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  1. Brother i am nothing or only awareness %20 of the day ( i am witness of the body). I am in the movie with my ego 80% of the day but still aware. Do you get what i tell you? And you telling me psychedelics. Lol. if you say body is alive or life , which is an illusion ((because you learned from the words that you are alive human vs,) just tell me how can you trust the language? you are not in the body, this place is an projection of projector. Additionally, nothingness is the projector of the projection. Therefore, if the projector is nothing, projection is coming from nothing, because of that projection is dream of nothingness. You are in the game, which has no disc, and created by nothingness.
  2. @Javfly33 Thank you brother. Good luck in your pursuits as well <3 No problem. solipsism can relatively speaking be viewed as true. Absolutely speaking, it's not. The only things that are absolutely true are: God. Consciousness. Love. Absolute Infinity. Infinite Imagination. And all these 5 things are all pointing to the same truth: God. Language/words are just pointers though. Either you directly get it or you don't. Words don't really matter (yet they also do in a sense, in order to ground you as God in human form). You can surely come up with more Absolute True words for the Absolute Truth. LIke "Nothingness" and so on. It all works (as pointers).
  3. @kagaria I would recommend attempting to reframe this. See it as an opportunity. An indivisible void which requires entering in order to become fulfilled again. The void of nothingness is a direct fear of death - hence the contentious topic of dying - but that should not dispute the power of realising such a thing. The void from which all is imagined should be where one finds solace since it is the one thing that cannot be disturbed. imperturbable and untainted in nature. Regarding the contrary, materialism or any ideology for that matter, they should be seen as opportunities for growth. See this as an opportunity to invite a dialogue with people so bought into what they have been predisposed. Help them imagine the beauty of the void so as to dissolve imagination all together. Also consider that imagination is the pure expression of the void. Don’t resent it or demonise it. It’s there for a reason, to be used wisely by those who wield it. You have stumbled across something you may not yet have realised the true significance of. It’s far greater than what one could ever comprehend. And far more ineffable than imaginable.
  4. I think this quote from John of the cross really gets to the essence of true christian mysticism and spirituality, even though I am nowhere near to apply everything he talks about in my own life: “First of all, carefully excite in yourself an habitual affectionate will in all things to imitate Jesus Christ. If anything agreeable offers itself to your senses, yet does not at the same time tend purely to the honor and glory of God, renounce it and separate yourself from it for the love of Christ, who all his life long had no other taste or wish than to do the will of his Father whom he called his meat and nourishment. For example, you take satisfaction in hearing of things in which the glory of God bears no part. Deny yourself this satisfaction, mortify your wish to listen. You take pleasure in seeing objects which do not raise your mind to God: refuseyourself this pleasure, and turn away your eyes. The same with conversations and all other things. Act similarly, so far as you are able, with all the operations of the senses, striving to make yourself free from their yokes. “The radical remedy lies in the mortification of the four great natural passions, joy, hope, fear, and grief. You must seek to deprive these of every satisfaction and leave them as it were in darkness and the void. Let your soul therefore turn always: “Not to what is most easy, but to what is hardest; “Not to what tastes best, but to what is most distasteful; “Not to what most pleases, but to what disgusts; “Not to matter of consolation, but to matter for desolation rather; “Not to rest, but to labor; “Not to desire the more, but the less; “Not to aspire to what is highest and most precious, but to what is lowest and most contemptible; “Not to will anything, but to will nothing; “Not to seek the best in everything, but to seek the worst, so that you may enter for the love of Christ into a complete destitution, a perfect poverty of spirit, and an absolute renunciation of everything in this world. Embrace these practices with all the energy of your soul and you will find in a short time great delights and unspeakable consolations. “Despise yourself, and wish that others should despise you. " “Speak to your own disadvantage, and desire others to do the same;" “Conceive a low opinion of yourself, and find it good when others hold the same;" “To enjoy the taste of all things, have no taste for anything.“ "To know all things, learn to know nothing. “To possess all things, resolve to possess nothing." “To be all things, be willing to be nothing “ "To get to where you have no taste for anything, go through whatever experiences you have no taste for." “To learn to know nothing, go whither you are ignorant." “To reach what you possess not, go whithersoever you own nothing.“ "To be what you are not, experience what you are not.” “When you stop at one thing, you cease to open yourself to the All. “For to come to the All you must give up the All. “And if you should attain to owning the All, you must own it, desiring Nothing. “In this spoliation, the soul finds its tranquillity and rest. Profoundly established in the centre of its own nothingness, it can be assailed by naught that comes from below; and since it no longer desires anything, what comes from above cannot depress it; for its desires alone are the causes of its woes.” “When you stop at one thing, you cease to open yourself to the All. “For to come to the All you must give up the All. “And if you should attain to owning the All, you must own it, desiring Nothing. “In this spoliation, the soul finds its tranquillity and rest. Profoundly established in the centre of its own nothingness, it can be assailed by naught that comes from below; and since it no longer desires anything, what comes from above cannot depress it; for its desires alone are the causes of its woes.” TLDR:Renounce yourself completely and give up all of your selfish desires and attachments in order to cling to god alone.
