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SoonHei replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Wow The damn video recognizes it is being played! Who to share this with!? Only myself. There is nobody other than myself who I can share this with for there are no others! Wow. The only way i can technically truly talk to or speak with myself is if I talk thru SoonHei with another "awakened" preson (presence) How amazing does the moment feel when one enlightened form "meets" another enlightened form. Infinte Love and compassion because it is literally YOURSELF which is in others. One heart beats in us all. -
There is not one person in this forum who is completely awakened, myself included. Inside Out Song lyrics. Be careful where you're walking You might step in something rough (Be mindful) Be careful when you're talking And saying all that stuff (Be careful about expressing negative emotion) Take care when you are breathing Something's funny in the air ( Breath Consciously) there's some things they're not saying 'bout what's happening out there (Spiritual sleep) It's inside out,,,, There is not one person in this forum who is completely awakened, myself included. Spiritual sleep takes many forms which include our unconstrained imagination which ranges from blatant to extremely subtle. Leo made reference to these subtle forms in his last video. His 3 part series on self deception and his video Mankind is the Bullshiting animal go directly towards addressing this part of our nature. We lie to ourselves all the time and stay lost and polluted from imagination. Most everyone at times is sure that it doesn't really apply to them because they are unwittingly identified with their own ego. I do not exclude myself. This includes everyone and the more someone refuses to see it in themselves, the more asleep they are to their own ego. Because of our psychological blindspot in which we can most often see others but not our own, people are often convinced that they are a little more 'awake' than others. Living in identification with one's beliefs is another form of spiritual sleep. Spiritual sleep and the state of being identified involves the intellectual - emotional complex in ungrounded feedback loops. It happens when we are stuck in our head and ungrounded from absence of body awareness. Very many people live exclusively here and are completely unaware of it. The transition from the First Tier of Consciousness to the Yellow level of the Second Tier is a “momentous leap” according to Clare Graves ,,,, One of my longest held work aims has been to not express negative emotions. I still fail continually, but I’ve noticed a lot about myself by trying to do this. Spiritually asleep people in the forums are the first to spout off - there is no self or there is no I. blah,blah,blah,,, Although, technically in a sense, this is true. If I stay in the outer part of my centers, (Intellectual, emotional, Instinctive), on the surface of life, I’ll just be reactive with my attention dispersed and be controlled by negative associations. I’s that exist only in the outer part of the centers are reactive and have little understanding. To journey inwards is to become aware of my atmosphere and also to become actively responsible for my internal states. I have to work to make this atmosphere hermetically sealed as Maurice Nicoll metaphorically puts it in the Gurdjieff Ouspensky Psychological Commentaries. When I’m able to seal my atmosphere (become teflon coated - another more modern metaphor) from the negative influences in the world, then it’s possible for me to enter the 3rd state. It’s also called creating moon in oneself. This is done by sensing the body and by particularly inhabiting the belly center. To do this I must take in air and impressions consciously and go to the inner parts of the centers. If we are negative, we cannot go there. I don’t take things in a negative way the deeper I go into the third state. My psychological blind spots with their reactive ignorance are stumbling blocks that distort unity and lands me back in the second state, Itoklanoz existence (2 centered existence of the intellectual emotional complex, disembodied and ungrounded). Once we start experiencing the third state, ( three centered awareness) Fulasnitamnian existence, as Gurdjieff calls it in “The Tales”, we can gain an inner memory of it to help us return there. If one doesn't ground oneself through sensation in the body, our existence stays polluted from imagination. This is highly offensive to those who are convinced of their own Awakened state of awareness and will often become emotionally negative in defending their own imaginary Awakened state. Truly Awakened people don't become emotionally negative. They don't take things in a negative way. They don't complain although they feel things more intensely than those in spiritual sleep. They understand what being in an identified state means and are objective in seeing it when it manifests within them and then are able to step back and address the identification, maybe or usually or sometimes, etc,,, It's simple but it's not. Being Awakened or fully Conscious means getting rid of most of our ideas of what being Awakened means. I started composing this last night. It is not aimed at anyone in particular. It is offered up for those who are able to aim it at themselves. We can't work on other people. One can only work on oneself. Find the inner quiet in the innermost part of ones own being. It doesn't happen automatic or mechanically. That's why we meditate. Finding the deeper part of the centers in oneself means having all of our attention collected. It's also called being in the Collected state. Being in a collected state requires 3 centered awareness. It's a state of Impartiality.
