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  1. @James123 ok, so if you die you just become nothingness, blank space or blackness with consciousness or your body just disappears and your conscious of this dream/what i see now still without a body?
  2. But aren't we all one and all the same? I mean this oneness and nothingness Leo describes in his videos. Holy shit the deeper i dive into all this stuff the less i understand it. But it's great. Can I even understand all of this if I personally didn't have such experiences yet?
  3. So I just saw the Video "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" and a few questions came up to my mind: 1. Leo said that at a certain point during his retreat, he had the opportunity to become infinite love and god and like "soak" everything else that exists in this universe, even space and time with him to disappear into nothingness and pure boundless consciousness. Maybe only you, Leo, or not even you can answer that, but would I and all the other humans on earth notice that? 2. Would we really feel how we also merge with everything else and would we also feel that endless amount of true love? Or would you have just died, because you left this facette of reality which we call our universe and only your physical body is left behind (which we call dead)? 3. You explained in the Video that 25 days of daily 5-Meo-usage we're too much for you. Do you think that you want to reach that state again or even try to go there? Maybe that's what the bible calls heaven, and if you go there and you take the entire universe with you that's, what's the bible describes as the return of Jesus and deliverance of all humans. Let's discuss together about these questions
  4. You are mis-interpreting the term "nothing". If you become conscious enough you can see an object is made of literally nothing. IT IS nothing. But of course once you give it a relative meaning, it becomes "something". Nothingness is what reality is, you don´t need to close your eyes. You just need to stop imagining meaning is real.
  5. It is everything. Of course it is selfish. Stay in that nothingness for 1 minute with your ego. Believe me, you will be willing choose to live life with hunger, poverty, getting abused every second of your life.
  6. So I'm in rehab as I've done psychedelics in the past and in rehab it teaches that you can achieve bliss and satisfaction by being sober. And now I see what they mean. Being sober is a great for to some degree ofcourse these euphoric states and calmness are rare, but I think it goes a long way after the longer period of time in sober state. Previously I thought that I can only be happy by doing drugs, this is false drugs are good and all but there are consequences that come with it, especially after you stop taking the drugs for a longer period of time, like 6 months or so. Really these consequences and scary and Leo still proclaims that psychedelics can't get you addicted. This is also false, sure there are times after you take psychedelics in large dozes that you didn't want it anymore, but for how long? After it like you need to take another dose of those drugs to feel better again, to escape the suffering. It really bugging then my mind works like that. So anyway whenever I see that all this rehab did influence me in a way to see that soberity is not that bad, it's good actually. And really like we can't be taking psychedelics 24/7, there's a time and place for them, but we still need to stay sober and get back from all the chaos in my minds and fix it up a bit so we could be a part of society and live a prosperous life.
  7. What is life/reality? It's a dream within God's mind, imagined by God, seen by God, created by God, created out of God. God = Consciousness = You = I = Love = Absolute Infinity Now, why does God dream/incarnate as a dog/cat/Human? Because it's fun to forget yourself. And you will always get back to your real being - God - when you die. The more twisted and lost you get in the role/dream, the more fun it is to get back to yourself at least. It's like when you read a good book or watch a good movie: some times during the reading/watching you can become so extremely identified with the persons in the film/book that you forget you're watching/reading a book/movie. When the person gets a sword through his stomach in the movie you may for a blink of a second feel that you also get that sword through your stomach. When the movie ends you are excited and relived: Oh it was just a film, oh god, haha, what a film! What is the point of life? To live. So simple. The point is not to wake up/realize your God doing your dreaming. It is a possibility that this can happen for some human beings. And it can be lots of fun to realize you're God within the dream itself. But it's not "better" than living a whole life, not realizing it. It's just a different type of experience. Sure, when you realize you're God within the dream it gives you knowledge, wisdom and power to influence the dream more (exercise more free will within the dream beyond the will behind the creation of the dream itself). I have always found Leos idea of "hey, I may close everything down and go live in a cabin in the woods for the rest of my life" silly and unmature. Why the hell do that? Sure, I can see the point in going on some long retreats to deepen ones God-realization. It can always be deepened, because God is