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  1. What is spilling/flowing out of Sadhguru is choiceless love, the divine love of the Absolute, not a personal love. It's the unconditional love of That, that is mistaken as love coming from an individual/person. When the divine awakened, the illusion of individuality was lost and union with the Absolute, is the SadhGuru. He's not the form,person or individual, and that's the trap devotees fall into. They are identified with the form that is only a conduit for the divine formless that is manifesting through it. Love is it's nature, and that love is trying to show them that,that is what they are also. Guru means 'dispeller of darkness" and all a real guru does is try to get you to realize/see that, that divine nature is what you are also. Once that happens, you see the real guru beyond the physical form for the first time and you see what he really is and subsequently, what you are also. The guru's job is to draw you in, and once you're drawn in, he throws you back into yourself. Then he disappears. His job is done. If you watch this clip, notice how Sadhguru, through questioning and an articulate use of direct and simple language, is used to bypass too much intellectualizing by the listener. Through questioning he's getting you, or trying to get you to stop for a second and look into yourself (throwing you back into yourself),to see if it is true and not just blindly accepting or taking for granted what he's saying. Experientially seeing what is true, and not accumulating more useless knowledge.
  2. Is normal, because you awakened the limbic system and is atrophied. Now is time for healing and meditation. It is a very tough path to awaken the entire reptilian/limbic parts of the body. Because those parts are interconnected with everything in the universe and the drama is huge, because real awakening is beyond own drama, is experiencing all the drama and bliss of reallity. Being the reason so few people awaken.
  3. There's a really powerful collective energy that comes from having a crowd of people with one intention. That's the reason some people love going to concerts so much. It's easy to tap into energy from an awakened person and if you do it enough you get better at it. You can even do it through videos and recordings. It's a great tool. I'm guessing it's even more powerful in person.
  4. So wrong. Being is easy after awakening the limbic system. Before that is more difficult than optaining a PhD, so let's be real for once. This awakening stuff has nothing to do woth the mind and self inquiry. But if you talk from the right side of the being, than being is easy, those who have been awakened in the Ego side, Leo per example, or Maynor, with certain discipline being is a piece of cake, but this is only the mind. Peace!
  5. There is no perfect word to use, yet I prefer to use the term "prior" than beyond because the human mind is highly conditioned to think and perceive within the construct of a timeline. For me, it's more straightforward to ask "what is *prior* to conceptualizing". Tons of stuff. In the construct of a timeline, conceptualization would "enter" near the end of the movie. Yet, this of course is trying to explain within a timeline. Within the dimension of Now, it becomes much much harder to explain since the human mind is not conditioned or oriented in this dimension. When it speaks of "now", it is actually referring to a "now" within a timeline. To me, those are very deep "levels" of consciousness. Yet I would say, there is still a "prior" so to speak. What you have written and what I have written (and am writing now) is an appearance within a mind. As much as my mind tries to go "prior" or "beyond", it cannot. In the end, such efforts could be seen as a waste of time or as a fun part of the human experience. For me, it depends on the mood of my mind-body. . . As soon as there is an appearance in the mind, it is a "somewhere". It is no longer "nowhere". Even a thought about "nowhere" is a "somewhere". Even ideas/images that there is "nowhere" beyond/prior to "somewhere" is a "somewhere". Any memory, image, feeling, essence, whatever is a "somewhere". Right now, I am "somewhere". For me, this is an extremely subltle attachment/identification. . . This subtle attachment/identification is not at the personal or egoic level, it is at the human level. This attachment/identification to humanness is apparent when I communicate with an awakened tree. What is communicated via an awakened tree is not what is communicate via an awakened human. What I am learning is that there is transcendence of humanness. All of this talk/experience of enlightenment, nonduality, awareness, consciousness, beyond, prior etc. is all within the realm of humanness. It goes through a human filter. One word or image is too much. Yet it is also part of humanness. Such explorations can be considered a waste of time or a fun part of the human experience. Imagine the word "Gintolfid" appeared. Please explain to me the essence of "Gintolfid". One could say it's silly to try and define/describe/explore the essence of "Gintolfid". Yet that is what many human minds like to do. So we can spend hours, days, weeks or years exploring the essence of "Gintolfid". We can go on retreats, read spiritual literature, take psychedelics, watch nonduality videos. We can spend thousands of hours meditating and contemplating the essence of "Gintolfid". We could also spend thousands of hours describing the essence of "non-Gintolfid". We could learn and experience an enormous amount. Yet at the end of the day, we are not any closer to the essence of "Gintolfid" because there is no essence to "Gintolfid". It is Nothing. It is Nowhere. There is Nothing to find and Nowhere to go. The journey is the destination. Yet the journey goes on. We can spend our time searching for "Gintolfid" or search for that which is beyond "Gintolfid" or prior to "Gintolfid". Or we can do something else - like learn how to communicate about the essence of "Lanhiblik" with a tree. Ultimately it doesn't matter, yet at the human level, it matters a lot.
