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  1. Hah, so fascinating. It works so beautifully in both ways. Either there's absolutely no conflict to resolve and you would thereby have no reason to exist or you find that there's way too much conflict in your life than you could handle - and then commit suicide. Therefore, human beings are essentially just conflict-resolution-machines. God... there's really nothing else to do than to enjoy the ride.... and everything's fine all along the way. Beautiful.
  2. Because you have the amazing awakening experience and then you can have nothing. It is like a roller coaster, you have gone up to this amazing peak and then you go down....and down... and into a trough. The thought of suicide has come up maybe 4 times since my initial awakening. There have been lengthy periods of depression for me especially when meditation unearths supressed trauma memories. Fortunatly for me when I hit rock bottom I always notice that my ego mind is running the show; depression is just the ego mind's reaction. If you get good at catching the mind at work you can somewhat avoid these problems.
  3. You missed the irony, i was reflecting his own approach back to him. Saying everything is source and everything the way it should be and then following up with an argument or "case" for meat eating is like saying this movie is perfect, everything is the way it should be except, if the villain wasn't in this movie, it would be better. So this is hypocrisy by definition, what you guys actually mean is everything is source when i want to prove an argument, but then conveniently i'll ignore this fact when my ego wants to make an opposing argument, that reality is not perfect and needs to change. It doesn't look wise, it looks like a scapegoat, I'd suggest not using the everything is "source" card if you want to follow up with an argument or "case". Its basically like saying everything is perfect but.... then obviously it isn't perfect, if it was, there wouldn't be a but. Its actually a paradox. Source ingrains every living creature with life, all of natures sole objectively is to thrive and grow with life. Your entire human body it made up of billions of alive cells run by source. And yet the dysfunctional ego can commit suicide. If you are enlightened you will be 100% for life not indifference, sorry you guys totally misunderstood detachment. But you wont get it because you're nihilistic fundamentally, you seem to think all of life is meaningless, unless you assign it meaning, but if you observe source carefully you will see with or without your ego metal mind it does things, pay attention to those things. Those things have meaning because its what creates existence. Which is the ultimate meaning.
  4. @Shan My pleasure I am based in NZ but have some knowledge of the Aus system too. In terms of understanding your results, your doc should give you a call to come back to the clinic and discuss everything, if they don't, you should be able to book another appointment for them to talk about your results with them in detail. That is what happens in NZ, I would be surprised if it didn't happen in Aus. This is where you will have to do a lot of trial and error testing. SSRI's are recommended because they get people from depression to a baseline zombie state, where they don't feel bad, but don't feel good either (this is for the purpose of actually being able to do some talk therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy without constant thoughts of suicide etc.) Docs should not be prescribing SSRI's indefinitely. And again, docs focus on getting you to baseline, not necessarily really great. IMO nootropics are VERY personal and work based on your brain chemistry. I tried dopamine and it made me nauseous without much improvement (you have dopamine receptors in your gut as well). I tried 5-HTP and it made me feel a bit more focussed and feeling good. On the other hand, my gf has depression and was on SSRI's as well. She took some 5-HTP (when she was NOT on SSRI's - DON'T mix SSRI's with anything unless a doctor has advised it) and felt amazing, in a way better mood, without brain fog. Obviously she responded to it better than I because her depression may stem from underexcretion of serotonin or a lack somewhere in that pathway, as you may know. Every person is different. The hard work for you will be doing this self-experimentation. Buy a bunch of the supps and try them one by one, then when you've tried it for a while, maybe try a combination (again DON'T mix with prescription drugs unless given the all clear by a doc). See what works and what doesn't. You body is unique and your biochemical pathways will vary compared to other people so it's up to you to experiment. No one will really be able to give you a customised plan because again, everyone is different. They will just put you through trial and error as you can yourself. If you want to be extra cautious I would get the guidance of a doc to make sure your combination of nootropics won't hurt you significantly (you can get into trouble with mixing serotonin based nootropics - read up on serotonin syndrome). Try one for a month (some take time to build up), try another one for a month, etc. etc. Excelling in life is a long term path, don't rush it it's to be enjoyed All the best in your journey, post up some results in the next 6 months or so if you feel like sharing
  5. As wavy pointed out it is a 100,000 population survey (but increase in population and the problems of it can still affect the numbers which I won't go into here). I think you're stuck in your "suicide is a conspiracy idea for fake news" My point is, as population increases all death tolls in all areas will increase not just suicide. So I understand what you're saying, it's not rocket science. I already knew what you meant and know that 1/100 and 2/200 is the same odds. Forget the graph for a second and read the article from the world organisation I linked. It is still the 2nd most caused death between 15-29 year olds across the world. Second to accident. In the most comfortable era with technology. So regardless of 1/100 or 2/200 the overall ratio of suicide should have gone down as the world improved, there is definitely a lack of fulfillment like Sadhguru was mentioning.
