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  1. Yes. Exactly. Instead of getting rid of the illusion of being a ship on the ocean (ignorance, separate-self arisings I-thoughts, I feelings, feeling of being something specific) and truly realizing that one IS the impersonal/boundless ocean with all waves/dimensions that could ever be. And ever was was, only can be, and ever will be just the ocean. With or without the ignorance/illusion of feeling oneself as a ship/individuality being in it. but instead of that deciding for: Wave surfing and wave investigating. Lets go on the highest wave and see what the ocean can do. Infinitely consciousness high wave-surfing. Of course that is just the indviduality/ship/ego hijacking the true state of things (impersonal consciousness/ocean), going wave surfing on the highest and "infinitely consciousness" wave/dimension/whatever of manifestation (which is the Relative (manifestation), not the Absolute), and all the while never truly transcending its separateness/individuality/ignorance, but projecting that onto the Infinity of manifest arisings/form ("waves"), and proclaiming that as "infinitely consciousness". Ego=God=Solipsism. Bravo! And of course that is not the end of the game. The individual/ignorance is still very much alive. It contracts and suffers again and again. And Absolute Reality/Impersonal Infinite Consciousness/True God "says" (or better does that to the aficionado of that grasping worldview): Not today darling, no end of suffering before you let go that fascination of wave surfing and trying to become "infinitely" consciousness. Not before you stop chasing your own tail(s). Of which there are, guess what, and Infinity of. An Infinity of tails to chase. And all of which actually is NOT infinitely consciousness, but just wave-surfing and and becoming aware of high waves of manifestation/dimensions/manifestation-mechanisms, earthly or alien n+1. Projecting certain remnants of the separate self onto Infinity, and not letting the separate self illusion/ignorance truly exhaust itself in the ocean of truly impersonal consciousness. Infinitely consciousness is dropping into the ocean, transcending ones separate self/ego/ignorance truly, letting it die, understanding all its illusion/ignorance mechanisms, and becoming the impersonal boundless ocean of Absolute Reality itself. Maintaining that boundless nondual Awake Awareness of mere appearance in Infinite Reality in daily life. Because the clouding-over-ignorance mechanism is truly transcended/seen through/gone/dead, and "one" lives happily ever after as that which one really is: Absolute Reality itself. Self-evident moment to moment nondual boundless Awakened Awareness, all manifestation just mere appearance, always available, not depending on certain substances. But I guess that would require a major philosophical shift, and would create a certain marketing problem or two. Yet, it would feel infinitely better in daily life.... But hey, whatever floats ones ship on the ocean boat so to say... Its a free country Lila! And the self-contraction/ignorance is the spice of the universe, especially on the highest level of expanding the ego to infinitely large God-like dimensions. Where else to view such a show than in this little Samsara of ours? And as always, to all the "other" players in that magnificant show, good, bad, smart, maybe not so smart, alien, not alien, and so on and on: Bon voyage! And thanks for having the courage to endure the necessary suffering that goes along with playing/identifying with a fragment of the Totality (individuality/separate ego) to keep the illusion-show going in a convincing way! And never forget that when you are tired of all that suffering and confusion, there truly is a way home. Which, funnily, is always right Here, right Now. Hidden usually under a truckload of "me", separation, ignorance and illusion. So lets not make that truckload bigger than it already is. Selling water by the River
  2. reddit has awakened, spirituality, meditation, enlightenment, acim, psychedelics ... subreddits and tons more and many times more users
  3. He is saying that implicitly when he says there are no awakend characters. No awakened me or you or Leo. So he is unwittingly saying there is nothing the character can do to awaken . Which is just BS. There are literally hundreds of different meditation techniques to awaken . Is there an individual or not ? How can the individual be enlightened and yet be absent and "reality " just rushed in . Look..both No-self and solipsism are nonsense. I dont buy them with a spit on the ground . Anyway..Ivan is a brilliant guy ..but I'm shocked by this post which is like he moved one step forward and ten steps backwards.
