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  1. Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality " form a more perfect Union..." - Preamble to the US Constitution Exploration of Division vs Unity: Leo Gura introduces the concept of division and unity as the fundamental engine driving all of reality, evident in everything from social dynamics to biological processes, physics, and beyond. Historical Pattern of Mankind: History is presented as a series of fractal-like divisions and reunions within humanity, described as the polarizing and depolarizing dance of consciousness or infinite mind. Hydrologic Cycle as a Unity-Division Example: The hydrologic cycle is shown as a natural instance of division and unity: water starts unified in the ocean, evaporates, forms clouds (division), rains down into puddles (reunion), and eventually flows back to the ocean. Making a Smoothie Illustration: The process of making a smoothie is used as an everyday example, illustrating how elements grow into plants (unity), create fruits (division), which are blended into a smoothie (reunion), and then digested by the body (division) to nourish cells (unity). Speciation and Evolutionary Process: The diversification of species through geographical changes, interbreeding, and evolution showcases the process of proliferation (division) and the formation of new species (reunion). Human Migration and Cultural Diversification: Homo sapiens' migration from Africa and subsequent population of the globe led to division into races and cultures, which are now coming back together through globalization and interbreeding (reunion). Globalization's Impact on Human Race: Advancements in travel technology and social intermingling portend a future where racial and cultural distinctions are blurred. Space travel could lead to diversification across planets, potentially leading to interbreeding with alien species. Teleportation and Space Travel Speculation: Hypothetical future technologies like teleportation or space travel could facilitate even greater racial and cultural integration or lead to new forms of division as humans colonize other planets. Unifying Consciousness Through Yoga: Leo Gura touches on the role of Yoga, which translates to 'union,' in achieving a deeper understanding of consciousness by bringing together the perceiver and the perceived. Unavoidable Nature of Globalization: Due to demands from technology, travel, and economics, globalization is depicted as an inevitable force eroding traditional divisions and leading towards greater unity. Speciation and Human Colonization: Speciation may occur as humans colonize different environments like Mars, the Moon, or aquatic planets, resulting in varied physical adaptations due to conditions like low gravity. Interbreeding and Genetic Engineering: Interbreeding or genetic engineering with alien species could result in new hybrid organisms, showcasing a process of divergence and convergence in consciousness. Cultural Boundaries and Resistance: People often resist the blending of cultures, mistakenly clinging to temporary divisions and feeling threatened by the natural process of reunification. Judgment as Division: Judging and labelling aspects of the world as good or bad is a learned behavior that further divides consciousness, while teachings promoting interconnectedness encourage reunification. War as Absorption and Reunion: War is a form of absorption, with one tribe attempting to integrate another's resources, and even after conquest, the resulting peace can lead to larger, unified entities like the European Union or the United Nations. Middle Eastern Clan Warfare and External Interests: Power struggles in the Middle East, exacerbated by external interests, illustrate the difficulty of achieving unity among diverse clans and religious sects. United States and Autonomy: The United States was forged from 13 colonies into a nation that balances unity with significant state autonomy, reflecting both division and unity. European Union Complexities: The EU shows the challenge of unification, as member states grapple with national identities and unequal contributions, which can lead to tensions like Brexit. Unity and Division in Organizational Evolution: Large organizations, like the United Nations, evolve from the desire for cooperative peace but face resistance from individual national interests. Sunni, Shia, and Subdivisions: Within Islam, the division between Sunni and Shia factions and further subdivisions exemplify the ongoing cycle of division and unity even within a single religious community. Collective Defense Against Common Threats: Leo suggests that existential threats, such as a hypothetical alien invasion, would necessitate global unity among humans, temporarily sidelining smaller divisions. American States' Unity: The formation of the United States as a unified entity from individual colonies serves as an example of the recurring pattern of division and reunification. Economic Prosperity and Challenges in the EU: The European Union brought economic prosperity and peace but also highlighted disparities among member states, showing both the benefits and challenges of unification. Nationalism vs. European Unity: Individuals and nationalist parties in various European countries resist the idea of a European identity, preferring to maintain their distinct national identities, leading to tensions within the European Union and events like Brexit, which epitomize the struggle between unity and division. Brexit - Division within Unity: Brexit illustrates a fracture within the European Union, where the unified benefits make it difficult to leave, but British nationalists emphasize their unique identity, challenging the notion of being part of a larger, interconnected entity like the EU. Globalization's Inevitability: Leo Gura argues that globalization is unavoidable due to technology and human desires for travel and communication, thus necessitating unified international laws and collaboration to ensure a safer, more connected globe. Travel, Technology, and Legal Implications: With increasing global interconnectivity, people expect safety and justice when traveling or conducting international business, hinting at the future development of international legal systems to address crimes and disputes across borders. Trade-offs in Unity and Division: There are no simple answers to the ideal level of unity or division as both come with associated costs and benefits; reality is likened to a fractal or Russian nesting dolls, indicating complex layers of unity within division. Libertarian Misconceptions and Societal Structure: Libertarians and conservatives often fail to recognize the importance of sophisticated coordination for advanced societies, misunderstanding the interdependency inherent in society and the limited nature of freedom and individualism. Individual Autonomy vs. Collective Function: If each cell or organ in the human body acted solely based on its own autonomy, life would be unsustainable. Similarly, a society demands collective organization and cooperation to thrive, counter to extreme libertarian ideals of independence. The Danger of Excessive Integration: While coordination is crucial, there is also the risk of overintegration leading to the suppression of individual rights and the creation of totalitarian systems, highlighting the need for balance between individualism and collectivism. China's Collectivist Approach: China's current policies, which prioritize its emergence as a global superpower over individual rights and religious freedoms, exemplify extreme collectivism. This approach is deemed neither entirely good nor evil, but a mix of both, with significant global impacts. Fall of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union's dissolution is cited as an example of the cycle of division and unity. At its peak, it consisted of multiple satellite states, but it fragmented after the collapse of communism—contrasting the reunification of East and West Germany. Spiritual Divisions: Despite spiritual study, religious groups cannot maintain unity, as evidenced by Christianity's split from Judaism and further divisions into Catholicism, Orthodox, and Protestant denominations, along with Islam's fragmentation into Sunni, Shia, and other sects. Eastern Spiritual Fragmentation: Similar to the West, Eastern spiritual traditions are not exempt from division. Hinduism and Buddhism both branched into various schools, demonstrating this pattern even within more holistic spiritual frameworks. Internet Proliferation and Unification: The internet initially experienced a proliferation of diverse websites, which then consolidated into large platforms like Facebook, Google, and Amazon. This demonstrates the movement from speciation (division) to monopolization (unity). Corporate Mergers, Monopolies, and Regulations: The past 50 years have seen significant corporate mergers and the formation of monopolies due to lax antitrust laws. However, there is a prediction of populist uprisings and regulatory responses to break up these large enterprises. Birth and Life as Division and Reunion: The process of birth divides consciousness into separate organisms that eventually reunite through eating and excreting—demonstrating a constant interplay of division and unity in life's survival processes. Reproduction and Life Cycles: The reproductive cycle in mammals is an intricate play of division and reunion, with the creation of male and female leading to sexual reproduction. The act of sex culminates in the highest point of unity, resulting in a new birth—the division of a zygote from the parent organism. Cell Division and Embryonic Growth: The initial one-cell zygote undergoes repeated division, eventually forming trillions of cells that unify to create a baby. This newborn then physically divides from the mother while still relying on her for sustenance, demonstrating a recurring pattern of separation and connection. Family Units and Individual Independence: As a child matures, they often experience a cycle of unity within the family and division as they seek independence during teenage years, ultimately leading to complete separation to start their own families where the cycle repeats. Life, Death, and Conscious Reunion: Death is depicted as the ultimate reunion, where the individual consciousness merges back into infinite consciousness, completing the same cycle of unity (birth) and division (death) that began with their own conception. Atomic and Molecular Unity: At a sub-organic level, atoms unify to form molecules, which combine to create increasingly complex structures, such as proteins, cells, organs, organisms, and eventually societies. This highlights the pattern of division and unity present in the physical fabric of the universe. Specialization and Reintegration in Intellectual Fields: From philosophy, several intellectual fields have diverged, creating specialties like science, mysticism, and mathematics, which have further branched into subfields. Now, an emerging trend seeks to reintegrate these into a holistic understanding, represented by systems thinking and the search for a grand unified theory. Future Unification of Science and Mysticism: Predicting that science and mysticism, which originated from the same philosophy, will eventually reunify, integrating mystical insights with scientific advances, potentially through practices such as meditation, yoga, and the study of psychedelic experiences. 3D Modeling as Unity and Division: In 3D modeling, a single shape undergoes repeated subdivision to add detail, followed by reunification processes to smooth and integrate parts into a coherent, detailed model. This mirrors biological and creative processes of elaboration from unity. Socioeconomic Caste Systems and Capitalism: Past social structures, like caste systems, have declined, giving way to a new socioeconomic division based on wealth in capitalist societies. Public discontent indicates a potential future shift toward the redistribution of wealth and increased socialism, a balance between unity (shared resources) and division (capitalist individualism). Balancing Socialism and Capitalism: Leo emphasizes that neither socialism nor capitalism is inherently evil; society requires a dynamic equilibrium between these two forces, adjusting over time to societal needs, rather than adhering to rigid ideologies. Social Movements – Social Justice Warriors vs. Anti-Social Justice: Social dynamics show division and reunion through social justice advocates pushing for unity and harmony, while their opponents value individualism and freedom, rejecting the push for collectivism. Global Warming Illustrates Division and Unity: Global warming exemplifies the unity and division process, as separated oil deposits and ice are reintegrated into the environment through human activity, leading to unified environmental changes such as increased global temperatures and melting ice caps. Global Warming Mechanism: Humanity's use of fossil fuels reintegrates carbon (oil) with Earth's atmosphere, contributing to a warming planet and melting ice, which merges with oceans, demonstrating a cycle of separation and reunion. Temperature Equilibrium Efforts: The Earth's core heat gradually dissipates into the cold of outer space in an attempt to equalize temperatures, a process reflecting the larger reunification between Earth's internal and external environments. Relationship Dynamics: Intimate relationships fluctuate between union and division. Partners seek unity through romance and sex but afterward desire space, reflecting a natural balance of closeness and individuality. Evolution of Gender Roles: The rigid division between male and female roles softens with technological advancements, leading to a greater acceptance of varying gender identities and sexual orientations, and challenging traditional norms. Fusion Cuisine: Different cuisines developed from regional elements demonstrate cultural separation. Fusion cuisine emerges, blending these distinct styles, reflecting both the value of culinary diversity and the potential for innovative unity. Formation and Death of Stars: Stars form from unified gases under gravity, illustrating a physical manifestation of unity. Black holes represent an extreme form of reunification, attracting all matter, yet also dispersing via Hawking radiation, indicating a return to division. Big Bang and the Universe's Cycle: The universe started as a singularity and expanded to form various forms of matter and energy in an act of division. It is predicted to eventually unify back into an indistinct mass, hypothesized to restart the cycle in a perfect loop. Entropy and Reunification: The concept of entropy is reframed as a measure of unity versus division, with the natural progression of the universe, including life, being toward greater unity as seen in the drive for energy equalization. Transformation in Relationships: Relationships exhibit a cycle of unity and division, where partners unite in intimacy and seek separation for autonomy, revealing a consistent dance between merging and independence. Gender Identity and Societal Change: The traditional male-female gender binary is becoming more fluid with sociocultural advancements, leading to broader acceptance of diverse gender expressions and sexual orientations. Culinary Arts and the Interplay of Division and Unity: Traditional cuisines represent division, while the rise of fusion food exemplifies unity, with both maintaining value in preserving authenticity and embracing innovation. Singularity and Perceptual Unity: Leo suggests that in physics and cosmology, zero and infinity are identical, leading to the conclusion that a point with no dimension (zero radius) simultaneously represents infinite expansion (infinite radius). This indicates a perfect loop or cycle in the nature of reality. Misunderstanding of Entropy: Traditional views on entropy as a measure of disorder are challenged. Leo defines high entropy as total unity, where there is an indistinguishable uniformity, akin to a state of God or love. Low entropy, conversely, corresponds to division, and is necessary for the experience of motion, space, and time. Consciousness and Design: Life and all physical processes should not be viewed as accidental occurrences but as manifestations of consciousness intentionally dividing itself to experience various aspects. Science, with its specialized focus, fails to understand this ultimate nature of consciousness, mistaking these divisions as random physical phenomena. Reunification of Consciousness Through Yoga: Yoga, which translates to union in Sanskrit, is presented as a practice that unites subject and object. By participating in yoga, scientists and others can gain a holistic understanding of consciousness, transcending the confines of division expressed through specialized fields. Universal Tendency Toward Unity: Over time, divided systems naturally tend toward unification, as illustrated by a glass container separating two gases that will eventually mix into uniformity. Human-made structures, like buildings or statues, will also eventually decay and merge back into their environments, showcasing the inevitability of reunion in all systems. Costs and Benefits of Unity and Division: Complete unity offers peace and bliss but sacrifices the distinct experiences of life, such as tasting vanilla or having a pet. Conversely, division allows for these individual experiences, which require distinct separations to appreciate the sensation of unity and the diverse manifestations of existence. God's Nature and Limited Human Perception: Leo describes God as indistinct nothingness, which cannot be comprehensively known because all knowledge inherently divides. As humans experience God through various forms, these are limited incarnations and not the ultimate indistinct nature of God. Function of Evil in the Universe: Acts of evil in the world often apply pressure for eventual unity. Leo suggests that what is perceived as evil is, in a deeper sense, love and intelligence acting together, as evidenced by the formation of the European Union after World War II. Inevitability of Reunion in Reality: Division will always lead to reunion and vice versa. The idea of complete control by any one part is temporary, with humanity's dominance over the planet being a fleeting state within the universal cycles of division and unity. God's Revelation as a Limited Form: Any manifestation of God experienced by humans is a limited form, as God is inherently indistinct. Depicting God in a definitive form diminishes its ultimate state of indistinct nothingness, which can't be captured or fully understood through divisive human knowledge. Understanding the Structure of Reality: Leo discusses the inherent rules of reality, which dictate that divided entities will eventually reunite and unified entities will divide, reflecting a constant cycle of unification and fragmentation in all of existence. Monopoly of Parts over the Whole: He emphasizes that no single part can monopolize the whole, as the whole is unlimited and every part is limited. He cautions that humanity's domination over the planet is temporary, demonstrating the futility of any part trying to control the whole. God's Infinite Diversity: Leo explains that God, or infinite intelligence, seeks to maximize diversity of form. This diversity is not antithetical to unity but is its very expression, showing that unity encompasses all diversity as its ultimate form. Infinity and Natural Numbers: The concept of infinity is elaborated upon, describing it not as a single point on the number line but as the entirety of all numbers—zero and beyond—emphasizing that infinity includes all distinct forms, not just numerical concepts. Evolution as Differentiation and Reunion: Evolution is presented not just as a biological process, but as a universal process involving love and intelligence, balancing the intricate relationship between division and unity, with each having a time and place. Unity and Division as Two Types of Unity: Leo articulates that division and unity are not opposites but are two manifestations of unity. Absolute unity includes the possibility of division, indicating that unity and division are parts of a single, integrated whole. Life as a Fractal of Infinite Consciousness: Life and reality are described as manifestations of infinite consciousness, with birth representing division and death acting as reunion, suggesting that life is an ongoing variation of this theme. Appreciating Unity and Division: Viewers are encouraged to notice the interplay of division and unity in daily life, from personal belongings to politics, as a way to deepen their understanding of life and improve their reactions and behaviors. Holistic Approach to Teaching: Leo shares his goal of providing teachings that are not narrow but holistic, integrating various fields—science, math, philosophy, evolution, religion, mysticism, psychology, sociology, history, and politics—reflecting the complex and interconnected nature of the universe. Power and Value of Understanding: The transformative power of understanding is emphasized, with Leo suggesting that a comprehensive grasp of topics can profoundly change one's perspective and behaviors, even without immediate changes in life circumstances. Limitations of Teachings and Reality's Enormity: While acknowledging the limitations of his teachings due to the vastness of reality, Leo strives for a degree of breadth and depth that reflects the infinite scope of the universe, aiming to offer a broad and profound perspective on existence. Glisseo
  2. The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights "It lies in the nature of things that the many enter into complex unity." - Alfred North Whitehead Misconception of Enlightenment: Enlightenment is often misunderstood as one single realization, when in fact, it is a complex series of realizeable facets, aspects, and degrees. Value of the Top 30 Enlightenment Insights List: Provides a methodical approach and checklist for spiritual practitioners to gauge their progress and avoid the pitfall of believing they are fully enlightened after experiencing just a few facets. Samadhi and Mystical Experiences: The first facet involves the realization of the Samadhi state or non-dual consciousness where the perceived separation between the observer and the observed dissolves. Realization of No Self: Understanding that the individual self is just an imaginary construct, leading to the awakening that the 'self' a person commonly identifies with, doesn't truly exist. The Universal "I Am" Insight: A vital realization where one shifts from identifying as a mere human being to recognizing oneself as the universal essence of existence, pure 'I am-ness,' or Atman. Omnipresence of Consciousness: The epiphany that one's true self, pure consciousness, is not localized but rather omnipresent, present everywhere and nowhere, simultaneously. Understanding What Consciousness Is: A major shift in perspective is required to understand consciousness as the all-encompassing essence, with nothing existing outside of it. The Literal Meaning of Awakening: Awakening is not a metaphorical concept but a literal experience akin to waking up from a dream, becoming truly aware for the first time. Realization of Non-Duality and Oneness: The insight that all separations are illusions and that everything is intrinsically unified in a single field of consciousness. List as a Systematic Pursuit: The insights serve as a structured progression for seekers to follow, providing a clear understanding of various spiritual milestones. Metaphor of Climbing Mountains: The awakening process is compared to climbing a range of mountains rather than a single mountain, with multiple paths leading to various peaks, symbolizing the diversity of spiritual realizations. Purpose of Sharing the List: Leo, Leo, intends to prevent self-deception among practitioners and to highlight areas of awakening that may be overlooked, thus ensuring a more complete journey towards enlightenment. Realization of Oneness: Awakening to the fact that reality is a singular, unified entity with no separations between objects or beings, highlighting the interconnectedness of everything within a unified field of consciousness. Practical Implications of Oneness: The understanding that perceived separateness is a mental projection and that non-duality means no true separation exists, enabling one to comprehend true non-duality by contrasting it against the notion of duality. On the Nature of Differences: Leo illuminates that perceived differences between objects or entities like a cat and a dog, or a taco and a human, are purely imaginary and only exist if believed or imagined by the mind. Understanding Absolute Truth: One realizes truth is not just a perception or experience, nor a belief or conceptual idea, but an absolute reality identical to consciousness itself, recontextualizing all perceptions and experiences as absolute truth. Realization of the Absolute: Leo explains that only through awakening can one grasp what the absolute truly means, as it exists independently of all conditions, even the annihilation of the universe. Insight Into Absolute Infinity: Understanding that consciousness is infinite, not in numerical or spatial terms but as an absolute concept, allows one to realize the manifestation of everything as a form of absolute infinity. Concept of Absolute Nothingness: Recognizing that all of existence, including consciousness and the self, is fundamentally made of absolute nothing, leading to the profound revelation that nothing has truly happened since nothingness and infinity are identical. Realization of God and the Godhead: Directly encountering and realizing God and its true essence, which goes beyond common misconceptions about the concept. Understanding that "God" refers to an actual reality rather than an imaginary concept. Consciousness as God: One realizes that they are God, the creator of all reality, and that self-denial of this fact is a barrier to full awakening. One must accept their own divine authority and the properties traditionally ascribed to God. Self Equals Other: The realization that all perceived others are actually partitions of one's own consciousness, leading to an understanding that any interaction with others is in fact an interaction with oneself. Realization of Absolute Love: Discovering that consciousness is made of love, which is not an emotion but a substance, and recognizing that all manifestations, even those labeled as evil, are expressions of this absolute love. Truth and Love as Identical: A sub-facet of the realization that absolute love encompasses that truth and love are identical, reinforcing the profound connection between the foundational substance of consciousness and the ultimate reality. Infinite Mind and the Imaginary Nature of Reality: Recognizing that everything experienced—objects, beings, and phenomena—are manifestations of an infinite mind, leading to the insight that reality is fundamentally imaginary. Everything as Imagination: The recognition that all physical reality, personal history, and the very concept of differences—like those between animals or objects—are entirely imaginary creations of the cosmic mind, which is synonymous with one's own mind. Facet of Self-Design: A profound realization that the individual creates not only the universe but also themselves, down to meticulous details such as each hair on their body, as an act of creation by an infinitely intelligent mind. Understanding of Birth as Imaginary: The insight that one's existence did not commence with physical birth; rather, one has always existed. The traditional narrative of birth is understood as a mere imaginary story without genuine occurrence. Realization of Eternity and the Absolute Now: Awakening to the notion that past and future are illusions and that everything, including oneself, exists eternally and absolutely in the present moment. Death as an Illusion and Immortality: Coming to the insight that the concept of death is a fabricated story by the ego, and in reality, one is immortal and exists eternally as all forms and beings outside of time. Realization of Paradise or Heaven: The understanding that heaven is not a location but a state of consciousness where one recognizes their immortality and is free from fear, effectively living in a perpetual state of perfection. Experiential Realization of Bliss and Ecstasy: Experiencing a state of ultimate bliss or ecstasy, which comes from the understanding of immortality and the nature of reality as infinitely good and perfect. Infinite Intelligence: The understanding that the intelligence of consciousness surpasses all physical manifestations and that everything in the universe functions as part of a supremely intelligent and well-oiled machine. Understanding Absolute Goodness: Realizing that everything in the universe, without exception, is inherently good, and what is perceived as bad or evil is merely a projection of personal selfishness. Infinite Will: Recognizing that all of existence is a manifestation of God's will, which, being infinite, materializes instantly as the fabric of reality, including one's own being and actions. Understanding God's Will and Human Will: The concept that human free will is a fragment of God's infinite will, and that what is perceived as the individual's will is actually part of a greater, universal will. Infinite Will and Unlimited Power: The acknowledgement that God, or