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  1. @Leo Gura Leo, I'm sure you've been there too, being here and realizing that we are in the absolute nothingness/love/unity right now, but yet separated and existing in this reality as we imagine the possibility of having both happen at the same time and neither happening in the first place. We have experienced all of ourselves but at the same time never able to finish, and we are looping this infinitely so we can be love and beauty in its most infinite and divine state, which is all that we are. Every struggle and pain, every part of this illusion, are just us bathed in our own infinite love. It is absolutely and unreasonably beautiful.
  2. I can comprehend Leo's explanation of absolute infinity. It's what you are, it's what I am. However I have a question about creation itself. Perhaps there are folks here that may have some insight. So it seems like there is a designer designing (ex. meticulously each arm hair) since infinite imagination allows for that. However, isn't nothingness just an infinite empty clay where absolutely everything can be already found? Everything is already existing and is contained within this nothingness, before even the thought or need for creation . So if everything can be found why would anything need to be created in the first place? Why would anything need to be invented? This is mysterious to me. I just want to understand what God is more vividly. Maybe this question is irrelevant because strange loops aren't meant to be explainable. However, to who's reading please share your understanding. Is it a singularity which contains everything and it simply just needs to "be", OR is there a creative designer meticulously imagining everything and choosing distinctions/lifetimes within the void? That's my question.
  3. Have you recognized your own mastery yet? Have you surrendered yourself to your perfection? If so; how deeply? I always resonated with the word strongly. Since I've picked up a guitar, 15 years ago, I wanted to master it. And out of that desire another was born. To master myself. And out of that to master my life. And out of that to master pure being. I was slowly but surely waking up to my own Mastery. How do you feel about the word? Are you attracted to it? Like you are perhaps to words such as; enlightenment, God, awakening, spirituality, consciousness, nothingness and so on... Do you feel like that's a "coincidence" ? Or could that be pointing towards infinite mastery and intelligence? What does mastery mean to you? How does one become a master? What makes a master? After all these years I still do not think I mastered the guitar. Or sound. Or composition. But I am conscious of how that exactly is a part of my mastery. It's what ultimately makes me a master of my craft and beyond. It's the will to "keep going deeper". It's unstoppable momentum. It's choice. It's destiny. Now my question is... Do you have the balls to commit to life on each and every level of it? Are you willing to take your light to all points of existence and not distort its purity on every corner? Can you be totally enlightened in the presence of an 8 year old child? Or perhaps your mother? Your grandmother? Your neighbor or that stranger that's passing by and you'll never see 'em again? Can you transmit light to a child? Or someone who cares nothing about spirituality? Can you communicate it without ever mentioning the word or touching upon spiritual concepts? Can you enlighten somebody simply by being in their presence? Talking about the weather, perhaps? Can you create an opportunity for them to experience Oneness without even knowing what's going on? Can you put a smile on their face without any reason whatsoever? They would smile and have no idea why. They would feel good for no reason at all. Out of nowhere. Fully present. How well can you move your creation? How effortlessly? How far does your voice reach? How enlightened is your reality as a whole? How committed are you to your direct experience? Does it mean everything to you? Is it the best thing ever in the entire existence? Do you adore the crap out of the character you're centred around and the roles it plays? Do you even notice? To you dedicate your attention to everything equally no matter how it looks? Are you the Light in all of its shapes and forms? Are you willing to loose yourself within yourself, knowing that you can never actually loose yourself, even though you can make it seem hella convincing? Are you willing to dive in and never come back? Are you willing to fall asleep in order to wake up? Are you willing to play? Are you willing to master being the Light? Are you willing to experience yourself in ways that do not seem aligned with the Truth of who you are? Are you willing to see the mastery in things that could be labelled as "illusion" or "maya" or "false"? Are you willing to see Light and Light only in all of it? Can you bring Light to "the ground" ? Can you make it seem as something casual, easy and not that big of a deal at all? Can you make it easily accessible? Natural? Can you point out the obviousness of it? Its constant, undeniable presence? Can you have a laugh about how hilarious all of this is? Can you drop the notion of it, carefree, at random? Can you truly and fully commit to just chopping wood and carrying water? Not making it about enlightenment, at all? Simply being the Light. That's what True Mastery is, in my opinion. It's adaptive. Elastic. Unpredictable. Untraceable. Free. Limitless. Genius. Casual. Calm. Subtle. I'm all for Mastery. It's a step many do not take, even after many mystical/enlightenment experiences, awakenings and realizations. It's a step that takes great courage and an enormous amount of (Self)Love. Infinite, unconditional Love, to be precise. It's full surrender and sheer commitment.
