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  1. How has your life changed after your first experience to this? Has there been an increase in the baseline level of your awareness like what a microdose does? Has your perception got more finer and subtle? Have you had any Kundalini experience and how does it factor in with respect to enlightenment? How do you lead your daily life now? Is the bliss extremely constant and settled now? And are you now at Turiya - the fourth which is beyond the waking, dreaming and sleeping?
  2. @OBEler When i started doing ayahuasca, my second trip was total hell for me, like for eternity, it was the most horrible experience in my life..but im glad i didnt stop cause now after many more ayahuasca ceremonies there is only bliss and heaven. In other words i have learnt how to surrender and trust the Unknown. You need to have unshakable trust in the goodness of It all. No one wants to hurt you, psychadelics are here to help. Im sometimes so conflicted how it is that these chemicals can bring me closer to The Spirit, its insane ..all my life i have searched for mystical experiences and only through psyhadelics i came to know them, it has transformed me completely. Good luck on your journey my friend
  3. The bliss changes quality. In the beginning it is extremely intense and can legitimately incapacitate you. As time goes on it reduces in intensity and becomes a constant, vibrant buzz. You go around most of your day with a pink, flushed face
  4. Yes permanent bliss is feature of realization good luck having thermo nuclear reactor inside and feeling God for most of the day. Lab rat hooked on constant dose of heroin can't compare. What was I thinking with this. ? I can't be God you know I am just ordinary billionaire who likes driving his Lambo.
  5. Read some of the comments above yours. I gave a few demonstrations. A good abstraction is "union with direct experience aka the self". You can hear about enlightenment in books, talks, gurus etc. but learning what it actually is equates to attempting to being who you already are. Some gurus call this "being in the now", and while that term is very wuwu and has lost its meaning since its inception, that basically what boils down to. Only the trick is you cannot be in the now through effort. The effort ironically gets in the way. You have surrender. I don't have a general recommendation. It would depend on the state and level of the seeker. There is no catch all method that works for everybody. Reflect on yourself and identify your shortcomings and try to address those. I honestly believe things like sports, working out, or even medication are quicker routes to feeling good than enlightenment. So is healthy interpersonal relationships, good sex etc. Permenant bliss is an exclusive feature of realization, but approaching enlightenment work with the aim of achieving that is ironically not the correct method. For the most part I advise taking care of the life problems first before pursuing enlightenment. For most people that seems to work out best.
  6. @FoxFoxFox What is it about in your view? Or where can I learn more about it? Also do you have any specific practice recommendations? I do between 30-60 mins of mindfulness meditation per day, but I find I get bored a lot and i'm hoping for a practice that brings something more than just mild relxation. I want vitality, energy, bliss etc. I want to be the best me I can be, and that comes with feeling as good as possible.
  7. @FoxFoxFox I had an enlightenment experience on LSD, where everything in my life made sense. It all clicked me for me. I saw everything I had done in my life had led me to the experience, and it felt like I was getting downloads from a higher being. I felt bliss flowing through me, and it was the greatest moment of my life. But that was a few months ago, and even though I've done a few trips since then I have yet to reach back to that state. My typical practices of meditation are okay at relaxing me, but nothing sober gets me even close to that experience. Thoughts?
  8. I am meditating and want to grow spiritually, but I think relationships are important as well. You never ever hear of monks or spiritual teachers caring about sex. Sex is a human pleasure that you are supposedly supposed to get over once you realise that you can reach higher states of bliss and connect with the divine nature of consciousness. But in my experience, you can grow a lot from relationships and it is one of the beautiful things about being human. I don't want to give it up. Is the fact that im finding it hard to detach from relationships signalling that I have a long way to go before being enlightened?
  9. forget the labels, have the courage and balls to follow your bliss!