  6. @zeroISinfinity the higher your consciousness the less the devil. The devil is a low conscious Ego. Pure consciousness is God. High conscious awakened Individual is an angel.
  7. @Key Elements i brought up that very point in my post on 2nd phase of awakening in which Leo failed to respond. Check that post out. The concept of multiple awakenings in an effort to find "permanent" awakening doesn't exist. I.e. permanent awakening doesn't exist. Once you have a non-dual experience you are Awakened.
  8. @Shaun your right about that its both terrifying and beautiful at the same time. But just the fact that you are saying this means your Ego is strong enough to come back after a non-dual experience. So do not get lost in that and miss out on unimaginable bliss. Bliss that will change your life forever. The Ego backlash will be severe but even if you experience it just once in your life you will never be the same. You will be Awakened.
  9. They could mean they awakened to something, don't confuse it with non-dual enlightenment.
  10. So I'm a bit shy to post this, but I was just working through Leo's most recent video and I he mentioned this very topic so i thought that maybe the time was right to talk about it. I had an awakening a few weeks ago. Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep was guided through it by someone on the forum here. When I was a kid I knew that I was insane. Later I talked to my friend who had read a book about a kid with OCD and I knew then that that was what was wrong with me. The impulses were sometimes to go do things or say things that I had no logical reason for doing. The impulses latched on to my strong religious beliefs and told me to accept the devil into my soul and I was incredibly tormented by those most of all. The told me to confess things to people. I made myself very ill confessing to my mother something about getting naked with other kids a child. I realize now that I could have given into it, and awakened as a kid and saved myself a lot of pain. But I probably would have landed in the mental institution. I didn't have the support then that I needed of the background of understand that Leo's videos have provided as well as many others. The impulses I had, they weren't intrusive thoughts but rather they were intuition on how I could awaken and see the world as it was. When I started this work I really loved the idea of having a clear mind or peace of mind. I didn't realize that my resistance to turmoil and painful thoughts was my ego. I had a spiritual opening with the death of my Grandmother. I realized that she was unconditional love. Holding her hand when she died and then touching her dead hand in the funeral home later changed something in me, although at the time I felt nothing. I thought I would be stricken by how different she felt dead than alive. I wasn't. Now I find myself in a place of not being able to meditate or still my mind. This isn't what I thought it was. I got here the exact ass backwards way that I expected to. I can't do the "work" anymore. It's all play to me. Nature speaks to me in ways that it always has but now I'm free to hear it. Still, I feel a lot of guilt and "shoulds" over abandoning the practices. The nature of my job is a highly focused meditative/creative one. I don't know if I should just go straight into that, or really focus on spiritual "work". There's no difference anymore! It's all a state of mind/no mind I guess.
