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  1. ?? Yes. We should work on what is actually moving inside of us. Not escape what is “duality” to an idea of nonduality. Which is generally what nonduality teachings promote.
  2. @Saumaya only I assume you understand the difference between the Krishnamurti sharings between the nonduality teachings.
  3. @Sine Experiencing Love by means of relationship with maya is like experiencing nonduality by means of psychadelics, it’s a short cut to a glimpse of how you could feel 24/7, In Love. Consider self inquiry over reading a book that stands to reinforce veils. Consider a solo retreat, go all the way, if you do, when you return, you could write a book about love & relationships, and learn more than reading one.
  4. Nonduality is a consequence of the state of being identified with your self. Being identify with oneself to the highest degree, then, in consequence, you see the connection with the total whole outside. Identify yourself only with the outside and expect to find yourself, good luck with that
  5. I feel the same way about you. You promote belief. That is ridiculous. You should be ashamed of yourself. All that stuff you share will never help others. As we all can see you don’t embody nonduality one bit.
  6. @Galyna You're not going to understand nonduality by "figuring it out". It needs to be directly experienced. Meditation, yoga, self-inquiry, psychedelics. That's what you need. The present moment you are experiencing right now is a tiny fragment of an Absolute Infinite singularity, which includes all things that could ever be, and at the same time, none of it ever happened or even exists. What you are experiencing right now, is Absolutely Nothing. But it sure doesn't feel that way, does it? Because you have created a duality between something and nothing, when in fact the two are ONE. You are everything that could ever possibly be, and you are nothing. This is beyond the mind's ability to understand. It requires a radical shift in consciousness.
  7. @blazed The biggest difference is that solipsism is a conceptual philosophy. Whereas nonduality is ACTUAL. Solipsism also don't acknowledge the possibility of awakening And solipsism doesn't acknowledge other facets of enlightenment like that you are God, Absolute Infinity, infinite intelligence, transcendence of death, etc. And solipsism doesn't acknowledge no-self. A solipsist is still full of ego. Solipsism is still stuck at the level of human perception. It just says, "This bubble of human perception is the only truth. Others don't exist." With nonduality, it's more like: "Others exist as illusions that I created as God. The illusory world is infinite." Enlightenment is going to feel very different than solipsism from a first-person POV. Although the ego-mind may think they are the same.
  8. @Vingger It radically progressed my understanding of nonduality, in ways that would not be possible in 20+ years of meditation or yoga. This understanding is both intellectual and at the emotional/body level. Less-so at the body level. As far as rewiring my mind habits, not so much. I find psychedelics are not too effective at that. They are more effective at giving you radical glimpses which shock your mind into seeing the world from a radically new perspective. But your old mind-habits largely remain unchanged. Of course that may vary from person to person, and if you do a lot trips, there may be some significant rewiring. Experiencing Absolute Infinity is a life-changing event. It was the most important event in my life. Your life cannot be the same afterwards. Although most of your habits will remain unchanged and your level of consciousness will drop back down to baseline. You will be back asleep, but you will at least know what true awakening looks like. If you want to significantly rewire your brain with psychedelics, I think it's possible, but will require 50-100+ trips spread out over a long time. I'm up to about 12 5-MeO trips total. If I did 30 trips back to back, that would produce some serious change. The trouble is, it's so jarring it would probably put your entire life on hold as you have to deal with all the emotional baggage, fear, depression, and resistance that rises. It would be brutal on your ego, and you probably couldn't take it and have a big ego backlash. It all depends on how ready you are to awaken.
  9. Nonduality is NOT solipsism. But the ego-mind may not see it that way at first. It is true that you are the only thing in existence. You created every human being that exists. Of course the trick is, we're talking about the universal YOU, not the personal you. It's very simple logic: if nonduality is true, there is no division between anything. There is certainly no division between you/other. You are your own mother. You created to help you awaken. You even wrote this sentence. You are God in every literal sense. The ego is of course afraid of this. And it may be a shock to the system when you first start to realize how radical nonduality really it. It may feel like madness. Of course it's not madness. It's TRUTH. But TRUTH is a radical thing. It requires a very deep surrender. In the end, once you fully surrender, it will be fine. Great even. Nonduality, at the highest degrees of it, is extremely radical. It will shock and terrify the ego-mind. That is the #1 obstacle which keeps people unenlightened. You have to surrender to the radicalness of it. You have to surrender to the madness. It's not really madness. But it will appear to be madness relative to the normie paradigm you are used to. Enlightened people are basically insane by all conventional standards. They just happen to be insane in a functional way. And they don't frame it that way because it would scare off newbies. The lite degrees of nonduality can feel pleasant and nice. The deepest degrees of nonduality can feel downright terrifying and depressing. And the final stage is peace and wonder.
  10. The teaching of detachment is probably just too advanced for you right now. Go ahead and fix up your life and earn some success. Then you can revisit the importance of detachment (once you have a bunch of attachments and you can appreciate how much they make you suffer). You need to climb Maslow's Hierarchy a bit before you get into the nonduality stuff. Learn how to function in the world effectively first. Learn how to feed yourself. There will be a lot of personal development lessons there for you.
  11. Any experience lends itself to being questioned/doubted/seen as an illusion. But nonduality isn't an experience, it's BEING. I'd argue that being can't be doubted in the same manner an experience can.
