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  1. @Leo Gura See that there is no way of conciousness being more or less conscious of itself, when all there is is conciousness. It always knows only itself, either as a finite form or as its pure being of nothingness. God is always fully awake. It doesn't get created. If it would, there would have to be a thing like unconciousness. Unconciousness could by definition never become conscious. Conciousness is the absolut, non-dual There is no such thing like "more total levels". It's TOTAL! Yes! You cannot go deeper than the understanding that conciousness creates everything. There is nothing beyond the creation of everything, is there?
  2. This is a simple meditation technique that helps me to break away from sensation and thought. Set yourself up to meditate however you feel comfortable, this is not an active meditation so it is not recommended for when attention on other activities is required. Open with love and gratitude for all that is, when your mind has begun to settle start noticing all thoughts and sensations, do not go into each, just mentally accept and say "thank you" and move onto the next until you find very few objects in your mind. Eventually you will be able to say thank you to a thank you and it will propell you into deeper and deeper states until consciousness is very subtle. Stay in nothingness and rest there, if you find new mind objects arising return to thanking. Expect nothing, resist nothing. Just be. Insights can arise at this point which can be accepted gently in this delicate space. Love.
  3. Unknowing is what was surrendered to here... There is no direction to go or not go... There is no path... you can't move towards or away from everything... There are no right or wrong's, should or should not, this over that... You can't go wrong when every option is everything... Staying put is the same as doing something... There isn't a higher power judging anything... There appears to be some kind of boundless pure potential energy but it's empty and void of any meaning or purpose... You could say this energy transcends meaning purpose value truth, but that would just be a projection of the Mind... Its THIS... and it can't be grasped by the human mind it can't be put in a box labeled and given a direction because it's everything and simultaneously an empty nothingness.. You simply can't go wrong because everything is IT!!!
  4. @Leo Gura I acheived this enlightenment and greater from cannabis and tobbaco combined. The combination is perfect. Jump up and down notice form going up as you go down and as you go down form goes up. We are not bodies we are invisibility and nothingness pretending to be a me and a you. There is no man and no woman. Remember NONDUALITY.
  5. When it's recognized that even the apparent mind that creates illusion is also illusion.... emptiness no thing pregnant nothingness... Boundlessness... holyshitness When Even Silence is not it.... Its......................
  6. INSIGHT #3 (today) 40 minutes session - half of it in a meditative pose, closed eyes - half of it laying on the bed, OPEN eyes, staring at the room It seems like SIGHT and INTERNAL TOUCH (bodily sensation) are completely disconnected. We actually THINK about their connection, thus creating a false sense of connection between "image of a leg" and "sensation of a leg". Also.... what is a leg? Is it the image? is it the touch sense? It cannot be both, because those senses seem to be disconnected. One is a cinema screen (sight) , the other seems to be.... very muddy, very MYSTERIOUS. What is touch? Oh my god... after my 40 mins session I've come to a partial conclusion that touch is actually a VERY MYSTERIOUS perception, which creates some kind of energy fluctuating IN THE VOID!!!! So.... to make it more dramatic and more shocking: You see your leg, but that's just a picture, a painting of a leg, and it has NO sensations, apart from the seeing sensation. But when you think that you "feel" the internal/external touch of your leg.... that seems to be a HUGELY MYSTERIOUS UNKNOWN SENSATION. It has no correlation with the actual depiction of the leg! So.... what happens is that you USE THOUGHT to create this picture-touch complex, which doesn't exist in experience. But thought creates this kind of ghost connection between "eyesight" and "skin-feeling/internal feeling". Still I can't grasp the nature of touch... it really seems to be a random energy fluctuating in the void of nothingness ---------------------------------------------- I'll keep you updated.
