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  1. To take it a step deeper: the idea that the room you were looking at is not true is also just a thought, with no more relevance than a bird chirp. Talking nonduality is really hard since language is dualistic.
  2. You are Nothingness, but it’s not nothing, nor is suffice to refer to it as no-thing, even calling it infinite, or nonduality, is not “it”.
  3. I have spoken about nonduality A LOT at this point. Go see the Enlightenment video category on the website.
  4. I don't think so, I absolutely AM so. I said in my consciousness video that a rock is not conscious, but it is consciousness. Which is exactly what I am saying now. Go do some psychedelics cause you are clearly lost in your own mind beyond help. What I am saying isn't panpsychism, it is pure nonduality. You just lack the direct experience necessary to understand it.
  5. Of course, that's nonduality 101. No ego = no control The whole point of meditation is to realize you are not in control of your thoughts. You (ego) ARE a thought! My video: Free Will vs Determinism, is all about this. God is in control of everything, so to speak. But then again, you are God! So it goes full-circle in a way that you will not be able to appreciate until after awakening.
  6. @Cudin I’m not saying you shouldn’t play with animals. But your internal state, you must not have feelings of sorrow for animals. It’s delusion. Because animals don’t exist! Nonduality 101.
  7. Art

    Please talk more about Art. Mostly just for fun. I would love to see you dive into defining contemporary art. I love the video you did titled "Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality" and how you talked about art. I also loved how at the end of your "Understanding Infinity" series you sorta smiled and said something like "This is just poetry or performance art" Would be interesting to see you more in your playful poet character to contrast against the more serious tones you take when talking to lower stages in the spiral. Check out the work of the artist Christian Rosa. On the surface it looks like its just scribbles, but is it?
  8. Materialism is not an enemy of consciousness. Turquoise transcends and INCLUDES Orange. Amazon means you can get nonduality books in 2 days, which is awesome! Leo cannot lose because Leo is Jeff Bezos and everything else.
  9. @Butters Most "types" of spirituality are distraction. Everything outside of you is a distraction from looking within. Be skeptical of everything. There is no need to dive deep into anything other than yourself. All of the answers are within. All of them. Of course, there are many signposts, "hints from god" if you will. is a signpost. But the true answers are within. Ultimately, all teachings are distractions also, even those about nonduality. It is very easy to confuse the concept and understanding of nonduality with nonduality itself. Nonduality is an untouchable, momentary beingness. As for the video you posted: Reality is mathematical; but, when it comes to discovering the deepest truth, the only math one must know is that nothing equals infinity and infinity equals nothing. There is no inherent significance in 1111. Our minds have an affinity for meaning, so if you by chance see the number 1111 a few times, and assume that there must be some meaning behind it, your mind will subconsciously start looking for that number combination, and thus will end up finding it more often. When I was at university, I looked at my phone at 12:34 three times in a row within 36 hours. Then, the next time it was 12:34, I was tripping on mushrooms, and at one point, when I looked at my phone, it was 12:34. Being in a "more mystical state than usual," I assumed it meant something. After that night, I started seeing the time 12:34 all the time. I didn't know what it meant, but it must have meant something!.....right? Now that I've matured, and realized what was actually happening, I still sometimes see 12:34, but I don't attribute any meaning to it, because I know there is none. Lastly, remember, our minds are designed to recognize patterns. That's what reality is: a pattern. That's why we recognize it. If it was utter chaos, we wouldn't recognize anything. For that reason, we are more likely to notice patterns such as 1111 and 1234 more often than chaotic combinations such as 3547 or 9762. Cheers!
  10. So my housemate is really into spirituality, including all sorts of paranormal phenomena and conspiracy theories. Having raised my consciousness through personal development myself, I'm often quite skeptical about the stuff he's into and I can clearly see how he's stereotypically stage Green. But it got me thinking: to what extend should we buy into spiritual "teachings" that aren't about nonduality? For example, my housemate often says he sees the numbers 1111 in every day life and he sees these as mysterious signs. See this video As someone who's trying to follow Leo's teachings, I find this sorta stuff confusing and I'm not sure if skepticism is the right response here or not. Should you dive deep into everything, even if it could be a distraction?