  6. @alankrillin This is very simple: If you have 100 people an 1 commit suicide (or crash their cars as you commented) its 1% If you have 200 people and 2 commit suicide/crash its still 1% So nothing has changed in the culture or anything to affect the rate of suicide/car incidents. The only difference is the amount of people. So if you are a newspaper, or a source that sells news to newspaper you might say the the amount of suicide has doubled. People will read that headline and hence you get money, people wont read it if it says the rate of suicide is % the same. Their story is not a lie, its not even a damned lie, its statistics and with it you can tell any story youd like to manipulate.
  7. @Shin Sure, I understand what you are saying. It makes sense. I'd say, honestly, I was happy/content 90% of the time. And the other 10% was never anything major. Nothing that I really considered say suicide over. Certainly, nothing that ever really owned me. Each night I could come home, have my workout, then just sit and read or watch a TV series. Oh and play my guitar. That was happiness for me. To others that might have been nothing - boring even. But it was my existence, and I was content. Is it my life? That is what has freaked me out the most. The idea that I am not an individual, free to make my own choices. Maybe I misinterpreted some things, but that was the impression I'm getting. @SoonHei Yeah, I see what you mean. Though, again, I never really strived for fame or to be mega rich etc. Sure, money helps, of course it does. But I always say that you can't miss what you never had. I live comfortably. I enjoy my job and it gives me enough money to live the life that I want. I can follow my sports teams, I can fund my guitar playing, and I can sometimes travel and see other parts of the world. That's enough for me. I'd rather be content with that than being mega rich and miserable in a state of neurotic mindfry. @Aimblack Then I think people need to reevaluate how flippantly they band around the term 'unconscious'. My family and friends are good honest people, that wouldn't really wish anyone any ill. They have good morals, and strive to do the right thing and enjoy their lives. Which is why I love to be around them - they're down to earth. I think it would be unfair to just brand them all 'unconscious' because they haven't had a spiritual experience.
  8. But you see accidents have gone down by a lot, it should also increase with population and more cars on the road. Homicide has gone down which should increase with population. But the fact that suicide has gone up as opposed to down when we live in the best era of comfort in our evolutionary timeline, you should also take that into account. I don't think it's a scare tactic, there is no money to be made here. The people who warn us about suicide are the same people who say the matrix system of society isn't working, that we should stay away from social media, away from cubicle jobs, and use technology very carefully as it creates a lot unfulfilment.
  9. I'm at a total loss. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to die because it seemed like everything is meaningless. But at the same time I don't want to kill myself or commit suicide. I also don't want to hurt my loved ones. I don't know what to do with me anymore. I think I'm going crazy. I found out through research that I might be suffering from existential depression. Leo, can you talk about it? They say it can't be cured only managed. I want to know your perspective on this topic. Thank you.
  10. I hear from different places that so and so many people are commiting suicide like its a epedemic. Truth is when I look for stats how many % it seems it stays the same. So more ppl commit suicide cause we are more people on the planet. Just simple scare tactics. Thing is it´s hard to find good stats cause bad quality stats sells more ie, stats made and twisted to prove a point. If Sadguru was right, shouldnt we see a significant % increase? There is a saying here in sweden: "There are lies, there are damned lies and there is statistics" In a similar way people like to shout out how fucked the world is when in fact % wise there have never been so few war, so little starvation as we have now. @alankrillin stats above is a perfect example. The big thing to report is that death by accidents have almost halved the last 15 years. Instead they focus on that suicide has become the second most common reason. Its only gone up from 8 to 8.7 thats nothing! If you look att the graph below you will see in the 1990 it was 11. But they cut at the lowerst time, in 99 to dramtize the effect. This is all to scare people. Reports such as these dont care about truth, only to produce "clickbate" news to get money and in doing so spread fear cause that seems to drive people. Sigh I get kinda worked up about stuff like this. If you´re interested read about a wonderful swedish guy: hans rosling This shows the trickery of the above post and also that sadguru is wrong: % wise there is no big increase in suicide.
  11. Suicide is rising in young adults it has become 2nd for cause of death. That's sad, we're obviously not heading in a direction that makes us value life. Interestingly it's fallen in Europe so maybe that's because Europe is becoming more stage green. But still 2nd most of death in across the world for young adults. Mind boggling how death by choice is 2nd.
  12. 'They' will not commit suicide. The universe will remove them as they continue to choose to remain unconscious. Unconscious beings should be avoided.
