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Leo Gura replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol, she was on the brink of suicide and suffered for YEARS! You are dismissing all that "work". Yes, if you drive yourself nuts to the brink of suicide and then finally the ego happens to collapse by some fluke instead of you actually killing yourself, the brain can then rewire itself. But it wasn't really quick. It was a process years in the making. It's like an explosion that was building up for years, and then one day it all burst. And even so, these kinds of cases are extremely rare. They might as well not exist. This is not a reliable strategy for awakening. You make an interesting point. But I still think there is a physiological component to spiritual giftedness. It's just damn rare. How do you explain that many of the most awakened people experienced their awakenings very early in life, often when they are 12 years old, 18 years old, etc. How do you explain people who do one meditation retreat or self-inquire for a few weeks and become enlightened? That is extremely rare and atypical. An average person cannot do that. Otherwise a large percentage of the population would be enlightened, but they just aren't and can't. More broadly-speaking, how do you explain that less than 0.00001% of humans wake up? This cannot be explained simply by lack of effort. Even within people who do hardcore spiritual practice, STILL, less than 1% deeply awaken. Again, this is not merely due to lack of effort. There is a deep connection between one's effort in this work and one's spiritual intuition. Why are some people much more spiritually attuned than others? Why are some people totally spiritually clueless? Lack of effort is not enough to explain it because one's willingness to exert effort is directly proportional to one's initial spiritual attunement. So my claim is that the people who wake up are the ones who start out in life already highly spiritually attuned. Poor upbringing and environment can obscure this attunement, requiring some decades of life experience for the person to realize that they even have this spiritual attunement. The problem with spiritual attunement is that most people who have it take it completely for granted. They don't know what life is like without it because they've always had it, and they assume everyone else has it too. But most people don't. It's sort of like having a very high IQ or being very tall. You don't even realize that most people are not that way. For example, I am 6'2". It took me 30 years to realize that not everyone is that tall. To me, being tall feels totally normal. I don't even know what it means to be short. It took me 30 years to realize that the world is designed for short people: hotel showers, all chairs and sofas and benches, airplane seats, sinks, toilets, urinals, jackets, pants, cars, etc. I can't sit comfortably on most chairs because they are designed for short people and I only realized that a few years ago! I didn't realize it because I assumed that all people are the same. -
Hellspeed replied to livg7046's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You became delusional, that is a better word. You will not have questions anymore if you have awakened. -
Forestluv replied to Mada_'s topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is the deepest thing you touched, imo. I would change “minute” to “moment”. “I feel like i waste every moment that I'm distracted, yet I don't know what that moment should have been occupied with.” Notice the distinction between future desires and this moment now. There is a desire to be somewhere else. To move toward that place. Yet that “place” is within a time construct. It is an ambiguous place that isn’t actual. “I should be doing something to get somewhere”. The mind will try and build a stable somewhere in the future. “Ahhh yes, this awakened being explains it - yes that is the place to go. I shall do these practices to get to that place”. . . Yet that place is not Now. All future places have something in common.: none of them are here and now. . . The mind-body once again is left scratching it’s head “I should be doing something to get somewhere”. You don’t know how each moment should be occupied because your mind is assuming there is a destination in the future you should be moving toward. Yet the destination is now. The journey is the destination. To me, your uncertainty is a good sign you are close to a realization of the nature of Now and beingness. I sense that your mind-body is strongly oriented toward moving toward a destination and trying to figure out how to get to a somewhere that doesn’t exist. That somewhere is here and nowhere. It is not to be found in the timeline. Only Now. You are on a journey in which you have already arrived - right Now. Whatever arises right Now. This is it. Observe the feelings and thoughts as they arise. Observe, learn and embody. -
Mu_ replied to Anton_Pierre's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dont just tell me, tell the whole enlightenment community, because its a huge thing to find a method for such. Its something that many teachers don't have the answer to, myself included even though it happened. Just out of curiosity how do you intend to find the most direct methods? Self testing? Interviewing all awakened masters and their students to find out what did and did not work? Really curious, I like your honesty when you say you don't want to delude or send anyone down the wrong path, but what your claiming is out there, is something I don't know if there is "one or two". By the way are you a aspiring student, or do you feel as though you've awakened to a degree that you feel ready to show the way? -
Hellspeed replied to Genghis Khan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Depends what you call magic. And yes is real. An awakened human being or a trained occultist can influence the dormant in such a way positive or negative remotely that you would not believe is possible. Let's brake it down. Is all about intention what we send to others. If i visualize that my neighbour per example will be healthy and peaceful and joyful, it will happen if one is really open and let's go of prejudice. So maybe the neighbour will be all loving towards one the next day, depends on proper work. Same applies to the negative. -