  11. Like in the Hero's Journey or The 10 Ox-Herding Pictures, the Hero or the awakened one always returns to where he began. This is why I considered enlightenment as a part of the game. I can see now how it isn't a part of the game but also isn't separate from it.
  12. Here is my definition: "regular" person: lives in distinctions and concepts. World is taken quite literally as a puzzle of words and ideas of reality. Interconnections of different distinctions coupled with ones own biases and survival needs create ideologies of the world, that are seen as real as reality itself. Rape and murder are just plain WRONG and that the end of it, it is obvious isnt it. Highly dualistic, black and white thinking is trademark of the "regular" person. Awakened person: transcends and includes distinctions and concepts. Concepts and ideas are now seen as they are: a description, a point of view, but not as reality itself. Ideas are a legitimate part of oneness, but they do not overshadow being itself like the previously did. Duality is non-duality and vice versa, all issues and problems collapse and all the capital versions of dualisms (see leos recent duality series) step into foreground of experience. Ideas are included and integrated and seen as they are. Insane/psychosis person: gets lost in distinctions and concepts. Insane person draws connections and meaning out of his own ideas that others dont experience. These connections and meanings take a hold of a persons life and mentality in a disruptive way. A person is no longer able to tell wich of his fantasies and ideas are real and wich are not: they all blend together into his experience. Meaning and the further meanings of different meanings are not seen as a mental construct, meanings create real tangible physical features of reality. The experience of the phone ringing MEANS that secret agents are watching. There need not be any evidence, first hand experience of agents themselves to prove they are real, meanings of different things that are experienced first hand create a reality for them. For the regular person the fact that the phone rang means that someone is calling and the phone rings, both are equally real and tangible, the caller is not an idea but a real physical part of reality. There is no further meaning drawn from either of the "facts", but the idea of the caller enforces the bundle of ideas and unconscious delusions that create the ego illusion: me and not-me. The delusion is there, but it goes by without noticing, it does nor grip the "experiencers" experience in a disruptive way. For the awakened person the fact that the phone rang means that someone is calling AND that the ringing is simply experienced, as it did and there is no other reality to it. The ringing is real and the person calling is an idea. This is a very brief overall explanation that includes non-dual understanding. Im not going to go into the Leo Guraisms of this topic (such as the fact we all more or less believe a voice in our "heads" that tells us stuff), but I encourage you to contemplate the dualism of insane vs not insane. Psychosis and madness are very complex phenomenon though, and there is much more to them that I could blabber on here. Highly recommended read, one of the most comprehensive and stage yellow books I've read:
  13. @NorthRise First of all, just because Leo has dedicated "his entire life to self-actualization" doesn't mean he's on the right path. He can be very well in a dead-end and delusional. Just the fact that he frequently demonizes the ego is a sign that he's not as advanced in the path as he thinks he is. He speaks as if he's an authority, but true master are orders of magnitude more humble than he is. For example, when he talks about the illusion of the self, he's very unnecessarily intrusive by pointing his finger to the viewer and saying, "YOU, exactly YOU, do not exist." Furthermore, he also gives very dangerous advice such as "spend two days not talking to anyone, but doing 4 hours of meditation." The way he glorifies psychedelics is also irresponsible. I am not against psychedelics, but it works only for a limited number of people. The fact that he isn't able to pull off a solo retreat without psychedelics is a big red-flag to me. Well, to be fair, he didn't use psychedelics in his first one. But it was disastrous. Then, in the other two, he obviously used them and thought he was awakened af. He also doesn't value personal relationships enough, which is something that Abraham Maslow himself said was one of the needs in the pyramid. Regarding his social skills, you can tell very easily by watching him talk that he's a very tensed-up guy. Tension blocks the flow of a conversation. No wonder why he very rarely does interviews. And I highly doubt he's going to make that USA tour happen. The "Enlightenment Happening in Real Time" video shows how out of touch with reality he is. If he had good social skills, he wouldn't even consider doing that. It's really cringey. I am very aware about the topics Joe Rogan talks about. I'm just saying that Leo rambling about non-duality won't make the podcast interesting.
