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  1. Some context- I have very little experience with psychedelics I have only experienced mdma and cannabis. 8 years ago I had 1 tab of acid in rave, had some nice visuals but nothing much. Yesterday my friend comes round we drink a fair bit of alcohol spirits and beers and tiny bit of weed but nothing excessive but was fairly drunk. He goes home and leaves me a tab of acid and I think to myself I will have this before I go to sleep and experience some nice visuals. The next thing I know I am lying in my bed looking at my body feeling like this is not my body in a blissful state. I then have mystical visions for next few hours where I see myself talking to my friends but I can see that I am god creating them whilst I am talking to them. I then have a realization that I am the only being in existence, where I’m walking in some wasteland like I have always been here since the beginning of time. After the visions have passed I just lie in bed saying to myself WOW JUST WOW over and over again in pure bliss for about 5hrs. I tried watching porn which was something I would do when on mdma but I was finding it difficult as the bliss was too intense which surprised me as I did not expect this blissful experience compared to mdma. So I just watched YouTube videos and could not believe how beautiful the music was that I had previously never really noticed from artists like Nelly furtado who I previously had no interest in. Overall I was blown away by this experience and was not expecting such a feeling of ecstasy having taken ecstasy about 10 times previously. This completely blew away all those times I had taken mdma, and I feel very encouraged to start taking this work more seriously as Leo would say.
  2. This turned out to be so accurate. I took a low dose (10mg) of 4-HO-MET, a psych well known for being easy and gentle, and experienced a pretty significant trip. Just like with DMT or mushrooms, my subconscious was laid bare and my usual sense of self became profoundly expanded. Strong euphoria bordering on bliss was passing through my body. It's so cool because you can feel the sensation originating from some kind of higher plane. Was an awesome trip overall, just stronger and way more profound than expected. I have no idea how kids take this stuff and hang out socially lol. Though I wonder if the energetic transformations that people like us in this forum have experienced via 5meo and spiritual practice would have a strong influence on psychedelic trips. It seems pretty likely imo.
  3. Won't that potentially make the other people lazy and therefore create suffering because they'll become less compassionate because apparently you can only have compassion for suffering, listen, empathy and compassion is also for others pleasure and bliss.
  4. I'm going to be annoying for fun here, let me say meaning, equanimous/selfless/egoless, service to others and the like are just more sensations too, what happens ultimately with the final evolution of all systems is that they tend do devolve into a yes/no ultimate/seed state where you can spring yourself up or down to connect/disconnect to all other systems or beings, the yes no is bliss/suffering or love/suffering or ego/egoless which means that everything that you just said is simply relative to whoever is beholding it so that's why we fight and how we engage we need something to remove or we need to enhance something, this something is just whatever our sensations/meaning/ego are which if fine by me. Are you confused or am I the only human being who is? How is that so many human beings deny each others realities this what I'm doing to right now?Probably but I'm just seeking to fulfill my desires for interaction really, I don't feel too confused anymore but that had little to do with realizations themselves but more with just a release from chronic physical hell.
  5. Agreed and it seems there's a fundamental sensation underlying all sensations which is bliss/suffering, it gets tagged/bound to the other sensations of sight/sound/taste/etc creating our behaviors and maybe reality itself, no matter where I look or how hard or how little I try I am bound to follow bliss/suffering 100% of the time, I wonder what this means all the time which is of course another set of sensational bounds attached to mental sensations. I do feel like my particular bliss/suffering core of sensation is unique to me, it is likely slightly different for other humans even when we exclude most of the bounded sensations just like it should be.
  6. My question is, do I really need to follow those retreats schedule to the t or is it okay to allow myself some flexibility and continue what I have been doing? - I think you're doing the right thing, you probably intuit that having a better night's sleep will improve the meditation effectiveness, and just flowing with life more instaed of upkeeping a schedule will turn out to be more meditative in the end. The whole goal is to become meditative whilst operating in life, so I would try that more - more walking in nature whilst meditating,. That helped me alot. Less painful to walk for 6hrs per day in a forest meditating than to sit for 6 hrs. Do you have recommendations for a different type of meditation techniques suitable for a home retreat? Would a different technique give me different results in comparison to Vipassana? Please consider dropping vipassana. Why do you need a technique to bring yourself closer to yourself? Look at Rupert Spira's videos for instructions, it's a non-doing, much more pleasant than VIpassna. No need for a strict posture, as well. If you practice this non-doing meditation for the same period as a vippasna with the same intensity - I would guess it will be more effective. Try it out. It was for me. It is also more practical. Easier to integrate into everyday life. Now at the office I walk around meditative, at least sometimes. Also, how much impact does the duration of a retreat really have? Is a 10 day one really that different from a 7 day one for example? Not sure about the exact number of days, but I found that if I go for a month, then it will be transformative. Many enlightenment experiences, etc.. People who met me after month-long retreats said I got a completely different vibe. They can feeel the meditativeness emanating. There is one drawback, though. If beautiful music plays in public, you might cry a little. jk, not a drawback, those states are just so amazing that they bring out tears more and more often. Sometimes you might look at tree's and cry alot, just from the beauty and the bliss inside. Anyway, good luck with your retreat, glad to see that you are doing what really matters, and not the being fully immersed into the concepts.