  11. If everything is new, can you orient yourself? know where to go, what to do.. arent you overwhelmed? I remember after an lsd trip I had to walk home and I didnt recognize the path so I had trouble going home. I also dont see how what you say is connected to enlightenment. maybe its the opening of the third eye, but not nonduality.
  12. Alpha, although the deepest meditation for purposes of nonduality is not measured by a single wavelength but a phase sync of alpha and theta. You won't find an audio to do that one. You have to train your mind to sync the peaks of alpha and theta, which requires an EEG machine, which is too complicated to go into here. Theta beats are good for purifying trauma and shadow work.
  13. It seems that there is quite a big confusion going on with stage Turquoise and Nonduality. I think Ken Wilber explains it well with path of growing up and path of waking up. One is spiritual intelligence and the other is spiritual experience. Other terms I came across were vertical enlightenment and horizontal enlightenment. If you were thinking that you were going to become Nondual at stage Turquoise then Ken might ruin your day
  14. @Xenomorf You called OP's desire an egotistical drive just because it was an egotistical drive for you. That was a projection. Love meaning the emotion or mystical state. Connectivity referring to oneness, nonduality, etc. That's not the conclusion I reached... But you said "We can try as a collective to honor this process by becoming individual authentic examples," in response to OP, which shows that you're viewing people as separate individuals and not as literally the one thing that they are. No one is separate, period.
  15. I'm so unhappy i don't know what to do anymore. I've been feeling like this forever, and no matter what i do, it doesn't seem to change. So much shit happened to me in the past, and i think i'm still just full of trauma. I think i have severe social anxiety, because when i go outside for groceries, work, library, i'm always on the lookout, trying to not pull a lot of attention because i'm scared to meet my past bullies or people who did me wrong. I'm feeling extremely self-conscious, even to my neighbours when i happen to meet them outside i feel very uncomfortable. All of this is holding me back from getting what i want ( which i’ve been supressing with nonduality theories, telling myself i need to be happy alone, neglecting my basic wants and needs) and crave in my life. I want to create new friendships, look for a relationship but i feel unworthy/undeserving. I have a lot of ideas on things i want to pursue in life, but i don't feel qualified to do it, since i'm lacking motivation, trust and confidence in myself I don't know what to do anymore :/. I've done psychotherapy for over 1.5 years and saw 3 different therapists, did meditation, shadow work, got rid of almost all my addictions ( even been on NoFap for 140+ days), cleaned up my diet but it doesn't change. I feel like i'm lacking something fundamental which keeps holding me back, but i can't solve it. HELP
  16. Hey, ya'll, I need your help! I want to create a comprehensive list of video examples of prototypical stage Turquoise thinking. This is meant to be an educational tool for people learning about Spiral Dynamics. So towards that end, scour Youtube and find all the videos you can which exhibit stage Turquoise thinking. Try to find videos which are short and sweet. The more diversity we can display here, the better. Try to find examples from various cultures. We will create a mega-thread like this for every stage in the Spiral, from Red to Turquoise. But here, let's just focus on Turquoise. Each week I will start a new mega-thread topic for the next stage. Do not start a political debate in this thread! It is not our goal here to defend our personal political positions or to judge any stage, but simply to compile examples. Thanks for your help! I'm excited to see what kind of juicy stuff you dig up. Try to be selective with your choices. This can turn into a really cool list. Stage Turquoise Values: Consciousness Elevating mankind’s consciousness Truth Deep metaphysical insight Wisdom, the wisdom of nature Mysticism, spirituality, nonduality God, divinity Holism, integration, synthesis vs analysis Integrating all religions & science Left & right brain synthesis Honesty, transparency, authenticity Being vs knowing, doing, having Simplicity, flowing with nature Minimalist sustainable living Collaborative synergy Human wellness