ajasatya replied to Truth Addict's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
because you haven't awakened in the level of Heart yet. checkout some adyashanti stuff on this subject. i think his message can help you. also, feel free to pm me if you want to talk about details that you're uncomfortable sharing here. -
Big Guru Balls replied to PT89's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sadhguru for sure. I also did the Inner Engineering and shambhavi event. The shaktipat or energy transference from the shambhavi kriya event is for real. Definitely awakened the kundalini for me. Dude is a total rockstar . He's almost,but not quite, Big Guru Balls level. -
How to absorb your awakenings experiences fully within one's body-mind-spirit and inform one's every experience! How to integrate awakening states to get to awakened stages? Specially when access to these states are gained through psychedelics. Body relaxation? Writing / Journaling?
Arhattobe replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are probably uncountable meditative samadhi states. A very number of awakened states (stable samadhi states) as well. With varying depths and flavors. Neither stable sober samadhis, nor meditative samadhis are liberation. The meditative ones are temporary & 99 percent of the stable ones are still defiled, distorted and limited due to subconsious defilements. Full enlightenment only comes with the total eradication of the subconsious walls, limitations, defilements, and deep karmic impressions that go way deeper than you would think. -
Angelo John Gage posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just finished watching his recent vid, some of the things he got insights about I basically came to the same conclusion through reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Marcus probably didn't have 5 Meo DMT or anything like that, but certainly understood the Whole. In his work, he tells people to submit to their lot, the gods would only give you something you could handle, unless it was time to die; which is part of the design. There are no accidents, etc. Basically a lot of stuff Leo was saying. But some may reject this, as I did before because the 'problem of evil' 1.) From those who have an issue wrapping around the concept of "All Good" think of the term "good" as meaning = IS. Goodness as a distinction, really becomes meaningless without badness, in a logical sense, but this is beyond logic. Take for instance, an author of a book: The author must write into existence, a protagonist and antagonist; without each other, there can be no story. The author is not evil for making a super villain or allowing good people in the story to die by the super villains' hand. To you it all a good story and in the end, the hero wins and goes on to make the world a better place...just as Leo means by "the greater good." God is the author of reality, writing (or thinking) things into existence; or rather, changing/evolving them (as they always have existed). The author takes his ideas and transforms them into words; using already existing ink and paper and the sheer will of his imagination. God does the same; it takes what already exists and transforms it. All that exists is himself, thus he is just evolving himself. 2.) In regards to his example of the drunk driver killing someone, saying that it is all good, or rape etc, sounds a bit extreme, but having a cosmic mindset, and being everything; you (god) are the one getting raped and run over. Furthermore, without those 'evils,' evolution of various things could not happen. "evil" acts as a the driver of evolution; similar to suffering pushing you to enlightenment. Also, you (god) are the one doing the raping and running over. Now of course from our ego-self, none of us would condone raping or running people over, nor would anyone of us want to do that, or happen to us or those who love, and it is because we know that such things could happen and do happen, that we work towards PREVENTING such things like passing laws and taking action. Although we cannot stop these things, we can change the world into a better place BECAUSE of those things. Imagine total freedom allowing people to rape and kill each other without consequence? How would that be good? Furthermore, we have our nature: Some of us mini-gods are the gods of death and destruction, like this psychopath NZ mass shooter; others are the mini-gods of life, like doctors and nurses; some of us the mini-gods of knowledge, like philosophers or scientists. Each of us have our roles in the Whole. A doctor would have no job if there wasn't diseases; without diseases, there would be no immune system to evolve and upgrade against them. There is no infinite existence without "evil" , because infinite must include things we would perceive as evil, but also because good and evil are two sides of the same coin, expressed as the Yin Yang. 3.) I don't think there is any final point of enlightenment, nor could it ever be fully realized. I think that is enlightening in of itself. That does not mean do not continue to pursue so-called enlightenment which is just another term of spiritual EVOLUTION (key word), because it is in our nature to continue to evolve for OUR own good. No one goes around trying to devolve themselves on purpose. But in a logical sense, an infinite reality could never be fully realized by us individuals. I don't even think God knows the extent of its own infinite nature. 