  10. This post is a little nudge, a tiny encouragement, to explore and be open to a life where you've got Absolutely no stakes in it. A life where you aren't invested in your ideals, your career, your relationship theories, or anything really. You're just an empty vessel, observing and basking in reality. Its a life where, reality just flows absolutely effortlessly. Peace comes effortlessly, Joy comes effortlessly, Love comes effortlessly. Its a life where, what people say, do, think or feel about you, does not bring suffering. Including your boss, your loved one and your favourite spiritual teacher. Its a life where, you don't need to think to get things done. It gets done on its own, and all that happens on your end is watching, observing, enjoying, wondering and appreciating. All of life, from the neighbour next door, to planets in different solar systems, all integrate and flow together, to form the reality you're experiencing. But there's a cost to a life like this. Its a cost that is seemingly big. The cost is: surrendering all of your agendas in life. That means, surrendering your agendas for your career. Surrendering your agendas for your relationships... and most importantly, surrendering your spiritual agenda. What's become very apparent to me, is this magical ability for people to know lots about reality: they may have experienced absolute infinity, lots of Joy, lots of Bliss, lots of Love. They may have seen DMT worlds that are beyond comprehension, even for a respected mystical teacher. Yet, just because they know so much, doesn't mean they've fully embodied and live by the experiences that they've seen. Embodiment is a whole new level of understanding the absolute. You could have a million glimpses, yet would still be infinitely far away from the Truth, if embodiment does not occur. And this is because, its possible to have a full fledged ego, while experiencing deeply radical, deep, highly truthul and profound mystical experiences. This ego is called a spiritual ego, and its prevalent in places that you would never ever expect: Within Sadhguru, Ken Wilber, Mooji, and a whole host of other teachers. That's not to say these teachers are frauds, they certainly aren't. They are deeply wise, courageous and profound people. But they still have egos. And they are not 100% awaken. To truly live a life, full of joy, love and bliss, you need more than mystical experiences. You need more than just experiencing Absolute Infinity, Absolute Love, Absolute Bliss. You even need more than to know these insights and mystical awareness. What you need, and this is the hardest darn thing, is to surrender the ego. Completely. This ultimately means, surrendering your agendas, and to have faith and trust in reality, that if you let go of ALL control, nothing bad will happen. Its really hard to do, because your ego is your life. Its your pride and joy, your most beloved toy. It's given you mystical experiences. Its given you the drive to watch and read all the spiritual teachers that you've read about, and apply their teachings. It might have given you a good relationship, maybe a good career. And now, some weirdo electroBeam, is telling you to drop that thing! And replace it with... Nothing? What if I told you, if you dropped that ego, the world wont cave in, but instead the world will be the exact same as it was before. No you wont stop going to work without the ego, no you wont stop caring for your children and family without it, no you wont stop being nice in your relationships. No you wont turn into a criminal. And no, you won't turn into a vegetable and meditate 24/7. You will be doing the exact same thing you were doing without the ego. The only difference? Doing it with absolute acceptance, love and devotion. And you wont even be doing it, reality will just be playing, and there will just be a watching. And things will be seen, beautiful things, which you didn't see before, because you were too busy being the one that 'does' rather than the entire thing observing what's happening. What are agendas? - plans for the future - how you're gonna convince your boss of a payrise - excuses you're gonna come up with to cover up a white lie you told. - moral justifications for actions in the future - how you're gonna get as enlightened as Leo - how you're gonna experience absolute infinity - what meditation techniques you should do - what spiritual teachers you should listen to and the list goes on and on. Agendas are what you're gonna 'do'. And why you're doing them. electroBeam could be wrong, and you must not believe anything anyone says. But I wonder what would happen if instead of doing things, you decided to do nothing? Absolutely nothing? Are you willing to try and see? Its quite an interesting experiment. Will you turn into a criminal, will you somehow spontaneously do what you were already doing? Or will you spontaneously start doing things better than what you did before? Or will you discover something even more profound. As this is being written, I have no idea what I'm gonna type next. The universe as a whole is creating ever single experience, including typing this message. I have no idea why I'm writing this, who I'm writing this to, and what I'm gonna do next. When I write the word "I", I feel nothing, because there is no investment in the I anymore. Writing I, you, electroBeam, Leo, all the same. And there is no investment in this message. No criticism, complaints, judgements or feelings towards this message will be taken, because I'm as invested in this message, as any other message written in this thread. The writing of this message is literally pure love, not because I'm doing it. Not because I love you. But because the doing of this message is Love itself. Its a very counter intuitive move, to drop all agendas. And the result is just as counter intuitive.