  5. I was walking and contemplating infinity this morning. I came to a realization that some people may have talked about before, but it's a new insight for me, and maybe some mathematics minded people might find useful, so I thought I would share. We all know the concept of infinity, but I think it's very useful to explain the nature of reality. We all want to think of what's behind the thing we are experiencing. When we say that Everything came from Nothing, we ask where did this "Nothing" come from?It's hard to understand Nothingness. We want PROOF. We want to "Picture" Consciousness. We can all think of 0 as Nothing right? The absence of Something. Even 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 is not 0. It's Absolute Nothingness. So 0 represents the substance of what reality is created from. Consciousness. The ever present formless void of Anything. But, reality is created through DISTINCTIONS. Anything that is not a distinction is Nothingness. These distinctions represent our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, etc. Essentially, anything that makes US. The story we've been told, the story we tell ourselves. Our EGO. It's all DISTINCTIONS. Anything else would be Nothingness. So 1 is a distinction. 2 is a distinction. 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 is a distinction. And as we know numbers go on to infinity is every possible way. There is just as many numbers between 0 and 1 as there are between 0 and 0.1---- INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. But there are also Negative numbers as well. So this is useful when we think of what is behind the Nothingness. Are there other Nothingnesses? But there can't be. because anything that is other that 0 is a distinction, in the negative direction too. I think of negative numbers as "Going Meta" We're still making distinctions but we think we are getting closer to the truth. Lol Our first distinction was I AM ME. And from that, all other distintions were created on top of it. From there we build equations and we do calculations to make sense of all of our life, but that's just creating other distinctions, in turn, creating more reality. So all of OUR reality is just a specific zoom level of the Infinite Fractal of number possibilies of distinctions. So in that sense, the realization that I had was that: We are all a Number on the scale of Infinity that is constantly changing with new calculations we make every day. And the goal of this math is to get to 0. Loving or Unselfish things will Subtract or Divide your number and Selfish or Devilish things might Add or Multiply your number. So calculations can be small like eating an apple might be 3582958239535239582 - 10 = 3582958239535239572. Meditation might divide by 5 everytime you sit down. Doing something selfish or devilish might Add or worst, Multiply your number that may take to years to do the right calculations to bring it back. But Taking 5-Meo or staring at your hand for a week will Divide by 0, showing you a glimpse of Absolute Nothingness, but then your ego quickly multiplies it back. So I like to think of all this self-actualization work as just making little calculations every day to bring me closer to 0, in other words. God.
  6. So I just saw the Video "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" and a few questions came up to my mind: 1. Leo said that at a certain point during his retreat, he had the opportunity to become infinite love and god and like "soak" everything else that exists in this universe, even space and time with him to disappear into nothingness and pure boundless consciousness. Maybe only you, Leo, or not even you can answer that, but would I and all the other humans on earth notice that? 2. Would we really feel how we also merge with everything else and would we also feel that endless amount of true love? Or would you have just died, because you left this facette of reality which we call our universe and only your physical body is left behind (which we call dead)? 3. You explained in the Video that 25 days of daily 5-Meo-usage we're too much for you. Do you think that you want to reach that state again or even try to go there? Maybe that's what the bible calls heaven, and if you go there and you take the entire universe with you that's, what's the bible describes as the return of Jesus and deliverance of all humans. Let's discuss together about these questions
  7. You are conscious of me right now right? That your conscious mind includes, your ego, my ego, everything and nothing. Because thats not your mind that’s infinite consciousness. If you say how can be everything and nothing at the same time?, because hot and cold, good and evil, human and god, if evil is not exist, goodness will be useless. All opposite sides complete each other and when you added them they will be equal to 0, which is nothingness. Such as result of adding infinite positive numbers and negative numbers will be 0. If it includes everything it must be empty. Because if there is no one side of opposite , other side of can not be exist, it will be meaningless.