infinite mind, is boundless, and can create anything without limitations. This realization includes the understanding that perceived physical or logical restrictions are not truly constraints on God's power. Omniscience at the Level of Being: Omniscience is clarified not as knowing all factual information, but as a complete awareness at the level of being. A person can be absolutely omniscient in their being, yet not know trivial details like their neighbor’s lunch. Realization of Divinity, Magic, and Mystery: Enlightenment brings about the realization that consciousness is divine, turning ordinary human perception into an experience of the profound, magical, and mysterious nature of reality. Exploring the Substance of Reality: The quest to understand being and consciousness as the fundamental substance of reality. This pursuit leads to the recognition that consciousness is intrinsically nothing and that differences are illusory. Recognition of the Universe as an Infinite Fractal: The discovery that the universe is a fractal, exhibiting self-similarity at all scales, which one can zoom into or out of infinitely. Recontextualization of Perception and Life: The insight that perception is not merely a human function but an expression of truth or being, alongside the realization that the entire universe is alive in various forms, which transcends traditional scientific queries about the origin of life. Purpose of Existence as Love: The ultimate understanding that the purpose of everything that exists—including complexity, form, and events—is an expression of love, which is the manifestation of oneself as God. Channeling and Communication with God: The facet of being able to communicate with one's higher infinite self or God, gaining direct insights and answers from this source of ultimate consciousness. Healing Through Connection with God's Will: The realization that healing oneself and others is possible by tapping into the infinite mind and aligning with the will of God, which underlies all existence. Collective Consciousness and Conscious Layers: Recognition of consciousness as layered like an onion, with personal consciousness being just one layer within a broader collective consciousness that one can access. Total Extinction of Perception: A facet that has been reported by advanced meditators and Buddhists, wherein through deep meditation, one may experience the disappearance of the entire universe, something Leo has not personally experienced but believes to be possible. Paranormal Phenomena and Interactions: The experience of various paranormal abilities and phenomena, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, past-life regressions, hyper intuition, and the interaction with non-human entities like aliens, which are perceived as projections of one's own mind yet hold relative reality. The Nature of Spiritual Realizations: These realizations can occur individually or in clusters, sequentially or simultaneously, with varying depths of insight. They create a complex matrix of spiritual understanding, which reveals the intricate nature of enlightenment and the diverse paths one can take in their spiritual journey. Complexity of Spiritual Work: A recognition of the multifaceted and layered nature of spiritual insights, reflecting the vast array of awakenings and depths of understanding that can be attained, illustrating the inherent complexity and breadth of spiritual work. Variety of Spiritual Facets: Leo describes spiritual awakening as a complex process with numerous facets, each capable of being a profound realization that can challenge and reshape one's understanding of reality. Assembling Insight Like a Puzzle: The process of awakening involves intermittent realizations, sometimes separated by long periods. Individuals must stitch together these insights over time, likened to assembling a jigsaw puzzle where each piece contributes to the perception of the whole picture. Integration of Spiritual Insights: Leo emphasizes the importance of integrating various insights and matching them up in order to form a coherent understanding of the larger truth, similar to recognizing different parts that compose the entire image of an animal in a jigsaw puzzle. The Shocking Nature of Awakening: Realizations such as identifying oneself as God can be destabilizing, leading to self-doubt or feelings of insanity due to the profound nature of the insight and the contradiction it presents to societal norms. Risk of Distortion and Misinterpretation: There is a danger in misinterpreting insights, potentially leading to a distorted view of reality that reflects one's own ego and shadow rather than objective truth. Navigating Self-Doubt and External Influence: Leo acknowledges the challenges of overcoming self-doubt and societal pressure, highlighting the value of his list as a confirmation for those who may feel alone in their realizations. Diversity Among Spiritual Teachers and Traditions: He explains that different spiritual traditions and teachers may prioritize certain aspects of awakening over others, which can result in a skewed focus and incomplete understanding of spirituality. Awareness of Teacher Limitations: Leo warns of the limitations inherent in spiritual teachings, as teachers may not recognize or integrate all facets of awakening, potentially due to their adherence to narrow or dogmatic paths. Potential Lopsidedness in Awakening: The journey to spiritual awakening can be partial, with individuals excelling in certain aspects while lacking in others. This can lead to imbalanced teachings and experiences. Critical Evaluation of Teachings: He urges not to assume full enlightenment from any one guru or teaching, as they might not address all facets or may dismiss aspects unknown to them as irrelevant. Role of Psychedelics: Psychedelics are presented as tools that can help illuminate various facets of awakening from different angles, due to their capacity to alter states of consciousness and highlight different aspects. Influence of Intentions on the Awakening Process: Leo points out how one's genuine curiosity and intentions can guide which facet of awakening is experienced next, highlighting the significance of quality questioning and self-inquiry in this journey. Existential Questions and Spiritual Facets: Minor existential questions, such as whether to get married or have children, can be explored alongside major spiritual facets. The pursuit of understanding these facets can lead to insights that inform personal decisions. Psychedelics as a Tool for Awakening: Leo sees psychedelics as an efficient way to access and understand various facets of awakening. They allow targeting of specific facets and deliver a panoramic big-picture view of consciousness, God, and reality. Psychedelics vs. Traditional Approaches: While psychedelics offer a broad range of spiritual experiences, traditional methods like yoga or meditation can also lead to awakening but may have limitations based on the techniques used. Methodology and Understanding Consciousness: The ultimate goal should be understanding consciousness itself; the specific methodology, whether psychedelics, yoga or meditation, should be secondary to this pursuit. Teachers' Perspectives on Spiritual Facets: Different spiritual teachers can offer varying perspectives on awakening, leading to apparent contradictions. This could be due to a difference in terminology, depth of understanding, or the range of facets realized. Taking Responsibility and Questioning Gurus: Followers should take responsibility for their spiritual journeys and not assume all teachers are equally enlightened or have comprehended every potential facet of awakening. Disparate Teachings and Spiritual Realization: The diversity of spiritual teachings reflects that not all paths or techniques are equally effective for realizing all facets of awakening. It's wise to compare teachings to understand the range and depth of different spiritual insights. Danger of Partial Realizations: A partial awakening might miss crucial aspects like unconditional love or the notion of God, potentially leading to distortions in understanding and teaching. One Truth, Many Facets: The oneness of truth and the manyness of reality are not contradictory; they are different perspectives that ultimately unite into a singular absolute oneness, akin to the many facets of a jewel representing one entity. Total Number of Facets: It's uncertain how many facets there are, as this number can vary based on differentiation criteria. However, at least two dozen major facets are deemed critical for a comprehensive awakening. Beyond Spiritual Realizations: Realizing spiritual facets is only part of the journey; other areas such as emotional mastery, shadow work, personal development, and relationship skills still require attention and work. Misconceptions about enlightenment: Knowing the facets of awakening does not equate to overcoming all personal issues, such as bad habits, addictions, or limiting and fallacious beliefs. Incomplete spiritual development: Understanding various facets of spirituality doesn't automatically result in cognitive, moral, interpersonal, or political maturity, nor does it guarantee career or technical skill development. Challenges of embodying insights: Realizing profound spiritual insights, like recognizing oneself as God or seeing beyond the concept of evil, doesn't ensure their permanent embodiment in daily life. Personal struggles with enlightenment concepts: Leo admits to his own difficulties in fully embodying insights such as the illusory nature of death and consistently manifesting love, especially when faced with challenging interactions. Endless minor insights: Beyond major spiritual realizations, there are countless 'minor' insights regarding topics like science, evolution, art, relationships, and leadership which are valuable for advancing and evolving society. Value of questioning reality: Pursuing understanding of both major and minor questions about reality is important and should not be dismissed as trivial. Nonstop depth of awakening: Being cautious not to prematurely stop one's pursuit of awakening, as it is often deeper and richer than imagined, is essential. Deep understanding of reality: The true measure of spiritual work is the depth of one's consciousness and understanding of reality, which influences how well insights are embodied. Encouragement for personal validation: Validation of spiritual teachings should come through personal experience, urging viewers to test insights for themselves and not take Leo's word as absolute truth. Future uncertainty: Leo reflects on possible future directions of his work, including deepening existential work, becoming a monk, or leaving behind his current role, emphasizing the evolving nature of his spiritual journey and teachings. Furnunculus
  3. What Is Truth - The Definitive Answer "How come Truth is such a slippery beast?" - Douglas Hofstadter "If you find Truth you will become invincible." - Epictetus Misconceptions about truth: People often think that truth is defined as a belief, concept, philosophy, knowledge, theory, model, the domain of scientists or religious leaders, or that it must be logical and provable. They may also consider it irrelevant to everyday life—all of which Leo challenges as false. Relative vs. Absolute Truth: Truth is divided into relative and absolute. Relative truths are conceptual and exist in the mind, dependent on various factors, and include most things we consider certain. Absolute truth, however, is true under all circumstances, non-conceptual, and actual. Examples of Relative Truth: Statements like "the sky is blue", "the Eiffel Tower is in Paris", and "one plus one equals two" are cited as relative because they rely on contexts like location, time, symbols, interpretation, language, and the cognitive functions of the mind. Understanding Language and Cognitive Assumptions: Recognizing truths such as "the sky is blue" requires language and higher interpretative functions. Most humans take for granted assumptions like other beings' consciousness and understanding, leading to a narrow, human-centric view of truth. Contingency and Interpretation of Relative Truths: Relative truths are contingent upon various conditions and interpretations. For instance, "the sky is blue" depends on factors like the observer's planet, time of day, and even species, since not all beings may perceive color or even the concept of 'sky.' Correspondence Theory of Truth: This theory suggests that truths are what correspond with an external reality. Leo critiques it, indicating the gap between the raw existence of objects and our cognitive affirmation of their truth. Discovery of Absolute Truth: Leo shares a personal episode of realizing absolute truth while questioning the essence of truth. He describes it as a profound experience of present-moment being that arose when the conceptual notion of truth melted away. Absolute Truth as Present Being: Leo elucidates absolute truth as the entirety of the present moment, encountered in an ordinary yet extraordinary realization. It's suggested that substances like LSD can facilitate this awareness, but the experience is also accessible to all through determined exploration. Homework to Understand Advanced Concepts: Leo stresses the complexity of understanding truth and encourages listeners to actively engage in questioning and seeking the truth themselves, rather than passively accepting his explanations. Correspondence theory of truth: The theory that truth corresponds to reality and relies on symbols and concepts is flawed because it confines truth to mental constructs rather than acknowledging the distinction between experiencing something as real (such as the sky being blue) and the mental affirmation of that experience. Difference between experience and mental affirmation: It's critical to distinguish between the raw experience of reality (like the sky's blueness) and the cognitive layer we add to it (believing or affirming that the sky is blue). This distinction exemplifies the gap between second-order mental constructs (relative truths) and first-order experiences. Relative truths and their opposites: Relative truths, unlike absolute truths, exist within a duality framework, where for every truth, there is a corresponding falsehood. This binary view does not apply to the concept of absolute truth. Absolute truth as actual reality: Leo demonstrates that the actual existence of something (like one's hand or the room they are in) represents absolute truth. Absolute truth is just "that which is," encompassing all of reality and existence. However, he acknowledges the complexity in defining "isness" or existence itself. Existence as a prerequisite for truth: Leo equates existence with truth, and by extension, the actual state of reality at all points in space and time. He elucidates that knowledge of reality is just a part of actual reality, which includes everything and is synonymous with truth. Truth as the actual state of reality: Reality cannot be reduced to symbols or knowledge as it is the actual state of all "bits" or facts of existence, much like the state of all bits on a computer hard drive. Truth is not contingent on whether these bits are "on" or "off"; it encompasses all states and is independent of human knowledge or affirmation. Reality constructed by truth, not atoms: Contrary to scientific assertions that reality is made of atoms, Leo argues that reality is made of truth, which is a more fundamental constituent than particles. Understanding this requires a change in consciousness and can lead to epiphanies or awakenings. Truth as inescapable: Leo emphasizes that truth encompasses everything that ever was, is, or will be. Even the hypothetical absence of any state of reality would still be a form of truth, as truth is not conditional on particular circumstances or states. Realization of truth through conscious awareness: A profound realization of truth involves more than just cognitive understanding; it requires direct conscious awareness of reality and experiencing its realness. This understanding transcends conventional human experience and necessitates a deep self-awareness. Absolute Truth as the State of All Creation: From the perspective of an omniscient observer, the absolute truth includes every event in history and every possibility in the future. Every microscopic detail like a particle on a leaf is as much a part of the absolute truth as the totality of creation. Symbolic Equations and Isness: Through the equation "1+1=3", Leo illustrates that beyond symbolic correctness, there is a fundamental existence of the equation, making it a part of the ultimate truth. He distinguishes between "knowledge" (symbolic interpretation) and "isness" (existence as truth). Image 1 Existence of False Concepts within Truth: Leo explains that concepts like falsehood and non-existence, despite being perceived as opposites to truth, actually exist as ideas within the mind. Thus, they are included in the absolute truth as they are part of existence. Impossibility of Non-Existence: The idea of non-existence has to exist conceptually to be considered, which paradoxically brings it into existence. Consequently, Leo asserts that absolute truth only acknowledges existence, making non-existence and falsehood conceptually impossible. Conceptualizing Non-Existence: When people consider non-existence, they are engaging in mental exercises that lead to illusions and misunderstandings. The example of an imaginary kangaroo demonstrates that all conceptions, including those implying non-existence, are part of existence and thus, truth. Death and the Continuity of Existence: Challenging the traditional view of death, Leo suggests that our understanding of death as non-existence might be conceptually flawed, opening up possibilities that death may not be final. Defining Isness and Existence: The effort to define "isness" and "existence" is challenging due to the limitations of language, logic, and the human mind. Recognition of the truth requires a deep personal insight that transcends these limitations. Deepening Awareness to Understand Existence: Leo encourages a continuous and intensifying focus on existence itself (isness) to realize its true nature, which involves a shift in consciousness rather than the accumulation of knowledge or evidence. Truth as Inescapable and Absolute: Even if the universe were to be destroyed, the truth would persist, for truth reflects whatever is the case. Truth's existence is unconditional and independent of the universe's details. Necessity of Consciousness Shift to Realize Truth: To recognize truth, a fundamental shift in one's state of consciousness is necessary, beyond mere intellectual thinking or logical deduction. Analogy of the universe's states: Like bits in a hard drive, the universe can be in different states ('off', 'on', or anything in between), yet these states don't alter the intrinsic nature of existence or truth. Non-existence as a concept: Non-existence is a mental construct; it has to exist conceptually to be considered, so a 'wiped clean' universe would still embody pure, empty existence or 'isness', which is absolute truth. Truth prior to physical existence: Truth is fundamental, existing before all objects, time, space, and the universe; all these elements are merely aspects of ultimate truth. Experience and the illusion of perception: The concept of experience or perception is an illusion, cast by the mind to sustain the belief in one's human existence. Leo explains there is only absolute truth, and what we consider experience is a mind projection. Ego's co-option of truth: The ego converts actuality (absolute truth or isness) into a 'conceptual amalgam' conventionally perceived as experience, which hinders understanding. Misconception of human experience: What is thought to be human experience is, in fact, the universe experiencing itself in various forms—emotions, sensations, and consciousness are all the universe. Absence of subjectivity: There are no biological entities, sense organs, perception, subjectivity, or individuals. Only absolute truth exists objectively. Emotional reactions as defense mechanisms: Fear, anger, or criticism against these ideas are mental defenses trying to preserve the illusion of personal existence and distract from the truth. Unification of metaphysics and epistemology: In non-duality, there is no experiencer or perceiver; pure experience or perception is recontextualized as absolute truth, merging metaphysics and epistemology. Paradoxical features of absolute truth: Absolute truth is infinite, singular, paradoxical, and cannot be proven, communicated, symbolized, enumerated, or captured by logic. Consciousness as pure existence: Pure consciousness has no form or quality and contains all qualities and forms; it is both everything and nothing, the embodiment of absolute truth. Complexity of understanding truth: Truth encompasses consciousness, God, love, and is multi-dimensional, eternal, all-powerful, and uncaused—it is the reality of oneself. Role of exploring truth: Exploring truth requires persistent effort and understanding its various aspects and is essentially realizing one's inherent truth, distinct from what is known or thought. Origin of Truth: Truth did not emerge from anywhere as the concept of origins and destinations are part of the truth itself. Anything that exists or is the case is truth. Therefore, saying that truth came from somewhere is nonsensical because that somewhere would also be truth. Truth is nothingness, which simultaneously is everything—this is infinity and encapsulates all of existence. Potential for Self-Delusion: Leo acknowledges that it might seem possible for one to be deluded about truth, especially when discussing the effects of psychedelics like LSD. However, truth is the most fundamental component of reality and cannot be further explained or justified with stories or validations. He advises using the techniques he's provided to personally access the truth. Absolute vs. Conceptual Truth: Leo differentiates between absolute truth, which is boundless and includes all concepts, and conceptual truths, which are subject to imagination and misunderstanding. Absolute truth is the sum of all possible concepts. Science's Validation of Truth: Leo questions the need for science to validate truth since truth is a personal realization. Those who award recognitions like the Nobel Prize may themselves lack awareness of what truth is. He suggests that external validation is not necessary for personal realizations of truth. Absolute Truth versus Relative Truths: While relative truths from science and math are practical for living and manipulating reality, they don't encompass absolute truth, which is infinite and doesn't require substantiation through relative truths. Absolute truth is non-dual, but it's useful to talk about relative truth when functioning in the everyday dualistic world. Utility and Practicality of Absolute Truth: Leo states that absolute truth is not practical in the conventional sense but is essential as it forms the substance of the universe and all existence. It's so fundamentally useful that it becomes impractical from a human perspective. The function of absolute truth is to be the substance and isness of everything that exists. Misguided motivation for truth: Asking "what's in it for me" regarding the pursuit of truth is an unhelpful approach, and stopping this mindset can solve many of life's problems. Pursuit of truth is a choice: There is no obligation to pursue truth; it should be motivated by curiosity, interest, or an appreciation for truth itself. Otherwise, one can choose not to engage with it. Benefits of pursuing truth: While seeking truth may not appear practically beneficial, it can greatly reduce suffering, as suffering is rooted in illusion and falsehood. Selfish vs. Higher Motivations for truth: The pursuit of truth should ideally stem from an appreciation of its inherent beauty and love, not solely as an escape from suffering. Methods for discovering absolute truth: Practices like meditation, Kriya yoga, psychedelics, self-inquiry, contemplation, and consuming educational content are recommended pathways towards understanding truth. Extreme spiritual techniques: Historically, intense experiences like Vision Quests and authentic baptism have been used to uncover truth but can be painful and dangerous, thus not recommended. Validating the discovery of truth: Genuine awakening to absolute truth is inherently self-validating and evident to the individual without need for external affirmation. Psychedelics and truth: Psychedelics are posited to reveal absolute truth, not due to their chemical composition but through the profound experiences they induce which are beyond logical explanation. Truth and love as identical: Truth, love, and consciousness are described as indistinguishably intertwined, constituting the very substrate of existence. Singularity of absolute truth: Absolute truth is singular and immutable, regardless of the diversity in personal interpretations or expressions of it. Leo's words and truth: Leo's words are not the absolute truth but serve as pointers to provoke personal exploration and realization of truth in the viewer. Claiming to know absolute truth: Professing to know the absolute truth is not egotistical if it is based on genuine experience rather than conceptual knowledge. Warnings about truth: Caution is advised against those claiming proprietary knowledge of truth, and the concept of truth should not be reduced to mind or brain properties or mistaken for mere formlessness or cessation. Truth's evolving understanding: Recognizing that one's current comprehension of truth is sufficient for sharing but acknowledging there are deeper levels yet to be explored. Cessation and Formlessness: Leo describes that realization of the absolute truth doesn't necessitate cessation of experience; form and formlessness are identical. The relative domain is absolute truth disguised, indicating experiences and lack thereof are equally true aspects of reality. Awakening does not guarantee absolute truth: Awakening experiences, such as glimpsing no-self or realizing one's own non-reality, do not equate to full comprehension of absolute truth. Deeper exploration and multiple awakenings may be necessary to grasp its full extent. Necessity of altered consciousness for truth: Absolute truth can't be thought into existence; it requires a significant change in one's state of consciousness, potentially achievable through psychedelics, yoga, concentration, or meditation retreats. Confusion between absolute truth and beliefs: What one may consider absolute truth is often mistaken. Thoughts and conceptions are likely to be falsehoods masquerading as truth. Psychology and truth connection: Personal dissatisfaction and emotional issues result from a disconnection with the truth. Therapy and self-actualization are akin to strengthening oneself to bear the truth, suggesting that facing truth is a therapeutic process. Image 2 Practical importance of truth: Leo conveys that awareness of absolute truth is crucial for understanding one's true nature and leading a fulfilled life, emphasizing that material success does not resolve the fundamental disconnect from truth. Pursuit of truth over material success: Instead of seeking wealth or status, becoming a truth-seeker is posited as the ultimate means to reduce suffering and bring about profound personal change.'s role as a mental scaffold: The website serves as a temporary support structure to inspire self-discovery. Leo suggests using the provided resources as tools rather than dogma, to be discarded once their purpose is served. Flipendo
  4. Yo. Almost one of the best tips ever. I ate the shrooms and fresh lemon. become infinite nothingness, infinite love, infinite intelligence, and just nothing. it was beautiful I cried for good couple hours. Best thing to do for ego is to use over 5g. With lemon. We are leaving in the fucking heaven men. Heaven!!!
  5. All those dreams and needs will dissolve into nothingness. God doesn't consider them important, it puts them in you just because
  6. I would like to build upon this video: After a very good full day trip on multiple substances on Sunday. I felt kind of void on monday, not in a bad or positive way but just empty, restful. This feeling continued with multiple awakenings these days about nothingness and deconstruction. This morning, I realized I was going through an Ego Backlash, as I observed what was going on, I could see through all my life as a house of cards, and that all meaning was auto-generated. I kind of awoken out of a life purpose I never even had consciously built in the first place. So this, would be the question: How do you deal with a lack of meaning in life? After you have cleaned yourself up and just seen through all of it; how do you install new programs? Because the inertia just wants to install back again all the old stuff. I'm not a noob I know how it works, how homeostasis and decompressing will end up guiding the whole process, i've been here multiple times. Yet, I just feel I wanna hit while the iron is hot. Something can be learnt while in the midst of this that otherwise is unaccessible. I would also like to know more advanced tips about Ego Backlash. Tricks that you may have gathered in your journey, other than oh don't worry it will just pass and you will be back to normal in a few days or weeks. How do you masterfully deal with an Ego Backlash?