  11. Brief Backstory: I'm 19. The past 6 months I have been on a personal development journey after micro-dosing magic mushrooms and having several *some painful* awakening experiences. I unplugged from my brain and entered into an elevated consciousness/self and I let this higher self take over. I started realizing things about the world. Things that were stealing my energy. I saw that 99% of humans were spiritually asleep. I started meditating, retreating, travelling, connecting to earth, etc. (I opened my third eye.) About 5 days ago I got quite drunk with a friend (once every blue moon). So drunk my third eye LITERALLY SLAMMED SHUT. I've lost connection to higher consciousness. I've plugged back into the Matrix. Reality is now external to me and not in myself. It is material and physical. Quiet. The carnal mind is all that exists to me now. From this position; it is ALL that exists and any other experience is a mental disorder/anomaly. I'm locked in the third dimension and have ego identification. Subject to suffering and survival needs. It's not exactly painful but it's a noticeable downgrade. Back to what it was like a few years ago. I'm wondering if my whole experience was just my brain being distorted from reality or if I genuinely tapped into something beyond the physical. Although the later idea cannot be comprehended from a position of Ego. That's the thing. I 'HAVE' to reason logically that it was a sort of psychotic distortion of reality. It is absolutely freaky how this world works, I'll tell you that. Ignorance is bliss. Can anybody else relate to this or understand?
  12. I'd like to provide analogy, you are not quite seeing the reality in front of you as it is, your perception is kinda dusty, its blurred, there are 'layers of dust' on the surface of reality, and it blocks your consciousness. Its a metaphor but accurate one. What you need to do is to penetrate right through this dust and meet reality, consciousness must meet reality, it must bump into reality, into the 'wall' in front of you. Once it is done, once consciousness meets reality - it (consciousness) then immediately starts to awaken and it kinda withdraws from chasing reality, it becomes kinda 'disappointed' with its emptiness, its a good thing actually because it is a starting point for consciousness to reach awakening, to meet itself, its a point when consciousness becomes a player. Its a point when consciousness starts to open up. Its a point where you will feel very subtle kind of love that will present itself as self-sacrificial kind of love which desires to 'renounce'. Or maybe you won't even recognise it, doesn't matter. You don't need to fake it, you only need to meet reality so consciousness can bump into apophatic and empty nature of reality, into the wall which is in front of you. Right now you don't know reality is apophatic and empty coz its all blurred and dusty. And again this bump, this meeting is a starting point for consciousness to awaken, to recognise itself, to turn from sleeper into an active player. Hope you getting metaphors. There are 6 main gestalts through which consciousness is blocked from reaching out to itself: Fear, Hope, Expectation (Waiting), Depression, Despair, Joy (Cheer). They all interlinked. No need in doing anything about ego, no need in destroying yourself, in disappearing, no need in solving a 'problem', no need in solving suffering dilemmas, no need in chasing triumph of awakening, no need in do-nothing and passivity, no need in chasing bliss or even truth. In fact, these things is unlikely to take you to consciousness. This whole thing is not about destroying ego or not-destroying it. Its not about ego at all. Only penetrate through dust to see that this thing in front of you is empty and apophatic. Let consciousness to become disappointed with it, BUT this disappointment is a starting point for consciousness to find real gem - itself.