Enlightenment replied to Joseph Maynor's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Adam M Awakened/enlightened people have ego's (otherwise they couldn't even communicate), so it's not that ego reforms back. What I mean is that Leo's 5-MeO trips which he takes as "Ultimate Reality" have almost nothing to do with how it is to be enlightened. Leo makes assumptions about enlightenment from his trips, that are incorrect. Enlightened people don't feel infinite love or infinite goodness/intelligence. It's more like a state of disidentification from ego with no sense of agency. -
Forestluv replied to kieranperez's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@kieranperez I think he makes an interesting point about ego deconstruction and construction. And how he relates both to reaching "witness + object" states of awareness. I hadn't thought about how ego construction can be used to reach entry levels of "witness + object". From that space, I can see how a "witness + object" state of consciousness could arise in which it is very difficult to see one's own egoic framework. The subjective experience would be "witness + object", which would seem like an awakened state. I think Rupert Spira describes a similar dynamic which he refers to as "enlightened duality". It describes it as a halfway point. Wilbur also seems to be describing it as an intermediate level. Thanks for sharing the video. -
The Let-Go Muscle To let go of yourself you must find the perciever and realise it's not you. If it was you, you would be awakened, so let go of it. I call it The Let-Go Muscle because the nature of letting go requires an immense amount of focus on what you're actually letting go of. Sensation of being a mind Realise it's nature, a sensation Let go of 'It' (Mind sensation of self) The It you're looking for is really just 'It-less' (Empty, Sentient Awareness) You can actually see It-less (Eyes of God) Embody IT-less by unembodying self. Back to Actuality From the subtle letting go of mind sensation, allow perceptions to exist as they are individual of self.
Zigzag Idiot replied to OmniYoga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Does it feel lonely to be Awakened and see everything so clearly in a world full of sleeping people like Leo and all the Moderators and myself and others here ? -
Ego - Superego- Self forgetting - Self Remembering - Being - Awakened Conscience and connection From another previous post-- Who am I? Where am I? To let go of my personal history is to walk out of a prison. Not an easy thing. Working on myself requires continual effort because I/We forget. It means beginning again, thousands of times. Encountering elements in shadow work which send me into reaction and forgetting requires self forgiveness. To 'sit with' something difficult is to eat and digest it's energy. A saying in the Work is that - sometimes I eat the bear and sometimes, the bear eats me. Forgiving myself is practice for forgiving others. Forgiving others is practice for forgiving myself. Red Hawk - "Apology and forgiveness are acts of Conscience. These are the acts which clear Conscience and allow it to grow. They feed Conscience. What gets fed, grows-that is the law. Apology and forgiveness are sacrificial acts, done in the service of something higher and finer, something which cannot be named but may be sensed, felt, and experienced. A real man, a human being, is known by his reactions. He is known not by what others say about him, but what he says about others. He is known by his acts of kindness and humility. He is known by his ability to apologize and forgive. This is how non-judgmental love manifests in reality. The conscious management of the survival instinct is the practice of a lifetime. It never ends. It comes to me as a result of remorse and fear of hurting others, which have brought about the aim of kindness in me." Yes, some. Years ago. But most of my insights are from observing and the more powerful insights have been from feeling.
More on superego from a previous post in my Journal-- Attempt at a Crushed Analysis in reclaiming our 'Red' energy. Awakened Conscience is not the same as Acquired Conscience with its ideas of morality which changes from culture to culture. We need all our energy for doing Inquiry. This means becoming Boss/manager of our sex energy. A sign that your not boss is if you feel shame connected with any part of your sex life. Which is a sign of active super ego. Super ego is directly in the way for nearly everyone in reaching and hearing the voice of Conscience, ironically. Super ego is the internal critical voice of our caregivers, usually one parent,, more than another. Religious upbringing with a lot of shame really adds to this conditioning in us in a way that's difficult to get free of as adults. Overcoming super ego involves processing and integrating any shadow in our sex life responsible for shame. Overcoming super ego means befriending our Parents at a higher level than the permanent part time child who was still under the control of the super ego. An enormous amount of vital energy and attention is then reclaimed. This is often times considered one of the first things to go after in Inquiry and work on self. How do we reach Awakened Conscience? By processing repressed negativity AND integration of shadow in becoming shameless boss/manager of one's sex energy, as a starter. Any traumas or humiliations need to have observational light put on them and eventually sorted out. Only for yourself. A part of this process is you decide what's right for you with your feelings, and not with your inner critic. Our heart helps us connect with the intelligence of Conscience when we become completely sincere and curious. We all have repressed negativity. We can do pretty good while sitting in a peaceful environment but if someone hits us in the face with a shovel, things go to a different level of difficulty. It seems women catch a double dose of conditioning apart from super ego in the automatic judgements and dictates of the cultural ego, most of which is born out of Patriarchal notions. Men have their uphill battle too in having on average at least 10 times the amount of testosterone than women. One reason why men are often just a slave to their penis. Expressing negative emotions rob energy in general. Shame, specifically robs vital energy in dividing us against ourselves.