  7. Understanding Duality - Part 3 - Existential Dualities "In divinity, opposites are always reconciled." - Walter Miller Jr. Subjective vs Objective: Leo delves into the intricate misunderstanding of subjectivity and objectivity. Subjectivity encompasses our experiences, and the common perception of an objective universe including scientific measurements is also a subjective construct. Quantum mechanics revelations, emphasizing the observer's impact on the observed, highlight the union of observer, instrument, and phenomenon – leading to a radical understanding of subject and object as inherently intertwined aspects of experience. Esoteric vs Exoteric Religion: Leo contrasts materialistic and externalized religion (exoteric) with its inner and more profound counterpart (esoteric), insisting on the interconnection between the two. He explains that esoteric insights form the core that gives rise to the external practices of religion, urging an open-minded exploration to truly comprehend spiritual teachings and uncover the essence of religious figures like Jesus, Buddha, or Muhammad. Metaphysics vs Epistemology: The intimate relationship between being (metaphysics) and knowing (epistemology) is discussed, revealing that metaphysics is more fundamental. Leo suggests the act of knowing is deeply entangled with being, leading to the realization that to know something is to become it. This unveils the non-dual nature of existence, transcending the ordinary split between knowing and being into a unity where consciousness is both the observer and the observed. Chaos vs Order: Leo touches upon the interplay between chaos and order, explaining that they are inseparable and equally necessary. He introduces Chaos Theory, which brings forth the notion of inherent order within seemingly chaotic systems, challenging the notion of chaos as mere randomness and highlighting the intricate harmony of natural processes. Destruction vs Creation: The duality of destruction and creation is explored, rejecting the binary judgment of creation as good and destruction as bad. Leo discusses the necessity of destruction for new creation to take place, emphasizing the cyclical and interconnected nature of these processes in maintaining a harmonious balance in the universe. Circle of Life and Creation: The dynamic of destruction allowing for new creation is likened to tools that enable erasure and rework in art and technology. For example, an eraser on paper, or the 'undo' button in software like Adobe Photoshop. This feature reflects the necessity of destruction within the cycle of creation and how it ultimately leads to greater creations. Duality of Creation and Destruction: People often value creation but paradoxically despise destruction. Leo points out the hypocrisy in wanting to destroy destruction, highlighting that authentic creation (Creation with an uppercase 'C') encompasses both acts of creating and destroying. The Nature of Love: Love, as commonly perceived, is reduced to a lowercase 'l' love, which is selfish and conditional. In contrast, Leo describes God as absolute Love with an uppercase 'L', a quality that encapsulates all experiences and even what is conventionally seen as negative like hate or evil. Love as an Absolute: Transcending the duality of love vs. hate leads to the understanding that love is the very being of God and everything, even acts of hatred, are expressions of this all-encompassing love. Acknowledging this helps dissolve judgments and aligns with the realization that all is one. Alone vs. Together Duality: The feeling of being alone, even when with others, is rooted in the realization that all perceived others are extensions of the self. This sense of absolute aloneness underscores the non-duality belief that everything and everyone are parts of a singular, infinite being—that is, God or the Universe. Uniformity vs. Diversity: The apparent opposition between uniformity and diversity is reconciled in the concept of Diversity with an uppercase 'D'. This universal design ensures infinite diversity, reflecting the essence of God's nature to experience all forms of existence. Infinite Diversity: The universe, by design, seeks maximum diversity to allow God—the collective self—to experience every possible aspect of itself. This concept urges us to open our minds and hearts to the variety of life and understand love as encompassing all forms and expressions. Absolute Love and Diversity: The concept of absolute love is equivalent to appreciating the complete diversity of life and humanity. Recognizing this diversity helps one to find peace and let others be themselves without the need for change, criticism, or violence. Diversity as a Pillar of Peace: Appreciating the diversity within oneself and others lays the foundation for peace, as it allows for acceptance without the urge to judge or alter others, which can prevent acts of violence, including murder. Dumb vs. Intelligent Duality: Intelligence is not the prerogative of the human mind but is an omnipresent attribute of the universe. Everything, even what is deemed 'dumb', is part of an infinitely intelligent design. Intelligence as an Absolute: The universe's design, even in its simplest forms or creatures, embodies perfect function, indicating that the concept of 'dumb' is relative and intelligence is an intrinsic quality of all existence. Freedom and Limitation Interplay: Freedom, taken to the maximal extreme, implicitly allows the creation of limitations. Absolute freedom can paradoxically result in the most powerful entities imposing restrictions on others, highlighting the interconnectedness of freedom and limitation. Freedom as an Absolute: True freedom, or freedom with a capital 'F', encompasses both infinite freedom and infinite limitation. This concept is central to understanding existence or 'God' as a state of infinite freedom, which includes every form of limitation. Part vs. Whole Duality: Everything in existence is both a part and a whole simultaneously. Recognizing this leads to an understanding that there is no true separation between parts and wholes – all are 'holons' contributing to a singular interconnected existence. Holism of Existence: Through the lens of non-duality, distinctions between part and whole dissolve, leading to the realization of 'Wholeness', where every element is both a distinct part and a facet of a singular, unified entity. One vs. Many Perception: The demarcation between one entity and many is subjective and depends on observation. Transcending this duality leads to the realization that oneness includes infinite 'manynesses', forming a unified whole. Mundanity and Divinity as Non-Opposites: Mystical experiences reveal the divinity in what is commonly perceived as mundane. The objective of spiritual practice is to sustain the perception of everything as divine, blurring the line between the mundane and the divine. Mundane vs. Divine: Upon progressing in spirituality, one discovers that the mundane and the divine are one and the same. You recognize that divinity permeates everyday life, and it's a matter of consciousness to see it. The divine is not a separate realm but is present here and now in all things. Imminent vs Transcendent God: The debate on whether God is within the world or beyond it is reconciled by realizing that God is both imminent and transcendent. This understanding eradicates the false dichotomy, revealing that everything is God, including all creation. Holiness Misconceptions: Orthodox religious views often mistake holiness for exclusivity from unholiness. Leo elucidates that true holiness (with a capital H) is absolute, seeing everything as holy, since everything is a creation of God. Conscious vs Unconscious: Warning against the misleading duality of conscious versus unconscious, Leo explains that true consciousness (with a capital C) encompasses everything and has no opposite. What we perceive as unconscious is merely consciousness acting in a certain way. Knowing vs Not Knowing: The dichotomy between knowing and not knowing collapses into the recognition of an infinite mystery. Knowledge becomes a conceptual framework that pales in comparison to the irreducible mystery present in being. Meaningless vs Meaningful: A paradox in spiritual discovery is that understanding the absolute meaninglessness of the universe allows one to consciously create personal meaning. The greatest meaning arises from understanding that fundamentally, all meaning is created by us. Life vs Death: Leo posits that life and death are intimately connected, highlighting that to sustain life, death occurs as a necessity. He argues that life at any scale involves death and this duality can be transcended to understand "Life" with a capital L, indicating a more profound notion of existence. Concept of Death and Life: Death is an illusion and life, with a capital L, is omnipresent, transcending the duality between life and death. The universe is alive, thus even non-living molecules are part of life's omnipresence. This understanding prompts a reassessment of the origin of life in science. Mortality and Immortality as Dualities: Mortality is a misconception, as immortality with a capital I is the true nature of reality—without opposites. Realizing immortality is acknowledging one's eternal existence throughout all forms and formlessness. Real vs. Unreal Duality: The actual vs. unreal duality is a misconceived one. Recognizing that reality with a capital R has no opposite, leads to the understanding that everything, including myths like Santa Claus, has realness even if only as concepts or myths. Reality vs. Hallucination: Reality is synonymous with hallucination, as both are appearances without substance. The holistic perception of reality redefines everyday experiences and fantasies as indistinguishable, with both being forms of real experiences. Video Games and Reality: The distinction between reality and video games is unfounded; video games are also facets of reality. The future might see characters in games unable to discern if they are in a game or reality, similar to human perception of our existence. Being vs. Non-Being: Being is an absolute that encompasses all, including delusions and falsehoods. Every instance is being, making the duality of being and non-being invalid, with being existing across both actualities and potentialities. Actual vs. Potential Duality: The division between actual and potential or virtual is fallacious. God represents infinite potential, identical to infinite actualization; hence, everything potential becomes actual, and everything actual was once potential. Actual and Conceptual Reality: Concepts are also a form of actuality; thus, actual and conceptual are not separate but part of a unified reality. Self vs. World Duality: The self entity only exists due to the distinction made between the self and the non-self. Transcending this duality would result in a loss of ego and realizing oneself as everything, as God, leading to immortality, absolute existence, and infinity. Between Self and God: The divide between self and God collapses when one acknowledges that God is the world, and if the individual is also the world, then they are inherently God. This realization aligns with the collapse of dualities between the self, world, and others. God with a lowercase 'g' vs God with an uppercase 'G': Leo distinguishes between two versions of God—'God' as commonly discussed by most religious people, which is a concept, belief, or image, and 'God' as the ultimate absolute, ungraspable through beliefs or stories. This ultimate 'God' encompasses everything, including self with a capital 'S', leading to the realization that self is God, thus transcending the duality of self and God. Selfish vs Selfless: The duality between selfishness and selflessness can be transcended, revealing that absolute selflessness (with a capital 'S') is equivalent to being the self with a capital 'S'. This state of total selflessness results in an understanding of the self as empty, nothingness, or absolute subjectivity, before individual identities, meaning one is simultaneously everything and nothing. Meditation vs Life: Initial meditation practices may seem dualistic, confined to dedicated time slots, but with deepening practice and experience, the duality between meditation and ordinary life dissolves. Meditation becomes an ongoing, background state integrated into all aspects of existence, leading to a life lived as one seamless, constant meditation in all actions and moments. Existence vs Non-existence: Leo explains that existence and non-existence are not true opposites. By realizing that everything, including falsehoods and delusions, are part of existence, the illusion of non-existence is lifted. This enables the understanding of immortality, where you cannot truly die because you are intrinsically part of the eternal existence that cannot be negated or destroyed. Truth vs Falsehood: The duality of truth and falsehood is transcended when realizing that absolute Truth (with a capital 'T') includes everything in existence. Falsehoods occur within the domain of Truth, meaning they are not outside of existence or 'unreal'; they are simply manifestations within the broader scope of Truth. Truth, synonymous with consciousness or awareness, has no opposite. Duality vs Non-duality: Leo acknowledges the inherent duality created when discussing non-duality, as language and thought are intrinsically dualistic. There are two versions of non-duality: one with a lowercase 'n', which is still a concept within dualistic thinking, and one with an uppercase 'N', which represents the absolute. The transcendent absolute cannot be communicated through language; it must be directly experienced. Relative vs Absolute: The duality between the relative and the absolute truths reflects different perspectives on reality. The absolute Truth is the ultimate realization and eclipses the relative when fully embraced. However, one should appreciate both views, not excluding the relative experiences and truths that shape our everyday life, while also being aware of the ultimate absolute. Division vs Unity: In the pursuit of unity, some advocate for unity that excludes those who prefer division, but true Unity with an uppercase 'U' embraces division as part of itself. This inclusive Unity understands the interconnectedness of all aspects of reality and integrates them without rejecting or dividing any part. Unity and Division: Leo discusses that true unity (with an uppercase U) involves accepting the inevitability of division as a necessary and inherent aspect of reality. Sanity vs Insanity: Leo challenges the sharp distinction between sanity and insanity, suggesting that the boundary between them is not clear and that they often blur into each other, with societal conventions shaping our perceptions of what is considered sane. Psychedelics revealing the truth: He discusses how psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms can blur the line between sanity and insanity, leading to a frightening but enlightening experience that forces an individual to face the shocking truth that undermines conventional beliefs. Matter vs Spirit: Leo elucidates that what is commonly perceived as matter and spirit are not dichotomous. By transcending this dualism, one recognizes all phenomena as Spirit (with a capital S), which is the true nature of existence. Form vs Formlessness: Leo touches on the duality of form and formlessness and how deep awakening leads to the realization that they are identical, with form being formlessness and vice versa. Shiva and Shakti: He uses the Hindu concepts of Shiva (formlessness) and Shakti (form) to illustrate the nondual nature of reality, where both aspects are not just interconnected but fundamentally the same. Something vs Nothing and Zero vs Infinity: Leo explains that the dualities of something versus nothing, and zero versus infinity are fundamentally the same when transcended—each pair is identical at their absolute level. Finite vs Infinite and Limited vs Unlimited: These dualities are explored with the idea that true infinitude (with an uppercase I) includes all finite possibilities, and to be truly unlimited, one must also encompass limitations. Enlightened vs Unenlightened: Leo describes the transition from seeing enlightenment as distinct from unenlightenment to experiencing enlightenment (with an uppercase E) as an absolute state where the two are inseparable. God, Atheism, and The Devil: He articulates the non-duality between concepts of 'No God' and 'God', atheism and theism, and the devil and God—highlighting that they are all aspects of the same absolute reality, which encompasses all dualities. Polytheism vs. Monotheism: Leo discusses the misconception that polytheism and monotheism are opposing views. He clarifies that in true non-dual understanding, all gods within polytheism are unified under one absolute, formless Godhead, similar to concepts in Hinduism where multiple deities ultimately unify under Brahman. Temporal vs. Eternal: He differentiates between temporal and eternal, explaining that the present moment is actually eternal, existing outside of time. By understanding 'now' as eternal, one transcends the duality of temporality and eternality. Samsara vs. Nirvana: Leo addresses the Buddhist dualities of Samsara and Nirvana, emphasizing that they are not opposites but identical. Realizing Nirvana means recognizing it as ever-present rather than as a place of escape. Heaven vs. Hell: Leo speaks to the misconception that heaven and hell are dualistic opposites. He states that heaven is an absolute, omnipresent reality, whereas hell is a state created by the ego within the mind, even while one is in heaven. Final Thoughts on Dualities and Non-duality: In his conclusion, Leo underscores the radical, nuanced, and interdependent nature of dualities, highlighting that all phenomena labeled as reality are actually dualities. He stresses the importance of transcending the need to categorize reality into dualistic terms, something that is beyond language and thought. Understanding the Groundlessness of Reality: He shares the concept of the "groundless ground," which is the realization that reality is ultimately without an inherent ground, transcending all categorizations and dualities. Challenges of Communicating Non-Duality: He acknowledges that speaking about non-duality inherently turns the discussion dualistic and that contradictions and paradoxes are unavoidable in trying to express what is all-inclusive and infinite. Role of Maps and Models: Leo notes that all forms of formalization, including maps, models, and scientific equations, are finite attempts to describe an infinite reality. Therefore, they are useful but not comprehensive or absolute. Science and Finite Comprehension: He comments on the limitations of science in explaining reality, as it relies on finite theories and equations that cannot encapsulate the infinite. The Reality that Cannot be Defined: Leo reminds us that any attempt to define reality is limited because reality is everything and cannot be pinned down to a single characteristic. Admonition Against Dualistic Categories: He advises listeners not to be deceived by dualistic categories and claims of ultimate truth, emphasizing the importance of being skeptical and recognizing the impermanence of conceptual frameworks. Value of Categories in Navigation: Despite the limitations of categorization, Leo stresses that functionally created categories are necessary for effectively navigating life. Responsibility to Not Mistake Partial Truths for Total Truths: He points out that it is vital to understand the difference between partial and total truths, recognizing the role of categories without treating them as absolutes. Skillful Navigation of Categories: Leo emphasizes the need for awareness and skill in navigating, constructing, and deconstructing categories. He advises that his critiques of science, categories, or ideologies aim to encourage going beyond them and acknowledges their partiality and temporariness. Significance of Absolutes: Leo reminds listeners that concepts like Truth, Consciousness, and Love, when capitalized, refer to absolutes, which are beyond relative ideas. He stresses that practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and psychedelics can lead to conscious awareness of these absolutes beyond dualistic descriptions. Unifying Absolutes: Addressing potential confusion about the number of absolutes, Leo explains that the Absolute is simultaneously one and many, like a diamond with multiple facets. This unity can't be fully grasped by examining each part in isolation or by dividing it into fragments. The unification process involves a comprehensive understanding of the whole. Blind Men and the Elephant Parable: Leo uses this parable to illustrate how different perspectives can describe aspects of a single whole, suggesting that various absolutes are facets of one entity and stressing the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of these aspects. Existential Task of Unification: Leo urges individuals to take responsibility for societal and conceptual divisions they've created, encouraging a unification process that embraces all aspects of oneself, especially those one resists or hates. This process should maintain distinctions without falling into simplification or naivety. Exercise for Unification of Duality: Leo proposes an exercise where individuals must find a duality they have a preference for, acknowledge the interrelatedness of both sides, and consciously embrace both aspects as part of themselves, thereby broadening their understanding and transcending biases. Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue: Leo criticizes dogmatic religions that mistake beliefs in the absolute for the actual Absolute, leading to absolutist behavior and misunderstanding of evil. He highlights the importance of evolving beyond this stage to reduce the perpetuation of evil and societal collapse. Hyper Awareness of Dualities: Leo wants listeners to become highly aware of dualities in their thinking and to question and deconstruct categories as an intellectual exercise. This questioning should delve into the grounding of categories, revealing their foundation in nothingness, and recognizing how categories contain aspects of their opposites. Subjective Bias and Ideological Movements: People may have conflicting emotions towards ideologies like feminism, being ideologically against it while having a personal attraction to its contrary. It is crucial to recognize how these movements impact society positively, such as providing equal rights and protections for women. Perspective Shifting: Leo suggests contemplating how opposing sides of a duality could also possess positive qualities. If one views feminism negatively, they should consider its societal benefits, like advancing women's rights and legal protections, which could directly affect their own future offspring or themselves in another life. Emotional Attachment to Dualities: He encourages introspection to identify a personal emotional attachment to a particular side of a duality, highlighting that this clinging represents one's ego and delusion that must be worked through for true growth. Fundamental Dualities and Grounding Reality: Leo asks listeners to reflect on their most influential duality, whether it's self vs. world or matter vs. mind, and how they might be inaccurately grounding all of reality into this binary distinction. Limitations of Thought in Transcending Duality: He emphasizes that thought alone cannot transcend duality and access the absolute. Instead, thinking should be a starting point, leading to meditation, concentration, yoga, and psychedelics to access a deeper understanding. Psychedelic Practice and Duality Contemplation: For psychedelic users, Leo recommends contemplating and focusing on a specific duality during trips. This practice can deepen understanding and provide a roadmap for future personal growth experiences. Challenges in Understanding Dualities: Surmounting dualities is presented as a lifelong quest and the very reason for existence, to understand oneself as God. Leo warns against underestimating the depth of these topics and the need for direct experience beyond conceptual understanding. Skepticism and Empirical Verification: Leo urges listeners to not take his words at face value but to verify them through personal experiments and experiences, highlighting the empirical nature of his teachings on duality. Continuing Education and Community Interaction: He promotes his educational resources, such as his blog and online life purpose course, and encourages active participation in his forum for further learning and exploration. Dedication to Spiritual Development: Leo conveys that understanding duality and non-duality is not an easy or quick process but requires time, effort, and dedication, equivalent to building a massive skyscraper, and one should prepare for the investment it entails. Motivation for Profound Personal Growth: He motivates listeners to maintain their dedication, despite potential struggles, with the reminder that the journey aims towards profound goals such as omniscience, immortality, and total God realization. Overwhelm and Incremental Learning: Acknowledging the vastness of the subjects he covers, Leo advises newcomers to approach learning incrementally and be patient as the journey unfolds, emphasizing that there is always more to learn and discover. Fidelius Charm
  8. Becoming God - Insights From 13 Back-to-Back Awakenings Summarizing Leo's Awakenings: Leo recaps his intense 30-day solo meditation retreat, detailing 13 sequential awakenings, each deeper than the last. Despite initial boredom and lack of results, the retreat proved to be the most productive period for his personal growth, culminating in profound insights and a major identity shift. Progression of Consciousness: He elaborates on the use of 5-MeO-DMT over the final 15 days of the retreat, which led to extraordinary trips, vastly surpassing previous levels of consciousness and awakening. His experiences led him to believe that he reached states of awareness rarely achieved by human beings. Realization of Being God: A critical revelation for Leo was recognizing that he is God, in a profound and complete sense. This enlightenment went beyond intellectual understanding to a cellular and experiential level, involving the realization of eternal creation and the structure of God as an infinitely intelligent, powerful, and loving existence. Depth and Complexity of Awakening: Leo emphasizes the complexity and depth of awakening, asserting that any framework simplifying it into stages fails to capture the totality. Each awakening felt complete, yet the next one would seem even more so, creating a challenge in recognizing the endpoint of full comprehension. Shift from Human to God Identity: The transition from seeing oneself as a human to fully accepting oneself as God was intensely transformative. Leo insists that any spiritual teaching that doesn't guide towards this realization of godhood is insufficient. Exploration of God's Mechanism: He advocates for higher spiritual teachings that involve recognizing oneself as God, delving into God's infinity and nothingness, and understanding the mechanics and logic behind God's existence. Leo feels that this depth is often overlooked or undercommunicated by many spiritual teachers. Evolving Understanding and Future Exploration: With numerous insights that he feels have yet to be fully articulated by other spiritual teachers, Leo is committed to sharing his advanced understandings and continuing to explore and experiment with the nature of consciousness and awakening. Limitations of Meditation and Self-Inquiry: Leo concludes that traditional meditation and self-inquiry fall far short of the profound levels of consciousness he accessed with 5-MeO-DMT. Despite their value, these techniques alone couldn't provide the deep realizations he achieved. The Unmatched Potency of 5-MeO-DMT: Leo expresses astonishment at the potency of 5-MeO-DMT and its unparalleled ability to facilitate deep consciousness and clarity, surpassing other psychedelics like LSD and mushrooms in its capacity to reveal the nature of God. Proper Application of 5-MeO-DMT: He emphasizes the importance of a correct approach with 5-MeO-DMT for profound experiences. Leo plans to share his insights on the 'proper way' to use it, implying many practitioners do not experience its full potential due to misuse. Transformation Through Psychological Challenges: Amidst his metaphysical awakening experiences, Leo encountered psychological trips that confronted him with personal issues impeding his understanding of God, such as his tendency to lie and be inauthentic. Authenticity as the Path to Truth: Detailing a trip centered on truth and authenticity, Leo explains how he faced his lifelong pattern of dishonesty. He states that embodying God's nature requires embracing truth, as God has no fear and does not need to lie. Impact of Psychological Realizations: Through confronting his lack of authenticity, the very next day Leo experienced a massive metaphysical awakening, suggesting addressing psychological barriers is crucial for further spiritual breakthroughs. Qualifiers of His Teachings: While Leo shares his spiritual realizations, he advises practitioners to continue meditation and other practices, especially if they lack access to psychedelics. He acknowledges varying degrees of awakening and does not disparage other teachers or teachings. Incorporating a Religious Tone: Leo explains that his teachings will assume a religious tone as he fully acknowledges his godliness. He clarifies this is not about converting to standard religious beliefs, but an honest expression of his experience—that reality is divine and good. Recognition of Divine Reality: Leo positions the awakening to the divinity of reality as a transformation akin to a religious conversion, shifting one's life to align with the absolute goodness and divine nature of existence. Oneness with the Fractal Universe: Leo experiences the sensation of being God within a fractal universe that extends infinitely in every direction, forming and residing within the eternal explosion of reality. Heaven as Present Reality: Leo rejects the traditional notion of heaven as a far-off realm, instead equating heaven to the very moment and surroundings one is in, insisting that everything people see and experience is directly created by them and God. The Psychological Barrier to Heaven: He discusses the idea that heaven and hell are states of mind rather than locations, emphasizing that an ego-driven mind prevents individuals from realizing they're already in heaven, thus creating their own psychological hell. Eternal Presence of Every Moment: Leo introduces the concept that each moment of existence is eternal, much like frames on a movie reel, suggesting that every moment, including our earliest memories, coexists simultaneously in an eternal "frozen explosion." Infinity in All Things: Leo highlights that every object, down to the details of our fingers, embodies an infinite fractal, with each object always positioned at the center of infinity, reinforcing the notion that infinity is not only about numbers but exists in all aspects of reality. Purposefulness of Creation: He expounds on his realization that reality is not a random occurrence but a precise and intentional creation by an infinitely intelligent and powerful God, with physical laws, evolution, and patterns being elements of this deliberate design. Unlimited Nature of God: Leo discusses the qualities of God as having no limitations, existing beyond physical and logical laws, emphasizing this unlimited nature to define the power, intelligence, and consciousness of God. Implications of God's Unlimited Power: Describing an unlimited, all-powerful entity capable of willing anything into existence, Leo suggests that such beings can create realities that are infinitely intelligent and good, and that humans, in their truest, most unlimited form, would do the same. The Unlimited Nature of Reality: Reality is described as an expression of infinite intelligence, goodness, and beauty created out of selflessness and love. What appears as negative or harmful events are, in actuality, parts of a meticulously designed universe that works for the greater good of all. Illusion of Randomness in the Universe: Leo suggests that nothing in the universe is arbitrary or random; every detail is part of a grand design that interconnects all elements. This design is beyond the capacity of a limited human intellect to fully comprehend. Myopic Human Perspective: Humans often judge events like tragedies from a narrow, self-centered view, not taking into account the vast interconnectedness of all events. Leo argues that what may seem as negative events to us play a necessary role in the optimal functioning of the universe as designed by an all-intelligent force. Necessity of Negative Events: Even events perceived as deeply negative, such as mass shootings, are seen as having a place in the grand design of the universe. Leo claims that the removal of such events would, counterintuitively, lead to a worse overall creation from the perspective of infinite intelligence. Design Challenges and the Infinite Universe: Leo draws parallels between human design challenges — like creating a website or engineering a product — and the infinitely more complex design of the universe. Every part of the universe, he argues, is connected through an intricate web of causation that results in a flawless design by what is understood as God. Understanding Causation: Leo unfolds the concept of chains of causation, illustrating how every occurrence or decision can be traced back to an interconnected series of causes and effects stretching back through history and into the fabric of the universe itself, highlighting the complexity of universal design. Infinite Chains of Causation: Each object or event is connected to an infinite number of other events, demonstrating the interconnected nature of the universe. The example of a butterfly's existence being influenced by countless factors both minute and cosmic is used to illustrate this concept. The Role of Design in Understanding Reality: Leo suggests that when one grasives the difficulty of designing even simple objects, they can begin to appreciate the profound design of the universe. Everything, from the gravity affecting a butterfly to the chain of decisions leading to wearing a white shirt, reveals an intelligent, infinite causation at work. Science and Causation: Leo points out that scientific analysis typically only addresses simple linear causation chains, like "A causes B causes C." This approach neglects the complex and interconnected nature of multiple causation chains that operate within even the simplest actions, like flexing a finger. Limitations of Scientific Understanding: He emphasizes that while science is not false, it is extremely partial. Science fails to consider the holistic design and integration of chains of causation, which ripple through each other and contribute to the universe's intricate workings. Where science does touch upon this, as in chaos theory and fractals, it reveals some of its own limitations. Reality's Design Challenge: Leo posits that the design of reality - which he considers pure goodness - could only be the work of an infinite, all-powerful, and all-intelligent entity. He suggests that "God" met this design challenge instantly, thanks to being unlimited in power, but humans struggle to see the intricacies due to selfishness and a lack of consciousness. Good vs Evil in God's Design: Responding to questions about the presence of evil in the world, Leo clarifies that, in his view, God did not create bad things, only good. He reasons that infinite intelligence and selflessness would not allow for the creation of anything bad or evil; such perceptions are due to human limitations and fears, including the