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  1. Thats understandable. I was an atheist my whole life. But you are a Materialist also as you still believe your awareness is happening inside your brain. And that's fine too...but let me ask you meditate? Are you open minded enough to see if maybe Agnosticism may not be the answer? Also these are not Leo's or mine..there are plenty of Awakened people out there.
  2. @now is forever Too late. Spirit of place awakened me and wants something in return. @Truth Addict Her. I love her. Yes, I forget sometimes.
  3. Guys like Rupert, adyashanti, mooji, shinzen young do. this is not a who’s guru is better then who’s post either, this dawned on me the other day, think about it all Echart says is be here now, meanwhile self inquiry got him enlightened. Sadguru only said he sat on a rock to mediate & he awakened. just wondering you’re thoughts on the topic.
  4. Ah "awakened masters" cool stuff. Who wants to be part of collective ego? Who wants secret knowledge and techniques? Who needs any of this? Who likes secrets?
  5. @zeroISinfinity yes, and fall asleep. Awakened masters use this kind of techniques in initiations. Same in the occult and secret societies.
  6. Yes. Once you are awakened enough, you will notice every electronic device, even the small quartz hand watch. Dangerous? Depends how you dissipate that energy. If you resist it an think it will harm you it will. On the other hand we can use that magnetic energy to revitalize the body, but this is not fo the average user. Works the same like having a heater in winter.
  7. We do all this because of conditioning, living a natural awakened life will not make one impulsive like the majority of dormant flock. So, watch it when you say human nature, you probably mean mass brain wash in this case.
  8. The whole existance, and specially the body. But from an awakened perspective you don't have "a body". You are the body wich is interlinked with everything else.
  9. I've been doing some of the self inquiry exercises and the one where other people don't exist raises a few questions. If they don't exist and are only just perceptions and my perceptual field being all that there is, then why would one spread love and try to awaken the world? All you would be doing is creating the appearance of awakened people but you wouldn't actually be making any positive difference as they are not actually really experiencing. I'm not upset or scared of this so much anymore, I am past that stage. I now feel like I am just talking to myself in some sort way now and just feel mostly empty.
  10. The awakened have so high DMT levels in the system, that any drug taken externally is a down, not a high. And taking 5meo is like eating sugar or coffee. I talk from my own experience. So yeah, the blissful state is a very high state, compared to Dmt but much more clear minded and aware.
  11. @Serotoninluv I’d like to meet someone awakened face to face, I was supposed to meet Rupert last month but something came up.
  12. Who said that Leo doesn't like meditation anymore? I bet he still meditates. Also he told people to continue their meditation practice. Meditation has no risks unlike psychedlics. And not everyone wants to be awakened to the maximum degree.
  13. @Emerald From what I've seen on here since i joined it's not so much a dick measuring contest in that its a paradigm argument. The idealist paradigm is very radical because it defies the rational, logical, scientifically oriented Materialist paradigm. Not that the Idealist doesn't believe in science - quite the contrary. Rather there will be an evolution of science to the next level in which it will unite with spirituality over the next few hundred years. But right now we are very early in the game and there are very few awakened people proportional to the entire world population. So this is par for the course, especially as more people awaken and are becoming more conscious. As they become more conscious they will be more active on forums like this to help awaken others. This will be a threat to those still stuck in the Materialist paradigm. And understandably so. I'm not familiar with your channel what is it about?
  14. It's interesting how many people here are so caught up on the appearances of a woman. Love them for who they are, not what they look like. If she happens to be beautiful, all the better. It should not be the top priority. Especially here where people claim to be awakened or enlightened. Are you all so blind that you only see with your eyes? Are you truly unable to comprehend the beauty of a soul? Bodies change and wither. A "hot girl" at 20 years old will be a shriveled mass of wrinkles at 60 or 70. If all you're interested in is her body, you will lose interest a few years in. If you love her for her soul, you will love her forever. If you're having trouble landing "the hot girl," you are probably going about it all the wrong way. Get to know someone before even considering dating. Be a friend first. Pick up lines and bar crawls might get you a one night stand if you are lucky, but that's not going to last 99% of the time. Sex should not be your primary criteria when looking for a life partner. This is advise I have to give to the most closeminded people I know. I'm surprised no male here has said it yet.