  13. I went through numerous awakenings and upgrades in the past couple of day. The extra time indoors was more than welcome. I'd like to share a few insights and pointers with you. Perhaps you too are venturing deeper into the unknown, at this time. There are two things that I'm all about when it comes to this "work". One is exploration. The other is embodiment. It's the way I discovered my process of awakening to be unfolding, naturally. For me it's not only about seeing the Light of Truth, but also bringing it into every moment of my experience. Both the "known and seen" and the "unknown and unseen" are doing their job, so to speak. An equal amount of commitment and dedication is shown to both sides of the coin. Everything is equally valid and requires full attention. There is no one thing above the other. There is harmony and cohesion. Cooperation. Communication. Instead of letting all the perspectives I look through conflict, block or negate each - other, I now recognize them all as truthfull views and flawless puzzle pieces that all fit together perfectly. A few days prior to the "big breakthrough"; I felt like I was being called to go in a specific direction. I always pay close attention to the signs and whispers. I knew it was time. I was in for yet another big shift in my baseline consciousness. But... I needed to face my deepest fears first. It was the only way forward. I simply was not able to start embodying higher frequencies of consciousness while still holding onto this fear. And so I gathered my courage and surrendered to the river. Breathing my way through. This big core fear that I was holding onto was felt very intensely during a few rather terrifying experiences that I've had in my past. It was something I feared more than death itself. Even though death was, in a sense, a part of the experience; what came "after death" was beyond anything I could've imagined. And what it was, was a series of ridiculously insane, live paradoxes that literally left me paralyzed and - as it seemed at that time - permanently stoned. I say "live" because it was a direct, real time, full spectrum experience. I literally became the paradox. Reality as a whole was a paradox. Imagine trying to stand up and simultaneously pushing yourself back down. I could do nothing. These experiences were so powerful, shocking and life shattering that I didn't know what to make out of them. I could not comprehend what I've been shown. So I just wouldn't go "in that direction" for a long time. I stayed away. I knew there was something big to be discovered there, but I just did not have the balls. Couldn't handle it. All until now. Turns out; there is no paradox. But in order to see through it, I had to see it clearly, first. And obviously experience it fully, as well. It was "God's masterplan" all along. And so it happened. This time the experience was much less intense. I did not panic as I would in my past. That gave me room for exploration. A few moments of discomfort and I was slowly able to relax into it and "break free". It finally clicked for me. On a level so deep. I became aware of how the paradox was being created. And right there, right then, in that moment... Paradox was no more. WILL was. I felt the fear slowly being released. It was so satisfying. Such a big relief. I just felt so good. At peace. Whole. Centred. And in that state of carefree, effortless being I became aware of quite a few things. I noticed how I was simply unable to experience anything that I was not cultivating in real time. I could not feel good without willingly cultivating a good feeling. Neither could I feel bad without cultivating that. And how I felt instantly attracted perspectives that were a perfect vibrational match. It just became so clear and obvious to me; everything is as I am. Right now. All the time. Over and over again. What I see is what I am. Light. I realized the importance of being in tune with how I feel right now. Being aware of the frequency I'm cultivating. It's as if I was walking backwards all this time. As if I was flying against the wind. Swimming against the current. I was so occupied with "doing things" constantly, forgetting that things do themselves and all I have to do is sit back and cultivate good vibes. I can actually feel bliss at will now. It's amazing. And that feeling naturally comes with blissful thoughts, ideas, moments and perspectives. It all snowballs into an epic, blissful experience. And it can last forever. The frequency I'm cultivating is being reflected to me in real time. In fact; that's how it's always been. It's just that I am now continuously aware of it. Every passing moment is my WILL. If it seems the other way, it's because I am not conscious of willingly creating every passing moment; NOW. - That's a universal truth, as far as I'm concerned. Haha. I'm creating it by first being it and then seeing it. Experiencing it. All perspectives, all thoughts, all sensations and emotions... All Will. I cannot have any more control than I already have. All control. No control. Will. "The paradox" is that looking for will is being done out of will. That is why it can seem as if there is no free will. Because WILL is all there is. Whenever it seems like I have no control; I'm using all the control I have to create that experience. It's a dance. A play. The funniest thing though, is waking up to the fact that it actually takes far more effort to be misaligned and feel bad. To overthink. To hold onto limiting perspectives and beliefs. Why use all that energy to keep feeling bad, when feeling good is completely effortles and natural? I don't have to make myself feel good