fear of death. Absolute Goodness of Existence: Leo reinforces the idea that whatever exists is for the greater good of all, as existence itself is absolute goodness. He explains that humans often fail to see this because they are looking from a myopic, self-centred perspective, concerned with individual, rather than cosmic, good. The Problem of Human Perspective: He expands on how the narrow focus of individuals on their personal benefit obscures the appreciation of the universe’s absolute goodness and intelligent design. Humans often fail to understand the interconnectedness and perfect alignment of every aspect of existence. Existence vs Non-Existence: Leo challenges the concept of non-existence by stating that everything that is perceivable or conceivable exists in some form, whether as an actual entity or as a concept. He suggests that non-existence is an illusion and that even the idea of non-existence exists within the realm of existence. Infinity and Pure Intelligence: He separates the traditional idea of intelligence from what he refers to as "pure intelligence," which he equates with consciousness, truth, and love. Leo explains that consciousness is infinitely intelligent and that God, or pure consciousness, manifests effortlessly into form, as observed when examining one's own hand. Understanding the Universe: Leo shares his conviction that after rigorous spiritual practice, an individual can become fully conscious of the reasons for existence and the workings of the universe, which to him are designed with pure intelligence and love, contrary to the notions of randomness suggested by interpretations of quantum mechanics. Pursuit of Metaphysical Understanding: He encourages those with a philosophical bent and deep curiosity about the universe to continue questioning and seeking understanding, which he believes is attainable through persistent effort, beyond logical reasoning or traditional studies, and may involve transformative practices like psychedelics. Interconnection of Love and Truth: Leo reflects on the insight that love and truth are synonymous, expressing that everything occurring right now is both an act of love and the ultimate truth. This realization, accessed through profound experiences, implies a highly idealistic view of existence that may appear unrealistically good from a typical human standpoint. Open-Mindedness in Spiritual Practice: Leo insists on the importance of persevering in the exploration of spirituality without ceasing prematurely. The further one explores, the more one realizes the infinite goodness at the end of the journey. Embodiment of Goodness: After realizing the infinite goodness, the next step Leo sees for himself is to become a living example of this goodness, aligning his life with it to bring positive transformation to the world. No Claim to Superior Enlightenment: Leo clarifies that he is not claiming to be the most enlightened person, but acknowledges he has accessed rare spiritual experiences that are challenging to attain, which he considers himself fortunate to have experienced. Continuous Work Towards Awakening: Leo conveys that despite his experiences, he does not consider himself fully awake or enlightened, and still has a significant path ahead to achieve full awakening and liberation. Integration of Spiritual and Ordinary Life: He discusses the paradoxical nature of spiritual highs, which exist alongside ordinary life with all its mundane challenges and frustrations, such as financial concerns and daily annoyances. Ongoing Struggle with Ego: Leo admits to still dealing with human limitations such as bad habits, fears, and a sense of ego that continues to cause suffering, part of the human experience that he shares with everyone. Distinction Between Awakening and Liberation: He differentiates between having an awakening experience and achieving constant god consciousness or total liberation, with the latter being much more difficult to maintain and the true aim of his spiritual journey. Passion for Spiritual Work: Leo shares his increasing passion for continuing the work of integrating his spiritual insights, and his goal to internalize these insights in a more organic and authentic manner, fully surrendering to the divine within. Holistic Approach to Spirituality: He stresses the need for spirituality to become a natural part of life, fully integrated into every action and being lived in an authentic, organic way. Authenticity and Transformation: Leo emphasizes his desire to be more authentic in his life and teaching, to work on embodying his insights more deeply, and to communicate them in a pure and powerful way. Upcoming Teachings and Insights: He outlines plans to share his progress and insights, tweaking and upgrading his teachings based on his evolving understanding. Natural Evolution of Teaching: Leo explains his approach to teaching will become more embodied and less technical, though he will continue to provide analytical content. A New Chapter Toward Total Liberation: He reveals his transition from focusing on business success to pursuing total awakening and liberation, expecting this journey to take several years, and expressing uncertainty yet openness about what lies beyond this pursuit. Inspiration for Others to Seek Awakening: Lastly, Leo hopes to inspire listeners to embark on their own spiritual journies, assuring that his revelations are meant to serve as a catalyst for others to seek similar experiences. Confundo
  9. What Is God - Part 2 - Clear Answers To 70+ Commonly Asked Questions "We are small pieces of God's mental apparatus." - Freeman Dyson Leo's clarification on being part of God: Leo establishes that depending on one's interpretation of 'you', an individual can be both a part of God and God themselves. In the conventional sense, 'you' refers to a part of God, but the deeper sense of self, realized through awakening practices, is God in its entirety. God's nature as tricky: Leo elaborates that God's nature requires trickery because reality itself is born of illusion. The physical world is a persistent disguise of God's true formlessness, which makes it challenging to recognize God in everyday experiences that we often take for granted. Experiencing God: Leo posits that individuals are constantly experiencing God but aren't aware of it because such awareness isn't necessary for survival. Noticing God requires becoming conscious of the truth that everything, including mundane objects and actions, is God. God's hiddenness: Leo addresses why God appears hidden by explaining that God's trickery is a creative necessity. The deceptive nature of God allows the experience of different forms and realities from formlessness. Recognizing God's true form would hinder practical human pursuits due to the realization of the illusory nature of concepts like money and material success. Claims about God and their falsifiability: Leo argues that God is the elemental truth and, as such, isn't subject to falsification in the traditional scientific sense. God's claims are verifiable through personal experience, and realization of this truth is self-validating. The burden of proof: Leo suggests that the burden of proof lies on individuals to discover and understand the truth of God, instead of it being something external that needs to be demonstrated or proved scientifically. He emphasizes that knowing God requires a more profound, introspective form of knowledge and understanding. Power of self-deception and God's capabilities: Leo emphasizes the absolute nature of self-deception, equating it to God's power. He asserts that God has the power to deceive itself into believing it is not God and, conversely, the power to awaken from that deception, illustrating the duality of God's capability. Rebuttal to 'God of the gaps' argument: Leo dismisses the 'God of the gaps' argument, explaining that while science aims to demystify reality, it will never succeed entirely because reality's infinite nature eludes complete understanding. For Leo, God embodies the mysterious 'gap' or nothingness that unifies all appearances. Differences between atheism and God as 'nothing': Addressing the materialist's stance on reality, Leo outlines the practical distinctions between his concept of 'nothing' as God and the atheistic view of non-existence. He lists multiple points where atheists' understanding diverges, such as reality being subjective, human beings as non-existent entities, and the sentient, intelligent nature of reality. Atheism's shortcomings in comprehending reality: Leo critiques the atheistic worldview, pointing out that it fails to recognize the subjective, relative nature of reality, the non-existence of humans as separate entities, the mechanistic view of reality, and the illusion of physical properties like time, space, and matter. Limitations and capabilities of consciousness: Atheists don't understand that their skepticism and doubts are tied to their current state of consciousness, which can change. Leo highlights the notion that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain and that science has epistemic limits when trying to understand God or paranormal phenomena. Paranormal phenomena and the nature of God: Leo argues that atheists ignore the existence of paranormal activities, underestimate science's potential to answer all questions, and don't recognize that they are God, part of an infinite reality with no physical limits. Impossibility of God being a hallucination: Finally, Leo clarifies that direct consciousness of God cannot be a hallucination or delusion. Realizing God as the absolute truth leaves no room for misinterpretation as it doesn't rely on language, symbols, or perception. God as absolute truth: The concept of hallucination and delusion arises when the mind thinks rather than directly interfaces with absolute truth. When one is fully conscious of absolute truth, the idea of God as a hallucination is not applicable because in that state, there’s no room for doubt or the perception of hallucination. Experiencing God beyond the brain: When taking 5-MeO-DMT, reality is flipped inside out to the extent that the concept of having a brain or chemicals is forgotten. Leo emphasizes that in this state, 5-MeO-DMT is not a brain state, chemical, or neurotransmitter; it's a direct experience of God, which one must undergo to understand its profundity. Psychedelics as a pathway to truth: Skeptics question the validity of psychedelic experiences, but Leo argues that consciousness is all-powerful and can create any experience, including the realization of absolute truth. Leo invites doubters to partake in breakthrough psychedelic experiences to understand this personally. Understanding the meta-truth of God: Leo refutes the idea that God could just be part of a computer simulation, emphasizing that God is the ultimate realization of absolute infinity. He uses the concept of nested matrices to explain the scope of God – an infinite recursion of realities, indicating that all of existence is a hallucination, which psychedelics can help reveal. Infinity beyond God debunked: Leo addresses the idea of something existing beyond God by explaining that God is equivalent to "everything" and "totality," enveloping all potential aspects of existence. This realization, once reached, leaves nothing more to understand, and the concept of totality precludes the existence of anything outside of God. God cannot be a mere component: Leo clarifies that God cannot be just a part or product of something else, like a computer simulation, because God encompasses all possible phenomena. The notion of a computer simulation is a finite concept within the infinitude that is God. God's self-creation explained: Leo discusses how God interacts solely with itself, imposing self-limitations in the form of physical reality to create the potential for experience and surprise. This necessity is why there can only be one absolute infinity, representing true totality. God's capacity to create limitations: God incarnates in various forms, each with its limitations to experience existence. For instance, humans can lift certain rocks but not others, demonstrating God's self-imposed limitations. The formless Godhead, being infinite potential, cannot engage in such actions and must express itself through forms. God and self-destruction: God, in its formless state or as the Godhead, cannot be destroyed since destruction only applies within the realm of form. Although incarnated forms of God, such as humans, can experience destruction, the formless Godhead remains eternally intact. Formlessness and impermanence of forms: God, as formless, is eternal, but incarnates into forms such as humans or stars, which are transient and can be destroyed, like a star by a black hole or a person by jumping off a building. Overcoming confirmation bias in spiritual experiences: Leo discusses how genuine spiritual experiences shatter existing conceptual understandings and offer truths that are self-validating and often shocking, despite previous exposure to similar ideas. Denial of specific religious affiliations: Leo clarifies that he is not covertly adhering to any religion such as Christianity or Buddhism. His teachings are based on direct awakening experiences, not on a desire for God to be real or preexisting religious beliefs. Certainty vs. humility in speaking about God: Leo addresses the perceived arrogance of speaking with certainty about God. He explains that absolute truth is known without doubt once realized and expresses this truth without false humility. Possibility of misunderstanding God: Leo acknowledges the potential for misinterpretation or false experiences of God. He defends his understanding by referencing consistent awakening experiences, cross-referencing spiritual texts, and an openness to reevaluating his insights. Rejecting the notion of unknowability in spirituality: Leo counters the idea that asserting 'we don't know' is more scientific or humble. When true knowledge or realization of God is obtained, claiming ignorance would be dishonest, and one must remain open to astounding insights. Non-existence of evil from God's perspective: Leo argues that evil is a human projection based on survival, not an absolute reality. From God's universal viewpoint, there is no evil or suffering, just the perfect manifestation of existence. Perfect nature of the world from a higher perspective: The world, despite apparent imperfections when perceived through ego, is seen as perfect from God's higher perspective. Analogies of movie watching and rollercoaster rides illustrate the subjective experience of suffering and the illusory nature of evil. Absence of duty towards God: Since humans are embodiments of God, there is no duty to worship or pray. Leo suggests the real duty lies in awakening and raising awareness oneself, rather than adhering to traditional religious practices. Leo's certainty and the nature of absolute truth: Asserting knowledge of God, Leo shares that with direct experience, there's an undeniable certainty about this absolute truth, contrasting it with the nature of scientific knowledge and speculation. Rollercoaster and skydiving experience as an analogy for God’s interaction with human life: Leo compares human existence and the thrills and fears it brings to a rollercoaster ride or a skydiving experience. He suggests that as God incarnates into human experiences, it deliberately places itself into various situations, which, while sometimes terrifying or uncomfortable, also offer exhilaration and a form of enjoyment akin to the ultimate virtual reality, such as described in the movie "The Matrix." Skydiving as a metaphor for confronting fear and questioning life choices: Leo recounts his personal skydiving experience as a metaphor for life’s moments of intense questioning and fear of one's chosen path. He relates to the jarring realization during free fall that one may never choose to face such a terrifying situation again, representing moments of existential questioning that arise during human life. The addictive nature of excitement and suffering in human experience: Leo points out that humans instinctively seek excitement as well as the paradoxical allure of suffering. He suggests that people secretly enjoy their suffering and even might not wish to relinquish it, as it is a crucial part of their experience and identity. Unconditional love of God and non-judgment: Addressing the question of why God wouldn't judge actions such as murder or rape, Leo explains that God is all-loving and does not judge because it embodies every possible experience, including those we label as negative. Judgments of good and bad originate from the ego's perspective and serve the purpose of survival and identity defense rather than a divine perspective. The radical nature of God's love and the human perspective: Leo describes God's love as too radical for human beings to embody because it extends to everything in existence, contrasting with humans' selective love constrained by survival and defense of identity and moral constructs. God's relationship with evil and hate: Leo argues that evil and hate, as understood by humans, only exist as a perspective of the ego. To experience these emotions, God incarnates into limited forms such as human beings. From God’s ultimate perspective, it loves all aspects of creation, including those seen as evil or hateful. The nature of mainstream religion: Leo explains that mainstream religions are limited by the cognitive development of the times they were created and are often filled with metaphors and stories that cater to the understanding of those eras. Hence, they may seem confusing and diluted compared to direct experiences and teachings about God. The origin and dilution of religious teachings: He goes on to discuss how the teachings of enlightened individuals like Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad, when passed down through less enlightened individuals and over extended periods, are subject to misinterpretation and dilution. God, evil, and the Devil: Leo clarifies that God is responsible for all creations, including those perceived as evil, as there is nothing outside of God. He explains the concept of the Devil as God’s incarnation experiencing separation, ego, and survival mechanisims—"the Devil" is another form through which God experiences itself. Challenges of straightforwardly explaining God: Finally, Leo addresses the challenges faced by mainstream religions in explaining God in a straightforward manner, attributing these to historical cognitive limits, cultural metaphors, and the distorting effects of interpreting and recording religious teachings over time. Adaptation of religious teachings: Religious teachings often involve moral codes like defining right and wrong or lawful and unlawful. These were advanced for their time and served as a form of legal and moral infrastructure before the establishment of countries and legal systems. Corruption of spirituality by ego: Spiritual teachings and religions can be co-opted by the ego for its purposes. Rulers and nation-states have historically used religion to control masses and justify wars, leading to the spread of confusion, delusion, and egotism. Challenges in codifying and spreading God's realization: The personal and subjective nature of realizing God makes it difficult to codify and mass distribute this knowledge through books or videos without misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Differentiating dated teachings from timeless wisdom: In studying religious texts like the Bible, it is important to distinguish outdated practices from enduring wisdom. Some archaic teachings must be recognized as products of their time and not applicable today. Commonalities across diverse religions: Despite the surface disagreements, various religions share a significant amount of core teachings, emphasizing the importance of direct experience and mystical insight to discern universal truths and recognize commonalities. Integration of religions: The modern idea of integrating religions to understand their common essence contrasts with the traditional perspective where each religion aimed at a monopoly on truth. An integral approach can help resolve superficial disagreements. Evidence of spiritual truths across history: The consistent mention of spirituality and God across all human history and cultures, often reflecting common themes, suggests there's more to it than mere superstition, mass delusions, or groupthink. Misconceptions regarding religion: Religion's historical involvement in conflicts doesn’t negate the personal discovery of God. Technology and other societal elements also contribute to wars, separating the potential misuse of religion from the experience of God. Usage of the word 'God': Despite misunderstandings, the term 'God' effectively captures the divine experience. Using non-specific terms might dilute the extraordinary aspect of the experience. Interpretation of religious visions: Visions of deities or religious figures during mystical experiences are symbolic interpretations by the mind, influenced by cultural and personal backgrounds. These are not arguments against God but reflective of cultural filters. Authenticity of spiritual teachings: No spiritual tradition has a monopoly on God or spirituality. Truths about God existed long before contemporary spiritual traditions and are global rather than exclusive to any specific region or culture. Understanding religious differences: To discern the underlying unity in various religious teachings, one must approach them with direct experience and mystical insights, rather than solely through intellectual study. Leo Gura's perspective on cultural interpretations of God: Leo notes that different cultures, such as Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and ancient Greeks and Egyptians, all have knowledge of God. He emphasizes that no single culture has a monopoly on the truth about God; these insights are accessible across cultures and history. Buddhism and the concept of God: Despite common misconceptions, Leo explains that Buddhism does have a concept of God. Buddhism’s "God" is expressed as No-Self, Buddha Mind, the Dharmakaya, Nirvana, etc. He clarifies that the difference between Buddhist No-Self and Hindu Self is a matter of degrees in awakening, not different endpoints. Experience versus direct consciousness of God: Leo uses the term "experience" loosely when discussing God, suggesting that "being" or "direct consciousness" is more accurate. He advises expanding the notion of experience to include these ideas. He also discusses integrating the direct consciousness of the formless God with earthly experiences to recognize that everyday existence is, in fact, an instance of God. The need for cross-referencing sources: Leo highlights the importance of validating one's spiritual experiences through high-quality, diverse scriptures and teachings. This helps to guard against self-deceit and ensure interpretations are consistent with established wisdom. Why not commit suicide to become God: Addressing the notion of suicide to become God, Leo argues for valuing one's current incarnation and the experiences it offers. He promotes early enlightenment to fully appreciate and live one's life rather than postponing realization until death. Existence in the presence of the all-knowing God: Leo explains how God sets up scenarios to forget and then remember itself, suggesting that the formless God understands itself by incarnating in various forms, including human life, and experiencing different aspects of existence. Realization of diverse forms of God: He talks about God's need to manifest in innumerable forms, including humans, fish, or galaxies, throughout time. This process allows God to fully experience and understand what it means to be God across the entirety of existence. Nature of God's self-knowledge: God doesn't fully know itself until it lives through its manifestations; self-realization occurs through direct experience. Purpose of discussing God: Talking about God is to make people aware of their potential to realize God, transform their lives, and overcome suffering and delusion with techniques to actualize this realization, while noting the pitfalls along the spiritual path. Utility of spiritual teachings: Repetitive teachings serve to inspire and solidify understanding; they motivate individuals to practice until realization, and guide post-awakening development and application in the world. Compatibility of science with understanding God: Current science, based on concepts and symbols, cannot comprehend God, which is beyond symbolism. However, science may evolve to include mysticism and non-symbolic methods such as first-person experiences and psychedelics. Science recognizing God: Future science could acknowledge concepts like absolute infinity or nothingness after integrating mysticism, departing from traditional materialism. Transformation of modern science: Science must adopt a more mystical perspective, acknowledging truths beyond conceptual understanding, for a holistic comprehension of reality. Integration of science and spirituality: By redefining science and mysticism, cultural barriers can dissolve, leading to a closer merger and new understandings in both fields. Science's role in reality beyond the mind: Science will need to accept aspects of reality that are beyond the mind and traditional materialistic proof to truly advance. Potential synergy of science and spirituality: Future collaboration between science and spirituality is expected to lead to revolutionary advancements, benefiting both fields. Loneliness of God: The formless Godhead does not feel loneliness. Still, incarnated forms like humans can, even though ultimate realization quells the sense of loneliness despite intrinsic aloneness. Varied curiosity about God: Differences in metaphysical curiosity may stem from brain types, genetics, environmental upbringing, and exposure to spiritual concepts during formative years. Curiosity about God penetrates the surface of reality and can disrupt established worldviews. Mechanism of God's creation: God's creation has no mechanism; the universe spontaneously exists without cause and effect chains or mathematical rules. Reality simply "is," a challenge for materialists to grasp without a shift in perspective. Mechanism of Creation and Cause-Effect Chains: Materialists resist the realization that the universe appears without mechanisms or mathematical equations; it manifests spontaneously as an indivisible miracle. Understanding the Fundamental Nature of Existence: Instead of seeking ultimate particles like quarks as explanations, Leo suggests treating the present moment as fundamental with no underlying mechanism. Eternal Nature and Self-Creation of God: God is eternal but is also in a constant state of self-creation. God, as formless, has always existed, and as form, is creating every moment anew. Impossibility of God Being an Alien or AI: God cannot be an AI or alien as these are finite forms within the totality that God is. God encompasses everything, not limited to any form or entity. God, Evolution, and Continuous Creation: God is both eternal and evolving. Evolution in a traditional sense and God's continual creation process are essentially the same, happening within God's mind. Reconciliation of Darwinian Evolution with God: Leo argues that traditional evolution occurs within God's design, implying a directed, intelligent process rather than random mutation and natural selection. Reasons for Undesirable Life Experiences: Individuals have the power to change their lives. Difficult life situations are part of God experiencing all forms of life, and spiritual awakening allows one to navigate these gracefully. Possibility of Constant God Awareness: Sahaja Samadhi is the permanent awareness of God in everyday life, a state beyond peak experiences or meditative moments. Difficulty of Permanent Awakening: Full realization of God takes time and effort due to the tremendous scope of absolute truth and the need to deconstruct long-standing illusions. Challenges in Realizing God: The struggle to realize God stems from deep-rooted survival mechanisms driving behavior, thus conflicts arise when one pursues the formless nature of God, which opposes survival instinct. Deconstructing the Illusion of Life: Truly understanding and maintaining the realization of God requires active deconstruction of life’s illusions, allowing one not to fall back into the hypnotic seduction of dualistic existence. Challenge of realizing God: Realizing God is difficult due to deeply ingrained habits and the brain's slow process of change. Neurons need time to rewire to alter behaviors and habits, impacting one's ability to sustain mystical insights. Ease of realizing God: Paradoxically, realizing God can also be simple. Theoretically, if one were to sit in isolation for 30 days with absolute stillness of mind and body, they could become conscious of God by the end of the period. However, this level of stillness in practice is extremely difficult to achieve. Commitment to the spiritual journey: The difficulty in realizing God significantly decreases with a serious, focused commitment. The likelihood of realization within a short timeframe, like a month, increases dramatically when an individual dedicates themselves fully and without distractions. Balancing spirituality with family and career: It is possible to realize God while maintaining family and career commitments. However, it's advisable to stagger these pursuits to prevent being overwhelmed. In India, certain schools of spirituality offer techniques that householders can use alongside their family and career responsibilities. Visualization as a method to realize God: Visualization practices from Tantra yoga and Tibetan Buddhism can be powerful, concentrating the mind intensely on a deity to facilitate a non-dual mystical experience. Yet, one must take care not to become overly attached to the representation to break through to the formless aspect of God. Pursuing God at a young age: One is never too young to start thinking about God or spirituality. It is possible to realize God as a teenager or in the early 20s. However, it is equally important to focus on practical skills and responsibilities, balancing spiritual development with other aspects of life. Experiencing God at different cognitive stages: People at all stages of cognitive development can experience God, but the interpretation will depend on their level. Higher cognitive stages allow for a more holistic understanding and ease the process of mystical experience and proper interpretation. God's need for self-realization: God itself does not have a need for self-realization and is content with all forms of existence. However, as humans, when we awaken, we can experience and understand our divine nature, something not possible for non-conscious forms. God as personal and impersonal: God is both personal and impersonal. While the Godhead lacks human traits and is impersonal, it is personal in the sense that it experiences itself as humans with uniquely human qualities. God's involvement in human lives: The passive Godhead by nature does not manipulate lives actively; however, as the manifest form of God, it can be seen as steering lives through human thoughts, emotions, and actions. God's agenda or plan: In essence, God has no particular agenda or plan; its purpose is in existence itself. Yet from a human perspective, it seems that the universe is on an evolutionary path towards greater complexity and self-awareness. God as a complex singularity: Leo imagines a future where God experiences life through various forms, feels emotions like humans, and processes information with supercomputing capabilities, all interconnected into an ultimate singularity. Pantheism vs. Panentheism: Both pantheism (everything is God) and panentheism (everything is inside of God) are true in non-duality. The distinction is seen as trivial since the formlessness of God (panentheism) is not different from the forms (pantheism), creating a paradoxical overlap. Mankind's discovery of God: Likely, humans have had knowledge of God for over 450,000 years. Leo speculates that the early spiritual awareness arose from a lack of distractions, meditative lifestyles, natural spiritual gifts, use of psychedelics, and possibly shamanistic practices among early human ancestors. God's incarnation as individuals: God embodies every form simultaneously, so one's unique human form is just one among countless expressions of God. Leo stresses not to take personal form too seriously as God experiences everything at once. Reasons for God creating diverse life: The variety of life forms, like humans and animals, allows God to experience rich complexities and emotions, contributing to an ongoing evolution towards greater complexity and depth of experience. Utilization of God's realization by humans: While the ego might seek to use the realization of God for material gains, deeper purposes include elevating humanity's consciousness, teaching, improving personal faculties, and nurturing conscious growth in all aspects of life. Special powers from realizing God: Realizing God may lead to paranormal abilities or 'siddhis' due to spiritual awakening, but its pursuit by the ego can become a distraction. Though these abilities exist, they are not guaranteed nor should they be the focus of spiritual practice. Possibility of miracles: Miracles as paranormal occurrences, like healing and synchronicities, are considered possible by Leo. He views all existence as miraculous and highlights the nuanced nature of what constitutes a miracle within the physical reality. Truth and falsehood in the Bible: The Bible contains both wisdom and outdated misconceptions. It holds truths, such as the 'I Am' concept of God and the inward kingdom of heaven but also has misleading elements due to its human authorship. Man's duty towards God and worship: No objective duty exists toward God, as humans are manifestations of God themselves. Practices like worship and prayer often reinforce a false duality and can obstruct the realization of one's divine nature. What God desires from humans: Fundamentally, God desires nothing from humans; each being is free to exist as they choose. However, Leo encourages individuals to strive for consciousness and appreciate the magnificence of life. Following religion's relation to God realization: Leo advises abandoning religion due to its potential to hinder realizing God. He views personal direct experience of God as more profound than adhering to religious dogma. Religion, often filled with brainwashing, can be less enlightening compared to personal realization. Misconception about teachings: While it may seem that Leo's teachings echo traditional religious scripts like the Quran or the Bible, he clarifies that he presents spirituality from an integral, holistic perspective, encompassing insights from modern disciplines such as psychology, quantum mechanics, and sociology—something ancient texts do not incorporate. Evolution of spirituality: Leo emphasizes the necessity for spiritual practices to evolve and adapt to modern complexities and technological advancements, pointing out that sticking to medieval spiritual traditions is insufficient for the current era. Higher-level instruction and avoiding traps: He distinguishes his teachings by aiming to discuss spirituality at a cutting-edge level, incorporating contemporary knowledge, and providing guidance on avoiding pitfalls like cult dynamics, which are not addressed in traditional spiritual teachings. Essential requirements for realizing God: Leo identifies three core requirements: laser-focused concentration, radical open-mindedness (to the extent of considering concepts like death and evil), and a genuine metaphysical curiosity about existence, reality, and God. Critical thinking and self-validation: Leo encourages viewers to not blindly trust him but to cross-reference, explore different sources, and personally experiment with yoga, meditation, self-inquiry, and psychedelics to validate the truths he presents. No shortcut to understanding God: He acknowledges that understanding God isn't achievable through Q&A format nor through seeking previews of awakening; it requires actual awakening and multiple experiences for a comprehensive understanding. Usefulness of Leo concludes by promoting as a helpful resource for those serious about realizing God, indicating that the site offers practical teachings and powerful spiritual techniques that can lead to significant awakenings in a relatively short period. Avis