  8. You have absolutely no clue as to what "illusory" and "imaginary" entails, and if you do, you are severely underestimating it. I recommend not listening to anything Leo says (forget about infinity, love, consciousness, God, ego, nothingness, imagination, etc.) until you've first reached a profound state of not-knowing. As far as I can tell, you sincerely believe that you know certain things that you are not willing to let go of. This prevents you from understanding transcendent principles beyond the mind.
  9. They can handle the experience. I dont know they still can be aware or not. But they will watch the experience and mot get affected. Such as they wont mention as a terrible trip, it is just part of infinite nothingness.
  10. The point they're trying to make is that there is no objective world outside of your perception and the objective world is more like a sum of hallucinations that exist 'inside' the infinite consciousness. So this would also make 'you' a complex hallucination defined by (let's say) a code that exist in this field of information/nothingness. Basically, it's the same thing with saying that the universe is mathematical. Nothing wrong with it, only that insisting on the 'isness' is like saying that you have no power and you're nothing more but this stupid code in the "matrix" that you see. That's why in "the Matrix" movie, Neo is described as an error in this code (the laws of nature/rules created by 'programs' living in the matrix/society) which actually helps him to break free from this 3D reality (laws of nature) and bend spoons with his (4D) mind. To understand this better, I would recommend you to watch the movie and read something about the 4th dimension. Btw, I think that 4th dimension is actually the mind from which reality emerges (yeah, it is just a theory but I can't picture it better than that). Besides this, I see no reason why we would think that higher dimensions are separate realities that we cannot access.
  11. I have a feeling nothingness creating distinctions is like this :
  12. Hello I'm pretty well anchored in nothingness. I am fully aware that everything I have experienced takes place in nothingness and that I am that nothingness. But how can you realise that my brother, for example, is also in the same shared nothingness? Because it feels like I am only aware of the dream of this body-mind-world phenomenon. However, I assume that there are an infinite number of dreams and that nothingness is also aware of my brother's feelings. How did you realise nothingness as that that is absolutely aware of all possible phenomena and not just the "reality" of a single body mind world?
  13. Muhammed says “ all is one, one is all, world is created from me, i am nothing just a messenger of god, god is can not comprehend by human mind, it is close more to you than your vein, god is everywhere. He created sufism with Hindu Naksibendi’s ( existed 5,000 years ago real sufis, islam get the Sufism from them) within islam. However, this knowledge kept in secret or called as love of god and state of nothingness. All the prophets are experienced god and become it. However, circumstances of the environment pushed them to have different characters. For instance all the pray movements in islam is same with yoga. I believe, i created the Muhammed to see that people no more need us, because look at Shadguru, raltson, osho, Allan watts, rumi, leo vs.. people dont have more than 5 million followers, but justin bieber has 100 million followers. There is no reason to have prophet in life now, because people dont need us. People dont seek anything anymore just look for them ego.
  14. @Adam M just imagine the air. You cant see the air or touch (except wind). You cant see the nothingness but it is aware like an air. Thats What you become, nothing but aware.
  15. @Leo Gura Is it because reality is unlimited? Existence is Pure Nothing, therefore, there is no limitation that prevents everything from being created. In other words, in order for Nothingness to be fully itself, it also has to be everythingness? Including infinite amounts of limitations, distinctions, and complexity/interconnectedness? This intellectualization is kind of silly...I'm just gonna plug some 5meo... Also, a distinction is itself? I guess it must be pure creation. When one thing becomes distinct from another, it is born into existence. There is no mechanism except for consciousness itself, just Mind?
  16. Great answer. Additionally, creation is existed by opposite sides. If hot is not exist cold cant be exist, god and evil, infinite negative and positive numbers. Top of that if you plus opposite sides answer will be 0. Which is nothingness itself.
  17. You are a distinction that is made from nothingness. You asking this question is consciousness making distinctions. Becoming God is becoming one with the infinite nothingness and everything that was created from it at the same time. You coming back from that experience starts with you drawing a distinction between nothingness/everything and you.