4.) Infinite Causes: Infinite causes to me mean no cause at all. Something that has infinite amount of causes is affected by everything simultaneously, thus NO single cause is responsible for it. This means things are affected by the past, present, and FUTURE of events (all which exist simultaneously beyond our perception). Take for example a ball being dropped down a well: The 'cause' you would think is the hand dropping the ball, is this person doing it now (present), but there are reasons for them to do it (past), but also the well and its position attracting the ball, which hasn't hit the bottom yet (future), is a cause. Another example is an asteroid flying through space and coming towards the Earth, the Earth is also causing it to come towards it. 5. Infinity in its entirety has no one specific center point, and like Leo said, everything is the center of existence. Thus every point is a point of an enlightened state. For example, no one makes a bad choice on purpose; they go off the information they have at the time, which is their highest state of 'enlightenment' in that point in time. A 'mistake' is the realization after the fact that the decision was "bad" causing an issue in which the person must endure and overcoming adversity to evolve and become stronger, unless it leads to their physical death and evolution in that sense is physically impossible. So there are no mistakes; in fact, many of your mistakes made you who you are today. Moreover, if everything had gone your way, many good things would not have happened at all. I take a look at my misfortunes and said to myself if even ONE of these things happened the opposite way, NOTHING today would be the same: Had I not left the club promoter scene, I would have probably ended up in Vegas; in an endless life of hedonism, having ZERO knowledge of what I do now, and even more so, I would not have my wonderful wife and son, in the forms that they exist in. Perhaps I would have a different wife or son, or just illegitimate kids, who knows, but I would not have what I have now. The same goes with the Marine Corps, which I foolishly joined to fight "terrorism" and all the BS fed to us. Had I not endured the Marine Corps and all the BS lies, I would not have awakened and become a big influencer in the anti-war scene. I also would not have ANY of the benefits I get now which I can support my family with; without being caught in the rat race. In other words, if I hadn't suffered immensely, gotten PTSD, and everything else, I would be stuck in he rat race and never have the time to research and spiritually evolve. All of us have a similar story in a different way. Anyway, those are a few of my insights from his insights that I wanted to share. -
taoislife replied to PT89's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@PT89 Read some of this guy’s posts. n In my opinion, the most awakened person I’ve ever seen. -
Leo Gura replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What I'm saying aligns with the best spiritual traditions. Almost all of them talk about degrees of awakening. So it's not an ego thing. I don't really care about being more awakened than someone else. I just care about not missing some important insight which I might easily overlook if I wasn't careful and comprehensive. I would rather err on the side of comprehensiveness. Because I can't anticipate everything I don't know. I always leave room in my epistemology for surprises and big reversals. All that's really required is radical openmindedness. Don't close down your mind even after an awakening. Keep being curious. Keep learning. Keep reading. Keep hearing other points of view. You just never know what you might discover. -
Leo Gura replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@legendary That is very difficult to assess in practice, especially if you haven't had multiple awakenings yourself. The challenge is that different minds talk about awakening in different ways, so just because two people talk different and emphasize different things does not necessarily mean their level of awakening is different. To be totally honest, I don't know anyone else's level of awakening. I only know what levels I have experienced. The rest is my speculations. It is possible to try to guess a person's levels of awakening by asking them various questions about the nature of reality. Depending on how they answer these questions you might catch some clues about how awake they really are. But again, you're still just guessing. You don't really know. It could just be a failure to communicate. Many awake people are just poor communicators. Some questions I like to ask people to determine how awake they are: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is God? How does God create? What is your true nature? What is non-existence? What is Truth? What is Infinity? What is Consciousness? What is Love? Have you become conscious of