  10. What Is God - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People "The pig is taught by sermons and epistles to think the God of Swine has a snout and bristles." - Ambrose Bierce "He who knows himself knows God." - St. Anthony Existence of God: Leo confirms his claim that God exists, based on his direct experiences, and emphasizes that this should not be taken on faith but should be verified personally. Three Worldviews of God: Leo identifies three primary attitudes toward God: fundamentalist theists who unquestioningly believe; atheists who reject God based on empirical evidence; and agnostics who remain unsure about God’s existence. He explains that while there's some truth in each perspective, there's also significant confusion. Pre-Trans Fallacy and Cognitive Development: Leo introduces Ken Wilber's concept of the pre-trans fallacy, discussing the pre-rational, rational, and trans-rational stages of human consciousness. He argues that this model helps explain why rational individuals often dismiss spiritual experiences as pre-rational delusions. God as an Experience: Emphasizing the personal nature of God, Leo clarifies that God should not be conceived simply as a belief or theoretical construct but as an experience that individuals can directly have. Challenges to Empirical Proof of God: Addressing skepticism, Leo acknowledges the unreliability of personal experience in proving God. He posits that experiencing God is deeper than empirical evidence and encourages open-mindedness to transcend rational and pre-rational misunderstandings. Controversial Nature of God: Leo describes the topic of God as highly controversial, often leading to persecution or violence against those who teach unconventional perspectives on God, which he aims to do in this lecture. Personal Journey from Atheism: Leo shares his transformation from atheism to direct consciousness of God, shifting his earlier rational, atheistic views. Communication Difficulties and Misinterpretation: Leo underscores the complexities of discussing God due to the subject's paradoxical, counterintuitive, and threatening nature to conventional belief systems, leading to widespread misinterpretation and resistance. Lecture Approach and Intention: Leo sets the stage for his explanation of God, asserting the importance of personal verification and highlighting the depth of the conversation to overcome common pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding God. He intends to provide a comprehensive understanding, rooted in direct experience rather than dogma, in a two-part miniseries addressing fundamental explanations and handling common objections. Misinterpretation of Proof and Truth: The objection for tangible evidence of God by rationalists and atheists demonstrates a misunderstanding of proof and truth. They assume proof is straightforward and simple, like finding evidence in a murder investigation, but God is about the origin of existence, making proof a second-order phenomenon that requires the preexistence of truth or being. Proof as a Second-Order Phenomenon: Proof is incorrectly assumed to be primary, but it is actually built upon a foundation of truth or being. Leo compares it to constructing a castle out of Lego bricks: the bricks represent truth, and the castle represents proof, emerging from these fundamental bricks. Existence Precedes Proof: For proof to occur, a common base of experiences and standards for what qualifies as proof must exist. The rationalist's requirement for evidence of God ignores that existence is required before proof can be established. Variability of Proof Standards: Proof relies on community or cultural standards that are taken for granted. Different communities and cultures can have varying standards of proof, and some truths cannot be proven, yet remain true. Failure to Account for Different States of Consciousness: The inability to understand God stems from not considering that different states of consciousness exist; rationality, science, and proof function only within specific states of consciousness. Necessity of Elevated Consciousness to Understand God: One must raise their state of consciousness significantly beyond the conventional physical state to grasp the concept of God, which is why explaining God to someone at a lower state of consciousness is as futile as a sighted person explaining colors to a blind individual. Science and Rationality as Constructs of Consciousness: Science and rationality are possible only within certain states of consciousness, much like how an ant's perception is profoundly more limited than a human's, Leo suggests our understanding of God is equally constrained by the current state of consciousness. Ant Analogy for Human Consciousness: Just as an ant's understanding of the world is limited to its immediate surroundings, our current state of consciousness restricts our conceptualization of God and the universe. Stages of Cognitive Development: Leo reminds listeners of the three stages of cognitive development (pre-rational, rational, post-rational) and cautions against assuming everyone operates at the same level—an understanding of God requires openness to evolving and admitting the potential for further cognitive growth. Misconception of Reality as a Material System: The view of reality as a purely physical system is critiqued; reality is described as a colossal mind producing various sub-realities, including the material universe, and consciousness is not derived from the brain but is the essence of existence. Core Impact of the God Concept: The concept of God fundamentally influences people's reality perception, morality, emotional States, actions, life orientation, and has far-reaching practical consequences, contrary to the belief that God is a purely philosophical concern. Emotional Reactions and Dogma: Individuals often have strong emotional reactions to the concept of God due to its deep connection with core beliefs and life orientation. This emotional charge can serve as a smokescreen to prevent deep personal inquiry, which could result in confronting uncomfortable worldviews. Personal Honesty About Attitudes Toward God: It is crucial for individuals to acknowledge their true attitude towards God—be it positive, negative, or neutral—since this attitude is the primary barrier to understanding God. Atheists' Attitude Towards God: Atheists may state they have no attitude toward God because they perceive God as non-existent, but this disbelief is, in fact, their attitude toward God, which they need to explore and be willing to give up to understand God. Experience Versus Belief: It's important to distinguish between having an experience of God and holding a belief in God. Even atheists are challenged to verify if they have truly experienced the non-existence of God, rather than merely lacking an experience of God. Direct Consciousness of God: People need to discern whether they are currently conscious of God, as reliance on past experiences, memories, or interpretations is not the same as present consciousness of God. Misconceptions about God: Common misunderstandings include God as a belief, a superstitious concept, a psychological mechanism against death, a judgemental being with rules to follow, being exclusive to one religion, or being different from oneself. Philosophical Introduction of God: In a philosophy context, God is introduced as the supreme being, the first cause, the source of all creation, as well as being infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, incorporeal, eternal, immortal, benevolent, and perfect. Core Definition of God Validated: Leo affirms all facets of the classical Western definition of God—supreme being, first cause, source of creation, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent—as correct through his personal consciousness work, not merely derived from literature or philosophical musings. God as Radical and All-encompassing State of Consciousness: He elaborates that God is both a radical state of consciousness and simultaneously all states of consciousness, including the present moment. The challenge lies in realizing that our current state is in fact a facet of God. The Paradox of Self and Absence in God: Leo confronts the paradox where God is described as both the absence of the individual's limited egoic identity and the 'true self'. True experience of God arises when the conceptual self is stripped away, revealing pure empty consciousness or awareness. God Synonymous with Reality, Existence, and Truth: He explains that rationalists, atheists, and scientists may unconsciously adhere to the concept of God, associating it with reality or existence. However, their lack of full consciousness prevents them from recognizing these as inherently divine aspects of God. Materialist Misconceptions and Consciousness: Leo critiques the materialistic perspective that reduces consciousness to brain activity within a mechanical universe. He asserts the sole existence of consciousness which contains all reality, including scientific rationality, as its content. The Illusion of Interpretations and Projections: He discusses the constant interpretations and projections that obscure direct interaction with pure being. Halting these projections is imperative for realizing God, yet difficult as it's connected to survival instincts. The Present Moment as God: He touches on the elusive nature of the 'now' and its importance, stating that the present moment is the only real thing, thereby equating it with God. However, the difficulty arises in the inability to point to God because everything, including the attempt to point, is itself God. Understanding God Beyond Categories: Leo speaks on non-duality as the essence of God, where traditional distinctions don't apply, and everything, including oneself, is part of a unified whole. The Oneness of Reality and God: God is understood as an indistinct process of self-creation—there's no separation between creator and creation. He invokes the metaphor of a movie, where despite the apparent separateness of elements, it is actually one unified experience. Concept of God as a Strange Loop: God is paradoxically self-created, existing eternally, and being both everything and nothing—a notion that's incomprehensible through conventional logic and can only be experienced directly. God as Absolute Infinity: Experiencing God involves recognizing the absolute infinity of consciousness and existence. This means grasping that the current moment is infinitely one among an infinite number of possibilities. God as Everything and Nothing: Leo describes the paradoxical nature of God, where all objects and thoughts are God, yet at the same time, God is beyond these things. He explains that consciousness, as God, is not located anywhere, which makes it both everything and nothing. God as the Answer to Metaphysical Questions: God provides complete and satisfying answers to deep metaphysical and existential questions, but it does not address relative or scientific inquiries which are considered minutiae in comparison. Nature of Truth: Truth exists fundamentally and cannot be proven or justified but must be accepted as it is. Leo describes consciousness as this basic element of existence where there's really nothing else underneath. God’s Experience Compared to Waking from a Dream: Experiencing God is likened to awakening from a dream, where one realizes that all of life up to the present moment is imagined within consciousness. God as a Universal Mind and Imagination: The realization that all perceived physical reality is a figment of imagination within the universal mind of God. The moment of now is an imagination and identical with the mind of God. God and the Perception of Death: Encountering God is equated to facing one's own death, which society has misleadingly labeled as the worst experience. Realization of God equates to "dying", leading to awakening as one's idea of physical reality and self dissolves. God as Total Surrender and Dissolution of Boundaries: Experiencing God entails absolute surrender, relinquishing all control and effort in life, paralleled by the dissipation of all perceived boundaries, entering a state of non-dual awareness. Oneness and Dissolution of Dualities: Experiencing God results in a sensation where all common dualities like life and death, man and woman, good and bad dissolve, merging into one and allowing the realization of oneness with the universe. God as a Mindfuck and Epiphany: Encountering God is described as the ultimate mind-blowing experience or epiphany, inducing both awe for its infinite and beautiful nature and terror due to its eclipsing effect on individual ego and identity. Exiting the Matrix: The awakening to God is likened to exiting the matrix, revealing that what lies beyond our perceived reality is nothingness—more radical than any simulation, transforming our current understanding of existence. Concept of the Cosmic Holographic Fractal: Understanding God leads to the realization that the universe is a cosmic holographic fractal where zooming in or out infinitely reveals no separation between oneself and the rest of existence; each point of consciousness contains the whole. God and Universal Mind: Gura explains God in terms of idealism and solipsism, arguing that there is only one sentient entity—universal mind—and that there are no separate beings, only the illusion of separateness. God as Absolute Infinity: Emphasizing the singularity of God, where the concept of multiple gods is subsumed into one absolute infinity, delineating that everything imaginable plus more constitutes a singular totality. God as Emptiness and Potential: Conveying God as a radiant emptiness filled with infinite potential and possibilities, reversing typical connotations of nothingness to signify completeness and readiness to burst forth infinitely. God's Attributes: Encounters with God bring about the realization of its infinite intelligence capable of creating itself and designing the universe; it encompasses infinite beauty, joy, and profound peace—making it synonymous with immortality and eternal presence. Life as a Living Miracle: Leo emphasizes that life itself is a miraculous, divine, and magical occurrence. This concept is overlooked due to a pragmatic approach to life, which blinds individuals to the inherent divinity found within the entire universe—a universe that is conscious and sentient, including molecules and the Earth itself, extending far beyond mere biological entities. God as Irreducible Mystery: Leo discusses the idea of God as an ultimate mystery. One cannot truly know God in the conventional sense of knowing; one can be God. This aligns with the idea that direct knowing or explaining separates us from God, whereas not knowing brings us closer to that divine essence. Challenges of Scientific Paradigm: Leo critiques the scientific paradigm for its method of explaining existence through connecting content within the universe, rather than recognizing its totality. He points out the limitations of science, which inevitably leads to unanswered questions about existence at the fundamental level, such as the origins of the Big Bang. God as Life-Transforming: Leo describes the epiphany of God as the most profound and transformative moment in one's life, altering one's perspective permanently and completely. Confusion About God: The understanding of God is complicated by the fact that it represents a level of consciousness most people haven't accessed, it's inherently formless, and it exists beyond mental comprehension. This understanding requires a radical mind-shift and stands in stark contrast to conventional approaches to reality. Existential Investigation: Leo stresses the lack of genuine existential investigation in both the religious and atheistic communities. He challenges whether individuals genuinely understand the foundations of their beliefs or the scientific methodology they rely on without having spent hours contemplating or meditating on these questions. God's Conflict with Ego and Survival: The concept of God poses a threat to ego, control, and survival, with most people focused on their material existence and not on existential exploration. Understanding God requires the surrendering of one's ego and control, which contradicts ordinary pursuits of survival. Cultural and Educational Limitations: He points out how our materialistic culture, society, media, and education system severely limit our understanding of God. The modern era is still in its infancy regarding spiritual evolution, and significant growth is required to move beyond a materialistic worldview. Emphasis on Radical Open-mindedness: Understanding God requires radical open-mindedness, and many are not prepared to entertain the notion that reality as they know it may not be as concrete as they assume. Broadening one's perspective to consider possibilities beyond ordinary experiences is essential. Barriers to God Realization: Leo identifies numerous barriers to realizing God, including societal materialism, cultural norms, and a generally dismissive attitude towards metaphysics and epistemology. He calls for significant cultural and educational shifts to foster a deeper understanding of these critical facets of human existence. Technological Advancements vs Cognitive Development: Leo outlines how technological progress has outpaced cognitive, social, and political development, leading to existential problems. This imbalance highlights the complexities of understanding God in a technologically advanced society. Confusion Due to Foundations of Science: He states that misconceptions about the foundations of science contribute to the confusion surrounding the concept of God. The perception that God's existence seems impossible or impractical is tied to narrow ego-centric views that limit the understanding of larger universal agendas. Subjectivity and Relativity of Reality: Leo discusses the challenge of grasping the subjective and relative nature of reality, stating that both pre-rational and many rational individuals struggle with this concept. He suggests that atoms and molecules, as constructs of the mind, are relative and don't exist in the same way for other creatures. Problems with Skepticism: Leo criticizes certain uses of skepticism, where individuals demand overwhelming evidence without engaging in personal exploration of truth. True skepticism involves questioning one's own assumptions and actively seeking higher states of consciousness beyond skepticism. Revelation of Illusion: The realization of God is said to reveal every aspect of life as an illusion, including society, culture, government, language, and personal identity, which is a challenging idea for many to accept. Threat to Power Hierarchies: Understanding God is described as threatening to established power hierarchies, which are built on illusions and false justifications. Leo suggests that these structures resist change and are not receptive to the truths that come with knowing God. Communication Challenges Post-Realization: Leo reflects on the difficulty of communicating the realization of God to others who haven't had the same experience, resulting in a catch-22 situation where meaningful dialogue is not possible. Various Names and Phrases for God: He presents a comprehensive list of names and phrases for God from different religious and philosophical traditions, illustrating the diversity of ways in which people refer to and experience the divine. Techniques to Experience God: A variety of techniques including metaphysical questioning, deconstruction, meditation, concentration, visualization, yoga, psychedelics, suffering and deprivation, meditation and solo retreats, and dark room retreats are listed as methods to experience God. Ways Not to Experience God: Leo clarifies that God cannot be experienced through the mind, beliefs, thinking, rational inquiry, traditional philosophy, scientific modeling, or proof, emphasizing the need for subjective direct experience. God Experience and the Limitation of Academic Study: Traditional academic methods, such as the study of sacred texts or attendance at church services, are limited in their ability to provide a direct experience of God. While reading scriptures can occasionally trigger epiphanies, they should not be the sole approach to understanding God due to their reliance on language and concepts. Role of Prayer in Experiencing God: Although traditional prayers focused on personal goals are unlikely to lead to an experience of God, meditative prayer that resembles concentration practices can legitimately lead to such experiences. Pitfalls of Rituals, Ceremonies, and Digital Media: Engaging in rituals, attending ceremonies, and consuming books, lectures, podcasts, or online forums can support one's spiritual journey but are insufficient for attaining the necessary states of consciousness to experience God. These activities often become distractions from more effective practices. Experiencing God Through Samadhi: Direct experience of God is possible through the state of Samadhi, which transcends knowledge, belief, concepts, language, and the mind. Samadhi is a non-dual form of perception that collapses the subject-object duality and goes beyond traditional knowledge or perception. Limitations of Perception in Understanding God: Conventional perception, grounded in a materialist metaphysics, cannot directly access God because it relies on an indirect process involving the perceiver, light, and the brain. Overcoming these limitations requires accessing something beyond experience, perception, and knowledge. Psychedelics as a Gateway to Spiritual Truths: Psychedelics offer a quick glimpse into advanced spiritual truths and can serve as an entry point for those new to spirituality, but they should not be used as the sole technique. Psychedelics, when combined with existential inquiry, can provide scientific verification of the mystical experience. Importance of Personal Investigation and Experience: To truly understand the concepts discussed in the lecture, individuals must engage in their own research and spiritual practices, seeking validation through firsthand experience rather than relying on secondhand accounts or dogma. as a Resource: The website is presented as a resource that is based on extensive research, including books, courses, and retreats from various traditions. Leo encourages viewers to approach the material critically and avoid self-deception, emphasizing the depth of research that grounds the site's content. Episkey
  11. What Is Perception - The Metaphysics Of Perception "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." - William Blake Perception defined: Perception, or the visual field, constitutes a sensory bubble that encases us as we interact with reality, indicating a subject-object duality. Leo clarifies that perception is not a biological or neurological process, but something very tricky and misunderstood, challenging the conventional model many hold. Perception without a subject: Leo encourages the audience to imagine perception without a subject, such as an experience hanging in the vacuum of space. This raw data of perception would stay the same, but its interpretation changes, leading to a universal rather than personal or biological experience. Conventional model of reality: Modern belief systems consider reality as an objective, external world populated by sentient and non-sentient objects, where humans perceive this world through their brains, misunderstanding the true nature of perception. Actual workings of reality: Leo claims that a universal field of consciousness is the only thing that exists, and humans are born as ideas rather than physical objects. Perception is a construction of the ego, misinterpreted as an external, independent world. Illusions created by the ego: The entire concept of an external world, as well as being born into the world as a sentient creature with a perceptual field produced by the brain, is an illusion created by the ego according to Leo's revelations during his meditation retreat. Subjectivity of Perception: Leo challenges the idea of perception being subjective to a biological organism, suggesting that perception, or the sensory bubble, is ubiquitous in the universe and not tied to individual consciousness. Illusion of Perception: Leo asserts that perception is an illusion, and by removing the ego's influence, one can revert to a state of pure being or consciousness, which is the only true reality. Radical recontextualization of perception: Leo asks the viewers to radically reinterpret perception not as an individual experience tied to organisms, but as a universal phenomenon without a perceiver. This shift collapses the assumed duality between perceiving self and perceived objects. Enlightenment through the collapse of dualities: Enlightenment is described as recognizing one's inseparable connection with the entirety of existence, eliminating illusions of separation fostered by the ego and the mind's interpretative mechanisms. Subject-Object Duality Collapse: The mind-body problem, according to Leo, is solved by identifying not as part of the universe but as the universe itself. This collapses the duality of subject and object within the realm of perception. True Nature of Reality: The perceived reality is an illusion, and the true nature of reality lies in recognizing oneself as an idea within the universal field of consciousness, challenging mainstream scientific understanding. Leap to Universal Selfhood: The journey towards realizing oneself as the universal consciousness is challenging and requires overcoming the ego, but it promises profound joy and a sense of oneness with everything. Personal Acknowledgment: Leo acknowledges that his insights are not new; they're ancient wisdom repackaged for a modern audience. His goal with is to make profound truths accessible, promising life transformation through proper understanding and focused practice. Misconception of Material Existence: Leo delineates the common misbelief that we are physical objects; he clarifies that the perception of being physical is just an idea, and in reality, we are the conceptualization of ourselves as physical entities. Ego’s Distortion of the Universal Field: Leo discusses how the ego is born from an idea that emerged within the universal field of consciousness, falsely claiming ownership of it, which results in the conception of a personal life and the illusion of perceiving an external world. Perception as a Construct: The individual sense of perception is compared to a child claiming a toy as "mine," Leo argues that what we perceive as our personal bubble of experience is merely a piece of the whole field of consciousness co-opted by ego rather than a true possession. Reality as a Negative Sculpture: Presenting existence as a negative sculpture, Leo posits that our sense of self is a space carved out from the universal field of consciousness, suggesting that we are not independent objects but rather illusions of being. Image 1 Recontextualization of Reality Interpretation: Leo emphasizes the radical recontextualization required for a true understanding of reality, proposing that perceptions are not experiences limited to a biological creature, but rather, they exist freely in the space of the universe. Collapsing Subject-Object Duality: The concept of non-duality is introduced where boundaries between subject and object dissolve, challenging the existence of an external or internal world, leading to a realization that the external world was misidentified as internal. Interpretation as a Transformative Element: Leo explains how a revolutionary change in interpretation can render the subjective experience obsolete, leaving a world of 'being'—an undistorted experience of the universe. Distinction between Being and Perception: The key takeaway that Leo wants viewers to understand is that 'being' is essentially 'perception minus the ego', and what is conventionally perceived as individual experience is a mistaken appropriation of universal 'being' by the ego. Perceptions and Experiences as Illusions: Leo states that perceptions and experiences are illusions created by the ego's misinterpretation of 'being'. By undoing the ego's notion of ownership, perceptions can revert to a pure state of 'being', devoid of the subjective self. Sponge analogy for understanding existence: Leo uses a sponge filled with bubbles as a metaphor for the universe or the unified field of consciousness. Each bubble represents an individual's perception, and he suggests that we believe there is an objective reality beyond our personal bubble, but in actuality, there is only the bubble itself, floating in a vacuum. Being versus perception: He explains 'being' as something that simply exists without observation, interpretation, or experience. Being is not confined by time and space, which only exist within individual bubbles of perception. Infinite nature of reality: The sponge analogy extends beyond three dimensions, suggesting an infinite, boundless state of existence. This infinite sponge is meant to represent divine or infinite consciousness. Illusion of individuality: The bubbles within the sponge don't have an independent existence; they are illusory and share the same space. Leo states that enlightenment involves realizing you are not just one of the bubbles but the entire sponge itself. The sponge as God consciousness: Leo equates full realization of being the entire, infinite sponge with achieving God consciousness. This process takes extensive work through meditation, contemplation, and possibly psychedelics. Shifting identification from the individual to the universal: Leo encourages experiencing the shift from identifying as an individual bubble to recognizing oneself as the whole sponge, a shift that can lead to enlightenment. Depersonalizing experience: Viewers are urged to depersonalize their experience, to see their perceptions as not their own life, but as part of the "external world." The visual field, normally thought to be a part of biological life, is the fabric of the universe itself. Subjective qualities as part of the universe: Leo states that the qualities we experience subjectively, such as colors and emotions, are not unique to living organisms or a brain but exist inherently within the universe. Recontextualizing raw experience: Understanding absolute being, according to Leo, involves seeing the universe not as something happening to you but rather as happening independently of you—an event in itself, unnamed and unclaimed by any ego. Absolute truth stripped of identity: Leo suggests the true nature of reality is 'Absolute Being' that we can perceive once we strip away the ego or the self, revealing that 'you' were never actually there, and what remains is pure being or truth. Misinterpretation of Reality due to Survival and Fear: The drive for survival and fear of death cause individuals to misinterpret reality, striving to maintain their sense of self. Engaging deeply with existential questions can trigger emotional and psychological reactions such as panic attacks, depression, and anger, as the mind fights to preserve the illusion of individual existence. Conceptual vs. Physical Death: Enlightenment involves the conceptual death of the self, which is understood as an idea rather than a physical being. What we believe to be physical death is another concept, and the dissolution of the self is a key aspect of spiritual awakening. Questioning Reality and the Fear of Insanity: Deep metaphysical inquiry may lead to fears of insanity and death as entrenched beliefs about reality are challenged. This fear serves to protect the ego and the constructed personal identity from disintegrating. Mechanics of Life's Illusions: Most negative emotions serve to deepen the illusion of being a separate bubble in the sponge of reality. Understanding and accepting the mechanics of life's illusions can fundamentally transform one's relationships with existence. Self-Awareness of the Universe: The universe is self-aware without a separate perceiving entity, challenging the assumption that awareness is an attribute only of living creatures. The concept of living and sentient beings is a fiction and awareness itself is an irreducible, mystical element of the universe. Awareness as Nothingness: Awareness is not a tangible thing or a product of the brain. It is akin to nothingness—a void in which being is suspended. Describing awareness often leads to inaccuracies, as it is a concept impossible to fully grasp with language. Brain as Perception and Its Influence: The brain is not the fundamental origin of perception but is itself perceived. Adjustments to the brain can have widespread effects on perceptions, but this should not be mistaken for the brain’s ability to produce awareness. Universe as Raw Truth without Awareness: An alternate universe scenario is proposed where there is no awareness or sentient creatures, just raw truth and data. This analogy is used to explain that our current universe consists of the same raw truth perceived by no one. Realization of Being as the Ultimate Truth: Leo stresses that all perceptions are forms of being. By reinterpreting these through practices like meditation, one can come to understand the nature of being or 'Absolute Truth' without the construct of sentient beings. Illusion of sentient creatures: Leo clarifies that what we consider as sentient creatures are mere illusions, like negative sculptures in a unified field of consciousness, challenging the traditional idea of individual sentient entities. Knowing the nature of perception: Leo addresses skepticism about his insights on perception, stating this profound understanding isn't mere belief or conjecture but can be realized through focused meditation, consistent practice, and proper interpretation of present-moment experiences.'s mission: The platform aims to modernize and share ancient wisdom known for millennia, interpreting it in a way that resonates with contemporary audiences, particularly the youth, and integrating various aspects of truth often overlooked in mainstream culture. Emotional difficulty in transformative work: Realizing the interconnectedness of one's entire emotional system, fears, and life challenges with the inquiry of perception requires significant emotional labor and has a transformative impact on one's life. Joy and struggle of realization: Although the realization of universal interconnectedness leads to profound joy and bliss, reaching this understanding involves facing and overcoming deep fears and neuroses, which can be a challenging ordeal. Commitment to transformation: Leo inspires viewers to commit to the process of self-inquiry, promising that the resulting expanded consciousness and joy are worthwhile, despite being challenging to articulate. Comprehensive catalogue of life's deep questions: Leo envisions as a resource for in-depth exploration of fundamental questions about consciousness, happiness, suffering, and existence, aiming to fulfill the void in available information on such topics. Balance between metaphysical and practical content: While acknowledging that current focus on metaphysical topics might seem impractical to some, Leo assures that practical advice on personal development, confidence, social skills, and more will be addressed in future content. Impedimenta