in order to have a pleasant experience. I just have to stop trying so hard to make myself feel bad and simply enjoy the show. One can never find Truth. One can only stop hiding. We all rise up naturally once we stop pulling ourselves down. It takes no effort whatsoever. Once the duality between surrender and resistance collapses; all there is left is sheer WILL. GOD's WILL. And it's pure surrender. And pure resistance. At once. It's The Force. Nothing can stop it. It cannot stop itself, either. It can only make it seem that way. It can be extremely convincing. But something that has never begun cannot be stopped. Infinite Will. Everything is because Will is. Light. Consciousness. Love. Life. Death. Awakening. All because of Infinite Will. Even surrendering to God's Will is Will itself. There is no release without resistance. And there is no movement and no direct experience without any of those. Will comes "prior" to all form. All existence. This makes little to no sense prior to Self realization though; I imagine. If I was to identify myself as just a thoughtform, a perspective or a body; I'd be experiencing the appropriate amount of "free will" that matches that scenario. Everything is always adjusting to your current state of being. Aligning with You. That's how you know you are. You cannot ever truly be out of alignment or out of the flow. You can only create the experience of that. It's how you are waking yourself up. It's all a part of a flawless, perfectly synchronized, divine orchestration. Pure Will. Waking up to this can be straight on terrifying and paralyzing - as it was for me in the beginning. It can be the worst. Or it can be the best ever. It can be hilarious. You choose. That's literally how one unlocks the power of Will. Let it be Your Will. To feel amazing. To be aligned and carefree and loving and kind and compassionate and healthy and confident and abundant and joyful and playful and excited and awake and alive! Choose it all. Whatever feels right to you. Be it all, see it all, feel it all; Now. May you be blessed.
  14. @zeroISinfinity But love and feeling good is prior to the game. Like if i am miserable person, whatever i do is miserable because i am bring this miserable person with me to whatever i do. Like i do love playing games, always played games my whole life, like 12 hours per day easy because it stimulated me, but now i want to get payed for my hard work. But i'd be lying if i said i just play and I feel LOVE. Love is FELT. I don't feel love when playing, i feel stressed, frustrated etc because game is hard and i'm still learning. So the question is how to find love in the game? I want to bring love to the game. Does that make sense? I agree with you no doubt. If i really LOVED the game challenger would be easy peasy because LOVE is the best i know this. But i also know that MYSELF is in better and worse states before playing, like on LSD a few times i felt like soilder of god, full bliss etc. Like if that solider of god version of RAPTORSIN7 was playing league i would be better no? Compare that version of raptorman to normal version typing right now asking how to get better at game, you probably feel the worry and desperation, This version not so useful at mastering the game. i guess the question is basically: How do i love the game. How does on love??
  15. Anything that can ever be said is the devil. <--- this itself is the devil! Even this! It was such a profound insight. Yet the one who wants to speak and even share is the devil! This is the devil. The ultimate devil. It even tricks itself. Since if knows it's the devil it thinks it's a better devil then the other devils. All in the realm of the mind. no thought- pure being = angel once I came to that realization my mind just shut off and I started feeling bliss rise up from my back/stomach. I shared this so I wouldn't forget, but the only one who wants to know is the devil. Fak, this loop. Goodbye, love the devil. P.s I sware I'm not crazy! Don't judge me!
  16. bruh That´s a Rupert´s quote I would advice against trusting everything of what of a Guru says or gives the impression (sometimes it´s not their fault) to communicate. I actually love Rupert Spira´s teaching but I have no direct experience of actually how it is his experience of life. Unless you are a in a buddha state all day long I don´t see how you are going to be in a hapiness state all day long. If really hapiness or bliss is your truly biggest motivation in life, the move is easy. Surrender all desires and go to an ashram to meditate all day long. You probably won´t realize total truth or awakening as leo says, but I´m sure you´ll be in an almost 24/7 peace state all day long. It just that you will have to surrender probably absolutely everything. And I doubt your ego wants to do that. I used to think like you, that hapiness and being in peace was my first priority in life, but then I realized if that would be true i would have surrendered everything by now and have gone to a meditation cave. In the inside there´s more drive in me that hapiness or bliss. Sometimes I think if we are alive is to experience live fully and be explorers, as you have said, cats are "happy" or "fullfilled", but they are not really experiencing the 1% of complexity of the human mind do. If you, as God, is experiencing life right now as human, why not open yourself to experience the whole range of the thing? The happiness, the sadness, the discovery, to explore, to create. But hey, I don´t judge you, ever lasting bliss sure looks delicious, is just doesn´t seem very realistic as a human form. But as I said you can always go to live on a cave.