  7. @fridjonk I want to separate his teachings from him because i dont know anything about him. His teaching's orientation is what makes it less integrative than Rupert's. His drive is to 'figure out' or contemplate deeply reality. Thats literally his teaching's focus(his teachings before i made this post because after making that post i stopped watching him). He has a very sharp, pointed focus on unravelling the 'how' consciousness works. And he unravels many fragmented aspects, from love, intelligence, bliss, Moo(nothingness), and there's a drive to figure it out. Its like this huge curiosity, single focus on 'figuring it out'. If you check out other teacher's teachings, they arent so limited, and subject themselves to just this single pointed focus of deep contemplation and 'figuring things out'. There's emphasis on how to live with what you've figured out in your day to day life: work, relationships, family problems. How to practice spirituality while living life. How to embody bliss, how to constantly Be peace(in contrast to what Leo does which is, fuck embodying peace, lets go figure out what the fuck Love is, quench ya curiosity). How to constantly be compassionate in times of covid. See the focus is much more on living with mystical insight in day to day life. And generally these sort of rupert spira teachings goes beyond Leo's drive to know more and more about consciousness, its either beyond it, or its just a different orientation. Just a different focus. Leo focuses on knowing more and more, others focus on living through all aspects of life: work, relationships, blissfully, from a different perspective. Could be wrong, but people like Charlie are conflating the 2. Leo has said in a blog post that he's not a zen master but an explorer, and he said on the forum he's passion is studying God, and he wants to do that for another million years. Its clearly a different focus. A lot of sadhguru's advice actually contradicts Leo's. Sadhguru constantly emphasises not taking the path too seriously, being to enthusiastic, and single pointed focus on the path, and taking the ideas of the path too seriously, and he always reminds his audience to treat both spirituality and mundane life equally. To live mundane life to the fullest. And forget spirituality for a while here and there. Leo's the exact opposite, constantly thrusting his audience into more and more hardcore spiritual practices. And he's getting more serious. This comes at a cost: a cost of forgetting to embody, forgetting spirituality is not special, and there's a beautiful life beyond psychedelics, contemplation and non dual ideas. To live a happy life, there needs to be at least some sort of satisfaction. You can't enjoy your life having a need to search deeper and deeper into the godhead. Thats why a balance between hard core Leo/Ralstone and softcore sadhguru is good. Like you've gotta ask why does Leo just want to know more and more and more? And aint ever satisfied? Because I've certainly been in states where i was completely satisfied and felt like just basking in it and living from that place. Because Leo's drive for more is in itself a particular state, not an absolute state.
  8. Yes absolutely there's apparently Something Happening Here and it's completely empty... a pregnant nothingness happening for No One.. Nothing will die because nothing was born. Ultimate phenomenon.... best in town ?
  9. Thanks for sharing. I like that analogy. I had an insight while reading it. Identifying as the blank awareness as viewing everything as external, if done completely, in theory, would be identical to identifying as everything or God. Also, identifying as consciousness is identical to identical to identifying as nothingness which is identical to Everything. It always comes full circle.
  10. It's a waste of effort trying to self actualize. If a body wishes to be in actualization simply, be silent and aware feeling peaceful. Place awareness on instances where all thought disappears and reappears. Self-actualization is ideological based. It's conceptual. As well as self actualization will mean something different for each body. Thaughts simply appear and fade. Thaughts and mental images are simply sights and sounds. The awareness of what is referenced is experienced the word sight and sound simply are labels. Thoughts and mental activity is simply form experienced in nothing. Nothing as a non-local local. Local as where experience is attainable. Where awareness reaches. That is not experienced in the physical sense. Physical only exists in the body. No-self means no-body. It is ironic how a "nobody" is a slur against those without wealth status or do not meet petty and foolish expectations. To place expectations on anothers to meet for the ego's standards for love is what the ego does against other egos and against the own ego. So an ego at war with itself creating subdivisions all in conflict. Suffering is caused by the alienation of the body from full awareness of the compulsive need for identification disappear by identifying as no-body. The persona is a mask. And realizing that the self is nothingness. Incorperealness is the self. Consciousness is the self. Freedom is independence from identification with Maya or a partition of form. All form including the body. It's like trying to force a square in a circle whole. This realization and the mystical wonderment of stepping into Nirvana even for a few seconds and a realization this intense feels new compared to past experiences of realization. Or Revelations.
