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  1. I'm trying to understand non duality, I can see the duality and the non duality (for me now both are right, it depend from which angle we see it) but i can't clearly see that the duality is not real and only the non-duality which is real I came up to an idea that seem to me clear, that we are all a "one" experiencing "himself" in an unlimited number of different experience, every experience is a person Me and you = the same essence, we look separate and different because of material world influence that created a different experience and a different visual If we erase all the material world's influence and the characteristics that we did not choose, the only thing that remains, it that we are the same "thing" "same essence" The other person you see, is you. If you had the same experience, background, genetic, environment. you will see clearly that he is you i don't know if this is a way to explain non-duality, for me it make a lot of sense.
  2. “You” can’t. Any positive movement is a movement of thought “things” or “duality” One can not go from duality to nonduality. Duality must end. When means all dualistic movement of the doer/doing illusion “time” must be totally understood. Dont try to get anywhere in particular as that implies the doer. Just understand what is causing all this contradiction. This understanding isn’t mere verbal understanding but to be able to relate all the different aspects of thought/the thinker and see them holistically in movement as they arise. Anyway, the more one strives the more one is nourishing the movement of THINGS.
  3. Well I would say that would be wise. I would ask you if you were referring to real or unreal movements. I would ask you if an illusion can still be a fact. And then I would recommend you inquiring into those questions, but in the form of self reflection, and not in the form of abstraction, like books and or an authority. That's right But thought is movement and a very persistent movement at that. Duality is an illusion but even when one who may ”know” that, it still often continues to dominate every step we take in our daily life. One can ”believe in and know” nonduality very well yet they may still be moving in a dualistic manner. One will say they known oneness yet every action they take implies separateness, and expressed dualistically. Knowing nonduality and actually ending duality in one's self is dramatically different indeed. To acquire and accumulate nondual teachings is quite different than putting all ones energy into self knowledge and self understanding, which sees and negates all positive action “duality”...In self reflection we learn all aspects of oneself and in that there is a maintaining a choiceless attention to innatention. This the essence of awareness. Duality and belief have much in common. Both movments of divison. Both movements of contradiction, both movements of fear. Actually both are really one and the same movement. This becomes quite apparent when we explore/observe ourselves with diligent religiosity.
  4. This may not be for everyone but... All practices are movements of concentration and imply duality which inevitably leads to illusion/deception. Everything “you” the self does implies division/duality. Practices will only perpetuate duality therefore are acts of ego/self. Any movement to understand/realize nonduality is this direction will always be a movement of duality therefore not non duality. To end duality actually in ones self implies nonduality. If the doer “a movement of duality” is attempting realize “nonduality” then that is a movement of contradiction. Because the doer is the doing...There is no division between the doer and the doing. It’s one and the same process. If one moves in that grove then that is an escape of what is and implies fear, pleasure, and contradiction. And to escape chasing the illusion of psychological security always leads to psychological insecurity. This is a means of escape. This is disorder. If one really wants to live a timeless life, then there must be a negation of all dualistic/divisive movements of self/thought. Thought must be understood completely. Investigate how the the self/thought always moves in a dualistic, fragmented, and mechanical way. Understand the nature of fear and the compulsion to escape that fear “what is.” See the subtle ways in which fear will influence every movement one makes. See how subtle the self/thought moves. Learn about yourself. And in the understanding of yourself you are free from what is “duality” Or one can get caught up in the game of fear and contradiction for the rest of there lives. Your choice
  5. In my opinion even when we realise nonduality (if i understand it well), it can help you to not take life issue seriously and not overthink, but you will still live in the dual illusionary world, you will still have to follow society rule and pay internet bill. If you really look at the experience of life as non dual, you won't talk no more, won't eat, won't look for happiness, and won't do anything since you are aware that no words can describe anything, all effort are done to achieve an illusion and everything is mind creation. first you will look so crazy, after some days you will die it seems impossible to exist/live out of the illusion
  6. Even the accumulated ideas/experiences reality/nonduality.
  7. Explanations of nonduality have no meaning
  8. @Highest Yep. You’re God alright. Nonduality. There is not two. If there is, in appearance, that’s illusionary. The actual Truth, really is, there is only God, no illusion. The creator of all. And you are that. To realize this, you have to Be without belief, and without a concept of self. Prior to this realization, it is not believable, or understandable. Nonduality can’t be communicated, inherently. Only direct experience, until complete collapse of duality of the Self & God, will do. Just for clarity sake, let me state again, this is not believable. So, I am acknowledging, it is not possible, to believe this. It is not possible, to understand this either. Only to realize.