  12. Self-enquiry Meditation is not about nondual expererince.and not about god, not about reaching some goal but to know who you are. There's absolutely no harm in doing introspection into your own nature. In fact, it's the wisest thing one can do. Vippassana meditation is also not about nonduality. It's about becoming free from cravings and aversions. I mean these things are very good for everyone no? :). Even for a Christian or Islam or farmer or a millionare or whatever. Believing in something doesn't give you any answers. You still have to look and self-enquire. And even if nonduality is not real. It shouldn't stop you from asking deep existential question (self-enquiry), or stop you from wanting to be free from your compulsions (vippassana) But to be fair nonduality can be proven by basic logic and modern scientics are saying everything is one everything is one energy. Einstein famous formula E=mc^2. You know what it means? That everything is one energy just goes from one form to another.
  13. It’s good he’s got you questioning! Nonduality isn’t a goal, or a belief, or something to strive towards. It’s literally unbelievable. As in no chance of understanding it or believing it. Who cares what the guy in the video says. Or me. Self Inquire.
  14. @MarkusSweden In absolute nonduality there can't even be a distinction between Inner and Outer. There can't be slightest causality. There can't be a 1st reality affecting a 2nd reality. Absolute is Absolute. That's all it be said. It doesn't matter if it looks like a Mansion or a pig house from outside when Absolute is Absolute. But I get your message It is we who are completely selecting our meanings and interpretations of outer world. We are the final barrier between our Truth realization. Its just that since birth, the entire world system is rigged to manipulate and imprison every human being in their own bubbles of miseries and suffering.
  15. I know what nonduality means trust me. I am just using the word “experience” to indicate that in reality it is still an experience even though it seems transcendental to you But you only realize that after you are saved from that paradigm
  16. Guys I am not trying to convince anybody here to change their beliefs. What I am trying though is to share my new findings. I questioned the nonduality a lot. For example, as Leo is saying it is the path where you become dead in the end. We were blindly nodding the heads but if you think critically why would someone really want to become dead and lose the sense of free will? I am just trying to open you all to the possibility that if Jesus is really the Truth and prophecies of the Revelation are true than just consider how would the devil decieve the humanity? Precisely with this new age stuff where people are starting assuming that they are gods themselves... I really invite you all to watch this video and be open minded to everything. What if this states of nonduality where you merge with the universe is just another phenomenon in the brain? Precisely in your prefrontal cortex which is responsible for your sense of reality, time and free will?
  17. What peoole call no self is the experience within awareness in which there is no identification with any object. Their true and only identity then is revealed - awareness. It means before there were two Yous - Me, the object and my awareness, and after the object me dissolves, which is a thought object, there is only one self, not two, the meaning of Nonduality. That self happens to be empty, so you can interpret it as being 0 selves, but imo that is a mistake.
  18. @andydufrain The spiritual path doesn't mean having to let go of what your ego wants all at once. You can simply invest short amounts into spirituality and meditation for a short time. Even 10 or 20 minutes of meditation a day can be a good start. Research has already talked about the massive benefits of 20 minutes of meditation in 2 weeks. To go so far towards enlightenment work though, is a much much harder and longer process. And it's best to start small. Worry about self inquiry later. Go find a different meditation forum that doesn't have as many advanced concepts such as "nonduality" and "being one." Work a little with the basics of mindfulness and paying attention more to your senses. Meditation is just mastering the basics on deeper and deeper levels, so make sure you know them well before moving on. Try the site palousemindfulness if you'd like some practices for a beginner.
  19. @egoless I consider you a friend as well. ??I did not watch the video. I’m not into snakes and satanic stuff. What’s your run down on what new age is? I don’t seem to have a connotation for it. Maybe a path of believing in lots of supernatural stuff, vs self inquiry? Not sure. In part my comment was coming from an understanding that one who refers to nonduality as a deception means they are well aware they are deceiving themself, cause there’s only nonduality. Or that they’re referring to their idea of nonduality, and not the actual situation, from the veil. (Veil sounds nicer than the word ignorance to most) In the ‘a picture’s worth a thousand words’, here’s a picture of all universes, multi verses, all dimensions, etc (all duality), from the vantage of Being... (Not actual size)
  20. I hope more and more people will realize the deceptions behind the new age and nonduality...
  21. It makes me so grateful that I have escaped that nonduality deception when I see your posts guys. You are such a hypocrites. You claim that you are free of beliefs and worldview yet you get so defencive and insulting when soneone challanges your perspective. I am so glad my eyes were open about the delusions of nonduality Good job for strengthening my position once again. As Sadhguru would say you guys are full of bull
  22. @cetus56 peace. I am not trying to convince anyone. I am responding to who is asking. I am speaking from my perspective and this is my Truth. This forum is for seekers of the Truth or at least I thought it was. I can and will leave it soon. I don’t hate anyone here on the contrary but it is very pitty when I see how the forum responds with hatred to different perspectives and worldviews. This even strengthens my belief that nonduality and this path is a delusion. peace P.S. I consider many of you here as my online friends or at least I thought that was the case... I could have easily left the forum without revealing my shift in perspectives but I felt responsible to share with others about what I have found out
  23. @Joseph Maynor how is nonduality benefiting you in a long term?
  24. You are impolite and acting like a little kid. Calling out names on the internet is always easy. Be more careful in real life! It's better to learn some manners instead of chasing nonduality which clearly is not helping you to appreciate and respect other people.
  25. Ok I don't see any more sense to continue our conversation. If you need any help to get out of the nonduality hypnosis IF you ever realize that just contact me and I will try to help. Good luck!