  11. @universe Type of thinking= Just a different stage of thinking. Also, I would introduce him to oneness and nothingness, etc. In my experience, that can be a lot for people to handle sometimes. I didn't mean he would get mean, just perhaps think I'm "crazy", or perhaps go a little "crazy" himself. I'm all about limiting suffering (even if it is made up, we still feel it) and I don't want anyone to suffer from something I said or did, if I can prevent it. And even if I can't prevent it, it was will be what is supposed to be. Universe magic. Also, technically it is both his and my problem. We are one in the same. Everything is connected. Everything is one. And 100 percent, framing it as "non-woke" was just a funny way to phrase someone at a different level of consciousness and awareness. But ya'll didn't get my hip, catchy phrasing. Also, I don't see any problems. I was mainly looking for caring and gentle ways to introduce oneness to someone. In no way was I attacking or finding problems with him or anyone. People are where they are on their journey, and that is beautiful. The potential for discovery is exponential. That is love.
  12. Been there and bought the tee-shirt. I went through that dark night as well, are you kidding me, I am still going through that dark night, but less intense. (“Dark night”, is just a label I use to mean “an intense change of old habits, patterns and beliefs). Here is my take on “All That Is”, (I’m trying to get away from the label of “God Consciousness” because no matter how conscious you think you have become it still has some lingering juice and affiliation with Religion hidden in the unconscious human mind), is a vast dream state of Consciousness and Energy that dreams up all physical realties, all thoughts, ideas, feelings, and probable existences. So here is the conflict that I face when breaking through layers of consciousness and awareness; we are all in a physical “Earth Dream” that has accepted the predominant thoughts and ideas from either the evolutionist and creationist belief systems, Religious or Scientific paradigms, either consciously or unconsciously. It’s embedded within the Human Collective Mind Belief System and individual Ego Mind Consciousness. The emotions and turmoil I feel, as I break through each layer of consciousness, are the result of breaking through the Human Collective thought patterns, ideas, beliefs, and feelings that I have accepted and have embedded into my physical and mental “self” over the last 60 years as a participant of the Collective human conditioning and societal experience. The awkward feelings, emotions and energy I experience, are the result of my “NEW” thoughts, ideas, beliefs, imaginations, feelings, emotions struggling to change, release and denounce the “OLD” Human Collective thought patterns, ideas and beliefs etc., that I have carried within the physical, mental “self” all these years. The “Alone” feeling is normal and is part-and-parcel of becoming conscious and awake. We are leaving our “Family” of “old” familiar thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings, emotions, and even some relationships behind, to explore higher levels of conscious thoughts, ideas, beliefs, etc., that no-longer resonate with the “OLD”. I have found that it is almost impossible to eliminate all of my thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and emotions from the “Self’. It is my belief that if one were to eliminate them entirely, one would no longer exist in this physical reality, or even in the “All That Is” because Consciousness needs all of them to be Creator and Creation. What I have found to be helpful is to “Create” new thoughts, ideas, beliefs etc., that resonate with the changes you are going through. Don’t get caught-up in the “Void of Nothingness” that many people in these forums worship or strive. The “All That Is”, is much more diverse, exciting and fun to explore than trying to obtain or become Nothing! If any of the ideas that I used in this Post resonate with you, I highly recommend reading some of the books from Seth (Start with “Seth Speaks”). Seth will go much more into detail than what I have shared here with you, with more advance material than any other books I have read over the years. The Seth material will help you integrate the changes you are experiencing with your thoughts, ideas and belief, and will help you experience and understand higher levels of consciousness. Just remember, "you are not alone"! Just sharing some thoughts, ideas, beliefs!
  13. @Javfly33 the nothingness remains eternally nothingness & the evolution is infinite in infinite dimensions... and when dealing with anything infinite... even "evolution" is really just apparent evolution ... no start, no end... like the tv screen unchanged but it can play an infinite number of movies
  14. @Inliytened1 This it is nothing, yeah. But my question would be "where this nothingness is evolving"? Or "to what new realms of apparent forms will be this nothingness convert itself to"?