  4. To think that the character is supposed to awaken, or can awaken at all, is a deep, deep misunderstanding. A character that thinks they're awake... is not, obviously. A character that thinks some other character is awake, because of what they know or say about awakening... is hallucinating, obviously. There are no awakened characters. No awakened Leos, no awakened Oshos, no awakened Sadhgurus, Ramanas or what have you. No awakened I, no awakened you, no awakened them. Only awakened awareness. Only direct, awakened consciousness. And it is anything but limited to an individual or a character. Awakened consciousness is anything but contained, captured or hosted by the character, or anything else. Please realize those are all just limiting beliefs and ideas. If there is an awakened awareness... An awareness aware of itself, and nothing other than itself, directly, right now... Then there literally cannot be anything other but that awakened awareness. No characters, no gurus, no channels, no bubbles. Only consciousness. The character never awakens. Stop expecting that to happen. That there is a character is part of the dream. To awaken, is to dream no longer.
  5. You helped me, so now I want to help you. it doesn’t matter how Leo thinks the universe was created. Nothing he says matters at all. Debating about it to make ourselves look more awakened than someone else is what the ego wants, anything to stay relevant. After all, we’re talking about God, how could this possibly be the work of the Devil? *wink wink* If finding the ultimate Truth is the one and only thing we want, we will sit still in a room with no distractions, for as long as possible, as consistently as possible. You will be more willing to do this when you realize that this Life and everything in it will never fulfill you. It is only a persistent, ingenious distraction from what you are really supposed to do. After you’ve accepted and sat through a significant amount of suffering (approx 3 days worth of stillness), your journey begins and everything will be explained to you in perfect order. Everything Leo knows, you will begin to understand for yourself as it relates to your life, not just as a cool concept. This is helpful as a reference point, but you realize you never needed him to tell you anything anyways, because it’s all being disclosed to you as long as you’re willing to sit down and be a student.
  6. @Vrubel @Nivsch Agreed theirs plenty wrong within Arab societies and they need to do their own work. The external environment amplifies this. But it’s difficult to know whether a certain group is truly developed or ‘civilised’ or that certain groups are just wealthy enough to pretend to be. If Americans were put in Gazans situation would it be any different. Even Ehud Barack said “If I was [a Palestinian] at the right age, at some stage I would have entered one of the terror organizations and have fought from there.” Even if they are less developed and it’s not entirely Israel’s fault for how they are - it doesn’t justify or make Israel’s actions right. Stages of development doesn’t make one group or person a different species that are inherently evil. It just means one group has developed more but those elements of other stages are still there lying dormant. Culture evolves faster than biology, and whilst we are in biological form we are chained or grounded by biology. Stage yellow and turquoise sages are still susceptible to biological reality as Osho was to his ill health despite being awakened or ‘developed.’ Developed groups still have the ancient instincts we finger point less developed groups for acting upon, and the more developed groups can just pull at those instincts in different ways. You can be a stage green eco terrorist for example - growth can also be a cancer. Is a broken orange/green society still better than a healthy red/blue society? Possibly, but a more developed society has more powerful tools with more leverage and potential for destruction which could make them more of a threat. A stage red primitive tribe might be sick and dangerous but their destruction will only be localised to their village surroundings whilst a stage orange techno-capitalist superpower though having more inclusive and broader values including democracy and science can inflict a negative global impact if this stage becomes sick, pathological or unhealthily manifest. A highly developed society generally has more powerful instruments / tools, but if the individuals of that society become unhealthy their potential for chaos is greater. The individual and wielder of the tool needs to be just as developed - a parrallel match because the stakes are higher. A sick red society may only cause ripples on the world stage due to their limited tools of power but a developed orange society with more powerful tools will cause a tsunami of damage. We can use spiral dynamics to make sense of the world or make our sense of self more righteous in relationship to others lower on the spiral. In the past it was whoever can defend the land keeps it - rights to land are based on the might of those fighting for it. With a national consciousness spreading and bordering up of the world including the Arab regions this would have eventually trickled to the Palestinians, they just didn’t get there in time for the nationalising party which kicked off in the mid to late 1940’s. Obviously nationalising can be taken to an extreme where every group, tribe or sect want their own nation - I’m not sure where that starts and stops and what a healthy amount is to be honest. For example now even Barcelona want to separate from Spain. If this Israel Palestine scenario was happening in the past people wouldn’t make such a deal of it as the unspoken word then was whoever had the might had the right but today we live in a post expansionist world - at least when it comes to geography. Powers now expand through commerce and capital. The board game of geography is replaced with the board rooms of corporations - but that’s another conversation.