  4. Just that you seem to have been meditating for only a few months (if I've understood it correctly), and you have had some deep experiences of emptiness which are frightening and blissful in turns. Integrating it as in having a context for the mystical awareness, to feel ok with being nothingness and having an identity for normal life purposes "I remember calling my girlfriend in a panic and asking her to please start an argument with me so that I could take a definitive stance and in so continue to live the lie that I was living." you've had a taste of bliss and emptiness and you are now working on integrating this with your regular relationships in life, which can carry on with a deeper love rather than fear and panic. You're doing nothing wrong. Although there's nothing to hold onto because there's no separate self to do the holding, and everything is in flux, yet life is infinitely creative and provides new patterns to flow with, even as the old ones dissolve away. Sorry if I sound a bit vague and woolly, are you looking for something more practical or a reassurance that all's well and you're on the right path?
  5. So God is love, infinity and timeless eternity. Such strong Love that it cannot not be. What it is, paradoxically explaining why it is? Feels a bit lonely to be afraid of it, but this is somewhat expected when posting on a spiritual community without going through enlightenment. Yet I'm asking questions despite knowing the fact I am the only one avoiding the answers. Could we presume a case where the whole is greater than the sum, at the point awareness rises to infinity? That's not wrong. I'm empty and full of fear, but actually just torturing myself. Giving in could be the most appropriate way of living a fulfilling life, if it even matters. I will look for more understandings in order to reach confidence. This is exactly what scares me the most now you mention it. The set of all problems being bigger than the set of all solutions. This is kind of a deep existential mind-break that should petrify anyone becoming aware of it, and yet it doesn't. Although the paradoxical nature of nothingness means they should both include themselves and/or be equal? And how could there be any problems if all there is, is Love? Thanks everyone for everything, I guess.
  6. why is it frightening? its maybe frightening if you have not yet let go of good vs bad self construction! why is there rather this than something or nothing else? why not differently? why can’t there be nothing rather than something? why not try not falling into this nothing as nothingness distortion trap. people try to teach a lot of shit getting the implications of nothing wrong - ask yourself why there can even be a difference between nothing and nothing? how can nothing be relative and if so how can this also not be a relativity to something but rather one to nothing? how can it be that nothing is more relative to nothing than it is to something but yet includes something into nothing?
  7. There's multiple depths to enlightement, and the depths are multi dimensional. VeganAwake might be going ridiculously deep into Mu or nothingness, but has no clue on the everythingness. Its all about your perspective of the mystical insight. If you see the cup half empty, its Mu. If you see the cup half full its god realization. @VeganAwake you're a nano metre away from seeing the vortex as You.
  8. @Bennn Those are just words, or symbols as Leo puts it. Some people here assume Nothingness to be the lack of form, thus awareness. But really, the point of this thread is about what can't be put into words without undermining itself: "not being".
  9. Formless does not equal nothingness. Nothingness by it's very nature does not exist. As far as I can see it cannot equal awareness
  10. @Meta-Man I'm not enlightened, but I somewhat superficially make sense of it. The issue isn't that I fear death or life, my experience of self is pretty neutral. But based on your words, I'm really profoundly afraid of infinity and eternity. I guess that concern is a dualistic mindset as well. When we communicate the idea of "Nothingness", what are we talking about exactly? Is it the absence of every dual state? Being one with the whole? I understand. If there is a lack, there is already awareness. It's not really a satisfying answer though. Can awareness not be?
  11. @Javfly33 That which you are calling form is you. You are being that. That, appears, to you. This screen for example. It is you. If the conditions are released, reality is seen as it is. You. Infinite being is not experiencing anyone. Whatever could be referenced, is itself, you, infinite being. A word you created for that which appears to you, is relative, relativity. Relativity is you - relativity is absolute. By calling it “relativity” - you are creating - the experience of - “relativity”. You, infinite nothingness, infinite unconditional love, are what is. All apparent matter, is actually, you. Nothing (you) “matters” (oscillates / vibrates / appears as “reality”). “Nothing Matters”. Short of this self recognition, “nothing matters” is saying, “I don’t matter”. When you say there are points of view, you create the experience, there are points of view.