  15. I know that I know that I know it. Although I may pass for a poet, Or'f'ever I thought me be wise; 'Ts'all Nothingness, naught, O surprise! Say that name to me again, Dear family's known me since then, What was it they'd spoken thus far? But it's blank, bracketed, bar. You may fail in getting this sense, But you reading is not but pretense, 'Cause I am reading, it's you who'd wrote it, I am laughing now at this strange poet! I laugh also at poetry, And at the chance of you knowing me, Because I am nothing, that's all. Am nothing at all...
  16. I just remembered some more details. Before I went lucid, I smoked some weed. Not sure If If actually felt high. While I was lucid, either right before or after I smoked the "DMT", I was running around all excited that I was in a dream. I had gum in my mouth and I took it out and chucked it behind me with no regard for anything. The gum smacked my dream friend in the face and he groaned. I apologized. I felt like a selfish prick. Then, I started thinking about if I should respect dream beings. If the substance of this dream is the same as the substance of waking reality, does that mean everyone in this dream is conscious, just like I assume they are in waking reality? My ego, even while I'm dreaming, is still an illusion. Are dreams an egoic hallucination where only I (as a human) am conscious of them? I'm so confused. Maybe a more accurate way of looking at it would be that dreams are consciousness grounded in nothingness and any 'I" in that dream is a delusion, same as waking reality. I think it's funny that during my last few awakenings, I discovered that reality was a dream, and in my dream, I discovered that dreams were reality lol. It's paradoxical but it makes sense. They're fundamentally the same thing.
  17. March 15th Meditation and Spirituality Meditation: Strong Determination Sit (60 minutes)- I sat motionless for the whole hour. I like this type of meditation because it gives me more focus and it requires me to be very disciplined. For me, this is not combined with other meditation techniques. I used to do the "Do Nothing" paired with this, but I prefer to make sure I don't move at all. Spirituality: Self-Inquiry (30 minutes)- The 30 minute session makes it easier to focus for the whole length of time. I really concentrated on the "I am" sense, but couldn't pinpoint exactly what that was. Logically, I know that it is nothingness, but keeping my mind on it is not easy. Doing more concentration practice throughout the day can help keep my mind more focused. Health and Wellness Today I worked out my upper body. This made it a total of three days this week. I had the goal of working out four days. This was one more day than last week, so I will consider this an improvement. I plan to shoot for four days this coming week. Nutrition didn't go quite as planned this weekend, but it will go well during this week since I'm back at my apartment and in more control. Weekly Goal: Workout four days this week. Social Confidence I finished my book this morning. This will be the first week of taking bold action. I will start with the tasks that are ranked 3 this week. Tasks include going to a party or social gathering where I know most people, making eye contact with a stranger on a street, and speaking up in a group of people. On top of this, I will continue to do the techniques that help me resolve this issue mentally. Weekly Goal: Take bold action on the ranked three items of the fear hierarchy. Continue to work on learned techniques from the book.