  15. But here is what you materialists and rationalists miss. If you're in a dream, all you have access to is dream stuff. But what if there is a particular piece of dream stuff, that if consumed, actually got you out of the dream? Why wouldn't that be possible? I myself awakened from this dream without any substance - but that doesn't mean there isn't a substance out there that can be a tool in waking up from the dream - this significantly overwhelms the ego in mere seconds rather than hours, weeks, and years of meditation if you are not spiritually gifted. So wake up! Wake up! Hello out there Coldfacts! You can really wake up from this dream!
  16. My thoughts on direct experience are most likely open to modification. I don't believe my thoughts on this topic are set in stone. However, saying that..... where I stand today on it right now...... I think a lot of direct experience, probably the vast majority of it, still involves the mind making an interpretation of this direct experience. I (we?) then decide what the direct experience means, or might mean. I (we) decide. So, as far as I can see, this makes the direct experience a belief. In terms of trusting my direct experience...... If I burn my hand because of boiling hot water, I trust my experience. This is pain. There are not many different reasons behind this experience. Not so much interpretation that happens (if any). If I get into a heated debate with my father or sister. This is a direct experience. I might feel resentful and angry. I might feel hurt. I might feel lost. Perhaps I can trust the direct experience, but I know for sure, I can't trust my immediate interpretation of the experience. My immediate interpretation is that they are assholes and this is false. Perhaps even an awakening could be described as a belief in terms of what the direct experience meant. We might be able to trust the direct experience, but can we trust the meaning we bring to it? How does one remove personal bias from coming to a conclusion that a certain experience means one has awakened? If one is doing lots of work on themselves and yearns for an awakening, how does one look at their direct experience objectively? Does one bring their own meaning to each experience? I could get shot down here, I don't mind. I have no real position to defend. I am curious about everyone's experiences and interpretations. But, right now where I am in my development, I see that Leo has a lot of beliefs about what his experiences mean. They mean something to him for sure. I believe he is being honest and genuine. My gut feeling is that a lot of people don't want to consider their experiences as a belief or interpretation. I am here to see where the land lies and how I can help myself through others experience and knowledge which does (I admit) often exceed mine from what I can see on the forum.
  17. you say it there, rituals are like food - you can find junk and you can find healthy. even awakened people will have rituals, it’s just that they won’t have so many inflated rituals. on a more basic level, even brushing your teath or putting on clothes in the morning are rituals. what kind of food you eat is a ritual. an awakened person will have simple healthy thought through rituals on a high vibrational level. the question you need to ask is what does a ritual transport.
  18. I'll just say I have zero experience in psychedelics, but I might be able to address some of the last sentence. Rituals have as much power as you give them. I know people who read tarot cards and have a very elaborate ritual surrounding drawing the cards. They essentially meditate or even pray over the cards and will follow a specific pattern of shuffling and caring for the cards. If you ask them, they'll put a ton of value in the ritual, not because the ritual itself is valuable, but because it puts them into a certain state of mind where they feel more receptive to the lessons in the cards. I would assume the shamans feel similarly about their rituals, although if they have pre-rational magick like Leo suggests, they may put a lot of value into the specific ritual itself. You'll find this strong belief in rituals in a lot of places. People will follow specific rituals in meditation. Religions follow pre-determined rituals in their services. If you try to take away those rituals, some people will be completely lost. If you create a ritual, it makes the action feel more purposeful, even if the ritual by itself does nothing. (My opinion though is that rituals have little purpose in an awakened person)
  19. Basking as Formlesness in some cave? But Leo said that was not a point.(but I could bet that when he awoken thought entire point is to escape formed realm). Really what is the point as awakened Being you know you are not real. There is only God. Nothing matters really. Doesn't matter if someone stabs you in back alley or you are thrown to lions. Your mind knows manipulations, achieving, rat race all cause suffering to you and "others". Only thing there is is this Conciousness and it Will create all apparences, Toughts body, world, people, trees etc so you can really just surrender to it and do what Consciousness demands from egoic mind. Rest in Being and do what is needed.
  20. There are so many spirits that one lifetime is not enough just to count them. Individual mind is a trap. Only the awakened has the privillage to such individuallity.