  12. Well I am a week after Self Vipassana course at home - perfect timing with quarantine. I visited my privet Hell only to discover that this is my paradise playing disguise games with me. Vipassana is a genius Technic I am in love with it. The biggest present I could give to myself and the biggest challenge as well - perfect paradox. It felt as mini-dose of Ayawaska every day hahahaha So yes I felt instant release and great deepens awareness on how I am pure Nothingness! How the biggest Give to myself as for "others" as well is to just listen. I felt how the voice just talking to itself and the thoughts just think themselves and the same the feelings feel themselves. I release all the urgency to explain something to someone - because It's impossible to explain what I want to - it's something which may be understood only through direct experience. I can only give my listening and my receiving. I can only be and this I manifesting all which me only observing. It's so simple that is very complicating hahahahha The snake which eat it's own tail. I wondered many times during the infinite meditation about how can it be that Leo didn't talk about that? can it be he didn't try Vipassana? So yes now I'm continuing to give a full try to this technic - at least a few years. I do though do mini-douse of psilocybe in addition to meditation. Now I am fully out of the closed that I am going Buddha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All what was almost now it's clear and whole - all what was in control now is a surprise every breath. I have no expectation to be understood or liked or be a good person or to be a person at all hahahahha As I'm awakening in the morning now the first thing I'm becoming aware is my breath! It's AMAZING! I AM BREATHING EVERY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG The next thing I'm becoming aware is thoughts - such a surreal experience! I got a Netflix - fully privet one. Oh and the great thing that It's not by force and not me - my thoughts are just literately movies which the mind as an antenna broadcasting them. I am free to be identified or just to watch them as they are - arousing and passing. Meditation at least two hours - I'm doing 3/4 hours - quarantine so I have a looooooot of time. Well the biggest change which made me have no doubts in adopting this Technic is the infinity of unconditional Love I feel and energy to give all of me to my family and people in need - purpose to do whatever I can to help everyone to be liberated from suffering! My ego now is including All Beings !!!! I have energy so much energy to listen to everyone and smile and see positivity in everything There is no bad or good anymore - there is just IS. I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am free to free myself to give and receive to help - really help all the "other's" myself's. There is no questions anymore and expectation to superpowers and miracles - every Breath is the Miracle! I am surprised every day and cannot believe the wonder of being. My family and friends not recognizing me and in the same breath feel so free and natural in my presence and it's funny because I am they presence of they'r myself I am sane finally - so funny to experience the sensation of remembering. I am such an interesting content hahahahahah The reality is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I know This Too Shall Pass Well that's it for now
  13. I understand what you mean illusions within Illusions dreams within dreams. This is why I talk about nothing mattering ? Recently been studying into Ajata Sunyata... or the recognition that there's nothing from the start. Here's a little piece of it: "Advaita tells us that reality is “not two”. Ajata tells us that it is “not even one". Ajata translates as “no creation”. This means to say that nowhere has anything ever come into being. Therefore, the entire universe (or universes) — and everything therein — has no reality. In other words, the ultimate condition is nothing, or nothingness. Advaita is to ajata, as milk is to cream. In Advaita, we come to realize that “all that is, is That,” or the Absolute. Ajata is where we subsequently come to realize that there is not even That (or the Absolute). Technically, from the standpoint of ajata, even nothingness is non-existent" -- Robert Wolfe I'm really not sure if this is even what you're describing but sounded similar ? I'm not sure why anything would be a disservice though because there isn't an 'I'
  14. 1 What is enlightenment? 2 Awakening to the truth? 1 What is truth in one word? 2 Non-dual. 1 Is non-dual one word or two? 2 They are a two words that form one word. 1Is-this-one-word? 2 No. 1 Why not? 2 That's a sentence. 1 Why? 2 Because it has more than one word that conveys a message. 1 What is the truth in only one word? 2 Consciousness. 1 What is consciousness? 2 Nothing. 1 What is nothing? 2 Lack. 1 No. 2 Emptiness? 1 No. 2 Nothingness. 1 That's a redundancy. 2 Me. The answer is me. 1 Who are you? 2 What do you mean? 1 Answer the question. 2 I'm just myself. 1 What's that? 2 Whats what? 1 You. That which you are. 2 I'm still figuring myself out. 1 How? 2 I experiment try to see what feels right. 1 Examples? 2 My whole life I've been trying to find life conditions that feel right. 1 Based on what? 2 Survival. 1 Who's survival? 2 You're waiting for me to say "me" 1 Who am I? 2 Why are you asking me that? 1 Who am I? 2 Actually who are you? 1 Why are you actually? 2 What game is this? 1 Who said we are playing a game? 2 Pfft... Whatever. 