  7. Check out Allan Watt’s talk about god dreaming lives of 75 years of endless bliss. The dreams become boring and he starts to dream of pain or random unexpected stuff and eventually dreams the life you are living now. imagine your utopia. If the sun was always up you would not appreciate it without night. If you were always high you would take it for granted. Imagine a great eternal pleasure and then just boredom or more mild pleasure. You would recalibrate boredom or mild pleasure to be your new “pain.” Just be. Accept the now. Surrender.
  8. If the object of inquiry is beyond the scope of perception, it will be difficult to describe because language operates only in the world of experience. Therefore, we can never get a precise definition of consciousness from words. How can the limitless cause of existence be packed into words? Perception tells us that the universe is quite small, limited to what we can see with the eyes, hear with the ears, smell with the nose, taste with the tongue and touch with the skin. The invention of instruments that extend the range of the senses expands our notion of the scale of the universe and we now infer that it is infinite. When we try to infer the cause of the universe, both perception and inference break down and imagination takes over. We imagine someone or something so vast, grand and glorious that it cannot be experienced or described. This imagination-fed belief leads to the conclusion that words are useless as far as enlightenment is concerned. It is responsible for the notion that consciousness is a mystery and will forever remain a mystery. It is a mystery if you do not know how to look for it, but once you are in on the secret, it is as accessible as the nose on your face. What if the cause of the universe is not out there somewhere in space or locked in the infinite past, but is in our own minds? What if you have unwittingly been tricked by perception into looking in the wrong place? Nobody says that love cannot be experienced and known, even though no words can describe it. In fact we do not need a word to describe the self, because it is self evident. But if it is not self evident to you, then words can be very helpful. A finger pointing at the moon is not the moon. If attention goes in the direction indicated by the finger, the mind will experience and know the moon. If it is properly assimilated, the knowledge contained in a sentence or a group of sentences can destroy ignorance. The implied meaning of a sentence can also give knowledge. Self inquiry does not claim to describe the self, prove the existence of the self, or generate an experience of the self. It is not necessary because consciousness is always present and self evident. But if you allow its words to guide your investigation, they will reveal what is always revealed: “The self, pure awareness, is limitless bliss and unending pleasure. It is beyond the dualities of the mind. It is the is-ness that sees, the is-ness that is known through Vedanta’s statement, ‘You are That.’ It is the one, eternal, pure, unchanging witness of everything. It is beyond experience and the three qualities of nature. I bow to that self, the one that removes ignorance.” Furthermore, awareness is the non-physical “light” that makes experience possible. It is the container of experience and experience is the content. We exist quite happily in deep sleep without experience of objects, but we cannot experience anything without awareness, including the experience of sleep.