  7. I have a better argument. If you claim that Absolute Infinity exists, then it follows that Absolute Death or Nothingness exists. You saying death doesn’t exist is like saying that infinity exists but Zero doesn’t. We are talking about things that we can never prove. We cannot prove that things go on infinitely. But yet, we can intuitively know that infinity exists. For instance, numbers go on forever but I cannot prove that. Apply your same logic to the topic of death. You all are adamant that Infinity exists but are in denial that death exists. What if Absolute Awakening/Infinity is Absolute Death? That is why I say “Absolute Awakening” is an illusion because you don’t get that until you experience Absolute Death. I mean physical death. If you are still human, then you have not fully awakened is what I have claimed because being human is a dream and comes with certain inherent limitations in understanding.
  8. Everything and everyone that exists and is knowable is part of your consciousness and your limited identity is an interpretation. That's just rational but I also awakened to it. However, that still doesn't answer if this singularity of experience is all there is, or just all it can know. Because it might be a holon and emergent property of an unknowable external reality that it is an independent part of, with infinite other singularities like it that can only be known once they merge. But maybe it is knowable, maybe our external reality is exactly what it is and our infinitely constructed experience of it is all we can be. Either way, we still have to explain consciousness in and of itself and it's hard for me to visualize it evolving out of dead matter by pure virtue of complexity. So then it's fundamental, but if it can exist independently, where does it come from, does it just spawn into existence? An external reality can be intuited even if it is always a projection, it might exist regardless. Our external reality might just be real and our evolutionarily evolved form tries to grasp it and psychedelics show how it interprets the outside stimuli from the inside through its evolved structure. So maybe consciousness is an emergent property and we only have to recreate the same complexity? But consciousness is so radically different and distinct, the self-awareness as an experience in and of itself, not just as a reaction but the conscious perception of the reaction too and not just that as a deterministically concluded motion of atoms that expresses itself in a biological megastructure as a behavior and a tendency for internal rewiring but the act and existence of consciousness in and of itself, it really seems there's nothing more fundamental than it and yet we can manipulate it externally and maybe discover some of its mechanics, it shrinks when less neurons fire and grows when more regions fire interconnectedly, but maybe that's just god playing the game of acting out a biological automaton's reaction just like kids interpret emotions into objects. This is definitely going to be the topic of my next psychedelic contemplation.
  9. Thus convo got me looking back into history a bit… so back in 2011 I had a full blown awakening, took me by surprise tbh and I was still too wrapped up in dualistic thinking to make complete sense of it BUT… I wrote one hiphop verse while in was in awakening consciousness, and remembered I had put it on YouTube, would it be ok to share it here? it’s not so much self promotion, it’s to give others an idea of what music & lyrics may sound like when one is in awakened state. It’s not perfect (some dualism & ego still present) but it still bangs 11 years later, objectively.
  10. Yes we all are, the difference is awakened people consciously choose their dillusions. It's called lucid living (instead of lucid dreaming).
