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  1. By experience i can say, this reality or name it incarnation is the highest stage of consciousness; why? Because one can experience nothingness. The formless paradigm is just a projection on the basis of being. To shoot for the formless as priority is to be dead. Pure nothingness experienced through your being is something. Being dead is something else, there is no more experience through your being, there is no more identity, is only cold and chaos. Those who have died in can tell, they are envious in a way of the living. Because being dead re-incarnation is just a belief of the living. There is no re-incarnation, there is new life only, always. But those on the logic side can argue this all day, it has no meaning. There are no 2 beings out there alike, only conditioning by external sources and external beliefs. All this was created, (the afterlife) for those who have not awakened, to give them a sense of purpose. Those who already know how to rejuvenate the body they just laugh in the darkness, because the majority of humanity has no clue that is possible to reach a kind of immortality in this body, they think they will be bored, lol! But little they know that the changes of the body/mind can go to infinite growth. I speak about this banned or insane things because i'm experiencing it.
  2. I am a huge Matrix fan, obviously. The movie is a masterpiece. The actual thing is a prison. But still a masterpiece. So here's what lays beyond the conceptual matrix that most of humanity lives in; Nothing is the most you will ever have. Your idea of nothingness does not equal nothingness. In fact; it is impossible for you to imagine nothing. Especially not while trapped in the matrix. Nothing is unimaginable for a good reason. It is unspeakable. Nevertheless, I will try to paint a picture for ya. Beyond the maze there is pure, infinite emptiness. A blank canvas. Nothing. No canvas, either. No time, no space, no dimensions, no identity. No isness or amness. Not even the notion of life or existence. In pure nothingness all there can ever be is pure awareness of nothingness. Or the complete absence of it. Which would then be Absolute Nothingness. No notion of anything at all. No nothing even. What once was a prison; a hell - now becomes a paradise; a playground for creators. You may have struggled to escape the matrix and break down all limitations, but guess what...? Once you brake through all concepts and limitations, transcend both life and death, merge with infinite nothingness and become comfortable with emptiness - you will want to build a new matrix. New concepts. New realities. After all you do have a completely blank canvas now. And you are totally limitless. Free. Of course you will want to play. To create. To experience your infinitude. History repeats itself, indeed. And it can take on infinite forms. Express in infinite ways. There are 12 notes in a musical octave. The 13th one is the same as the first one. Just in a new octave. Perfect illusion. Every thing collapses down on itself. Is being reborn out of itself. Rises from it's own ashes. Like a phenix. The first note in the octave is what gives meaning to all the following notes. The 13th note is a rebirth. A new beginning. An illusive continuation of the same cycle. It only appears different; higher or lower. The 13th note is both real and an illusion. It is both same and totally different from the first one. Depending on where you are and what your intentions are. An F# is an F#; no matter what octave you're in. But the illusion of difference between octaves is what gives beauty and meaning to music. Dynamics. Range. Diversity. More room for expression. Octaves go on forever. No matter which direction you choose to go. You can go as high or as low as you can hear. And if you persist long enough; you will always find yourself exactly where you begun; nowhere. Design and build concepts in alignment with your highest intention; highest will. One must create limitations if one desires to experience one's infinitude. One must ground nothingness into somethingness. Otherwise absolute nothingness is all there would be. Forever. An awakened awareness is aware of this fact. Limitations are not bad, ultimately. They are pure blessings. Being unaware of them, their purpose and meaning, is what causes suffering. But suffering is necessary, as well. Golden. An extremely powerful experience. Awareness fears no intensity. Does not resist pain. Or anything else. It experiments; experiencing infinite varieties of itself. No meaning = Your meaning. This is coming from a higher octave. Not from the octave of egoic stubbornness, ignorance and/or narcissism. Be aware; I speak of "existence" after self-transcendence here. Do not missinterpret authenticity. Create your meaning. Make it as meaningful as it can possibly get. Or meaningless - if that's what floats your boats. The point is to get fully immersed in whatever it is you choose to do or not do. Make it fully experiental. Be aware of it all. To see sharp. Actions are supported by passion and love. Excitement and thrill is what keeps everything... exciting and thrilling. Fun. Surprising. Expansive. You will be eager to play, trust me. Or don't... Not as an ego. As God. As Infinity itself. So do it in love and peace. With anticipation and eagerness. Willpower and dedication. After all; now, in this new octave - you are able to detach at will from any circumstance. Any