mandyjw replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I just wrote this in response to another thread but I think it explains her methods really well. Yes, she's a trickster. She seduces you into thinking that you're going to get sex, money and fame in the future and when you fully embrace the desire of those things, in a way that really feels like you actually have them NOW... then you realize that all you ever wanted was that feeling. And that feeling is the vortex, presence, enlightenment, love, God. It's timeless. Your future desires melt away into a present moment feeling of bliss. Also @Serotoninluv When I awakened/leveled up recently it was really painful. Physically painful. It was because I had no education about yoga or chakras. I was too busy for it, I didn't accept it. it didn't resonate with me. I paid dearly for that. Still do really. -
Hey it's Anton, Today I wish to speak about spiritual awaking and the proccess in which it's achieved. Please do note I have been making posts which share other deep insights. What is Spiritual Awakening? To see with the eyes of God Perceptions without a perciever To see Nothingness Seeing without the lens of ego The realisation of No-Self Aliveness of the outside world Realization of no inside world (mind) Disclaimer: I am not claiming I am fully awakened, however I can maintain states of non-dual conciousness for most of the day. How have I achieved this? I have been experimenting with different techniques and this is what I have experienced directly from my personal experience. Semen Retention I've noticed that semen retention is a powerful tool in spirituality. It heightens awareness and increases energy. Suffering When I refer to suffering, I mean extreme discomfort which isn't harmful to you. I try to deprive myself hedonistic pleasures also. The ego has no choice but to submit when it's exposed to pain as there is only sensation when ego is transcended. Examples: Cold Showers Extreme Clean Eating Intense Exercise Long Periods of Meditation What's the logic in causing all this suffering? It doesn't make sense on the surface level, however this suffering is a total illusion. Only when a self exists there is suffering. So, when you truly know the method, you will make sure you do it because the ego will want to escape the pain. 'Suffer the pain of disipline or the pain of regret' Hide-and-Seek I have been using the hide-and-seek method as my primary method to awaken. God is hiding from self? Non-duality collapses the hider and seeker, so that the seeker is trying to find itself, and the hider is also the seeker who's hiding from itself. Method Step 1: Find the thing you are identified as whilst in a dualistic/egoic conciousness. Step 2: Let go of it, and be wise enough to understand that everything you identify as in a dualistic or mind-identified conciousness isn't going to be you, because it's a conciousness leap. Step 3: Run this proccess whenever you're in a mind identified conciousness, until a breakthrough occurs. Actuality Meditation + Decontextulisation Actuality meditation is when you observe your direct experience as to only see direct perceptions. (Leo's Video) Decontextulisation is the proccess of removing anything you THINK you know about something. (Not-knowing) Acts of Selflessness Do kind acts for others Don't always worry about yourself. Don't manipulate or harm others. Don't see evil in anyone or thing Don't judge others It's funny because people think only worrying about themselves is going to make them happy. However, the complete opposite holds true. Being ego driven only leads to more and more suffering. Spinal Awareness The spine has it's own conciousness, and you can feel the spine align itself like a snake erecting when you are aware enough. Kundalini Yoga is very good. Anton's Mind Proccess Here is a raw direct transcript of my mind proccess when in an mind-identified conciousness. I think sharing thought transcripts is a really good idea. I hope it becomes common amongst forum members as it's a valuable tool to show others how to self-inquire. Transcript Note: I start by sitting is a meditate pose with focus on my spine. Thought: I know I'm not the mind but it sure feels like I am here perceiving the outside world. Thought: This thought isn't really the Nothingness I'm looking for. (Anything thing you find isn't Nothingness, that Actual Nothingness is only experienced through conciousness leap) Sensation: Feeling of shifting from my thoughts to ACTUALITY. Sensation: Feeling of me being inside the head. Action: Close my eyes Thought: Put your complete attention on that and realise that is a thing so it can't be it, so let it go. Sensation: Feeling of bouncing this point of self around in my head to the point I feel I might get a headache. Thought: If I am able to feel different areas inside the mind then that can't be it. Action: Letting go of this aggresive hold of the mind being the self, using a very delicate energy Sensation: Feeling of heightened Awareness Action: Opening of my eyes to see Actuality. REALIZATION: Perceptions are now seen without illusion and no-self is realized.