  17. Thank you. I wish I could meditate and do some self-inquiry again. But I feel disencouraged and fearful, as if I cannot believe that I can ever liberate myself from thought. Because my story is there and popping up, beliefs etc. I cant let go of and am so attached to. I made it straight 2 weeks, but now my mind pulls itself back to distraction. It all feels like I want to suffer, even though I dont want to be triggered, I let it all happen...and then it again feels like there is no free will... Why am I afraid? Because the oscillations are so strong. Meditation can be such a bliss. But the switch to old habits is even stronger then.
  18. Bit spooked. There's still 'kundalini energy' making the hands tremble. So, I've been wanting to try psychedelics proper for the past 2 yrs. I've had significant challenges getting them. So I havent had a trip before, but am so fascinated. Today i was just fed up. When I get fed up, I like to have a frank conversation with God. He doesn't always give me attention(more accurately, I as God pretend to be caught up in important imaginary things) but when I'm fed up, he does, and always in a big way. So I sat at my desk, and said the good old mantra "Alright God, stop playing games. I want to know what actually the fuck is going on here." Works every time, too well. I zoned into the present moment, expressing my frustration and disatisfaction in not knowing a few answers. As I zoned into the present moment, expressing sincerety and deep desire to know the answer, felt the kundalini start to vibrate the whole of existence. I heard the typical zing sound hover from the left ear to the right. As I remembered how there is nothing outside of me, and every sensation, thought, colour and sound emenates from the source as imagination, and noticed it all drawn back to pure bliss, I asked, with huge energy and desire "Why the fuck do I want to take psychedelics so badly God!!!!!???? What is it about them that intrigues me so much! What are psychedelics??? what are they!" As i asked, was the response hahaha. I was there, a human, with a brain, a brain that can imagine things, a brain experiencing reality... that was, until I realized that brain, wasn't a brain, but the entire existence itself. And an answer to my question, was felt in the present moment. There is no world out there, I'm imagining it all. And.... I'm imagining psychedelics. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of the buddha. And I'm imaging all of the greatness of Adyshanti. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of Sadhguru. You could also say, you are the buddha, adyshanti and sadhguru(what the actual fuck). All of the secrets of the Tamil siddhas, the Tibet practices, all of it, the most enlightening parts of it, are all in your imagination, and they are here right now. Look, there they are, sitting at the heart of consciousness. what the actual fuck. All of the wisdom of meditation techniques: right there buddy, its creation is right in front of you. And look there's all the people that are practicing them. And look this is how it integrates with the rest of the world and how it forms the God head. woooow Oh and just to show off. Here are all of their mystical experiences, folded up neatly, and placed cutely in the godhead. whaaaaaaaaaaaaat Psychedelics are in your imagination. Those agar plates in your room growing spores? Imagination, those tubes ready to incubate them? All imagination. All those rules about contamination control and bacteria? Imagination. Oh and here is everything about psychedelics, from its creation, to its plantation, to its usage by the ancients, to now in your room. Do you see it? There it is! Right in front of you, all this time. No I mean, literally the creation, platation and usage, is all compressed into the godhead. Its right there, like God grabbed the shamans, the forest, and their spiritual experiences from the past, folded them infinite times till they were to small to see, and then revealed to me that they were right in front of me. God goes on, All this time you've been wanting to try psychedelics, everything you've ever wanted to know about it and more, has been right under your nose. See how clever that was? What in the actual fucken fucken fucken fuck was that. Oh and here is the future: Here is you eating them, here is you having an experience from them. Look there all of it is, in the heart of consciousness what the actual what the actual what the fuck. That was like seeing the entire universe, be shrunk down onto a table, for me to see. I thought that was going to be the most surreal thing I would ever experience in my entire life... till this happened I was looking at my foot. And I saw all of reality in it. ALL. My fucken foot is a universe. What the what the what the what the actual fucking fuck fuck fuck. That was absolutely shocking. What the actual fuck. My foot is infinite size. It had a trillion galaxies in it. And those trillion galaxies in my food, had a trillion galaxies in them. And it goes on forever. My foot never ends. It has infinite complexity. Literally. You could zoom into my foot and see galaxies in it forever. Holy mother of fuck this is scary. what am i looking at. Omg and then the most shocking thing happened. This isnt just my foot. This is everything. Everything goes on forever. You could zoom in on everything, and it literally is an infinite amount of galaxies. Omg it contains literally beyond everything. I dont know what to say. This is just so different to everything I've experienced. You cannot even remotely describe this. Omg this goes beyond everything you could imagine, including gods and past lives. And just because God must have felt the urge to prove his point, the lights started flickering, the walls started waving, and I started seeing the most ridiculous visuals I've ever seen in my life. Then god ends it with a note: "thats why you wanted to try psychedelics, because this would have happened". Did I just trip on shrooms, without taking shrooms?