  18. @loub I couldn't agree more!! I too agree there is 'Human' and 'Shadow' work still to do post-awakening, which I am still doing. I LOVE there's someone on here who actually understands we are still fucking human post-awakening, and still experience emotions as you say! Sorry if my post came off as transcending or denying your humanity, I often try and say the complete opposite and am thankful to have such human teachers who have helped me understand this as well. As you say Self-Realization is the realization of the truth about our own being, we know we are The Self, we and everyone always Is, but we become conscious of this post-awakening. While there is no separate self as you say, there is still humanity, a unique expression, a personality and EMOTIONS/THOUGHTS, people for some reason don't like to admit that but there is. Shinzen Young was actually my teacher's partner Ramajis teacher, he is an incredible master and perfect for westerners coming from a more rationally minded background. I think I remember him saying about therapy in one of his videos I watched but this was years ago I watched it tbf so could be wrong. The post was more intended to say, meet people where they are at and be with them there. I'm a 20-year-old male from England so when I'm out with my friends what do we mostly talk about? Typical 20-year-old stuff like Football, certainly not Non-Duality And, I would say Awakening in my experience has made it a lot easier to do shadow work and does have certain 'changes' but more in terms of no resistance to the now, and the realization of there not being a 'Me' at the center of all this etc. However, if anything it has made me more human, more myself, and more emotional than before. If anything, true human life only begins post-awakening! It's almost like being reborn again. But, there's still a human experience, however, you want to phrase it, true awakening allows our humanity to flourish not wither away into a depression sense of nothingness. Here's some quotes from Ananda's book on the Paradox of being both The Self/Absolute, and a unique individual simultaneously: 'This clear seeing enables me to live both as that unlimited nothingness and as this playful personal I AM at the same time. This I AM is indivisibly ONE with infinity. Therefore, the ultimate truth is that I AM THAT.' 'This Divine fire then spits you out to be a unique dynamic version of itself. This wisdom of space dances carefree as this I AM.' 'This day and every day I bask in the non-dual knowing of nothingness which translates experientially into the profound pleasure of being an individual too. the clarity of being able to be both fully at once is the final peace and joy. The freedom is in the 'Duality' as well as the 'Non-Duality. It is not one or the other. IT is both yet it is neither' (I would add both Duality and Non-Duality are simply concepts, all that is, is THIS, and even that is saying too much!) The LAST thing I want to imply is that you will no longer be human, it's the complete opposite, embrace your humanity and be YOU, both YOU as The Self, and YOU as your unique expression! And, lastly in regards to seekers believing awakening makes them superhuman, I couldn't agree more, I see it often on here. In reality, Self-Realization is the most humbling thing of all, it is a realization YOU are literally as everyone and everything, how could you believe you are superior or inferior after that. I hope that makes it clear- EMBRACE YOUR HUMANITY!
  19. @Inliytened1 I think something along that theme was addressed in the first couple pages. Too often the spiritual 'path' as presented by so many of the 'no-self/nothingness' teaching is just a rejection of everything physical which isn't an accepting way to live life but it also presents a conflict with actually living life. What I speak about is embracing life in it fullest but isn't dependent on the circumstances of life to be fulfilled. Don't seek it.... be it.
  20. If you are strong into visualizations, I have found something that has worked for me. Note that I already experienced ego death, nothingness and infinity without psychedelics and visualisation, however its worth a try. Keeping it simple: First you need to visualise a story, best is to say everything you see out loud. You start somewhere go up a stairway to the soul etc. etc. Once you are deep into your story, fall down into the darkness until you don't fall anymore, imagine being in the darkness in space (no stars, just darkness/room). Then question that darkness/room, until you realise that there are no directions, no movements, "look around" until you realise there is no around, no up, no down, no left, no right. Then look at your Body and realise there is no Body. You can do this for a few minutes. Really feel the mind fuck of that paradox, try to move, look around etc. even though its pointless. FEEL THE INFINITE ROOM. Most important part is, once you start to feel "something", try to become the room. fill the entirety of the infinite room with your sense of self. Your are probably going to feel the infinity, don't focus on that. There is no possibility to grab infinity with your attention. just fill, feel and become the room. If your heart starts pounding, congratulations. Try this and tell me if it works for you.