  9. Thank you. I want to remind that in Buddhist system of elements - Mahābhūta - (here probably the western one is used, but there are connections) fire is the element of will, or the heat and energy; water is the element of flow through temporary situations, or of having the round corners. So "through fire and water" might mean flowing with round corners, with personal will or the energy and heat. In the western system of four elements (Aristotle later added fifth, the Aether, corresponding to Space in Buddhism, making the elements worldwide equal more or less - but in some systems we have wood or metal in place of another element) fire is also associated with energy or passion, thus a personal will, and water is associated with emotion and intuition - thus also making us to flow through changing situations. In the Jewish War, by my own intuition, Josephus in the Roma is determined mostly by the fire element, feeling his unique personal mission, which would change the history. The free will or personal will can never work properly if it's not related to Godly mission, or higher idea - the Solar Plexus would be blocked and non-functional -, so the existence of the fire element itself would somehow prove his mission; this feeling is associated with some "Godly guidance" or being in favour of the real-world facts. The word "mission" itself is associated with fire element; it can be personal and unique in the beginning, and then grow big. In modern whichcraft, which also uses the five elements (and is more ethics-based than the old whichcraft, which was prone to excess of personal will), pentagram is associated with each element through it's corners. Sometimes I like whichcraft, but I rather compare it dangerous when related to Buddhism, Christianism or other major religion, as those are models based on modern ethics, whereas whichcraft was originally based on ancient ethics - but this is very important, as ancient ethics gives us archetypes simpler and more easy to see or compare with symbolized physical events and objects; if you go to the end with the ancient symbolics, they are as high as modern religion. It's very good song about the shadows of mind - and Yang in Meditation.pdf in this text I wrote about those shadows, how they appear in our mind, and how they are natural part of life's processes through Dukkha; we cannot avoid them. In the beginning, they get more unhealthy, but as we get more used with working with them, they get more healthy - if you avoid the shadow completely, keeping it out of mind, as some positive thinkers can do, they become underdeveloped and perverted concepts of the real thing and you do not learn to solve conflicts ethically; thus we cannot critizise too much when people are going through shadows; in jewish mythology, they say the it's the day and night of soul, and that you inevitably go through days and nights. This way, jewish is quite developed about shadows. Buddha says that you must watch, in meditation, things coming and going, neutrally - whatever happens; this is sometimes more developed concept than concentrating on bliss and love, which is rather the end result of every process, and the beginning in id phase (before eating from the tree of good and bad, you have the childish version of truth, after going through shadows - or spiritual battles - you develop mature and independent version of the same; religions go through atheism - in the end, they have some conception of higher truth or god again, but they are much more personally responsible; id phase is like living with parents, and superego phase is like living alone, but being friends with parents - the kind of atheism, which later becomes enlightened, is like the ego phase, where you have conflict with your parents and pain of being alone; I'm not saying that atheists, in the end, become believers, but I only say that they develop a high standard of moral and ethics, which is equal to having God or creating it in your life; I am saying that when you are kicked out of your Godly home, the lack of God in all the infinity you see, of theorems and of space, is so strong and the theorem of God is so empty, that your model is atheism even if you have some inner belief in God; so there is an aspect of God being psychological - when you enter the ego phase, start to develop your personality, the initial instincive presence of God will go away and you start to create Godly aspects, like presence of Truth, Love and Civilization in your life, and when these are very strong, you are in free flow as if God exists - but this is equal to creating God subjectively, as the flow of favourable events is equal and it's achieved through the aspects, which are told to be Godly; this way I have transcended the buddhist idea of being beyond existence and non-existence of God - what really exists, is much more complex and involves all God, atheism and things in between, and you haven't really philosophized about God before those start to seem to be one thing; if your karma about God is so bad that you receive nothing, the God would indeed disappear from your whole reality, and the reality you have created does not contain God - and philosophically, this reality without God is as real as any other). In reality without God, the Fire element of free will still only works when the situation is favourable and when it's the real thing, so then you can speak of Will of God. This way, the Jewish War, when you look at the will of Josephus, proves that "God has given Israel to Jews", and this fact is completely unrelated to the conceptions of God existing or not - God is far too complex to exist or not, is the totality of reality, and the atheist laws of nature are also a totality of reality, whereas God's attributes are there positive ends to follow, and in enlightening of culture - the kind of enlightenment which happened with scientific revolution or democratization - the Godly attributes become a part of totality of our reality, thus our subjective state becomes closer to some kind of existence of God, but we remain independent and co-creators. So the appearance of atheism is in the religion, which should see it as well, the case where one stops directly obeying the God and starts looking for a mature, independent, equal relationship with God, and this is where the relationship of child and the father leads as well. This conception of God also explains, why "Gods" of different cultures are different and why they fight about them - this is the process of independence, of subjectivity of God, as it's indeed equal or the same thing we create ourselves with out lives and our Karma. This is very hard to be an atheist and believe in the God at the same time, and this might appear in the end of enlightenment.
  10. As long as you are a human rat you will keep running hunting the will chase pleasure and escape from pain..this does not ever change. Even enlightened folks need to eat ,shit ,and fuck..But the difference is that they are deep down aware that its all for nothing at the end . To be in a state of 24/7 bliss and ecstasy is something that does not seem realistic to me . Even Jesus suffered on the cross . This is spiritual nonsense to say the ego will be in bliss. However..the ego is inside bliss . Bliss is the substratum of existence. Its the background of the ego. The ego appears inside this bliss in the background . But the ego will never be blissful eternally .unless you disidentify with the ego completely and identify as bliss ...but that's called death.