  13. im 17 years old still a senior in highschool. earlier in the year i tried to commit suicide and was diagnosed with bipolar. last night i smoked some weed for the first time in a while and had an awakening to my own being, i questioned "what is this being?" for a while now ive been losing friends, and i deactivated all my social media for around 2 weeks now. I have my girlfriend and my best friend, both of which happen to be into spirtuality. However my girlfriend has been annoyed with my seemingly "lack of drive" for life, and lately when we talk theres a negative vibe. I just told her were on a break for a week. My best friend and i are always chill and lowkey so hes here when im ready to talk. All i can feel is existential loneliness. Its beautiful and peaceful at times but also depressing. Everything was just a story. When i go home no one takes intrest in me unless they want to yell at me or tell me something about themselves. When i go to school at this point no one cares about me. Even the relationship with my girlfriend has been hard because i am dysfunctional during sex and even though shes been very supportive, i cant help but feel like i just let her down. Like ive let everyone down. And the way she feels about this "lack of drive' gives me the impression that if the only person i love cant accept me for who i am in the moment- then whats the point? any advice?
  14. It's just nihilism when they say "why bother, its pointless/meaningless" Nothing in this universe says it pointless, the trees grow, all living creatures try to survive, the earth keeps spinning. When you put cement over ground nature still tries to crack through the cements and grow grass through it. God consciousness seems to be doing a lot for something that is pointless. It takes a mind to make a conclusion of "meaningless". To fall to nihilism or depression, to commit suicide. It takes no mind for being, existing, or to be God consciousness. Reality is a canvas you can't paint "meaningless" onto a canvas the moment you try to, you just created meaning, you tried to convey "meaningless".
  15. I think it’s time I depart from this forum. I’m using this platform as a crutch and I know there are genuine users on here that in a sense serve a support system but I don’t think it’s enough for me personally. I feel like I’m getting to a point mentally, emotionally, and in my utter just self-hatred and my life as a whole where I feel like I’m going down a path that might leading towards somewhere bad (I don’t want to say suicide because I thought I was personally past this in my life and thought I was done with but I feel like this might go there unless something changes) and I really don’t want my life to go that way. I don’t want to die this way and I feel like I don’t get the help or support system I need and I feel awful writing the same damn long posts just basically crying out for help. My life has no direction at all, I’m at home still, haven’t dated for almost 3 years, have like no friends anymore, live in a city I’m losing my mind in, and can’t stand waking up in the morning knowing from the moment I open my eyes that it makes no difference whether or not I get up because I have nothing going for me and nothing I really feel like I can actually do or any support system I can rely on as a bar to climb up a long staircase. I thought my life was going to be more than this and I’m afraid I’m going to waste my life and I feel like this forum is just becoming a place where I waste my time on because deep down I know I’m not strong enough or capable of getting a single dream, ambition, anything of mine actually accomplished anymore. I hope my comments and posts on here have helped at least some of you. I don’t know what I’m going to do, where or who I can go to for help, how I’m going to turn this around, who I can actually talk to, where I’m going to turn this around to, what I actually want. I don’t want to blame parents, teachers, whoever because really at this point my life has just been built on an extremely dysfunctional and rotten foundation. For those who actually have given supportive words of encouragement, thank you. It has meant something but it’s hard for it to make an impact just from the fact that it’s just more stuff over the screen and no one in my actual life. Lastly, thanks @Leo Gura. I’ll still watch the videos.
  16. i never realised how amazing the internet actually was the same awareness literally speaking to each other and communicating with eachother on the topics/ identities they tie themselves too. in the news where i am there was a 14 year old girl who committed suicide and her father went to the news outlet to say that the social media platform instagram help coerce her death with the use of their algorithms everywhere you look, someone is saying something postive or negative about something without the full scope of picture involved. opinions, after opinions, after opinions all predicated on illusions and mass self-deceptions. it truly is extroordinary when the only thing real is awareness. quite beautiful indeed
  17. @Manjushri Here is a simple suggestion. Get a piece of paper and write down every problem in you life that is causing you discomfort on a list. Review each problem and ask yourself if there is anything you can do about this now or in the near future. If there is something you can do write that problem on another list. If you can't do anything about it, leave it off your 2nd list. Now you will have a list with the problems you can do something about, It is time to prioritize those problems in the order of importance. You can make a detailed list of steps if needed about how you will approach each problem you can do something about. Now for the problems you can do nothing about, let them go. They are making you anxious and all the worry in the world will not change that. If you feel too overwhelmed to do this whole process immediately, do what you can. Please promise me that you won't hurt yourself. I know what feeling suicidal feels like. In fact, I once attempted suicide and believe me, if you are not successful, it will make everything more difficult. If you need to talk to someone you can PM me.