Infinite Consiousness, and the human life is limited. So it's a never ending development. But do it for the rest of your life? Why? In God's name, why? The point of life is TO LIVE. And sure, it can be nice to live while knowing you're God. But when you know you're God, then for God's sake, go live. Teach, help other people, get lost (consciously) in loving relationships, do something for Earth/society, make an impact, have fun! That's also why I have always found Alan Watts to be one of the most awakened dudes on this planet. This guy knew what's up. And he lived life. Also look at Jesus and Buddha. When they become God-realized, they didn't leave society behind. They came back and wanted to help and change the world for the better. Anyway. So when you within the dream remember that you're God and not the form of the dream, sure, it is obviously God himself remembering he is not form, but God. But he does that "remembering" >>>through a form<<<. And I will just say that I do believe that this remembering through form is only possible through the human form (at least on Earth). Why? Because humans on Earth seem to be the only form/species where God --within that form-- have completely forgotten that he is God. Look at a cat. God -- through the cat -- has obviously not forgotten he is God. Thus he can't wake up to realize he is God, cos the God -- through the cat -- is already "aware" of the fact that the cat is God. You see? But because God -- through the cat -- is already aware of its Godhood, God is simultaneously not aware of it. It's like a man being born blind never seeing light his whole life. Does the man <know> what darkness is? Obviously not! Precisely because darkness is all he has ever seen, he does not know <what it is>, cos he has no opposite of it to contrast it with (light/colour). God -- through a human being -- sees the light all the time (light = ego/existence/separation/form). Thus God -- through the human -- forgets that its true nature is "darkness" (= God). But God can -- if he wants to, through the human form -- close his eyes and look inward and find the darkness, he once forgot. And thus -- if God does that through the human form -- God can see that darkness is light, light is darkness. I.e.: ego/form is God, God is ego/form: he is God, God is him. In other words, because God -- only through the human form -- is able to "know" the opposite of God -- ego/separation/form -- he is thus also able to, rarely, know himself: God. "Father Ocean, hear my song You're the wave I was made from Take me back to where we once began And tell, my love, how I went wrong Years I've tried to be someone Could it be your darkness holds the key? When we close our eyes we may begin to see... Father Ocean, hear my song You're the place where I belong Now take me back to where we once began Ocean Father, I was wrong Years I've followed just the sun But now I see your darkness holds the key And then I close my eyes and I begin to see When we were alone." <<<<<< He wants to go back to the beginning. To emptiness. Before time. Before form, before life. To the universal consciousness that exists behind all appearances. Behind all masks. (‘persona’ in Latin = ‘mask’). You could call it death. But death implies life. Life implies death. You cannot have “up” without “down” and vice versa. In order to really live life, you have to also know death. 'Life' is dualistic, inherently. But 'being' is non-dualistic, inherently. Much of his life he has chased the “goodness” of life. The next achievement. The next dopamine kick. The next “golden nugget”. Now, he has become tired of this process, this constant hunt. He wants to regain what he once lost. The knowledge of who he really is. "But now I see your darkness holds the key And then I close my eyes and I begin to see When we were alone." ----- He realizes that in order to understand who – or what – he really is, he has to cast himself into the darkness. Turn inward, look inside. “He closes his eyes” = he finally goes inside himself. There he sees ‘real being’. He sees that before himself as a person, there was (and is) just pure universal consciousness. God. Infinity. Nothingness. Love. He realizes he truly is everything. There is only ‘oneness’. And that can feel a lot like being completely alone. But it can also evoke deep feelings of love, this deep realization of the interconnectedness of all things. You see that you are the other person and that the other person is you. >>>>>>
  8. @Meta-Man Ok, but not the same as non-existence. Nothing and everything is within existence, yet nothing isn't like non-existence, because nothingness is within existence because you can experience it, in non-existence both the notion and actual nothingness would be canceled out, non-nothingness. As unbelievable as that sounds, it is possible that emptiness could be canceled out of existence by non-existence if it were not for the infinite intelligence of God and infinity making it powerless. Otherwise, you couldn't be able to have enlightenment occur or even think about enlightenment, because actual non-existence erases it at every level of existence possible or impossible, which means no spirituality possible at all. Imagine that! Spirituality wiped out from existence and memory. Yet here we are now, fortunate to think and do spirituality and experience life, no matter how our minds are, we still have a decent chance at them.
