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  1. @SQAAD Because awakening and experiencing emptiness/no-self etc does not mean you are free of ego, fear, craving. Hence so-called awakened people can have addictions (like Alan Watts, who was an alcoholic) or major character flaws (like certain gurus who sexually harassed their students). Getting rid of aspects of the actual ego structure operating in a person is much harder than having an awakening.
  2. I have already awakened. Who told you I couldn't be here and be awake? It's not distracting me at all, no matter what I read or write on this forum. My conscious state and direct aware experience is not affected by this forum at all.
  3. Even no concept and no belief is a conceptual belief and even truth is a conceptual belief. This is the type of guru doublespeak that points to someone else's conceptual belief as an illusion and calls their own as the truth. That sort of word dance is the game one plays when trying to be 'right' and having the 'truth' while telling other's they are 'wrong' and 'illusion'. It isn't that there is no conceptual belief that passes through perception at all which makes for the awakened experience that people call the conceptual belief of 'enlightenment'. It's the attachment to that conceptual belief which may cause self suffering in the one it passes through. If a conceptual belief is enshrined as truth it has the power to cause suffering to the one that empowers it. Someone perceptive might say to me 'aha, are you not calling your own truth and another's an illusion'? I'll reply that it's all conceptual belief that passes through perception, even my own perspective but it doesn't cause self suffering because I do not enshrine my perspective as truth. It's a momentary perspective and awakening is the presence of being in the moment not the perspective's contents in that moment. Awakening to oneness will have infinite perspectives of perception to experience in infinite moments of now to experience them but isn't any one of them, all of them or none of them. It's the being present in the moment of perceiving, not what passes through as the content of the perception. Our presence of being allows for whatever passes through perception to be as it is but don't build a shrine to any of it. Realization is awakening to presence of being in the moment, knowledge is what passes through the perception and is expressed infinitely. Attaching to any of it can cause self suffering through our enshrining it as truth but don't enshrine this realization either....let it be what it is.
  4. I've only ever watched 3 of his vids, and to me he's not really sharing or teaching anything that hasn't already been taught for millennia by the truly enlightened .To me he's just sharing what he's read and learned from them,mixed with his own practical experience, insights, and interpretation. But to give credit where credit is due,he's also putting in the effort to realize it for himself. Imo,if that happens in a big way he won't be teaching the way we know or see it now (intellectual knowledge and or theory),, but from a reality that has awakened deep within the heart/core of his being, and is far beyond the intellect. Imo,,he's a virtual encyclopedia of sound, spiritual theory and in that regard,a good resource for anyone looking for a solid theoretical base in which to start from.
  5. I understand that suffering is the human condition and how we are awakened. She does not desire me to leave her? I would not say angst and desire is the same thing. Guys have left her in the past because she's "Too nice" and she's very sexually naive.
  6. Can't say for certain since both I and some awakened people I know have plenty of cravings left. I think the craving that binds people to samsara and causes suffering is a different mechanism than bodily signals and impulses in their pure form (sexual desire, hunger, physical discomfort). Awakening or entering non-duality is a major step for people, seeing beyond the constraints of identification with the body-mind. After that, some people may settle. With a relatively stable emotional life, it's not all that bad of a place to be, and it's quite remarkably better and more freeing than duality. Just like some people find relative stability and satisfaction in duality. Others, who have bigger emotional issues, or more difficult life circumstances, or something like chronic pain, can still experience immense dissatisfaction and suffering. Another way to say this is, awakened people have a lot of ego and craving left, and under the right circumstances those things will be triggered. That can open up a cyclical process of breaking down and building the ego back up, dropping fragments of it each time. Aspects of self are seen through and then the self tries to once again redeem itself, to redeem samsara. That can go on for a long time until there's an undeniable experience of the very nature of life being dukkha (inherent lack of satisfaction), and there is no possibility of redemption. It is seen clearly that satisfaction cannot be found in this life. That craving is an inescapable loop. This realization, which can repeat itself again and again more clearly, leads to dispassion, which leads to cravings starting to completely fall away, as the futility of their mechanism is seen. And that will supposedly continue until there's nothing left. Until the entire mechanism that traps us is samsara is burnt out.
  7. just to know, aside the self inquiry, when the mind is still, do you keep doing it everyday ? what did you get from it / (keep having) ? aside cleaning and awareness of the subconscious, do you still daily practice ? would you say it gives you something in term of the physical / control / flow ? Could you describe with honesty what it gives you outside the self inquiry awareness, in terms of "physical/material" does it provide you with a flow of energy in the brain ? a sense of peace ? a mental clarity on your thoughts ? whatever is your experience with it, it means something for me to read you. I m really focusing on people that have awakened their spinal and keep doing the work, thanks you for your perspective
  8. A likely reason Eckhart Tolle has never talked about it because he may only have awakened on the level of mind (or third eye awakening) and not any other centres in the body. Many people have third eye awakenings and think they are enlightened but have no idea that a serious mind and body rewiring process needs to take place in order to fully embody love and flow. Don’t listen to seriously to people who say they are enlightened and yet have no idea about kundalini energy or chakras. They may have had a awakening but they are yet to do the serious emotional work. Kundalini is just energy that everyone has. However someone needs to go through a really deep awakening to realise it into free potential and become conscious of it. Once it begins flowing through the body it gives a person the opportunity to awaken other chakras. This is usually is not a quick process, it can several years of difficult work and healing. Start reading up on the different chakras and what they represent. Be continually mindful of anything that comes up and inquire into it. Of course it’s going to be easier with a teacher.