Mooji profits off the weak / unstable / lost / just awakened people. Trace the money... He has made millions off lost peoples misery.
martins name replied to Chumbimba's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Chumbimba In my experience, when your kundalini has awakened you should be able to summon intense energy in your root-chakra be able to send it up your spine. I like to think of it as unlocking the door to the cage of the kundalini. But maybe there is more to kundalini than i have experienced. Osho kundalini meditation is enough to calm the jerkyness and kriyas, you don't need to do dynamic meditation even if that probably would do the trick too. I try to do it around once every other week too calm my own kundalini-induced jerkyness, if I don't I start wierding out my classmates lmao. Dynamic meditation is too intence to do on a regular basis imo. @Leo Gura Have you awakened your kundalini? I'm glad you have found oshos meditations they are such great tools. -
@Scholar Different personality types, different brain types, different facets to awakening. Awakening will be filtered through the mind and personality no matter how awake you get. Some people are more sentimental and emotional while other people are more autistic, cool, and dispassionate. One awakened person could emphasize Nothingness in his teaching. Another awakened person could emphasize Love in his teaching. Etc. Which is why an integral approach is so good. You can get the best of all the teachings and teachers.
Leo Gura replied to Arhattobe's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What he's saying has value, especially for newbie and intermediate students. But at the same time, suffering IS a conceptual activity and it can be transcended or stopped. It is something you are doing and you can stop doing it. This does mean that you stop feeling, just the opposite, you must feel it fully, with total consciousness. That total consciousness is what allows you to experience the suffering as self-constructed activity, at which point it becomes conscious and it ceases to be suffering. This requires very high levels of consciousness which even most awakened people in the West do not have. But the most advanced practitioners develop it. Which is how monks can do self-immolation. So the deconstruction of suffering is not merely marketing. It's just unattainable for most people because this requires super-human levels of consciousness which only the most hardcore practitioners will attain. The paradox is, by trying to end suffering you end up creating suffering. So that's not a good attitude in this work. Trying to always be in a positive state is not going to work well. If you really want to end suffering you must completely stop caring what state you're in, even if you're getting tortured, you have to be okay with that state. It's REALLY hard to be that conscious. But it can be done. Just don't go chasing it. -
moon777light replied to NoSelfSelf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
i find it hard to see an Awakened man/woman try furhter to develop Siddi's. Once your awakened, youve connected with your Higher Self, which gives you all the guidance you will ever need. Be that through visions/things that appear before you before you think of them/intuition/etc. i think a sign that someone is unawakened is when they say they want to get a siddi. -
Amber replied to EternalForest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I've never meditated or taken psychotropics or did any kind of self inquiry. What I did was I spent some time with 2 teachers with very strong transmission - magnetism. 3-4 times in India and 3 retreats in Europe with an not well known teacher. Their mere presence stopped my mind. No mind experience is nothing special, but offers great relief. A lot of life energy gets liberated which is otherwise trapped to sustain " the idea of an I", an "identity". Most of our life force - energy - goes to sustain the "identity", unfortunatelly. This released energy allowes us to use it for other things. You are asking how to get in touch with pure consciousness. For me it happened during one online class with this european teacher. We are like embers, we glow and catch fire in the presence of an awakened being. But I have always, from young age, been open and suseptible to energies, I just knew things on my own. For example, when I was four, my grandad took me to a construction site of my aunt's new house, but couldn't enter the house because it was locked. I just knew where the key was hidden, it was not any usual place one would think of, and my grandad thought that I had been there before but of course I hadn't. We can only share what we have. It is important who we associate with. -
I was drinking coffee whilst in awakened conciousness and I didn't realise until after that I burnt my palate. Made me feel like this.
