people pursue it. There is a reason mystics secluded themselves and so do monks, but it has little to do with truth to me. It’s so they can construct a view away from others. We merely give their words more power than they deserve, because we are human. We make meaning. If we didn’t then everything said here and anywhere else is but dust in the wind. Perhaps it’s best not to take their words for granted. Ultimately we are trapped in our own perceptions, the difference between folks is that some are ok with the unknown and some aren’t.
  24. @Thanatos13 Nonduality will remain a concept until all know what it is to be enlightened.
  25. The sex with animals bit is for pleasure (the point). Not that I agree with that but that is the point. 2. You clearly know nothing about early man, you share the misconceptions of much of the population. They had a more developed understanding of existence than modern humans or “mystics”. Second, “direct experience” is meaningless in its importance. All experience is mediated through cognitive and intellectual activity. To say otherwise would be deluding yourself. Love is merely a word we assign to a particular bodily sensation and it is rooted in duality. To see the world through nonduality would be to kill such concepts of “twoness” like friends. Then again that would not be truth but just a way of looking at the world. I know enough about human perception and experience to see that nonduality isn’t actually “seeing” as you so put it but rather just trading one point of view for another and calling it the truth. It’s still a concept like duality, if it were not you wouldn’t be able to understand it let alone know what it is. Its jaring and hard to accept in the same vein as someone taking on a view different from their own.