  14. Never heard of anybody enjoying fear. There are awakened people out there who are taking psychiatric medications because of fear and its consequences on mood, sleep etc. I truly believe that we are shaped by our genetics to a very high degree
  15. zerolSinfinity, I've already been awakened. Thank you. I fear not who I am. I've known myself all my life. Abrakamowse has been telling me his own interpretation of the Truth, according to what he wants me to believe, because he thinks that he knows what he's talking about. I made that mistake in the past. I've since moved on.... Andrea
  16. @Pouya even if you are awakened you really cant force it on people. Many people are too close minded and grounded in their own dogma to be open to it and you really can't change that. You just have to focus on your own work and be raise your consciousness so high that it doesn't matter if others around you are not as conscious. My wife is that way. One day hopefully she will just come to me on her own and want to explore spirituality.
  17. @Pouya Thanks, I'm not awakened but more than them ! @molosku Thanks! @Pouya @molosku In regards to them not contacting me, do you think also not bring that up? If not, I don't see how our relationship can improve.
  18. @Fountainbleu One of the things I've learned is that never try to "spread the Truth" or "wake uncounscious people up" before you yourself are actually awakened. Otherwise the results are: Misunderstanding, judgement, name calling and being mocked, and even not understanding at all.
  19. @Nahm i don't think you are grasping what i am saying here. Yes we can replace the word Death with God. God is more appropriate...that's why i said i used it loosely. What i am saying is that after enlightenment...after the mystical experience of ultimately fall back at some point to the Ego. Are you disputing that? Furthermore have you had a mystical experience? Do you consider yourself awakened? Now once back in the Ego the duality of form and formlessness is then created. So you see i am not stating that i believe in duality. I am saying that a duality is created. This is what Leo is referring to in his self inquiry Christmas edition episode.. Are we on the same page now? He then states that you can bring the two together into One. This is the fusing of the form and the formlessness and then you walk around like the Zen master at the end of the Ox journey that just roams around in town laughing.. But what is that? is that the Ego with just super fucking high levels of consciousness (thats what i believe, for the record) where you are not in some mystical state (a formless state) but you are just super aware of Truth. You are not Being Truth but you are fully conscious of Truth. You may become Being during meditation again at some point but formless is not permanent for you. Being super conscious is, though. That was all i was asking. its really simple if you think about it.
  20. @Inliytened1 If you still see in the duality of ‘alive & death’, then no, you are not awakened. And, no concept exists as an actuality. Only as a concept. Notice how easy it is to slip into thinking / twoness. It is because you are Truth, that no thought could ever be True. Finite appears within infinite. Finite can not encapsulate infinity. “IT” can not be thought. It is aware of thought (appearance). Is the finger the hand? Is the hand the finger? Can the finger point to itself? It is because you are Truth, that all you experience is Truth. Notice what the hands are doing. Notice you are not giving micro-commands, not controlling them at all. Notice you are controlling them. They are typing what you are thinking. Two hands, two hemispheres. Twoness. One is aware of this twoness. One is Magic.
  21. @Nahm thats what i thought too but if that's the case then when enlightenment happens you are awakened. Period. This concept of permanent awakening doesnt exist..that's death. I agreed with you initially but thats not what Leo is saying unless he is saying what i mentioned walk around post enlightenment conscious of what you are and what reality is as concept and not being Being it itself.
  22. I really want to share this video as it’s something that missing l in A LOT of people’s understanding of the ramifications of pursuing enlightenment. This was pretty much the realization I had from my acid trip and I honestly couldn’t have worded it better than Ken does here. There is paradox when you awaken. The question is... are you actually going to do the best you can at living that paradox? Or are you just going to play on one side of the street? Actually watch the damn video too. What kinda person do you really have to be to do that? Do you fundamentally understand what you’re actually realizing/pursuing? You think a fully awakened human being just neglects the very world that they themselves are?