  9. You would think it is this simple yet... Its much more radical xDDD.. Nothingness imagining itself through infinite perspectives and yes loving itself. This is more like solipsism.One man projecting the world.However if you look at this picture and both the people are the same as the brain its more accurate as an analogy.
  10. It's really quite simple. Yes, cats have no ego like humans do. Yet they still have a survival-ego-like-mechanisms built into it's brain like any living social animal has. (And cats are social animals to some degree, yet much less than apes and humans). A cat doesn't ponder why it exists. It doesn't really have a strong sense of self. It just does stuff very automatically without any reflection. Humans ain't like that. We consider our existence. We reflect a lot into what we do and what happens to us. No other animal does that. Not even dolphins or apes. So a cat may be a great teacher. It is a mirror for us humans of how to live life without any real ego. Yet, what is the opposite of God/Unity? ... Answer: Ego. Separation. You cannot have up without down. And vice versa. You cannot define what up is, unless you also know what down is. And vice versa. In precisely the same way, because human beings are the _only animals_ on Earth that feel separated/have a strong ego, they are also the only animals capable of realizing God. Our bread and butter/our natural condition is: *ego/separation*. No other animal has that as their "bread and butter". They only have survival. Because we humans have ego/separation as our basic condition - we "know" we exist, we know we are separated - we are also the only animals capable of realizing the opposite of that: God/Infinite Consciousness/Unity/Love/Nothingness. You can't have up without down. A blind-born man will never know what "darkness" is because he has never seen light. You get it? In precisely the same way, dear gentlemen, you cannot have "no free will" without also having "free will". Free will is a question of how conscious you are. Most people are robots stuck in the hamster wheel of society: they have 0 to very little amount of free will. The more aware - the higher the planes of consciousness you get to - you become of things like your ego, your true self and reality, the more free will you can exercise. (I really want you guys to watch Devs on HBO Nordic. Last episode is freaking amazing film man). So yeah, cats or mules for that matter, they may be God like everything else is, sure, (absolutely speaking). But they will never realize/know it, like we humans are capable of doing. Most humans right now will never realize they are God. And therefore they will also not really realize that they exist either, hehe;) (and thus have very limited free will as well). If more persons started to really dive into this natural human condition of existing as a separate entity/ego, they would become depressed as fuck. I have been depressed as fuck (I made plans 2 years ago how to kill my self, but love for my family denied me in the last minutes). You can't know what true love/happiness is unless you also know what the opposite is: deep depression. And vice versa. But who wants to become depressed? No one. In this time of age, you have to fucking happy all the time. Feel a little down? Can't have that, take an SSRI and get back in the wheel man! So we constantly distract ourselves from realizing that we are deeply separated and alone. And thus we also distract ourselves from realizing that what we REALLY are is: God. So yeah, human beings are the only animals on Earth capable of realizing God. I agree with Leo. Cats may be a "form" / "appearance" / "animal" deliberately put into the dream of life -- by You/God through the means of evolution as a tool for understanding/creating the dream -- to let us humans know what an enlightened life could look like (in some ways). My point is: Cats are enlightened beings in one sense (they act without a human-like ego). And in another sense they are not enligthened at all, cus they don't know they exist = they don't know they are God. Also a cat will do anything to survive by the way. It's very selfish just like basically all humans are:-) But selfishness becomes Love when you widen your definition of "who you are". If you constrict your sense of self to your own body/skin-encapsulated ego, then you are naturally extremely selfish in a "bad" way. If you widen your sense of self to everything and everyone, then you are still extremely selfish, just in a loving/conscious way:-) A cat will never widen it's sense-of-self like some humans are capable of doing. (except maybe beyond its kittens if it's a female cat). (Btw when I say animals don't know they exist, I don't mean they can't feel pain. Of course they can. It's You/God feeling pain when you see a cow mourn for it's new-born calf that has just been taken away from her.)