infinite intelligence? What is the deepest thing you've become conscious of? Do other people exist? etc. If they are not able to answer these questions clearly and satisfactorily, then I consider that they are not fully awake. Although it might just be that they don't want to answer such questions. It can be hard to tell. To me the highest teaching must affirm: 1) You are God, 2) Total nonduality, 3) Infinity & Nothingness Teachings which cannot answer the question of why there is something rather than nothing are incomplete in my opinion. Because I have clearly answered this question for myself. So I know it can be done. Teachings which try to emphasize emptiness or formlessness over form are also incomplete in my opinion since they fail to fully comprehend that form and formlessness are identical. Teachings which claim there is no God are also suspect. Since you can clearly recognize that you are God. I am also suspicious of teachings which never talk about absolute Love or which deny Love as an Absolute. I am also suspicious of teachings which do not ever mention the energetic aspects of awakening. I am super suspicious of any teachings which claims that enlightenment is binary and has no degrees. To me this is clearly false as my experience says otherwise. If someone cannot explain clearly what God is, why God is, and how God works, they are not fully awake in my opinion. Since I have been able to understand all that for myself. It can clearly be done. And not as theory, belief, or speculation. You can be totally conscious of how God works. Of course you can also evaluate a person's demeanor, energy, and vibe. But this can also be misleading. It can be hard to tell whether you are projecting your own ideas onto them. So in practice the best thing you can do is not to get married to any one teacher or teaching. Keep looking for deeper and deeper teachings and you will probably keep finding them. And also remember, just because someone isn't fully awaken doesn't mean you can't learn a lot from them. So don't get too perfectionistic trying to find the perfect teacher. The most awake people are often poor teachers. Teaching ability is not at all the same as degree of awakening. The best teachers will likely be less awake than the most awakened people: precisely because they spend a lot time teaching! In the same way that the best mathematicians are not the best math teachers. Whenever you are in doubt, just ask 5-MeO-DMT and it will tell you the truth -- assuming you're ready to stomach it. It will not lie to you. Your mind might lie. But 5-MeO does not. Every answer you want is there. You just have to dig it out a bit, which can take time. I will trust 5-MeO-DMT over any living master. Direct experience is king. -
Zigzag Idiot replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I've heard it put an Awakened person has a mind. In an unawakened person, the mind has them. -
JohnnyBravo replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I am not enlightened or awakened. My feeling is..... Once one attains it, the need to explain it to others or argue or agree/disagree.....all that goes out the window. I think Leo is just sharing what occurred with him not trying to battle in a right/wrong dichotomy. And I think that is the whole point. Right/wrong is a style of thinking that doesnt (kind of) work when tasting God. Im careful to not say that THAT is wrong. -
Leo Gura replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
They mostly agree that awakening = Absolute Truth = Nothing = Everything = God = Love = Consciousness It's just a question of how deeply you comprehend it, how much of its consequences you see, how well you embody it in everyday life, and how conscious you are of things. These vary greatly. There's also the issue of: how integral is your view of spirituality? For example, are you going to deny that Hindu's understand awakening? That Muslims do? That Jews do? That Buddhists do? Are you gonna pick one team and criticize all the others? Are you going to deny that people who use psychedelics have legit awakening experiences? Are you going to insist that self-inquiry is the one true way, or yoga, or Zen, or meditation? Are you going to insist that Jesus was the most awake, or Buddha, or someone else? Or are you gonna say that all awakened people are equally awake? There tends to be a lot of disagreement about all that mostly because the people disagreeing have not fully experienced and explored the things they're disagreeing with. Before you go disagreeing about 5-MeO-DMT, for example, how about you do 10 trips? Then let's talk. Before you go disagreeing about Islam, how about you travel to the Middle East and talk to 10 enlightened Sufi masters. Then let's talk. To really understand all this diversity there has to be genuine desire to understand it. You can't just cling to your POV while maintaining that everyone else is deluded. This understanding is not strictly-speaking enlightenment. It is a side pursuit. But in my opinion it is highly worthwhile. We are living more and more in an integrated world. We must learn to understand each other better, otherwise confusion, delusion, and evil happen. -