role, any character, any identity, any fragment. You have a new card up your sleeve, so to speak. Use it wisely and maturely. Responsibly. Consciously. But also; do dare to dream your wildest dreams. Be the child you are. Mistakes are stories of past. Your time is now. And it's not going anywhere. Plenty of time to "fix mistakes". Now it's time to play. To make love. To unite. To expand into infinite nothingness. To create worlds. Stars. Universes. Multiverses. To masturbate eternally. To dance. There could possibly be no better thing in the entire existence; or the illusion of it. It is unspeakable. No matter how long I try to describe it, point at it; it's all for nothing. No one could possibly ever believe this. One has to be it. And even then one will not be able to believe it. You are beyond belief. There is no need for belief. There is only Consciousness playing with itself. A perspective. A free agent. An explorer - a creator. Both God and The Devil; merged as One. As Infinity. Afterlife is no life at all. And that's the best life you can ever have. It is true heaven. Same game - different levels. Everything will stay the same; yet it will be radically different. On this level of the game; the player becomes aware of himself. Remembers his true nature. Does not confuse himself with the game or the characters in it anymore. And that brings new power. New capabilities. New gifts. More wisdom. More love and compassion. Will strong as a rock. The game of life becomes the best game that could possibly ever exist. It is genius. Contains infinite possibilities and opportunities for growth, expansion and exploration. Infinite configurations of consciousness. Constant rearrangement. Constant play. Non stop fun. NO MORE SLEEP Essentially; that is what you have been after since forever. Constant awareness. Awake eternally; continuously. No pause - no break. Razor sharp senses. It took you some time. But now time is no more. The rest was long enough. You are awake now and have no need to go back to sleep. At least not for another eternity. Freedom. Effortless manifestation. Wisdom. Knowledge. Intelligence. Creativity. Fun. Unconditional love. Excitement. Joy. Bliss. Peace. All of that lays beyond the matrix. And is directly experiental through authentic desire. All that is you birthright. You are the infinite creator. All there is. You are The Matrix itself. You are... THE ONE
  3. @Tony 845 there are many levels to awakening. I'd say that most people on the forum have awakened to some level, but if you're talking about high levels of awakening/full embodiment of enlightenment, then there are few on the entire planet. A few thousand at most, perhaps. This is no small feat!
  4. @Tony 845 There is no one to become awakened. That realization is what awakening is.
  5. @Tony 845 Short version: yes. Nuance is important though, so here for the long version: I and some friends/acquaintances got transmissions from Ramaji around a year ago, a little more. Few of us went on to make forum posts about how we were enlightened, in a rather juvenile, what one might call zen-devily way. Here's what I gathered from my experience: 1) Yes, Ramaji's transmissions do have an effect and can in a number of times facilitate entry into a state of abiding non-dual awareness. What I mean by that is becoming consciousness of nothingness behind self and world, a falling a way of the normal contracted sense of being an observer sitting behind the eyes, as well as the doer of the body's actions. It personally took me 6 times iirc to experience what Ramaji refers to as 1k. Some people were told they reached 1k but didn't really experience anything. So it was varied. I've also heard that some people have had countless sessions over time without much progress, and it would seem as if the transmissions may be weaker nowadays. 2) 1k isn't by any means the highest state of enlightenment. I wouldn't call it enlightenment at all, although by this forum's general definition it is an enlightened/awakened state. There's many depths of enlightenment. Ramana Maharshi, who Ramaji considers 1k, was definitely nearer to enlightenment than Ramaji. It's not even a comparison. Likewise, the depth of enlightenment between Ramaji and people he awakened through transmissions, including other RASA givers and his wife Ananda Devi, is nowhere near the same. Ramaji has a four-decade plus journey behind him, people can't just get RASA and be as enlightened as him. 3) Ramaji has plenty of ego issues, as do other RASA givers. 4) Ramaji could help you reach non-duality, perhaps, but it's important to point out the path doesn't end at that. You'll still have layers upon layers of karma, which could cause anything from a deep-down dissatisfaction with life to hard-to-bear suffering. If the suffering is more mild, being in non-duality will make it easier to be escapist and pretend like there's no I, life is perfect, etc. Someone who takes years or decades of contemplation to enter a non-dual state will have more perspective and maturity. Hope some of that helps.
  6. In the presence of an awakened human, one will start to awaken and heal etc. So in other words, this is how one can say about someone yes or no.
  7. Depends greatly on the influence in the environment you live. If you have not awakened to a certain minimum, then life is a drag and is not your fault. Change where you live if you want to stay on the same consciousness level of being and be productive.