  11. They didn’t realize no-self. They created an identity out of no-self. If what you are saying is true, then I am already enlightened/awakened. But I do not consider myself to be awakened because my lifestyle is not centered around that understanding. Understanding is more than just an insight, it is an entire change to your life. If you don’t live from your own wisdom, then I would suggest that you don’t have it.
  12. What do you mean? Biology, math, atoms, the number 6 are concepts. Not Reality. How can I have a RAW experience of 'biology'? That is a layer upon Reality. mmm.. that's what I was thinking today and yesterday. What's the difference between awakening and enlightenment? Is enlightenment a permanent awakening? Is that even possible? Imagine Leo talking to a hot girl in the club. 'He' is not the Infinite Field of Consciousness at that moment hahah He is just a man talking to a woman, trying to get his needs met. I think is impossible. I still don't grab this. I was asking that because I feel I can go deeper, and wanted feedback of people who had gone deeper. I realize I can have an awakening, but not being deep or broad enough (for example, I didn't awakened to Infinite Love) I always hated when people 'parrot' those terms. But now I got it. I know what they point to. Before it felt like if I was a virgin and people talked about 'cumming' 'orgasm'. They were just words without substance. Now is like I lost my virginity and I know by direct experience what they are pointing at. But yeah, I realize those are just concepts. A way to communicate between humans
  13. Dude, you'd be surprised. Just look up one of the 100000 solipsism threads on this forum and see for yourself how attached self-proclaimed "awakened" people are to their precious spiritual concepts, lol. You can't blame them too much though. The ego is literally scared to death when it feels that its identity is being threatened; and so most people immediately create a new "spiritual" identity for themselves as soon as they had their peek behind the curtain. Like I said, it takes time for the realization to really sink in and to find the courage to finally let go of all conceptual fantasies. That's very good. As long as you are aware of this, you are on the right track. You don't necessarily need to get 'rid' of the story... as long as you are a human being, there will be certain conceptual constructs within your awareness. Just recognize them for what they are: Stories. Nothing more, nothing less. Hehehe... exactly. God is one hell of a trickster!
  14. Go do inner work, everyone, including myself. Go do inner work. It's so annoying, these words like awakening and who is more awakened and all that crap, that i'm tired and very very bored of all that talk. The frickin house is on fire, but you are still trying to fight over meaningless bullshit instead of being honest with yourself and embrace your own fears and worries and shit like that. You turn this into another soap opera, really, where instead of fighting over a girl or money, you fight about who is more awake, or who is really awake and whose awakening is fake, and shit like that.
  15. He can't help it anymore than a racist can't stop being a racist, until they do. It's not his fault. And I believe honestly he will do it because he will get sick and tired of wondering. Notice he can't stop thinking about it? It means he will eventually do it and then he will understand that I am just HIM telling to the stop the bullshit. I am no different than the voice inside his head that he thinks is him. No YOU do that because I AM YOU. And ask yourself why I have properly predicted you so well? When you claimed you awakened conceptually to Absolute Solipsism I told you that you couldn't and you argued with me. I was right. When I said you weren't really hear for awakening but something else you argued with me and then you finally admitted you just wanted to go get laid. Again I was right. When you said you would leave Actualized.Org I said you wouldn't. Again I was right. Have you not figured out that I got you figured out? Why? I wonder why I can predict your every move? Maybe just maybe I am YOU!!!! Just like I KNOW you will eventually take the plunge...because you are tired of just use all of us here to give you the confidence and talk you out of your shit.
  16. This I agree with, but I honestly believe that when you say Leo cheated I don't think he did. Psychedelics just reveal the veil that is there, but I recognized from direct experience that the ability to penetrate that veil doesn't come from the psychedelic but the type of mind that has been constructed throughout one's life. I've said it before. If you design your life based on the truth, then that is what you will find, if you design your life on lies, manipulation, and control then that is what you will find. I mean when I realized you could awaken to God on freaking alcohol it was THEN that I realized that if someone is not awakened they don't want it.