  9. Let me try to put it this way: Everything is an interpretation. I am your interpretation. The whole 100% me. Even if you saw me in flesh, I would still be 100% your interpretation. There is no difference between me and you. I am you. Ring any bells? Enlightenment? Nonduality?
  10. @Truth Addict You can’t simulate a psychadelic in meditation. If there’s internet and a keyboard in your country, there’s psychadelics, when you’re ready, they’ll show up. Seen the matrix? Know when Morpheus says, No one can tell you what the matrix is, you have to experience it for yourself? He’s talking about psychedelics and nonduality, and it’s an accurate line. The Truth is unbelievable, unimaginable.
  11. If you are so nondual, or so self-realized, why are you wasting so much of your time fighting others? This is such a rookie mistake. The reality is that nonduality is a difficult thing to teach, no matter by what method. Traps are numerous NO MATTER WHICH PATH YOU TAKE. There is no such thing as the perfect path. There is no such thing as a path with no downsides or traps or potential for delusion. Any path you take can be misused. Any teaching you hear can be misused. Any teaching can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Any teaching can be nitpicked and criticized into ill-repute if one so desires. You can easily write a massive diatribe about every single spiritual teacher and spiritual path ever devised by man. And you would be half-right. But all of this is just an ideology game. It's a fundamental failure to understand the other person. It's also rather annoying to moderate and creates idle controversy where none really exists. Not only does it turn good people against each other, it's false and ignorant. - Leo Gura
  12. Nonduality by accumulation of ideas/experiences lol Kinda like reading a bible thinking that will get you to heaven
  13. Evasion a sign of fear. Only a center/ego fears. And by the way as I said, non dual teachings are totally unecessary and only lead to traps. If one understands the whole of duality/thought and puts all ones energy into every second of the day by applying total attention/awareness of that movement one can end time/duality. That’s the only way. It’s not about the accumulation of non dual teachings “ideas” but instead the ending of duality. “Fact that this movement/process ends.”... The ending of the self/time/the conditioned consciousness. And actual nonduality embodiment has absolutely nothing to do with experience. This is so. Stop defending and explore. It’s never to late to end experience/time. And please enough with petty games. I’m only communicating with you for the watchers at home. We need to be responsible here.
  14. @Faceless If there’s a problem with nonduality, it could only be one thing man. I dont think you’ve experienced nonduality. And of course duality would be realized before nonduality. At the same time, it’s only you, so you can call anything whatever you like really. “Who” could tell you otherwise, right? Lol
  15. @Highest Research verifying you’re alive. Might open your mind up and get you to where you’re talkin about, more so than ‘ego death’ ‘physical death’ verbiage. @Faceless When ‘you’ no longer hold to “facts”, or being “right”, there is no more illusion - it was YOU all along! ❤️ “Illusion” goes poof!? That, is nonduality. ?
  16. @Dino D Very valid questions. It’s because we’re talking about nonduality, not sports, etc. Do you know what nonduality is?
  17. @Faceless It is fun. Thank you. ❤️??? You don’t actually know what psychadelics are. You have beliefs of what psychadelics are. This leads to assumptions and projecting that someone else is remembering and experience and therefore bound by past, trying to relive an experience. You can’t know you’re doing this, because you don’t know what psychadelics are. Wouldn’t you be better off without thoughts about them? Free of those beliefs? Given you don’t want to see for yourself, which I can appreciate. There’s no joke. If you realize the desired is the desirer, the goal is the means...then why do you apply duality that experience is ‘held on to’ and one must be ‘dependent on it’, and that psychedelics - which ARE YOU, are dualistically ‘controlling’, ‘suppressing’. See how you are stating nonduality, while implying controlling & suppressing? No? Is it possible that psychadelics are not what you think they are, since you don’t have any experience with them? You’d have to admit, it’s possible? No? Possible that it’s a much deeper method of self inquiry than you yet know? Since you have no idea what they are? Same with meditation & self inquiry. And expanding your mind for that matter. Admittedly, it’s unfair to expect you to see what I’m talking about. Like me telling you the actuality of Jeet Kune Do, something I know absolutely nothing about. (I think you just glimpsed the fun). I mean, imagine me, telling you, what a person who does Jeet Kune Do is like, and what it is, etc. Ridiculous, right? In the end ‘they’ ‘gained’ nothing for it, but that realization. ( I might be giving Jeet Kune Do to much credit here, I don’t know)
  18. @Faceless Psychadelics. ❤️❤️❤️ Transcend the brain model. Also, those are personal accusations. Please, I apologize if I came accross as personal. Nonduality is pretty personal. I appreciate you. Fascinating to me, seeing were you’re at. Incredibly rare. The maximum of thinking. I mean that in the nicest way. The ceilingless ceiling...? Lol. ❤️