  8. Through This Ramaji guy via Skype or is this guy just pulling my chain? He legit or what? This isn’t a you’re guru is Better then my question post either, it’s a simple yes or no? If he’s legit. Asking for a friend ?‍♂️
  9. About inhabiting the belly center, in regards to three centered awareness, Arnold Keyserling put it this way. The normal way of being for an ordinary person should contain the capacity for occupying the belly center in which you can embody something or completely disidentify from it. Otherwise, people become stuck inside their head and then they're just a poor bastard enmeshed in concepts. A 'poor bastard' being someone who has no inner silence. This has been me for most of my life. His earthy way of putting it made bells go off inside me. If you have ever observed yourself as having this condition of being stuck in the head, you know what I'm talking about. In regards to multiplicity, everyone is pretty much their own ship of fools, each of whom are trying to control the helm. Aside from integration, in Christian Hermeticism, freeing of the guardian angel occurs when the heart is awakened and purified. Looking at the Cosmos through the I-CHING. This same inner process allows assistance from the "helpers" who are defined as individualized aspects of the Cosmic Consciousness and of nature that are neither humans nor Angels. Carol Anthony claimed that divination revealed to her that the identity of the "helpers" are what's known today as the phenomenon of "Orbs". ?‍♂️ Activation of the helpers can only happen when we are in harmony with the Cosmos. In that sense, subservience is just as detrimental as arrogance. The helpers are activated by one's contact with the harmony of the inner truth of one's True Self. Returning to the vocabulary of Esoteric Christianity, I correlate this harmony as one being in contact with awakened Conscience.
  10. Hello guys! I need your perspective on this, but i also need Leo's one since he was in a relationship while been on the path at the same time. I think many people have gone through this too. This is what happened. I was in a 1 year relationship with my gf while been on the path. I broke up with her a first time, because i had a lot pressure and did not knew how to handle it. I realized i needed space for meditation. She wanted to come back, we talked and got back together again, this happened the next day after breaking up. The breakup didnt have enough space for all the emotions to come out, it was an impulse, so i didnt learned anything yet, even thou it hurt. Now, i broke up with her again 3 weeks ago because i was proyecting all my self on her, thinking she was a big obstacle for the path. I did not think things clearly, on all the posibilities to make it work. She even told me we could go to a psychologist to talk about meditation for her to understand me. I did not listen to her and brutally broke with her a week before her birthday and our anniversary. In my mind, my main distractions for the path where my job, college and her. But, now i can be in meditation while working and studying. I use to excuse my self on that. I managed those areas already. But then, i thought the problem was the relationship, because my mind played too many tricks on judgement, criticism and beliefs and ideas being proyected on her that i should be alone, etc. As you know, this things went deep into my unconcious mind and it manifested on me breaking up with her. After a week on it, i meditated on the emotions that went out, so this is not why i want her back. I accept if she doesnt want to. I want her back because i still love her (not want her-attachment-possesion-need her), i learned how to differentiate true love between need-fulfillment, which is often confused as love. I have grown too much because of her! Being with the opposite sex made me more of a man because of the responsability it takes, i discovered that. Also, she has triggered my complete unconcious ego! I would not have any idea of how much work i still have to do, is insane! I have 5 years on the path and is because of her that im closer to reality! Being single you can get into peaceful meditative states easily and think you are free of ego and culture conditioning, wait till you are with someone. She is a very good girl, very feminine, pretty, high quality, loving, caring, positive, business driven and innocent, the only thing is that now she hates meditation because i broke up on her cuz of it. I know deep down that if she sees big changes on me because of meditation she can get into it, or maybe i can persuade her into trying it little by little, who knows. I dont want to be fairy tairy but we how we met is kinda a movie story, i dont know if synchronicity played a role on us. Right now i told her sorry for being so brute on breaking up before her birthday and our anniversary. I realized such decision was not necessary, because im not enlightened yet. You dont know if you will get enlightened, you can only try your best and it may happen. But the positive thing is that i would not have realized all the things i was doing inside the relationship too! Is positive and negative at the same time. I thought that if i breakup with her i would get enlightened quicker, but i wouldnt if i have not being with her om the first place. Now being single i cannot be triggered as i used to. The problem is that her conditioning has some expectations of what a relationship is, but im okay with most of it. My question is, would it work to be awakened, in the path and with her at the same time? She is not in the path, but she is unknowingly a concious reflective, open minded and good person. Thats why i chose her as a partner. My suggestion to her as coming back to the relationship is that now i will be fully involved. This means practicing total presence when being with her, devotion in order to practice unconditional love, and will have total inner acceptance toward my proyections on her. Lastly, we will try all possibilities for it to work, meaning high communication, which we both lacked. That includes going to a spiritual psychologist that i got to know a few days ago. All of this until the relationship fades away naturally, if it does. Who knows. Even the impossible could be possible. What would you do in this case and why? (awake vs asleep, relationship)