  9. From my understanding there are many people out there who has the kundalini awakened but they have no idea about it ?
  10. @Aeris yesterday @tsukiI don’t really remember life pre awakening so I can’t tell you how I have changed compared to my pre awakened state. Compared to my early post awakened states. Post awakening I still had immense conscious and subconsious arrogance, very little understanding or clarity of seeing in regaards to others eg why they do what they do, and as a result immense lack of compassion (Genuine compassion out of understanding. Not due to a non dual high. Had those.) I was still emo beaneath the surface, angered, frustrated, it was just easier to deal with. As maharaj once said “the ego still arises for me it just dissipates as soon as it arises.” It was such a state. It felt like that, but in hindsight it only appeared like that because my reference point was severely limited. Let’s use an analogy. A loud stereo that’s always been on during ur entire lifetime being turned down a bit or by a decent amount might seem like it’s close to silence. Yet it is far, far away from silence. Most people in and out of non duality can’t fathom how noisy a calm mind with vasanas really is, until they shed a tremendous amount of them. At a certain volume using the analogy I used my brain stopped being able to consciously thing or engage in an inner dialogue. I couldn’t talk to myself mentally if I chose to. It felt very unnatural if I attempted it. The only time an internal dialogue is present is when I am typing oddly enough. I don’t understand why lol. In regards my visual cortex and imagination. Like my ability to think it’s not at all active like it used to be and I don’t have the ability to day dream, and become engaged in visual thoughts. I do like a good song but it doesn’t do much for me. In regards to psychological feelings. I have them. They are, however, drastically reduced in intensity and some feelings I’m incapable of having. Eg feelings of ill will even in reaction to something, pride, anger (I often feel helpless in a way in its stead.) Hunger is there. Sexual arousal is more like sexual readiness. It doesn’t arouse me, but I can have sex when my member is ready lol. Physical pain wise That’s an odd question. Why would I damage my body lol. I’m not stupid. I have thought that my relationship to pain has changed when I have been in pain eg recently I had some kidney pain because of a kidney stone. Nothing serious doe In response to your synethesia question. Ofcourse. & last but not least I’m more functional than ever. @Preetom Not married, just have a partner, and 28/29;) @tsuki
  11. @tsuki Nothing asides the stuff I mentioned, but yep curiousity and pretty sure I wasn’t. I have changed experientially, mentally and in other ways quite dramatically. Still do. I wasn’t like this before. @Preetom I awakened before psychedelics. Did psychedelics a year and a half/two years after awakening. Doing psychedelics is when shit got weird doe lol. Kundalini, and other sorts of weirdness. One of the teachers I was into at a point in time said your whole life can be yoga. He awoke at 50 with no prior meditation experience nor anything of that sort. Yet he was ripe. He learned what he needed to learn you could say in a way (You can look him up. He is good. Sat Shree is his name.) Years spent in meditation is one factor. Ripeness, due to life, perspective and so on. Are other factors that can delay awakening or speed it up.
  12. @Arhattobe Btw on the flip side, could it be that you awakened so fast BECAUSE you had nasty episodes with psychedelics back in the days? While most monks spend 50 years in a sangha just to be more close-minded, dogmatic and lowkey egotistical in the end. How could you ever know?
  13. @Shadowraix You could say that. @Preetom 5 years actually. Awakened 4 years ago, but the craziest stuff happened 2 years after awakening. @Tistepiste My ability to retain and recall useful information is still pretty good or hasn’t changed much I think. I just can’t have an internal dialogue, and don’t retain useless information eg random memories.
  14. Everything what happen to us is to become awakened, there's no "mental problems" or whatever, those are labels we put on people that we don't understand what they are living and why. That's all BS. What IS, is always the way it has to be...