  19. Good question! I did several 10-day retreats doing Vipassana meditation, also experimented with mindfulness meditations and using mantras. What I liked about Vipassana meditation was the fact that you just focus on your breathing. While focusing on the breath you observe your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and emotions as they appear and recede from the Human Mind Consciousness (Ego) with no attachments. Eventually the thoughts etc., appear less often and a stillness happens as you become more conscious of the energy within your physical body. In my particular case while doing Vipassana meditation I had huge blocks of energy within my body from years of physical abuse from sports and other stupid activities, suppressing my emotions, feelings, not dealing with my dysfunctional unconscious beliefs, destructive behaviour patterns, psychological addictions etc. Over the course of 50 years my body had contracted and compressed my skeletal structure to the point that I could not sit cross legged, turn my head left or right and I could not kneel or bend over. The compression of my body affected my organs as they were also compressed from the physical muscles, ligaments and fascia contraction, which pushed my organs into unnatural forms and positions that hindered their performance etc. This then created physical ailments that then lead to surgeries and the pharmaceutical drug treadmill. What I eventual realized was that I had ignored the signals from the conscious organization that maintains my body’s health, wellbeing, balance, and harmony. (I know this is somewhat off topic, but I feel it adds to the depth of meditation and how some aspects of consciousness can be obtained from meditation) The blocked Energy then became my mind struggle as I journeyed into the field of energy that held the structure of my physical body from within. Hours after hours and day after day I tried to observe the rise and fall of pain that my body held from all the blocked energy. Eventually I managed to accept the pain and released my mental attachments to them (for lack of better words). Once I managed to release my mental attachments to the blocks of energy in my physical body, I began to observe a greater depth of beingness. It was a complete stillness within, I no longer was attached to the physical. I was no-longer me, but still me as a consciousness. I was floating in a field of energy and consciousness with no concept of a physical “I” or “Me”. “I” was sheer bliss, Love and a feeling of being home. I could have stayed there forever, but just as I was going deeper into the layers of consciousness, physical reality dragged me back to my body and Human mind Consciousness, when a student tapped me on the shoulder, late in the night, and told me to leave the meditation hall and return to my room. Go figure!!! A Student sharing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  20. Why God? Why did you make me a complaining creature? Nobody would be complaining if they would feel bliss beyond ecstasy all the time
  21. @Esoteric No, you made too many assumptions here, ironically. I love the phrase "wonderful logic", your logic always changes by the information and experiences exposed to you, and we usually tend to think we are really logical and that the other is stupid. If you think i am flaud, we are both ignorant here. However, lets adress the "question" here. First of all, good for you. However it could be meat, yes, why would you just exlude it and attempt to praise it like a gift of god or smth. But so it can be so much more other factors, i can't monitor what you do, but i can share what worked for me, and got this result. So i can continune to be a devil and reply you back with the same pretentions and silly sarcastic question: I said that i stopped eating meat and didn't get sick for a long while, so that HAS to be the only factor that helped me into not getting sick, besides nutrition alone, not even touching what else i ate/did and do. WoNdErFuL LoGiC, RiGhT? But now you are going to point out i mentioned that i also did meditation and took some breaks after eating so my whole fallacy has failed, nooo, my precious logic has failed me, (and you probably are the prefect being of god who can't be illogical, right)? Of course i don't think that, but the blatant "logical" attack is a bit too far, and you kinda did assume a bit more than you might want to. Why could and couldn't meat be the reason? Or part of the factors? It did some things to me when i stopped i can recall clearly - less need for sleep, lighter stomach/body, less anger and restlesness and suddenly my spiritual practices become so much easier to do and there was so much more bliss. Before that meditation was a exausting chore and i was waiting for it to end. And in this case, yes i think i was the meat.