  19. @Faceless Truth 1, desire 2. This is what duality is. In actuality, there is one. (Collapse) To say there can not be one without the other, is duality. But, all is contingent to meanings. I assume, somehow, to you, 2 things which can not both be present are still somehow one thing. (I don’t mean that sarcastically ❤️ It just seems like that’s what you’re saying) In a nutshell, once you know there is only you, desires, thoughts, pigeons, wind, etc, all you. There is no more perspective like In nonduality, what you said is not actual. You are the truth, and there is nothing else. So when you say if X, there is no Truth, you reveal that you aren’t aware you are the Truth, (nondual) and you are also X. (Desire, in this case) (Desire is also Truth) I do understand where you’re at. This is the “consciousness work”. For you, it’d require comfort with not knowing, which is very different than not knowing there is nothing to be known. One is self imposed ignorance, the other is a reference from out of mind / body / “physical universe” (Being) Infinite, is not, Whole, and Whole is not Infinite. Whole, is the “ceiling” of Maya. Absolute is pretty darn accurate once you experience it, and then, it doesn’t matter what word is used, they all refer to you, said by you. You = Absolute. Also, while I’m at it, no secret you are not pro meditation, and mention you have not meditated, but I remember you mentioning you started meditation when you were 11. Only mentioning this because it might bring clarity on how words / meanings can be shifted semantically (for our own sake), as in, the meaning for practices, meditation, psychological time, order, experience, and even psychedelics (though you don’t know what they are yet) changes by the moment to accomadate what I think is a pretty deep wall of paradigm. I could be entirely wrong, and if it’s personal or offensive, just ignore me. I only say this in hopes of growth. I will say though, when you talk about what you don’t know, and “hammering” it into what you do know, you’re projecting a lot of assumption, and seem to be very convincing to some newbies. I feel you’re doing them a disservice in that sense. By this I mean your references to absolute, psychedelics, meditation, learning, etc. You’re free to keep doing it, just thought I’d politely point it out.
  20. @Faceless Nonduality... no such thing as a fact. Every step one takes towards the absolute is a movement of thought? It would seem this way if one is yet to experience beyond thought. A direct experience of self changes not only one’s life, but all of reality, and is very different than what the word ‘experience’ means to one who has not.
  21. Just finished listening to this Audiobook course, Radiant Mind, Teachings and Practices to Awaken Unconditioned Awareness, and find it especially effective in guiding one towards the Nondual state. Peter Fenner has this talent of directing the mind into completely relaxed yet alert state. I get to experience the emptiness behind this character I take myself to be, it's like emptiness having an experience of being me and everything the body mind can perceive. Would love to find more programs like this that the author can talk you into experiencing Nonduality.
  22. The old spiritual paradigm is way outdated bro. I mean, they don't even address crystals, crystalline DNA, the physical location of the Akeoshic records, aliens and Pleiadians, golden escalators, prophetic predictions and dates, starseed activations for hundreds and hundreds of dollars, night clubs in heaven. This new age path of love is the only path! All that nonduality and self inquiry stuff is a bunch of old bullshit that doesn't work at all. Matt teaches non-duality, trust me, it's subtle, and I've watched literally every video he's made and read his book, the core of all his teachings are nondual. He goes for the feminine approach and caters to inferior ego structures, hence his audience is mostly women. It's not a "new" paradigm, the love path has been around for thousands of years too. Loving kindness is not new. Matt is very clever at branding with his message. Absolutely nothing he teaches is out of the ordinary or a new perspective. Once you read several hundred books on spirituality you'll see how fucking simple the message is. And eventually the battle will ensue to actually do the work instead of entertaining your ego with promises of a path that works.
  23. Reincarnation is true in duality; there are not two beings, only one, so no reincarnation of beings is taking place....and.....every being is actually the same being, so you could refer to past “lives” of the one being, and there could be ‘carry over’ in “lives”. In nonduality, there’s just you and nothing to resolve. Psychologically, when you’re aware of someone’s resistence from a painful experience, and you’re aware they’re not aware of the connection, reference to past lives can be one hell of a tool which circumvents the denial. Like, Jane has esteem issues, body image issues and confidence issues....”Jane, I see in a past life you witnessed many abuses to woman in World War Two when you were a first medical responder at outposts. You saw some really hurtful things and those memories may have carried over into this life subconsciously.” Jane may have such denial of being hurt in her past, such repression, that she is congnitively honestly unaware of the influence on her present emotions. Jane might feel relief that there is an explanation for the way she presently feels (albeit shady use of metaphysical perspective) and Jane might begin to be free enough o work through it. Not my favorite approach, but if it help, it helps.