  23. By "enlightenment" I mean complete non-identification with the ego and eternal state of Samadhi. Do you want to have sex in this state? A question for people with both awakened kundalini, and yet without. I am asking that people who have not experienced this should not write anything.
  24. War is not peace. If so it would not have his own word. Seeing war as a normal thing a common delusion A true awakened human doesn't believe in a so call'd normal cycle of shit. They become the new circle True awakening means having the power to break the wheel. Not accept the wheel' that is only 50% on the road for get out of sleep
  25. Breath work workshop with gongs 50 minutes of continues breath work followed by 20 minutes of normal breathing with gongs. We bagan. Lied down. Underneath a throw with my sock across my eyes. I took my hoodie off because I knew I would get sweaty. I started to breath. Ego kicked in straight away. "Can't be bothered doing this for an hour." Blah blah blah. I felt the resistance to the activity. I remained with the breath. After however long... I had gone. I was no longer me. I started to cry, started to tense my fists in complete resistance to something, I was holding on to something. I could feel this energy in the upper chest, pushing down on me. My lungs filled with air as I conjured up this huge fucking emotion... I heard distant blurred voices. 'This is what you wanted isn't it?' my back arched as I sat up holding onto but releasing this emotion at the same time. I felt one of the ladies place her hands on my legs to ground me. I felt someone else place her hands on my head. She whispered. 'surrender.' 'I can't!.' I cried. This surrender it was asking for was to come from the core, my very being, it was a universal surrender I had yet to experience. I raised my arms, my body shaking like a pneumatic drill, I placed my hands on her arms for some sort of support I needed. Tears where pouring down my face. I felt this beautiful sensation specifically around the areas of the body that are injured. My hip and lower back where being loved it felt. I started laughing, hysterically. Don't know why. Then I felt something I have never felt before. This light, this enengy of what felt like complete love (I don't even think love is the right word it feels to shallow) where emanating through my being and out of my fingers, toes head and chest. I hysterically laughed... 'its love! It's love!' accurate representation... I don't think I remember what happened after that. I remember the gongs slowing down, an indication for us to slow the breath. But I felt like I wasn't there. I wasn't there anymore. I brought the nervous system back down. I started to feel into the body more. I was pissed wet through with sweat, my whole body was tingling head to toe, my hands where locked in a crab like way, it felt like I was floating. I could feel the tension in the body, holding onto something, I knew if I let go via the body the mind would follow so that's what I did. I flopped everything, my head arm's face. Then... The gongs began, in such a way I've never heard. Hypnotising, tranquilizing. This was something else. I lost consciousness. All of a sudden a piercing feeling of fear startled and woke me... BOOM! It smashed my chest like a pane of glass. I opened my eyes under my sock and removed it slightly to look at the ceiling. ... 'who am I? Where am I?' The devil woke me up. I just felt the devil, he woke me, he said hi, he showed his face. This devil was me. My head was fucked. I observed the breath to pass through the panic, the body felt ready to run. Sprint. Get out of here NOW, adrenaline coursing. I observed and placed the sock back over my eye's. I lost consciousness again through the power of the gongs, another noise woke me, but I didn't wake. I was the noise. I was the traveling noise. I could feel the every fucking cell in the body dancing. Moving, vibrating. I kept drifting between the self and the Self. But every time I came back to the self with a lower case S I was so confused. I literally had no fucking idea what was going on. Eventually it was time to return back to the body. I gently eventually sat up and just stared at the stain glass window, I wasn't trying to figure out anything but there was nothing there at the same time. I was sat frowning with s confused feeling but not thinking if that makes sense. I do feel like I have started something I need to finish. Don't know why but I feel there is unfinished business to take care of. I have awakened something. Powerful shit.