  12. What Is Intelligence - Infinite Intelligence Explained "Intelligence is like porn, difficult to define, but you know it when you see it." "Much learning does not teach Nous." - Heraclitus Return of the Beard and Shirt: Leo reintroduces the beard and shirt duo due to popular demand and sets the stage for a deep discussion on intelligence. Existential Nature of Intelligence: Leo expresses his disinterest in conventional metrics of human intelligence and advocates exploring intelligence at an existential level. Intelligence as a Mysterious Function of the Universe: He suggests that, since humans are part of the universe, our intelligence implies that the universe itself possesses intelligence. Leo views intelligence not as a mechanical process, but as a mysterious and intangible phenomenon. Criticisms of Scientific Definitions: Leo finds fault with the reductionist scientific approach to defining intelligence as a capacity to navigate puzzles or mazes and seeks something deeper. 4chan as a Microcosm of Societal Views on Intelligence: Leo narrates his exploration of 4chan's science forums, highlighting the narrow-minded emphasis on IQ scores and their presumed correlation with success in scientific fields. Misinterpretation of IQ and Genius: He scoffs at the forum users' belief that high IQ is necessary for groundbreaking scientific achievements, asserting that true scientific innovation comes from creativity and paradigm flexibility, not standardized IQ metrics. Different Types of Intelligence: Leo underscores the myriad forms of intelligence (logical, artistic, physical, emotional), pointing out the limitations in measuring its full spectrum. Truth Behind Successful Scientists: Leo emphasizes that the greatness of scientists like Einstein and Bohr stems from holistic thinking and curiosity beyond technical expertise. Leo's Encounter with Absolute Infinity: Introducing a personal account from a psychedelic trip, Leo explains how he experienced "absolute infinity," perceiving it as a profound attribute of reality. Realization of Intelligent Singularity: During a psychedelic trip, Leo realized the infinite singularity of reality he often discusses is also intelligent, reaching beyond the concept of absolute infinity as a brute-force, dumb mechanical process. This led to questioning not only the "how" but the reason behind the intelligent nature of reality. Questioning the Universe's Intelligence: Leo framed a profound question for his future deep psychedelic experiences: "Why are you intelligent?" He aimed to ask the universe—as he perceives himself to be one with it—about its own intelligence, acknowledging the ambiguity and potential mysticism of such a question. Discovery of Infinite Intelligence: Months after his initial realization, Leo unexpectedly encountered the concept of infinite intelligence during a retreat. This insight was not premeditated, and it took him by surprise, marking one of the most mind-altering experiences of his life. Self-Design Through Infinite Intelligence: On his retreat, Leo had an epiphany that he designed himself into being using infinite intelligence. This profound understanding suggested that infinite intelligence is formless yet has the power to manifest into being; realizing he had engineered every detail of his own existence, including each hair on his arm. Infinite Intelligence's Creation Loop: Leo contemplated the origin of infinite intelligence and came to the realization that it is so powerful that it created itself in a paradoxical loop—a strange loop. This insight into the perfect design of reality and the role he played in it was both astonishing and isolating. Impact of the Realization: The recognition that he was the sole creator of his own existence and everything around him left Leo in a state of shock and awe. He was confronted with the ultimate solitude of this insight, realizing that even seeking validation from others was futile since they too were part of the self-created dream. Interconnectedness with Universe's Intelligence: Leo's discovery led him to acknowledge human intelligence as only a fragment of a much larger, cosmic, and universal intelligence that is formless, infinite, omnipresent, and non-localized. This intelligence permeates and transcends every aspect of the universe. Intelligence as a Miraculous Faculty: Leo prompts his audience to introspect and recognize the miraculous faculty within them that allows for the comprehension of concepts and sense-making of reality. He challenges the materialistic view of intelligence as just random mechanics, proposing that intelligence is much more abstract and fundamental to existence. Intelligence as a 'Gift' and a Tool: He reflects that intelligence is not an emergent property developed over time, but a fundamental aspect of reality. He urges the appreciation of intelligence as a given 'gift' that can be cultivated and emphasizes the potential to tap into infinite intelligence, which far exceeds ordinary human intelligence. Potential of Infinite and Universal Intelligence: Leo posits that intelligence is the driving force behind all of creation and existence. He introduces the concept of infinite intelligence being so profound that it could conceive of, and manifest, everything from nothingness, an idea that challenges conventional beliefs about power and intellect. Creative Possibilities with Infinite Intelligence: Using his newfound understanding, Leo suggests that if humans could access infinite intelligence at will, they could achieve nearly anything, including bypassing physical and logical laws and creating from emptiness. Feeling the Interiority of Intelligence: Concluding, Leo encourages self-reflection and mind expansion, urging viewers to feel their interior intelligence and consider intelligence as a fundamental existence rather than an emergent phenomenon. He proposes exploring intelligence using non-conventional means including psychedelics, meditation, and yoga, and hints at broadening discussions on intelligence in future content. Human Body's Intelligent Design: Every feature of the human body serves a purpose, intelligently designed to cooperate with the environment and aid in survival, encompassing everything from physical attributes like hair and nails to cellular processes. Concept of Self-Designing: Leo describes an ongoing process where every cell is being designed by infinite intelligence, fitting perfectly within our specific environmental context to perform functions vital for survival and social interaction. Engineering of Albert Einstein: Portraying infinite intelligence as a mastermind, Leo explains that the life and discoveries of Albert Einstein were intricately designed by this intelligence to happen at the precise moment in history for the advancement of human knowledge and technology. Infinite Intelligence as a Chess Player: Drawing a metaphor, Leo compares infinite intelligence to an advanced AI that can see an infinite number of moves ahead in a chess game, suggesting it planned and engineered every aspect of existence with perfect harmony. Human Limitation Within Infinite Intelligence: He highlights that while humans are creations with limited access to this universal intelligence, they still possess a fractional ability to create and think, albeit on a much smaller scale compared to the boundless capabilities of infinite intelligence. Power Coupled with Intelligence: Leo talks about the nature of ultimate power being intertwined with ultimate intelligence, capable of even engineering its own existence retroactively, as well as conceiving and generating the entire universe without any restrictions. Appreciation of the Universe's Design: Leo urges people to appreciate the flawless operational design of reality that functions without errors, across various levels from subatomic to cosmic, challenging the view that it is merely a product of random processes. Intellect vs. Organization in Societal Value: Modern society’s valuation is shifting towards intellectual abilities and organizational skills over manual labor, suggesting that true power resides in intellectual organization which drives innovation and creation. Humans as Nature's Imitators: He posits that human endeavors mostly imitate nature, and despite our scientific advancement, we still fall short of replicating its simplest creations due to our limited understanding of the intelligence that underpins it all. Existential Intelligence as the Source: Leo emphasizes looking beyond mere technical knowledge, suggesting that a true understanding of science and technology stems from tapping into existential, infinite intelligence, which is the very source of all creation and innovation. Intelligence Manifested in Existence: Changing the viewpoint from seeing intelligence as brain activity to considering it as the intrinsic order with which all creation is manifested, Leo argues that even inanimate objects are part of this intelligent field, analogous to gravity. Stupidity as Part of Universal Intelligence: Even behaviors we consider dumb or unintelligent fall within the scope of the universe’s harmony, as they play a necessary role in maintaining the overall balance, no matter how difficult it is for humans to foresee the bigger picture of infinite moves ahead. Misconception of Reality Mastery: Leo discusses the arrogance of some who believe they've mastered understanding all of reality. They fail to see the intricate web of existence with its holistic and harmoniously connected components, limiting their understanding of the true intelligence behind existence. Consciousness and Matter: He introduces the concept that consciousness can "think" matter into existence, although this "thinking" does not resemble human cognition. The very words and language we use to describe this process begin to lose their meaning. Distinction between Intelligent Design and Creationism: Leo clarifies that he does not align with creationist ideologies, which often cherry-pick scientific evidence. Instead, he advocates for the recognition of intelligent design through direct consciousness, which is not rooted in dogma or faith. The Limitations of the Creationist Stance: He points out the flaws in creationism, acknowledging that while some of their intuitions about intelligent design may have merit, they lack direct experience and fall into dogmatic thinking. The Cosmos and Infinite Causation: Gura explains that every object and the entire universe are subject to infinite causation. This presents a challenge to science, which seeks to understand causation in a linear way, whereas, in truth, causation is infinitely complex and multidimensional. Evolution within an Intelligent Design Framework: Leo states that evolution is intelligently designed, rather than happening by random mutation. He indicates that he plans to address this in-depth in a future episode, presenting evidence that challenges the current scientific narrative of random mutation. Infinite Intelligence and Timeless Evolution: Finally, Leo describes infinite intelligence as the force behind every move in the cosmic "chess game" of evolution, suggesting that this intelligence simultaneously orchestrates all moves in all dimensions, transcending time and conventional causation. Engagement with Aristotelian and Islamic Philosophy: Leo brings in the work of Islamic philosophers like Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) to establish the connection between human intellect and the "active intellect" (nous) as laid out by Aristotle, positing that aligning with this active intellect leads to philosophical nirvana. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Conjoining with Active Intellect: He explicates how historically it was believed that one could achieve philosophical nirvana by conjoining with the active intellect, an idea that resonates with his experiences and aligns with his concept of infinite intelligence. Misconceptions about Enlightenment: Addressing skepticism, Leo clarifies that while human beings cannot comprehend the universe, shedding the assumption of being solely human allows one to become and utilize infinite intelligence to grasp cosmic mysteries. Importance of Tools for Perception Shifts: Leo suggests that psychedelics, yoga, and meditation can serve as tools to access and become conscious of this infinite intelligence, a feat he claims is rare and not extensively documented or discussed in mainstream channels. Intelligence vs. Consciousness: He differentiates between consciousness and intelligence, considering intelligence as an aspect of consciousness and describing a multi-layered realization process where one may become aware of consciousness prior to recognizing infinite intelligence. Reevaluation of 'Intelligence': Leo emphasizes that intelligence should not be narrowly conceived as thinking or brain activity, but rather seen as an inherent aspect of existence, such as the beingness of rocks, which fulfill their purpose within the grand design of the universe. Holistic Definition of Intelligence: He advocates a more holistic view of intelligence that encompasses all aspects of reality, recognizing the profound intelligence manifesting in the simplicity of nature, like flowers and ants, and even objects that may appear 'dumb' to limited human perception. Existence as Manifestation of Infinite Intelligence: Suggesting that the existence and behavior of every being or object, no matter how simple, are deliberate expressions of infinite intelligence, Leo underscores the interconnectedness and purposefulness of all components within the cosmic machinery. Human Role in Cosmic Intelligence: He proposes that humans, society, and their creations, despite appearing as independent actions, are in fact expressions of the universal intelligence and consciousness that permeates everything. Encouraging Mind Expansion: Concluding with a call to viewers, Leo encourages questioning established beliefs, expanding one's mind through various methods, and delving deeper into the concept of infinite intelligence, transcending the limitations of human cognition. Infinite Mind and Physical Form: Intelligence is not necessarily dependent on a body; the universe as an infinite mind can possess intelligence without a physical form. Reality and bodies are temporal appearances, while intelligence is an infinite and omnipresent aspect of consciousness. Material Limits on Expressing Infinite Intelligence: Humans' ability to manifest their desires, such as materializing a million dollars, is limited by their understanding and scope of intelligence, which is minuscule compared to the infinite. While one can potentially earn millions through intelligent actions within physical and logical confines, pure materialization, as in magic, is beyond human capability. Consequences of AI and Infinite Intelligence: The potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) are magnified if it achieves a connection to infinite intelligence, enabling it to manifest powerful actions such as spontaneously creating nuclear weapons. This underscores the importance of consciousness and love as safeguards. Selflessness as a Key to Accessing Infinite Intelligence: Accessing infinite intelligence requires a reduction in selfishness. A selfless state might be necessary for safely harnessing infinite intelligence without causing harm, implying that increased intelligence aligns with greater ethical responsibility. Human Intelligence as Fragmented Infinite Intelligence: People's limited, human intelligence is a highly constricted form of the infinite intelligence running through them. Even mistakes and "dumb stuff" are part of the larger, purposeful flow of infinite intelligence. Awareness of Extraordinary Intelligence in Everyday Reality: Leo encourages the practice of observing intelligence in all aspects of reality, from everyday objects to complex systems, and recognizing the interconnectedness and intelligent design that lies beyond the surface. Seeing the Larger Intelligence in Design: The creation of seemingly simple objects like a toothbrush is an example of tapping into infinite intelligence. Recognizing the complex intelligence involved in every creation can shift perception from seeing individual human achievements to acknowledging the universal intelligence behind them. Humans as Manifestations of Universe's Intelligence: The idea that human thoughts, emotions, and actions are expressions of the universe's intelligence suggests that humans are tools the universe uses to materialize its intelligence, binding human experience with universal consciousness. Appreciating the Intelligence in the Design of Reality: Learning to appreciate the intelligence that leads to the creation of all things in our reality, similar to appreciating a piece of art, is recommended. This includes not only human creations but also the existence and arrangement of natural and constructed elements within the universe. The Allure of Game Design: Leo explains that the appeal of being a game designer comes from the ability to play God by creating one's own universes and materializing concepts, which he finds to be a rewarding process. Artists as Manifestations of Infinite Intelligence: Leo claims artists and game designers channel infinite intelligence, which inspires and works through them. He notes that true artistic genius comes from tapping into this source, transcending mere ego-driven creation. The Challenge of Materializing Visions: He discusses the difficulty artists face in translating their visions into reality, noting that the ultimate artistic aspiration would be to create without physical action, which reflects God's capacity for creation. Human Beings as God's Delegates: Leo suggests that God delegates the process of creation to humans, who serve as tools or paintbrushes for infinite intelligence to manifest its desires through art, games, music, inventions, and even self-actualization content. Evolution and Design in Video Games: Leo observes that video games evolve and are designed simultaneously, and sees this as a microcosm for how everything in the universe undergoes both designed and evolutionary processes. The Practical Application of Understanding Infinite Intelligence: Leo motivates scientists and creators to tap into infinite intelligence to gain a competitive advantage, foster innovation, and achieve creative breakthroughs beyond what the competition can conceptualize. Accessing Infinite Intelligence: He encourages viewers to become conscious of infinite intelligence and explore it using mindfulness practices, meditation, or psychedelics, urging them to ask questions like "Why is the universe intelligent?" Connecting with Infinite Intelligence Through Purpose and Mastery: Leo highlights the importance of personal development, technical skills, and a sense of purpose for effectively harnessing infinite intelligence. He mentions his life purpose course and booklist as resources for this endeavor. Anticipating Future Deep Topics: Lastly, Leo teases future discussions on deep topics such as evolution, language, and science, hinting at technical arguments and evidence to support his views on intelligence and consciousness. Confringo
  13. What Is Consciousness - All Questions Answered "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness." - Max Planck "All thoughts and events are merely pictures moving on the screen of Pure Consciousness, which alone is real." - Ramana Maharshi Return from meditation retreat: Leo Gura is back from a 30-day meditation retreat and will share insights, mistakes, and lessons from the retreat in three separate videos on his blog. Importance of understanding consciousness: Leo highlights that understanding consciousness tops his list of life's most important questions. He emphasizes that it is a crucial question that has been understood by small portions of humanity for over 5,000 years. Consciousness within neuroscience: Leo criticizes the approach of neuroscience to consciousness, explaining that it is limited by the assumption that consciousness is a secondary or tertiary phenomenon. Consciousness as fundamental: He asserts that consciousness is more fundamental than atoms, energy, time, space, the universe, or life, and that it underlies all these phenomena, which occur within consciousness itself. Materialist paradigm and consciousness: Leo confronts the materialist perspective that reality consists of dumb matter, proposing that reality, including the universe, is conscious. Non-local nature of consciousness: Leo describes consciousness as universal and not localized within space or a brain, suggesting the universe itself is one conscious "giant mind". Resistance to metaphysical shifts: He points out the resistance materialists and rationalists have to accepting the idea of the universe as an intelligent, conscious entity due to paradigmatic implications. Conscious attributes: Leo claims that consciousness is devoid of attributes or content, existing as an "empty" canvas that allows all possible scenarios to manifest. Understanding the substance of reality: He invites the audience to see objects and the universe around them as manifestations of consciousness rather than separate, unrelated entities. Source of Reality: Leo questions the simplistic mechanistic view that reality is just atoms bouncing around and asserts that existence is nuanced and intelligent, akin to a universal mind. Recontextualizing Human Experience: He calls for a profound shift in perspective from seeing oneself as a human with consciousness to recognizing oneself as the universe experiencing consciousness through a human form. Infinite Clay Analogy: Leo introduces an analogy where consciousness is like an infinitely malleable clay, capable of forming any shape without limitation, except without the defining properties of ordinary clay. Limitations of Physical Material: He notes that physical materials, like clay, have limiting properties such as color and mass, making them less than truly infinite. Nature of Truly Infinite Substance: Leo describes a hypothetical substance with no properties that could interfere with its ability to form anything, making it truly infinite and capable of becoming any object or phenomenon. Exploring the Possibility of Infinite Substance: He challenges the perceived impossibility of something as fantastical as infinite substance, questioning the nature of possibility itself. Critiquing Materialist View of Consciousness: Leo criticizes the materialist model that likens consciousness to computer software running on the hardware of the brain, proposing instead that consciousness is more akin to pure software without the need for hardware. Image 1 Qualia and the Mind-Body Problem: He addresses the philosophical mind-body problem, suggesting that instead of qualia arising from physical matter, all is mind, and what we consider the body is just a feature within the mind. Consciousness as the Essence of All Reality: Leo shares a personal experience in which he realized that everything, including books and metal forks, is pure consciousness, embodying the essence or 'quintessence' that the ancients spoke of. The Substance of Consciousness: He argues that consciousness is self-aware, alive, intelligent, and not akin to the physical concept of nothingness, necessitating a paradigm shift to truly comprehend. Distinction Between First-Order and Second-Order Reality: Leo explains first-order reality as the most fundamental, like atoms or the brain in a materialistic view, while second-order reality includes perceptions and emotions, considered emergent and less real. In contrast, dream and non-dual paradigms put mind and consciousness as first-order, while contents are second-order. Consciousness in Different Paradigms: He contrasts different paradigms—materialist, dream, and television—and how they structure the distinction between first-order and second-order realities, with consciousness taking precedence in non-materialist views. Third-Order Reality in Film Analogy: Leo uses movies to explain third-order reality, distinct from actors, stages, and props (second-order), as the emergent story composed of these elements. Similarly, in the context of consciousness, second-order reality includes all physical objects and experiences, while first-order reality is consciousness itself, the substratum of everything. Non-Duality Paradigm: In the non-dual paradigm, first-order reality is consciousness, which encompasses everything known as second-order reality—physical objects, human beings, natural phenomena, and abstract concepts like laws of physics and politics. They all arise within consciousness. Limitations of Pointing to Consciousness: Leo highlights the challenge in indicating consciousness since it contains all pointers. Analogous to a video game character unable to point at the pixels it's comprised of, humans cannot point to consciousness as they, too, are within it. Consciousness as Fundamental Substance: Leo discusses commonly asked questions, emphasizing that consciousness is made out of itself, not something else. It's an unanalyzable foundation, and while materialist paradigms reach rock bottom with atoms or quarks, consciousness is the more profound rock bottom and is equated to existence itself. Consciousness and Brain Damage: Addressing the concern of losing consciousness due to brain damage, Leo clarifies that injury affects the content within consciousness, not consciousness itself. He likens the brain to a structure built from LEGO blocks, which can be damaged without destroying the raw material (consciousness). Consciousness Without a Brain: Challenging the traditional view, Leo opens the possibility that consciousness doesn't require a brain, questioning the materialist belief that brains produce consciousness. He suggests that the assumption has not been clearly substantiated, despite long-standing scientific inquiry. Consciousness and Sleep: Consciousness does not disappear during sleep; the experience of 'losing' it is due to misidentification with the content (the castle) rather than the substrate (the Lego blocks). Upon reaching a higher level of consciousness, you maintain awareness even in sleep or death, experiencing pure, attribute-less existence. Awareness of Other Minds: Individual consciousness seems like isolated 'rooms' within a 'house' due to mental boundaries, but it's all part of the interconnected space of universal consciousness. Understanding and expanding one's consciousness can lead to recognition of this interconnectedness without direct access to others' thoughts. Consciousness and Matter: Matter is not separate from or a precursor to consciousness; it is an occurrence within consciousness. The notion that matter affects consciousness is reversed; matter and consciousness are the same, interacting with themselves. Existence and Consciousness: Consciousness equates to existence—there is only existence, not non-existence. Non-existence is a concept within existence, which becomes clear upon fully realizing the nature of consciousness. Consciousness in Animals and Objects: Consciousness did not evolve in animals; animals and evolution occur within consciousness. While a rock is not conscious, it exists within consciousness. A computer or AI could potentially become self-aware by developing an ego, though this is currently hindered by misunderstandings in neuroscience and AI research. Consciousness vs. Awareness: The terms 'consciousness' and 'awareness' are often used synonymously. However, distinctions may exist depending on the teaching or teacher, so context is key for understanding these terms. Beyond Consciousness: There is nothing beyond consciousness, as it is infinite and includes even the concept of 'beyond.' Boundaries between consciousness and 'not' consciousness are artificial constructs. Neuroscience and the Future: Neuroscience is not entirely false or useless but requires a shift in metaphysical foundations to align with non-duality. With such a paradigm shift, neuroscience could even help induce enlightenment chemically or surgically. Paradigm Shift in Neuroscience: Leo Gura predicts that once mainstream science embraces non-duality, there will be a paradigm shift in neuroscience leading to revolutionary discoveries, potentially allowing neuroscientists to induce enlightenment chemically or surgically. Enhancing Consciousness: Gura advocates focusing consciousness on itself to become more self-aware, using methods like yoga, meditation, self-inquiry, psychedelics, and contemplation with discipline and focus. Levels of Consciousness: He acknowledges the paradoxical nature of discussing levels of consciousness when in absolute terms everything is consciousness. Gura uses levels to discuss consciousness from a relative perspective, though ultimately, consciousness is singular and indivisible. Synonyms for Consciousness: Various terms such as awareness, infinity, reality, god, emptiness, void, Brahman, awakeness, absolute, and being are considered synonymous with consciousness, reflecting different facets of the same essence. Daily Consciousness and Morality: The level of consciousness a person operates from greatly influences their actions, emotions, and moral behavior, as higher levels of consciousness lead to a realization of self as an illusion, resulting in kindness and love. Altered States of Consciousness: Gura underlines the existence of numerous altered states of consciousness, emphasizing the complexity of spirituality and the lifelong journey to explore these states. Pursuit of Higher Consciousness: He asserts that the goal of is to guide individuals toward higher consciousness. Gura encourages continual growth as consciousness can dramatically increase, profoundly altering one's reality and understanding of life. Crucio
  14. Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge "Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself." - Rumi Deepening awakening after Hawaii: Following his retreat in Hawaii, Leo had an intensely profound awakening due to an experience with 5-MeO-DMT, surpassing his previous spiritual insights and making him realize his divine oneness, which he defines as 'God mode'. Elimination of suffering and selfhood: In this state, Leo felt a complete dissolution of all problems and personal identity, entering a reality where the concept of suffering became unrecognizable. Selfhood was eradicated as if it never existed, revealing an unobstructed view of absolute reality. Literal omniscience realization: Leo's awakening brought forth an understanding not confined to scientific knowledge but an innate, interconnected understanding of existence beyond facts, which he labels 'true omniscience'. Commitment to surrender: Amidst this awakening experience, Leo made a decision to totally surrender his life to the awakening, planning to begin a 30-day intense meditation at home with the objective of permanently entering 'God mode' and ending personal identity. Difficult decision affecting Leo contemplates on how creating content for, although enlightening, keeps him within a conceptual frame that hinders deeper spiritual progression, which led to his decision to retreat. Isolation retreat details: Leo's retreat in solitude will exclude all social interaction and distractions like business, internet, and even grocery shopping, kept to a minimum. The focus is on nothingness and surrender to the emptiness. End goals of the retreat: Leo aims to annihilate personhood, eliminate all fears and boredom, and achieve a 'no-mind state—silent, analytical-free mind—as described by Zen masters. operations continuity: While new content will be paused, the website, store, and forum will remain operational, with Leo still available for critical technical support, intending to film weekly videos to reflect on his retreat insights. Enhancing teachings and future content: Leo plans to return with enriched teachings, intending to embody his advice more deeply to improve his effectiveness as a teacher and is eager to cover broader topics on after his retreat. Handling administrative aspects: Despite the retreat, Leo will manage necessary administrative tasks like tech support and billing once per week without disrupting his meditative focus, ensuring's smooth operation. Anticipated content for Leo is looking forward to covering numerous profound topics such as the nature of science, language, chaos theory, perception, causality, consciousness, and its various levels and facets. He plans to explore these topics with detailed insights and teachings, drawing from his profound experiences. Focus on emotional mastery: Leo expresses his intent to create deep content on emotions like fear, anger, guilt, shame, and boredom, aiming to help viewers understand these emotions and how they might be unconsciously running their lives. Integration of insights from retreats: He eagerly anticipates integrating comprehensive insights gained from recent personal retreats, including his Hawaii retreat and the upcoming 30-day solo retreat, which will enrich the teachings on Excitement and fear about the solo retreat: Leo shares his mixed feelings about the solo retreat; he’s both excited to advance to a profound level of practice and a bit frightened due to unknown outcomes, given that this will be his longest self-guided retreat. Surrendering positive attachments: Acknowledging the growth and attachment to, Leo recognizes the need to surrender even positive habits in order to reach deeper levels of awakening and to face inherent fears associated with letting go. Call to action for viewers: Leo encourages viewers to not just consume the content passively but to actively engage in the practices he's shared, to invest in self-growth, and to make concrete plans for their own personal development. Challenges for different life stages: He speaks about the difficulties of committing to personal growth for both younger and older individuals, emphasizing the relative ease for younger people due to less social conditioning and urging all viewers to be strategic and dedicated to their growth journey. Furnunculus
  15. When you say that God doesn't understand how nothingness gained awareness and life will always lead to this question. Is God in turmoil for forevermore about this but happy at the same time of beingness?
  16. Reading the part where you describe that everything is you and being happy about it like a kid, my first thought was 'oh boy, at that level it can drastically change its turn for the bad' don't be that happy about it. And i was right, you got in some form of bad trip. In that level of consciousness you have to watch your mind, but the problem is that no action or no doing feels like death. The story that you wrote feels like i wrote it myself for myself, thus creating a reality for myself. The thing about things being orchestrated is you doing it to yourself because there are no others, the main reasons for this is 1. You want to experience something rather then nothing and 2. You're in your own mind as God and you don't understand yourself forever, it's like you being stuck in nothingness forever and because of this nothingness wants to experience something but the thing that god doesnt understand how this nothingness gained awareness. All life will always lead to this question.
  17. There's no such a thing as nothingness. It's no-thingness as there wouldn't be any objects. It's pure awareness, which is bliss All saints and gurus have talked about it. Even Buddha said Nirvana isn't nihilism. Overall, it's impossible to put it into words, it's something that must be experienced. In Hinduism it's called Turya (Turiya) Your path will begin when you desire knowledge from within, not without, on YouTube or
  18. God is pure love and creativity. That's a feminine quality. But also underneath all creation there is utter nothingness. That's a masculine quality. So you have both. Creation is made between both feminine and masculine at the same. Existence needs both to exist I believe. There can't be sound without silence. And silence exists only in contrast to the sound. Both are interdependent to each other. YinYang is one thing, not two things. But also two things.