  11. Every emotion is the same emotion, bliss disguised as fear sadness happiness peace. Fear is bliss you dont want. When fear comes have faith in God and accept bliss even if you lose your body to get it you will still get it. Your battery runs out and as its running out the emotions disguise themselves but when your battery runs out God comes and fills it up. I want to quit watching pornography I have masturbated millions of times and nothing cool has happened besides feeling bliss for a couple seconds. I wonder if you dont jerk off and do things correctly you will feel like you are orgasiming 24/7 maybe thats what they mean when they say you can live life in infinite bliss. Like your brain feels like its cumming 24/7
  12. @Javfly33 Delightful. Spreading bliss and love like nobody's business, lol. Feeling better now? Well, kindly allow me quote what you wrote earlier: Yeah, that kind of sounds like you are trying to stop the so-called "cycle of reincarnation", wouldn't you say so? Which begs the question: Why do you think that it is necessary to stop something which God has set in motion? Do you think that God is a fucking idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, and now it's up to you to clean up the mess he has created? And what the fuck would be the alternative? You do realize that without form there can be no experience of reality, right? (And please, just stick to answering the questions. Your petulant hissy fits are getting tiresome.)
  13. I can only tell you my experience. I've been infinite bliss before. (White light environment - Divine love) I've been infinite space before (No dimensions) I've touched infinite sorrow before. (An Ocean of suffering, I didn't immerse myself in it fully) Nothing else existed in those moments. I still observed them happening, but the reality became them, and they were without end. I call them states because I can look at/feel/experience them individually. We don't have to call it states, we can call it everything that existed in that moment. *We can look at this way instead An apple is infinity if that's all which is in focus. It's not all the potential infinity could be. It's the same with anything, and emotions.
  14. Im not talking about an emotional state. Everytime i mention the Word Bliss in this forum there some people that came up saying things like that. Bliss is not an emotional state or a psychological state. Even more, what im implying is Bliss is not a state but the form and quality itself of Consciousness. Wrong. Sorrow is an aberration and distortion of Consciousness. Is Consciousness Being kidnapped by the Mind and ego. It does not work like that. Bliss comes to me, i dont seek It. What fault do i have if i do the right things internally? Just sharing the discoveries as they come.
  15. Any emotional state is infinite. I wouldn't advise seeking a wider spiritual experience with other emotions unless you are very well grounded. I've experienced: Infinite Nothingness. Infinite bliss. Infinite sorrow. All of them were me.
  16. Should I be jealous of someone who seemingly hates is earthly existence so much that he seemingly spends all of his waking hours trying to escape it? That really doesn't sound all too blissful to me. Exactly. So why get lost in conceptual stories about "death" and "empty bliss" and "breaking the cycle of reincarnation" instead of just living in the moment and appreciating the Here and Now as it is? All that there is is THIS. So you either embrace it, or you suffer. I didn't say "just fuck everything", I said "just love everything". Slight difference.
  17. Yeah and I thought it's also a bit closer to leo's kind of vision since it doesn't appear to deny the mind as much as other schools of mysticism seem to, I know there are some schools that are supposed to go through intelligence but I haven't personally seen any information about what that is supposed to look like, even if there are some kind of people who might not be considered conventionally intelligent I believe that kind of path might actually suit them pretty well, when I sit in meditation I often find that the sensations that I feel at least in superficial silence are a lot like just like thoughts, for me thoughts are like regular senses they can just be way more chaotic or instead overly serious and limited in unnecessary ways just like the all other sensations, I can feel but not understand completely how every other sensation affects the sensation of thought and vice versa, thoughts just as more capacity to be continually active and voluntary rather than mostly receptive. So thinking ends up being our most detached and flexible sensations at first that slowly get tagged to more material sensations and vice versa which will either cause you suffering or bliss which determines the kind of thoughts that happen less or more frequently and of course how the sensation of thought interacts with the other sensations of your own thoughts which include other people. Of course imagination and thought is pretty much the same thing to me too, you can just say it's more wild.