  11. @zeroISinfinity Of course there is no ego. But saying that makes little difference. To deny the experience of being identified with an ego is a trap. The beauty of the ego is that it has without any substance managed to infiltrate everything in a person’s life, like literally everything from the self-concept to eating habits and beyond. When the ego-structure is set up properly, then its nature is spread everywhere. The craziest thing about the ego is that it has no solidity and it has no center of being, yet still through instantaneous identification it dominates every experience, every single moment the ego arises out of nothingness. How beautiful is that? @Osaid Thank you! That sounds like a really great book I will definitely look into it. @DLH That link is perfect, thank you
  12. I did a micro dose of 5 MeO DMT. First inhale there was some resistance. During the second inhale I fully surrendered. It was the first time I managed to do that. It was amazing. I was in this different head space and I could see everything clearly. It felt like I could fully use my brain. The contrast between “that” headspace and my normal headspace is similar to an adult’s headspace and a child’s headspace. I didn’t get much time to examine things because the trip didn’t last that long but I definitely need more honesty in my life. Third inhale was something else. I totally lost who I was and I was gone. I still knew who I was but I was definitely out of my body. It felt like a very long time. I really didn’t know what to do with it but I saw the ego was a construction. Eventually came back to the “dream world” (insider joke). This puts a different perspective on things. Experienced nothingness for the first time. It was on a low dose. For a moment I thought I was stuck there but I knew that was not true. I tried to made the best out of it but I wasn’t prepared. There was some inner conversations going on but I don’t have a recall.
  13. Ofc its You, but what if This is actually like a real dream you have when you sleep at night and when you, lets say, die you wake up as someone else entirely maybe a king in castle with 7 hot women beside you Lol. no no not that way your entire life is a dream, and when you are awake, you just realize that everything is you as nothingness. You are the moment or things that you are seeing on the moment, which is infinite. Ego is based on sense of self. You dream and imagination is as self sense. Because you think still something is other than you. But the truth is everything is you. There is no reality or dream. Just truth and it is you. You are the consciousness itself.
  14. @Nak Khid They are saying the same thing with a different language. When Buddhists say "no-self" its with "s". When Hindus say "There is Self" it's with "S". So what does that mean? What Buddhist are trying to say is basically there is no ego. The person you think you are the one taking action, thinking your thoughts is not a real entity like you think it is. So Descartes and Buddhists completely disagree with each other. Descartes was confused about thinking. He should've said, "I'm conscious, therefore I am". And that would be not a person or an individual soul but the real Self/Nothingness which both Buddhists and Hindus agree.
  15. whoops hahahaha!!! not even as a pointer to nothingness, a symbol that represents it? zero is something, but the thing that zero refers to... ?
  16. What we really are is such a bizarre thing. To me this resembles deep sleep you are unaware of yourself and others no conception of anything. When we are in deep sleep we are nowhere nothing its like we disappear for mostly 8 hours. Was a interesting experience for me had a surgery and i only remember the doc saying go to sleep now. And i did and for a while there i was nothing/nowhere. Then it was like a was teleported ,like rebirth i has no idea where i am then remembered.In my trips there was almost always something,but i have also reached nothing ocassionally and damm im not there lol xD.Its like you melt/disappear.You are also very chill about it you want sleep everynight,just to let go of the costume and rest in nothingness.
  17. If you desire as your body or ego you are wrong. If you desire as nothingness or everything is you, yes you are right. But thoughts limits you even if you desire as i am. Because thoughts has no differences then the chair, or ego.
  18. In non duality, you are everything. Perspective, word, language, me, you, and god all is you. THESE ARE JUST WORDS. Nothing is exist Except you. You are exist as nothing (non duality), and you exist as something (duality, which is right now). Both sides are you. Thats why all is one. The main reason why you created duality is you want to satisfy yourself with feeling something other than you. Because in non duality you can just feel yourself, which is nothing. Thats why this place is based on nothingness and you call it as an illusion. In order to be exist as something different then others, you must create yourself as ego and that can happen only with thoughts. Because Thoughts are your entire life. You created your mom and she told you that you are exist. You perfectly design this place to make yourself believe that you have a self, which is different then others. Thoughts makes you stay in this road and not to find you real infinite selfless consciousness, which is happening at the same time right now. Lol. If you increase consciousness right now you will realize that you are infinite and everything is you, but infinite must experience everything, it has to suffer, feel sad, get killed , help others, pursue enlightenment vs. Thats the reason why you are exist as human but god right now. You are infinite brother. All is happening at the same time. All is one and is you. Actually everything is perfect. There is nothing to talk lol. We are all one as god.