  17. No, they just pretend to be I am doing my version of the whole awakened rockstar journey Yes, the world is nasty and it's arguably the most challenging thing to pull off, especially if you really want to stay authentic... but that's just how it is. It comes with the package. Haha! Precisely. It's even more awesome when you do create something unique and true and even revolutionary... but then no body can relate to it. Gotta love the game.
  18. My 3 year old niece awakened me to that when I kept putting her to bed and she kept coming downstairs. She refused to go to sleep if I wasn't around. So I had to submit and let her fall asleep in my arms. Toddlers are little tyrants running around. And they always win...because they are so small. Their vulnerability is their strength. So funny how paradoxical life is. Adults get the opposite treatment. We are like...okay you are an adult "kid gloves off!!!"
  19. To add: I am struggling with the humble and arrogant are both the same. I did just apply AS (Absolute Solipsism) to it and they cancel each other out as the same. Like what you say they do. I get it, it’s duality, light dark, and it’s all one. But that human identity is so ingrained in my self that I’m struggling (I will work through it though, I know) with it. And also with how can someone be in a fully awakened state and still be jealous to a high level, not just in thoughts, but to verbalise it out loud? If there is only love shouldn't that cancel them out? I’m just thinking out loud, I will work through it the next few days most likely. 😀
  20. Name: Asia Prestigiacomo Age: 17 Gender: Female Location: Rome, Italy Occupation: student Marital Status: married Kids: No Hobbies: enlightement, meditation, reading, knitting, sewing with the machine, vegetable garden, animals, cooking, hiking. (Apologies for my elementary english because i'm a learner) My journey has started 3 years ago when i became a serious activist for enviromental issues. I've started to become an authentical zero waster, collecting all my waste in a glass jar, i've also started to raise people's awareness at school, to friends, teachers and family. In 3rd year of lyceum of arts, i met my best friend Valentina, a seriously awakened girl, who suddently became my spiritual guru. Thanks to her i learned about indian spirituality, karma and reincarnation, i became a vegetarian and after a vegan. I read a lot of books of Paramahansa Yogananda and Shirla Prabupada (Hare Krishna founder). My changes with religions were: raised as a christian child, atheist in middle school, agnostic in the beginning of lyceum, Hare Krishna and now spiritual. About 8 months ago everything started to loose meaning and now i am dealing with this problem, because i don't find much more satisfactiom in everyday life and passions, and my mind has an hard time accepting it. Last month Valentina has suggested me and i started to watch Leo's lessons. I always say that when i listen to a lesson and it really vibes into me, i'm just listening to words that explains perfectly something that i already knew. I can say that most Leo's videos has caused this situation of "already knew" inside me. Expecially the ones about pratical life, and also something about god, karma and spirituality. Personal challenges I've overcome: - finding my man - eating healty and natural medicine - critical thinking - overcome 'having children to make sense of my life' What I'm working on now: - spiritual awakening - looking for the meaning and the truth - accepting deseases and other's death (- having my own vegetarian farm and vegetable garden to live in an indipendent way)
  21. "Solipsism" only means anything related to spiritual awakening to members of Leo's cult. Watts and McKenna were partly awakened, but not anatta awakened.