  18. @JayG84 distinctions appear inside nothingness nothingness doesn't do anything to create them just like a water doesn't do anything to be wet water is wet nothingness is the capacity for everything, including distinctions.
  19. @The observer that makes sense and I feel we agree on all those points. As I mentioned earlier, all that we say will never hold the capacity to communicate the very thing we are trying to. Language is a redundancy, though a useful one. You may have misunderstood my contention regarding the limits of the mind. They should already be implicit in what I’ve said earlier. The mind cannot be used to interpret the core of reality, yet we still require it. To me, meaning is relative and in fact, meaningless. However, meaning still plays a part. It allows for mind to be used in a distinction based manner. Which is where metaphysics and rationality hold different purposes. That was my the main point I was attempting to convey. Even though they may be figments of imagination within a field of nothing, they still remain useful to a finite self dominated by ego - which all humans are. You could be right I may be fixated on pointers for the time being. The irony is, they are a necessary inflection point to cross. One consumed by ego cannot simply skip over them. Anyone who is unawakened fears privileging them self such a title, that’s the chief deception. Nonetheless, I’ll do my best to exercise the humility to still admit it. I agree. Pointers are important but fundamentally must be disposed with, I stated this earlier I believe. Although, that doesn’t render them useless. I guess I was expressing how pointers although stemming from the same place (nothingness) they still exemplify inherently different qualities in supporting ones journey. I still maintain that metaphysics is more useful than rationality when conceptualising spirituality, but again, when speaking about these topics to those attached to either one, they will either revere what I say or completely disagree with it. Or worse, confuse what I am saying for idealism. Ultimately, it’s not a matter of whether people disagree or not but the understanding for how each cog of reality has a purpose. To know how to leave an illusion one must have first been deluded by it to know it was never real. I feel we are trying to do the impossible here by trying communicate the incommunicable. I appreciate our dialogue but I feel we may now be wasting our efforts. I feel the best we can do is just BE and derive our our understanding from the void ?
  20. This way of imagining or thinking can help because you're stuck on your current one. Imagine that there isn't a you or a me, but we are this interaction itself, in this very moment, which if we try to pinpoint, doesn't exist. There isn't a you or a me, but a space in between, a space that encompasses everything. Think of us as a woven net. We think that we are the holes between the threads of the net, never considering that that shape that we perceive in the net is actually nothingness itself. If one thread in the net is pulled, all the other holes in the net tighten and adjust. The ones closest to it seem to be more affected and visibly change shape and the others further away less so, but the net is one. Everything you seem to do or think affects everyone else, even if they are too far away to be conscious of the effects. What purpose do others serve in my illusion is like asking from the perspective of a hole in the fabric of the net, what the other holes in the fabric of the net have to do with me? Well the answer is they aren't at all. They are one empty space, or one net. To go even deeper the mind has to look at or consider either the net or the empty space in this analogy, but they are one.
  21. Your brother's thoughts are your thoughts. Notice, whatever thoughts you have right now about your brother's thoughts are in fact occurring in the same nothingness. There's no person that is you or me or your brother. The person is a thought, a part of the Godhead. The Godhead is just one thing. Nothing.
  22. Lol. you are too human brother thoughts are illusion . If you dont know that. Just try to learn first non duality and after write. Good luck.? Additionally, i am already it without any psychedelics. Just sit and be. You will become it. Lol I directly experience infinite, love and nothingness. Which are all identical, and me. i become infinite as nothing and all.
  23. @VeganAwake wait I explain briefly where I am: for the past 18 years i thought that i was person A and interacted with person B, for example. A short time ago I realized that I was never person A but the nothingness in which it all takes place. This leaves me with the realization that person A and person B are part of the dream. I, as awareness, am currently only aware of person A's thoughts. I am now trying to understand how consciousness is also aware of person B's thought. :-)
  24. I am aware that the self-other distinction is imaginary and I am also aware that all i know of my brother is me and yes I would totally agree that my awakening is very far from complete. I am aware that my ego takes place exactly like my brother in me and everything else that is currently in my direct experience. However, I am aware of this direct experience and not all of the direct experiences. I assume that you have a direct experience too . And I'm looking forward to realise that the "Nothingness" in which my experience occurs , is the Nothingness where everything occurs (my dogs sensations etc.) and not just this experience right now.