  15. What if we're talking about the same thing with different language? What does it mean to choose? Who is choosing? The universe. Is there really a choice? Yes and No. No because what we perceive to be choice would have happened anyway, regardless of what perception we have around the chooser. Ultimately there is noone choosing Nothing. And yes, because the movie is playing. In the movie we learn. The movie (relative) is not separate from who I am (absolute). If we separate them there is duality again. There is a choice to have eggs or cornflakes, and consequences apply. Whether we perceive the choice to be illusiory is irrelevant. There is choosing to think, or choosing not to, and consequences apply. In choosing not to today, there was realisation that ego had taken over creating undesirable consequences, and hence motivation to remain still again. It is the opinion of some that true mastery is making that choice. To dial up different states of consciousness. This is a form of choice. I'm not claiming to be a master, I'm just a rookie, but there is acknowledgment of responsibility for choices. It is far too easy, once awakened, to spiritually bypass responsibility with 'there was no-one here doing it'. Today I had payments cut off because I forgot to do something. When I called the guy, memory was so vacant I couldn't remember the three questions I had to ask. It just fails to arise. Yesterday when in my head I could remember all sorts. I'm screwed either way. Ego vs dysfunctionality. Choice!
  16. @Viking The thing is, nobody is prepared for awakening, no matter how many years of study they have done. In the moment of awakening one will enter in amnesia mode. So less learning is better than being indoctrinated in concepts. This sounds crazy what i'm saying now, but it works like this. Prepare to forget everything about yourself, otherwise is not transcendence. When one comes the other side is literally like being born again. Those claiming that you have to be prepared is a paradox, they are not awakened and they speak about concepts the majority Again, no knowledge can prepare you for the other side, ask Leo, he burned himself many times, hahahaha.
  17. @Bluebird The Buddha supposedly did escape samsara. By my intuition and experience his core teachings are very on point so I believe it is indeed possible. As long as there is any karma or ego, as long as there is any you, you are bound to the cycle of reincarnation. If you shed all karma, there's nirvana, liberation. Which is a much much taller order than the awakened states our popular teachers are in.
  18. I'm starting to feel extremely depressed with anxiety thrown in there to. Is this a sign of awakening or a real problem. I am consultating my doctor and I'm getting help. But I need some enlightened people to just give their God's honest feels like I'm tripping without being high, and my emotions are constantly prone to negativity except when I smoke grass...when I smoke it all eases. What you guys think?
  19. If it was over the phone, How did you know he was awakened ? Because your friend told you so ?
  20. talked a non-duality teacher (self realized) which a friend introduced to me yesterday over the phone. my first time with such encounter... i am not sure if it was due to the fact that it was over the phone... or just a different platform with speaking about non-duality with someone i know to be awakened... by i didn't really quite know what to talk about or ask... almost like what you see in tony parson/ jim newman's meetings... it's like a question forms (if/when it finally does) like a wave... and there is this tension so to speak which can only be seemingly resolved with the answer the answer is the wave crashing back into the ocean thereby bringing upon peace and solving that question with this, it was seen that questions are truly never ending and a helpless pursuit... sure, one can't help if the questions form but seeing and understanding this naturally will shun many if not most questions from forming... just the waves and the ocean dancing - nothing to see / ask here
  21. @win@winterknight From the fully realized "POV" which I consider to be yours/mooji/spira/tolle's ever-present experience which doesn't shift back and forth... From that POV, would the "awakened one" care or have preference over if IT were to shift between having the POV of a character who is awakened and rich vs a character who is awakened and poor, homeless and say partially blind. In other words, when that "which I am" is seen as already and eternally to be self realized would it care about what then unfolds out in my life? Like if there is hardship initially and then whatever or even hardship and a.continued downward spiral... As long as one is buddah, there is no more to be done? It is, as it is? Even with the character sitting down and doing nothing, and having the realization he is buddah, this is ok? (I am sure Bad for the character but ok for the self) Another question The realization that all is unfolding as it should really personally brings me to just being ok with the situation, no matter how shitty things are... But the trick here is that this may allow things to get worse because you aren't doing anything about it. It's almost as if it's like the character really has to be okay with the present circumstances if it's the reflection of the understanding, however should also look back and see the repetitive negative behaviours leading the line of destruction of your life and what you should learn your responsibility as the ME and create and work for the work which will bring your life back to track.
  22. above the "non dual" awakening, there is still magnetic fields. I m not joking, this reality has several laws. The problem is they are litteraly born from experience and self conceptualisation / and a lot of practical work. cannot be explained to dormant mind, and awakened mind get it their own ways. if you put your hands above the fire, it burns, is a law, project the idea. is the idea, the fire is real, only a fool believe he can rape 100 people in the street without paying the price.
  23. Again, the point is that working in society with dormant folk in the majority of case you won't be able to transcend. And those who have awakened don't work, they have a system built to work for them. They work in teaching people or some sorts. They create something. So yeah the awakened human is superior i give you that, even if you think otherwise. "Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing?" Yes they will because only slaves have this mindset. A system can be place and you can have income almost for free. I mean building a creative something, a career, a purpose, not only working for someone, this is my point, working for someone is the dumb part that leads to what Aristotle said.
  24. How many of you are actually working towards having an ego death or already have had one? Last night i decided enough was enough and i plugged 2-cb 20/mg and i merged with the entire fabric of reality. I am now all of you and i can remotely control any of you. No laws can bound me, i became the universe through death. Ask away, i can answer any question as the universe. Infinite love to all of you.