  22. @Leo Gura Yes, of course, it is/can be a dangerous assumption (and it is my assumption), however my intuition (if there ever was one) tells me, its going to be ok, and that also equates "even if i die part" as i feel. There is just sense of completeness. Isn't the non-duality counter-intuitive... This sense of intuition is bold but i don't know if it is naive. But i will leave it at this statement - happiness and bliss = optimal function of the body, which does all the work and does make the differnece so i do disagree to an extent. However, it will probably still be something unpredictably bad that i have not experienced yet when thinking about going trough it. I mean its not nearly as bad as rabies which hijacks and disables your motor function.
  23. For those who are open/interested in psychedelics. If you’re over 20, your life is in a relatively ordered state, have no recent family history of psychosis, done quite a bit of foundational consciousness work( eg. meditation) and you’ve done plenty of research(you get the general vibe about what a psychedelic trip involves), you should absolutely make taking a psychedelic the next “big move” in your life. Consider making it close to, if not the number one current endeavour in your life; get some LSD and take it. If this is already the case, there’s no point waiting any more. You are simply delaying yourself from being exposed to the most potent catalyst that is available in order to understand your true nature at a much deeper level than ever before. (Not even close to the furthest you’ve gone merely philosophising, contemplating enquiring, ect.) You will likely have to let go, or more likely, be ejected out of your current paradigm. So if you are very attached to it, make it a point before tripping to be faithful that the experience will be nothing but growth no matter how “crazy/mindfucky” it gets. You may even feel “broken” and “lost” in the days after, but it’ll transition to growth in the long term, with steady integration work and you will be thankful. (The more limiting beliefs and behaviours you have initially, the more likely you are to sense growth. It may be painful...but so was growing pains as a kid, and you don’t complain about that now, you know it was essential) Conversely, you may feel bottled up and held back in your current paradigm, like you’re ready to take a plunge, in which case, you will probably feel deep bliss in the following week afterwards. All in all, afterwards you will be far better equipped to delve deeper into consciousness work, understanding perspectives that you were totally blind to in the prior state(trip virgin). - you may never question Love again - your limiting beliefs will be blown out of the water - it will be made intimately known the fact that you are more than you though you were - you will see past “randomness” and it will be replaced with ever unfolding Love If a classic psychedelic experience like LSD sounds too “scary” or “volaltile”, you need to break your ego down a bit by any means then reconsider. MDMA is an option for a less mindfucky type experience, that, at a good dose, will open you up to just straight Divine Love. But it won’t be enough to get you on the trail of deep, meta knowing of being that we’re aiming for. And has an addictive potential. Personally I’d recommend 150ug of LSD in a natural environment at 10-12am on a warm sunny day, making sure you are somewhere you won’t be concerned with other people finding you. If you can, have someone very close to you trip sit you. (don’t trip together) Mindset: what can LSD show me. Be playful. Take it easy. So get some and do some. Go light. Go hard. But Go. Stop being locked in that paradigm of yours. Time to go meta
  24. @Leo Gura For sure! Meanwhile if people really meditate and be blissfull, eat lightly and not so frequently, you will be ok for the most part. I can tell you this because when i became vegetarian, even with the whole sweet tooth thing i have going on + good amound of meditation and bliss - for these 4-5 years i maybe have been sick for 2 days mildly. Otherwise i had like the worst flu in march of 2015. Never got really sick after that. Of course virus will do its thing but you really can make the diffrence.
  25. COVID-19 = accumulation of all of your thoughts about COVID-19 all thoughts = Nothing Nothing = Bliss Bliss = Love QED