  21. An excerpt from Conversations with God, on reaching a state of total awareness and tools such as meditation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now some beings even choose to experience both the forgetfulness of being with the body, and the oneness of the soul, at once. These beings can train a part of themselves to not identify with the body while they are still with the body, thus experiencing the ecstasy of knowing Who They Really Are, without having to lose human wakefulness in order to do it. How do they do this? How can I do this? It is a question of awareness, of reaching a state of total awareness, as I said before. You cannot do totally aware, you can only be totally aware. How? How? There must be some tools You can give me. Daily meditation is one of the best tools with which to create this experience. With it, you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra.....and even leave your body while you are “awake.” In meditation you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in a wakened state. This state of readiness is called true wakefulness. You do not have to be sitting in meditation to experience this. Meditation is simply a device, a "tool,” as you put it. But you do not have to do sitting meditation in order to experience this. You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is. There is also stopping meditation. Walking meditation. Doing meditation. Sexual meditation. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you stop in this state, simply stop in your tracks, stop going where you are going, stop doing what you are doing, just stop for a moment, and just "be” right where you are, you become right, exactly where you are. Stopping, even just for a moment, can be blessed. You look around, slowly, and you notice things you did not notice while you were passing them by. The deep smell of the earth just after it rains. That curl of hair over the left ear of your beloved. How truly good it feels to see a child at play. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you walk in this state, you breathe in every flower, you fly with every bird, you feel every crunch beneath your feet. You find beauty and wisdom. For wisdom is found wherever beauty is formed. And beauty is formed everywhere, out of all the stuff of life. You do not have to seek it. It will come to you. And you don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you "do” in this state, you turn whatever you are doing into a meditation, and thus, into a gift, an offering, from you to your soul, and from your soul to The All. Washing dishes, you enjoy the warmth of the water caressing your hands, and marvel at the wonder of both water, and warmth. Working at your computer, you see the words appear on the screen in front of you in response to the command of your fingers, and exhilarate over the power of the mind and body, when it is harnessed to do your bidding. Preparing dinner, you feel the love of the universe which brought you this nourishment, and as your return gift, pour into the making of this meal all the love of your being. It does not matter how extravagant or how simple the meal is. Soup can be loved into deliciousness. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you experience sexual energy exchange in this state, you know the highest truth of Who You Are. The heart of your lover becomes your home. The body of your lover becomes your own. Your soul no longer imagines itself separate from anything. You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness. When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you. You are asking me for tools, and lam giving them to you. Breathe. That is another tool. Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft, sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God’s love you are breathing. Breathe deeply, and you can feel it. Breathe very, very deeply, and the love will make you cry. For joy. For you have met your God, and your God has introduced you to your soul. Once this experience has taken place, life is never the same. People talk of having "been to the mountain top,” or having slipped into sublime ecstasy. Their beingness is changed forever. Thank You. I understand. It is the simple things. The simple acts, and the purest. Yes. But know this. Some people meditate for years and never experience this. It has to do with how open one is, how willing. And also, how able to move away from any expectation. Should I meditate every day? As in all things, there are no "shoulds” or "shouldn’ts” here. It is not a question of what you should do, but what you choose to do. Some souls seek to walk in awareness. Some recognize that in this life most people are sleepwalking; unconscious. They are going through life without consciousness. Yet souls who walk in awareness choose a different path. They choose another way. They seek to experience all the peace and joy, limitlessness and freedom, wisdom and love that Oneness brings, not just when they have dropped the body and it has "fallen” (asleep), but when they have risen the body up. It is said of a soul which creates such an experience, "His is risen.” Others, in the so-called "New Age,” term this a process of "consciousness raising.” It doesn’t matter what terms you use (words are the least reliable form of communication), it all comes down to living in awareness. And then, it becomes total awareness. And what is it of which you eventually become totally aware? You eventually become totally aware of Who You Are. Daily meditation is one way you may achieve this. Yet it requires commitment, dedication—a decision to seek inner experience, not outer reward. And remember, the silences hold the secrets. And so the sweetest sound is the sound of silence. This is the song of the soul. If you believe the noises of the world rather than the silences of your soul, you will be lost. So daily meditation is a good idea. A good idea? Yes. Yet know again what I have just said here. The song of the soul may be sung many ways. The sweet sound of silence may be heard many times. Some hear the silence in prayer. Some sing the song in their work. Some seek the secrets in quiet contemplation, others in less contemplative surroundings. When mastery is reached—or even intermittently experienced—the noises of the world can be muffled, the distractions quieted, even in the midst of them. All of life becomes a meditation. All of life is a meditation, in which you are contemplating the Divine. This is called true wakefulness, or mindfulness. Experienced in this way, everything in life is blessed. There is struggle and pain and worry no more. There is only experience, which you may choose to label in any way you wish. You may choose to label all of it perfection. So use your life as a meditation, and all the events in it. Walk in wakefulness, not as one asleep. Move with mindfulness, not mindlessly, and do not tarry in doubt and fear, neither in guilt nor self-recrimination, yet reside in permanent splendor in the assurance that you are grandly loved. You are always One with Me. You are forever welcome. Welcome home. For your home is in My heart, and Mine in yours. I invite you to see this in life as you will surely see it in death. Then you will know that there is no death, and that what you have called life and death are both part of the same unending experience. We are all that is, all that ever was, and all that ever will be, world without end. Amen.