Monkey-man replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
IF you are creator then why dont u make yourself awakened? To think that you created everything and yourself out of infinite goodness sounds immensely mad. When you cried about how you, the God, created everything out of your selfless loving nature I was shocked. IT SOUNDS SO DAMN NAIVE AND WRONG. DUDE WHATS Up. Just look at your own words and look how wrong it sounds, do u really think that the structure of existence is so brutally naive and simple? its just me - i created it all - coz i m infinite goodness selfless creator. now i am speaking to u through utube to say that. However, i can;t even wake up to that fact without drugs. What kind of creator is this? Do you even hear how naive that sounds? Its as if you are prisoner of asylum for psychopaths. all these grandiose statements are JUST A MEGALOMANIA. its all sounds like utter delusion. It sounds as if you are possessed by some higher forces who are making fun of you and all of us. Moreover, to think that you can trip towards Godhead through psychedelics - this is just nonsense. Real God wouldn't allow to trip towards him through drugs. Maybe infinite reality would allow that - and maybe you have mistaken infinite reality for True God. BUT what if True God transcends reality itself? You might be very conscious but that doesn't cancel out the fact that awakening doesn't really tell us anything about ultimate Creator of existence. Awakening simply is about our true nature here and now. Its about how things are here and now. What on Earth would make us to think that awakening would tell us about how things are in the largest scheme of things. So i think u just diminish the role and status of the word God into making it as something ordinary and low. -
thesmileyone replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Age doesn't matter. You could be 5 years old but have 30 lifetimes of aescetic style meditation under your belt in comparison to someone who has awakened their first time this lifetime. -
Aakash replied to tecladocasio's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
before leo went on his grand expedition to the centre of the universe, i too shared the same thoughts as him. I don't think i've been as deeply absorbed as himself, however i can vouch to the problem of skepticism that he shows when dealing with consciousness work, within a logical frame work they make sense and within a god consciousness frame work it also makes sense. but the problem is only one can be right. The teachers are not wrong when they say that you can not grasp infinity, because there's no way to know if your right or wrong, but there are holes in their understanding and god- logic which they don't account for. which leo is not taking for granted, he's saying the holes can be discovered and found out, which is what it means to understand infinity. So these awakened beings are awoke, there is just different degrees. your point is also valid aswell, he could be mental masterbating, but what you have not considered are infinite variables to any given event and therefore fall short with the need for a decisive answer to reach a particular end goal, aka your at a lower stage of consciousness and can't grasp the logic leo is using to decipher the puzzle. None the less, he has solved the problem with a few simple words ironically and that is the point is to become god and live life as god. you might have to intuite what i mean, but basically it means he's right and the enlightened masters are also right,as well as he could be wrong and the enlightened masters are wrong because becoming infinity means there is no wrong infinity, there's just the matter of degrees of consciousness and the highest, what does it mean to be the highest consciousness? understanding the whole of infinity and what god is which means understanding you are god, -
Preetom replied to Truth Addict's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'd disagree with that. While it's true we can never guess the truth but I doubt they were doing self-inquiry from the start. They probably were doing a whole batch of spiritual practices and contemplations for decades before they finally stabilized in 'real' self-inquiry. Adyashanti: I don't know a great deal about the specifics of his personal path but he meditated like an Olympian 4-5 hours days in his late teens and 20s. But they were mostly a batch of concentration/vipasana meditations. In his final few years, self-inquiry really got hold of him tightly and he awakened permanently that time (he had many other glimpses before but they didn't stick) Rupert: He didn't do self-inquiry from the start. From his late teens to his 40s that's like 25 years- he was reading vedantic scriptures, doing mantra meditation(something that is a complete inverse of self-inquiry) and keeping Ramana's photo near his bed. he did just that for 25 freaking years without any permanent awakening experience. Finally he met Francis who introduced him to the direct path of putting awareness on awareness..that indeed liberated him within 1-2 years. In his own words, that time was like a constant fire works for him as everything he read in