  18. Below are some guidelines that I have to get you started with curing your depression. I don't know everything, so read and pick out the flaws and change the flaws to what you think is true or to what could be useful to you. Wanting to die. Sometimes in life we feel like it's easier not having to deal with existence anymore. Existing is very hard, you go to school for years, work, and deal with many problems. You think "why even bother living". You don't get to experience sadness when you die but you also don't get to experience happiness either. So while a possibility for happiness exists for you, why not take it? Let's say for example that your business fails. You think it's all over. You think suicide is logical. But over the course of years you have built an even greater one. Not thinking you're missing out on anything good anyway. It is true that there are a lot of immoral things that happen all across the world. There are people who have chronic pain all over their body, while you don't and you're still depressed. It makes you feel like shit to admit that there are people who are in worse conditions yet you want to kill yourself. It almost makes you feel like you should be one of these people instead of your current self or that you should stop living since you feel that reality itself is sadistic. Be the light for someone else. If you are one of these people who see no light then be the light for someone else. Instead of using suffering people as examples of why life isn't worth living, help these people. There are people around you right now who you are very capable of helping in some certain way.
  19. Leo's whole purpose for this forum was for people to outgrow it. I have been provided all of the most valuable information I need to be capable of not dying to suicide or something like that in the future. I am capable of living a happy life at this point. Another reason of why I need to make plans to quit is because I don't want this forum to become an addiction. I have been substantially decreasing the amount I use this forum since I don't want to make it an ego only thing. My only intentions is to come on occasionally just to read certain comments and message some of the users who I know more personally than the others. I don't plan on posting on other threads than this one since there is no point since others already know more. Good luck with your time on this forum. Everyone's experience with it is completely different.
  20. I find this a bit unusual. My substance dissolved in water quite easily (almost no mixing). But I guess it depends on how big the salt crystal is. If it is a very fine powder, it will disappear as soon as it comes in contact with water. I think @outlandish will be able to provide more insight. This is pretty much how 5-meo worked for as well. Your ego started to sense it's own death. Every little thing becomes irritable, and you have a huge body load. At times I really wanted to throw up, other times I would experience pains in my stomach. All of that accompanies by extreme feelings of anxiety and existential suicide. But! ... if you take more and go deeper... all of that goes away. The real peak is not the bad experience. The real peak is amazing and indescribable. It is everything you've been searching for and more. Taking that into account, 5-meo is not a magic pill at all. As with most of the things in life, you have to go through real pain and suffering to get the experience. And ultimately, you have to surrender yourself to realize yourself as God. For me, when the terror kicks in, I make myself very comfortable on the bed and re-affirming that this is just an experience, that I'm not in control of it, and that I will be alright. If you are serious about getting the experience, and you can handle it maturely (your not suicidal), you have to go all the way. Increase your doses to what is necessary to get a breakthrough (I needed 40, 50 and 60mg). And actually, it does get easier after a couple of trips. When you go through the nightmare once it doesn't scare you anymore. And maybe because of that, your trips will become more blissful in the future. But the torture was necessary at first... at least for me.
  21. There are some side-effects of this path, like thoughts of suicide. So better consider that.
  22. While owning property(s)? (No taxes or at least taxes cancels out unemployment pay) I decided to live rest of my life on my own. I have enough knowledge to provide myself every primal need that a human does. Farming, electricity, water, sewer systems and so on. I just want to own only one house for rest of my life. But the obstacle is "governments" and their stupid taxes such as property/income/breathing/farting taxes. I won't be ever contributing to society and neither do they to me. I can live without any dependencies on governments. I need to find where I can accomplish this. Why you might ask? It's not important to ask why but here it is: I had enough of this life and It's all non-senseness. I've concluded to "Instead of giving myself a suicide, I will give the suicide to the society" If I can't find a way, I will become someone wild and probably die with a shot of police while trying to do so. If that is what my destiny is, I am not afraid of it. Do not ever try to falsely believe that I need psychological help. That would be last thing I need, maybe you need some psychological help if these lines are disturbing you somehow? It would be the last thing you'd say "get some help" to me. If you are about to write these lines, do not waste your time/energy. Instead if you really want to help me, respect and answer my question. TLDR: I want to disappear with a house but this should not make me pay any taxes just because I want to live life on my own without needing any dependencies like electricity and water EDIT: I've posted on this question several forums online and what I've concluded from others after a while of their comments is I cannot fully go alone in wild. There things needs to be taken care i.e health is the obstacle that I cannot go away with. I adjusted my plan to find the so to say "BEST DEAL" out of the options
  23. @Arhattobe The inability to empathize and approach the problem from their level is actually a stage Green, tier 1 approach. What you said may be true, but it was not what the other person needed to hear right there. Without the proper context and guidance, that information has driven many people to suicide, and will continue to do so.
  24. I wonder how many people on this forum that threaten to commit suicide, actually do. I've seen the threat many times, from many people on here. Doesn't seem like a way to tell how many of them actually followed through. That's a sad thought.