  22. You just have too much ego. Reduce that ego to nothingness and you´ll have absolute peace.
  23. I believe I understand what you are say, and your intentions are in the right place. Everyone has something to offer in this physical reality that we are experiencing as individuals and as a collective. There are no right or wrongs, better or worse, it just is. Everyone needs to travel their journey on there own and make “Mis-take(s),” as they say in Hollywood, along the path to consciousness. You, Leo, myself and everyone else here likes to share their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs because we all care deep down, not only for ourselves, but for others that are on the path and those that are not. We learn by sharing, we show Love and Compassion by sharing, even if it means someone’s sharing can be more conscious, or less conscious or even unconscious in nature. The intent remains the same, it’s neither better or worse. “It’s all good.” Having said that, this is what I would like to share; I have read hundreds of books about consciousness, Love, compassion, spirituality, reality, nothingness etc. If I had to do it all over again, I would start with “Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts and take it from there. It’s over fifty years old, but it's advanced material. It can be difficult to understand if you are new to spirituality and not had any conscious break throughs that left you questioning what reality is, who am I, and how do my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs create my reality. I have listened and read many forums and watched a lot of videos, and it all helps. Having said that, if you feel like you are spinning your wheels and feel stuck, give Seth Speaks, a try. You may resonate or may not resonate with the knowledge. I have nothing to gain by giving this book a recommendation other than sharing a gift that someone shared with me a while ago. I’m just passing the gift on. Nothing more and nothing less. Humbly sharing some thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  24. Insanity doesn't exist. What seems to be insanity is the concept, mental construction of it. It felt so good going through it. Letting it go. Every trip I do lately gets me to a point where I literally feel like I am going insane. Automatically the question arises, what exactly is going insane and this just doesn't stop. The question is asked and it pulls me deeper into it. It's becoming harder and harder letting it go, symptoms of panic start coming up, these are hard to let go of too. It's like I reach "the line" of insanity, ask myself who reached it and what is this line, get past it and automatically ask the same again. This crazy loop. I was about to lose my shit, but am proud of myself I got through it.? Damn, so much heavy shit came to surface this time. All of my loved ones, characters that I am still attached to. My mother, my grandmother, my dearest friend, my ex.. All I had to detach from. This was very painful, however bliss is what I've found in doing so. I started contemplating after a while the appearance of other. This was so profound. I got revealed to a show, where first I was this being that realised it's existence. I was that for a while before I became everything I observed. Also, in that state there was no observer. Felt like I was looking back at myself and myself looking back at me. This state felt so powerful. Not long passed before this bliss started turning into deep, deep sadness which lead straight to Nothingness. I became absolutely nothing. And from this nothing, misinterpretations of it started appearing and before long I was asleep again. Everything just slipped away like nothing ever happened. This repeated some number of times. It was ridiculously beautiful and profound. What caught me off guard was that just 50ug LSD got me this deep. Had sample of 10mcg DMT mixed with vape juice, gave it a go too, that had to affect the trip I suppose. Thank you for reading. Something different is happening lately. Absolutely Love it.?❤️
  25. but where does experience happen within? and where does the extension happen within? a black hole is not eternity it’s ultimate christallisation black hole is loaded matter it’s the absence of light but eternity/infinity as such is also the absence of light both are the colour black - when black contracts into black and even eats up black you encounter another form of nothingness it’s not eternity it would be the end of it. there is no guarantee for recreation - this is dark matter stuff.