  21. “Isolation” and or “loneliness”...are fear of the actuality of nonduality (a veil)h. A fear of what is conceptually unknown, but turns out to be what you Know more than any concept. You’ve been calling Enlightenment with a Mandy-sized-meta-megaphone. Now that phone is ringing (kinda proportionately to your calling of it) , the ‘ringing’ sounds like fear, so you’re hesitant to answer. Pick it up, say hello? Just see who’s there, no biggie. Or don’t. But don’t not answer and spread your “not answering fear” around to those who love you unconditionally, who need you unconditionally. The ‘addiction’ will play itself out. You’re getting a lot, growing a lot, it’s useful. The perspective “addiction” denotes a sense of lack of attention elsewhere. If you could snap you’re fingers and one or two things would just be magically ‘taken care of’, what would they be? Opening the mind, going from dualistic asleep, to nondual reach a point where understanding and Alone meet. If you seek enlightenment, yet still desire to be understood by another, inspect that desire. Get to the root of it. Why do I want / need to be understood? What do I gain when I’d understood? What would I lose if no one understood me again? Also, notice the Flip from thinking about what other people are thinking about you and what you’re thinking about yourself - to your actual experience here now. Stay in your actual experience. Thinking about what people are thinking about must go. Consider understanding someone, versus saying “you don’t understand!” to someone. Do you see how off putting that is? It only happens when you’re thinking about what they’re thinking about. It’s inherently insulting. With your dad...if you said “I’m crazy!”, and he’s been seeing a you which is liberating, freeing, filled with love & happiness...he’d probably laugh and say just be careful, or something light & similar. But he’s seeing emotional suppression, and he’s probably concerned for you. That is a very different “I’m crazy!”, and there is no need to put your dad through that. It comes on the foundation of needing to be understood. Accept that and do the work yourself. Don’t bug dad. He’s got his own experience. Be a positive manifestation of Love & Truth, bring that into his experience. Side note, be selfless to you hubby and kids. Then, when you’re filled with love & tears, and you’ve realized your grace & selflessness - then - through it in the garbage, and realize you haven’t even scratched the surface of the Love you can be in your family. You would not trade them for the world, so, don’t. There is a pace where you can have you cake and eat it to, a Right pace if you will. You’ll find that groove. The awakening is usually followed by big ups, and eventually big downs. The value of daily meditation, 30 mins, and hour a day - is really shining here. It becomes the Right, in the storm. Ya call the storm without the Right, it’s gonna be rocky for a bit. Smoother times are coming, all is Well, all is Divine. That made you who you are, This is too. Be patient, LOVE yourself unabashedly. I’ve seen only one other person which I would say was inexplicably “given” the gift of awakening. By given, I mean without years or decades of practices, trips, etc. Do not use your gift as ammunition to feed into thinking it is a “curse”. It is not a curse.
  22. @Bill W There are many Awakened people. Not proportional to total population of course, but they're out there He presents it in a way that modern folk can comprehend and resonate with. But Truth is Truth. Try not to fall into that trap.
  23. No, when I came here this winter (or came back I had an old account I visited infrequently) I thought Leo was full of shit. I connected with David on a lot of his beliefs about how enlightenment wasn't real and how we were already "enlightened". I may have not liked his tone that much, but I agreed for the most part. But then David said that Eckhart Tolle couldn't get you enlightened and I couldn't understand why he said that. I never even opened my mind enough to be receptive to Eckhart Tolle before watching Leo's videos. Leo did that for me. And I had come to here to throw it all in his face. I made a separation between the two. They weren't separate, I created them both, they created me together. Then I realized I wasn't awakened at all, and I realized what a weight my spiritual ego was. I always thought it was strange how connected I felt, how I would just learn something new and Leo would be talking about the exact same thing in a different way that very week. I never did psychedelics but I had an hour long high after watching his trip video. Then all that fell away and i started to think his work was ridiculous, at the same time Eckhart Tolle's teachings even stopped working for me, I fell into nihilism, there's even an old post from this past fall that I came here and made in desperation and Leo encouraged me. I started to have strange experiences and my posts in an Eckhart Tolle group weren't even approved to be posted at all. they just disappeared in the void and I was left alone. I tried to do spirituality on my own, i thought it was a solo thing. The law of attraction pulled me out of the nihilism and brought me straight here.
  24. @Nahm to fill my side-curiosity... if i may ask is this a realm / topic that will fly over my head if i have yet to have a solid initial direct experience? and the curiosity part... is this also something ANY awakened being will be fully aware of? like regular simple folks such as Jim Newman / Tony Parsons etc... or does one need to have done LSD/DMT etc to even activate or be receptive to such experiences etc. thanks.
  25. Is normal, you fall asleep until yoy wake up. The sleeo is the awakened state not the hallutination of the ego.