Forestluv replied to Angelo John Gage's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Angelo John Gage You’ve got a sincerity I appreciate. Awakened beings often have a similar feel to me. It can feel polished, shiny and spiritually. There’s a genuine rawness I like about your video. Perhaps due to your life history. Plus I’ve never seen a guy that feels like NJ to me awakening and speak like you. I sensed it immediately. I think it’s really cool and that you can connect within certain crowds that many nonduality teachers can’t. And not just the nonduality, also personal growth and living a good life. -
Forestluv replied to Angelo John Gage's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Angelo John Gage I think this is an awesome video. I think you can resonate with a specific audience better than any nonduality teacher I've seen. I grew up in N.J. and I now live in the Midwest. There is a big population of guys I think you could connect with really well. I'm not making any value judgement here, yet this is the general description: guys that have strong masculine traits and intellect. . . guys that tend to enjoy stuff like trucks, beer, barbques, fishing, hunting, camping, grew up Christian, home-improvement, football, shooting pool etc. It's hard to describe, yet you have the "IT" factor in this "genre". I cannot connect with guys in this genre. I come across as too emotional, yoga-loving, academically arrogant, soft, woo woo etc. I can connect with people in other areas, yet not here. It's like seeing one of the guys I went to high school with in N.J. awaken and come back to help the other guys awaken. I think it is totally awesome. A few comments on the content: -- I love how you framed it as "the real red pill". That is totally what it is. I have tried to use this frame and guys dismiss me because I have zero cred. in this area. But I think you totally pull it off because you've got that cred. with this group. -- I like how you discussed opposites of good and evil as being two sides of the same coin. Going from nonduality back to duality is very difficult to transmit. I particularly like your analogy that life is one giant movie and everyone is playing their role - yet since One Everything is Everything, both good and evil is within Everything. --I think the part about how "you can experience God" could be a bit confusing because it includes both the little dualistic "you" and the One nondual "You". I would have stressed this a bit by saying something like "you can experience God, which is the Ulitmate You - the ultimate You is within Everything. -- I think a lot of terms used to help people learn nonduality can be used essentially as synonyms. Words like Everything, Nothing, Reality, ISness, Oneness, God etc. I would have grouped them all together and maybe say that they are essentially the same. When I was learning nonduality I didn't know that the words are essentially the same and got confused. I noticed at times you would say something like "The One Everything is God". I would have added a bit more to highlight all the words that collapse into one when we enter nonduality. -- I like how you spoke that Christianity teaches the God within. Again, you have the "IT" cred. with guys in this genre. There is no way I could pull that off. I went through a long hardcore atheist scientist stretch and guys in this genre smell it out - they just know that I was not a real Christian that awakened. -- I didn't sense any intellectual arrogance in you. Yet you were confident and intellectual. Again, I think that is hard to do for a lot of intellectuals - I have this academic intellectualism vibe that masculine guys interpret as being arrogant. They can sense I was never part of their group. As hard as I try not to do it, I often come across as talking down to them. -- I like how you used a lot of masculine traits at the end when describing the biggest Red Pill - stoic, leadership, confidence, power - Marcus Aurelius and how he could have had all the power and sex he wanted, but he went for the biggest red pill. The underlying sense for me was "this is a man". I would have lost this audience as I talked about "surrender", getting in touch with one's emotions, like their inner vulnerability etc. Yet you described it as "gaining control of your emotions" - strength. I think there are a lot of people that can benefit from your style and vibe. In particular, I think you can reach a large segment of guys like few other nonduality teachers can. It is awesome to see and I totally wish you the best. -
AlphaAbundance replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LastThursday Lol I am not in the unconditional happiness state right now. I am saying assuming such a state exist (like when you are awakened). Once you are at that point why do anything at all? Although thinking about it that is assuming that the effort of doing those things will be painful which won't be the case cause unconditional happiness but still why would you do whatever in the first place? -
Those of us who have awakened and those of us that are idealists, many of whom grew up believing in the materialist paradigm, know from direct experience that reality is a giant mind. Those that have not directly experienced mysticism still believe it too. But how amazing would it be if there was this door and on the other side of the door one could walk through and see the Truth. See what is real. In other words they could open this door and they would be enlightened. I often dream of a door like this where if only it existed the materialists would see for themselves that this is real. That reality is a mind. Oh but to dream! (No pun intended!)
My Kundalini awoke 7 years ago. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It is a scary 2 years that followed it. Now I think I am in balance of it. It feels nice, but still is strange. I tell you what the awakened kundalini human does experience besides feeling that bliss you guys are talking about: They have a knowing that everyone on the planet has amazing gifts to offer. THat there is no such thing as an inferior race. That love abounds us all. We are all wonderful.