  22. Yes, I know psychedelics are not for everyone and that he nearly killed himself. Though, that is not the point of my message. I think you're the one who's not listening. I pretty much don't care about convincing you of anything. I just wonder if some people are interested in going much deeper. I personally don't see that being discussed a lot. What I see being discussed a lot is all the reasons why people won't or don't want to go deeper. I've grown out of that. It was a short passage. Right, though I can still wonder if someone else also wants to reach the deepest realizations and understandings one can have (in Leo's sense, not to argue with what is deep). The reason I was asking was mostly to check if I was right to feel one of the few if not the only one doing that. I must say it would have been even more exciting to hear the opposite from one of the person doubting or disregarding all of this the most. But if that never happens, that's okay. I don't care about fighting and arguing. Which explain why I'm not very active on the forum (which doesn't mean I don't read it). I agree with what you're saying, I've had awakenings and breakthroughs. They were so profound that they made me realize that they couldn't be achieved/haven't been achieved through simple practices like meditation. In my opinion, you can't know whether I am right or wrong because because you haven't properly used psychedelics to verify that. And at the same time, you can argue that I can't know either how your awakening is like because I haven't reached a similar kind of awakening … so I guess the discussion is endless. Though the chances are still higher that someone Absolutely awakened (let's say) get even deeper realizations through psychedelics, than it is for me to reach some Absolute/final enlightenment. But who cares in the end. No one is here, but Me, or You. Depends on the objective. If the objective is to reach a complete understanding of all of reality, it would be silly not to recommend them. Though it doesn't mean that they will act properly on everyone, especially on those who don't do the work, as Leo says, of deconstructing their mind. It certainly doesn't mean either that they can only bring positive things. Though I don't think anyone here believes that about them.
  23. Contemplate every word of that series. Don't skip a single word! Selective attention is an ugly beast. - It being hard as fuck is a feature, not a bug. It's normal, and it's how it's supposed to be. It sucks, but more people are going through this shit than you think. Many don't even have the courage to ask for advice like you did. - Women have different problems than men. Leo talks about it in the how to get laid series as well. It's victim mindset. Men have no idea of the struggles women face, and women have no idea of the struggles men face. On average. And I'm no feminist, trust me. I've gone through the Andrew Tate women-hating phase, and it's just a coping mechanism to justify your lack of success. "women are bad, that's why". But it just creates conflict, and makes you a fucking pussy in the eyes of a woman, too. Many of those red-pill influencers understand very well that the weak spots of their audience are. While some of them act from good intentions, there's a conflict of interest between giving just solid advice, vs demonizing women and making them feel like they "awakened you to the truth", given you the "red pill". That way they're viewed by their audience as the savior of the "poor, misunderstood men", and how convenient is that? Oh, great, it's not my fault then. Much less painful this way, right? - Also, people have their own concerns, and don't bother too much with your cringy episodes. When they go home they will spend exactly zero seconds thinking about that episode. It's not easy to internalize this to the point where you act from that perspective, but start to appreciate this. You can likely recall times when others acted weird around you, and you just forgot about it within a week (or more likely, 10 minutes). Of course you can burn some bridges, but many, many times your mind will amplify 100x. - Another great resource I suggest you read is "The way of the superior man" by David Deida. Try to read it from an non-judgmental perspective towards women. Read it as if you were studying the behavior of rats, completely impartial, and just curious. Whenever you make a judgment about women, ask yourself: Do I really KNOW this to judge it? Do I have that much actual experience talking to the opposite sex to know it's true? Could it be that I know jack shit about what goes on in a woman's mind? Did I ever try and behave like a man the way it's described in the book, or did I always live from the perspective of a boy? I still have a shit ton to work to do still, but I'll tell you what made me get closer to an actual solution. Try to deeply think about what I'm about to say. Evaluate it for yourself, don't believe me. Try to recall episodes where this may be true. Actual life scenarios. But it might be bullshit as well, that's why I want you to think critically. There's a ton of stuff in this post, I hope parts don't get lost, it's all very meaningful to me. - First, it really helped to understand how many insecurities women have, and how much the majority of them are less developed than I am (maybe it's an overcompensation from a previous lack of self-esteem), since they never did the amount of personal development work I