the scriptures were being directly experienced so clearly. Peter: I'm not familiar with neither his teaching nor his path so I can't comment on that. I only know that he did inhuman level of sitting and contemplating. Well it's because he was busy with construction works for decades and didn't have the patience/maturity to sit still and self inquire. Upon doing that self-less work for many years, finally his mind was purified and he got enlightened very soon when Ramana finally gave him permission to leave and meditate in a secluded place. Meanwhile, Shivprakasham Pillai and Sri Sadhu Om are examples who grasped the essence of Ramana's teaching very quickly and got enlightened within 2-5 years. Like I said, the technique self-inquiry (putting awareness on awareness) is the final gate. But it depends on people to people to come to this door due to their particular idiosyncrasies. Some may take 1 year to come to this gate while others may need lifetimes. And self-inquiry is not at all about asking questions or doing some sort of intellectual, clever gymnastics. In a sense, it is an 'unique' 'activity'. The only 'unique' activity there is. While all our experiences are about attending to objects, self-inquiry turns that around and starts attending to the subject. No other activity in any plane does that. And thus people will take their time to get the essence of this practice -
Arhattobe replied to Scholar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura The frontal lobe is tied into what’s traditionally called the second chakra. Which in Hinduism is called svadisthana. Svathistana means the seat of the soul, but in fact it is the seat of individuation. Consious and subconsious. Upon consious stable awakening. The consious part of the individuated self is set free from identification. The subconsious still clings. Instinctively, through instincts, memories, feeling and a subconsious world that goes way beyond surface level thought and understanding. Shinzen young who has awakened on a conscious level. Like most non dual teachers. Have their awakening hijacked by this hidden, subconsious devil as you would say. To fool them that they are at the end of the journey. Its comforting to think so. It’s easier to think so. Yet their behaviour betrays them. Defilements of the mind are still abundantly clear in such people if they are taken down their pedestals. Mere practice, without a proper map. Proper genuineness, and self awareness of how deep the path goes can allow for people to get stuck. Thats why they are stuck where they are. Now onto why your path, in my opinion suffers in ways you aren’t conscious of. In my opinion and based on my experience. When an insight is had. It is reductionist. I am not saying this in a regular non dual way. Not saying there is no truth. No purpose. In the way it is normally meant. Insights carry legitimate truths but they are stored in the frontal lobe, and merely by storing them due to their reductionist nature they distort and pervert. Are hijacked by the devil. Emotional highs, subconsious distortions are created without ones being the wiser. Look up the brahmanjala sutta. The Buddha talks about this at length in said sutta. What is my point. If your stable level of consciousness is at one point and you jump deep into the depth of reality. The insights you carry back will be heavily perverted. Far more than you know. They will carry the stench of the devil. The ten defilements, and although they will sound good and reflect an actual reality. They will be far, far in purity. To the actuality. Ones mind needs to be trained to ingest an insight without perversion. Insights with heavy perversion can even be counterproductive. Eg there is nothing to do types in advaita. In my opinion the psychedelic path suffers heavily from this fact. I have done 5 meo numerous times. Breakthrough doses. By far my most meaningful peaks, insights and changes have come when I have been sober. Absolutely no contest. -
Leo Gura replied to Scholar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arhattobe The psychedelic is a transformative tool. You are judging is improperly when you judged it like so: If it fully enlightens me in one go, then it's good. If it doesn't, then it's bad and useless. If you're gonna use that criterion, then you should apply it equally to meditation. Like so: if I sit down and meditate for 30 minutes and it fully enlightens me, then I will do it and it's good. But if doesn't, then it's bad and I'm never going to meditate again. How many meditation sits does it take to become stably awakened? 1000? 5000? 10,000? Now apply those numbers to psychedelics. So your comparison is fair. What would happen if you did 1000 trips? Would you become stably awake? If so, you'd beat mediation by 10x. Why do I have a deeper understanding of metaphysical reality than Shinzen Young, who has 40 years of professional practice while I have less than 5 years of amateur practice? How do you explain that? There's some facts and statistics for ya. You see, there's more to this than just awakening. You must look at psychedelics as a holistic tool for self-awareness, personal development, and mental health. -