Healing at all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual Exploring altered states of consciousness Intuition Channeling: direct downloads from infinite intelligence Supernatural creativity Spiritual purification Awakening, transcendence, liberation Unconditional love, compassion for all Emotional mastery Presence, mindfulness Paradox Esoteric teachings Gratitude Unity Deeper & deeper levels of interconnectedness Selfless living Sacrifice self for greater consciousness Meditation, yoga, contemplation, self-inquiry Not-knowing Humility Spontaneity, playfulness, self-amusement The really big picture Stage Turquoise Examples: Sadhguru, Shunyamurti, Thomas Campbell, Yoda, David Hawkins, Ken Wilber, Shinzen Young, Deepak Chopra, Stan Grof, Osho, Mooji, Ramaji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, Yogananda, Martin Ball, Terence McKenna, Carl Jung, Sri Aurobindo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, David Loy, Alan Watts, Wim Hof, Matt Kahn, Dalai Lama, Sasha Shulgin, yoga, holotropic breathwork, The Holographic Universe, Akashic Records, noosphere, opening the 3rd eye, pineal gland, out of body experiences, samadhi experiences, siddhis, paranormal abilities, clairvoyants, channels, mediums, Bashar, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner, alternative healing systems, Maya, psychedelics, 5-MeO-DMT, StarTrek: The Q, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields, Dean Radin’s paranormal research, Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony, Gaia, biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Esalen Institute, transpersonal psychology, Jung’s collective unconscious, quantum field theory, sacred geometry, reincarnation, opening chakras, saints, sages, mystics, prophets, etc.
  17. Both. ❤️?? (Nonduality) A good thing to do would be to be in nature alone, for as long as feasible. Get comfy there. Love whatever arises in you.
  18. Subjective vs objective is a duality. Reality is nondual. Anything you could say about nonduality would be false, as all thought and speech is based on dualistic divisions like subjective vs objective, real vs unreal, existence vs non-existence, big vs small, matter vs mind, dual vs nondual, etc. Truth escapes all attempts to encapulate it.
  19. There are a lot of great cutting-edge physics and science lectures available on Youtube these days, so I thought it would be nice if we started to pool the best ones. Please think twice before posting a science video here. We want really good videos which demonstrate high Yellow/Turquoise holistic science. Find videos which are really big picture or have some larger metaphysical, epistemic, or spiritual implications. I'm thinking of stuff akin to the work of visionary scientists like Einstein, Niels Bohr, David Bohm, etc. Stuff that is post-materialist, post-rationalist. Stuff that's outside the box and really captures the imagination. Of course we shouldn't expect these scientists to really fathom nonduality. Most of them will still be materialists and still stuck in their models. But still, they will often say interesting tidbits which dovetail with nonduality.
  20. That's kind of like asking how being straight is related to spirituality... I'm sorry but infinite love simply is what it is, and anything less would just be egoic/lust. Any depth regarding the topic of love directly has to do with nonduality. Things like homo/hetero sexuality is a hard duality which doesn't cut deep on a spiritual level.
  21. what does have to do with nonduality? sounds more like youre lost in your mind
  22. That's right. Spiral Dynamics does not map mysticism. Mysticism is way beyond Spiral Dynamics. Spiral Dynamics is talking about trends within the evolution of human culture and value systems. The problem with SD is that its inventors were not themselves mystics. So the model doesn't account well for mysticism. Ken Wilber is a mystic. So he has his own models which are similar to SD but which also account a bit more for nonduality. As I will say in the next video, once you reach Yellow, your goal should really be enlightenment, not Turquoise or SD. Break free of the entire cycle of life and death. Put all this nonsense monkey-business to rest. As good as Don Beck may think SD is for solving world problems, in the end, all world problems are just a hallucination. SD is ultimately Maya. Of which you must break free.
  23. @How to be wise Nonduality transcends all models. Sadhguru is dead. He does not exist. He is infinite.