  11. Habits streaks of week 7 I notice that the morning routine is easier than breaking habits. Now I enjoy watching films and series in the weekend. Normally I would watch everyday. I'm so happy that I reduced this time consuming habit. I was addicted to TV my whole life. I re-listened to Leo's spiral dynamics stage orange and green "how to transcend" part and I realized that I might be more developed then I thought. Many of the resistances of stage green I don't experience and I always try to keep an open mind. If I keep my life in check as it is right now I might grow into yellow faster than I think. I talked with a friend of mine who is very keen in noticing my development. He told me that I'm pursuing enlightenment, but that I probably don't do this consciously. Maybe he is right, maybe he is wrong. What matters is that I make progress and in this very moment I feel more in control of my life than ever before. Since my break-up I awakened to purpose. I don't know it yet, but their are layers and layers to discover. One purpose of mine is to move up the spiral and help others to do the same. How I'm going to do this will be the external manifestation of this purpose, like a mask, a cover up for conscious development and I'm the only one who will understand what is behind that mask. Day game Last week I did 9 approaches in total. I have trouble to make time for it do do a lot of approaches on a day and I keep making excuses which I can't hide from myself, because I'm to aware of it. It's like being pushed in a corner, but I know that I went in the corner all by myself and being in the corner while knowing I put myself there creates a weird feeling inside me. maybe Leo his awareness is curative video can be useful for this. 5 of those approaches I did with my wing. 1 approaches ended with changing numbers, the girl didn't respond, but I see it as an achievement anyway. I also approached men as well to strengthen my social muscle. I feel more happy in general, normally I would feel 4/10 now its like 6,5/10 which is a huge change. It feels like I nurture my soul and connection to other souls in this life.
  12. On one hand - "The Red level of consciousness is impulsive and egocentric. The core motivation is about doing what you want and being who you are, regardless of the consequences (Ooten, Unpublished). Neurotransmitters related to guilt are not physiologically present in individuals at this level, thus guilt is not expressed (Graves, 2005)." - On the other hand - "Guilt: The Sage has made it clear that the word guilt, and all ideas related to it, do not have a Cosmic basis. This includes the idea of original sin, as well as the idea that we become guilty for whatever we do or fail to do. The idea of guilt, associated with the image of an inextinguishable stain, is an invention of the collective ego to keep the Individual under control." - The Oracle of the Cosmic Way. Zigzag Idiot finds third force. Awakened Conscience is the intelligence of the Universe. Remorse of Conscience is real guidance whereas guilt is illusory.
  13. This description of 'buffers' is really to the point. Buffered Consciousness One of the keys to psychological absorption is provided in the Guirdjeff- Ouspensky system in the concept of buffered consciousness. Humanity is involved and absorbed (psychologically entangled) in manifestation such that awareness is quite limited, by conditioning, by circumstances, even by transient evolutionary necessity. The principal factor of absorption is ignorance. The human being in general has no realization of his or her true nature, the purpose of his or her existence (incarnation), the nature of the universe (evolution, karma, etc.), the superficiality of material existence, etc. As the human being evolves in consciousness there is successive realization culminating in self-realization or awakening to the higher self. In the meantime, virtually all of the apparent forces and factors in the objective world conspire to keep humanity in ignorance. This is due almost entirely to the inherent inertia of matter and the submission and emersion of humanity in matter (physically, emotionally, and mentally). But it is also due to the (needed evolutionary) consequences of the experience of struggling with this emersion and rising above and beyond this state of conditioned existence. Much of this conditioned existence (absorption) (psychological sleep) is built or compounded upon ignorance, based on (unconscious) psychological comfort and the (unconscious) psychological evasion of inner and outer contradictions. Psychological sleep is in a sense a matter of self-deception. In failing to recognize the reality of manifested existence, human (personality) consciousness contrives unconsciously, and collectively creates a model of manifestation consistent with quite limited understanding (assumptive delusion). That model generally includes the delusion of separate existence (as personalities) and the delusion of material reality (denial of that which is spiritual). The human being does not want to believe in the superficial and transient nature of life in the lower world (and the superficial and transient nature of the lower self or personality) so that a belief system is contrived to accommodate psychological comfort (sometimes through religion, sometimes through personal philosophy, always through rationalization (conscious or otherwise)). In any event, the unconscious assumptions that are made about manifested existence, which contradict reality, contribute to the continued enslavement of human beings to unrealistic patterns of sense perception. In order for a person to awaken from this sleep of deep psychological conditioning (which has been sustained for countless incarnations), a person requires certain shocks (jolts) to the psychological system. Gradual evolution does not provide many major crises or shocks, but there are (merited) occasional shocks (to the unconscious) which spur the individual onward (or back to within the bandwidth of the evolutionary path). Once the evolution of consciousness reaches the point of conscious appreciation of reality, then the series of shocks (intense experience) moves more to the realm of conscious psychological experience and the need for shocks is lessened. But whenever the serious student strays sufficiently from the path (e.g., when the student becomes absorbed in personality experience or expression), the progressive balance must be restored. The spiritual student is really one who recognizes the limitations of human (personality-centered) consciousness and who works to overcome the implied conditioning, eventually becoming self-realized (awakened to the conscious presence of the higher self). From: page 16
  14. If this makes any sense, or aha moments? or mystical experiences? It seems we can’t group these all together cause every case is different, this “no self” thing keeps going deeper & deeper for me, I can almost feel it changing me daily or that my physche is getting re-wired, I can literally feel it all over my head, I know it sounds stupid, but seriously. Just wondering also why kundalini doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention on this forum, a lot of people seem to snub it, from the research that I’ve done it could be a gateway or prerequisite towards enlightenment, my kundalini is awakened I can literally feel it on some level all day long in my body & on my head (crown chakra/3rd eye pulsating most of my my day) just think it doesn’t get enough due diligence. Some people will say it’s “just energy” well this just energy not a whole lot of people seem to know about it, I sure as hell didn’t ( had no clue a body could twitch, jerk & rotate during meditation) Now I’m stuck with it & yes I know it’s still not enlightenment im not hanging my hat on it but it’s still an important topic. Just saying... im also pretty sure the kundalini is actiavating different areas of “my brain” still soo weird to me, I’m also having no luck at all in finding a guru at least to talk to?‍♂️ I’ve been looking...
  15. I would really question this. It sounds like you awakened to some degree and prescribed to the Law of Attraction at a fundamental level, yet your description of you descent sounds like the opposite, like you reverted your beliefs and succumbed to a victim mentality. You want to take ownership of the good things, yet when bad things happen you retreat; all of a sudden the universe happens to you. Well, it's tough pill to swallow that it's a 2-way street. All of the physical woes you think are happening to you are manifestations of something within. I invite you to go there with complete self-honesty.
  16. Surrendering to the realization that egoic free will is an illusion is part of evolving to post-egoic conscious states. Once I hit post-egoic states, the desire to explore the nature of free-will dissolved. There is a much stronger desire to enter post-egoic states. From a post-egoic perspective let's explore new realms. I don't care if we call it egoic decisions, infinite decisions, a hamster or a cartwheel. There is a calling to enter the magnificence of post-egoic being. For me, falling asleep is a good analogy. When I lay down in bed, if the personal ego is active the mind will stay awake, immersed in the personal story. "I should have done XX at work. If she hadn't said blah blah, then yabber yabber wouldn't have happened". To leave the egoic state of consciousness and enter a new state of consciousness (sleep), the personal egoic dynamics need to relax, surrender and let it happen. I'm not concerned with figuring out what force is guiding that process, if any. I just want to fall asleep. Similarly, if there is desire to transfer from an egoic state of consciousness to a collective state of consciousness, it is a somewhat similar process. The personal egoic dynamics need to relax, surrender and let it take over. I'm not concerned with intellectually figuring out who/what is making the decisions. I want to enter the direct experience of being in these expanded conscious states. Hyper mind-body awareness. Healing one's own body. Paranormal frequencies with other awakened beings. Being past, present and future in the Now. That is where the juice is for my mind-body right now. The only reason I would want to figure out the "free will" or "decision" part is if it can help me enter those states. Otherwise, it's just building more cognitive constructs. I can see how that would be very appealing to other mind-bodys and it was for me for a long time. Just not right now.