  18.ée Jacques Vallée, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers The Multiverse of Infinite Reality with its endless gardens of good & evil. The eddies, vortexes,waves of the appearances of good&evil of the mighty infinite River of Reality are fascinating. And beyond good & evil and angels & demons, rumour has it that even some very fascinating ET-minds in alien ET-dimensions can be accessed. Just more appearances and eddies of appearance on the Infinite River that one truly is, giving the separate-self even more distraction-opportunities in its nearly endless endeavour of chasing its own tail, but who cares... And until the fascination of this wave-surfing is at least partically relaxed, telling about the bliss of dropping into the River and dissolving in it (instead of being endlessly fascinated by the games of its waves/vortexes/appearances) remains that largely futile task of Selling Water by the River ... just tea
  19. @Someone here holy shit dude Look at wikipedia says: " ānanda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. Those who renounce the fruits of their actions and submit themselves completely to the divine will, arrive at the final termination of the cyclical life process (saṃsāra) to enjoy eternal bliss (ānanda) in perfect union with the godhead. " Literally yesterday i had the same idea. Before reading that wikipedia Page. I had the intuition, reincarnation process ends when consciousness realizes itself as Pure Bliss (its own nature/ purest quality). And until that happen the consciousness keeps reincarnating in bodies in order to be able to consciously Awaken. Im not fantasizing. Are you jealous of me i get to experience true Bliss? You shouldnt, this didnt come free. Ive invested about 500 hours or more in current yoga process which delivers this kind of realizations. And even, this does not come each day. ""What if you realize that everything is already perfect, divine, whole, complete?"" Yes and no. Because as wikipedia says, much probably the work is making those states of being a reality, more than conceptually telling Yourself is all perfect and bliss while not quite true feeling perfect and bliss Cycle of reincarnation Will Keep repeating if not handling this properly. You have been warned! 🫢 There is a difference between concepts and reality. Is very different to conceptually telling Yourself is all bliss vs actually Being That. The difference might be stopping the cycle of reincarnation or not. So, the stakes are high. Your perspective of just fuck everything probably wont cut It. do you. Lets see Who bet most wisely.
  20. The clumsy way I see it is: We are the impossible which is both extra bliss and suffering. Both suffering and extra perfection are impossible, nobody/nothing would ever choose to suffer or would ever choose more than perfection, you cannot be more than perfect. Time seems to be intertwined/created by these impossibilities because we cannot and do not need to exist more than or as more than perfection, a single perfect moment is indeed utter perfection for those who have had some experience, the opposite for those who have felt true horror. We exist because we are that which survives both perfect bliss and suffering which can't exist by themselves because they are both perfect and infinitely realized, that is, suffering never exists/never existed and bliss has and will always exist and it's so perfect it doesn't even need to exist, at least within time, it's that powerful. That said after typing and deleting a huge amount of confused text I guess we too can't exist outside suffering/bliss either, I guess we are not even just time, we are connected quantities which when connected to bliss form time which generates extra bliss/suffering or whatever order you want, maybe, we are more than what we need to be, we are greed and ignorance if put into story like concepts but also the formidable and unfathomable, more than ONE kind of beings, quantity/type.
  21. What if you stop asking "what if"? What if you stop fantasizing about death and Bliss and instead embrace life with all that it entails? What if you realize that everything is already perfect, divine, whole, complete? WHAT IF, indeed!
  22. Great Post. But you know ..nothing new under the sun ..this was discovered thousands years ago .. The Hindu 🕉️ tradition calls consciousness "Sat-Chit-Ananda". Meaning existence..awareness..bliss .
  23. I dont mean conceptually saying "yeah is bliss, is love, blabla". I mean actually. Like that literally It is the quality of It, an Empty Bliss that Exists. Just for no fucking reason. Because It is literally THAT (Bliss). With this possibility, there is no question of what happens after death or where consciousness goes. Of course nothing happens. The Bliss remains BUT without the forms AND without the Thoughts. The theory of It is right now the Bliss quality of consciousness (consciousness at is purest Form/untouched by any fluctuation) right now It is veiled by Thoughts. This Thoughts veil or cloud heavily the true quality of consciousness. When "death" happens no Thought IS there, therefore Pure Consciousness remains, which turns out to be Empty Bliss (Bliss is not a simple label, It is the "material" or "form" of Consciousness). It is very real. It is not a label, It is not a simple peaceful state. It is literally Awakening To the purest Form of Consciousness. Empty Bliss. This changes everything. Death might not be actually real.
  24. It might be a destined path for some and not for others. I know people who respond extremely well to kundalini yoga and Shaktipat (transmission of kundalini from teacher to student). Personally, I got Shaktipat from Jan Esmann, and I didn't feel a single thing. DId Kriya supreme fire as well and just got some headaches instead of bliss. Kundalini itself is real; it manifests as a snake-type condensed love at the bottom of your spine, and when it awakens and enters your spine, there's insane bliss and beauty. It feels like having sex with God because it enters you at the perineum and it actually feels like a snake-type condensed love is entering the spine. You can unlock it through simple silence, there is no need for any special techniques.
  25. Yeah haha a curse is exactly what it feels like at this point. My hairs falling out and everything from the constant stress. Its not been all bad. The 1% of bliss I have experienced has been enough to keep me going, its not just a bodily feeling, its a creative soar that lights up your whole world. And thanks for the kind words, things have been looking up recently anyway, I think I've figured out the cause of my symptoms, they've mellowed when I explored this avenue which is a good sign.