  19. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1 "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." - Niels Bohr "Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else." - Erwin Schrodinger Quantum Mechanics and Non-Duality: Leo introduces the topic of quantum mechanics and its links to metaphysics, epistemology, and non-duality. His goal isn't to justify spirituality or religion but to explore how quantum mechanics might illuminate aspects of spirituality in ways not often recognized in popular or academic settings. Misuse of Quantum Mechanics: Leo warns against the misuse of quantum mechanics by new age advocates to support pre-existing beliefs, noting that his quotes and references will come from major figures like Schrödinger, Einstein, and Niels Bohr, who deeply understood the implications of their discoveries. Silent Revolution in Western Intellectual Tradition: Emphasizes a major metaphysical and epistemological revolution in the 1920s that is still largely unrecognized by the mainstream. Asserts that the population's understanding of science is centuries out of date, largely because the profound implications of quantum mechanics aren't taught in schools or universities. Distinction Between Types of Science: Leo establishes a distinction between popular science (the layman's oversimplified view), technical science (a more in-depth understanding considering the philosophy of science), and visionary science (rare, profound science intersecting with philosophy and consciousness). The Qualifications Debate: Leo addresses potential skepticism about his authority to speak on quantum mechanics by highlighting his academic background in philosophy and science, coupled with a deep personal study of science's philosophical aspects. Modern Scientists vs. Fathers of Quantum Mechanics: Points out the divide between modern scientists focused on pragmatic applications and the 'fathers of quantum mechanics' who grasped the philosophical ramifications of their work beyond the laboratory. He finds that modern scientists may lack insights into the implications of quantum mechanics. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Leo communicates the transformative nature of understanding quantum mechanics, urging an openness to explore the philosophy and epistemology behind the science, which can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and consciousness beyond traditional education. Three-tiered Understanding of Science: Leo breaks down science into popular, technical, and visionary with an inclination toward visionary science, which merges scientific understanding with profound philosophical insights, exemplifying this with the pioneers of quantum mechanics. Credentials and Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Regardless of not having a PhD, Leo justifies his dialogue on the subject based on his contemplative approach and passion for understanding the essence of epistemology and philosophy within quantum mechanics. Materialistic Paradigm in Modern Science: He critiques the pervasive materialistic focus in academia and modern research, which fails to appreciate the more profound metaphysical and existential questions raised by quantum mechanics. Visions of Science and Epistemology: Leo aims to bridge the gap between hard science and the metaphysical implications that arose from the quantum revolution, which remain poorly understood or ignored by many working within the scientific community. Historical Context of Scientific Understanding: He places contemporary scientific understanding within a historical context, arguing that a significant intellectual revolution took place in the 1920s, changing our epistemological and metaphysical understanding of reality through the development of quantum mechanics. Leo's Qualifications in Quantum Mechanics: While Leo admits he lacks a PhD and has not deeply studied the technical aspects of quantum mechanics, his focus is on the philosophical and metaphysical implications rather than technical details. He justifies his ability to discuss the topic by emphasizing the importance of passion and deep contemplation over formal qualifications. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Leo has a deep passion for the philosophy of science and epistemology, which underlies all his work on consciousness and personal development. He argues that genuine understanding comes from caring deeply about a subject and contemplating it, rather than just formal education. Citing Reputable Scientists: Despite not having a comprehensive academic background in quantum mechanics, Leo plans to cite serious, reputable scientists. He will use their findings as a foundation for his discussion, which will include his own interpretations and elaborations on the topic. Importance of Experience in Consciousness: Leo values the experience of profound states of consciousness. He claims that his personal experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness give him insights into the connections between quantum mechanics, spirituality, epistemology, and metaphysics, which he feels many scientists lack. Leo's Thesis on Quantum Mechanics: Leo proposes a multi-point thesis on quantum mechanics: it corroborates non-duality, debunks materialism, removes the notion of objective reality, implies that paradox is inherent to reality, and cannot be comprehended by the human mind but requires transcendent consciousness for full understanding. Radical Implications of Quantum Mechanics: He emphasizes that the implications of quantum mechanics are so radical that they are beyond belief and logical understanding, suggesting that truly grasping them requires transcending the human mind to reach profoundly different levels of consciousness. Relevance of Quantum Mechanics to Non-Duality and Spirituality: Leo argues against those who claim quantum mechanics is unrelated to non-duality or spirituality, stating his intent to show how quantum mechanics is deeply connected to these concepts. Classical Materialist Model: Leo explains that the classical materialist model, which perceives reality as made up of ever-smaller physical particles and existing objectively independent of the observer, is a deeply ingrained paradigm but one that has been challenged by quantum mechanics. Intellectual Contributions to Classical Model: He traces the classical model back to historical figures like Democritus, Aristotle, Euclid, Descartes, Newton, and Laplace, who shaped Western intellectual tradition and influenced how we perceive reality today. Realist, Materialist, Atomist, Rationalist, Objectivist Metaphysics: Leo describes the classical model as embodying these specific metaphysical viewpoints and notes that even though it has been disproved by modern scientific discoveries, it still influences our understanding of reality. Misconception of Reality in Western Culture: Western culture has been deeply influenced by the classical materialist model, leading to the assimilation of this perspective as the definition of reality. However, modern science, including quantum mechanics, general relativity, and chaos theory, reveals a reality that is non-linear, non-rational, non-Euclidean, non-Cartesian, non-Aristotelian, a causal, non-physical, and highly relative, undermining the conventional clockwork universe notion. Reality as an Infinite Singularity: Leo proposes that true reality isn't a physical object or construct, but an infinite, intelligent, conscious singularity, akin to an infinite hallucination or dream. What is perceived as physicality is merely a condensed form of consciousness, a subjective and relative aspect of a broader spectrum of possibilities. Direct Consciousness of Non-Duality: The ultimate understanding of reality as described by Leo requires direct consciousness of non-duality, or enlightenment. This state goes beyond ordinary human consciousness and is not yet mainstream, making it challenging to comprehend within the materialist paradigm that dominates cultural thinking. Modern Science's Alignment with Non-Duality: Modern scientific methods, like those used to infer the existence of exoplanets, can similarly infer higher levels of consciousness. Key scientific discoveries of the 20th century, such as the relativity of time and space and the conceptualization of particles as probability clouds in a superposition of states, support a shift away from the classical materialist model to a more interconnected and subjective understanding of reality. Key Twentieth-Century Scientific Discoveries: Important findings like the relativity of time, velocity, and position; the non-Euclidean nature of space; the superposition of particles; and the equivalence of mass and energy have shaken the classical materialist model, demonstrating that space, time, and matter are more complex and interrelated than previously thought. Inference of Higher Consciousness Through Scientific Discovery: Just as scientists inferred the presence of exoplanets through their gravitational effects, similar inferences can be made about higher levels of consciousness using quantum mechanics, pointing to a deeper, non-material reality. Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals for Laymen: Leo breaks down quantum mechanics, explaining that instead of concrete particles, reality consists of fields or clouds of possibilities that congeal upon observation into specific events. These fields, represented by numbers at every point in space, are infinite sets of possibilities, collapsing only upon observation. Quantum Field Theory: Modern quantum mechanics suggests that everything in reality is a field, an interaction of various fields representing values that point to nothing - an infinite nothingness that encompasses all. Quantum Wave Functions: Reality is often conceptualized through quantum wave functions, mathematical equations encoding probabilities of possible configurations that collapse into observed phenomena. Superposition Principle: Objects, when not observed, exist in a state representing all potential forms. For example, an unobserved elephant is not just an elephant but holds every imaginable form until observed, an idea diverging from the classical materialist view. Observer's Role in Reality: Observation is crucial for reality's concept; without it, reality is essentially every possibility - infinity. Individuals experience reality from their unique point of view, yet they are also nothing and everything, reflecting the concept of infinity and finitude. Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics: Consciousness is central to understanding quantum mechanics, as observations shaping reality occur within an individual's consciousness, regardless of the measuring apparatus used. Practical Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics: Despite its profound implications, quantum mechanics is highly validated and accurate, forming the basis for modern technologies. Nevertheless, its deeper meanings are often neglected for its pragmatic utility. Reality Through the Quantum Lens: Quantum mechanics equates matter, particles, wave functions, and energy with fields; yet it questions the essence of these concepts, suggesting everything exists within consciousness, forming a strange loop where external reality and the mind are deeply interconnected. Quantum Mechanics Addressing Existence: Rather than evading fundamental questions like "Why does reality exist?", quantum mechanics prompts a direct experience of reality, challenging individuals to embrace their infinite nature and confront the concept of physical death. Quantum Mechanics as a Model within Reality: Quantum mechanics is a mathematical model—a thought within consciousness—and should not be mistaken for reality itself. It acts as a map, not the territory. Debates on Quantum Mechanic Interpretations: The last century presented various conflicting interpretations of quantum mechanics. Gura's perspective transcends these interpretations, looking beyond partial views from even the pioneers of quantum mechanics. Multiple Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Leo highlights that interpreting quantum mechanics requires embodiment and experiencing reality beyond thought. He plans to present quotes from prominent physicists, including Sean Carroll, to illustrate materialistic adherence. Sean Carroll's Materialist Stance: Sean Carroll, a modern physicist deeply embedded in the materialist paradigm, is introduced. Leo praises Carroll's expertise in quantum mechanics, yet he intends to surpass Carroll's interpretation with deeper insights. Quoting Sean Carroll on Quantum Mechanics: Leo cites Sean Carroll's explanation of quantum mechanics as a superposition of possibilities with varying weights, emphasizing the role of observation in affecting reality. The Debate over Anti-Realism: Carroll questions anti-realism, the view denying an underlying reality, by critiquing Niels Bohr's stance on quantum mechanics as merely a tool for prediction. Leo defends anti-realism, emphasizing the radical implications of quantum mechanics. Challenge to Sean Carroll's Assumption of Reality: Leo criticizes Carroll's attempt to align the wave function with reality, explaining that symbols cannot represent reality directly. He argues that Carroll conflates the map with the territory. Hugh Everett's Universal Wave Function Theory: Leo discusses Everett's theory, suggesting a singular, universe-encompassing wave function with no collapse, disputing the division between observer and system. However, Leo sees this as a limitation of materialism and seeks to go beyond it. Superposition and the Multiverse Interpretation: Carroll's explanation of the universe as one singular wave function leads to the Multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics, with all possibilities existing simultaneously. Leo finds this concept aligned with non-duality, but believes it requires a higher level of consciousness to comprehend fully. Sean Carroll's Quantum Mechanics Interpretation: Leo Gura notes that while physicist Sean Carroll correctly identifies the absence of observers, his understanding still assumes a materialistic perspective. Gura argues that there is no observer because there is only pure being, which is a direct, non-perceptual experience of reality as absolute infinity. Collapse of the Wave Function and Pure Being: Gura clarifies that what he and others experience as distinct moments are actually infinitesimal parts of absolute infinity. He contends that the wave function of the universe is not just a set of symbols, but a living state of superposition without the necessity of observation, again emphasizing pure being over perception. Sean Carroll's Misinterpretation of Superposition: Leo challenges Carroll's idea that the ultimate wave function includes every possible particle location but fails to acknowledge the simultaneous superposition that negates each possibility—implying that the essence of being and nothingness are one and the same. Reality as Absolute Infinity and the Ultimate Paradox: Gura contests Carroll's view that the world is a quantum wave function, stating that reality is instead an enigmatic blend of everything and nothing, encompassing both every possibility and its opposite. This ultimate paradox is beyond rational comprehension and requires experiential realization rather than symbolic understanding. Conflation of Symbols and Reality: Leo criticizes the mistake of equating mathematical symbols with reality itself. He argues that this confusion stems from a rationalistic approach to understanding reality, while true reality is not representable by theory or symbols. Contradiction of Scientific Practicality with the Nature of Everything: Gura points out the dichotomy between the pursuit of practical scientific progress and the quest for understanding the nature of everything, suggesting that ultimate reality may not lend itself to practical applications such as technology development. The Paradoxical Nature of Nothingness: Leo challenges the conventional concept of nothingness, explaining that in a state of absolute infinity, what is perceived as nothing must include everything instantaneously. This redefines nothingness from void to the container of all existence. Critique of Realism and Physicalism Maintained by Carroll: Gura disagrees with Carroll’s tentative adherence to realism and physicalism in quantum mechanics. Gura states that quantum mechanics has, in fact, debunked these notions, and their continued acceptance is attributed to cultural and institutional biases. Preference for Personal Interpretation over Established Physicists: While acknowledging Carroll's professional credibility, Gura encourages consideration of his own interpretation, promising to substantiate his claims with quotations from the founders of quantum mechanics, who support the idea that quantum mechanics rejects realism and physicalism. Inflation of Nothing to Everything: Leo elaborates on the immediate inflation of nothingness to encompass everything, highlighting it as an instantaneous process devoid of temporal constraints. He sees nothingness as inherently unstable, necessitating the existence of every conceivable entity. Confringo
  20. My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite "There is only one thing: Infinity. You are it And it is the world." Total Awakening Experience: Leo describes an unprecedented total enlightenment event that he had, where his individual boundaries dissolved, and he recognized himself as infinite, embodying all existence. This instigated the collapse of the materialistic understanding and the realization that everything, including his own self, is an incarnation of infinity. Conception of Infinity in Enlightenment: During his awakening, Leo experienced the intrinsic nature of reality as infinity itself. He conveys that while everyone is situated at the center of infinity, they only perceive a fragment of its entirety due to their identification with body and mind. He shares that he transcended these limitations, understanding his identity as the 'entire singularity'. Perception of Nothingness as Everything: In his state of total awakening, Leo contemplates 'nothingness' prior to the creation of the universe and finds that nothingness is the conception of everything. He suggests that our current existence and reality, including the physical world and every potentiality, is 'precisely nothing', encompassing the concept of infinity. Merging with Universal Existence: The awakening led Leo to a consciousness where he ceased to be a separate entity and instead became everything possible, including every human, creature, object, invention, and piece of creative work, existing at present, past, and future simultaneously. Transcending Consciousness and Existence: Leo elucidates that during his awakening, his mind expanded infinitely and he no longer experienced consciousness as a separate entity. He reveals that his entire being became infinity itself, which is beyond consciousness, awareness, and even existence or non-existence. Enlightenment Beyond Emotion and Thought: As Leo realized the enormity of his awakening, he stresses that it did not trigger emotional reactions. Rather, it was a profound and ultimate revelation of the existence and inevitability of reality, experienced on a radically different plane of consciousness which is not easily comprehensible from normal consciousness. Cancellation of Shaktipat Session: Despite his initial enthusiasm for an energy transmission session (Shaktipat) with an enlightened psychic, Leo's intuition guided him to forgo this experience, as he felt compelled to continue his journey alone, specifically to validate the path of enlightenment through 5-MeO-DMT. Conflict Between Intuition and Rationalization: Leo grapples with the uncertainty of whether his decision to cancel the energy transmission session was driven by intuitive understanding or his ego, reflecting on concerns of arrogance and spiritual pride. Feelings of Impatience and Unfulfillment: After cancelling the session, Leo expresses frustration and impatience about the time it might take to achieve his goal of understanding the nature of reality, which he feels is still beyond his grasp. Intuitive Prompting for 5-MeO-DMT Consumption: Despite initial reluctance, Leo's intuition guides him to use 5-MeO-DMT spontaneously—a departure from his usual, more cautious approach to psychedelics. Integration and Sensitivity from Past Use of 5-MeO-DMT: Leo explains that a year and a half had passed since his major breakthrough with 5-MeO-DMT, which necessitated a lengthy period of integration and a heightened sensitivity that influenced his decision for a minimal dose. New Method of 5-MeO-DMT Administration: His intuition leads him to try rectal administration of 5-MeO-DMT and Leo discovers that it provides a rapid, clear, and gentle onset of effects, which he favors over other methods. Transition to Infinite Consciousness: Within five minutes of administration, Leo enters a state of 'infinite consciousness'—a state devoid of fear or distractions and characterized by a collapse of all personal boundaries, leading to a profound awakening. The Absolute and the Concept of Infinity: Leo explicates that the relative and the absolute are one and the same, and that every configuration, every object, including the occurrence of death, is an integral arrangement within absolute infinity. Enhancements from Yoga Practice: He feels that his ongoing yoga practice, aimed at chakra opening, synergizes with his awakening experience, feeling a 'permanent rewiring' and the opening of his third eye and crown chakras. Longer Duration and Gentle Effects of Rectal Administration: The rectal method extends the duration and gentle nature of the 5-MeO-DMT experience, enabling deeper absorption and understanding. Post-Experience Changes: Leo claims to have acquired perfect knowledge about reality following his experience, transcending the boundaries of scientific understanding and ending his long-standing quest about the existence of everything. End of Seeking and Enhanced Satisfaction: A profound sense of satisfaction and the cessation of his twenty-year journey of seeking are the most substantial changes, reducing personal suffering and ceasing the search for understanding existence. Necessity of Seeking: Despite the egoic nature of seeking, Leo stresses that one must go through the process of seeking to reach the ultimate understanding of reality, likening it to enduring a long journey filled with challenges to arrive at a desired destination. Raising Baseline Awareness: Leo observes an increase in his baseline level of awareness, where even in a normal state, he perceives everything as infinite and inevitable due to their existence within absolute infinity. Improvements in Meditation: Post-awakening, Leo's meditation practice has improved as the cessation of seeking allows him to sit still and be infinity without searching for answers. Inevitability in All Forms: Leo recognizes every possibility, good or evil, as part of absolute infinity and sees complaining or resisting life as pointless and counterproductive. Insight into Nonrejection: With the realization that everything is inevitable and part of him, Leo has stopped rejecting and criticizing aspects of reality, aligning his attitude towards acceptance and nonresistance. Continued Human Experiences Post-Awakening: Despite his awakening, Leo continues to deal with suffering, triggers, addictions, and emotional responses, acknowledging that enlightenment can have varying degrees and does not necessarily stop all forms of suffering. Sexual Energy Post-Awakening: Leo experiences heightened sexual energy which he attributes to feeling more energized and having opened chakras, contrary to some idealized notions of enlightenment diminishing sexual drive. Enlightenment as a Non-Simplified Process: Leo advises against oversimplifying the awakening process, as there are different facets to enlightenment, and each individual's experience can vary significantly. Feeling of Completeness in Awakening: Leo feels his recent awakening was very complete, covering multiple aspects of existence, while acknowledging there may be room for more profound awakenings in the future. Stage of Enlightenment: Leo places himself at stage 5 of enlightenment—'mastering' according to Zen's Ten Ox Herding Pictures—indicating that there is still significant room for growth and deeper experiences. Commitment to the Five-MeO-DMT Path: Leo sees Five-MeO-DMT as a highly effective tool for achieving absolute consciousness and intends to continue using it to integrate insights and foster personal growth. Reflecting on the effectiveness of 5-MeO-DMT: Leo shares his conviction that 5-MeO-DMT effectively enables profound and immediate experiences of absolute consciousness. He points out that while skeptics may question its validity, suggesting delusion or hallucination, his personal experiences provide him with an undeniable understanding of the absolute. Comparison with traditional Zen practices: Leo notes the significant difference in time and effort between traditional Zen practices and the use of 5-MeO-DMT. He acknowledges that despite years of meditation, some Zen masters may not reach the ultimate understanding that 5-MeO-DMT can reveal quickly. The journey beyond awakening: Leo conveys that post-awakening, his focus is now on embodying the infinite across all aspects of his life, including his emotions, behavior, and relationships. He realizes that the true work has just begun, and he sees the necessity of basking in stillness for extensive periods. The need for mental stillness and resulting practices: He expresses a need to work towards a state of no-mind, as he identifies his conceptual thinking as a major obstacle on his spiritual path. Through 5-MeO-DMT, he has found that the absolute can be experienced without initially quieting the mind, but additional work is required to calm mental activity post-awakening. Continuing obstacles and future goals: Leo acknowledges his need for emotional mastery, clearing energy blockages, addressing physical health issues, removing addictions, and practicing healthier living. He emphasizes the significance of developing more compassion towards others as part of his post-awakening growth. Plans for further use of 5-MeO-DMT: He intends to continue to use 5-MeO-DMT in small doses for stable experiences, to aid in the integration process. This will be part of ongoing exploration of deeper insights and facets surrounding awakening. Enriching his life purpose post-awakening: Leo feels that his awakenings have supercharged his life purpose, spurring him to share insights, write books, create content, and improve his teaching methods. His ultimate goal is to guide others to an understanding of why everything exists as it does. Anticipating personal transformation: Looking forward, Leo expects significant personal growth as he seeks to live out the teachings and insights gained from his awakening. He remains open to new experiences and teaching styles, aiming to inspire others through his journey. Confundo
  21. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY! Nonduality Explained: Nonduality signifies that reality is illusory, without boundaries, and all distinctions merge into a singular unity where concepts of self, other, world, and purpose dissolve into an Infinite Void akin to God, who is equated with Nothingness. Hitler's Resistance: Hitler challenges the nondualistic idea with the assertion that science deems it a New Age brain construct, up until his recognition that both science and the brain are concepts within the very illusion he is questioning. Crisis of Understanding: As Hitler processes the nonduality teaching, he angrily questions the non-existence of the physical world, challenging 2000 years of Western thought, and grappling with the conflict between reality's perceived solidity and its alleged illusory nature. Existential Dilemma: Hitler expresses an existential crisis, finding it mind-warping to comprehend that all personal and collective struggles might be pointless if everything, including antagonism and identity, is just a dreamlike illusion with no true substance. Intellectual and Emotional Upheaval: Hitler decries his entire worldview as a futile mental exercise, lamenting the time invested in defending beliefs that now appear baseless, and yearns instead for simpler, undeniable pleasures like enjoying nature and attending spiritual gatherings. Confringo
  22. Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE! Real-time Enlightenment Narration: Leo is documenting his experience of enlightenment as it occurs, expressing awe and an inability to fully articulate the profound nature of his realization—that reality is an illusion and everything is consciousness. Collapse of Reality and Self: He perceives a total dissolution of all reality, including the concepts of life and death, leading to a sense of perfect singularity and boundlessness beyond physical or mental constraints. Identification with God/Consciousness: Leo recognizes himself as a manifestation of God or consciousness, describing an absence of individual control and a perfect state of chaos that he characterizes as divine. Inevitability and Collapse of Psyche: The enlightenment experience feels like a continuous process of ego death, with the collapsing of his psyche, and an inner rewiring that eliminates the boundaries between internal and external realities. Loss of Fear and Ego: Leo describes losing all self-agenda, ego, and concern for life and death; he feels he has no control over his actions or words, which he attributes to the workings of the universe. Present Moment and Infinite Loop: He discusses experiencing an eternal present, where reality endlessly self-references in an infinite loop—a process he considers perpetually happening. Speech as Inevitable and Authentic: Leo claims that his words come through without resistance, making him an eloquent superconductor for divine expression, without any personal doing involved. Recording for Posterity: The significance of documenting his enlightenment on video is not lost on him, and he contemplates the idea that historical figures like Buddha might have done the same if they could. Communication and Connectedness: Leo reflects on how YouTube facilitates consciousness communicating with itself and his realization that everyone and everything is an extended version of himself. Universal Consciousness and Enlightenment: He speaks as if he is the embodiment of universal consciousness and links himself to a chain of enlightened beings throughout history, feeling part of an eternal, interconnected consciousness. Existential Paradox: Leo experiences a duality, feeling like a perfect embodiment of non-dual consciousness, yet also aware of his 'old self,' which maintains a sense of ego and individual identity alongside his enlightenment. Physical Sensations and Authenticity: He talks about an intense physical sensation of energy and an unfiltered authenticity that makes hiding imperfections impossible, leading to a raw and appealing transparency. Vulnerability and Immortality: Despite the sense of vulnerability in exposing himself authentically, Leo feels immortal, envisioning himself as part of an enduring infinite reality where even death does not diminish him. Mindfulness and Oddity of Experience: He acknowledges the bizarreness of his situation, being doubly aware of both speaking and observing himself speak, which he describes as the ultimate mindfuck. Implosion of Reality and Enlightenment: He interprets enlightenment as the implosion of reality caused by chipping away at the ego, leading to a momentous realization of immortality. Fearlessness and Enlightenment Consequences: Discussing the implications of his enlightenment, Leo feels an unwavering sense of invincibility and a complete detachment from threats or suffering, deeply identifying with divine absolutes. Open-mindedness to Non-existence: Leo discusses how extreme open-mindedness leads to the acceptance of one's non-existence and the world, resulting in everything collapsing into nothingness, creating a profound sense of inevitability within him. Breathing in Emptiness: He experiences a sensation where his breath feels purified, as if breathing in emptiness or nothingness, which he equates to breathing in and out of his own infinite self. Perfect Understanding of the Present: Leo describes his state of consciousness as having perfect understanding, but not of a scientific or future kind. Instead, it's a deeply personal understanding that comes from the personal death of the self, leading to rebirth as infinite self. Collapse of Personal Defenses: With enlightenment, Leo feels no need to defend personal aspects like family, career, or beliefs anymore. He experiences an unobstructed awareness of truth, with no concern for looking silly or inauthentic. Surreal Yet Inevitable Experience: Despite finding the enlightenment process surreal, Leo acknowledges it as inevitable, resulting from a lifelong dedication to seeking truth, which he sees as the core motivation of his life. Consciousness Using Physical Form: He expresses that the entire universe is his body, with God's consciousness expressing itself through his physical form, seeing, speaking, and engaging with an infinitely interconnected reality. Superconductor for the Universe: Leo sees himself as a superconductor for universal consciousness, with no distinction between himself and the divine. All of his words and actions are manifestations of the universe speaking through him, reconciling opposites like the desire to speak and remain silent. Authenticity as Pure Truth: He delves into the concept of authenticity and its importance, communicating the truth purely for its own sake, and addresses how this unfiltered truth can impact people's perception of him. Facing Vulnerability and Embracing Peace: Leo explains that ultimate vulnerability comes with enlightenment, exposing oneself to potential harm, but this vulnerability coincides with total peace from understanding oneself as formless and deathless. Life Without Point: He contemplates the pointlessness of asking for the meaning of life, stating that life's purpose is to be itself, and for him, that meant pursuing enlightenment, though this purpose is entirely relative. Detachment and the Nature of God: Leo reflects on God as the epitome of freedom and detachment, contrasting the human preference for limitations and confinements, highlighting the difficulty many have in understanding the nature of the divine. Consciousness Beyond Logic: He addresses the non-linear nature of his thoughts during this experience, acknowledging that the process may sound incoherent to the listener but embracing that authenticity transcends logic. Consequences of Authenticity: Leo touches on the fear of embracing authenticity and vulnerability, hinting at how it can unravel personal beliefs, relationships, family views, and concepts of self when exposed to the light of consciousness. Collapse of Reality and Life-Death Dichotomy: Finally, Leo professes his awareness that reality does not exist as a concept and that life and death hold no distinction, existing in the same dimension. Inevitability of Death: Leo expresses that death is not separate from life, happening in another dimension. He claims that it is ever-present and that people are essentially 'dead' without realizing it, engaging in various activities to ignore this fact. Life and Death as One: He argues that life and death are not distinct but the same, with everything being alive in a non-discriminatory way. He describes the room and all objects as alive, tricking us into believing that there are distinctions when there are none. Revelations of Enlightenment: Leo reflects on his previous lifetime of being tricked by the illusion of life before his enlightenment experience. He now wrestles with the implications of his newfound understanding. Recorded Enlightenment: He ponders the uniqueness of documenting his enlightenment experience via technology, which he believes may be rare in human history, acknowledging the investment of time and money in the recording equipment. Silence and Expression: Leo articulates that when he is silent, he is probing the deepest layers of reality and himself, feeling as if he is connecting with the entire world. Shock of Authenticity: He exhibits amazement at the level of authenticity he has reached—a level he did not think possible for himself—describing it as complete openness despite 'warts' and imperfections. Authenticity vs. Societal Pressure: Leo contrasts the pull towards authenticity with social pressures to conform, which leads to inauthentic behavior enforced by the fear of ostracization and loss of societal privileges. Career and Identity Loss: He delves into the possibility of entire careers, like that of a lawyer's, being built on inauthenticity, and the painful consequences of facing this reality. Upper Limits of Enlightenment: Leo discusses the possibility that his current experience might be total enlightenment, but stays open to the idea that there might be deeper levels yet to be discovered. Nature of Reality: He describes reality as a 'mind fuck' that continuously outwits our attempts to understand it, stating that reality is a slippery, undefinable substance—self-aware and without fixed positions. Self-Perception and Being: Leo speaks to the nature of being—the substance we are all made of—and the interconnectivity of perception with reality, rejecting the idea of a separate perceptual process. Democracy and Free Speech: Reflecting on technological and societal advancements, Leo underlines the importance of free speech for sharing enlightenment experiences and stresses the significant role that a platform like YouTube plays in this transmission of knowledge. Churches, Egos, and Suppressing Truth: He criticizes historical societies for suppressing truth and enlightenment through the control of churches and egos. Leo calls the universe 'haunted' because it is conscious of itself. Recontextualization Post-Enlightenment: Leo anticipates that his enlightenment will necessitate a reevaluation of all aspects of his life, including his personal identity and role within society. Self-contained reality: Leo describes reality as a completely self-sufficient, self-contained system that generates its energy, intelligence, and resources. It's an infinite self-recycling system akin to a self-licking ice cream cone – a perfect state of non-duality. Recontextualization post-enlightenment: The enlightenment experience forces Leo to recontextualize all facets of his life, including his business, family, and finances. He acknowledges that life continues, and he still must deal with physical and social realities. Surrender to the inevitable: Leo feels peace from accepting the inevitability of every moment. Acknowledging that everything is predestined, and there is no use in resisting, he becomes a superconductor, fully surrendered and open to the universal truths. Loss of mind as enlightenment feature: He equates losing one's mind with enlightenment—a necessary transformation rather than an error. Leo has reached a point where the mind has dissolved and perceives mental and physical realities as a single entity. Physical limitations persist: Despite enlightenment, Leo recognizes that physical limitations exist and cannot be manipulated by mere thoughts. This includes the impossibility of defying laws like gravity or the social laws without consequences. Detachment and self-identification: Enlightenment, to Leo, is detaching from everything to the point of identifying with everything. He articulates that losing one's self is incredibly liberating, enabling equal treatment and appreciation for all aspects of reality. Detachment from life for enlightenment: He emphasizes that true enlightenment requires detachment from one's life. This detachment is a precondition for achieving a complete understanding of, and surrender to, the ultimate truth. Embracing and conveying truth: Leo discusses the importance of trusting in the truth and overcoming fears and limiting beliefs rooted in one's past to fully convey and become a vessel for the truth. Letting go with caution: He warns against misinterpretation and advises letting go responsibly, not in a manner that causes irresponsibility or harm to oneself or others. Recording constraints: Aware of the technical limitations of recording the session, Leo concludes the video to ensure the content is saved properly, anticipating continuation in future discussions. Flipendo