Arhattobe replied to Scholar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Facts and statistics are not things people like it seems. No one asides Martin has awakened. Stably and permanently via psychs, and he has massive issues. With all the psychedelics and insights people on this forum “integrate” you would think it would be littered with people at least awakened on some basic level. Stably and with a sober mind. -
SoonHei replied to Principium Nexus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura can you please talk about what insights mean or what they are... In the context of the absolute vs the dream? Isn't all those insights ultimately knowledge? Which is all relative so to speak? But I guess that doesn't mean that it's not "true" or helpful... Kinda answering myself here But a question also about awakened masters for example sadhguru or mooji... They dont talk about infinty of God as you do... Or all other radical implications... Is it fair to say that although they are great masters... Their understanding also maybe "limited" compared to yours... In that you have got the ultimate guru and assistance of 5meo-dmt on your side. Also, even the buddah/Jesus etc, may not have had the intellectual understanding deep enough to translate various facets of being God as you do? Again, all to do with the teachings being contemporary and linked with the time era Being lived in. -
Just for the fun of conversation, does your experience encompass the actual truth? For instance, it didn't happen to you and a few others you observed, so its the case now? But it did happen to me, and those I know and a number of awakened teachers from books they wrote or talks that gave. So theres evidence that it doesn't just happen to "noobs". Also I think if your honest with yourself, you really can't say for certain how you will respond to the yet to be created future and what life with mold you as and throw at "you".
For your own sake I sure hope you don't eat your own words, but let me tell you, it has nothing with being a noob, lol. Insanity or the cusp ofi is talked about by a number of awakened teachers, many of which were not "noobs" at the point in which it happened. Trust me you will change your toon real quick if life puts you in such a situation in your now beyond noobness.
Ya it sounds like you should listen to your sense that looking into this negative "being bad" could be helpful. And your right about it maybe making you temporarily "depressed". This can happen when we face structures like this in ourselves. But when this happens remind yourself that this is what can happen and its temporary and things will improve when you see through the things you are facing. Often what happens for people is they start looking into something like this, start to feel bad, doubful, less of themselves, that theres a bigger problem then there is (any number of things can happen in ones mind/experience) and they contract back in avoiding the issue they wanted to face. Of course if things get really out of control and unsafe, then you may want to back off and reassess and perhaps get help from others that can help you through these challenging times/issues (which if it ever comes up, you can message me and I'll try and help you through with my experience). Out of curiosity do you feel like you have long term negative mind states from your psychedelic/spiritual experiences? As for me I had a traumatic spiritual awakening years ago in which I felt everything I knew myself to be changed radically fast and I felt forced to do/act in ways that didn't make sense to me. I became WAAAAY to sensitive to any amount of suffering or potential danger and over compensating by almost being OCD. This lasted in various ways off and on for years. A few years ago this all came to a head in a series of spiritual awakenings,facing some real potential dangers and a few encounters with angels/spirits that healed something in my heart as well as helping me face the reality of death and danger as a inherent Truth in life. While i can't tell you how it turned out in the end, since I'm still alive its radically better and in the process of the whole thing, I have become awakened to my true nature and all sorts of unexpected Truths I had only read about and wanted to understand at one point, but for what ever reason was unable to see in my earlier years.
Arhattobe replied to Arhattobe's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@thesmileyone The ego is not a singular thing. Your chakric system carries karmic impressions through out your nervous system and body. Mere mind body disidentification, knowing who you are, and non duality does not rid you of them. Nor should it be considered enlightenment. Yet it is. People greatly exaggerate what being in a permanent awakened state means, because of fantastical thinking, escapism and lack of genuine listening. Nearly all non dual teachers say they learned, the hard way, they still had a ton of growing to do post awakening, and still suffered. Examples include : adyashanti, Jeff foster, jan esmann, David spero, Maharishi mahesh yogi. Just to name a few. Selective hearing doesn’t allow people to look at things honestly though.