  19. I need to work on a good chunk of trauma healing for me to move into higher stages. Having a lot of abuse and such growing up has caused me to carry around issues with me up to now. I am not sure to the degree which they do, but I am sure this shapes a good amount of the stuff that I do in my day to day life. I think this should be something that I work on tackling down. Same with just working towards maximizing my efforts to control any OCD or depersonalization. While these don't heavily weigh me down I feel like they are still around and hinder me from becoming much better than I am. There is so many pockets to work through it is hard to decide what to work on the most usually. But these will likely give me an enormous benefit. Going to to try crank out a lot of extra work today if I can. I did not get a large amount of items ready to list, but some good quality ones ready to list. Mostly big stereo stuff I removed from my room that I really don't need. It actually looks great and sounds great without that stuff as I switched the set up. Still getting a lot of Apple products ready to list and sell as well. I was going to treat myself to one of the ipads I got really cheap, but I think I am just going to keep turning things and keeping the money in rotation. I enjoy looking at stocks on them, but I am just going to do that while they are for sale and keep buying more to replace them. My meditation has be great yesterday. I have been doing the full 20 minutes with the 5 minutes concentration three times a day. Maintaining the posture is getting easier and it feels great. I am reaching much deeper states and feeling the shift in reality of nothingness a lot of the time doing it. It is much more of an experience before. These new technique is really helping me progress and is grounding me a lot heavier. I am glad that I started working on this a lot more. I think if I keep up at this pace I might trip again this weekend, but not sure yet. Today I am thankful for Good mood Feel determined to get stuff done Strong meditation
  20. Purpose is feeling something is different than you. In non duality, everything is you, everything. So you created duality satisfy yourself to feel something other then you. You are it. The moment. Whatever you seeing or knowing is you. Everything is you including the body. You are the objects, subjects, air, table , your mom and everything . You are exist as nothing, and created everything from nothing. Objects are there, but exist as you as nothing. Thats why objects are you, you created from nothingness. Additionally, pain of oneness is unimaginable. Can you imagine, the breath you taking is you, your words are you, you cant run away from yourself, this place is all you. Thats why have fun with your life. When you hit non duality, that pain of loneliness is worst than anything that you can imagine.
  21. How come "there is no such thing as unconsciousness" is true, but "there is no such thing as nothingness" is not?
  22. @Pookie I see, thanks. So if there fundamentally is no unconsciousness, meaning there can be no duality between consciousness and unconsciousness; how can there be a duality between nothingness and everythingness? How come consciousness does not get devoured by "nothingness"? @The observer I have never experienced unconsciousness. That's just a fact. Did not say I'd have to experience it in order to know it exists. But I would have to be conscious of it. Which makes it consciousness, only. Would you say that consciousness is the same as existence?
  23. Lol. We are nothing. Who are you killing? You will never die. Nothingness is bulletproof. Lmfao.
  24. Definitely. Specially, even times stops singularity sucks everything. Lol. Thats why i really like big bang theory too. Existence is existed because, explosion is happened within nothingness, or nothingness is exploded. Lol
  25. You propose that the world is made out of atoms, because for something to be "real", it must be possible to reduce it down to smaller components that can explain how it arises, right? Then naturally the next question is: what are atoms made out of? Quarks? Ok. What a quarks made out of? Strings? Quantum fluctuations? Ok. What are quantum fluctuations made out of? What causes these things to arise? Now, you may have noticed how this leads to the problem of infinite regression. What does that show? Well, either reality is infinite in substance, or you must concede that something being "infinite in substance" defeats the purpose of calling it a substance in the first place. Behind the horizon of the next step in the series of steps progressing towards infinite regression, there is an empty void of nothingness waiting to be filled. This way, literally nothing is causing anything to arise. This is just one of many ways to conceptualize the idea that there is nothing "behind the scenes", or "it's appearance without substance", but I think it can be helpful for those haven't yet had a profound awakening experience.