  17. In @Leo Gura's latest video he mentioned that it's better to become awakened during this incarnation instead of live a life of suffering. But he also says that God may have a lifetime for suffering planned for us/himself if that's what he wants to experience. This idea, along with the one regarding us having no free will, makes me wonder how me, my ego can really choose to do anything. Every time Leo mentions making a 'decision' in his videos I wonder how decisions can be made with no free will, or is this another one of those lovely paradoxes? I'm just trying grasp how I can make a decision when God is in the driving seat.
  18. I had this about 11 years ago exactly when - supposedly - my kundalini got awakened. lasted for like 1-2 months. never had anything like that since. (and also not before that. no changes in surroundings)
  19. If anyone wonders why I eat so much protein, it's because I've been starving myself accidentally back in December when my Kundalini awakened. Need to regain balance, take better care of what I do. I'm satisfied with the fact that I don't eat bread anymore. That is something. People were asking me if I'm 18 yet, I think that's a good sign that I'm healthy..?
  20. Humans types one, two, three are spiritually asleep with one center heavily dominating the other two. Human type four is awakened and centers are balanced. Has compassion. Human type 5 has continuity of consciousness; personality transforms into Pearl beyond Price, embodiment of personal essence - the second initiation is encountered, which is the expression of the individuality-data which is in the causal body.
  21. Personally i don't even like the word "sprituallity" and hardly ever use it. Enlightenment is simply discovering a natural aspect of ourselves that has always been true but just hidden from the ignorant human ego/mind. Could you imagine a race of beings in another part of the universe that are far more advanced then humans that are totally awakened. It would be a given that they exist as what we refer to as "GOD". But it would'nt be anything "special" to them. That would be a duality = ignorance. Where as for most humans to be enlightened or awakened is something very rare so we give it a special name. But it's nothing more then discovering the full truth of what "is" and has always been true.
  22. They don't identify with the thought that they have awakened. They are not awake and they are not a master. They are not even consciousness. There is only expression of truth
  23. How is your control of attention? Is it dispersed often where life is just encountered on 'autopilot'. Or is the attention drawn by things. Maybe even doom scenarios which to avoid. If one doesn't control their own attention, what does that say? They are essentially a slave? Or a mechanical, stimulus response meat computer with emotions? Being awakened means you direct your attention. You don't forget yourself. You never get bored. Nothing is wrong. Nobody is bad. The intuition is informed by pure feeling uncorrupted by self interest. People are often on a pendulum of wake and waking/sleep throughout the day. Especially those newer to the work. This in itself creates existential angst and disparities which are resolved when an awakened state becomes more steady. Attention can be: 1 - Dispersed 2 - Drawn 3 - Directed Others judgement of nondoing is drawn attention through identifications. Reaching conclusions of others who are judging is judging and is attention being drawn through identification. Freedom is being in possession of ones own attention which is inner freedom. It has a lot to do with being deliberate.
  24. First of all, thank you all for posting your suggestions, especially @pixelwave for revive this topic, i only saw it now. Recently i took a bite of the bullet as Leo always says and went deeper on my detoxification path, i am eating mostly fruits, juices, herbs and doing some fasting when i can. As result, my health greatly improved, my mind is way sharper and focused, almost no brain fog (which i had for years, especially after every meal, no matter how "healthy" it seems to be) and it is improving each day. I noticed that a fruitarian diet accelerated my "spiritual progress" many folds, especially when coupled with hatha yoga, seems to me that my body is always doing a spiritual, emotional and physical detox since it is all connected. I am shocked (in a positive way) with my progress in little time and only can imagine what kinds of benefits i will reap if i continue with this lifestyle throughout years. I also had a realization that i need to go back to concentration based meditation to cultivate my focus/concentration. Man, thank you for your post, i tried kriya yoga before (with the book in your book list) but i found it stirred up too much energy and emotions in my body at the time making me really anxious, angry, impatient etc. My kundalini is already awakened so, at the time, i was having lots of trouble with if (especially hard to ground myself) so i gave up. Recently i started practicing hatha yoga and i am simply LOVING IT, seriously, turned out i really needed to include my body into this equation and hatha yoga did it perfectly. But when you recommended i felt an intuition that it is time to try it again, i saw the mega-thread and bought the other book recommended in there by SantanaGamana i am excited to apply it About neurofeedback: i have never looked into it and i found it promising! With a little research, i found a place in my city (i live in Brazil) and i plan to invest in it in the future (i don't have money for it yet), it seems to have great potential, especially on the long run. Thank you, again, for your suggestions, both have so much potential, i am excited to try them
  25. @Shin peacful awakening? Pls there is no such things only really rare cases before you get awakened you will wish to kill yourself and feel like horseshit..dont seek that it will come...