1 You're losing focus. Who are you what am I and what is truth? 2 I don't know to be honest, I just create ways to try to gain an understanding of it. Science, material analasys. So forth 1 Do you conduct existence science? 2 What that? 1 When you try to create ways to grasp the truth. 2 Yeah..That's called spirituality, when you try to get enlightened. 1 What is enlightenment? 2 Only Enlightened people know. 1 Who is a people? 2 Us. 1 Who's us? 2 You and me? 1 Is US a sentence or just a word? 2 It's a word. 1 Us references a you and a me united as an us. 2 Lol that last part of what you texted me sounds like anus. 1 Pfft! 2 Hahahahaa 1 Lol. What did you first say truth was? 2 Non-dual. 1 No. 2 Why? 1 Because it's not me thats playing the game you're playing yourself! 2 Ummm. So are you like an atheist? 1 No, I believe there is just the infinate play of form we are all unique and we are all part of the non-dual nature of reality. It's like a movie but we are in the movie. An IRL movie that never ends. God goddesses any ways to describe nothingness. Doesn't do nothingness justice. I'd like to say nothing is everything and everything is nothing. It's the same. Consciousnesses is the universe, the universe itself is the play of form. Always changing. So consciousness is like the synthesis. Form the thesis and void the antithesis. If I we're to describe it in the Hegelian dialectic. I think therefore I exist is a reflection of the I- the created and personality void plays as a role as each of us in our own bodies. Is created by the thought. The mind is like the Internet bringing form out of void. An early stage, the seed or mental image. Everybody has a web domain and an IP address. Everyone has a corner of the internet to personalize. As Jesus said, what you reap, you sow. So reap good stuff to see good stuff happen. The mental content you create you add to a larger structure that is a mental prison that causes suffering in it's need to cling to it out of fear. Fear comes from lack of understanding. I do believe radical and mystical feelings of being one with everything as a whole is possible. Through mental expansion of understanding. Do your science. Life is the science of life. You are YOUR world. The flower. The mental is the seed. What is truth? 2 Us. 1 Are we non dual? 2 Yes. 1 Yes!❤
  15. ?? Presenting to you, nothingness ?
  16. There is no answer because there is no one here to ask a question. Question and answer = complete emptiness It's coming from nothingness and arriving at nothingness
  17. If fear is an illusion as ACIM says, then what is illusion? Let's define illusion: Definition: Illusion is nothingness. And the definition of definition is nothingness. Isn't that circular reasoning? Not in certainty logic. In certainty logic such statement is valid. Why is there something rather than nothing? The answer is because nothingness is sameness and something is difference. This is getting pretty mind twisting. An example might be in order: Take for example the statement "2 = 2". Does this statement equal sameness? No it doesn't. Because the two numbers "2" are at different locations in space. So the belief that the statement represents sameness is an illusion. Circular reasoning is always nothingness. When we try to say that 2 equals 2 then that's circular reasoning. Hmm... The example maybe made the logic even more mind twisting, lol. Well, the idea is something like that. I will ponder it a bit more.
  18. An Empty Answer You want me to “say more” about nothingness. Could anything be more paradoxical for the reader than to try to understand “nothing”? Why? Because most people start from the conviction that there is something which does exist; if nothing more, at least “me”. So, you will not likely appreciate nothingness unless you have come to realization through advaita. At least we will, then, begin without the assumption that a “me” really exists. But even for the realized advatin, there will almost certainly be a presumption that “something” exists in the realm of reality. Even “reality”. Advaita points to ajata, and ajata is about nothingness, or emptiness. The Diamond Sutra of Buddhism, points exclusively to it. Hui Neng, the Sixth Chinese Patriarch, declares flatly: ‘There is nothing from the start.” These sources, among others, set your foot on the path, but recognize that most people are then going to immediately be lost. I have written clearly about advaita, and several have understood what I’ve said. I have spoken, to some of these, about what lies beyond the “Absolute,” and a couple have understood. So I will try to explain it, as best I can. The “ultimate condition” (if any) is nothingness, the complete “absence” of anything—no thing, of any possible description. The (approximate) comprehension of this would be to conceive of “emptiness”, as the emptiness of which not anything could be emptied; pure unassociated emptiness, and not even an emptiness which is within some imagined boundaries. The word “void” could be applied; but this “actuality” is not void of something—in any positive sense. So the nothingness of which we speak is totally empty, free of any subtlety which could even be envisioned. Hence there is not anything “within” it that can be subject to any kind of movement, or even change. Not anything can “come from” nothingness, nor “return” to it. It is not the “origin” of anything. In fact, it could not be applicable to say that it exists, or does not exist. Thus we can’t say that this is the “beginning” condition or the “ending” condition. At best, we could say that (if it were “existent”) it would be the ever-present condition. Yet, it is not an abstraction: its presence is “eternal”. “In” its presence are supposed creatures, and the world and universe they seem to inhabit. But all of these supposed things are “in” nothingness. They have not appeared from nothingness, or out of nothingness, or because of nothingness. In fact, they have not actually “appeared”, except as nothingness. The creatures take their reality, their “existence”, for granted; and thus also the reality or existence of the world and its universe—not knowing that they are nothing. The assumption is: ‘There was a time when I didn’t exist, a time when I existed, and a time when I will no longer exist”. But there are no such times. Not anything has ever “existed”, from the standpoint of nothingness. In nothingness, there is no “time”. What makes this so difficult to understand, is that because we say that “I have existed”, we conclude that there is some thing. And indeed we look around and say there are other things, such as a world or a universe. But the presumption that there was a time when I did not exist (or do; or will not exist) is false: no arising, abiding or decaying exists in nothingness. In other words, not anything “happens” in nothingness. “We” are nothing, the “world” is nothing, the “universe” is nothing. In nothingness, there is neither existence nor nonexistence. There is only nothing. From the standpoint of nothingness, no questions can arise. We can not ask for, nor expect, an explanation: not anything ever happens, in nothingness. The value of this understanding is that not anything really matters. Even understanding this does not matter. All is emptiness. That is the “empty” answer. The scriptures speak of one who is in sahaja samadhi as having “no mind” or an “empty mind”. It is this appreciation of nothingness that is referred to.
  19. Journal, mood: at peace meditation: none thoughts and feelings: 1) I awoke from my nap with my brain vibrating. I felt so holy. I then did a practice of appreciation and people started coming into my room. I focused on this and literal reality started to morph. It chapped before my eyes. I have never seen reality so perfect and still, yet not still. I knew at that moment this was what I was seeking my whole life. Don't get me wrong, I've been so at peace my mind stops and "this" is so so... so unexplainable. However, this was just on a whole new level. I've gone deeper down the rabbit hole. Edit: I remember watching everything perfectly fall into place. Anything someone said was so alive. A song came on "The house of the rising sun" from my moms phone and I just saw absolute perfection and alinement. This is what the seekers seek in their journey to nothingness. (I just felt like writing these words. I have no belief or attatment however the word just flowed out of me. It felt so "right" to type them. So perfect. So wonderful.) second edit: I realized why I had this knee jerk negative reaction to "this is what the seekers seek in their journey to nothingness" it felt like a pure arrogant statement even though I didn't have that intention. Dillusion, etc. I know nothing. I keep realizing that it goes deeeper and deeper.
  20. This is right on. 100% agree/resonate with this. The thing you said with dimensions upon dimension and stuff in your post seems more to be possibilities inside of this, experiences one can have, or the natural progression of light. (I might have to read it over again). Awakening as I understand it doesn't have anything to do with the contents, it is waking up to the untouched nothingness in which the "contents" arises. Thoughts on this? There is a freshness to your insights that I really resonate with, keep them coming.
  21. Without thoughts, ideas, imagination and beliefs there is no Universe and there is No God Consciousness. The Void means absolute Nothingness, that includes No God Consciousness as a creator creating the Everything, the All-That-Is. Is that what your really want? Is that what you really want to strive for? Is that what you want to focus your attention on for the rest of eternity? I have been given the Gift of thoughts, ideas, imaginations, beliefs, feelings and emotions, and I would rather focus my consciousness on Beingness, and Being in the moment on this wonderful creation called "life". There is no "Life" in the Void of Nothingness, just potentials, which requires, thoughts, ideas, imaginations etc., to give birth to those potentials. That is what consciouness becomes and is. Like my Father-In-Law always says… Do as you like, and live a day longer! A student sharing thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  22. Nothing from the start... Nothing is everything... 0 is Infinite... Emptiness is fullness(pregnant nothingness)... Knowing is a trap... Unknowing is freedom... When you stamp something as known you just limited yourself... When you say I don't know you free yourself... Belief is a prison sentence... Of course the only complete freedom is that which never could be free or bound... Pure Void!!
  23. @Insightful27 Have you purchased Leo’s booklist? Read God is Nothingness and SantataGamana’s books for learning real yoga. Maybe start a blog, post whatever you’re interested in. Hope that’s useful.
  24. No more dreaming here only Awakeness. The everything that is sought for is recognized within the nothingness that it is. Yes. Unconditional love for no one.