did. And the same goes for men. You see the average man, and how mediocre his life is. What makes you think women are any different? They're not. Maybe socially they will be ahead of you, but seeing how you might be crushing them in terms of direction in life, knowledge of your mind, and so on can help taking them down from a pedestal that's purely imaginary. Just being in this forum makes it far more likely that you're ahead in development compared to 80% of the women you talk to, if not more. - Second, it was a mind-shattering moment to understand how women attraction works. So fucking counterintuitive. Imagine it like this... Recall times where you felt respect for another man. Respect and admiration. For his courage, integrity, boldness, for being able to do the things you aren't able to. You can FEEL this respect, this admiration. Well, that's sexual attraction for women. This comparison may not be perfect, but it's quite spot on actually. I realized I had zero clue about this, and once I realized it, I finally had a way to understand the female mind for fucking once. NOW it started to click. Now I could see how some guys could pull up girls. Now I could see how they were repelled by my neediness. Imagine this, would you admire a man who follows every order you give him, allows you to abuse him, who asks for you to solve his problems, who has no courage to do anything? IF you wouldn't admire him, that equals to a woman not being attracted. Now imagine a man who you would admire, and magine being a woman and wanting to have sex with him. Also, would you admire a bully, someone who's arrogant? An asshole? Hmm, not really. But you would still respect it more than a pussy dork. But if you wouldn't admire him, it means that's not the way to attracting a woman. A woman who's with an asshole has settled. Because she has flaws too, as I said in point 1. Don't be fooled into thinking treating a woman badly will attract her. It's like saying you admire a bully. You might stick around him rather than being alone, but that's not a leader you'd want.
  24. What i'm saying is there is something like law of attraction or resonance, or whatever you call it, and when we are in a dark state, so to speak, things just don't go well, and we may get more and more lost in our stories and fear and whatever it is. What i'm saying is, if you have fears and worries which you believe cannot be solved, you might try to run away from them and get lost in mental modes, spiritual and philosophical stuff, at least that's the case for me. I'm not saying to you that i'm awake, or i'm superior to you, or things like that. In fact i don't even care about being awake etc, those who wanna play that game of who is more awake etc can keep playing that game. I'm someone who is going through his own shit, and trying to find his resonance or alignment, but it simply doesn't work for me by simply letting go of my issues and pretending like i don't have those issues. Trying to do that is just futile, it is just spiritual bypassing, so to speak. That's why i'm completely tired of all spiritual and philosophical talks, and shit like that. I simply wanna turn within and surrender to where i am, as much as i can. My experience is like me falling from heaven to some sort of a hellish situation, and i am where i am. Maybe i am not that awake, or maybe i am in a situation that is harsher than what most people are going through, i don't know about that. I just am where i am, and i've found that if i simply accept where i am and relax into it, so to speak, more into inner silence, so to speak, it seems like i relax more and feel better. I may not be a very awakened being, or whatever, but i don't really give a fuck about that, to be honest, i'm just trying to find my way, really. I got lost in many philosophies and shit like that, but i just wanna be "woo woo", in a sense, i guess, haha.
  25. Look, it's easy to say such wise seeming things, but i don't care about socalled nondual wisdoms or shit like that. I can talk in such a way that you will believe that i'm the most awakened being in existence, it is easy to do that. You can say that everything is perfect, no need to focus on the dark, just be, you are existence itself, etc etc etc. But, trust me, i've read and listened a loooooot of such talks from a loooooot of socalled masters and so on. But you need to be honest with yourself and embrace yourself, and use your reason and intuition to find your own path. You don't know where anyone is, and what they need, and so forth. It is easy for us on this forum, or in videos and books and so forth, to pretend like we know what everyone is going through, and what they need and so on, and we a lot of that. But things are different when it comes to individual experiences of individual beings, you see. I can parrot all the spiritual teachers and masters and so forth, and i'd do that pretty good, but the real shit, the real understanding, is not in saying the wise looking words, but in truly accepting yourself where you are and being able to quiet your mind more and more, so that you will be more and more open to your inner awareness and intelligence. I don't say let's get lost in our fears and angers and so forth, but, at least for me, it is important to not say "oh these negative thoughts etc are just illusions" etc, because the frickin experience of them is real, and it is not always that easy to find your way through the shit that you are going through.