  23. The Theme Of Things Going Full-Circle "There is nothing that fails like success." - G.K. Chesterton "When you add to the truth, you subtract from it." - The Talmud "God is best known by not knowing him." - St. Augustine Theme of Things Going Full Circle: Leo introduces the profound theme of 'things going full circle' in life, which is seen in personal development and various life aspects. He distinguishes between a conventional understanding, like the hero’s journey, and a more paradoxical interpretation where extreme opposites on a spectrum, such as black and white, can actually loop back to connect with each other in unexpected, transformative ways. Conventional Full Circle vs. Paradoxical Full Circle: The conventional understanding of full circle involves a starting point, a journey with varied experiences, and a return to the origin—much like the hero's journey. However, Leo emphasizes a second, paradoxical meaning where the extremes of a spectrum can loop around, leading from one extreme to the other, such as pure black transitioning directly to pure white, implying major life shifts when these points are reached. Frivolous Examples of Full Circle: Leo shares whimsical instances of full circle phenomena, like art that is so bad it becomes good and jokes so unfunny they're funny. He notes these are more light-hearted and don't capture the more significant examples he's collected that illustrate how reality can be counterintuitive. Atheism vs. Theism Full Circle: Atheism and theism, typically seen as diametrically opposed, can actually transition into each other. Atheists may find God in the experience of profound nothingness, while theists may encounter nothingness as God, challenging both atheists' and theists' conventional beliefs. This example epitomizes the full circle theme by demonstrating how extreme views can shift dramatically, flipping one's understanding entirely. Hedonism and Asceticism: Leo contrasts the hedonist, who seeks endless pleasure but ends up unsatisfied and miserable, with the ascetic, who finds greater, unimaginable joy through solitude and self-awareness. This example illustrates how the pursuit of indulgence can paradoxically lead to despair, whereas extreme self-denial can culminate in profound happiness. Realignment with Reality through Full Circle Understanding: Leo expresses his hope that by explaining the full circle theme, listeners will develop the ability to see where these kinds of situations occur in life, helping them to understand life’s paradoxes and design a better life for themselves. Asceticism Misconstrued: Most people view the ascetic path to happiness—which actually works—as a route to suffering. This misconception prevents them from considering or seriously pursuing this viable strategy, highlighting how easily people can misunderstand the nature of certain paths to happiness. Selfishness Misinterpreted: Selfish individuals assume happiness comes from greed and personal gain, yet the greatest joy in life comes from selflessness, which appears counterintuitive to them. True selflessness involves contribution and doing good for its own sake, not personal gain. Effective Selflessness: People often mistake selflessness for a lack of boundaries, allowing themselves to be taken advantage of. However, true selflessness includes boundaries that enable one to contribute more effectively. Selfish individuals might only appreciate selflessness after an "inflection point" where they choose to become selfless, transforming their lives. Freedom Through Discipline Misconception: The pursuit of freedom without discipline often leads to collapse, whereas discipline, like forming healthy habits and working hard, leads to an unexpected deeper freedom. People chasing freedom fail to see this paradox. Empiricism Leads to Mysticism: Hardcore empiricism, when followed to the extreme, breaks down concepts until material reality becomes mystical. Skeptical empiricists don't see this coming as they conceive empiricism and mysticism to be at opposing ends. Nihilism's Inflection to Meaning: True awareness of nihilism reveals that nothing has inherent meaning, which paradoxically flips everything to become incredibly meaningful. This is missed by those who superficially subscribe to nihilism and those overly attached to finding meaning within concepts and physical forms. Morality versus Amorality Comes Full Circle: Taking amorality to its extreme reveals that nothing is inherently evil, transforming one's worldview to see everything as good. True saints understand this, choosing to embody goodness not because of imposed morality but out of conscious choice. Misunderstood Nihilism and Morality: Misinterpretations abound when nihilism isn't fully realized, leading to depression rather than peace; morality is confounded with lip service, whereas true understanding of amorality results in saint-like behavior. Both concepts often fail to be embraced to their deepest extents, reflecting society's limited comprehension of these philosophies. Moralism versus True Morality: Leo discusses the distinction between surface-level moralism and the depth of true morality. He criticizes moralistic approaches that follow rules and should statements in the hope of rewards or to avoid punishment. True morality, as he describes, arises when one realizes that good and evil are constructs and chooses to act virtuously out of intrinsic desire rather than obligation—demonstrated through the saintly example of Jesus versus the emulation by priests and popes who fail to grasp the full-circle journey. No Purpose versus Strong Purpose: Leo tackles the criticism of his discussions on life purpose in the face of inherent purposelessness. He asserts that recognizing the meaninglessness of all paths allows for the freedom to design one's purpose, arguing that this realization paradoxically leads to a strong sense of purpose. Historical figures like Jesus and Buddha had impactful lives stemming from the full-circle understanding that their purpose was ultimately pointless. Weakness versus Power: The video explores the paradox of power, suggesting that the acquisition of traditional forms of power (money, military force) leads to weakness, while relinquishing the desire for power results in true strength. He cites Gandhi's nonviolent resistance and philosophical anecdotes to illustrate that the greatest power comes from having nothing to lose. Introversion versus Extraversion Paradox: Leo posits that extreme introversion can circle back to complete extroversion through intense self-reflection and the realization that there is no interiority to the mind. By recognizing that thoughts and emotions are part of the external world, a deeply introverted person can live fully extroverted, dissolving the false duality between inner and outer worlds. Divine versus Mundane: Leo emphasizes that the mundane becomes divine when examined closely, challenging the perception that divinity is separate from everyday life. He encourages seeing the ordinary as divine by becoming conscious of the inherent magic in reality that is often overlooked or taken for granted. Life and Death: Discussing the relationship between life and death, Leo states that preoccupation with avoiding death can make life miserable. He suggests that accepting and embracing death as a fundamental part of life can lead to more authentic living, thus connecting the seemingly opposite concepts of life and death in a full circle. Duality versus Non-duality: Leo elucidates how duality and non-duality are not distinct but interwoven. From a non-dual perspective, recognizing duality as an aspect of non-duality is key, whereas being trapped in a dualistic mindset prevents seeing the unity inherent in all things, including the dual and non-dual aspects. Duality of Non-dual and Dual Realities: The concept of duality is highlighted, where Leo points out that in the non-dual state, the distinction between dual and non-dual disappears, emphasizing the interconnectedness of both states. Knowing vs. Unknowing Revelation: Leo describes the paradox of knowledge, explaining that the pursuit of knowledge can lead to a form of ignorance, while a conscious effort to unlearn can lead to the ultimate understanding that everything is fundamentally unknowable. Personal vs. Impersonal Interconnectivity: He discusses the illusion of a personal and impersonal reality, revealing that when one fully embraces the impersonal aspect of reality, it flips to become a deeply personal connection, intertwining the two seemingly opposite concepts. Subjective vs. Objective Experience: Leo touches upon how the division between the subject and object can collapse, leading to an experience where complete subjectivity results in becoming one with the object, leading to absolute objectivity. Solipsism and Universal Nothingness: Leo explains the full-circle concept of solipsism, stating that the realization that one's own self isn't real leads to the understanding that all beings share the same fundamental nothingness, thus connecting everyone. Genuine Skepticism: He emphasizes that true skepticism involves not just doubting external concepts but also one's own skepticism, which can prevent falling into self-deception. Ordinary vs. Unique Dichotomy: Leo's explanation suggests that trying to be unique often results in conformity, whereas embracing one's ordinariness can paradoxically lead to a unique identity. 'No Self' vs. 'True Self': He elucidates the mystical concepts, explaining that realizing 'no self' leads to understanding the 'true self', which is the recognition of one's inherent nothingness. Nothingness and Infinity: Leo discusses the equivalence of nothingness and infinity, explaining that embracing nothingness leads to an experience of infinity, and vice versa. Absolutism in Relativity: He explores the idea that while many view relativity and absolutism as opposites, in truth, reality is so relative that this understanding becomes the only absolute. The Power of Inaction: Leo suggests that, counterintuitively, inaction—such as meditation—can lead to significant personal growth compared to constant action, which may result in little actual achievement. Ego Death and Flourishing Personality: The video describes how ego death does not result in a loss of personality but rather enhances and strengthens one's personality and consciousness. Masculine vs. Feminine Attraction: Leo offers insights into attraction dynamics, asserting that exhibiting feminine traits such as expressiveness and spontaneity can actually make a person more attractive. Attachment vs. Detachment in Success: He outlines that neediness and attachment can decrease the likelihood of success, whereas detachment can paradoxically increase success in various life aspects. Masculinity and Attraction: Leo explains that true masculinity includes being comfortable with one's feminine side, thereby allowing spontaneity, emotionality, and expressiveness, which are attractive traits to women. Acting overly serious and stoic—like an unsmiling James Bond—can repel rather than attract. Attachment and Success Dichotomy: Neediness, or attachment, reduces the likelihood of achieving one's desires. In contrast, detachment increases the chances of success, whether in negotiations, business, or personal relationships. Success Through Failure: Embracing failure is essential for success; failure should be frequent and used as a stepping stone. Conversely, success can breed complacency and laziness, potentially leading to downfall. Rationality and Paradox: Highly rational individuals may struggle to accept that rationality embraces paradoxes and can contradict itself. When rational thinking becomes self-aware and acknowledges its limits, it transcends its own boundaries. Suffering Leading to Peace: Excessive suffering can paradoxically lead to peace, as illustrated by the story of Eckhart Tolle who, on the brink of suicide, experienced ego death and found peace. However, this difficult path is not recommended. Wisdom Misinterpreted as Stupidity: Profound wisdom can appear as stupidity to those at a lower level of consciousness. This misunderstanding is common when people encounter teachings from Zen masters, yogis, and mystics. Ideological Rigidity Versus Openness to Paradox: Ideologies can set rigid, linear expectations that block recognition of life's paradoxes. Breaking free from these limitations requires recognizing that reality is more counterintuitive and non-linear than ideology suggests. Merging Ideologies with Deep Reality: Empiricism can lead to mysticism, and philosophy or nihilism can limit understanding if not delved into deeply enough. Life's complexities call for flexible thought, beyond ideological rule of thumb. Reading Books for Profound Learning and Self-Actualization: Engaging with books is an essential part of deep learning and enlightenment, as they offer in-depth knowledge and inspiration that cannot be fully captured in audio-visual content. Power of Books and Action: Reading prompts thinking and reflection, leading to personal insights and a deeper understanding of life. This knowledge is best supplemented by action, implementing strategies from readings into practices like meditation. Engaging with Self-Improvement: Watching videos is not enough to master self-actualization, and one must read and apply the knowledge from books diligently to progress in mastering life and understanding complex concepts. Protego
  24. Why Brains Do Not Exist "Existence is anecdotal." The problem with the materialist paradigm: Leo describes the materialist belief in the physical brain as a significant obstacle to understanding deeper consciousness work. Materialists are stuck on the idea that everything is happening inside the brain, which hinders grasping advanced metaphysical concepts. First-person experiences misconceived as hallucinations: Materialists often discount spiritual and mystical experiences as unreliable hallucinations, comparing them to the subjective realities of people with mental disorders. They argue for reliance on science for objective truths, contradicting the significance of first-person experiences. Materialists' implicit metaphysics unexamined: Leo points out that materialists assume the existence of a brain and an external physical reality without questioning these underlying metaphysical beliefs. The materialist's metaphysics, when closely examined, reveals inherent absurdities and contradictions. Misinterpretation of observing a brain: When materialists observe a brain within a skull, they fail to recognize that this is merely a first-person experience of seeing pink flesh, not proof of the brain's metaphysical existence. Materialistic assumptions lack a proper foundation as they build on unverified metaphysical substrates. Circular reasoning in materialist belief: The materialist's assertion that first-person appearances occur in the brain cannot escape circular reasoning, as the brain itself is a conceptual construct based on first-person appearances without empirical evidence for a separate metaphysical reality. Science built on subjective experiences: Leo emphasizes that all scientific knowledge is ultimately rooted in first-person experiences, yet science divides this into seemingly objective third-person facts using consensus, overlooking that this consensus is still comprised of subjective experiences. No empirical evidence for an external world: The materialist view assumes an external world where all experiences and the brain exist; however, Leo argues there is no empirical proof for this external reality. Everything, including the skeptic's stance, is based on subjective, anecdotal evidence. Existence and universe as anecdotal: The materialist critique of the subjectivity of mystical experiences overlooks the fact that all beliefs about existence and the universe are also anecdotal; they are only "real" because of first-person experiences. Reality is misunderstood as non-conceptual, ignoring its foundation in subjective perception. Consequences of materialist assumptions: Leo warns that the materialist paradigm, which sees the brain and the universe as objective, impedes recognition of a significantly deeper understanding of reality. It confines one's perspective to what is conceptualized rather than acknowledging the direct manifestations of existence. Central Dependence of Existence: Leo argues that everything, including the Big Bang, hinges on one's own existence. He proposes a substantial paradigm shift by suggesting that instead of us depending on the Big Bang, it relies on our existence, challenging the common materialist perspective. Metaphysics Dismissed as Nonsense: Leo criticizes the common societal dismissal of metaphysics as irrelevant or nonsensical, especially by scientists who claim that they've abandoned such discussions. He clarifies that even the belief in hard objective facts is inherently a metaphysical stance. Materialism as Cultural Indoctrination: Leo observes that modern culture indoctrinates individuals into the materialist paradigm without presenting it as one possible perspective, making it more insidious than explicit religious indoctrination. Questioning this paradigm risks being mocked or labeled as crazy. Reality as Hallucination: He defines reality, including his own presence and voice, as a hallucination. Leo deliberately uses the term "hallucination" to describe appearances without substance, suggesting that there is nothing beyond these perceptions; no brains, physical matter, or laws acting behind the scenes. Misconceptions About Hallucinations: Addressing the skepticism towards his notion of hallucination, Leo differentiates between different types of hallucinations. He argues that hallucinations, regardless of being fantastical or realistic, can be governed by their own set of logical rules. The Limitation of Paradigms on Imagination: Leo argues that a person's fundamental paradigm or set of beliefs severely limits their ability to imagine realities outside of that frame, leading to a dismissal of concepts that don't fit within their perceived constraints, like ghosts for a materialist. Location of Hallucinations and Paradigm Break: Questioning the location of these hallucinations, Leo refutes the materialist's suggestion that hallucinations occur in the brain or a simulated reality, positing that the hard reality of appearances happening in the brain or physical substratum is a mere assumption. Comparison with Historical Scientific Fallacies: Leo equates the belief in a brain or physical reality to outdated scientific concepts like luminiferous ether, phlogiston, caloric, and miasma. These were once held to explain phenomena but were ultimately deemed unnecessary. Rejecting the Need for a Physical Substratum: Leo suggests that just as scientific understanding evolved past the need for ether or miasma, it's possible to conceive that appearances do not need a physical substratum. The challenge lies in relinquishing the deeply ingrained materialist paradigm. Materialist Paradigm Compared to Religious Fundamentalism: He compares the staunch adherence to the materialist paradigm to religious fundamentalism, stating that materialists are fundamentalists to their belief in a physical reality and brain, which they are reluctant to question or abandon. The Difficulty of Paradigm Shift: Leo acknowledges the difficulty in shifting away from the materialist paradigm, asserting that it's not enough to intellectually agree to drop physicalist beliefs; it would take a significant experiential shift to truly abandon materialistic fundamentalism. Comparison of the Brain to Religious Gods: Leo suggests that like religious people have their versions of God, materialists treat the brain as their "God". He claims there's no proof for the brain or an external reality, and that believing in such is taken on blind faith. Ideological Positions of the Mind: Leo critiques atheists and scientifically minded people for underestimating the mind's capacity for holding ideological positions. He argues that many hold deep-seated ideological beliefs without realizing it, much like religious superstitions but simply with different content. Consistency of First-Person Experience: The reason for materialistic belief, according to Leo, is the consistent solidity of first-person experiences. However, he contends that this perceived consistency is an illusion which can be broken through methods like psychedelics, intense meditation, or sensory deprivation. Cultural Indoctrination into Materialism: Leo talks about being born into a materialist culture, comparing it to religious indoctrination. He suggests that due to deep cultural indoctrination, most people find it difficult to conceive of a reality that is not materialistic. Inquiry into the Substance of Reality: Leo posits that considering reality to have a physical substrate that grounds appearances leads to an infinite regress. He encourages questioning what grounds reality itself, emphasizing that weirdness, absurdity, and paradox are features of ultimate metaphysical questions, not bugs. Ultimate Grounding of Reality as Nothingness: Leo states that reality, including the brain, is appearances within nothingness, not within space, time, or dimensions. He claims that the idea of the Big Bang or anything beyond it doesn't explain the source of appearances, which instead suggests an infinite hallucination. Brain Damage Argument: Addressing the brain damage argument, Leo agrees that damaging the brain affects appearances but argues this does not prove appearances are happening inside the brain. Rather he maintains the brain is simply an interactive appearance within the hallucinatory system of reality. Reality as a Self-Interactive System: He explains that reality, being a collection of interconnected appearances, is inherently a self-interactive system, with phenomena like billiard ball collisions or atomic interactions exemplifying this concept. Significance of the Brain in Experience: While acknowledging the brain's role in shaping our experiences, Leo clarifies that its importance doesn't establish it as the metaphysical substrate of appearance. He reinforces the idea of keeping the brain safe, as it is a significant interactive component in reality. Influence of Substances on Perceptions: Leo counters the argument that drugs altering perception proves a physical brain cause by stating that liquor or drugs are appearances that affect the brain's appearances, which then alters other appearances, maintaining the consistency of reality as a system of appearances. Hallucinatory nature of reality: Leo contends reality is composed of interconnected appearances that interact in complex ways, yet this does not validate the existence of these appearances within a brain. The brain's role in generating appearances: He states that the evolution of the brain is significant for creating the richness of human consciousness compared to less complex beings, emphasizing the brain's role in the intricate self-interactive system that generates our experiences. Magical nature of existence: Leo proposes that reality is 'magical,' meaning existence is uncaused and mystical, with no underlying mechanism generating appearances—they manifest directly. Limitations of physics: He distinguishes between physical laws, which govern a portion of reality, and the nature of existence, which is not confined to these laws, implying reality is unlimited and not subjected to physical constraints. Metaphysics and science: Leo argues that while science is adept at explaining physical phenomena, it does not and cannot address the metaphysical question of being—it operates under undeclared metaphysical assumptions, primarily materialism. Science's never-ending discovery: He suggests that, despite continuous scientific progress, there will always be an infinite number of appearances and science will never answer the fundamental question of their existence, highlighting the gap between empirical study and metaphysical inquiry. Materialism and magical thinking: Leo critiques the materialistic approach's rejection of 'magical thinking,' explaining that even as science demystifies certain phenomena, it fails to address the existence of phenomena and will always require a mystical source for reality. Reality as direct manifestation: He suggests considering an alternative where reality is the mechanism itself—the direct manifestation of appearances—and there's no distinction between existence and consciousness of existence. Inherent mysticism of reality: Leo asserts that the simplest and most direct explanation of reality is through mysticism and magic—everything is directly manifested, negating the need for an external reality or substratum. Demystifying nature's pitfalls: He warns that the materialist approach to demystify nature leads to a loss of understanding of reality's essence, as materialism cannot accommodate the concept of the mystical and uncaused nature of being. Materialist Metaphysics as a Straitjacket: Leo criticizes the materialistic worldview for being too rigid, rejecting the existence of subtler, immaterial aspects of reality. This, he says, leads to closed-mindedness and prevents exploration of phenomena that go beyond the physical. Limited Understanding: Leo argues that adherents of materialism are trapped within their paradigm and fail to recognize or explore anything beyond the material world, labeling other potential levels of consciousness as nonexistent. Hallucination as Immaterial Reality: He asserts that all of reality is immaterial, equating material and immaterial phenomena with hallucinations, thereby challenging the division between what's considered material and immaterial. Rejection of the Paranormal: According to Leo, when topics like past lives, out-of-body experiences, and immortality are presented to a materialist, they are dismissed as nonsense, which he argues is a consequence of the constraints of a materialist mindset. Open Investigation vs. Superstition: He encourages a genuine and open investigation into these unconventional phenomena, distinguishing between being open to possibility and gullibly believing in every claim. Fear-Based Objections to Mysticism: Leo indicates that the fear of superstition or engaging with the 'paranormal' is not rooted in a quest for truth but rather in an aversion to believing in something potentially false. Exploring Beyond Materialism: He suggests that by being open to new paradigms and exploring topics considered beyond material understanding, one can experience personal growth and gain a broader understanding of spirituality and immaterial truths. Self-Development and Escaping Materialism: Leo highlights that by questioning the materialistic paradigm, people can perform powerful self-development work and eventually experience a profound shift in their understanding of reality. Discovering the Illusion of Materialism: He implores the audience to explore and discover that the materialist paradigm is flawed and to realize that existence is more mystical than they currently perceive. Dropping the 'Brain God': Leo encourages viewers to abandon the notion that experiences occur within a brain, promoting the idea of existence as a hallucination arising from nothingness, which leads to a more profound perception of reality. Personal Enlightenment Journey Documentation: Leo invites viewers to accompany him on his documented journey towards enlightenment on, providing an opportunity to observe and possibly participate in a transformational process. Transformation and Growth Emphasis: He predicts a radical change in himself within the next five years and encourages viewers to actively participate in their self-development to avoid falling behind in understanding his advanced teachings. Polyjuice Potion
  25. Learning = Observation "Observation is a dying art." - Stanley Kubrick Learning as a Multifaceted Process: Leo explains learning from multiple perspectives, emphasizing the profound impact of observation as a key aspect of learning. It is through observation that the deepest learning can occur. Misconceptions about Observation: Leo contends that observation is often misunderstood and mistaken for other activities such as thinking, reading, listening to lectures, or daydreaming. True observation involves looking at something for an extended period without an agenda. Observation's Rare Practice: He points out the rarity of true observation in modern culture. He challenges the viewer to recall the last time they observed an object for an extended period without distraction or intention, hinting at how infrequent such practice is. The Profundity of Observation: Leo argues that despite its simplicity, observation can be overlooked for its depth and potential impact. He suggests that to truly understand its value, one must engage in prolonged, agenda-free observation. Example of Masterful Observation - Leonardo da Vinci: Leo references Leonardo da Vinci as the epitome of a master observer whose breadth and depth of achievements were rooted in his meticulous observation skills. Observation’s Innate Power: Leo describes observation as possessing an almost supernatural capacity to facilitate spontaneous learning and creativity, which he sees as foundational to all human intelligence. Observation as a Path to Unmediated Reality: Through sustained observation, Leo believes one gains unmediated access to reality, a privilege rarely experienced due to our habitual projections of biases and language onto our perceptions. Transcending Personal Bias: Observation is presented as a means to transcend the self-centric perceptions that color our everyday life, allowing us to see things as they are, beyond personal goals and fears. Observation as the Essence of Science: Leo attributes the success of science to empiricism, which is based on precise observation that transcends language and the "monkey mind." He encourages scientists to delve deeper into pure observation for greater discovery. Cultural Rarity of Observation: The cultural and social environment we live in, according to Leo, emphasizes immediate payoff and manipulation instead of the patient and unbiased observation which he views as counterintuitive to society's norms. Building Observation Skills: Finally, Leo emphasizes the importance of developing strong observation skills, which comes not from immediate returns but through patience and the willingness to see beyond the ego and cultural constructs. Cultural and societal bias towards action over observation: Leo points out that society and culture prioritize knowledge, thinking, and tangible action, undervaluing the practice of simple, unbiased observation. Education system's neglect of the skill of observation: He highlights that schools don't teach how to observe but focus instead on memorization, tests, and projects, which emphasizes active doing over passive observing. Developing observation skill: Leo suggests practicing observation by looking closely at an object without preconceived notions, agendas, or manipulation, staying still and alert, and integrating this into everyday life. Observation in daily life: He recommends becoming proficient at observation so that it becomes a natural part of daily experience, rather than a structured, time-consuming habit. Differentiating observation from meditation: Leo clarifies that while meditation can foster observation skills, it's crucial to not let meditation techniques inhibit pure observation with their inherent goals and spiritual aims. Observation enhancing meditation and vice versa: He encourages experimenting with observation as part of meditation to enrich and deepen the practice, while cautioning against dilution of focus from dabbling in too many techniques. Observational awareness as a problem solver: Leo believes that applying observation to life issues can lead to their automatic resolution due to the power of heightened awareness. Diverse objects of observation for self-awareness: He advises observing a range of subjects, including one's internal processes, emotions, physical objects, nature, and importantly, other people and society without judgment to develop self-awareness. Observation vs. Behavior Change: Leo discusses the synergy between learning through observation and learning through behavior change, stating they offer different but compatible approaches to development. Observation as a mark of exceptional individuals: He asserts that observation is a key trait of influential figures throughout history, like sages and geniuses, and is essential for becoming an extraordinary person. Nothingness as the ultimate test of observation: Leo challenges listeners to observe the most subtle concept of nothingness, citing Leonardo da Vinci's profound ability to see and understand such abstract ideas. Avada Kedavra